@Sacramento Kings

The James Ham Show – This Isn’t Good For the Kings Or Mike Brown

The James Ham Show – This Isn’t Good For the Kings Or Mike Brown

let’s bring our man James ham in here hammer what’s happening my man I just hope to end this show the way that uh your show started when you guys showed up in there into the studio well that was quite an eventful transition for sure uh Kimberly was she was she was she was feeling good today she was very anxious to see the chatty house very see the the the the chatty house um James with a 303 yeah Mrs mtan says he’s yeah he’s freezing today we got I’m trying the other internet I’m trying I’m doing my best here people we got a 303 we got a 307 we got a 308 no one’s got you making it 10 minutes James my goodness well there you go Brian Cruz went with 310 and special ed went with 324 little Verizon box you can do it prove these people wrong James gets frustrated with this but this is one of the great bits tremendous of our show everybody loves it J I mean not James ham but everybody loves it yeah James hates it but my favorite is when he unfreezes without the reset and he’s just shaking his head just in pure frustration he’s shaking his head which is what pretty much all Kings fans have been doing uh since last Friday I blame most of this on you to be honest with you you were the one who started all of this it was all over the social media in Internet never lies uh when they report on stuff pertaining to sports and uh you said everyone was mad at Mike Brown and he was probably gonna be fired I’m pretty sure I read that in the Kings Kings beat and then of course Adrien W Janowski had the Friday report that talks have tabled let’s start with this question James why do you think think this is out there cuz we now now now you you might have and and and kept it to yourself but it was not public that these two sides were negotiating we knew it was going to happen we knew that it was on the docket for the offseason that much had been said but we didn’t know that active conversations were happening why do you think we know that they stopped um I don’t know I I I think probably because momentum was building one way and like at at the end of the day we had heard you know again from a cons Slater right at the end of the season what Mike Brown might be looking for an extension we heard the week before uh Jake fiser right very specifically that you know negotiations were expected to be in a Range that around uh what was it eight figures so you know eight figures is right around 10 million bucks a year maybe a little more um so I think that that’s part of it that um you know maybe someone else wanted to get out in front of what was what was being said out there uh my point of view was always like look I know plenty of information that I you know I I choose not to share for variety of reasons and that’s quite often that I know a little bit more than what I can write and um a lot more than what’s out there um but at the end of the day like these negotiations have to take their own shape in their own form and if I’m someone who’s on the outside looking in at the situation it’s kind of my job to do like a a zoom out zoom in type thing where we zoom out to look at like what this looked like in the past we Zoom back in to look at what other NBA coaches are getting whether it’s Mike buen Holzer whether it’s Jason kid getting extension Jamal Mosley getting an extension uh today’s news of tyo getting an extension or all the extensions that came in the last year whether it’s bolstra or or Kerr or papovich or you know Monty Williams getting his b big deal all of these things are part of a larger piece that like I tried to put together in one giant format and of that like one line was pulled out and kind of ran with uh that that wasn’t taken in the right context but also I think it it kind of we’re seeing it play out that you know maybe both sides don’t like that information is getting out there maybe there’s there’s some consternation as to whether or not this is you know who the king’s brass want to go with for the next handful of years uh you know what it is that Mike Brown is looking for there there are a lot of like variables in this thing the only thing I know is that the deck keeps getting stacked against the Kings themselves like the landslide of support for Mike Brown is there you want to go look on social media uh you know this is a group that in the past is definitely liked to put things out there to see how they uh they they Faire in the public eye and see how it goes well you know that it’s like overwhelmingly like I would say 95 to 5% Pro Mike Brown getting an extension uh so here we are we’re in a in a weird place where I think the Kings want to keep some options open and I think there’s a coach that’s a really good coach that wants stability and wants to know where he’s going to be two years from now and that and that’s crazy too like if uh if it if it was you know maybe the team side that that got this stuff out like where where have you guys been like what do you what did what did you think the public re sir you have misread this this situation do you do you go outside do you do you listen to DLo and Casey like what did you think the public perception would have been uh and you you weren’t sure so you had to put it out there to see like what what what are we talking about well yeah but I I mean I like look this this organization has crowdsourced plenty of times um and and it’s it’s one way that they’ve they’ve made decisions it feels like but at the end of the day like look this is this is a negotiation and I mean I I don’t think it’s I I’ll continue to say this I don’t think it’s so much uh about like we hear a gulf right I don’t think the gulf is so much on the dollar amount as it is like years and that’s something that I think like sticks out to me like either this is a path we’re going down or it’s not a path we’re going down and it feels like you’re already really far down a path to reverse course and try something new but as my partner on the king’s beat Mr Sean Cunningham has said multiple times if you’re not going to extend him then you might as well fire him now and figure out who you want to forward with yeah I I mean I don’t know that I agree with that because I would rather um like let this thing play out further and see if you can get a deal done and then I would also like to see if the Kings just you know look like the 2022 23 Kings coming out of the gate their offense is rolling everything’s going well and you feel like there’s positive momentum that’s one thing um but I also don’t want to see the other side of it I like to see a season fall apart again because somebody decides in December to fire a coach it’s just I don’t know this fan base can keep dealing with the same thing especially with all the positive momentum right now going forward yeah you’re a joke if that happens you’re an absolute joke it’s crazy but but I I will say you know I wouldn’t want to just move on from him right now because I know myself I thought tyo would be gone nine months ago and look look what happened here and they didn’t even really have success you know what I mean so things can change you look at the landscape of the league on for both sides for the Kings um and for Mike Brown and you may you may be able to work some stuff out so I to me he’s coaching next year that’s how I would do whether you have a deal or not like we gon we gonna work this thing out and we’re gonna see what happens next year and I don’t think he’s quitting so yeah he’s coaching if if it’s me yeah I don’t think that there like anything that we’ve seen so far would indicate that Mike Brown is not going to be the coach next year I mean we already saw like Luke LS getting promoted to to his uh to a front of the bench assistant we’ve um well at least that’s like that’s not groundbreaking news but that that’s happening right uh we also know that uh that Doug Christie is going to coach the summer league Squad these are that a head coach the decisions head coaches make like as part of their summer uh plans so I I think everything is leaning towards that but a contentious negotiation um could have this thing go you know Zig one way when you’re thinking it’s going the other I just would keep putting it out there like my point of view is like stability is a really big thing in basketball it’s why you know story franchises stick with the same coach and when you start to mess with the the stability of a of a franchise which we’ve seen so many times over the last 18 years in Sacramento like there’s just never like a pathway forward you’re always starting over and for me that’s where like look you got a good thing like there could come a point a couple years down the road where it’s not a good thing but for right now you do have a good thing and it’s something that you should be building on and you should be fostering and you know you should try to breathe life into it and and not only that but give it more you know give it more fuel and by that I mean go out and and get some better players go out and get the pieces that you need to make this a contending team that’s on the table it’s this team isn’t that far away but you’re also seeing like the fragility of it like how at one point we can say that it could go you know things great things could happen but also dark things could happen and you know you have to be able to look at both sides and be fair about it like like there might be a coach out there that steps in and just figures it out and is and is better than Mike Brown and I don’t know that that’s the case but we can’t excuse that that might be a possibility but we also have to look at a track record and and know that like that’s not the way it happened has gone over not just you know since Rick Adelman left but since BC took over in 2013 there’s been way too many missteps way too many times where something was just barely missed and if there there’s a a thing a tag that the Kings used not this season but last season this year what was a tag it was um it was well the year before it was all in right um this last year it was something um connected I think that’s what it was connected Allin is where I would go right here everybody has to be Allin right now you just miss a the the playoffs by nothing like you’re right there you’re on the cusp you’re not a team that could take a giant leap and maybe get back into it like you’re right there on the cusp so are you all in or you not because all in means you’re all in with a the coach you’re all in with the training staff you’re all in with you know improving the roster everybody has to be Allin right now and if you’re not that is a bit of a concern I think my concern is this is what that this is public like this it just doesn’t feel like this needed to happen you talked about a a potential uh you know how a contentious contract negotiation can can lead the thing you can be contentious behind the scenes like you can have you can meet together and have it out and say what you got to say that’s there’s nothing wrong with that in in in my mind that’s perfectly healthy but now now it feels like something else now it’s like hey just want to let everybody know here’s where we’re at here’s what’s going on and it’s like no wait a minute last season is only a disappointment because of what Mike Brown and this team did the year before four we’re not talking about five six seven eight years here we’re talking about one Mike turned it around with that group and Monty McNair in a single year they fell short by two games and no one would care had they beaten the Pelicans one time out of six but there is now an expectation of winning and to cut the legs off of it after three years potentially three years is ridiculous to me we we should not be where we’re at regardless of what Mike is asking for and his people are asking for regardless of what Sacramento is offering James we should not be where we are today no I would agree with you like and this could have been handled this could have been handle different ways like without any question and like look I I don’t think that there was enough information out there that there needed to be a definitive hey uh we’re we’re stopping negotiations whoever put that out there um like I I don’t think that there was enough information out there by anyone that we needed that uh that sort of dead stop right because that’s what that somebody just put a period on a tweet like negotiations are are being sh click and there was no context in W’s article at all like his article was essentially the tweet it was the Tweet about table talks and then a rundown of Mike’s career that was the entire article I was like there’s nothing here what happened well we are we also tried to you know Define the word tabled could be hey we talked about this West Wilcox I I gotta go hang out with Kenny carway and Reno for the kids basketball tournament we Pi that’s what happened can we you know pick up on this on on Thursday or Friday can we pick up on this next week uh can we pick up on this before free agency whatever that’s tbling talks like this doesn’t mean like all right man we’ll see where your punk ass is at the allstar game and boy if this team isn’t good you’re out of here like we we we tend to think the worst right we we interpret with when we don’t have specific detail as you were just talking about Hammer we kind of interpret like we had yesterday people adding words the Kings refus to negotiate wait wait what where’d you read that we interpret things on our own when we don’t have the proper amount of information yeah yeah I I I totally agree with that and I like I’d also say that like things get blown out of proportion so quickly especially with the world of aggregation like huh what would you know about that yeah like I I mean that’s just it is the it’s part of my job is to deal with that like okay like I don’t know what else to say like if you if anyone out there thinks VC ronad was was happy getting bounced into playin then you’re taking crazy pills like so there is nothing Earth shattering about you know ownership was was not super happy about the way that the season ended or you know super happy about the fact that they they missed the postseason that’s not groundbreaking it’s just when you tie it in and you you change the the context of it and you add King’s ownership unhappy with Mike Brown no it’s not what I said at all and you know again there are a lot of people out there there who actually need to just just do something simple like read the article uh to to get the message that’s in there and and to see if it’s fair or if it’s one-sided or not like completely fair question you know and like look again if you don’t think VC and all of the owners are upset that they got bounced from the playoffs that they’re not that they didn’t get an extra you know five games or or four home games or eight home games of of Revenue coming in the door you’re crazy like that’s what this is about this about not only making money but also winning basketball and and building something and so J James in your in your mind do you feel like this is um how do I put it are they in a bad spot right now both the Kings with Mike Brown is this an unusual place to be in for contract negotiations or is this close to the par for the course for negotiations right now um you know the funny thing is like we’ve never been through this actual thing in Sacramento like typically coaches just get fired on like Mother’s Day or or you know on specific days where you’re like huh great thanks for that you know two days no real argument to keep them around because they haven’t been good for so long yeah I mean they’re they’re uh um I don’t know like this thing could turn around quickly and everything could be okay I just know that like there isn’t positive movement that this isn’t I I wouldn’t view this as a good thing for either side and I I don’t know that uh that a deal is going to get done like it everything could change tomorrow the tener could change tomorrow but um as of right now like this isn’t isn’t a great situation to be in if you’re if you’re either side how impactful all of this James do you think this how impactful is this on free agency if at all oh no I think it can be totally impactful like but players are going to want to know who they’re playing for you know that’s and that was the other like there are some main pieces to the article I wrote last week and like one of the biggest standout pieces to me is just how infuriated Rudy Gay still is that he signed on at and signed like a three-year extension with the Sacramento Kings to play for Michael Malone and and then a month later he was fired um and then you know he’s starting over and he’s starting over with multiple coaches I mean Rudy Gay from that moment on had I think three additional coaches in his three seasons so yeah I definitely think that this is um it’s one of those situations where you want stability if you’re a player and you want to know who you’re going to be playing for and you want to know that you know if you’re a player who let’s say on occasion gets in an argument with your coach on the sidelines and you want to know that that coach no matter what loves you and has your back and those arguments are are what they are and you move on and you you have a quiet conversation the next day or or maybe you don’t even need to and and things are okay and you’re right back to where you were um that’s not always the case like you every coach is different the way they approach players is different every player is different the way they approach coaches and so if I’m a player I would want to know exactly what I’m getting into if I’m if I’m on the hook for a two-year deal or four-year deal or whatever it might be I still think they’re getting this done James I think this is uh we’re hyper sensitive right now in Sacramento there’s a sense of urgency I talked about it earlier with DLo and Jesse there’s a sense of urgency all throughout the city about this team you know whether it’s the coaching situation whether it’s what Monty McNair needs to do to improve this roster everybody wants to get back to where the beam team was a year ago and it’s it’s a everything is intense right now I think when the dust settles and I don’t think it’ll be through the summer I think it’ll or like after the summer I think it’ll happen in a relatively good amount of time um I think they’ll get this done I’m not I’m not worried about it yet I’m not like a 100% freaking out that this thing whole thing’s gonna fall apart either but I I would say this like we always have this we have this thing that was like super untested in Sacramento forever it’s that winning cures all and it’s something that like we all were like man if they could just string together if they could just break the curse you know winning will fix everything and I don’t know about you but I think we’re learning that winning didn’t fix everything that that winning just turned up the intensity of things and all of a sudden winning can be the reason why you’re doing something else could be the reason why you’re making a mistake uh because you you get like so enamored with the winning that you you think that there’s something better out there there’s more that you can do and there is there’s a lot more the Kings can do but you gotta you got to keep your head on your shoulders and do the right things and and try to build things the right way in the NBA I think that that’s what we’re learning look at the teams that are that are in the playoffs right now that that are or or that were in the playoffs even the last you know series they’re teams that have kind of stuck it out that have kept a group together that have tried to build something you remember how Denver get gets almost all the way to the promised land and then falls apart they didn’t fire Michael Malone they didn’t take radical steps backwards they just kept staying the court course and then rebounding and better look at OKC who’s just organically built this thing with Mark dagnal which again just random a guy that like not a lot of people had ever even heard of uh let alone be able to spell his last name and they are sticking with him but look at the program that he’s built look at how they how hard they play for each other how hard they play for their coach the mentality of the team look at Minnesota how they just incrementally have started to turn the corner they they made the play play last year they’re jumping way ahead this year these are things that actually matter in the NBA and so um I hope that like in the end cooler heads prevail how much do you think um we don’t know the number for Jason kid but he recently got a contract extension we know tyou got a very very very healthy contract extension today how much do you think these uh this which really the it’s a change in the coaching Market the the coach salary Market how much of this do you think impacts where we are with the negotiations with Mike Brown we because we’re partaking yeah um like look at it’s I can’t imagine that tyo contract today Hurt No it’s a Conant doing business right like Tao’s contract was huge um and it’s it’s way more than than the reports of what Mike Brown is looking for it’s way more than what Mike Brown is asking for um but I kind of look at it this way like I If you want to live in a certain neighborhood let’s just say somewhere like in Rockland right a and you want to go look at houses but you only have a certain dollar amount budget and the houses are all more expensive than that then you can’t go live in that neighborhood and I just think that you know for somebody like e either you can play in this pool or you can’t like this is this is uh the it’s major league sports like coaching salaries just went up this is a reality the reality is that Sacramento Kings as an organization were bought 11 years ago for a valuation of $535 million and they’re now worth well over3 billion like everybody is making money hand over fist in that the players are making so much more money when I started covering this team the salary cap was 58 million it’s 141 million this year and four years from now or five years for now it’s going to be 205 I mean that’s in in basically the span of 20 years that’s how much the salary cap has changed and and NBA coaching salaries have been right around the like again remember Paul westwell made like 1.75 million lowest paid coach in the league um some of these coaches make three four million bucks a year all of a sudden that’s that’s not the going rate for a coach and it’s certainly not a going rate for a coach who has a 607 career winning percentage in in nine years that’s just not he just doesn’t have the one thing that everyone else in that category he has and they just need to forget about that and give him what the needs man it’s crazy gez take care of him also Nick nurse do better um we we discovered Nick nurse is probably the and I know think we’re missing anyone Nick Nick nurse is the lowest paid coach in the league with an NBA title oh my goodness he got a good job yeah he got a great job but he got he’s he’s at eight million per year and you look at the rest of the championship coaches including you know buen hoer um I think kid will fall into that category we don’t know uh should he get there um I don’t know what Chris Finch makes he’s he’s he’s not there yet uh and Joe MAA probably he’s probably in the the Darin ham category of or but that’ll change like that’ll change he wins an NBA championship that’s going to change um we’ll come back we’ll talk more uh about the Kings we’ll talk more about the NBA and we’ll talk with more with uh James Hammer the Insiders here when D KC return on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 this is fun I would point out too like to your point there that the coaches with a chip are making x amount of dollars um Monty Williams doesn’t have a chip uh and and Jason kid Jason kid doesn’t have a championship as a as a coach um and these are the deals that that teams are this is what they’re getting paid like the coaching salaries as a whole have gone up and again that doesn’t mean that you pay um well I I know for a fact Mike Brown isn’t ask for 15 million bucks a year he’s not asking for pop money he’s not like the the ballpark figure that is out there is is a very accurate ballpark figure you know who don’t know just dawned on me is Michael Malone Mike is a championship coach and we don’t know what he makes he did get an extension too not that long ago uh got an ex yep 2023 yeah November 2023 yeah not sure what he makes after the title yeah June yeah that’s after the title but doesn’t say how much uh Malone to be amongst highest paid coach that’s all that says so [ __ ] yeah gota do better Nick look and again I think that there is this like giant push here that people are saying W the Vex cheapap or something like that I don’t think that’s the problem I I mean I like the negotiations are what they are and like I also I don’t think that they’re that far apart on dollars I where they’re I believe they’re far apart is on years and that’s more of a problem in my mind Jason sthal the range has been reported is is 10 to 12 million that’s the range per year but like the less that you ask him to take the longer he’s going to want the contract like he’s going to want more security yeah I like look this is It’s a complicated matter but I think Mike is valued like they understand what Mike is accomplish go golfing again guys what are we doing everything looked happy then what was two weeks ago go golfing everything was awesome look at that list of free agents Paul George James Harden and Russell West broke yeah somehow in the ESPN rankings of the top free agents uh DeAnthony DeAnthony Melton was number six ahead of OG an anobi and Pascal SE yakum because they’re using their very specific uh oh got a Cory barking I’m coming back James James’s dogs are having a Royal Rumble in the background they’ve been going at it like the bloodline in Cody rhods for the last couple of months uh we just continued the conversation through the commercial break about Mike Brown the Sacramento Kings years dollar figures coaching salaries all of that different stuff we did discover my apologies to Michael Malone he has been left out of this discussion in terms of championship coaches part of that is because his salary isn’t public uh when wge tweeted about his contract extension uh in November and the subsequent writings that came with it it was just stated that Michael Malone will be amongst the highest paid coaches in the league doesn’t you know State whether that’s top two top three top four top five but if someone says you’re amongst the highest paid coaches in the league I’m probably automatically going to think you’re in the top three right there um one two three four and four well I guess now five with the tyo stuff it’s all pretty close close um but Michael Malone a name that we’ve left off out of this conversation because his money just isn’t reported out there which I also think is ridiculous James we know every penny that gets paid to players we should know what coaches make as well I don’t know why this is such a big deal yeah it’s funny I I mean I don’t even think we know what like almost any assistant coach makes right we have no idea what most so I think I can provide a little insight into that well no I can’t I I’ll say in conversations that I’ve had I don’t think you want those out there because it’s it’s not Universal and there are some coveted coaches well we we no I don’t want to use anyone as an example there are some coveted coaches who might be new but like hey you have a bright future we really believe in you we’re going to pay you this amount which might be more than guy on the front of the bench who’s been there a little bit longer and you probably don’t want that stuff out there okay yeah that that makes perfect sense that even on part that’s all yeah even on the same coaching staff that there would be um there wouldn’t be a clear pecking order n um as far as like kind of what financially yeah I mean that makes sense because you know you can even look at like former players might make more than somebody who didn’t play the game um who came from the college game or something um so like I I think that there could be a lot of variance there as far as like you know and who’s negotiating their deals I think a lot of young coaches don’t have agents uh and then coaches that do have agents probably get more financial uh like they get better deals and believe you’re on the right path with that line of thinking James yeah I I think that all of that’s totally understandable totally so and with all that said like with the exception of like the associate head coach like the guy right next to the head coach they probably don’t make anything close to what you might think and it’s a it’s it’s a fraction of like all of these numbers we’re talking about with Mike and Mike and mikee and tyo and all these other guys it’s a fraction of that it it it would probably be surprising to most people to learn what assistant coaches make yeah I totally agree I don’t think that they’re like number one it’s there’s no uniform dollar amount um but number two like I like lowlevel coaches on a coaching staff um like you’re not talking most of them are nowhere near six figures and in college Hammer sorry I’m I’m sorry to interrup in in college the the there’s a budget for a coaching staff like that’s not the case in the NBA right like if Mike wants an assistant like do you know the process in that there’s a team imposed budget but whatever that is like there is no NBA budget for assistant coaches that I’ve ever heard of at all but there is like a team can say yeah no we’re not gonna pay that or we will pay this FR like it’s based on the team it’s the team’s decision yeah it’s the team’s decision um like we talked about this a little bit last week with uh with the fact that every NBA head coach has it built into their um their contract that they get to hire and VI their own assistant coaches that doesn’t mean they have an unlimited budget to hire whoever they want and that’s I I think where people get kind of confused like I remember uh a few years ago there was um there was some murmurs that uh Brian Shaw was going to be the lead assistant in Sacramento on Luke Walton staff and um that didn’t happen and it didn’t happen because uh they didn’t want to pay what his his asking price was and you know that’s that’s a ownership that that’s totally that’s fine or general manager who might have a a budget specifically set aside for or whatever I mean every team has to work uh under like some sort of financial business plan and and so I don’t blame people for any of this but I would just say like look if you understand that that the television deal is going to triple and like two years and and your team is going to be so flushed with money and like all this new found money that’s not just like 51% has to go to the players well like look at all the other money that’s going to be there like you’re going to have tons of extra money just coming in the door without even selling a ticket and so that’s kind of the hangup that I have because I would assume that part of the the question is like let’s just say that they give Mike a three-year contract extension so he plays out this coming year at his current deal and then the next three years he would be under contract and then you figure out that like let’s say maybe the kings make the playoffs this year but then next year they don’t right and and you’re like oh we got to move on it’s that extra two years that you’re going to be paying that I think might be the hold up here it’s like the the unknown if again if the Kings would have made the playoffs this year I don’t even think we’re having this discussion I think it would have just been okay Mike Brown got a contract extension maybe I’m crazy but I also you know there there has to be a certain style of play and there’s got to be some the owner has to want whatever the coach is providing that’s got to be something that the owner and that the general manager are on the same page with and they they want to keep working with somebody and like I haven’t heard that Mike is a difficult guy to work with at all when it comes to this stuff but uh you know at the same time you know this franchise has has multiple times play paid one or two coaches that weren’t currently employed any longer while paying another head coach at the same time and that’s not a situation that you want to get yourself in again and so maybe that’s part of this is just being a little guny on extending somebody that you know as of right now you you did make a playoff and you did have an 18 game in increase but the next season you took a slight step backwards or you know lateral move 461 versus 48 and you’re just not sure and and again all of these things are okay but I don’t blame a coach for not wanting to walk into the final year of a deal and uh and I also I understand where the the financials have gone with coaching salaries around the league so uh you you talk about that with the Kings and potentially you know if they’re they’re not sure and um they don’t want to get stuck in a situation where they fire a coach and they got to pay him for two extra years whatever the case may be one stop firing coaches so you don’t have to worry about that two um like we talked about this a little bit earlier myself and dowlo what’s what’s the time frame they give these coaches right like because it doesn’t feel like if you have four-year deal that you’re getting all four years to turn things around is it two years now is it three whatever the case may be because we were looking at um potential job openings not next year but the following year and some of these coaches I have potentially losing their job yeah Kenny’s got a short leash man two years these dudes are out of here he fired half the league in the 12:00 hour what what do you think they kind of like what kind of time do they get to to to build a program so to speak and and have success or anything like that is it two three years Max well no I I think it totally depends on the coach right so like we’ve seen like the DAR ham situation like you can still be winning and have things spent out of control right uh we what was it Dave blat that got fired in the middle of a season when his team was like wasn’t he the I’m sensing a theme Here Yeah wasn’t he the Eastern Conference what don’t do that Damen cck don’t do that wow I just said I’m sensing a theme Here you brought up Darin ham brought up David blad leave Luke out of this too yeah I didn’t say nothing about Luke well I’m just saying like there are points though yeah but that’s not something you should want like switching coaches mid year is one of the most catastrophic things you can do to a group right it rarely does it give you some weird boost and everything works out and you know more often than not it happens it everything spirals out of control and players go okay uh I guess we’re on vacation early this year man like okay which one of us is getting tra 30 who’s 30 and I think he would have coached the the Eastern Conference Allstar team and got fired just like never heard he had a win percentage of 732 okay but look at what happened with the Bucks this year like the Bucks just went through this right where yeah and it didn’t help anything there switching out coaches didn’t help anything but Championship that year there’s that compar to to the Bucks I guess didn’t seem like Adrien Griffin got along with anybody no it did not seem like he was well liked which and and I think in a different way that was this the story with David blat like he was having a really difficult time relating to the players yeah and I I don’t again different but relationships with players is really important and I I I guess in the ca did Adrian make it through the first year no hell no it was like that was this was his first year right yeah yeah adri he would have been the Eastern Conference like uh coach wasn’t he wasn’t HEC yeah doc sent no doc didn’t go doc if I remember correctly doc sent his staff like him and joerger and is it rex calamian that that they brought in those guys stayed back and the that were there went and and hung out and and also one more thing with the Adrian Griffin the Terry STS thing was really bizarre I was gonna say the Terry stots thing and his firing all happened in the first half of the Season yeah yes I don’t think they didn’t get through training camp and Terry STS is like I’m done W I don’t know St seems like a I mean I don’t know I’ve never played he seems like a pretty easygoing guy I don’t want to make any you know disparaging uh casting disparaging Shadows on Adrien Griffin because I don’t know the guy and I don’t know what happened but a lot of people weren’t happy with him it seems like yeah but I mean again that’s the cost of doing business in the NBA when a coach doesn’t work out and and you I’m assuming Adrien Griffin had a four or fiveyear contract they just bit the bullet you got to pay it it is what it is like that’s part of doing business and then they gave doc a whole bunch of money what did Doc get didn’t doc get 50 like yeah well I mean we don’t the mark watch you know what I got I’m just out here I’m trying to do a job I mean you see the team that I have I’m trying to do what I can and we don’t have to worry about how much I’m making and anything like that that’s not anything that that we’re really doing here we’re we’re trying to win basketball games and you know it goes down to myself it goes down to the ball boy it goes down to the announcers we we’ve all gotta be we’ve all got to be better yeah so how many coaches now make over 10 million a year have we figured this one out uh no but I think we well I think it’s safe to assume Michael Malone does I think it’s safe to assume that Jason kid does because Jason kid I believe was at nine he signed a contract extension uh earlier this month we don’t know the dollar figure so I think it’s safe to say those two do uh we know Steve Kerr does Greg papovich does Eric spola Monty uh Williams Williams uh buen holer tyo and tyo I I think that’s it so at least at eight coaches we don’t know what Rick carile makes which I’m gonna guess car I think is at 7.5 oh okay I believe I believe car is 7.5 and Nick nurse is eight dummy where and we don’t know where Missoula is right we don’t know where Joe Missoula is I’m going to assume Joe is on the lower end yeah because well we know why because yeah I got a extension like 13 million or something like that so he’s like five like four four like a total of 13 yeah oh yeah where is tibs there’s no way Tibido doesn’t make 10 mil um good question good good good good we got have to pass the hat around for Joe moula yeah we might have to he got the well they’re still making sure Brad gets paid for his time E’s got to get his I think well Brad still works there for the record doubling up like Brad still works everybody getting paid more than Joe about to win the NBA I I said that Joe Joe Mah was a second row coach two years ago they’re like look buddy you could be the Boston Celtics coach and you’re just going to get what we pay you Joe moula one thing I did notice is I know he works hard to make sure everything is taken care of and everything’s ready for the game but so can we get a lineup can we get a too busy watching the that time to have somebody do it while you’re watching I mean got lock in he’s gota lock in I’m gonna guess because Tom diido going into the final year of his deal next year he signed this in 2020 so my guess is he does not make $10 million yeah probably six seven eight that would be my guess my guess is in the range of price is gone price is AB hold on hold on now you said thbs is going into the last year of his deal next year uh he just finished the fourth season of a five-year deal that’s correct so we should I mean conventional wisdom of what we talked about here with Mike Brown yeah yeah that was a big yeah yeah that was a big discussion on when the when the Knicks got eliminated yeah yeah absolutely this this this thing with with uh New York and and and Tom Tibido should hit a point during this off seasoned one way or the other we we talked about um watching these other teams I didn’t even good call by James that’s one to look at tibs is in that Mike Brown tier probably won just as much not won a championship he hasn’t even got to an NBA Finals as a head coach he was the defensive coordinator but um yeah he might be that might be compar thibo I love that it’s buen holer but we call him Coach bud and it’s thibo but we call him tibs this the English language is fascinating and it’s yage but we call him the Joker right thank you we do what we want here we do we do what we want that’s Tom Tibido 916 NBA games 527 wins 389 losses a win percentage of five 75 like Mike Brown he has missed the playoffs not counting the year he got fired because I didn’t do that with Mike either he has missed the playoffs twice bar for bar like Mike Brown except except Mike got a higher winning percentage Mike’s got a higher winning finals yep I don’t know if thibs has even been to a maybe one Conference Finals with the with Chicago he went to the Conference Finals his very first year as the head coach of the Chicago Bulls his first two years 756 win percentage 758 win percentage is he the Tommy Lort is he the Tommy Lort of the of the NBA because Tommy lorta was known to like won didn’t he well yeah but Tommy Lort was known to like run every single one of his pitchers into the like just run him to dust well you you keep doing that to tibs and I think that I I think I think the New York version of Tom Tibido is different I don’t think that he does that anymore but I I obviously the postseason it is what it is like he only had seven healthy bodies to begin with he was trying to win a series um no I get it I I I think that was a perfectly Fair representation of uh Tom thibo from Chicago to Minnesota I think New York tibs is different Broadway tibs is different Broadway tibs is that was a good man that was a good name I didn’t even think of that man maybe maybe maybe Warren the gar is waiting back like or maybe he’s his agent too who knows I don’t think there’s a ton of NBA James you might know this better than I do I don’t feel like there’s a ton of NBA coaches agents I need to get Market there’s only two major ones two so yeah there’s only two major ones and that’s Warren legary and uh and yeah um well that’s Mike but it’s also everyone else’s it was George Carl is Dave joerger uh and then the other is uh Spencer breaker and Spencer has well he’s got the other guys he’s got Michael Malone he’s got um I think he had Alvin Gentry Maybe I’m wrong um like so so I’m getting in there the other the other uh people who might um so here’s the deal their their other um their player to some of them use their their uh agents when they were players so what you’re seeing from like like Luke Walton his person was from Lerman um who was his agent when he was a player uh same thing with like I believe like chony phips um you know again they they have very specific people that they use and then uh the contract that we saw uh today with tyo I think Tao’s agent is uh is the guy who the person he had when he was uh when he was a player uh here’s a new one Billy Donovan or I’m sorry not Billy Donovan Quinn Schneider I was goingon to look up Billy Donovan Quinn Schneider he’s in the eight million range that’s reported I gota be higher than him he’s in the eight million range um Billy Donovan was one I did want to look up though Kenny’s trying to fire him well you know look now hell hell with all that I’m gonna be an agent there it is these prices going up I’m gonna be an agent no money for Billy no no no no announce money just yeah and I don’t know what dagnal makes I don’t know what uh Finch makes or uh yeah I couldn’t find I was looking for Chris Finch too I couldn’t find him Taylor Jenkins spell dagnal so I can’t I can’t I can’t Google just never look him up there’s a g in there um no no no dollar figures just multi-year contract extension no dollar figures yeah no it’s crazy like coaching salaries are are skyrocketing oh what did um that is a good one that Quin Schneider is a good one because Mike Mike’s better what did Emy udoka get’s see that’s another qu that’s somebody who could make money I got you I got you e may eay he he had the the the up and coming guy oh Oka he’s not happy right now oh 6.7 oh man had take pay cut after yeah he got four he got four years 28.5 uh gets him about 6.75 uh that’s what he made in this last season yeah he had to he had to fall back after that Fiasco and I ain’t talking Lupe he’s making a smidge bit more than Darin did oh boy yeah I wouldn’t know what Chancey makes either up in Portland I’m gonna guess he makes a good amount of money but it’s his first yeah CH there’s not not too much time left there yeah and I I don’t think ch’s gonna be reported and it’s not yeah chony chony isn’t out there we we we did have a a fun moment earlier where we speculated the the the market for first year coaches could change if JJ reick is named the Los Angeles Lakers coach because we don’t think he’s GNA get 5 million he’s not going to get the Darin ham contract we think it’ll be higher and that’ll be that’ll be he’s going to get if JJ reck is in fact named the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers I think he’s gonna get the Monty Williams version of a first year head coach contract so eight he’s not gonna get 13 but he’s gonna get like if first year head coaches are getting like four or five he’s going to wind up getting like seven or eight yeah I I’d put him around eight and Jamal Mosley just signed in an extension right and what did he get like I think his seven and a half eight and a half that’s about right about right yeah not bad sense making good money I’m gonna look it up so let me see Jamal Mosley not announced h no no money announced to Jamal either just fouryear extension um they just gave him the four years and it’ll run through the 2728 season I’m feeling like Kenny you should either be a coach coaching agent I think coaches seem to make more yeah coaches are making more and if I get fired I can just get another job I I’m down to be a coach I’m down to be a coach there’s one I re there was one I was really hoping to find this one he came up earlier I didn’t look it up but there’s no money attached to it but man I gotta wonder he’s I I he’s when did he signed this oh 2022 so he’s probably not at 10 but I’m guessing he’s eight and it’s Taylor jenk Taylor feels like eight I’m guessing Taylor Jenkins is in that eight eight you know I think once you get 2022 that’s after they made the playoffs and everything probably yeah okay we gotta go because we have been looking forward to play Rex and effect in minutes on ksfm so uh if you want to it’s been a 4our buildup to Rump Shaker

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  1. It's obvious his agent put this out there, trying to take advantage of the Kings history and situation with Malik. It's actually a smart strategy, but this is still very early in talks and like any negotiation, both sides will set their terms and eventually come to some compromise. They'll get this done….eventually.

  2. And he should get that extension. Vivek needs to give Mike Brown a 10 year $100 million. With the increase in coaches salaries that contract would be a great value! Just get it done ✅

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