@Denver Nuggets

What are the best moves for NBA contenders this offseason? 🤔 | Domonique Foxworth Show

What are the best moves for NBA contenders this offseason? 🤔 | Domonique Foxworth Show

off top there’s a strip club in Ontario Canada that operates as a church on Sundays play the music this is the Dominique Foxworth show Welcome to the Dominique Foxworth show I’m joined as always by the great Charlie Kravitz however I put on shorts because last show you had on shorts I came in ready to have the knees out and you have covered your knees I’m so disappointed it’s because the coward Ryan Cortez posted so many close-up pictures of my legs of my of my my pasty white legs all over social media I gotta be honest Ashley brought me one of those I and showed it to me and had a good chuckle I forgot which one of the things that cour said that she loved but it was it was one of the jokes about something being paler or whiter than your thighs it was a good one it was also like it was just unnecessary no it was necessary good job coward keep it up I mean he’s such a coward it’s a hero I mean he still wears shorts like it’s the mid90s 90s shorts he’s he’s dressed like TJ Ford in his photo shoot for the bucks oh poor TJ Ford he’s Resurgence right now with those commercials boxy boys boxy boys oh my gosh um speaking of commercials no I don’t got a segue I was setting one up for you but you’re the segue guy I can’t do it I I actually don’t even know where you’re going with this speaking of commercial I don’t know the NBA where amazing happen is that you well done you did it again way to go CS for the girls okay okay let’s uh let’s not body shame me here how’s that a body shame you have beautiful curls a little bit little I thought you talking talking about my no no hell no Bingo wings no I was talk about the curls on your head as we always talk about you got nice curls thank you thank you you’re welcome okay should we should we get started now speaking of someone with nice curls but we’re not talking about a specific team but we’re going to we’re going to do some exit interviews for team in the west teams in the west um and it’s gonna be a where do you stand on the teams after the Conference Finals um yeah we’re taping this before game four of wolves Mavs and so we’re going to do it this way closer or further from the championship than we thought coming into the Conference Finals okay the first one do you think the nuggets are closer or further to a championship than you thought were the were the Wolves just a bad matchup what you think on this I think they are right where I thought they were at the beginning of the playoffs and which means closer than I thought they were at the end of last series is I think the Wolves happen to be a particularly difficult matchup for them I still think that they are Championship contenders like I would not be shocked if they make little to no moose I wouldn’t be shocked if they’re in the Conference Finals or in the finals next year so I don’t I mean obviously you always got to be be aware and available if something comes up but definitely don’t need to do anything drastic I think they would have beaten the Mavs if they gotten through the Wolves I know there’s a this the sniff test on that team it didn’t seem great after the Lakers in the wolv series and they were objectively worse than they were in their championship year but matchup wise I think they would have been better my question is like I I don’t have any question about their the Nuggets offense against the Mavs defense even though the Mavs defense is a lot better like I think their offense finds a way to score what do you think the answer is is Aaron Gordon on Luca I think Aon Gordon is actually one of the few guys in the league not he’s not going to shut down Luka Luka 30 a game yeah yeah but he’s going to make him work for that 30 it’s going to be a less efficient 30 it’s gonna make him uncomfortable and we saw Dort like masses gas when you’re guarding Luca donic and AIC Gordon is like a one of the few guys who with a big body can move his feet pretty well and I I’m sure there are numbers that are going to support that Luca just Cooks everyone probably Cooks everyone but I I do think there’s it’s a different challenge I think the fact of the matter is the Wolves actually don’t have anybody yeah that has the mass and the the athleticism to to give Luca a hard time and I love Gafford and Lively um but I just think that’s actually a size downgrade from you know the gobear towns all that stuff how they’re able to rush yic so I I think we’re in agreement on that the last one is is the thunder Sam Sam prey did his um press his press conference going into the offseason and he said he wasn’t surprised by the Thunders lack of rebounding he wasn’t surprised surprised by anything that happened except for the fact that they weren’t better offensively um they were pretty close to this Mavs team like you could make a case that things break a little bit different they win that series um and I think we thought they were further away before seeing what the maps is done to the Wolves the answer to the Thunder I think is obviously there’s nothing that needs to be done to that roster again you stay available you have all the assets and all the time on your side um are they closer I think they’re probably closer based on the way that we’ve seen the Mavs kind of destroy the wolves but I think one of the observations that we made early in the playoffs about how the NBA feels a lot more matchup oriented than just better team which the history of the NBA is kind of like we know who the best team is and it doesn’t matter who their matchup is I think that’s the most interesting thing that we’re learning coming out of this is I could recreate this year’s Western Conference run and put any of these teams that we’re talking about on a path that lands him in the finals like I think the one team the Mavs are probably the only team that before this playoff started I would have said not likely to go to the finals and they’re going to the finals so I think that’s the interesting thing about this conversation is like yeah there could be moves made for all these teams but also if the wolves are this year’s wolves better than this year’s nuggets if they were able to avoid Dallas until they saw the nuggets and the conference Championship like they would have been in the finals which which suggest that you don’t do anything and I think that’s the risk of making too much out of one of these series or the way the season ends is like maybe you just got a bad matchup and maybe mixing things up does not necessarily make you better I would mix things up I know you would I would try and find a secondary Creator we just have seen the multiple creators thing and I mean I I’ve said it on previous pods like if it’s if there’s a way if LeBron leaves La I trade for Davis and try and have like that huge big that seems like why not Towns come I mean he’s discount Davis in what way is he discount Davis they went to Kentucky yeah they’re both siters from Kentucky yeah I guess he he’s rich man’s Walter mccardy you got to do the two-player comp your favorite thing like uh man I can’t think of a a soft player to put with um with uh are you calling him like tall Leon Poe where are we going with this no you know how you do the two-player comps that you fallen in love with recently like this is um oh the the Michael Jordan of of so was like um Cary towns is the I don’t know he’s the Jordan P of Anthony Davis’s it’s actually not bad there you go off the cuff think it on my feet um you were saying that you would do something get a secondary score and you said this after we did exit interviews last time when the Thunder got thrown out and I think that my position is slightly different from yours is I wouldn’t rush out and I I think I might actually be wrong but I wouldn’t rush out to make a move am I the Jonah Hill of Justin timberlakes I can’t look at you for the rest of the show are you the Emanuel Forbes of champ ales how dare you it’s not funny Emanuel is a slim guy I like Emanuel he’s gonna be great I forgot I was gonna say something that was probably really smart but it wasn’t better than us making or someone making fun of us through your ear I’m guessing no that one just came to me oh nicely done well done even the one of made point of yourself that one was just the first thing I thought of oh you are on fire just when I thought that I could think on my feet you outf foot thought me I was Jonah Hill from super bad in high school I was the same guy Jonah Hill of Justin timberlakes is the most amazing thing I’ve heard all day um so if if you’re it only goes down from here if I me the podcast can’t get any better than that I’m sorry would would you would you trade for Donovan Mitchell if he comes with hell no hell no why you hate Donovan Mitchell I don’t hate Donovan Mitchell you think about Donovan Mitchell the way I think about Carl AAL no not at all can’t play defense I hate Donovan Mitchell I hate Donovan Mitchell Donovan Mitchell has brought me over to his side I didn’t love the idea of Cleveland acquiring Donovan Mitchell like he was going to be a true centerpiece but he’s been awesome in the playoffs and he does have some value or a lot of value and I think given with the point that you made earlier about two ball handling scorers seems to be the way going forward that makes sense take some pressure off of SGA but what Donovan Mitchell would cost in assets to me is not worth it they have 15 first round picks in the next all good um you think he cost I mean you think he cost four first rounds like um like goar or more or do you think that the prices have changed because of different market dynamics like that’s the thing I’m not giving you four first round picks for Donovan Mitchell I’m not maybe throwing a gidy yeah I mean they want to get rid of giddy that would be doing them a favor but that’s not extra value that’s a a favor for them I if you got four first round picks to to use I’m not thinking I don’t know I’m thinking higher than Donovan Mitchell which might just be my own personal bias because there are certain players that I was out on and it’s harder for me to come around on Donovan Mitchell fall fits that characteristic for me because he’s a small guard and I’m still I still a believer of like a small guard on that team and they I guess they do have the situation with s they have a similar situation in Dallas where they have kind of a big point guard so they could get Donovan Mitchell to play small two which is what he actually is and I guess that makes a little bit of sense I just don’t know that I like it for the cost yeah I mean that’s fair it’s it’s it’s an imperfect fit and s s prey’s incredibly patient um is there a team that has like a team that has a guy like that that is ready to give up on this run because that’s what you need and I guess that’s why you ended up with Cleveland because right now it seems like they they all hate each other they all hate each other they’re going to blow it up GM to the coach to all four players yeah and if you come in with a a knock them off their uh feet offer then they’re gon like yeah let’s hit the reset button with these drafts I mean it’s tough too because like I love Jaylen Williams during the season and he just wasn’t a Creator in the postseason Chet’s at this point a jump shooter those guys are babies so you have to expect some growth but how fast like SJ is ready to win now the team has so many assets in these windows in the NBA we just assume the runway is there and sometimes it’s not fair is there any risk to um capping their growth by bringing in someone that’s going to take some of the responsibility because I think there’s definitely definit risk in it yeah so I it’s not a risk I’m willing to take for um Donovan Mitchell I’m sorry Donan he’s really good too spider’s great I should I should love him because he’s a football player deep inside oh yeah yeah he’s another one yeah we’re the only podcast he’d be a tall receiver yeah hell of a receiver okay we have one for the East this was this has been written out a bunch written about a bunch it’s the 76ers have maneuvered their way to have Max cap space this offseason to find a guy to put with Tyrese Maxi who is broken out and Joel embiid darl Mory has lived in the model of let me try and find Stars it’s been rumored he wants LeBron James if he can get Prime away from La it’s been rumored he wants Paul George right Jimmy Butler ogan and Obi do you think darl m and the 76ers can build a legitimate Contender this offseason on paper yes in practice no turn injury sliders off for embiid embiid is playing oh okay all right he’s gonna have his one moment where he doesn’t like he doesn’t have a massive knee brace he’s dragging along in the postseason well if you get embiid healthy throughout the playoffs hell yeah they could win the East like I I think if you add um Paul Georgia I think is the most realistic and most useful player of the ones that you name I guess Jimmy Butler brings some mentality that they could potentially use but Paul George is skill set in um size and ability at this point in his career I think fits in well there as a number three option LeBron is I mean I can’t imagine LeBron and Philly that seems kind of preposterous to even put on the table as something that could actually happen but maybe I don’t know but yeah I think if you turn but that’s the most ridiculous thing is like embiid has never been healthy so if you turn injury sliders off yes well just the conversation ends if you’re like yeah this guy can’t everybody well yeah that’s I mean I I’m willing to do fake trades but I’m not willing to do something that crazy a man that’s never been healthy is going to suddenly be healthy no get that man some HGH stat stat I don’t think HGH can do anything for the issues that he has you can’t give him the Kobe knee thing where he like spin something and inject into his knee send him to like Germany for the offseason and see if he can come back what’s that going to do about his Roman eye that’s a good point like he just finds new ways it’s not his fault but it just I mean back feet knees it’s just so much it’ll be something new to pop up but I mean if there ever was a case for some HGH so I was trying to make the conversation fun I don’t think Paul George would do anything for them I wouldn’t think about them in a different way whatsoever yeah the East is a cakewalk if you’re G to tell me adding Paul George to emen Maxi is going to take them from the team they are to a team that can beat Boston I’d I’d look at you and say you’re nuts what do you think the difference between Paul George and Tobias Harris’s you think it’s he’s the Michael Jordan of Tobias harrises so do you think is okay so if you could add the Michael Jordan of Tobias harrises I think that’s better than Tobias Harris of Tobias Harris of course it’s better right and I think that the East is not strong I think they could be competitive in a weaker East but I don’t know I mean Paul George had big playoff games this year he had also like I mean it’s obviously he became you know pandemic p and we laughed at him but he also was great in Indiana before his like was snapped and he was going Toe to Toe with LeBron and Wade and people thought he might be the second or third best player in the NBA in the early 20 2010s it is going to be 2025 next postseason and Paul George will be 35 years old I don’t see it I didn’t watch a lot of Clippers games you might be right but I watched them in the playoff aw was great he’s been awesome and so I’m imagining that Paul George not uh a guy 15 years after a horrific uh um NBA all or no Team USA injury yeah I mean I just think Boston’s Gap in the East is immense and yeah maybe if embiid turned into Prime Shack uh it would be different where he could scavage 38 g at the beginning of this season if you get that early season in beat all throughout the playoffs they competitor damn near no matter who you put around them I don’t think he was ever Prime Shack I mean the numbers are ridiculous and people were saying that but like we’ve seen that man crumble even when he’s out there and you have to evaluate him how he’s out there in the postseason so now you’re turning injury sliders back on I’m think fully healthy I don’t think it would matter yeah all these postseasons he was not fully healthy to be fair he’s only missed eight of the 67 career postseason games he could have played missing them and being healthy are two different things you’re doing semantics on me you could tell that we’re at the end of the show we should have ended it at the at your great joke we were done n that was a high point I don’t know it’s less fun now what is we got to think of one for Cortez I don’t know he’s deito of mikee Ryan this is your game I was going to go Bam Bam big Alo I’m sorry that was great I think we found your calling can we make this a career for you the show and just be a professional uh twers comp maker all right thank you Charlie thank you very much I say that sometimes and I don’t mean it but today I really mean it thank you good job I appreciate you guys pville I love you um also thanks to all the great producers Megan saraphina Brian Kevin and Cortez I’m sorry you caught some no they weren’t Strays you caught some direct shots this that was a stray I’m sorry Cortez I love you this was not a stray that was a direct shot it was it was good though no I’m not just blaming you I teach you up I ask the problem is now made I’ve made the most dangerous enemy because I love Cortez and having Cortez as an enemy oh there’ be nothing worse nothing worse you don’t want to make enemy out of be no I don’t I’m terrified say it again I’m terrified of him uh shout out to our man Steve Smith all right we’re out bye this is the Dominique Foxworth show

On the Domonique Foxworth Show, we deep dive into what it could take for the Denver Nuggets, OKC Thunder and Philadelphia 76ers to continue to build their status as contenders next season.

0:00 Welcome back to the Domonique Foxworth Show
2:03 How far off are the Nuggets from winning it all next season?
4:18 What should the Thunder do this offseason?
11:27 Can the 76ers make themselves a contender this offseason?

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  1. Tell me another harder 17 year old rapper…………………. U CANT 🗣️🔥😂

  2. Well this morning on The Get Up show they focused as usual on Lebron James – if he would stay in LA or move to the East for a clearer path to the Finals.

  3. Embiid hasn’t been out of the second round, is going to be 31 next year and is never healthy. 76ers arent a contender with Embiid

  4. dejounte on okc is insane in my opinion if mark deignault can make donovan mitchell to be unselfish then donovan is the best move straight to finals man

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