@Los Angeles Clippers

Ty Lue Signs Contract Extension with LA Clippers | THE ODD COUPLE

Ty Lue Signs Contract Extension with LA Clippers | THE ODD COUPLE

all right Rob speaking of the NBA let us get into uh the news of the day and that is Tyron Lou signing a fiveyear $70 million extension with the Los Angeles Clippers 5e $70 million extension for tyo with the Clippers Rob what are your thoughts on this I think he’s deserving I mean I understand it uh if you’re Steve B Balmer uh Chris and you have your organization again you have a coach who has uh done as much as he can do a lot of the stuff that’s happened has nothing to do with Tylo guys have been in and out of the lineup um not uh not physically able to perform you saw what happened with Kawai again this year the only time this team has been to the Western Conference Finals in its history Ty Lou was the coach and that was without kawhai which was incredible itself and I get it there’s a lot of Dynamics here you know there was talk that the Lakers might try to swoop in and get him and Steve Balmer doesn’t want that either so you you regain your guy say that you’re committed to having a good coach and a good uh franchise and organization Chris uh you’ve already signed kawi Leonard what else they’re going to do I don’t know but I do get it I understand why they wouldn’t want him to go anywhere I think he’s one of the best coaches in the NBA and I’m not surprised if they paid Monty Williams speaking of being in Detroit all that loot Chris uh and mty came to Detroit I get it you paid the bad team tax where you’re paying for a bad organization and a bad you know situation but Monty hasn’t won anything and at least tyloo has a championship to his belt I think that’s important I just think uh if I’m Steve balber I want to keep him he could have tried to go cheap and say hey I’ll just go get any body to watch over this he’s moving into a billion doll arena in Englewood he’s not having it so yeah I look I I get it for the Clippers um tyou is a very good coach and um he’s also a name coach you know he’s a coach that don’t AR that many guys with championships Chris walking around right right well a lot of them get fired and so he has not gotten fired Nick nurse Frank vogle Mike boen hoer there’s one more recently that won a title who got fired um but yeah so Ty good for him my question is this cuz you know Rob I was saying when the news broke a few weeks ago that the Clippers were going to do just this that they were going to try to sign tyo to a long-term extension and I remember saying if I’m tyo would I do it now look I I I don’t blame him one iota for turning down the money right 5 years 70 million as I said coaches are getting fired left and right and somebody’s going to give you a guaranteed 70 million over five years I I I can’t say I turn that down or anybody should turn that down and and you’re in a spot that you might be happy Chris you might like the lifestyle you know you like for St I’m sure he does like the lifestyle but the question is is it a good job because I was thinking in a year like I I was saying maybe you coached the Clippers this last year you probably can get that extension next year if you want or or it would just be a new contract at that point but Rob next year does a Milwaukee job open up if Doc Rivers and the Bucks struggle again next year does Philadelphia open up if they don’t go any further with Nick nurse uh does Boston if Boston doesn’t win this championship and next year maybe gets beat in the Conference Finals or second round or something does that open up um so I’m just I like I don’t think they’re winning here with the Clippers and it’s not gonna be Tao’s fault um but Kawai I’m sorry I just can’t count on he’s a great player when he plays but I just can’t count on him being healthy uh Paul George I you know we talked about it yesterday Rob I feel like you got to run it back I mean you can’t start over they have no draft picks so they can’t just say you know what let’s start it all over uh so I think you have to run it back with Paul George maybe with James Harden as well and you know is this are you winning anything the West is only going to keep getting better because the top teams are young and so that’s my only issue um I don’t blame him for taking it Rob at all I just don’t think I I think it’s like a a serious ceiling on this team going forward for tyu and and the Clippers I hear you but I think Steve Balmer has two things at hand also the last thing he wanted Chris was for his coach to be stolen by the Lakers it would just be another example of why the clippers but that didn’t have to happen no I’m just saying if the if the Lakers H now granted they could fire somebody after a year we know that they fire they could I’m but if they hire you know what I’m saying if they hire JJ reick or whoever I don’t know that he’d be getting fired next year that’s all that’s all I’m saying yeah but it also could be if if they really came and and maybe said something and tyu just said you know what I don’t know where this franchise is going I don’t really want to be here anymore you know like that that can happen too but he couldn’t go to the Lakers this year but but I’m just saying I I think a part of that is like we’re not even going to chance cuz already had he still had one year left didn’t he yeah that’s my point that’s why he could just go to the Lakers but that’s my point on why they did this now instead of like let’s see how it plays out next year and where the team is he doesn’t want tyo to go to the Lakers under any circumstance so he just said I like this guy I love the way he I love him as a coach I want him to be ahead of my organization and this new this new building and what we’re trying to do here and I just don’t I want to take that out of the equation and just say he’s our guy he’s going with us to the new building and we’re riding with Ty and they got the best coach I don’t care who they bring in they got the best coach in LA and I think that’s why this got done I get it from the Clippers perspective yeah yeah that’s different what about Ty L is it just the money like what do you I mean that’s that’s what I’m looking at from his perspective and again it’s just the money I ain’t mad at him but I think it’s a combination and working for somebody who maybe you just feel like who’s decent and you have a connection with and you just like the circumstance and situation it’s one thing if you coach Chris and you realize we just don’t have anybody here you know like do it’s it’s another frustr and I’m sure he’s frustrated don’t get me wrong or he’s K himself has to be frustrated I’m sure he’s frustrated but he knows that a lot of what’s happened there it’s just beyond their control it ain’t like better that’s what I’m saying like what what what reason is there to think kawh lard is going to be healthy but going somewhere else doesn’t mean that that something’s going to work out either uh you just don’t know and I think this is definitely about uh just being comfortable in a place and a circumstance that’s what it feels like Chris because I get it on paper would this be the most ideal situation no but tyou has very little to to prove only from the standpoint that he’s won a championship no matter what happens you’re competitive you know and I feel I mean I’m not mad at him at all I get it I get right you know you’re comfortable you’re in La obviously likes La why why wouldn’t you right he’s been there he played here with the Lakers um you know it’s a good situation for him I’m as you said he’s comfortable probably does enjoy the the organization and you get this type of security Rob in in a again in a business where you see coaches don’t have much Security even won right even guys who have won so definitely and and you know Ty Lou must be going like during his coaching tenure Chris kawhai lard and Paul George have been in the lineup right together only 45% of his games I mean think about that 40 55% they haven’t been that’s ridiculous that’s just terrible and again like you say it’s not his fault I that was why I would be like H do I really want to do this but hey $70 million in your face I can’t be mad at you you’re in a city city you like organization that you’re comfortable with and they’re going to be relevant they’re good enough to be relevant right and so I get it

THE ODD COUPLE – Chris Broussard & Rob Parker react to the LA Clippers agreeing to a contract extension with head coach Tyrone LUE

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  1. Clippers are actually a real basketball organization. The Lakers were on the fast track to irrelevance before Lebron rescued the brand. The front office appears to be massively unprofessional.
    Except for Lebron, why would he want to work there? And with Lebrin, it’s a bit of a no-win situation. Lebron gets all the credit and none of the blame. You sign in for a chance at a title.

  2. Cant blame him for taking rhe money you vet to live in LA with an owner like ballmer but chris is right its like a player taking money knowing they're not going to win.

  3. Most people and especially Stephen A Smith made this guy so overrated as a coach just because he is black. They are quick to say fire the white coach and quick to exaggerate black coaches like River and Lue.

  4. Complaints about Ty Lue but at least he won a title unlike
    Mike D'antoni who who kept getting hired and never even reached the finals.

  5. Good for him and good for the clippers for keeping a coach around a good coach. Everybody thought he was gonna run to the Lakers and coach a team with LeBron on it. Yeah he wasn’t a fool.

  6. Okay they pay Ty, he got his money good for him, resigning Kawhi was bad though, I mean at this point what is Kawhi to you? Nothing. He is never going to be healthy and be able to go the long haul of the season, this dude is who brought up "Load Management" i mean yikes

  7. I’ve heard ty is a good coach but never give the criteria. Ty lue is ok as a coach but not as good as he was in the Cleveland years.

  8. Bruh honestly. As overrated as doc rivers has been in the last 15 years this guy is a close second. Tell me how they can get bounced in the first round with a roster like that and we look at just the players. If kawhi can’t go and it’s the conference finals that’s understandable. But the series would still need to be competitive with this stacked roster.

  9. Nba owners are tax write offs this is pure an simple the money being thrown around this dude is a garbage 🗑 coach this lbj contract he ain't won nothing to get this money

  10. Ty Lue wants to be like coach Spo and Pop- if you can become identity of the team as the coach- that’s the height of the profession.

  11. Ty Lue deserves the money and deserves to win as well but he's not winning anything with the Clippers so might as well take the money

  12. Why is he such a good coach that runs iso ball though? He didn’t play Theis at all in that first series but posting Sorry ass Zuback! If Zuback your leading scorer you’re definitely going home early.

  13. These dudes are lying their ass off first off kawhi did play in the Western conference finals he got hurt in game 4 being down 0-2 . Bob u get paid too much money for that bs


  15. Ty Lue is positioning himself to be the Erik Spoelstra of the Clippers and have a long, secure job.

  16. Lue is doomed with Kawhi getting a max extension. Why extend a player that’s constantly hurt??? “The Clippers are gonna Clip”

  17. Ty “Doc” Lue still living off that one championship like another NBA coach we all know so well.

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