@Toronto Raptors

Why the Toronto Raptors are picking in the sweetspot of the 2024 NBA Draft & strongest Draft takes

Why the Toronto Raptors are picking in the sweetspot of the 2024 NBA Draft & strongest Draft takes

on your Thursday episode of Locked on Raptors we’ve had enough of me talking about draft guys we get an expert on today’s show it’s Maxwell bomach of No Ceilings who’s going to tell me why my takes are right or mostly wrong and talk about where the Raptors sit in the draft 19 and 31 are they sitting pretty we’ll get into that coming up on today’s show you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey what’s going on and welcome to another episode of Locked on Raptors part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day it is Thursday May the 30th and I’m your host Shawn Woodley I’ve been covering the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms you can find all my work over on the hell website at Woodley Shan you can find the show on Instagram at lockon Raptors and of course you can join us in the lockdown Raptors Discord server the link is in the description of the podcast a great place to come hang out it’s free to join and it’s a great little Community we got building around the show talking draft talking uh movies talking World of Warcraft it’s all going on in there it’s a great place to come hang with a bunch of people who just like you like this podcast for some reason so uh come and join us it’s a lovely thing you can also support the show by following subscribing rating reviewing on your favorite podcast apps uh if you go and do that it makes me feel very good helps the algorithms etc etc you can also go to YouTube and you can subscribe to the locked on Raptors YouTube channel when you do that hit the the notification Bell and you will get a push notification every single time The Show Goes live so you never miss a second of that sweet sweet locked on Raptors action Today’s Show is brought to you by friends over at FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers got 150 bucks in bonus Bets with any winning $ five bet that’s 150 bucks with any winning $5 bet visit lockon to get started and we will get started here as we welcome in a wonderful guest I’ve been yammering on for weeks about guys I like in the draft having very strong opinions on guys who I mostly study up on in the day or two leading up to a podcast we got an expert on today’s show it is Maxwell bomach from No Ceilings a great great draft resource if you’re into that kind of thing uh which I’m assuming if you’re listening to this podcast you are into that kind of thing so check out Maxwell’s work Maxwell how the hell you doing man I’m doing fantastic I’m so excited to be here uh obviously I love the NBA draft but I think the rafters are in one of the more interesting like team building predicaments going forward so I’m super excited to talk about how this is all going to play out for them yeah it’s uh it’s an interesting thing we’re going to get into some of your favorite kind of fits for the Raptors with the 19th pick of course via the Pacers and the 31st pick via the Detroit Pistons I also want to get a little bit into I didn’t spring this on you before but the idea of the Raptors kind of controlling the board for the second round at 31 with a day off now in between round one and round two it’s kind of interesting uh but off the top I just want to get into to by the way you’re also going to tell me why I’m wrong about a bunch of stuff later which will be very fun for everybody um but off the top I want to just get into 19 and 31 as just a place to be or places to be in this draft I I went on a lot before the lottery about how I was hoping the Raptors would convey their pick to the Spurs because I didn’t love the top part of this draft and I thought the long-term Outlook of the franchise would be just in a better spot to get it off the books this year but 19 and 31 seems that kind of the place to be or or sort of the range you want to be in in this draft considering it seems like a bit of a flat talent pool it seems like a lot of these guys are kind of Eye of the Beholder and the Raptors going to get two shots in that range am I am I sort of wearing rose-colored glasses here be like yeah where they’re picking is great who needs to be up top or or is there something to the idea of two picks in this part of the draft being kind of a good thing I yeah I love having two picks in this derange in a class like this so um if you were just kind of casually observing the draft space you’ve probably heard a lot of like this is a weak draft talk um and I think that is true at the top I think there are a lot of guys that have the potential to carve out long-term NBA roles in this class I think the issue is at the very tippy top of this draft there are not a lot of guys that are clear outliers in a way that is going to lead to a star path um and you’re really hoping for something to break right for a lot of guys like Ron Holland was a really bad shooter this year a guy like Cody Williams was a very efficient scorer who did not do much else Zachary Ree does not have a pullup game right now like these are these are real impediments to them reaching a star outcome where if you’re picking at the top of the draft like that’s concerning you want to feel better about the likelihood level where once you get into this range it’s pretty fun because there’s a lot of guys that feel kind of safe that that had long college careers or guys that you can really Envision what their role is going to be at the next level and how they would fit into a team construct and then there’s also like the fun stuff of like well what if a guy slips and then you know we can take a guy that was supposed to go high and it feels like we’re playing with house money because there’s been a lot of teams are going to get their guy talk in this class where there might be a team picking it you know 14 15 16 where a guy could slip and they’d say hey this is the guy that we want we want somebody else you want one of these roll player kind of guys and then a potential High upside play could be on the board at 19 so regardless of what you’re looking for and how the board shakes out there is going to be a lot to like in those picks in my opinion yeah I I think they’re you know all things considered the the path that led them to the place they’re in uh maybe not amazing the the decisions along the way but I do think the way things are now set up like they got a shot to add a couple of nice players to this sort of mix and the build going forward and I do think they’re in a nice place where they’ve kind of established like like Scotty barns is our guy we’re filling it around him Emanuel quickly feels like his you know Co co-star his his co- Captain whatever and they’re just trying to kind of fill in the gaps and we can get into you know some specific name but you know I think for me the two big needs that I feel pretty strongly about at number one is just wings like more Wings get as many wings as possible I look at the New Orleans Pelicans and I’m like how do you get all of those wings uh and put them on to to this basketball team um and I feel like this is a pretty decent spot for them to you know sort of pick from that crew of guys and I also think bigs as well uh like a third big to kind of Groom behind yaka purle to eventually succeed him you know as like the sort of long-term center of the future and there’s lots of ways they could go with that you know a guy like Alis shamay for example really stands out as like a mess youji ass pick uh they might just say you know what this guy’s gonna be our starting center in four years let’s take him now and figure it out later um but as far as just like the richness of guys at those two spots on the wings and in the front Court does this feel like a good spot for the Raptors to be to get you know sort of check both boxes or load up and draft a couple of wings like this this kind of the spot to be for those types of players in particular I think so I I think a lot of people in this class are higher on a lot of guards than I am um and if I’m looking at this team and I’ve got Emanuel quickley and I’ve got a guy like Scotty Barnes who I want to have the ball L like I’m not particularly interested in a lot of those guys if if I’m the Raptors and and just personally I’m lower on those guys so I really like the wi crop that’s available around this range and I also really like the bigs in this class like I I I think as a a scouting community uh bigs have been kind of undervalued the last few years in general and I think there’s a lot of good ones that I I see real just nice paths to NBA careers available for that’s a nice thing and I mean look at the NBA playoffs teams with lots of bigs uh seems to be a helpful thing uh especially as the league skew is bigger um and I don’t think that’s changing anytime soon it’s only going to keep getting bigger as everyone now has to adjust for Victor wanyama ruling our lives for the next 15 years um sort of we’ll get into specific in a sec but lastly I kind of mentioned it off the top but first time ever where it’s a two-day draft the Raptors have the first pick on the second day usually round two is just this like oh God you blink and you’ve missed five picks and you have no idea what’s going on of course there’s always that delay in reporting when the Raptors pick because they never leak their picks because they’re psychos um but it just kind of goes by in a Flash and it feels like if you’re in a front office trying to like make moves around the second round it’s pretty impossible obviously now the Raptors are going to have a whole day with the the next pick on the clock does that like I guess we don’t really know what that means just yet but that can’t be a bad thing for the Raptors going into day two right I don’t think so at all I I think especially when you consider the nature of this second round in general and how kind of hectic it can be and how fast moving it had been in the past now everyone’s going to have a full day to recoup and I think sort of the underd discussed element of that that is what that’s going to do for key teams from a team building and salary cap perspective they’re going to have a lot more time to actually like sit down and be like okay well what does it look like if we draft a guy here that we put on like a four-year non-guaranteed deal or what if you know could we do this and you know does this tip us into the tax or whatever where there could be a situation where a team really likes a player that falls out of the first round and now a team will have a whole day to think over the logistics of like what does it look like for us to make a play to get this pick away from the Raptors and maybe Raptors can get multiple suitors they can get bids on that pick and really get extra value for it if if they see something that they like more than the pick itself um so I think there’s actually a ton of value to having those first couple picks on day two because because in the past it just been so frantic yeah yeah uh why are the Pistons trading uh their second round picks when they’re this bad it’s baffling stuff um you know the Piston’s going to piston we’ll come back in the side Maxwell and we’re going to get a specific name some of your faite for the Raptors at 19 and at 31 again kind of all from the same group of dudes here but you know some guys you’re going to want to Target first versus second uh we’ll get into that coming up in just one second Today’s Show is brought to you by our friends over at FanDuel the number one sports book in North America and it’s winner take all time in the NBA and NHL and FanDuel is giving you a shot to bring home a big win of your own right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks to bet on spreads money lines player props and so much more just with one winning $5 bet you know what bets going to make you feel really good if it pays out is if you bet on the Edmonton Oilers to lose look 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subject of a PC wrote and I read the hell out of that before talking about khil wear on this very podcast so youve very much been informing all of what’s been going on this podcast over the last little while um so everyone go check that out uh you can also go to locked on sports today 247 it’s our all day streaming Channel at locked on with all of the local shows covering all the biggest stories in sports Playoffs baseball season NFL mini camps people care about those apparently uh it’s all over there at locked on sports today 247 go check it out and have it run all day and don’t work just watch that instead all right Maxwell some of your favorite guys for the Raptors at 19 we’ve talked about wings we talked about bigs you can surprise me with a guard as if you want but I feel like you’re probably going to skew towards guards and bigs here just give me a name Give Me a Reason why you feel like they may be a pretty good fit there for the Raptors at 19 yeah well I’ll give you a little bit of control of the board here do you want to go big first or do you want to go Wing first let’s go o this is exciting let’s go Wing first let’s go Wing let’s let’s do a boring Wing to start in terms of like this guy’s just not the most exciting name in the world but I think he’s gonna fit the team construct of the rappers very well Tristan D Silva all right Colorado um he is 6 fo8 measured well long player good three-point shooter with real real size to him um just consistently year-over-year shot the ball well grades out well as a catch and shoot guy percentage wise from three the volume from three that’s all good um polished room finisher very comfortable playing without the ball uh Colorado over the years he played with guys like KJ Simpson he played with Cody Williams uh you know Nick Clifford was there for a little bit there have been other prospects on these Colorado teams uh Jabari Walker was on this team a couple years ago so like he knows how to play without the ball uh at a really high level and I thought as the year went on he got much more assertive as a cutter um defensively he he’s got a lot of feel to him um knows where to be but also it he’s on the skinnier side which conver like the negative of that is that he’s a little bit easy to move around he’s not the most physical guy in the world but I think the plus side side of that is that he is really long he’s gonna have plus length if you play him at the three can keep Scotty Barnes playing at the four we can do some of the help Rim protection stuff push RJ down to the two line and just provide additional spacing on the court for to get downhill for Scotty to get downhill and just bolster that interior game a little bit so I like that you mentioned to Silva because at the very start of the draft process whenever the season ended three years ago um I really really liked dilva I was I kind of had him as my guy and I still like him but I I think the defense thing has kind of made me soften just a little bit I I I agree like when you watch him clearly passes the nose where to stand test which is like the most important test for any B BB player um and like has like good defensive smarts and instincts but just like as a lock down Wing guy I’m not sure I totally buy that that’s gonna be in his future right and so with RJ Barrett having been as bad at defense as he was this past season I do kind of fear that like a two three of Barrett to Silva if you’re thinking a couple years down the line I don’t think D Silva will start as a rookie or anything like that but um I I do think that is a little bit light on Wing defense especially when you in Grady dick also being on this team and so I I’m I’m having trouble with the defense side of things everything else like he’s an adult who knows how to play basketball and do it in a lot of ways and I love that but you know can you at all sort of calm my fears about the defense or is that just kind of always gonna be a thing it’s it’s gonna be a thing for him the issue is once you get to this range for a lot of the Wings they’re they’re tilted to one side of the Court you either have your Kevin mccullers’s where it’s like the shot really might not be there or you have your D and you know some of these other guys where the the shot is really good and the size is good but the actual like ability to lock a guy down might not be there um I will say I thought he did a pretty good job of like sliding and staying in front and like even in plays where guys bully him a little bit he does still use his length to get into the ball um so I don’t think he’s gonna be a mince meet out there like I don’t think he’s gonna be terrible um but I don’t think he’s going to be like a super plus Defender uh but that’s that I don’t think there’s guys on the board at this stage that really fit that profile um especially if Kevin mcculler is off the board um and I’m like more optimistic about Kevin mcculler shooting than a lot of people are but I think if you’re the Raptor is maybe you know a a guy who’s like moderate volume moderate results at 23 is not the most enticing uh Forest facing threat yeah that’s uh that makes total sense all right G give me another Wing um or or big you know someone who might be there for the Raptors at 19 who you think would be a good fit yeah so let’s go big um I’ve seen this guy sliding down boards and he’s a little bit polarizing but I think I I think people just kind of don’t understand his game uh fully Kyle filipowski from dke okay talk about him a couple days ago yeah so there’s there’s some like flaws to him like he’s not a great interior finisher he’s not the longest guy in the world uh but he just presents such a rare skill set offensively is like a legitimate dribble pass shoot big man who’s almost seven feet tall like he had an exceptionally High assist rate for a center like he can actually put it on the deck and like really make big dance not just like I can drive in a straight line if a clunky big man closes out like he can legitimately put it on the deck um good defensive rebounder uh had a really high steal rate like defensively like there’s some there’s some really nice feel stuff he actually does quite well in space and a comp that he gets is a guy that was on the Raptor is Kelly o linck um a lot he’s a much better rim protector than Kelly o linck was coming out higher block rate against a better level of competition much better moving his feet in space and also just a much more creative offensive Force than Kelly oen was at that same point in time so like that’s a guy that he gets compared to a lot because tall white not a great Wings fan uh but he is a much more complete Prospect than Kelly oen um and he also did a really good job of like stopping opponents at The Rim like he’s not the most vertical guy but his opponent at Rim field goal percentage rated out well he had a solid block rate like he does the the center stuff on defense at least well enough that I think he can con uh compensate for the interior finishing on offense which again this is a team where we’re more concerned about other guys putting that pressure on the rim and him alleviating that paint area and giving them space uh so I think he’s just a really nice fit on this team yeah that’s interesting because like when I’ve watched Philipi I’ve kind of thought oh this guy’s just like a gigantic playmaking four um and I do think like that runs a little overlap with oen that not that you should be worried about overlap with OIC he’s only going to be on the team for two years and you know you could always just have him be less of a key cog in the rotation and I think my sort of main desire in a big has been someone who offers like a little more switchability a little bit more um of like a someone who can be in tandom with oin in second units could filipowski build that do you think if if he can be a five and hang there then you know I think that maybe changes my feelings on him for sure yeah there’s definitely going to be matchups where the five thing is going to be tough like just looking at the Eastern Conference like I don’t love him uh against I mean honestly a lot of these matchups I kind of like him the more like like embiid is the obvious one right like embiid would be a nightmare everyone lunch though right sure exactly but but I think at the same time too the guys can like use that to be a little too dismissive of like strength concerns but you look at like Horford and porzingis and like I feel okay about that I feel okay about hartenstein Brook Lopez is more perimeter oriented offensively Jared Allen you know might give him some problems that even like Wendell Carter like a lot of these teams is the league goes more five out I think the more bigs you have that can like guard that but still have that Rim protection underlining that is is important so I I do think if nothing else he is a guy who can play the five comfortably in certain lineups and then you hope that as the game evolves that like those are just the lineups that people play more often which I think is entirely possible that makes sense do you think he could Moonlight as a four like say playing next to yaka purle with like Scotty Barnes up to the three and kind of jumbo looks absolutely I I I think again like there’s going be match ups to the four that I don’t love for him um but I I do think it’s something that he he’s definitely capable of Awesome all right give me one more guy it can be big or Wing I do not care just someone who might be nice fit at 19 so let’s go a little like riskier with it and do an upside uh kind of play how do you feel about kesan George from Miami I quite like kesan George I have said he kind of reminds me of if Kyle Anderson could shoot threes yes that’s exactly the comp I like to make yeah I love it look at this uh I promise I’m not like lifting that from anywhere either I just moves very slowly and it’s very fun it’s kind of offbeat um yeah like so a little more on George uh give the pitch for him at 19 yeah so Kean George is a six foot eight like dude with a who’s just a sniper like he is a true blue longrange shooter he’s older for a freshman like he’s I think he’s already 20 uh but he shot 40.8% from three on over 10 attempts for 100 possessions um and he also had a high assist rate he had like a 16.3 assist rate so like there is that Kyle Anderson style slow but play making Funk kind of thing he’s got some Rhythm and rock with his handle uh sees the Open Floor really well can livee your both pass uh but just NBA range and really capable shooter also a little bit thick like one of those dudes that like maybe you run him off screens maybe he sets screens to get open like right a lot of different ways that you can utilize him I wonder if you could even run like super high pick and roll and almost short roll him to the three-point line like there’s just a lot of different ways that that you can um Leverage The the chops that he has also I think Miami was a really poor ball movement team in general so I think his assist rate might have looked better if he’d been on like a more cohesive functional team outside of himself Kean strong in the second half of the year um defensively he’s like he’s a little slow footed again like the lateral agility isn’t great um but he is really long and he’s really tough to get around at the point of attack um really like his hands on the ball um knows how to get around a ball screen uh help instincts are there ground coverage is solid like again like we’re not getting like lock down and three point shooting guys at this stage um but again this is a guy that’s going to open up the floor a little bit he’s going to be able to make those five offensive decisions uh and and you just have to hope that the driving stuff gets better like he really never got downhill like the amount of times that he actually drove to the basket were very few and far between he’s much more comfortable just playing behind the three-point line or playing in the mid-range that stuff does have to come along and it’s going to take some time and patience but there’s aren’t a lot of six8 guys that shoot it this well at his age that also have level of playmaking feel and like the ability to to not stink on defense and that’s that’s a Kean George has yeah I actually I I’ve seen some like detractors of his defense out there and I don’t really agree like when I when I’ve watched him and look I’ve watched him a lot less than the people who are making these claims but like like you said like he’s thick he’s strong like I feel like he can kind of just keep people in front of him through pure force of will more than that sort of you know really quick lateral sliding things like that um so you know I think of the you know you know say compared to Tristan D Silva for example like I would totally Bank on uh George being like a more lock down Wing guy than D Silva I don’t even think it’s well and that’s like a philosophy thing that I think about a lot is like with George being three years younger is he perhaps actually the better Prospect right right like and that’s you know not a popular line of thinking but I think it’s a possible outcome for sure sure uh well you’ve had some really great sound thoughtful takes on all these guys we’re going to get on the other side into some of my uh most firmly held beliefs on the draft so far um and look these are going to be wildly misinformed and probably wrong you’re GNA tell me why or hey maybe I’m right we’ll come back on the other side and get into that to close up the show all right rounding things out here with Maxwell bombach from No Ceilings everyone go check out No Ceilings it’s wonderful all right I I think I have three pretty firmly held draft takes that I just want to throw at you see what you think am I out of my mind number one Ryan Dunn the Virginia Wing who is widely regarded as the best defensive player in this draft would simply be a do not draft for me if I were the Toronto Raptors I don’t think his offense is it I think the 20% from three and 53% from the line is enough for me to say I don’t know how this works on a team with Scotty Barnes and currently yakob purle Ryan done is a do not draft for me tell me why I’m wrong I think with the 31st pick it’s fine I would I would not in the first round if I were the Raptors okay I so I actually posed the question on Twitter the other day what is Ryan dun’s offensive role in the NBA I struggle mightily with Ryan dun like he is an outlier defensively like he is a phenomenal phenomenal phenomenal defensive prospect really good on the ball excellent ground coverage guy his balance is insane uh had a block rate over 10 which would be Stellar for a center you had a steel rate of 3.1 like outlier great defender outlier bad offensive player unfortunately um I have like a a metric uh tool that I I kind of use personally he had a red flag assist rate uh the amount of his scoring volume was a red flag his three-point percentage three-point volume catch and shoot threo percentages usage rate all red flags like it is it I’ve never seen such an a red flag Laden offensive profile what I will say is he’s very strong downhill I think he can actually dribble a little bit and I think he’s got a little bit of downhill passing I think there are worlds where you can play him as a four if you do have that spacing around him and use him almost as like a rle man I’m like saying I’m like even doubting it myself as I say he’s the biggest te in the world like he’s 68 71 wingspan those are great measurements for a forward um if I’m picking at 31 I think there’s a chance that I just say you know what maybe we’ll figure out the offense thing at some point and take this guy who is right just outlier good in one area and hope that the outlier bad can be remedied but I would not take him at 19 for the Raptors yeah I um I I think that’s pretty fair and yeah I mean 31 yeah I could see a little bit more even then man even then I think there’s gonna be guys on the board yeah yeah um my second most firmly held Draft take and look these things are fleeting I Chang my mind on things all the time but right now my absolute favorite guy I want the Raptors to take at 19 is Don Holmes thei yeah and I I think he actually I know we played center a lot at College I think 95% of his minutes in the NBA come as a three or a four and I think the guyu he most reminds me of are Championship season Pascal seum and modernday Jaden McDaniels I think this dude can like I you know maybe he hasn’t been sort of asked to do it yet but he just seems like the kind of guy who is enormous long kind of impossible to get around who has this sort of funky package of offensive moves to go to maybe never going to be a primary guy or anything like that you know Pascal seaka went from that to like this whole other world of awesome that I don’t see in holmes’ future but sure I really love the package with Holmes I love his little post game I love all the little things he does the pick and pop stuff to me he features as like uh you know the ideal 34 hybrid forward for any team in the modern NBA I love donon Holmes uh tell me why I’m wrong so I see Holmes more as a big like the idea the three is like way too rich for me um I see him as like a four five big um I don’t think he has the lateral agility of like a Jaden McDaniels like I don’t think he’s that quick I don’t think he has the power like downhill fource of aakam but I think he’s really good like I I think at 19 I don’t bat an N if that’s who the Raptors take I have him in that range um Stellar ball handler for his size like dayen would have him just bring the ball up the court and like run inverted pick and roll stuff with him like he is very skilled with the bonus s and that’s new he came into college as a post-up big the intel on him is Stellar this is a kid who really wants to like round out his game and get better at every single aspect of the game and you see it on the court even just with the passing decisions he made he was always one of those guys who was a capable passer but not a good passer like he could do really cool stuff and now he’s a genuinely great decision maker uh defensively has some real ball screen versatility I wish he was a little stronger a little bit more physical on the glass like that’s the thing that kind of hangs me up with him a little bit is like kind of the same questions you had about Philip palsky like is the interior stuff all the way there with Holmes um but I think it I think it worse you’re getting one of the more interesting scheme versatile competent backup centers in the league right like I I think I think Holmes has a really safe floor on him especially when you take the character stuff into consideration like he is a very very hard worker who has transformed the way he plays and gotten great results from the work he’s put in uh so I I think that would be a good pick at 19 if that were the rout they were to go perhaps not as bullish as I am but nobody is I’m the Don Holmes head apparently and uh I’m glad to be a little bit Vindicated in my unabashed belief all right last one for you this one’s like it’s got some heat to it you know let’s go um I think the most likely player in this draft to and look the likelihood of this happening is infinitesimal it’s probably not happening but the most likely player in this draft to win a scoring title in the NBA is Jaylen Tyson that dude can score and he can do it in a whole bunch of different ways and I’m not saying that I think he’s going to win a scoring title but I think he’s my favorite scorer in this draft maybe Rob Dillingham uh sort of notwithstanding but I I don’t like Rob Dillingham all that much I really really like Jaylen would be super down if he were a Raptor’s pick uh give me the thoughts on it seems like you strongly disagree with this one which hey fair enough it’s kind of an insane take so I like Jaylen Tyson and I think if there’s a little bit of rewiring to how he goes about his approach which like Cal so he he played for Cal last year Cal was very bad Jaylen Tyson got his eligibility waiver and Cal was like a perfectly fine pack 12 team after that they needed Jaylen Tyson to play the way he played college basketball like not saying like H actually he shouldn’t have been in the mid post that’s what they needed to do to win games like they had to do it um where he scores and how he goes about scoring is goingon to look a lot different in the NBA he’s got a lot of like pretty mid-range stuff which I love is like a bailout option he’s gonna have to be a lot more straight line in the NBA uh he wasn’t great as a driver this past year he does have a tendency to settle when he creates advantages and take pull-ups instead of getting all the way to the rim his decision making like I I think the floor and I I hate doing like negative draft talk the floor looks something like Denzel Valentine to me like occasionally he just makes some really frustrating decisions with the ball as a passer or like with the shot selection like that’s the stuff that scares me I I worry about the defense with him but I do think he’s a really capable scorer and similar to Ron Holmes I think he’s like a capable passer like he has his moments where it’s like you can see the gears are turning the stuff just needs to kind of be workshopped had kind of a weird journey through college basketball that like definitely plays a part of it and a lot of that was not his fault also um but yeah I I think think he’s a good scorer I worry what he looks like in a complimentary role if like the decision-making passing stuff is going to be there if the defense is going to be there um and if he’s GNA take the right shots when he’s in a more tertiary role I knew I had a bad take in here uh that was it um I think he’s good I he’s in the first round for me right now so I I don’t think he’s bad I just I I see some people that are really high on him and I I just have more reservations on his game than than others I think yeah that’s fair enough for for for what it’s worth I don’t think anyone in this draft class is ever going to win a scoring title would Dillingham be your guy if there was one uh I guess yeah maybe uh yeah I don’t resounding uh support well I like and like the thing is I feel like I like this gu a little bit more than a lot of people but like I just don’t see like a scoring title guy in there I guess it would have to be Dillingham it would have to be like Dillingham under the right circumstances and I’m not even a huge like you I’m not a huge dingham guy but I think if you were to say yeah g your head you got to pick a scoring Ty guy it’s it’s probably the circumstance feels like similar to the uh 20052 2006 Toronto Raptors where Mike James just decides I’m averaging 20 a game there’s nothing you can do about it I’m taking every shot if Rob Dillingham has a Mike James season in him he could just go well and win win a scoring title and I think we’d all be better for having seen it for sure I agree with that uh all right Max well all right we’ll wrap it here just give me one last stray parting shot guy we didn’t talk about who you maybe had lined up a thought on um you know regarding 19 or 31 for the Raptors the floor is yours what you got yeah uh a guy that I don’t know like how good the fit is here per se but a guy that I really like is Nee Clifford from Colorado State and it’s a draw deadline day so he may end up going back uh but I thought NE Clifford was like the best downhill player in this class I’ll throw out one other guy too that I think actually is a better fit pakum dad who played for in Germany 6’8 one of the best like off the- dribble mid-range scorers in this class among the forwards and he’s very young really good catch and shoot guy really good downhill guy doesn’t totally know how to play yet like some of the connective passing stuff is a little shaky some of the defensive awareness is a little bit shaky but the tools are awesome and the efforts off the charts like his work rate is exceptionally high he doesn’t get talked about a lot as a first round guy at this point if he climbs the 19 it wouldn’t stun me honestly uh just because there aren’t a lot of guys with his size that can score it all through and play as hard as he does but I think he’s highway robbery at 31 uh fascinated by Daddy I got to look a little more into him because sounds like the kind of player I will enjoy and sounds like the kind of player that Messi jiri will enjoy 68 does lots of stuff very raw and young yep okay that sounds good um we will leave it there Maxwell thank you so much this was delightful it was informative it made me feel smarter and also Dumber at the same time uh do you have anything you want to promote for the good people out there yeah check us out at No Ceilings NBA on the hell website uh at bound boards to find me on there uh noing subscribe subscribe subscribe we got daily podcast daily written work check out everything we’re doing awesome man and everyone go check out his PE on khil wear uh we didn’t really talk about him today but I’m kind of intrigued and if he’s the guy at 19 I wouldn’t be upset seems like a boomer bus type guy but there’s lots of Boom uh sort of potential there with a lot of the stuff he does so go check that piece out very very informative I I think probably one of the more thoughtful takes on khil wear who seems to kind of get very lazily talked about by a lot of people who cover this stuff not by you it was wonderful so everyone go and check that out you can find of course man uh you can find me at Woodley Shan on the hell website you can follow subscribe rate review all that good stuff every get your podcast it’s much appreciated when you support the show however you support the show uh and uh yeah we’ll be back again on Friday our pal Jamar hin should be along I’m still working on schedule with him but we’ll have some fun talk about something maybe we’ll pull some more names from a hat for the uh Wing positions for free agency and trades and stuff like that you can go check out the first episode of that milu on Wednesday to go do that uh and yeah have yourself a wonderful rest of your day enjoy uh the crowning of the Dallas Mavericks or the comeback that’s on by the Minnesota Timberwolves tonight and all that good stuff we will talk to you again on Friday another episode of lockdown Raptors thanks for hanging bye-bye

In Episode 1647, Sean Woodley is joined by NBA prospect writer and scout Maxwell Baumbach of No Ceilings to chat about why the Toronto Raptors are picking in great spots in this year’s NBA Draft considering the strengths and weaknesses of the class, some potential fits for the Raptors at 19th-overall, and to run through some of Sean’s most firmly held opinions on this year’s draft class and determine whether they’re good or insane. Off the top, Sean and Maxwell chat about why by holding picks 19 and 31 in this unorthodox draft class, the Raptors are actually in a very enviable position. Plus, they examine the potential value of having the first pick of the second day of the draft at number 31 and why they can more or less “control the board” for the second round. Next, Maxwell details why he thinks Colorado wing Tristan da Silva, skilled Duke big man Kyle Filipowski, and Miami wing Kyshawn George could all be very nice withs the Raptors with the 19th pick. Lastly, Sean throws some of his most firmly held takes about this year’s class Maxwell’s well for them to either get a thumbs up or a thumbs down, with discussion of Virginia’s defensive ace Ryan Dunn, Sean’s new favourite dude in the draft DaRon Holmes II, and California guard/forward Jaylon Tyson. Plus, some parting shots about other sleeper prospects in this draft, including French wing Pacome Dadiet.

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  1. Raptors players was bad on defense. From IQ to Dick was the worst.. Trent Jr, was bad. Barrett was ok. Kelly cant play defense at all and Jacob is a average big with less than average defense.

    Dayron Holmes is best fit at 19 if not Ware
    Jonathon Mogbo @ 31

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