@Minnesota Timberwolves

Will Timberwolves make WCF a series, Mavs regret not closing it out in Game 4? | NBA | SPEAK

Will Timberwolves make WCF a series, Mavs regret not closing it out in Game 4? | NBA | SPEAK

Michael Parsons Dallas Cowboy superstar in order for Ant-Man to bring Parsons back some shoes for game six you got to get back to game six game six obviously would be in Dallas first they got to win game five in Minnesota so 25 you talk to me do you expect the t-wolves to make it a series again I remind you at home I remind you to my right teams that have gone down 03 155 times that has happened and no team has ever come back to win the series but do you expect the t- Wolves to at least make it a competitive series I do I do I do I do I do is that who’s that Jeezy I do I do I do I do um yeah I think so I just when I watch this game and I feel like uh when they play their best ball they play their best team ball right it was a a lot last night you see Ant-Man going right to the basket early in the game right I ain’t waiting I ain’t passing there was sometimes guys was open right and normally he would pass it out cuz that’s the right play to do LeBron James always talks about I’m always going to make the right play well sometimes you got to go Kobe ran style right or Michael Jordan style we comparing him why not there was times where he was putting the game in his own hands yes I know you open in the corner I’m not passionate and he was he was so determined last night to win this game I got to get another credit to somebody who that cat show up yo the reason why they’ve been losing to my point has been Rudy and been a lot of cat now even though cat makes some dumb plays sometimes with the fouls which I can understand offensively he was amazing he was from early in the game he was going straight to the buck to to The Cup right going to the buckets buckets buckets and then fourth quarter he shot some threes here and there cuz he can shoot the three ball but he was more aggressive in the paint and then playing defense see it’s funny like in sports even in football and in basketball when like the game first starts you can see who has the juice the first three games I didn’t see no juice from the timber Wars like we’ve been seeing against the Suns like we’ve been saying against Denver y last night that showed you that juice everybody got involved the attitude was different a guy like even Reed that shoots the ball well six man in the year right when he got in the game everything is to the cup like they play more physical so the reason why they got to the free throw line more than the other team if they play like this I don’t know man I I do think they come back to Dallas right and I think eventually Dallas will finish it off and I we give some credit to the timber well as far as they’re too good of a team for a team to beat them four times in a row yeah I can’t see that now I do still think the mads win this series but if you look at this the defense part the way they play Kyrie the way they play even Luca they made some some some tough shots for him and I think that uh I think we going to game six man I feel that the Mavs are not a 40 better team than the t- Wolves T wolves ain’t lost four straight All Season including the playoffs and they will not lose four straight now obviously unless they make it to the NBA finals and things change I think they’ll make it a series Joy Taylor I think they’ll make it a series James Jones because it should have always been a series and you could argue it always was it was a three-point game it was a one-point game it was a ninepoint game now it’s a fivepoint game you could say this whole thing has been a series I mean literally three of the five games excuse me three of the four games have come down with free throws remember if Luka donic hits one of those free throws at the end of the game we sitting here biting biting a fingernails if Mike connley I believe it was game one or game two if he hits one of his free throws now all of a sudden there’s a chance for a tip out they could get a bucket and it could go into overtime or they could end up winning on a three-point attempt so it’s been a series unfortunately the series has just always gone in the Maverick’s favor thus far last night it went in the t’s favor remember Kyrie Irving missed a couple pivotal free throws at the end of game two I believe it was and that almost cost him so this whole series has always been series it’s just not reflective by record but that’s what I love about the NBA Playoffs Joy you bring this up often the NBA very uniquely very uniquely it’s best of seven you don’t get that in March Madness you don’t get that in the NFL you don’t get that in college football playoffs but the NBA very uniquely you have a best of seven Series so the best team will inevitably win and I don’t think the Mavs are four games better than the t- Wolves we’ll find out just how much better they are yeah I expect them to make it a series I didn’t think that this was over not just because of you know like pride and all I just I I don’t think that the Mavs are that much better than the Timberwolves but also the Timberwolves are a defensive team as Shady pointed out so they’re defensive team their bigs have the ability to contribute at a very high level cat can shoot from three it’s not like he had that horrible statis like a four of 32 because he just freaked out like he usually makes those that’s why he kept shooting them like anyone else would be like hey big dog see down there by by a by a bucket don’t leave there again but he does usually make those so he kept shooting them now they but I do think they got back to fundamentals the reason I thought that they were going to extend this series is because when they get when you just settle down a little bit just settle down a little bit do the things we did all season long a go be aggressive cat get some of those threes that you’re taking because you’re taking a lot of them some of them got to go down if they’re not going to go down you need to go bang around in the paint Rudy make some plays everybody needs to contribute and they played a really solid game they didn’t make them even though they had some mistakes they didn’t let the Mavs take advantage of the mistakes the way that they did throughout the rest of the series and I think is really important the Mavs have so many points off of turnovers that they’re they’re killing them on that they are taking advantage of the timber wolves mistakes they were able to get it done last night but I’m not surprised and I do think that they actually extend the series even further because I think it’s going to go six y’all could call me crazy but no this ain’t gonna be no series no because you were down three 0 now if you would have started off in it was 2-1 and then the Mavericks one went up 3-1 and you won this and we go on to game six I can see that being series but down 03 and then to hear you start off by saying 55 teams have never come back for this so for me I’m sitting here right now this series over I don’t know if it’s tomorrow I don’t know if it’s in Dallas but it’s over so I don’t necessarily want to sit here and say they can make it a series if they win two games and lose in Dallas I’m going be like y’all fult y’all fought but we knew it was over so with that being said like this series is done it’s over it’s been over over when they went down 3 only way I can see this being a series is if they find a way to get it to game seven then then we got some pressure can we say this though can we say the way they played right was was different right as far as their approach I haven’t seen them been this this aggressive since the last series against the Nuggets like Antman from the get-go it was small things that were doing like put him in the post in the paint right I haven’t seen him in in a post all all serious at all and then his approach like there was times where he would miss two or three shots in a row yeah that didn’t matter he kept shooting and kept shooting where before you would see him okay missing okay let’s pass let’s see what happens I’ve seen cat in a or not cat I’ve seen um um Ant-Man in a corner sometimes in the Ser what is he doing here this time he wasn’t the ball was his hand over and over again and it was they made emphasis like yo we’re going to live and die with Ant-Man shooting this ball and that’s how you win because now when you have them big seven Footers in there when you missing they can get Second Chance opportunities for rebounds right all there Shooters been shooting the ball well and then and the last thing is the pressure the Mavs like a a scoring team right Luca dominates the ball Kyrie has his spurts and they hit the shooters but when you have all that extra pressure on the other side when they’re putting in their offensive display their offensive talents like they were doing they haven’t seen it all serious so my thing is for the M you got keep scoring with us though because we only talk about the MAV scoring and the timber playing defense and going through Ant-Man no no no no last night everybody was getting part of that scoring even Mike Conley they keep they joking about how old he is and all that but bro he was putting up some buckets so I love what they what I seen that’s the thing though can they repeat this I mean cat was four for four from three cany even a four for fourth and five but the cool thing is yo if you look at his real three balls late in the third and all in the fourth everything before that was to the buck to the cup and ones and etel so when you seven foot you got PJ Washington guard me I’m not making it easy for you shoot no more threes dog no I’m going right to the paint tomito is the difference just the fact in my mind that they made shots sometimes Shady let me let me ask you shot though let me let me ask y’all though because one of the the biggest things I learned to hate over the course of my sports career I learned to hate it is when you change the narrative around the conversation because of the outcome you often hear this in football man this team ain’t tough it’s not a lack of toughness they just weren’t in their gaps that’s why he ran for 200 yards it’s not like I I didn’t want to tackle Shady I’m just not athletic enough they’re not tough they run defense isn’t not toughness so shady when I hear you when I hear this conversation I’m asking myself okay aun tried to do in game three what he did yesterday yesterday he was 11 for 25 game three he was 11 for 24 yesterday he shot eight free throws game three he shot six free throws he tried to do it it just wasn’t as efficient cat tried to do it obviously to your point cat shot way too many threes he was four of 32 in the first three games he tried to do it but yesterday they fell yesterday he shot five threes the game before I believe he shot like six or seven threes or no I believe he shot eight threes but yesterday they fell to me I’m wondering like is it just a matter of if the shots will fall or not for for example look how many A1 was was was displayed yesterday cat yeah right think about that though how many times you see cat on the perimeter waiting for a three ball spot up no and man all the the consistent pressure picking rolls I ain’t passing going right to the cup foul foul and one in the cup so I hear what you saying my only push back is like what shots are we talking about he made because yeah you can make shots because like I mean great players are gonna shoot they gonna make shots right but what what shots are you making because it’s a percentage they always talk about getting to my spot right and last night they all got to their spots but that it’s also a matter of like if cat was 4 over 32 and he never takes threes we have a problem you don’t shoot threes at all so you should not be doing that but cat is a great three-point shooter so if they’re not falling and then they start falling well that’s not us overreacting to it it’s okay your shot is falling now so if they had some overthe toop you know performance that we’ve never seen them do in the history of them being together as a team okay cool maybe this is an outlier performance but they got back to doing what they do so it’s not so much that their shots were falling or not falling yeah sometimes you’re going to have an off night but do they have a night where we’re like okay this is a histo they made a historic amount of Threes in in the postseason okay maybe they’re not going to do that again but they can repeat what they did last night and she said real quick she talked about earlier um getting back to the basics we all know that terminology right I might have 200 yards one game right I’m feeling myself the ball’s high and all that right from two yo yo you a great player high and tight high and tight get back to the basics think about that as a terminology there my question for you though to5 because I remember I played with you obviously in Philadelphia and you rarely kept the ball high and tight but you rarely ever fum so you can’t over Coach Shady too much because Shady the ball was always going to be out here but he was going to make you miss he was going to do what he does my thought process is like remember yesterday show we don’t have to pull up the footage if you weren’t watching I’ll remind you we were saying cat stop shooting threes yeah yeah yeah but if cat would have stopped shooting threes yesterday they they probably win game no no no see see no no no no no no he didn’t shoot that many threes shot five of them four for five but when though see that’s my thing though right like like it’s the difference between shooting threes you just shoot them over and over again you still miss you keep shooting them no he started the game out hot getting in the rhm so when I talk about getting the real when I talk about getting back to um um um the basics small things like okay I want to get to the outside right I want to get a one-onone cuz you know what’s going to happen I’m going to mix him up but hey I got to do what the coach tell me the basics hit it inside a couple times I got comfor got they always say with basketball players this my little study with the BK if if my shots not going in I got to start see it going in and that means going to the cup and on layups now I see it going so now I’m comfortable shoo a three that’s what C did last night well the last night obviously the Mavs could not close it out the Mavs would have loved and it would have behooved them to close it out because the NBA Finals don’t start until next Thursday yeah Celtics chilling family Celtics closed out the Pacers in four not only that the Celtics beat the Cavs before that and five not only that the Celtics beat the heat before that in five so the Celtics have relatively walked strolled maybe skipped if you will to the NBA finals meanwhile the Mavericks look like they might end up being in a dog fight not yet but it looks like it yeah Joy do you think the mass will regret not closing out the te I think it’s too soon to tell right because the series isn’t over and we don’t know what’s going to happen in the finals so we could maybe fast forward to the end and see what this did but I don’t like extra games for multiple reasons one the guys that are available are going to be more fatigued you’re just you’re playing more basketball and you’re going up against a team that is resting if the Celtics were still playing I don’t even think this is worth talking about but they aren’t they’re resting they’re rehabbing they’re they’re they’re chilling watching you so that is every day that you play longer that’s the more tired you are the more pound of Flesh and this is a very physical defensive team that you’re playing as well so this is not finesse back and forth like you are going to be more fatigued doing that you want to close them out as as quickly as possible the other part is obviously injuries like the more games you play the more risk that somebody is going to be out and obviously no one wants that knock on what we want to see all the stars but this is the reality like the more games that you’re playing I want I don’t want to say unnecessarily because you need to win them in this is Western Conference Finals but that is also a risk as well I don’t want to get too far into the weeds you’ve said it already how many times now it’s 155 and0 like the the teams do not come back from being down 3 0 but you get to six you don’t know what’s going to happen one day that is going to be broken it it never happened before that someone came down from 3-1 and what happened one day they did it and there were circumstances that led to that happening so you don’t want to put yourself in a position where you’re playing more games I think it’s too soon to tell how much it matters but this is it’s never a good thing so they got to win four in a row four in a row see only thing is that’s hard for me though cuz like Kyrie Irving gonna miss them shots like he missed is Kyrie I believe he was 14 and0 in close out games prior to yesterday I was think the MS are too of a team right exactly now I will say this though if both teams are playing an A plus game I favor the Timberwolves right size length right size all that athleticism all that but I can’t see them beating them four because the M good team four times in a row that’s a lot yeah yeah yeah that’s a lot but what do you make of the the fatigue because Boston’s wrestling yes yeah now this is my my my thing with the fatigue part right cuz we both retired now I think one team that’s rusted I think that helps them out but I’ve also been on teams where man I didn’t like always having a buy right cuz you kind of get rusty now now Luka now now the difference is from fatigue to injuries now if you if you injured now I think okay you need to rest but if you fatigue you won get over that because this team is chilling we open them by weeks bro and look I know we relax and all that we not practicing super hard you eating bad food you relaxing right and you got knocked the rest off there is and you know this obviously as a businessman after Des there is the law of diminishing returns where a good thing eventually becomes a bad thing right like you can hydrate you can hydrate you can hydrate till you have water log wait I thought hydrating was a good thing yeah there comes a point where it’s no longer a good thing having rest is great we all know that in sports but eventually there’s something about rhythmic there’s something about timing there’s something about Tendencies if the Celtics end up sitting for nine days which I believe they will end up sitting for the M would have a competitive Advantage if the MTH sit for four if the MAV sit for five but if the Mavs can only sit for one or two now all of a sudden turn but that’s if the Mavs are healthy and that’s why it scares me because Luca’s knee is banged up you see Luca out there hobbling right porzingis is resting right now he’s going to have an opportunity to come back like the Boston Celtics are going to be really fresh Lively already out so you guys are banged up usually when you looking at your football schedule if you got a by week week five you like dang oh after week five we got got to go to distance 10 15 games you know what I’m saying somebody get hurt so if you going into the bye week 10 and you like oh we we about to get some back that’s what you want you want to finish this out so Luca caress Lively caress and you can get to the finals healthy right now they are banged up and that is not a good thing going into the fin what about them teams where like guys are banged up right and they have all this time off and they’re finally healthy they may take a little time and then they come back to the lineup and they look Rusty look bad right that’s why you always see these these coaches when guys are hurt and they come back healthy they they start him off the bench we seen Steph Curry do this right kawi Leonard we seen he come back they look different they you know what hold up man we look better without you so what I’m saying is I get I get what you’re saying but sometimes man when you have too much R I give you example I remember having like the by weeks right and you come back now you are more rested right you are more healthier but damn first play y I’m TI you Hey Hey Hey DJ you you tired I’m tired that’s part of it though this this but this this muscle memory thing is real when you be tired and you can still you find a way to to get through the game how did I do that muscle memory compared to I Ain do nothing all week and I get out there right and they running around still and I’m tired you feel that it depends how you’re going into that by- we too if you’re going into that by- we and you like man offensive line rolling I got a rhythm with the offensive line we playing really really well then you don’t really want to B we but if you struggling you like oo that got got to do some adjust Celtics work the Celtics are rolling that’s what I’m saying so we good going into this by we you’ve just you really you you skipped past all your oppon rolling five wins five wins four wins probably don’t even need them eight n games off like the Celtics have been good we will see how it plays out subscribe here to get the latest from speak and go watch a few segments from our other shows on FS1

Emmanuel Acho, Joy Taylor, LeSean McCoy and James Jones debate on whether the Minnesota Timberwolves will make the Western Conference Finals a series after their Game 4 win. They then discuss whether the Dallas Mavericks will regret not finishing the job in four games or not.

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Will Timberwolves make WCF a series, Mavs regret not closing it out in Game 4? | NBA | SPEAK



  1. So the Wolves are not tired anymore? That narrative is all of sudden dead huh?
    Timberwolves, Wolves pack, Wolverhampton.. Mavs in šŸ–ļø

  2. MJ wouldnā€™t go down 0-3. Stop the comps. His stats early career donā€™t even line up with MJ. Even on his own team, heā€™s not the difference maker, itā€™s KAT. Thereā€™s so much disrespect toward KAT, Luka, and Kai. Not to mention the contributions of Naz.

  3. If Lively plays in game 5 its a wrap šŸ«” and kyrie will be aggressive from tip-off. He's getting more than 16 in game 5.

  4. Game five will be crucial, fouls and turnovers has to be avoided by both teams. If lively comes back, wolves will definitely have to put a body on him when blocking out the boards and posting up on the blocks. Wolves got to get kat going and have Anderson continued his work in this series, McDaniels will explode on both ends of the court; reid and gobert & the bench will show up.

  5. Naw when joy hated on Luka the other day actin like Luka and Jason Tatum were on the same level was crazy,shady lowkey set her straight saying heā€™d never take Jason Tatum over Luka.but when she was tryna be funny saying Luka isnā€™t Jesus no he isnā€™t but yall think ā€œJustin Herbertā€is!but naw Luka is the best in the league,no he doesnā€™t have a chip yet,it took Mike 6 yrs and by his 3rd yr in the league everyone knew he was the best!

  6. Yal act like Lively makes a difference, look at the score, the games could pf literally went either way. The only real difference is one team has Luka and Kyrie, the other has Ant and Kat. If the Mavs win, its beacuse of Luka and Kyrie for the most part. Not because of some nobody. If youre a basketball fan and actually look at it. The Wolves only lose because they beat themselves, not because of what the Mavs are doing.

  7. Yal act like Lively makes a difference, look at the score, the games could pf literally went either way. The only real difference is one team has Luka and Kyrie, the other has Ant and Kat. If the Mavs win, its beacuse of Luka and Kyrie for the most part. Not because of some nobody. If youre a basketball fan and actually look at it. The Wolves only lose because they beat themselves, not because of what the Mavs are doing.

  8. Never seen Minnesota so happy to win a game. They celebrated like they won the NBA Finals. Felt really proud beating a team with injured Luka, old Kie, injured Kebler, and no Lively.

  9. The show is getting very boring to watch and it's summer time already… Joy needs to wear better than this for us to keep watching this

  10. So lively didnā€™t play, Luca was a little off on the shooting, Washington and Jones were cold, Kyrie had a terrible game, and Minnesota played their best team game according to you guys and they won by five points. So what youā€™re saying is they have absolutely no chance if any of those factors donā€™t happen

  11. They not rolling they played bad to lesser teams and they was hurt thatā€™s not rolling šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

  12. As a Mavs fan, I blame the loss entirely on 20 yr old Lively being out and give the Timberwolves no credit whatsoever, in any way, for their win. I hate them.

  13. Minnesota got desperate to win one game because they didn't want to get Swept by Dallas, but just remember, Dallas only need just one game to move on to the Finals. And right now I think Dallas just might be a little angry about losing at home so it could over in Minnesota in game five………… (BNAIC)šŸ˜

  14. As a Mavs fan, i cant think of a single ref decision that I've been upset with this series. Not one. That seems very odd, to me.

  15. Bogus Ref calls on KAT and easy for ref to get away with the calls because of the narrative on KAT. KAT is not going to watch a player shoot; he needs to contest. Ref need to stop blowing dem whistles… Wolves just needed one game.

  16. This series is over and the championship would have been fun if Minnesota could have made it. Nobody wants to watch Boston and the Mav in the championship the antman would have made it fun.

  17. Wolves coach is not great at all. Great coach would have supported KAT in Game 3 with his missed shots knowing KAT had an off game. Vs blaming KAT as if he is trying to save his job. Don't get too arrogant because Antman is buying into the system. America has seen terrible coaching : watching leads dwindle and momentum shift 0 timeout, forcing your star offense player to be primary defender Kyrie was a waste of time and energy, benching Antman and Conley leaving your team helpless with ball control, and tons and tons more… Not to leave out media on mic – 0 accountability.

  18. Good teams find a way to win, give credit to the Wolves for the win. Mavs will close out tonight if Luka and Kyrie both show up

  19. So we not gone mention they just so happen to win with our center Lively out šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø

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