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Detroit Pistons Free Agent Targets | Is Malik Monk Worth $25 Million?

Detroit Pistons Free Agent Targets | Is Malik Monk Worth $25 Million?

I don’t know how you know far you’ve go go gone into free agency maybe guys that you like there’s one guy that I’ve been very vocal on and I think when you look at him he makes sense for the Detroit Pistons he makes sense in terms of the type of players that I think they need and that’s Malik monk so there was a report earlier this week that Malik monk could could command $25 million per year so my question to you Jeff are you willing are are you willing to pay a guy like Malik monk $25 million a year to come to Detroit okay so there’s uh there there’s a lot of angles I’ll start with this before we even get into Malik monk you’re going to have to overpay for anybody to come to Detroit so I know from from like you know someone is someone like me who’s been an NBA fan my entire life you look at some of these contracts and we always think in our mind does this player does he deserve this money but it’s not always the case it’s this player going to Detroit going to this team is he should he get this money and I think for the for at least what he brings oh yeah I I I I think M here’s the thing you have to think okay well does Malik monk bring spacing does he bring someone who can come off your bench and give you what he look at what he did with the Kings like yeah there’s value with that 25 is a lot of money okay I get I understand that it’s a ton of money and and I know a lot of people would say it’s an overpay there are probably players you can get to space the floor and not pay $25 million to be completely Fair even though if you’re looking at starter level players you’re gonna have to overpay for them regardless but I’m I I’m I want Malik monk in Detroit I think he’d be a great fit 25 probably a little Hefty but like if he’s if he’s one of your if you’re if you’re one of your your your number one number two number three Targets in free agency and he’s like listen I’ll come to the Pistons but you got to pay this amount maybe it’s a shorter term deal whatever it is then yeah I mean just just pay them I mean you you can’t have $60 million in cap space and not do jack with it like there’s that argument too it’s like you have cap space for a reason you want to bring Talent you want to bring talent to the Pistons you’re gonna have to overpay unfortunately so like we got to get that out of our head as well so I’m comfortable with it I’m not in love with 25 per year to Mal monk uh Anthony but at the end of the day it’s like if you want guys if you want good basketball players you’re gonna have to pay you know so that that’s really what it comes down to yeah I do agree with that I think if you don’t want to go with monk I think there are other shooting guards like buddy heeld who’s a little bit older but he he shown that he’s a very consistent three-point shooter obviously if you did watch the 76ers in the playoffs he didn’t really have the best performance but I still think that buddy Hill would be a really good fit in Detroit uh you also have guys that are a little bit younger uh Gary Trent Jr who I’ve been incredibly high on seems like every time the Raptors came to town he would torch the Pistons for whatever reason I don’t know it’s like a Revenge game I think those are other shooting guards that you could Target um I’m not even going to mention Klay Thompson I would not overpay for Klay Thompson if I’m the Pistons uh let Orlando do that let Philly do that just kind of pass on the Klay Thompson experience um or maybe you go wild and you say hey Demar Dwayne cas’s in the front office come to Detroit who knows but I I do think they are going to upgrade that shooting guard position I think there are some options out there that the Pistons could go down I I just kind of think Malik monk checks a lot of boxes so if you were to give him I don’t know two for you know 50 I wouldn’t be opposed to that but yeah who knows if he wants to stay he might want like a you know four for a 100 um I personally don’t think he’s going to stay in Sacramento even though there is a connection there with him and dearn fox I think it’s a chance for him to get the bag Maybe goes back to the team that drafted him in Charlotte you you never really know and I’m with you by the way I want to uh respond to your Gary Trent Jr uh you brought him up I think he’s also a really good fit I think and I I don’t know what Gary Trent Jr would command and if he’s commanding a little less than Malik monk I would rather have Gary Trent Jr um in my I think the shooting is there takes a lot of Threes he can make them he’s a he’s a formidable Defender like I think he fits that you see a common theme with the player we’re bringing up here like you two guards that can space the floor obviously the taller they are the more the more intrigued I am uh because of the versatility there but like I’m I if it’s Malik monk you know buddy hee I’d be okay with but you know I’m uncomfortable with it but defensively you know there’s probably some problems there but shooting is the number one priority to me and if you’re getting it in buddy here Malik monk or Gary Tren Jr Anthony I’m on board I’m comfortable with it I’m curious what a price point for Gary Trent Jr would be that would probably be my question I could I could see like 15 to like 20 personally I would rather I would rather pay 15 to 20 for him if I’m being honest than Malik monk 25 yeah uh like I I think when you you look at Gary Trent I know some people are like well he’s you know inconsistent like you you kind of compare him and Buddy Hill their stats are damn near identical and Gary Trent is a lot younger than buddy heel so I I would Bank on his PO of getting better um but I did want to talk about monk for a little bit because I know a lot of Pistons fans have been really vocal uh on him as a fit and just kind of that six-man role that he did take with the Kings I mean I’m not going to go as far as Brandon Jennings saying that he’s better than Donovan Mitchell but I I I like him I like him uh you know Brandon Jennings man I I love Brandon Jennings but man he say he says some crazy sometimes yeah he does yeah that was Wild by the way love I love Brandon Jennings as a personality but that was just that was blasphemy to quote Stephen A Smith that blasphemy right there absolutely honestly man [Music] oh [Music]

This Week On Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Jeff Iafrate the topic of discussion was free agent SG the Pistons could go after.

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  1. If you want a wing , get KCP…we can give him 15/20 MIL/Year(what the Nuggets pay him) with a diferent role in Detroit,…for me , he is the better choice in that position.

  2. 25mil is not over paying,it’s the market,Monk next to Cade would be a legit problem,Gary Trent Jr would be a good fit also!!!

  3. The Pistons really have a chance of greatly improving this team this off season if they make the right moves and bring in the right guys

  4. I think people complaining about monks money because he avg 15 pts a game. If you boost his minutes from 23 minutes to 35 mins i think his production will be worth 25 mill a season. I like trent too.

  5. People realize Cade, Ivey, Ausar and Grimes are all SG right? Plus Sasser makes five guards.

    We don't need another guard. Especially anyone under 6'5". We need wings.

    And unless you radically change the roster (i.e. trade Ivey) then Monk makes zero sense on this team.

    Hell, even setting Ivey aside, Monk makes zero sense with Cade. We don't play a style that will make him worth $10m let alone $25m. We dont play with movement. We don't run guards off handoffs and staggers.

    $25m for a guy to stand in the corner and be bad on defense? Just sign Gary Trent Jr for $15m. He's a better defender and a better spot up shooter (42% to 39% last 3 yr)

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