@Orlando Magic

EP. 423 – ’24 Forward Grades – Orlando Magic Podcast

EP. 423 – ’24 Forward Grades – Orlando Magic Podcast

this is the sixthman show an Orlando Magic podcast with your hosts Luke Sylvia and Jonathan Osborne covering all things Magic Basketball by fans for fans go [Music] magic what’s going on Orlando Magic fans you guys are back with the six-man show today is May 30th 2024 Jonathan Osborne and this evening as we record I’m joined by Kevin Tucker Kevin what’s going on buddy how are you you know doing pretty good you said uh May 30th that reminded me that this would be the 15th anniversary today of the magic beating the Cavs in 2009 to go to the NBA finals I’m pretty sure that happened on May 30th yeah May 30th 2009 different outome against the Cavs that year than this year but yeah that was still one of the best nights of my freaking life that was incedible it’s hard to believe it’s been 15 years though yeah definitely better times looking forward to to those types of uh those moments again something that I felt you know that that we should talk about at the the top here I know there’s been some heavy you know life updates uh over the course of the last few episodes unfortunately we have another one um if you’ve been on Orlando Magic Twitter uh at any time you know during the last decade Plus uh you may be familiar uh with a a woman that many people affectionately refer to as Mama Bear uh Deb uh uh her handle was Deb swim 2010 on Twitter uh unfortunately as we record this on Wednesday earlier today uh we got news that she suddenly and unexpectedly passed away um I’ve been interacting with with Deb on Twitter for the better part of the last decade um she’s a massive Orlando Magic fan massive Miami Dolphins fan was just really entrenched in both of those communities uh on Twitter just beloved by hundreds if not thousands of sports fans uh around Florida and really across the globe uh just super sad to to hear the news um just really at a loss you know any anytime that somebody passes unexpectedly you know it’s hard to find the the words to say um what is saddening me more uh but also lifting my spirits a bit is seeing everybody share their stories about Deb on Twitter uh you whether that be you know people who um have lost a loved one in in the past and and Deb would just periodically check in with them to to see how they’re doing uh or people just talk talking about their their run-ins with her and their interactions with her uh always a very positive and optimistic fan when it came to come you know talking about her sports teams um and just a a very kind very funny person in general um she’s she’s going to be deeply deeply missed um it it was crazy earlier today she was actually trending on Twitter at at one point just that shows you how many people that she touched and this is a a newer feature on Twitter that I really wasn’t familiar with on my for you page the Twitter AI entity called Gro I guess put this together and it was a it was a trending topic on my account it says beloved fan Deb passes mourned by Magic and dolphins and it says Deb a beloved figure in the Orlando Magic and Miami Dolphins fan communities passed away suddenly leaving a significant impact on both fan bases known for her kindness positive it and unwavering support for her teams Deb’s death has led to an outgoing excuse me an outpouring of grief and condolences from fans and followers on X prominent figures in the sports Community including team reporters and fans expressed their sorrow and shared memories of Deb highlighting her significant influence and the void her passing has created and one thing that I thought was really classy and really touching was Jaylen Ramsay you know a corner for the the Miami Dolphins tweeted out like rest in peace you know and and and tagged her Twitter handle so just a really really sad day Kev yeah it’s um first off SL slightly scary that the Twitter AI thing put that that whole almost obituary together that’s awesome and slightly terrifying but also you know seriously though just a good reminder you know the importance of kind of leaving a legacy like we all we’re all going to leave a legacy you know it’s just a matter of what kind of impact we get to make on people around us so obviously um our condolences to her family um I don’t know her personally you know I know a lot of people on Magic switter got to you know meet her in person hang out with her in person and stuff like that and so I don’t know her family situation or anything like that but to those who are closest to her obviously our condolences and um yeah she obviously left a a big impact on on a lot a lot of people so she’ll be missed yeah and the last thing that I want to say um one of her her closer friends jeie hegau which we’ve we’ve retweeted this tweet the family has put together a cash app account you know if you’d like to um you know make any type of you know charitable you donation or um you know just help them with with some of the the things that they’re dealing with now and they’re they’re working on you know uh those service plans for for Deb so uh We’ve retweeted that so if you’d like to go to our our Twitter account you can find the uh details uh around that cash app um and and we um would just like to take a moment moment of silence here to remember Deb okay we are going to try to to move along uh in the episode here as best we can uh in a little bit we are going to talk about the forward grades we’ve already gone through we’ve done the Orlando Magic guards a couple episodes ago our last episode we focused on the Orlando Magic uh centers this episode we’re going to be talking about the Big D dos Palo ban Carol fron vogner obviously to name a couple of those guys before we get to that we do have the earliest draft workout news posted earlier today by Cody Taylor Cody Taylor uh you covers the the magic for USA Today uh he tweeted that the magic have hosted their first uh workout in malavi Leons uh forward out of the Mountain Valley Conference from Bradley he was the two-time Mountain Valley Conference defensive player of the year he’s a big dude 69 210 definitely fits the uh Jeff welman mold this year which was his senior season average 13.8 points per game shot 48% from the floor 34.1% from the three-point line added 7.1 rebounds 1.3 assists one and a half steals one and a half blocks and is renowned as one of the best defenders in the country and then another uh confirmed workout for uh Washington States Jaylen Wells 68 205 pound Jr average 12.6 points per game this year shot 43% from the floor 41.7% from the three-point line on almost five attempts per game added 4.6 rebounds and 1.2 assists per game so uh Magic there with the the 18th pick just a couple of names to to pay attention to if you’re going to be paying attention to the draft as we move closer and our draft coverage is is getting ready to ramp up here as we get closer to the draft now Kev like I mentioned we went through the the guards with Luke who by the way Luke has uh been moving the the last couple of weeks and is without internet so that’s why um he hasn’t been on the the last couple of episodes um he’s not gone just yet anybody that that might be wondering about that um but yeah Luke and I talked about the guards a couple episodes ago Kevin and myself we talked about the the centers on the last episode let’s go ahead and and let’s talk about these Orlando Magic forwards I just want to start right out of the gate Palo banero the most fun obviously to to talk about the the franchise uh the best player the guy our guy Paulo banero just to give you some numbers uh in this year which was his 21y year Age season appeared in 80 games only missed two games because of that illness after the All-Star break just incredibly durable if there weren’t guys coughing and sneezing all over the place um in Palo ban Caro’s locker room then um you know maybe he is the the Iron Man this year plays in all 82 games uh averaged 35 minutes per game in those 80 games this year averaged 22.6 points per game 6.9 rebounds 5.4 assists 0.9 steals 0.6 block shot 45.5% from the floor 33.9% from the three-point line averaged 49.3% on twoo field goals had an effective field goal percentage of 49.7 and shot 72.5% at the free throw line going to the playoffs where I I think it’s hard to say this just after one playoff series but all early signs indicate that Palo banko is a playoff Riser uh played two and a half more minutes per game in the playoffs average five and a half more points per game in the playoffs uh had a better field goal percentage better three-point uh percentage in in in the in the playoffs better effective field goal percentage and better free throw percentage in the playoffs almost two more rebounds per game the assists fell a little bit because he was carrying more of the offensive load and because other guys couldn’t make shots at all that is absolutely correct uh that probably has a lot to do with it his assist probably would have been a bit better if guys could shoot the ball and a just better than a steel per game in the playoffs just absolutely fantastic um I don’t know if we’re going to call this an oncore on the what should have been unanimous Rookie of the Year season that Palo benero had but was as good as advertised in his rookie year and some somehow found a way to be better in his second year and was even better in the playoffs Kevin I mean in some ways we can make this the longest segment of all these you know breakdown of positions in some ways this might be the shortest because I mean wow like what are you going to pick apart like you’re going to pick apart turnovers okay that’s that’s fine know you could be better at turnovers you know free throw percentage I mean sure shoot the ball better what else I mean you know I mean when you’re asking me like I know we’re going to get to the letter grade what can you I mean the guy was unbelievable second year Allstar by the way in his second year I mean just an incredible showing you know there’s always this concern about the sophomore slump and all those things and coming into this season you just obviously have no idea what to expect you know you see a guy in his first year and you’re like what are we going to see in year two and so for him to surpass all of that and again it’s not just about the stats the stats are great right he made he got better this season but just the eye test right like him taking over games taking over moments especially in the playoffs like you mentioned Far and Away the best player in a magic uniform in the series and I would even argue over the course of seven games was probably the most consistently best player in the whole series if that makes sense right like yeah donov Mitchell had a a 50 point game six and whatever he had 30 Something game seven all that stuff but games three and four you know I mean pretty much disappeared you know pal obviously maybe didn’t shoot the ball the best in game one of those first two games I can’t remember which one one it was but over on over the course of the whole seven games I think paa was the best player in the series on both teams I really believe that and so I again for me I just there’s nothing to pick upart again turnovers yeah free throw shooting those things will get better over time uh so for me I mean it’s a resounding I would say a plus I’m give it a just for the turnovers they still bother me but I’ll give pal benaron a for this season I mean just I’m so grateful grateful to have him in in Magic uniform yeah the increase in turnovers this year is rookie season averaged 2.8 this year there was an increase to 3.1 averaged almost two assists better this season so I I do not that I give him a pass but it’s a little bit more palatable when you take that into account that he he was able to generate you know more looks for other guys the 4.6 turnovers per game in the playoffs hurts you know he had like the nine turnover first game whatever that was which inflates that quite a bit um but yeah that would be the the big knock on him obviously there are still areas in which he needs to improve upon you know you want to see the the handle you know he’s got the bag right but you would like to see the handle on a possession byy possession basis be a little bit tighter make some better decisions you know with the basketball in terms of passing he’s right at seven rebounds per game which I I don’t hate that’s a good number to be at I think he can get higher I think he can get closer to eight rebounds per game like to see that and then the the the shooting obviously and the shot selection you want to see maybe less of those tested twos a little bit more of of him you know getting to the rim and getting to the free throw line uh the free throw attempts were down just a little bit compared to last year uh but I feel like he was so effective there his rookie year it was almost like the officiating they felt like they had to adjust a little bit and not give him so much of the benefit of the doubt this year which maybe we’ll see it swing back the other way and and maybe he’ll take some more advantage of those opportunities and get to the free throw line a bit more uh but overwhelmingly like you just look at the numbers in in most categories he was just better this year um and overall more efficient I gave pal B Care on a I I couldn’t get there with the the A+ just because I don’t know it just felt weird to give a a guy that was so good already and we had super high expectations for coming into the season uh but I gave palb and Caro an a as well and at the same time it also feels feels weird not to give him an A+ you know like because of who he is and because of what he stands for and what he means to this team it feels weird to give him not give an A+ but for the sake of this exercise I’m going to give him an A but I mean even just like we didn’t really really mention the three-o percentage like 29% you know year one jumped up to 30 basically 34% this year on more attempts yeah he’s he’s not going to take another 5% you know jump here but I mean he’s he’s knocking on the door of League average right there which already in year coming up on year three basically to be doing that is again if he adds that where even if he gets above League average from there I mean he is going to be so lethal I mean we saw it in the playoffs 40% in the playoffs I mean I don’t six attempts a game yeah good grief surround him with some better Shooters and those assist numbers will go up too I mean it’s just it’s awesome I’m just yeah it’s it’s so cool that we have him it really is well the first couple of weeks of the Season you look up and it’s like okay like we’re two three weeks in the season the dude is shooting over 40% from the three-point line probably isn’t going to end up there but yeah if he can get into the 36 37% range like we already know the dude is going to be absolutely lethal but that would just add another element to it like that is what I think could take his ceiling from like you know one of the best players of this generation to like alltime great range if he were to get to that upper 30% from the three-point line because then it’s just like the dude is 610 250 get to any spot that he wants on the floor he’s big enough to blow you know through you he’s quick enough to go around you and then if you have to guard him at every spot on the floor he’s he just literally becomes Unstoppable so uh yeah that’s a that’s a development that we’re going to continue to pay attention to and when you think about the fact that last year he did the USA basketball stuff doesn’t look like he’s going to be doing that this year so no him with a a fully healthy offseason to just really focus on himself and focus on his game really excited to see palano in year three y okay let’s move on to it’s going to be a fun conversation maybe not as fun because there there are some some more concerns with this next player let’s talk about our guy fron Vagner the uh reigning world champion fron Vagner so in this year his age 22 season played in 72 games this year missed you know some time with the the ankle injury um he appeared against 72 games 32.5 minutes per game average 19 .7 points per game this year 5.3 rebounds 3.7 assists just over a steal a game 1.9 turnovers he shot 48.2% from the floor uh 28.1% from the three-point line shot 57% on twos and had an effective field goal percentage of 52.5 Kevin France fogner oh man obviously if you watch this team All Season you you kind of know what the journey has been like with with fron this season the the obviously overwhelming glaring issue this season was the long ball right 28% and and it’s not even just the numbers we talk about the eye you know the eye test with palowitz the eye test even with Fran’s three-point shooting this season I mean it just it looked flat all season long um and so in some ways that’s concerning you know I’m not a a shot expert you know I I will never pretend to be anything close to that I don’t know what it takes to fix that I don’t know if you know some people think he’s doomed you know some people say he did it for a whole year he’s doomed he’s like this forever some people say oh it can be fixed I don’t know I don’t know what’s going to happen but I do know obviously he struggled and optically it looked bad it looked bad all season long um but outside of that I mean the fact you know he shot better from everywhere else on the floor which is kind of surprising again you know watching him I’m surprised to see those numbers but um yeah it it it hurt the most obviously in the playoffs poo needed a running mate more than anything he got it in was it game six when when frons had his his best game I don’t remember what game I think it was game six but outside of that I mean didn’t really didn’t really help pal out a lot especially on the road and obviously everyone’s going to talk about game seven where where Fran’s really kind of you know laid an egg there but yeah so overall it’s tough you know fron was so good in year one like especially compared to what the expectations for like just blew everything out of the water and then year two he’s also very good and so year three obviously you want to see him take another step and just didn’t quite get there mainly because of the three ball so um for grade again just to remind everybody if you missed the first two episodes when we’re talking about these grades it’s it’s compared to our expectations coming into this season it’s not like compared to the rest of the league compared to anything it’s like when we came into this season what did you expect France to do and then how did he live up to that right and so for me I I think I gota give him like probably a c for fron this year because uh yeah I just really wanted to see that next level obviously we saw powo take a jump we saw Jaylen take a jump most people consider consider fron to be the third part of that Trio and the jump just wasn’t there in a lot of ways now there are other parts of his game that I thought he was fine um but we really really needed that that that helper for poo this season and there were a lot of games where where he came up short so that’s where I am Jonathan yeah for me uh even though like we’re going off of expectations like overwhelmingly he was so good and was such a big part of everything the magic were able to do this year sure can I point to you know maybe seven or eight games this year that were you relatively meaningful games that he struggled a little bit in and and led us to have conversations about like hey like this guy isn’t showing up in in these big Marquee matchups absolutely but when you take a look at the other you know 73 74 games whatever it is was so good was so consistent um even though the three-point percentage wasn’t there like literally just F like fell off a cliff like I don’t know how many times we’ve seen a guy uh regress by almost eight percentage points in in one season for a guy that you know looks like he’s a relatively you know decent shooter at least uh you career high on your twoo uh field goal percentage was just off of last year in terms of overall field goal percentage last year was 48.5 this year 48.2 even given how bad the shooting was he was still relatively efficient last year 54.3 effective field goal percentage this year 52.5 effective field goal percentage uh more efficient at the free throw line this year more free throw attempts more rebounds per game more assists per game more steals per game turnovers were down blocks were up points were up like for the most across the board fron Varner improved this year adding you know what he gives you on a night toight basis you know on on the defensive end um and just took another step this year in terms of offensive responsibility I gave France a be minus like close to a C+ but it it just felt weird for me giving him a c so I just gave him that that B minus because in all of those other areas he was so good and even if like maybe he wasn’t great from the three-point but even if he was just like a little bit better like if he was like a 32 or 33% I think all of us would be like man fron just had a a fantastic season because everywhere else like like you look at field goal percentage effective field goal percentage he shoots like 32 33% which is not great but isn’t quite as bad as he shot it this year yeah like he’s averaging over 20 points per game like everything is up with this guy so I I just couldn’t go with a c but I I’m not I’m not I rate about your grade yeah no you you do make a fair point I I think part of what what I in the fair point I’m saying you make is his consistency over the course of the whole season because you’re right the beginning of the season the first what is this three months or so of the Season some of his best basketball of the season I think probably where it hurts the most is it kind of left a a bad taste in my mouth with how towards the end of the regular season went and then like I said the playoffs now playoffs he had two really really good games right it was game four and game six where you know he had 34 and 26 um but it’s it’s those other ones especially the ones in Cleveland you know obviously in the game seven one you can’t judge one player off of one a player season off of one game right it it’s just the weight of that game seven does weigh pretty pretty heavily compared to the other 86 well 88 games that he played in right so no you can’t base It Off off of one game but that game did mean more than all the others so all that combined yeah I’m still going to stick with my grade but you do make a fair point he was consistent in a lot of ways but again just kind of fell off especially towards the end of the season but you’re right just get that shooting percentage up a little bit a little bit and I don’t know what that takes but it’s got to get it’s got to get back up to somewhere in a more normal range yeah I and I just took a look um really quickly and what his uh like splits would have looked like had he shot like 33% from the floor so on the year he shot I just had it here he shot 94 of 334 if he would have shot 33% it would have been 110 out of 334 which would have bumped him all you know a little bit more than half Point per game so then like all of these you know percentages are higher than they are he’s over 20 points per game would have been the first time that we’ve had two 20 point per game for S Shack and Penny like all the historic stuff would have come out and it just would have been an incredible season for fron I don’t know exactly what the answer is unfortunately the answer for France cannot be rest you would think okay he’s got an offseason to work on this not really he’s got Olympic basketball coming up you know for Germany would love to see them go deep in the tournament but it’s also like man if Germany doesn’t make it out of like their group and France has another few weeks to like rest up and and work on the the shooting and figure that out like maybe France doesn’t get back to 36% from the three-point line next year but if he can get back to 34 35% at least start trending in the right direction because when you look at his form it’s not terrible sometimes his shot trajectory is a little bit flat when you would like to see more of an arc there uh but this guy is still shooting 85% from the free throw line the form isn’t broken he’s relatively you know that’s really efficient at the free throw line uh I I do believe that fron is is GNA figure it out we’ll be just fine I’m not calling into his question like his ceiling or oh is he a third option I’m not I’m not ready to have those conversations I I think it’s way too early to do that now does he have another year next year where he struggles to shoot the ball like this then I I’ll be ready to you know have more of a conversation as it pertains to his shooting but uh overall for me still feel incredibly positive about France voder you know his future as a as a number two on this team and all that good stuff yeah years one and two I mean absolutely solidified that for me there’s some people that are you know hitting the panic button online I’m not even close to that like no he’s absolutely still Pal’s running mate those those guys are still Batman and Robin take your pick who’s who but like yeah give me both of those guys absolutely the other thing I just add is different than last summer the Olympics end a month earlier than the World Cup right so the the the Olympics end I think like August 11th or something like that um whereas the fee World Cup ended in September so hopefully it’s a little more condensed summer for fron and for Mo as well and they’ll get some time on the back end of the summer to get ready for the NBA season yeah and I think the like Olympic tournament in general won’t be as stretched out as the World Cup is you know the World Cup it felt like it was like three weeks long which the Olympics I think is is pretty close to that when you think about all like the friendlies that they they played in and and sort of that um elongated like warm-up stretch you know for for those teams now on the flip side not as much time to rest between the end of the season and the Olympics especially when you consider that that you know the magic had a longer season but maybe that’ll just mean that he’ll be more in Rhythm you know won’t be as Rusty going into that and if hey he’s hitting step back threes uh you know to to win these games like we saw you know a couple of years ago um it wasn’t the feeble World Cup what was it the year before Euro basket basket yeah when he hit the the three on on Giannis he starts doing stuff like that again in the Olympics and I mean I’ll be purchasing even more frond stock that that I already have I’ll be I’ll be calling my account and getting that figured out we’re going to take a quick break here uh just to give a special shout out to our patrons the folks that help support each and every episode um help us do everything that we do here like quite literally if you would like to support the show and help us continue the mission here of creating you know more magic fans you know making them more knowledgeable and and and more passionate all that kind of good stuff you can find us at p the6 man show where we have a few different tiers that you can choose from part of our Elite and Hall of Fame tier benefits is that we give each and every one of those patrons a very special shout out every episode so we are going to start by giving a shout out to court cousins and then going to Drew Gooden Armen Carson tulo Ellis Jonathan borgas normal magic player history Gabe Gaines wiffle Michael Martin Jamal Miller Michael salop pong Donkey Punch Dave pal and France’s warmth Pier a Dylan Holden Mr Mikey Dan will Skinner goie 93 Teddy Sylvia Dak Lopez fuchsia Bill Folton Emon lagone Jose esand cayb Pete cannibalism time Mr TV ESPN really sucks gear 95 shred Junior Bruce half freen shahan Bobby the dawn himo Ben hro rmpr 221 Ray pastr Magic Kid 714 mysterious Mosley Victor cologne Irish Magic Mike Austin lampy random hustle only fron Maria Keith wall Fritz current cev RV s Case green Santi Leon Kane Eckler the distract Amad simsa chantu Tom Gadson dead air Richard Tuttle Jeremiah Cano magic wire Debo 1980 magic mat Michael Thompson Mama Richmond next nap but what’s up playoffs 2024 Dylan Fay Sammy David Duffy Smith Sheiks Bueno time Santino 1995 Suggs mugs Derek Smith Daniel Anderson Barry and mael canny a big shout out to all of our patrons again find us at the6 man show now continuing with the forward here here now that we’ve got the the big guns out of the way uh we’re going to move on to a guy that I thought about including with the guards but there were just so many guards uh the old man on the team Joe Engles so talking about Joe Engles the the Magic’s uh really their biggest free agency acquisition from off season ago this year in his age 36 season he appeared in 68 games played 17.2 minutes per game for the magic averaged 4.4 points per game 2.1 rebounds three assists 0.6 steals one turnover per game shot 43.6% from the floor 43.5% from behind the arc 43.9% on two-point field goals had an effective field goal percentage of almost 60% and shot 82.4% from the free throw line I want to take a look at the playoff numbers really quickly in seven games 9.7 minutes per game 1 Point six points per game 1.9 rebounds 1.7 assists shot 33% from the floor 28.6% from behind the arc not a great playoff showing from the veteran Joe Engles but Kevin what are your overall feelings of Joe Angel season so he was a guy coming into this you know out of this off season that I just had no idea what to expect you know when a guy comes to the the magic and he shot you know 40 something per you know from three for his career I’m thinking he’s coming in you know Off the Bench to be a spot-up shooter I know that wasn’t his role you know seasons pass but I was like surely he’s just coming here to be a spot-up shooter he’s getting old which by the way it’s weird hearing you say that he’s this this is his year of his 36th you know age year his age season and I always think Joe Eng Les is so old like the dude I mean he’s so much older than me and then you find out he’s 36 and he’s that means he’s 4 years older than me like that makes my stomach turn so thank you for that yeah so he was like a senior in high school when you were in like eighth grade thank you for that thank you so much but yeah he’s just so much older than me um anyway you know him coming here I was like okay Twilight of his career he’s just going to be a spot-up shooter come coming off the bench and just knock down just hang out in the corner we’ll kick it out to you so I I I’ve talked about this on the show the role that he took on this season as a a primary again I know he did this in past season I didn’t expect that here so for him to continue that as a primary ball handler for large stretches of games surprised me however it it worked in stretches right obviously we talked on the last episode about his connection with Mo um and that worked in stretches um however you know when you look at at what the magic probably needed to sign in the off season versus the you know output that we got from Joe on the one hand it’s hard to argue with the bench unit that was so good for such a long stretch in the season on the other hand it’s also hard to argue with the bench unit that collapsed down the stretch and in the playoffs right and so it’s like a tale of two halves for Joe and for that entire bench unit and so for me again when you think about what the magic needed in the off season versus what they got did it do it for you I don’t know now on the off thec court side of things I think Joe Engles is a fantastic presence to have right I mean all the players love Joe Engles the staff that we know love Joe Engles like great guy in your locker room great guy to have off the court great influence on the team and he’s just probably one of the funniest players we’ve ever had in a magic uniform like the guy is hilarious all those things combined versus my expectations for him it’s hard because my expectations were so different than what ended up happening um but again versus what I I H to get in a in a free agent acquisition I’m probably right there back at the C Level for Joe Engles for me for this season for me funny and enough I felt that Joe is the hardest guy to grade out of all of the forwards because of a lot of what you mentioned like we expected this guy to come you know I mean the last couple of Seasons you know I I know it was coming off of the ACL but the year prior in Milwaukee uh averaged 4.4 attempts from behind the ark the year before that in Utah uh before the ACL tear averaged five three-point attempts per game now you know those years he was playing close to 25 minutes and almost 23 minutes so the role was a lot different uh but his role was different here uh compared to what I expected I expected to see more you know four three-point attempts per game Off the Bench maybe not as much ball handling so for me it was it was hard to grade Joe because it’s was like well he didn’t give us as much three-point shooting really as I would have liked now he gave you spaces you know space in those situations because of his gravity and his reputation as a shooter um but we didn’t really just see that effect materialize in points per game you know 4.4 points per game uh this season and then you look at okay well he was like the primary ball handler in a lot of situations Off the Bench well he averaged three assists per game so it’s like really how much of an impact is he making and I feel like that is oversimplifying the impact that Joe Engles had because again the bench unit was so great and you know there are are plenty of those instances of that you know Mojo pick and roll you where Mo gets it and you know maybe he doesn’t go right to the basket and you know a dribble or two maybe it takes him a little bit longer to get there but just helped facilitate the offense so for me I ended up at a C+ with Joe angles because yes he did not give us the the shooting that we expected um you know 4.4 points per game for a guy that was a big piece of the off season Acquisitions and is really supposed to to help the offense overall we just didn’t and again I don’t mean to oversimplify this but we just didn’t really see those uh that impact materialized statistically now when you look at the way that the team played and the way that the bench unit performed there’s a lot if you’re going to come and say I gave Joe a b or a B minus I I wouldn’t have my you know torch and and Pitchfork out for you it’s just because we didn’t see as much of that shooting impact this year I went with the c and again I found this to be the hardest grade out of all the forwards yeah 100% agree so so difficult couple things would be it’s hard saying this because I feel like we can say this and rightfully so say this about every guy um but again great locker room presence you can’t downplay that especially though I want to add because he was the only act free agent acquisition non rookie acquisition might be the best way to put that from last season last offseason there’s you know that raises the question especially him being older like how does he fit in with the guys how does he fit in with the coaching staff how does he fit in with the culture and everything and so for him to come in right away and Vibe out like 100% from day one I’m literally from media day where he’s meeting some of these guys for the first time they had a great interactions from day one so you can’t undersell that my second thing is I’m putting you on the spot team option $ million this offseason I’m declining it I’m declining it and not the magic do I think they decline it and not to use his words against him but he’s already said like hey if they don’t want me I’ll be in Oola playing like I’m not leaving right um now are the fans going to take that super seriously and and be up in arms against Joe Engles if he decides he doesn’t want to be here if the magic don’t pick up that option of course not but I do think it’s one of those things where like hey like we probably overpaid for you a little bit last year we’d love to have you around obviously your family is here you have a young family and it’s sounds bad like but these are negotiating tactics that this front office will use when they’re they’re talking to him so not to like exploit his family or anything like that but I do think there’s a world where the magic decline that option and sign him to a a cheaper deal and keep him here and I would be for that as a matter of fact like if the magic are able to sign him to like a five or six OR7 million deal for next year and maybe you try out a similar role maybe you’re able to find some more looks for him from behind the arc within the flow of the offense great if not it’s jet Howard time and Joe Engles is still there as a sort of like this additional coach you know on the bench and is still that great locker room presence what about you yeah I I agree Jeff waltman’s not stupid right the whole team option 11 million de 11 million team option there after one it’s a one plus one basically he’s not an idiot he knew what he was doing there you know it was basically uh in some ways a show me season right like show me how you fit in with this team but at the same time for it kind of worked in the Magic’s favor in a different way obviously Joe Engles just falling in love with this place and his family falling in love with this place to the point where he said like you said that he’s sticking around no matter what I mean that’s amazing amazing work by the front office but yeah I 100% agree I I would be very surprised if they picked up that $ 11 million option again I’m with you if it was a little bit less I mean even like 7 million I could see them maybe doing it but 11 I would be surprised especially considering some of the flexibility that the magic obviously want to have going forward so and and to the points that that we’re talking about here like the the three-point attempts like you can’t ask for better efficiency than 43% from behind the ark but if you double the attempts and you’re at 4.8 attempts per game and that would equal another three-point field goal made and he’s sitting there at like seven and a half points per game and given the other effects that he had on the offense and the creation and all that kind of stuff then yeah I’d probably like yeah just pick up the option but evidence is showing that he’s aging he is declining he’s not giving you as much of that you know shooting impact now shooting impact is all relative because there’s again seeing that materialized versus the affecting gravity that it has on an opposing defense so it it’s sort of a it’s more of a art there than it is a direct science but um I would be more willing to see them pick up that option but I would be pretty surprised if they did that um and we’ll know probably in a in a few weeks here you know once once the uh once the finals end and we get into free agency next up this one for me was probably besides Pao was probably the easiest grade uh we’re going to move on to Jonathan Isaac here um just spoiler alert exceeded expectations right we’ll we’ll talk about all of that but this year in his age 26 Season appeared in 58 games played 15.8 minutes per game uh averaged 6.8 points per game 4.5 rebounds a half assist s steals 1.2 blocks shot 51% from the floor which was a career high shot 37.5% from behind the arc which was a career high shot 59.8% on 2. field goals which was a career high and had a effective field goal percentage of 58.4 stop me if you’ve heard this before was a career-high and shot 72% from the free throw line just the fact that Jonathan Isaac played in 58 games this year exceed our expectations if for no other reason then we had no expectations with Jonathan is just got to say 58 plus seven seven games in the playoffs 65 games from Jonathan Isaac sorry carry on nope that’s that’s all I add throw to you yeah 65 games from Jonathan Isaac that alone exceeds all expectations I say that not with a in a laughing way in a sense of making fun of the situation but like that’s pure joy like the fact that we got 65 meaningful games and significant you know relatively compared to where we were significant minutes basically playing 16 minutes a game over those 65 I didn’t even look to see how many uh minutes he was playing in that playoff series what did he play uh I don’t have it was 21 minutes game minutes in the playoffs that’s crazy uh yeah I I mean all I mean you can’t argue with the stats obviously but stats aside like Jonathan Isaac was such an impact player I I and again we’re biased on this show we don’t we don’t shy away from it I would be surprised if there was a player in the whole rest of the NBA that was as impactful per minute as Jonathan Isaac right I mean again in the scheme of the NBA playing less than 16 minutes a game is not a ton right even for some of the best bench players in the league they’re typically more minutes than that but like pound for pound you know as they say but like minute for minute if you will I doubt there’s a player that was as impactful as Jonathan Isaac and obviously you talk about the stats defensively it’s it’s not a question right and that’s the other thing I was going to say you talk about the stats career highs in so many categories but that doesn’t even talk about the defensive impact that he has obviously on the floor just Sensational season from him the only thing I wonder now is how how much further can he go right like what is is his I know we talk about ceilings with young players and Jonathan Isaac isn’t really a young player anymore but but genuinely what is the ceiling for him and it’s it’s really got to be all about his body like what can his body handle next season in the seasons going forward right and so plays 58 plus 7 65 games gets you 15 minutes a game does that go up next season do they treat him with the same level of care and concern and you know basically wrapping him in bubble wrap you know for back Tob backs and all that kind of stuff I don’t know but for this season it’s it’s def I mean is it an A+ I don’t know I’m going to say a I’m G give it an a Jonathan I is GNA a for me yeah I would say if if you’re G to pencil Jonathan Isaac in for 55 games a year right with the understanding of like hey he’s not going to be playing these three games in four nights he’s not going to play back Tob backs if that’s just the plan for Jonathan Isaac for the rest of his career the only thing that I would ask is I want to see an increase in the minutes okay if he’s not going to be playing backto backs anyways we saw him playing 21 minutes per game in the playoffs I would like to see him around 20 to 22 minutes per game in the regular season so if you tell me you’re gonna have Jonathan Isaac 55 games a year in the regular season he’s going to play 22 minutes per game I will take that all day now in terms of what to expect and like what further growth can we see the only thing that we can really do is look in the past so I want to go back to the 2019 2020 season where like statistically that was the best that we saw Jonathan Isaac first few months of the year was absolutely a defensive player of the year candidate and like scoring wise had the most impact so that year when he was 22 years old he was playing 28.8 minutes per game he he he scored 11.9 points 6.8 rebounds 1.4 assists 1.6 steals two .3 blocks per game almost four stocks per game that is insane he shot 47% from the floor 34% from behind the arc 51.8% effective field goal percentage and shot 77.9% from the free throw line do I think he’s going to get you know back to 12 points per game probably not probably won’t play enough minutes to get there but if we can get Jonathan Isaac playing five to six more minutes per game and we can see him get to like 10 points six seven rebounds per game a steal a game a block and a half per game and staying relatively as efficient as he was this year given the defective the the defensive impact that he’s going to have on a night and Night Out basis to to me like we’re talking about the guy still making you know multiple all NBA you all defensive teams all that kind of stuff and being one of the most impactful players per minute in the NBA you give me that alongside the Jaylen Suggs Pao Ben Carroll fron vogner throw ji right into that core of this team and we are cooking for a long time here now the big question mark is his body we made it through one season we’ve got to make it through the rest but if this is the way they’re going to manage him I’m good with that if we see an increase in minutes that being said I would like to see him playing backto backs next season we we started to see that at the end of the year but I do want to see what it looks like trying to push the limits of of where we’ve gotten him now if he starts playing back toback and now he’s got a sore hamstring or you know a calf strain back soreness whatever and we come to the conclusion of like hey we tried to push him as far as we can we don’t want to push him over the edge and have like other catastrophic injury we’re going to ease off and this is just the way we’re going to manage him for the rest of time I’m good with that if we get the the same type of the the same amount of Jonathan Isaac that we got this year if not a little bit more in terms of minutes per game I gave him an a I was about to say I didn’t get I didn’t get okay you got an A same same as me yeah uh it’s it’s also really hard Jonathan because there were a couple games that season where you just got a like a just a big old Taste of like you know a taste of what could be I’m just leave with that you know like I’m thinking about that Sacramento game mainly you know or he tied I think it was tying his career high right when he on 25 tied his career high um you’re just like oh my gracious day like if if this guy you know I don’t know the the ultimate what I’m trying to say is like he may be 26 but he’s still in some ways like a 23 or 24 year old NBA player right now you can’t discredit the two years loss because of injury right like no that’s not the wear and tear of an NBA season but it’s a different kind of wear and tear right it’s a wear and tear from a long-term injury you know you can’t discredit that but however his body has not played this many NBA Seasons right and so does that mean there’s still room for him to get better even though he’s 26 you know could he could his game get better I think it’s possible especially if he has a healthy off season this summer what could it look like next season obviously we got a long time to preview next season but those are my overall thoughts my Reflections on Jonathan Isaac for the season I’m right there with you now we’ll move on to Caleb Houston this was another one that was a little bit tough for me to grade not as hard as Joe Eng Les um but when when it comes to these last guys Caleb Houston chuma okk much like the discussion around Anthony black like these guys just didn’t really have a ton of consistency in terms of playing time Caleb Houston I I’m probably going to be a bit more harsh because he was given opportunities like this is a guy who started 13 games this year had the opportunity to say like hey I am a legit NBA rotational Guy this is what I can do and play his way into the rotation like where Anthony black was not given those opportunities and Jed Howard absolutely came nowhere near close to getting those opportunities Houston I don’t want to say he was handed them but he was certainly given those opportunities so this year in his age 21y old season appeared in 59 games like I said started in 13 of those played 13.8 minutes per game scored 4.3 points per game 1.4 rebounds a half assist 0.3 steal 0.1 blocks had 3.5 field goal attempts per game 3.3 of those were three-point attempts but he shot 38.8% from the floor and 37.3% from behind the arc shot 61% on two-point field goals I think we were talking before the show and you said he had like 13 total two-point attempts on the entire season had an effective field goal percentage of 56.3 Caleb Houston I I’ll start with this one I’m a big Caleb Houston guy I’m a big fan of Caleb Houston uh silky smooth shooting stroke 37.3% from behind the arc this year he had some like really really hot stretches and had some really really cold stretches even though he ends up with a decent percentage overall was inconsistent from behind the arc um and and I just didn’t see it from Caleb Houston like I said I felt like he was given all the opportunity in the world uh he’s out there to catch and shoot and on nights when he is not you know either shooting because he’s just passing up attempts or he’s not knocking those down he doesn’t really give you almost anything else he gives you like C plus B minus defense at times sometimes he gives you a D+ defensive effort but he’s just out there to do one thing and the fact that he was inconsistent at different points throughout the year I ended up with a c for Caleb Houston yeah I think by the way really quick those those stats you mentioned he he took 46 twos last season in identical minutes by the way and took 13 twos this season kind of crazy uh Caleb Houston for me I’m like you I I’m a Caleb Houston fan I I’ve I believe I I’m still credited with the cayb you know nickname that has still hasn’t caught on yet but for a few reasons yeah for sure um but yeah so obviously rooting hard for Caleb I want Caleb to be not just because I think he you know probably a good guy and all that kind of stuff but what he in my brain can is capable of doing is exactly what this team needs and so for all those reasons I want Caleb Houston to be just this knockdown shooter like like a a Clay Thompson where he’s running around off screens and like you find him you hit him in his spot it’s it’s cash every time right I want that so bad for him I want that so bad for this team and you’re right he did get opportunities and so that’s why it’s it’s so tough because he shoots 37% from three which you’re like okay that’s above League average cool for a guy where that’s his only job it’s not it’s not good enough it’s it’s just not especially considering the number of wide open looks I mean wide open looks that he got this season that he couldn’t get to fall and on the flip side of it though he had a couple games where you’re just like H can’t give up on him now I was looking at his game log here that Atlanta game I couldn’t remember which one it was he has 25 points goes seven of 14 from three I remember doing the postgame show after that I was like CB’s here he’s here he’s here to stay folks and then you know I mean did he have he had one other game in double figures after that you know and so it’s it’s tough because and also I just want to say he was given opportunities but I I know why Jamal Mosley did it right I know why for two reasons number one again I think he’s like me like if Caleb can be a knockdown shooter he is exactly what that starting lineup needed in those moments when he started on the flip side of it was Jeff welman telling Jal Mosley hey this is this is Caleb’s last chance here throw him out there put him with the best players we have and see what happens and it didn’t go well you know for the most part so yeah for me the Caleb Houston grade it’s D+ giving him a D+ yeah I it’s hard we have one job and you can’t do it yeah I I don’t love that but I I’m also I can’t really argue against it just to provide some some more context here on wide openen attempts meaning the closest Defender is six plus feet away Joe Engles on 1.4 attempts per game shot 54.3% wow Gary Harris on 1.8 attempts shot 43.4% uh Anthony black on 1.3 attempts shot 40.2% Jaylen sug shot 40.1% Palo banero and Wendell were both at 39% Caleb Houston at 1.2 attempts finds himself at 42% so not creating that much space between you and and Paulo banero and Wendell and Anthony black when again this is your main job is a little bit concerning especially when you look at Gary Harris who by his own you know measurement didn’t really have a great shooting season and then you look at Joe Engles there at 54.3% like Caleb’s just got to be better there and when you go to four to six feet away so like anybody generally in your vicinity not like closely contested on 1.5 attempts he falls all the way down to 36.7% so if he’s wide open 40% you want to you want to see his average around that just in general you definitely want to see him shooting like you know 45% on wideopen attempts but if he can even smell somebody he’s a 36% three-point shooter which I I don’t almost 37% I I don’t love that so again this just all points to the fact that this is the main thing and he just has to be better at it last but not least chuma okk uh an individual in which I own 17 rookie cards for chuma okk of different you know um you know variances and stuff like that I his Rook rookie Top Shot moment too so yeah there there you go which is probably worth a lot less than what you originally paid for a guy who going back to his rookie season when this front office made the decision to to Really uh start the rebuild those last like you know 10 to 15 games of the Season we were calling this guy baby Kawai we let’s let just let’s hold time out time out never generally speaking a lot of people in the magic fan base were calling this guy baby Kawai okay high level defense was able to to knock down threes was showing like you know mid-range playmaking ability being able to make plays off the dribble like all of that kind of stuff it was really exciting to watch chuma okk the last few months of that 2021 2022 season and now has just completely fallen from Grace um so much to the I we can just lead with this neither of us expect chuma okk to be on the Magic roster next year no shot in this year in his age 25 year old season appeared in 47 games most of those being in in garbage time he did start eight games uh you know that mid chunk of the season when fron Varner was out for a bit but he averaged 9.2 minutes per game averaged 2.3 points per game 1.7 rebounds point4 assists .2 steals 0.1 blocks shot 35.7% from the floor shot 28% from behind the arc had uh 2 point uh percentage of 56.7 an effective field goal percentage of 46% shot 57.1% at the free throw line didn’t make there very often so I don’t want to judge a ton about the free throw percentage there but two chuma okk I want to say that I think what has happened with chuma is that because of obviously the ACL he’s had like the the previous like bone bruise like knee injuries he doesn’t look the same athletically like in terms of endtoend speed lateral movement like like bounce he does not look like the same athlete that we saw during that rookie season and I believe that is probably the biggest contributor factor to why it just really has not worked out for chuma okk here in Orlando that and just the fact that he has not been able to develop into a consistent three-point shooter had one of the alltime like heat check moments in Orlando Magic history that game in Sacramento where the team broke the record um you know for for three-point field goals made uh the franchise record three-point field goals made in a game um is still decent defensively but is not like the lockdown Wing that we thought he could be early in his career and just really doesn’t you know do anything all that well right now on the floor I gave chuma okk a c uh because I pretty much figured that this is what chuma okk was going to be this year and he met those expectations yeah I mean it it’s tough when you look at this entire higher roster I’m trying to think maybe that’s a little strong he is one of the guys that has the the best right to complain about consistency right like I mean this season especially I I would say he would be my number one overall pick right I think he played in 11 consecutive games this season that was the most games he played in a row and it was that stretch you know starting in Sacramento that that stretch right there um and so he he probably yeah he probably has the biggest you know gripe with with consistent playing cuz outside that I mean he’s playing like one or two games Max in a row for large portions of this season and at least one of those being completely in garbage time oh yeah most of these yeah he’s coming in playing one to four minutes at a time absolutely so on the one hand I sympathize with him and you know I’m not going to sit here just totally you know rake him across the coals you know for his performance this season cuz how could you possibly you know find your rhythm with that kind of that kind of play um schedule basically on on the other end you know it’s like this reason there’s a reason right and and the especially considering he’s been in this system for you know four now five years right you know because he came in in 19 just didn’t play his first year um and so he’s been in this system Jeff Waltman and Company know what they have in him and so all those things combined that’s that’s what he’s playing it’s the writing’s on the wall wall like you said he’s gone like he’s played his last minutes in a magic uniform I would be absolutely stunned if he comes back you know which is disappointing because I did get the the last earned Jersey the magic ever had which is the really sick one the white and blue one with the blue stars down the side of course I got chuma so um I don’t know if I can wear that after this season it’s so beautiful I’m looking at it right now it’s one of my favorite jerseys in Magic history and the one I got was chuma but it’s fine whatever um mine is Marquel another guy that maybe we don’t expect to be back next year but at least I have the like oh this guy was the number one overall pick we were so excited when we traded for him he was right really good for like a good stretch here with chuma it’s like we have those 15 games in in 2022 to or 2021 to be excited about plus chumo was one of the stars of one of the greatest losses in Magic history you know that Sacramento game I have that so whatever um yeah uh my grade for chuma you make a fair point about the expectations thing but I think I still like in my mind wanted to give him one more chance this season it didn’t happen so I’m going D+ again okay I was so afraid you were going to give an f and I was going to tell you that that was out a line no no no again if because of because this is based on expectations that’s why it’s not an F if it if it was just based on performance it would be an F but yeah I’m GNA I’ll go D+ just because I had a a glimmering hope that he would show something contract Year all that stuff it just didn’t happen so D+ yeah that that might be fair and I uh I think I Mis uh quoted the the year that we were talking about a few minutes ago I said the 2021 2022 season that was the 2020 2021 season sorry all of those about uh like that stretch of games that he had where year yeah which I I do just want to go back and and reminisce on that a little bit let’s do that so like after after the trade where he starts getting like quality minutes he had a 22-point game against Portland where he shot nine of 15 from the floor 406 from behind the arc six rebounds four assists two steals he had a 19point game against Denver wasn’t super efficient but I mean who cares we were just letting the guy ball out at that time uh let’s see 14-point game against Toronto towards the end of the year 50% from the floor 50% from behind the arc like there were some special chuma moments there like if you remember that span where we’re like oh my God is is chuma the next Leonard like that’s that’s a real special time in in Magic history there so yeah I’m just glad the magic didn’t really like blow that pick right you know some drafts you get a guy you know and you’re just like wow we we could have had who and you look at that draft and you’re like you know what it’s it’s okay you know it’s not going to burn us for there are a couple guys after him I really have liked to have nil Alexander Walker that was the guy I wanted in the moment and I would I would I would go back and and swap that pick in a heartbeat sure of course him great you know you’d like to have um Nick Claxton obviously a guy that a lot of M fans want to get this summer there’s a couple guys like that but there’s no one it’s like oh man we really blew it I mean maybe a little bit but you know it could have been worse going back u i I forget who posted t or really why it was posted I think he was talking about the Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum drafts like how the Celtics just got two like almost Superstars and in back-to-back drafts you look at who the sons got in those drafts Dr B and Josh Jackson good grief man that is that is brutal and then a couple years later to take uh you um DeAndre Aon over over Luca donich like good grief man like ah anyways not to start pooping on the Suns here but yeah chuma okk um yeah is what it is so that is going to conclude our forward grades here I think next will maybe it might not be the next episode but one of the the next episodes we’ll do like a you know Mosley front office combined and talk about how we would would grade their performances this past season Uh Kevin last thing I want to talk to you about I know the Wolves were able to to steal a game but uh Celtics moving on to the uh the finals Jaylen Brown named the Eastern Conference Finals of MVP and right now as it stands the Mavs are Up 3 to one on the Wolves he started up 3 and 0 nobody’s ever come back from three games to zero so I’m just going to go ahead and say that the Mavericks are going to be in the finals this could come back and be a freezing cold take if it is suei because it’s like a billion to zero in terms of this so if it happens this year like whatever I will take the L on that but it’s looking like it’s going to be a Celtics Mavs finals spicy like are you kidding me how I mean the NBA has to be drooling right now like two huge markets obviously two great basketball teams but then you get Kyrie coming back to Boston in the NBA finals are you freaking kidding me that’s going to be so much fun I can’t wait to see that Kye clinching a title in Boston and spitting and stamping on lucky I’m not I’m not I’m not a proponent of that right like I If I Was A Boston fan like he would be the absolute Public Enemy Number One for me for the absolute rest of my life but just to see the drama that that would create for me would almost be worth that is what would be a Despicable act and I would hate almost anybody for it but with Kyrie and his history with that team and with that City I I I would laugh that would be wild the only other thing I’ll say is I am genuinely grieving with Indiana Pacers fans this week because like the way they lost yeah that series is one of the most brutal that I can remember like yeah it’s a sweep but you I mean blew serious leads in one two and four of that series like bad like alltime bad and I again feel for them especially they were without their best player well one of the best players you know arguably how allegedly yeah depending on the night game three and four year without him and you’re still able in game four to be right there and you just fumble it away just like you did you know in The Others May I think I might have had it backwards one three and four I think were the games regardless bad I mean all I just cannot imag i b basically when it comes to stuff like that I think about people like us that you know do this as a hobby and they love their teams and everything I think about the the Pacers people that do that like getting on here and doing shows after those three in in particular those three games I just can’t I would be so sick to my stomach especially when you’re in the Eastern Conference Finals F I know I know it’s you can talk about their path and the way that they got there like whatever like you’re still four wins away from going to the NBA finals right and you had three wins in your bag like you had you had those games and like we had gam seven worse than that like most of those games were worse I mean but yes we did have an 18-point lead one of the last ones was an 18-point lead so yeah but but yeah yeah but for them it it was the late leads like they had lead third quarter 18 point four yeah in the fourth quarter ones like the eight-point lead with like three minutes left or whatever and then the just crazy crazy so anyway feel bad for them I’m fired up for the finals regardless even if Minnesota comes back what a story that would be and then you have Minnesota against Boston you know the Kevin Garett finals and stuff like that be crazy so anyway it’s it’s going to be fun I can’t wait uh yeah should be should good all right oh I’m going to end this one just again want to mention Deb um just I know it’s going to be on my mind and a lot of magic fans Minds you know over the course of the the next couple of days and um you know if you can help out her family at all again we’ve retweeted that tweet you know um if you’re able to that would be incredible um but yeah we’ll miss you Deb we love you um that’s going to do it for this one for Kevin Tucker this has been Jonathan Osborne you all have been listening to the six-man show and we will catch you guys next time see you

Our final episode of player grades wraps up with the Magic forwards. We also mourn the loss of a pillar of the Magic Twitter community.

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Hosts: @j_osborne21 & @lukesylvia96

Producer: @kevin_tucker_

Music: Prod. by Tantu Beats

0:00 – Intro
1:08 – Saying Goodbye to Mama Bear Deb
6:08 – Forward Grades
28:06 – Patron Shoutout
29:55 – Forward Grades Cont’d

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  1. Another excellent show, as you 2 work well together. Your Magic passion, understanding, excitement and love is a joy to witness. God Bless your journey guys!

  2. Fire Mosley. Losing to Cavs is bad coaching. Cavs fired they coach, Orlando needs to do the same. Mosley can't coach offense. 24th ranked offense with all these top picks? Fire him before he ruins or team

  3. Caleb Houstan is one of those players that you have to be patient. I feel like if he went to another team, they would most definitely know how to use him and he'd be a lethal 3 point shooters. He was not given the opportunity to make mistakes like Jalen, Franz, Cole, Chuma, and Paolo did during their rookie seasons. He was yanked in and out of the lineup. He seems like a rhythm shooters and he'd go games without playing and then we put him in during garbage time minutes. Yes, when the team was injured he was put in the starting lineup and he played okay, but he also have confidence issues that would shake out if he was given consistent minutes. We don't give him leeway. I say give him Gary Harris and Joe Ingles minutes where he'd play every game and see where it goes. No way someone who shoots that well is going to fail. He seems like a late bloomer to me. I might be wrong about him but at 21 years old, he's not a finish product and I would continue to bet on him.

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