@San Antonio Spurs

Jeremy Sochan Improvement Proof!

Jeremy Sochan Improvement Proof!

hey this is actually a pretty big deal I love to see it you should love to see this this is good news I want [Music] some we having fun yet all right surprise surprise Jeremy soan is once again on another list and this time it comes down to off ball gravity in which he’s uh he’s right there baby all right so he is top 10 as far as second-year players and off ball gravity now this might not seem like that big a deal it’s like it’s very specific obviously right like second-year players and off ball gravity but he did make the top 10 um out of his draft class and I think that that’s pretty impressive and the reason why I think that is impressive is because by him uh uh having pretty high off ball gravity amongst his peers it shows that he really has improved tremendously when it comes to his outside shot and just adding to his game over overall and I’ve said this on many different occasions I’m not the first one it’s not like this some genius crazy great take or anything I think it’s pretty common sense that soan has worked on his game to uh to the point in which he has improved in all facets of shooting I don’t know why so recently we talked about here I’m going to bring up some Jeremy soan stats cuz recently we talked about um Ron Holland potentially getting Ron Holland and how I thought that you know if that the Spurs did go after him I’m not that worried about his shot improving because he has a really nice stroke and Jeremy Sohan has a worse one it was pretty broken I would say and he’s still working on it um but I did say that I felt as if soan has improved so much that I am not I wouldn’t be shocked at all if we see similar improvements to from a player that has a better overall shot so I saw some people actually saying well Clan I didn’t know Sohan was a good shooter which I I never said that he was like a great shooter but you can’t deny the improvements here now the three-point percentage looked much better you know he kind of came down to earth you know during the last couple uh months of the season but his jump shot has looked much better and it’s in the numbers as well as a rookie he averaged 69.8 uh had a 69.8 free throw percentage and then this season 77.1 and then if you look at three-point percentage 24.6 to 30.8 but what’s actually even more impressive when it comes to his shooting is his college stats so let me show you Jeremy sohan’s college stats because it’s way worse than that I mean way worse let’s see where is it here it is all right so this is him at Baylor and you can see his free throw percentage was 59 9% nearly 59% uh three-point percentage 29 you know still around the ballpark he went up a little bit he’s definitely improved there but free throw percentage was God awful man uh almost a 50% uh free throw shooter so he has been working on this game uh to to a huge degree and I think that you know he is he’s one of those players you know very similar to and I’m not saying he’s going to be him I’m not not saying he’s going to be him but very similar to Kawai in which he’s coming into the league and he is a really good Defender um I would I would argue that he’s a great defender uh and his versatility on the defensive end is very very impressive also with his size being able to be a glue guy is very helpful uh for the future but I could I could very well see with the improvements that we’ve seen thus far I could see him uh becoming a a really uh good I won’t say great because I don’t think he’ll end up being great I I hope he is but a really good um offensive option uh scoring option at times and I I I think that’s all you can really ask for him and we we’ve already even seen an interview in which you know that was a great interview by the way so check out that video it’s a couple videos back um but it was an interview in which the interviewers asked him like what is his comparisons to Draymond Green and and Dennis Rodman and he said well you know we all have this I don’t care attitude but he he just blatantly put it out there he said I think I’m more talented on the offensive end so he believes in himself he knows that he can grow he knows that he can he he has a vision of what type of player he can become and he’s not going to just settle for good enough that’s one thing that I’ve seen with this team that I I absolutely love wm’s the same way good enough isn’t good enough he can see sit back and lean on the fact that he’s an elite Defender already he can lean on the fact that he’s 7 fo5 and and he has the skill set and this could just be good enough and he could end his career after 15 or so years and everyone say hey he was a pretty good player uh but that’s not good enough right he wants to be the best player he possibly can and add as much to his game as possible and I feel like soan he definitely uh uh shares that same type of mentality with Victor win banama and even with Devon fael I think Devon fael is the exact same way and I know that that’s like well they’re NBA players of course they but not every NBA player is like that there’s a lot of players that come into the league and they do just sit on what they do and they’re like that that’s good enough that’s that’s all I have to do that’s all I have to be I’m a role player that’s all that’s it um but I don’t I don’t see soan is that I think Sohan is a player that uh could very well potentially end up being something uh pretty pretty special um and he also shown a lot of clutchness throughout this season as well I know uh that’s something we don’t talk enough about but anyways sorry went on a tangent I just wanted to give him a shout out here you’d love to see it and who actually tagged me in this because I think a couple people tagged me uh Big Y yonko okay maybe big yonos Tagg me in this uh yeah so big we’re just going to shout out big yonko I think I think I’m saying that right so big shout out to you thank you my boy uh for tagging me in this and yeah like I said guys if there’s anything that you want me to go over you tell me you hit me up send it to me on Twitter I’ll take a look and I love stuff like this I I love when we come up on uh these top 10 lists great stuff great stuff um but yeah let’s go ahead and get out of here big shout out to bet us for sponsoring this video as always bet us America’s favorite Sportsbook and Casino Live betting and Race book we’re celebrating 30 years with a historic offer a 125% sign up bonus on your first three deposits plus 10% gamblers Insurance get started today bet us where the game begins [Music] m [Music]

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  1. from the videos I've seen of sochan on in Instagram accounts he is definitely putting work in. sochan will be fine. all of his haters on the other hand well 😂

  2. Improved on shooting? His fg percentage went from 45% to 43% this year. He only improved his 3pt percentage cause teams are willingly leaving him open to guard Wemby. Even then a 30% lin 3pt cannot even be considered decent.

  3. Improved??? His FG is one of the worst in league for his position. Plus he is among leaders in league on percent off uncontested 3 pointers and still shooting bellow league average.

  4. He’s still very poor despite having a lot of wide open looks. His FG% dropped so no he didn’t improve in all facets of shooting. He shouldn’t get hate for this bc he’s 20 and he’ll get better but these are just facts. This szn was bad for Sochan offensively. I get that you love him but I think if you talked about what he needs to improve on, it would be way more interesting than this because it feels a bit pointless. Ig because of the hate he got you feel like you need to defend him but because of that we don’t get your opinion on other aspects of his game. For example his finishing has dropped and I really want to know what you think was the issue there. Also I don’t like the DGreen comps. I would love to see him become a better playmaking Aaron Gordon. That would be nasty.

  5. Anyone remember that one game where they ran a couple of Wemby/Sochan pick and rolls? Like it worked both ways and it looked amazing and unstoppable. I never saw them do it again and I'm sad.

  6. I love that sochan is putting in work but I can’t judge a player until they get on the court in a game I think we’ve all seen the Ben Simmons off season clips so I’m not willing to give praise or hate until gameday

  7. He better put in the work because Spurs got at least 4 first round picks in the next two years, and sochan will be replaced. Can't keep everyone

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