@Los Angeles Lakers

LeBron James’ Threat to The Los Angeles Lakers is INSANE

LeBron James’ Threat to The Los Angeles Lakers is INSANE

there is a large expectation in the league as there has been for months by the way that he will opt out of that contract but obviously if you’re an unrestricted free agent doors open means bronny James will decide by midnight tonight whether or not he’s going to remain in the draft and all signs point to him doing so ever since the Los Angeles Lakers were eliminated from the playoffs many were speculating what their next move was going to be they almost instantly fired Darin ham but then there was a question of how they were going to improve their team but as they were searching for their next head coach one thing was very clear LeBron James wanted nothing to do with the next head coach being hired some people speculated that this was simply because he didn’t want to be made fun of for playing general manager of the Lakers but it’s even deeper than that because now LeBron James is entering NBA free agency how do we get here so before we get to the content we are on the grind to 1 million subscribers make sure you subscribe and turn on our notifications to help the channel grow now let me get all that out of the way cu the intro [Music] [Music] before we start this upload prize pick has us with another free Square all Dustin porier needs is one significant strike at UFC 302 for a square to cash which means you could pair his free square with any player in the NBA and get up to 3x your money and right now when you use my promo code flight Mike on prize picks they’ll double your deposit match up to $100 I’ll let you guys know what my picks are on my Instagram page at the flight Mike and thank you prize picks for the sponsor mik check 1212 what’s going on everybody ever since my Los Angeles Lakers bowed out to the Denver Nuggets in five games earlier in the playoffs it seems as if the debate about the future of LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers has reached an all-time high originally I didn’t put too much stock into this because I felt like LeBron was going to return he said that he wasn’t even interested in joining the team that Brony got drafted to which is a stark contrast to what he was saying the years before so could it be that LeBron James is lying well here’s what makes things even more complicated according to LeBron james’ best friend/ agent Rich Paul he plans on entering free agency this summer LeBron’s a free agent you have to decide I got to focus on his business and he should be focused on his business let the Lakers hire whoever they want to hire and he always and play for whatever coaches there but as if matters couldn’t be more unusual with rumors of several teams having flooded the internet his first son bronny James has recently decided to enter the 2024 draft despite having what was by any and all objective measures fighted underwhelming season at USC but it doesn’t stop there at the recent draft combined in Chicago Brony James actually succeeded in doing himself some serious favors and improved his stock drastically in the process not only did he showcase his 40 1/2 in Max verb which was good for fourth he at the combine but he also shot the ball spectacularly during a few drills including this viral drill where he drained 12 threes in a row during his movement shooting drill which is a drill specifically designed to test a player shooting when he is tired during the first scrimmage portion of the combine it didn’t take a genius to see that Brony struggled mightily from everything about his decisionmaking to turning the ball over too many times to say he had a poor for showing would be putting it nicely however to his benefit with his mother and father in attendance the following day Bonnie turned it around for the second scrimmage and looked much more comfortable on the court showcasing the ability to knock down some shots and make some plays as well as continuing to demonstrate the type of Defense on occasion that he has come to be known for actually he didn’t just look a little more comfortable he showed enough throughout the entire process the second day to receive some recognition from Scout Jonathan waserman bronnie even went from being ranked 98th on ESPN’s best available list beforehand and even being named a top 50 Prospect on other lists to be fair to bronny the rise in stock isn’t solely because of his father’s apparent decision to leave Los Angeles and how the politics of the whole thing could wind up with Father and Son together but that being said we are then left to wonder what exactly does this mean for LeBron and his decision now that it has been reported that he is going to enter free agency and see what his options are outside of Los Angeles and could it really mean that the League’s biggest underperforming team from this last season could be at the Forefront of teams hoping to acquire the king Services Yep this is where the Phoenix Suns come in make no mistake about it the Phoenix Suns were amongst the most anticipated teams to was going into both the 2023 to 24 regular season and the postseason having three players in their starting lineup that have all averaged over 27 points per game at some point in their careers the offensive Firepower they were supposed to wield just never came into full fruition sure it just barely managed to crack the top 10 in offensive rating with a 117.5 rating but paired with a 13th rated defense at 114.5 it’s not hard to see how they bowed out much sooner than many predicted whether this failure of theirs was due to the ineptitude of Frank vogle the egos of Coach killer Kevin Durant and pretty boy Devin Booker the injury bug or something else is Up For Debate however what’s not up for debate for a team with such aspirations and predictions is that objectively speaking they did fail and in quite brutal fashion if you ask me a team with such talent and experience is simply not supposed to get swept in the the first round let alone by a team whose best player despite being named as the next coming of Michael Jordan is only 22 years old this isn’t to rag on the Timberwolves because they do actually look like a team that is going to be around for many more years to come but come on guys Kevin Durant Devin Booker and Bradley Beal the Phoenix Sun should be embarrassed to get swept while having such a trio of scorers if you ask me I think it was something else entirely and I’m sure some of you KD fans will crucify me for this but I think it was a classic case of the Suns not having a true leader on the court the arrival of Mike buen holer will surely help but when it comes to the five that step foot on the hardwood it simply has to be mentioned that the only time Kevin Durant won the finals was with a team that had two leaders in Steph Curry and Draymond Green and Booker only went to the finals on a team that was led by Chris Paul with the extraordinary amount of haters he has nobody can legitimately claim that LeBron James can’t lead a team to the NBA finals after all he once took this sack of Pancakes roster to the finals the man is won championships for three different organizations no matter what you say about him that speaks volumes but it’s also not the question per se the question is whether or not he would be a good fit in Phoenix and if so would even such a thing be possible this is where bronnie re-enters the picture and what takes this from a wild rumor to something that could actually happen you see I know LeBron James has recently switched his tune from I want to read to the NBA I want to be on the same I want to be on the court with him I think that’ll be an unbelievable moment oh you want to play with bronnie is number one on my list that’s dope he’s number one on my list I want to play with just saying that I don’t want to play with my son anymore it’s not the biggest deal in the world but there are reports out there that the Suns could decide to take Brony James with their pick at 22 in order to entice LeBron James to join as well it could be a power play for sure which could even be styled as an attempt to force LeBron’s hand in coming to Phoenix especially when one considers the recent report that even though he has over 10 invites to pre-draft workouts the only two bronny going to go to are the Phoenix Suns and the Los Angeles Lakers now before we go on I really have to say does this not seem a little crazy considering the fact that bronny was a bench player on a team that didn’t even come close to making the NCAA tournament again I’m not trying to rag on the kid I hope he’s successful but it’s absurd to me that this man didn’t really play much meaningful college basketball minutes yet here he is about to completely change the framework of the NBA now here’s where the plan potentially falls apart we all know the Phoenix Suns are strapped for salary cap space so in order for this to happen LeBron James would have to sacrifice almost $50 million for the 2024 to 2025 season one has to immediately discredit this as a possibility seeing as every dollar LeBron James can earn will go a long way towards his post basketball Endeavors but we also know that regardless of what he says it has always been a dream for him to share the court with the son during an NBA game and so if these p comments are indicative of the reality of LeBron’s dream then that would get rid of the rumors about him going to join former MVP Joel embiid and first time Allstar Tyrese Maxi on the Sixers so let’s say that the Suns could lure him into what could be dubb the greatest super team of all time Not only would we have to wonder if it would work out as they Envision but as a father wouldn’t LeBron have to also consider the needs and feelings of his boy and wonder if this would be the type of environment that his son’s NBA Journey should begin in yeah sure catching Kobe Bryant with a fifth Championship alongside his son and Kevin Durant would be like the most legendary thing of all time although fans were probably discredited immediately but considering all the egos on that team wouldn’t it also make sense for the crash and burn of the century we’re talking about the big three of Charles Barkley Scotty Pippen and Hakeem aajan on the Houston Rockets or how about the Joe Johnson Darren Williams Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce Brooklyn Nets or probably my least favorite the 2012 to 2013 Los Angeles Lakers that had Dwight Howard Steve Nash Kobe Bryant and Pal Gasol who are coached by Mike Brown for the first three games of the Season before they fired him for Mike Danton a season where Kobe Bryant tore his Achilles and became a shell of his former self okay sorry I’m trauma dumping at this point on top of that there are just so many other questions to contend with with this potential team first of all with all those stars on one team plus Grayson Allen and Eric Gordon at the wing positions where the heck are brony’s minutes even going to come and our NBA professional that work their entire lives to get to where they are today going to be okay with losing a single minute to bronnie can you really tell me that this type of nepotism and daddy ball can really happen in the NBA unless if you’re on the Los Angeles Lakers and you’re LeBron James we haven’t seen it to this extent before but perhaps for the leading scorer of all time an exception would be made also I failed to mention that what if the Suns do decide to draft bronnie with pick number 22 and then LeBron just decides to let his son go on his own route the Phoenix Suns would have then drafted a player that they could have easily passed up on if not for the possibility of his father coming aboard if you ask me this is all a bit absurd I mean LeBron and KD winning a title alongside one another is already crazy enough but to do it alongside Brony 2 just all seems a little fanatical if you ask me I think the man may be pushing this all too hard to make it happen and potentially harming the natural growth of his boy and sure you may say that I don’t know much about being an NBA legend or even a father for that matter but I do have a good eye for Dynamics like this when I see them not to be cocky but you don’t get to almost a million subscribers without having some idea of what you’re talking about I am back what it do baby I personally think that AB bronne is going to make the leap to the NBA like he has chosen to do that LeBron should just let the kid be I mean seriously bronnie is only 19 years old at the moment yes 19 most of us were still skipping college classes or driving delivery pizza at this age the further we get into this the more I think to myself to just let the kid go his own route and I’m not saying that it wouldn’t make a compelling spectacle and be absurdly fun to watch a son’s lineup of Kevin Durant Devin Booker Bradley Beal LeBron James and Son but if I were the kid’s father I would not only suggest him to have stayed in school but I would have at least let him follow his own organic path through the NBA but as we know LeBron likes the spotlight that he has grown accustomed and addicted to and if he does in fact insist on going forward with this that we all have to concede that if we were to witness Le Bron win one final championship and not only do it alongside his literal son but also do it against one of the greatest scorers of Our Generation that it would probably be the coolest story we will ever witness happen in the sport and the league that we all love so much let me know what you guys think about this in the comment section down below are LeBron and bronny James about to form a super team on the Suns I’d like to hear what you have to say aside from that I’m your boy Mike and I’m dropping her mic until our next upload [Music] [Music]

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  1. The LeBron hate in the comments is truly wild, you will quite literally never see an ATHas good as him again in your lives

  2. Lebron not going anywhere lol he's just giving people something to talk about during the summer 😅

  3. NEVER wanted him!!!!! He can go back to Cleveland or Miami…to find someone close to Kobe or Jordan, u have to start fresh!!!

  4. I think it's awesome that he wants to make history with his son. If any other baller had the opportunity to do this…they would. I hope mello gets the same thing. Hating on the man because God favors him. The way it is.

  5. Funny seeing all these superstars like LBJ, KD, PG, Westbrook, Harden etc. being glazed over just to see them jump from one team to another, winning WHAT, exactly? Getting swept in the first round in the playoffs, at best? Lebron ended in 2016 with his last legitimate championship. After that nothing than nuisance, drama and whining from him. A Tale of The Naked King.

  6. Honestly I hope bronny can go back to school because he really needs development to be more well rounded so he can be more than a second round pick
    If Lebron stays in La then he does if he doesn’t stay in La then he doesn’t

  7. It’s just leverage to pressure the Lakers. There’s no way he walks away from $50m to play with a team destined to fail due to injuries, lack of depth, or both.

  8. Lebron knows bronny won't be drafted so lebron is probably telling teams behind the scenes that if they want to sign him they have to draft his not ready for the league son

  9. If you believe LeJuice isn’t involved with the coaching hire then I have a bridge in NJ to sale you

  10. Right so, when LeBron's teams make it to the finals, he's a leader.
    When they can't make it past the first round, he blames everyone else 😂

  11. If the Lakers fall for that b.s., then they deserve everything they get. A suggestion for the Lakers fan base, don't go to games, and let them go broke. Boycott the Lakers until Lefraud leaves. Let him play in a empty arena, with his lil talent son.

  12. A superteam of LeBron, KD, Beal, and Booker would win 47 games at best and be bounced in the first round again.

    No interior defense. No ball handling or distribution. Too many scorers. Seriously have we not learned ANYTHING from the 2004 Lakers, the 2012 Nets, the 2013 Lakers, the 2019 Nets, or the 2024 Clippers? Nothing? Really?

  13. Mike he wouldn't have won nothing if he didn't team hop, and all except the Heat, we worse off after he left, and brought his toxicity to LA, and killed that team too. He's a fraud, and deserves no praise.

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