@Miami Heat

The Jimmy Butler Saga Continues: Playback special | Five on the Floor

The Jimmy Butler Saga Continues: Playback special | Five on the Floor

all right I want to welcome everybody into a playback live this is actually a five on the floor playback live this is the first time that we’re trying this we’re going to do this on the playback feed so that you can watch the highlights here they’re on mute also you can comment here in the chat we’ll try to respond to some comments as we can and then we’re going to put this on the podcast feed also afterwards so if you’re listening to this on the podcast feed that’s why this sounds a little bit different than you typically hear with podcast we recommend that you subscribe to our play back room which is playback. TV5 RSN or just go download the playback app for free and look for the five reasons room and you will find it I’ve got Alex I’ve got Brady I’ve got Greg the floor plan tonight we’re going to talk about the Miami Heat at a Crossroads what’s actually going on with the Jimmy Butler situation handled this a little bit on playback yesterday do want to mention two sponsors before we get started because again we’re doing this a little bit differently prize picks make sure you use the code 5 FIV it is legal again in the state of Florida you get your initial deposit matched up to $100 you can play their new Arena game set your lineup and again you can still win big use the code five also make sure you download the autograph app that’s where you can find all the Miami Heat content in one place they are still giving away for 13 bucks a $500 value bam aob bio signed jersey a framed signed jersey they’re giving it away by I believe five oock on the 31st you got a little bit more time for that so download the autograph app that is also free free you don’t have to put any money down for that use the code five and you will be eligible for that all right um just because we’re doing this a little bit differently I’m gonna take a show of hands here Alex are you here yes okay I guess I should have actually turned on my volume Alex are you here yes I thought we were handling this like a podcast is Ethan here I’m confused right now you hear me now we hear him I don’t we hear you try this again there we go the headphones are on this is gonna sound feed this is exactly what goes on in the podcast version so this is ex exactly thank you Brady all right we’ve got Brady Hawk you can follow me Brady Hawk 305 uh Greg you’re here Mike check yes sir yes sir Greg sander is where you can follow him tropical blanket is where you can find Alex I went to Alex first I was not expecting him to be the first here but he was I want to thank everybody who’s joining us in the chat here we’ve got donut Dan dolphin Slayer Jose OG’s Sean Rochester we don’t really count him sneaker God Heat fan uh Jay and others all right this is the topic tonight okay we’re gonna talk about Jimmy I’ve got the highlights up here there’s a lot of panic in heat World I’ll just ask you this question Greg before we start is there any scenario where trading Jimmy Butler is the best option no not at all I don’t think so I think that we’re overthinking this I think that he stays in Miami and they ultimately figure it out out um trading him would feel the worst of all the options even if you talk about them getting another star or something like that if you want to go down those roads and fantasize about that it’s still it would leave a bad taste in my mouth to lose Jimmy Butler Alex is there any scenario where trading Jimmy Butler is the best option is there any number of picks that you could acquire or players that would make it worth it unfortunately yeah I do think there’s a there’s a scenario I’m not rooting for the scenario of course um I you know what I mean I I think they should just pay Jimmy give him the extra year give him the extension um but to me if you’re not going to do that if the heat have qualms about doing that I I think that’s the best move I think going into the season with a cloud over the the team and then you know you you risk letting him walk in the summer for absolutely nothing back like that is worst case scenario I don’t want to see him traded but I think just logically if if you know which I’m sure they know as you guys have said like if you don’t extend him he’s probably going to opt out or you know what I mean like next summer I just think you avoid that scenario and you know you’re risking ending the Jimmy Butler window by not extending him in the first place and and I know they’re GNA say like you know we gave him the first extension whenever that was but you know it doesn’t just end there right like he’s still on your team he’s still gonna want to get paid he just got him to the finals last year and has played like a top 10 player and wants to get paid like one for one extra year I think doing that is that’s what I want to happen that’s what I think they should do if they want to you know continue this contention window but if they’re not going to extend him I think you have to trade him I I don’t think you just let go into the next season and you know with this elephant in the room where we’re all like you know wondering what’s going to happen when we know it’s probably gonna end badly like we’ve seen this before the crazy part about this is it’s actually the opposite of what’s going on with Donovan Mitchell in Cleveland where Cleveland is basically saying here please take our extension we want to extend you but if you don’t take it we’ll trade you this is actually the opposite this is we’re not really sure we want to give you the extension we don’t have to give you the extension now we can wait until uh July 9th or whatever it is or July 7th we can decide then we can decide next year and then you can decide what you want to do with it I’m just going to set the table on this because I’ve talked about this on podcast before I get to Brady um and I’ve talked about it on playback last night I still think the two most likely scenarios are either they extend him or he comes to Camp he plays out the season and then he walks he can get a three-year contract after this season provided he doesn’t get hurt there will be teams that have interest in it obviously over the past 24 hours some stuff has come out that actually I’ve reported before um I I said that again there were teams that were interested in giving him a Max I know you know again Anthony’s a very good reporter respect his reporting on this and I thought he wrote a very good synopsis of the whole situation the only real difference that came out of that from what we’ve been saying is this idea that Jimmy wants a Max from someone this summer that’s not something I had heard in the wake of Riley’s comments so that is a little bit new but there was a feeling that there were teams out there that would be willing to give Jimmy Butler the max and I can tell you that those teams and you can call this tampering or not tampering they reached out to Jimmy’s camp in the wake of Pat’s comments I think everybody around the league was surprised by how strong Pat went and basically it was hey if if they won’t Max him we will that’s kind of how the conversations went okay so again not as surprised that there would be teams that would be interested in doing this and there could be teams after this season but Jimmy would probably have to play really well which would benefit the heat he’d probably have to stay very available and very healthy to be able to get that kind of three-year Max extension which again would benefit the heat so I’ll go to you this on you because I think you feel the strongest even stronger than Greg is there any way Brady Hawk that you would trade Jimmy Butler that I would trade Jimmy Butler no but I think this like this isn’t the Damen Lillard situation where it’s not in their hands where they don’t know what the next move is so it’s all like hypotheticals like no this is all in Miami’s hands like if they feel like they’re not giving him an extension right now under any circumstances then there is a way that they should trade him because if if you just said there’s two options here it’s either they extend him or he plays a out and he’s probably GNA end up leaving and going and getting an extension elsewhere so if you’re sitting here if Miami sitting here saying okay under no circumstance we are not going to budge and this is all this is when you say about like teams were reaching out to Jimmy’s camp and things getting put out out there constantly this is just going to be a a tennis match all offseason they’re just going to keep going back and forth even though we know Jimmy does want to be here uh it is all in Miami’s hands so if they feel like there’s no situation where they’re going to do it then it feels like they they’re kind of forced into that because look you we could sit here and say like yeah he’s gonna go play one last season like crazy and then leave but like we know Jimmy where it’s like if he if he knows like this is it like if he has like a a brick wall on the other side of this season it’s like okay I’m just going to play just to play and then after this I’m leaving I just don’t see that being good for either side I don’t see that making sense for Jimmy because we talk about so often this whole Jimmy tenure has been okay is this the last season we’re gonna get this Jimmy is this the last time you’re GNA get this Prime version of himself in a heat uniform is he gonna waste another year just so he could walk into the offseason and get his money maybe but I don’t know I don’t see it so it doesn’t make sense really from from either side when you look at it like that but this is so different from all the other offseason talks we had where it’s like Miami it’s a waiting for Miami side front office Wise It’s a waiting game this really it isn’t it’s really up to them it’s their decision to be made and then they could kind of play the cards how they feel like they want to well the only the only reason I was say there is a little bit of a waiting game in the sense of you know seeing what’s out there and what kind of build you want and there I am reading the comments as they’re coming in here and a couple of people have asked about pivoting to the BAM timeline Greg like uh Donovan Mitchell is again we don’t know if Donovan Mitchell is going to be available if he’s going to take that extension but Donovan Mitchell is more on Bam’s timeline than Jimmy is it’s just a fact they’re the same age they have a strong friendship um could a case be made in any sense to Pivot around the two of them you accumulate as many assets as you can for Jimmy and you you go get Donovan you go get Donovan and and and part of this is when Barry suggested this today people are like you know and I I think even Shawn said this uh it’s tough enough you know to make one Superstar trade but to combine them in the same trade these days seems almost impossible but I mean could you make a case that that makes sense that’s the best case scenario if things don’t work out with Jimmy like if you can’t come to some sort of agreement with Jimmy Butler and you have to flex that muscle and trade him then getting Donovan Mitchell and resetting the timeline around bam that’s the way to go but it would be a consolation prize ultimately if it doesn’t invol Jimmy Butler as well but yeah it’s viable um I also think that there could be ways that you could build around Jimmy and Bam making other trades that would be equally as interesting to the to the rest of the team but for now it looks like people are honed in on Donovan Mitchell I think we’re getting ahead of ourself there so for me this is about retaining Jimmy Butler um and I I don’t see that this is going to get drawn out either I think that this is something that gets resolved relatively early um but maybe I’ll be wrong there well here’s the other point Sean makes it here in the comments I might be one of the top five assets Philadelphia has available at a Jimmy trade Paul re and three mid-tier first isn’t moving anyone and that I think is what’s being missed here Alex they don’t really have anything Philadelphia and that’s why I keep coming back to uh not Anthony’s report okay because and I know Brady you said this may be going back and forth all summer I really don’t think that’s the intention of Butler’s Camp I don’t Jimmy might troll a little bit on social media but that’s not the kind of agent that we’re dealing with here I I don’t think we’re going to see a whole lot of that I think this is merely a case of Anthony had information and he was rolling it all into one story and so it came out then I don’t think this is going to be drip drip drip drip drip drip drip the whole summer again except for the stuff that Jimmy’s gonna do on his IG that’s going to be interpreted a certain way but I do think the thing with Philadelphia here um is that again anything that’s being gener related to them and was put out through Keith Pompei who’s a beat writer there to me it just screams Daryl M like this and from the very beginning it has for everybody else even before Riley made his comments like Riley actually leaned into I think What mo was trying to do here uh by making this more of a controversy but it’s clear he’s trying to muck things up for Miami and show that they have some there is a team that will give him an extension I did see the report um from from Keith I know he was on lockdown I believe where he said uh something effect of that they believe they made a mistake with Jimmy Butler well duh I mean Tobias Harris over me um and Josh Harris was part of that the ownership the owner at the was was the owner at the time I know it wasn’t Elton Bran’s decision necessarily not to give Jimmy the extra year but I mean can you make any case for Philadelphia having anything that would be enough to offer Miami let alone a third team to make a deal like this work Alex well the thing I think Philadelphia would really just come into play um if again like what I mentioned before if the heat were to decide this summer we’re not extending him and we’re trading which I’m not expecting because of everything you’ve said um and I think it would have to be that type of scenario um because like what you said is is completely True by the way when it comes to Mor it’s all of this screams myy and and we’ve been seeing the reports about them wanting a forward for months now like it’s it’s just come out over and over and over through different guys and you’ve heard it a lot of times about Paul George and then you think back also to you know not just Jimmy’s relationship with embiid and him playing for Philly before but Daryl Moore going hard after him when he was managing the Houston Rockets and when they had Chris Paul and James Harden they were trying to add Jimmy to that team and I remember that was something that they were going hard after so it makes a lot of sense that he’s trying he’s gunning for one of those two guys and he’s doing everything he can in the media this is how we’ve seen him operate before it’s not surprising and and look and whatever Jimmy’s agent is contributing to this he’s just doing his job man he’s trying to get his Superstar paid you you know you would think that Jimmy’s play um would get him that extra year but I guess we’re not at that point right but going back to the question when it comes to Philly like um if you do decide that you’re gonna trade him you’d imagine there’s going to be other you know teams who can offer more and you know you guys have mentioned you know OKC or Houston just kind of like young teams who still have a lot in their draft covered and are kind of trying to add another guy so they can compete obviously they’re on you know OKC is much closer but just teams like that right I don’t know Memphis New Orleans just young teams who might want to get in the mix and think that a guy like that can really help them um I think you can probably get more but and I think killer here mentioned in the chat like getting three first round picks and two pick swaps from the Sixers will be extremely depressing him sending him to Philly but if that’s the only offer you’re getting I think that is much better than just letting him walk for next summer even if those uh Sixers picks are going to be in the 20s I think that he’d have done so much like throughout the years were reloading some of that even if they’re not great picks is a good option I just you know that’s again in a scenario where nobody else comes into the picture and Philly is like the only team right I think that’s what you settle for and so all of this just makes me think you know it’s not going to happen I don’t think he’s gonna end up on the Sixers and hopefully I’m not jinxing it here I just think you know I I expect him to get paid by the Heat and if he doesn’t I think there will be other teams who could offer more I don’t think the heat would want to send him to Philly and so of this just feels like we’re getting ahead of ourselves and people kind of being reactionary to today’s news and you know it’s a good thing they’ve got us to address it I guess well I I think part of what’s Happening too is it’s getting addressed nationally because there’s a vacuum because the playoffs haven’t been all that interesting actually and and and I I feel like especially what’s happened in the Eastern Conference with Boston and so now some of the shows you know the ESPN shows Etc starting to focus on this a little bit I the heat are not going to provide information they’re not going to fuel this uh Pat said what he said they’re not going to say anything else um they may try to massage some of the messaging behind the scenes but there’s not going to be anything coming out of their camp and again I just don’t think that uh that Bernie Lee is the type uh to to Really press the issue here and he has too much respect for this organization I’ve heard it honestly and I’ll just say this flat out I’ve heard it from him uh ever since Jimmy signed and I don’t think any of that has changed I don’t think he wants a negative relationship with this organization uh this is not Minnesota this is not you know some of the others around league and I’m talking about Minnesota prior um to them kind of getting their act together so I I don’t think you’re going to hear any of that and so I I think that you know this will quiet a little bit um and I think it’s going to come back again to you know July 7th uh and whether or not they’re going to be prepared to give him an extension I think that’s when this is all going to Bubble Up and and you know my feeling on this is is here when is the deadline by the way uh we’d have to check Greg do you know the Dead line off hand I know they can’t offer it until uh until July 7th but do you know when they have until to offer it until I do not I’d have to follow up with that information I I I think it’s they have the calend next League year yeah the next League year right is what I would yeah I believe they’d had that entire year to work it out okay so all right so again this could hang over everything now we talked last year about like how Tyler herro was going to come to Camp right after being being thrown in the trade machine all summer and other things that happen and not getting Dame um Brady how do you think Jimmy would handle it you’ve been around Jimmy enough now he doesn’t get the extension first day of training camp how do you think he’ll handle it like what outfit will he walk in with well maybe well it better not be the emo thing again because I I’ve said this there there are there are two things apparently that pissed Pat off this year and that was one of them was the the emo thing empty Pockets I don’t know his pockets out or something I don’t know something like that um but like I said before I mean it does seem like it would be a bit awkward because you’re in a situation where if from his mindset it’s like okay I’m gonna play out this last season and then leave after what was just said from Pat Riley where he was talking about you need to play more in the regular season so it’s like this battle of like okay am I gonna like overdo it this regular season to please this team that I’m gonna probably end up signing an extension elsewhere it just feels weird to talk about because I didn’t think we’d be here this quickly to turn turn around and start talking about these Jimmy situations but it is reality it is what what a certain hypothetical that could happen but that’s why it’s two things at once it’s the extension thing and it’s the things that were said uh pertaining to the regular season usually it’s like when we had the conversations with Tyler it was like okay Tyler once he gets past media day it’s like okay well the next time he has to prove himself is the playoffs so there’s months and months of time in between there where things settle down and things get to certain point like no with the Jimmy situation it would be on high blast because after what what just happened after the outfit he walks in with on media day and then the game one of the regular season to see the level he’s playing at it everything’s going to be under a microscope so that’s why I think things could be get a little awkward for this team um I mean suppose the right guy I guess to handle it and I guess I guess they could figure it out but ideally I mean we’ve been through this before we’ve seen with with the Dwayne situation what this could end up looking like and it just feels like you look at this and like just you just do not want it to get to that point with the things that have happened you do not want to sour taste in your mouth from this era in it end like this it it just feels like it it could it could get ugly I know Ethan you’re saying it’s it’s very likely that it doesn’t get to that point where it’s things are are handled in the right way but I think you just don’t want the end result uh just being being a negative one being a kind of that being the last memory you get so it will be interesting the July 7th thing to see how they handle it and look maybe maybe we are we’re over analyzing the the jimm side but what if we start over analyzing the the Miami side what if that was just kind of just to like play the field a little bit and then they do just end up giving the extension and we move on and nothing else happens like it’s very possible that we could Overlook that one too yeah it is possible I I’ll say this um I’m gonna counter something I’ve said before that you’ve quoted um I don’t think Jimmy’s gonna make it uh you know ugly in Camp I I I don’t I I but but I will say this their relationships with their best players have never ended well I mean and and that’s probably true for most franchises Greg but we we’ve talked about it on the podcast like it didn’t end well with Shaq right it didn’t end well the first time with Dwayne they they got a reprieve on that uh it didn’t end well with Bosch although that was not their fault they were trying to do the right thing he just didn’t understand it at the time LeBron it didn’t end well with LeBron it didn’t end well with Timmy at the end no it well with a I knew you’d throw that in with bees either of the three times no uh it it didn’t it didn’t end well with zo the first time around um you know everybody you know zo again is at Pat’s side and has been for the past few years but people forget zo summer Groove I was there uh he gave a speech there before again he he left the franchise or was was I guess it was a trade right it was a trade to Jersey initially um and and uh there were a lot of people who thought like zo was really ungrateful for everything that Mickey and others had done if you remember zo went to the Olympics and or and Mickey gave him a plane to come back I I was at the airport waiting for Zo to come back there was a group of us in media and then it wasn’t that long after that that it seemed like zo had forgotten everything they’d done for him because again they came down to a dispute now zo came back thankfully um came back accepted his role behind Shaq played a huge role in the championship and he’s still a pillar of the franchise and always will be but I’m just saying like it does not typically end well it didn’t it didn’t I mean dragic it was okay right it was kind of understood Jimmy wanted his guy even though dragic was also his guy but you talk about their top 10 players in history and even even the the big three uh compliments the little 12 right Mario chamers wasn’t happy at the end he was asking me when these mfers are gonna let him know what the hell’s going on Mike Miller was amnest wasn’t happy about it I was there the night that it happened okay I was at a function at his his house uh uh Shane Bader was kind of unhappy the entire last year Ry wasn’t talking to SPO for most of the last season that’s just what happens in these in these deals right it only ended well for for o uh for UD pretty much right so I mean it wouldn’t be a huge surprise if it doesn’t end well with Jimmy Butler they’ve been down this road before and ultimately they survived it even though it required them overpaying a whole bunch of guys in 2017 right and uh and to a certain degree in 2016 when when Dwayne left uh to make that happen I mean th this entire situation with Jimmy especially with his temperament I think yeah you’re right anything can happen and it I think that it’s probably pretty customary across the league that you see that the end of a long tenure generally doesn’t end beautifully and so I I I don’t read too much into that from the organizational perspective like that they have some sort of issue with guys exiting I think it’s just when you’re around each other for a while you get tired of each other and you eventually want to move on and and that’s just the nature of that business but it does mean that there’s a possibility that you could come to an end of a relationship with Jimmy Butler and at that point I mean everybody that that has spoke tonight besides me about the fact that Jimmy Butler would be um like trading him would be viable you’re right I get that I just I still don’t think it’s going to get there I think that they’re going to come to an agreement um and I think that they offer the extension that’s where I’m at today we’ll see where I’m at tomorrow but right now I think that they offer the extension all right in the last uh five minutes of this we’re going to take some of the actual questions and comments here so we’re going to do that again a little bit different putting this on the podcast feed I do want to mention our two sponsors again uh prize picks use the code five get your initial deposit matched up to $100 we do we ask you guys if you can do this if you want to play do it it uh you can make some money and also it helps the network so go to prize picks use the code 5 FIV autograph download the app get in on that bam contest they give away tickets there all kinds of stuff they also got other teams if you’re a fan of an NFL team Etc you can check them out in addition to the heat content so go to autograph excuse me go to autograph on the Google Play Store the Apple App Store or autograph. download the app for free use the code five um this one comes in from Sean I’ll miss Ernie honestly um I that is actually a factor you know people around the players start to talk and I everybody’s going to be reading into all of that stuff and obviously that’s one person who likes to talk a lot and people assume he’s speaking uh for Jimmy all right let’s take some questions here anybody have some questions uh Technicolor I’ll give this one to Alex to a certain extent do we feel like we’re falling for the Moray trap should be a non-story Alex sorry I was muted uh Tor moment yeah I think that’s what’s happening here you know I think he he’s playing his game and um like I mentioned earlier people on Twitter and others just kind of seeing Jimmy’s name being thrown out there with the scenario of him ending up on a conference rival just gets you feeling a certain way and I don’t blame him you know not everybody knows what’s going on behind the scenes not everybody knows or thinks to know that it’s Mor and the background most likely I you know it’s fine people are not going to feel good with you know their star players name being thrown out there in National media um and seeing it on like dunk Central right like I I understand kind of the I guess the emotional push back there with Heat fans and it’s like how are you letting this happen again I completely get it I think it feels like and and you’ve talked about this you know over the years Ethan around the time it happened that they were kind of repairing their image after the way that you know it ended with other stars so to be back here again I think they got to make a decision I really do think that and it’s much easier said than done right like then to to just say you know either extend him now or you press the the the button to trade him like it’s it’s not as easy as that right it would it it would be a process and I don’t think they want to get there I think they wanna keep this Jimmy thing going and you know whoever in the front office has like qualms about bringing him back there’s logical reason right to have qualms about bringing him back but if you’re just talking about giving him an extra year in my opinion I don’t think the cost is like it’s gonna sync you for the next five years you’re not signing him till he’s 40 he’s still an All-Star level player I understand he’s not giving you you know playoff Jimmy um production in the regular season but he’s still an impact player it’s not like you know he’s been on this insane decline where he’s not anywhere near where he was before you know we’re probably at the start of the decline that’s probably what we witnessed this season you know after the injuries that he’s sustained all the wear and tear he’s had over his career I don’t think this injury that happened um you know in the Sixers playing game was a wear and tear injury by the way just for some people kind of you know in the comments implying that his conditioning program through the season where he Paces himself and it’s a marathon not a Sprint didn’t work because he got injured he fell on somebody’s foot he landed on somebody’s foot that’s you know that happens in basketball it’s not aware well Tyler Tyler get the benefit of the doubt for that so let let’s just be I I’m with you but let’s let’s be fair on that right like when Tyler stepped on somebody’s foot everybody called him brittle well we tried to we tried ining Pat I guess fragile fragile right fragile sorry yeah fragile no like I think I think it’s just that that’s it like you make the decision and I think they want to keep competing with him I think he is their type of guy and even though it hasn’t been like perfect and you’ve talked about it how you know he’s kind of been tough for them to deal with they’ve you know comp rised and changed some of their ways I guess like I just think like letting it end now because of one year on top of what he’s already making and you know also him getting a raise on the last year like I just think it’s not enough to sever this whole relationship and after like a decade of you rebuilding your image and you know sever your contention status frankly like I know people think they’re not a contender now but what do you think they’re going to be if they let Jimmy walk uh this comes in from Jonathan mamero let me go to Brady on this one feels like this team just needs to learn how to play loose together how could they get that to happen new talent that that’s the way you do it I mean they they there’s a reason that they play in that fashion is because there’s just not that that freshness to this team it it feels stale uh and Rosier was that for for you know a second half of the season was supposed to be that but they never got healthy so you can never really even fully say but like if you were to Hype and I hate how we keep using Donovan Mitchell as an example because it’s just the easiest example and he’s probably gonna end up extending and we’re gonna do the Dame thing again but like if you were to get a guy like that into the fold like there is a freshness to it like everybody you play a different style you can open up the offense in a different way than you were playing it before everybody starts to kind of just just feel like there’s a a different group in that locker room and you do start to play I think a little bit looser but when you come back to training camp with the way that we kind of I think all have a gut feeling we’re going to see this training camp look like it just kind of feels inevitably like there is a little bit of a of a tight group on the floor because there is like how are you expect to be loose when it’s like Okay Tyler in the back of his head is like I need to overperform in the playoffs Jimmy now has this thing where he has to like overperform the regular season bam has to try to figure out how to like play less games instead of more he has to try to like balance out the season over the course because he has so much on his plate and be the captain which he hates by the way that’s a high level one as well but it does it just feels like there’s just so much going on that that it’s hard to play loose like think about because I think that is an interesting word when you asked that qu the person asked that question when they used the word loose because like that’s what made the 2020 regular season I felt like so different than the others was there’s the freshness of a new Jimmy Butler and the way they played in that regular season and I guess the bubble as well could count into that uh they just played like a different loose offensive style there are they just did they were just free uh and just didn’t have these like overarching narratives across the team which I think does play a little bit I’m not a narrative guy but I think it does play a little bit of a part like all the stuff we’re talking about in this offseason so how do they do it I mean a new look roster I think would help it a little bit but I think that’s that’s just a tough thing to ask for it feels like right now I asked Brady The Narrative question I never do that uh sloppy seconds here uh we love the names that come in here Greg if Jimmy does ask for a trade do you trade him to his preferred destination or go the Cronin route you’d never go the Joe Cronin rout route or what if it’s Philly rout um what if it’s Philly I think that you have to listen to All offers you have to but and I think you need to approach with due diligence but also you got to operate with peace like people aren’t going to take Jimmy on if it’s not going to be a scenario that he wants to be in so I just think you need to consider that because that’s going to make teams bid adequately so to me you kind of have to work with his preferred destinations just because of the kind of personality he is all right I’ll let any of you guys take this one and we appreciate everybody who joined here on playback I I forgot to put it on Twitter until about halfway through so hopefully some of you uh caught this on Twitter as well we’re going to do these weekly um here’s one that came in a little earlier I can’t remember who put it in uh so I’ll let any of you guys answer this although I kind of feel like Alex is the one who who would least want to answer this would Butler embiid and maxi with almost nothing else in the roster be favorites in the East anybody want to take it the silence is telling I think that’s that got Alex ritten all over it this is a heat podcast what are we doing here I’m just saying I’m just asking the question no they would because Philadelphia will always find a way to screw it up always oh man I mean they almost did screw it up with Jimmy though Greg he was the best I mean they had that that time it was what it was Simmons embiid and Jimmy right Maxi is better than Simmons this is true I have no dat back up what I’m saying I mean they also had Tobias on the team then although I I’m sure Philly fans WP since he left like he became a better player too not that I’m a Joel guy like that would be right but as Mr Chino 1996 says yeah but Joel was also younger which is true and healthier I well he’s never playoff every year doesn’t it doesn’t matter what age true every year that’s true by the way like I’m just gonna say it now like hold me accountable if it ends up happening Jimmy’s not going to end up on the Sixers so I don’t want to keep doing the scenario no I I I I actually agree with you I think I you know you know what I think would be the Dark Horse for Jimmy I think Houston like you mentioned when Moray was there before he’s not there now obviously it’s different different management but uh I I look at a team like Houston that would make a lot of sense for him now people are mentioning Warriors I’ve seen OKC I could see either but I kind of feel like you put him on a team uh that ascending like that that might be willing to kind of has some guys to carry during the regular season and allow him to just get to the playoffs I’ll also say players like playing in Houston I know I’m doing too much right now but that they feel to me like the Dark Horse team I don’t really know they seem like they’re trying to accelerate their build right Greg like it feels like they are they want to move now I mean they they got closer to the playing I think than anybody anticipated the West is going to be a bloodbath next year now you’re adding Memphis back to it um think the Knicks are a dark horse tibs in the Knicks oh my God uh it could be I I will dark I I I I will say this about the Knicks uh he still does respect tibs he he will you know my understanding is he believes SPO is the best coach he’s ever had still believe that um even if they don’t always get along on everything but uh but I do know that there’s a good relationship between Bernie and tibs and and there’s still a good personal relationship between Jimmy and tib so um and if you’re a guy that’s just done 12 commercials and appeared in Bad Boys 4 New York is not the worst place to be after that um they got Jimmy Butler but we got Jamal [Laughter] Kane that’s a great way to close everybody’s asking if he get sangon in the package I I’ll say this um shagun is a sore spot for Greg and I because we’re in a fantasy basketball keeper league did we get out bid by1 doll for him really like you and I waited the entire draft for him because this a it’s a bid it’s an auction league right we we waited I didn’t want to bring him up I was like okay let’s just wait wait wait wait wait we lost him by a buck right I didn’t know what I was doing so uh I was no help that that was it all right well I was no help at the beginning of this episode but we hope that you guys enjoyed it we do are we do some of these on on YouTube we’re going to continue to do that but we want to use this platform a little bit more I also want to say tomorrow on playback um so download the playback app if you’re dolphin fans the inside leverage guys are going to be there to review Dolphins OTAs and then Friday Eternal Matt uh I think Adele others uh from the crew are going to be going back through previous heat drafts we’re going to do this on the podcast also but they’re going to start the process on playback so that’s starting Friday night at 8:30 thanks guys everybody appreciate you joining um we are going to put this on the podcast feed so for those of you who are late I see this in the comments it’s gonna go on the podcast feed I don’t know how it’s going to sound but it’s gonna go on the podcast feed all right prize picks autograph download both with code five have a good one everybody

All four hosts of Five on the Floor led a session with fans on the Playback app ( about the latest on Jimmy Butler. Could the Miami Heat really trade him?

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  1. Reality is with Jimmy were in the play in 2 years in a row and not competitive in the regular season.
    (IF) We have to trade him take back no contracts and flip those picks in a package for Donovan Mitchell. Donovan Mitchell and Bam can still contend for a championship with the right pieces around them especially in the East but hopefully we can work it out with jimmy and add Donovan Mitchell

  2. If Donovan Mitchell doesn't come to the Heat then they should trade Jimmy and go young.
    The Heat should look into
    Keegan Murray from the Kings. Jabari Smith from the Rockets. Boatload of picks from the Sixers. Brandon Ingram/1 of Trey or Herb from the Pelicans.

  3. We cannot put ourselves in a Chris Paul situation. Jimmy git 2 years left 1 and 1. I would let him play this year. If I see something different frim last year, I extend him mid season. This can damaged the franchise fir years if jimmy is a part time player.

  4. Get him help or trade him. It's been enough years with this core. Also, how much does Jimmy and the Heat even believe Morey after what he "allegedly" did to Harden? A 76ers offer is not leverage imo.

  5. the pro side is vintage jimmy returns in 2025. Will miami win the ecf with him, bam and terry? here, no. so what for? the risky side is injury. what if he suffers a regular season injury? trade value falls. still, miami is not winning the ecf.

  6. Either pay him now or trade him now. Not only does he deserve that but we can get the best return for him now. Golden State would work for Kuminga Moody and Wiggins…

  7. IF the Mavs don’t give the Max to Luka or the Bucks don’t give the Max to Giannis we Can. We need to send that to the “ Media “ Include Embid 😊

  8. You saying all this not thinking the Heat get Michell, Murray or Trey. Beyond a taste of the playoffs the Heat had been a play in 8th seed the past 2 seasons. I would hold on jimmy. Remember I am always smarter than all of you.

  9. Pitiful local podcast you can trade jimmy into space jesus the local fans actually listen to these guys lmao, they know nothing. Well brady does rest of these guys P U stinky

  10. Stop getting emotionally attached to players Jimmy is declining he was horrible all of this season he took off lots of games load managed during important must win games he missed games to watch the Miami open he was selfish that’s not heat culture it’s time to trade him now while teams are still interested

  11. Let Buttler prove it next season. If he plays like he did last season, then pay him,otherwise,trade him,for 2 good players and 2,or 3 1st round picks .

  12. Get rid of Herro for Kuzma and then try and get your whale. At least if you miss out on the whale, you have at least 2 competent PF to play next to Bam assuming you keep Niko.

  13. Doing a whole show with a black screen taking 82% of the screen is certainly a choice. Didn't even have enough space for the four people talking lol

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