@Chicago Bulls

Moves The Chicago Bulls Should Make But Won’t This Offseason

Moves The Chicago Bulls Should Make But Won’t This Offseason

you found yourself on another episode of lock on bulls we’re going to talk about today moves that the Chicago Bulls should make but probably won’t we’re talk about that plus Nicola vous and Alice cruso to the Golden State Warriors trade idea and we’re going to do a draft profile on one of my favorite players in this draft and that’s Kyle philipos we’re getting into all that and more on today’s locked on [Music] bulls you are locked on bulls your daily Chicago Bulls podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for tuning in to lock on bulls member of the locked on podcast Network we at your team every single day that’s Pat the designer host and creator of the Wy City Breeze and host of the Chicago Bears podcast over at ESPN 1000 I’m hay host creator of Chicago Bull Central and Chicago Bears Central YouTube pages and podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms and conditions do apply Pat there’s every once in a while that me and you in putting this show together a topic comes about that we just can’t wait to record and this is one that we’re starting off the show with today moves that the Chicago Bulls should make but won’t cut javine Carter no sorry I was premature on that one this is an off season that AK has kind of set the tone and talking about the change needed and to his credit not able to change the roster yet but we’ve had a lot of turnover uh in the coaching staff we are both pretty positive on the coaching hires that the Chicago Bulls have made but now kind of eyes need to start T turning towards the roster and while we have talked about trade rumors and ideas and we even talk about one here in the next segment there are there are some moves that the Bulls should make uh at least you know kind of make things make more sense um but they probably won’t do one of those being find a way to send out the baldheaded ho Javon Carter um what’s one move that you would bring up know what they fired Don Imus for is yeah but he called women that it doesn’t matter when you call men bhe can’t get the same courtesy no if Don armus would have called Javon Carter ball-headed ho they would have been like and that’s actually pretty funny Don but called women that you can’t call women that we know Michael Jordan would have done it uh Michael that was his go-to word you know what I’m M would have been uh never mind that was about to get wild but no it’s too early in the show for wild uh no first move for me I mean listen it’s a no-brainer and I’m sorry I know that this gonna hurt people’s feelings uh I know that uh people are going to be a little bit upset by that but wave lineso ball you have no money to do anything you need to wave and stretch Lino ball it’s it’s the only option that you really have um to to create some money here and if you’re going to really change this core up and outside of just letting people walk that means you still need to make some additions to the core he didn’t say he’s trying to get rid of his competitive ways talk about AK here he didn’t say he’s trying to not be competitive he said I need to change things up so that we can get more winning done in here that means that you need to find a way to add players to this team I don’t know who you’re going to add in free agency but you can’t do it if you got no money to do so I know that that’s not the popular opinion around here everybody loves to see the comeback story see the guy get back on Court see the guy you know fight his way back here we go it’s the return Alonzo Ball but I don’t think it makes that big of an impact to your team I don’t think it changes your win total that much heading into this season it’ll be two years too late on doing it but at least you finally had the konas to go out there and do it now this is a move that I believe the Chicago Bulls should make but won’t waving Lonzo ball is it for you what is that what does that really do for the Chicago Bulls about going out there doing it bro cuz it’s straight like I just I just know what do you think they can go out there and get after waving Lino I didn’t say I didn’t say you’re going out there and getting anything mass for I guess here’s the thing if we’re going if we’re going all the way in on moves the Bulls should make but won’t let’s pull up the free agent list and talk about all the names that aren’t coming here because with a Chicago freaking Bulls you know what I’m saying but here’s the thing if you want to talk to people it’s very difficult to talk to people with no money I mean but yeah the thing with waving and stretching I mean I guess that allows the mid-level exception to be basically used at that point I I get what you’re getting at that plus I mean let’s be real here like and this is the thing that Lonzo ball fans we even had somebody who left the comment was like oh my God you guys are hating because we are telling you the real that Lonzo listen there’s a whole go and check out Brian Sutter’s um YouTube channel for anyone who thinks we’re hating by saying Lonzo is probably not going to come back this is a sports medicine doctor go and watch that and then come back to us when there’s a doctor that’s that literally basically heard Lonzo said he’s coming back game one and basically said why you r why you lie so much basic what he said like what are we doing here bro we’re not it’s not hate I would love to see Lonzo comeb back I would love but at this point right every move that you make needs to be made with the mindset of okay how does this impact winning in Chicago long term Lonzo let’s say l and I’ve I’ve asked this question a bunch of times on here Lonzo comes back and he’s 80% of the player he was so he’s still a pretty good Defender he’s still a solid point guard as far as still taking the basketball and he can still knock down to three maybe not at the same level that he once did but still solid I’m not resigning him you’re not wrong him he has a career of literally getting signed and then not being there I wanted Lonzo here I thought maybe here could be where he was his most healthy he was coming off a healthy season I thought that this would be the time that it would work guess what I was wrong it didn’t don’t make the same mistake again yeah yeah I mean listen you can’t bet on lonzo’s knees anymore you just can’t it just doesn’t make any sense feasibly why on Lonzo knes I mean he thinks he can and that’s why Dr briyan Sutter literally said why you always lying bro why always lying but as far as moves that the Bulls should make but probably won’t and again this is again not somebody I love Alice Caruso as a player but if the if you can get two first round picks for the thing is this and this is how I look at everything at this point in time is there a realistic way in which you can get truly competitive by the time Alice Caruso’s contract is up guess what it’s up at the end of the season prob I think I think I think the tough part is can would AC resign here I think the thing is is that I get the feeling I mean he signed here and he signed here there was no guarantee that we were going to be good so yeah signed here when you were adding wasn’t he the last signing he was like the last signing got signed before we signed dear didn’t he no I may be tripping on I think I think everything happened because I remember I was doing a live stream that day I remember everything happened and then they were like oh maybe he was before because I remember first I remember Lonzo was first Lonzo was first that deal was done tampering fast uh clearly I want to say dear maybe dear was the next day I don’t know I don’t that’s a good question that’s a good question what was that would have been 2020 21 but even so you were still adding Alex Caruso to a team that at that point had Zack LaVine coming off of a 26 Point per game season NCA vich on the team you just added Lonzo ball to that team like there was still a lot more hope around that team than there was freaking I mean like a team which is basically still the same people but everybody’s four years older and knees are worse everybody’s knees shot U but all like with it comes like I get it we all love Alex Caruso is the type of player we love here in Chicago and I would love nothing more than Alex guso to sign a new deal here with the Chicago Bulls and stay and be competitive but what considering how many first round picks we had to give up to build this version of the team that gave us one playoff win and a couple of play wins I think you got to kind of explore that a little bit now if the if the market isn’t out there cool that changes some things but if you can really get two first round picks back for Alice Caruso I think at this point you gotta try to do it I I agree with you I agree with you now that is a move that I think the Bulls should make but won’t um but I do agree that I love AC but if there’s any kind of package deals that you can make if there’s any kind of straightup deal if there’s any if there’s anything right like I I think AC to me me is the Lynch pin in because remember the report we’ heard the Bulls want to go Star hunting M I think AC is the Lynch pin in that every team is open to okay we did sign Alex cruo the day before Demar to Rosen by the way day before I thought I was trying to remember if dear was like the next day I just remember that first day we were just like oh everything What’s Happening Here we go and then like the next day like it was a whole weekend it was a great time what a time yeah so we signed Lonzo on the eth Caruso on the 10th and DeMar rosen on the 11th of August that’s a that’s a nice three-day stretch there for nice little three-day stretch I ate content wise back when I used to get paid yeah that was when I started my channel that’s literally the week I started my channel the week after I started my channel so that’s uh back when I used to get paid to do this man uh YouTube you son of a but uh but no it freaking um I I think if you if if you’re looking to go Star hunting you got some players that MoneyWise you can make that the Bulls aren’t going star honey it’s not happening listen listen hey we’re doing the segment things the Bulls should do but won the things that they should do and things that they just can’t do are different though nobody’s coming here bro I wish call Paul George right now and be like Paul bet um we really would love to pair you with IO dumu and Kobe white we think like your veteran leadership would help a whole hell of a lot the the phone call is disconnected while AK is making his pitch as soon as AK say yeah this is AK from the Chicago Bulls he clicked over and took another call well and that’s that’s what I was going to say if you do like a you know maybe maybe Cleveland wants to make a move because they fear they gonna lose Donovan Mitchell if at worst they got to take on one of the Bulls one-year deals and I get Alex Caruso with it to pair Alice Caruso uh with Darius Garland Evan Moy Jared Allen all those guys that we think would still work without it I think that you could get a trade facilitated that way now do I think that somebody’s just going to sign here in free agency no do I think the Bulls can hold somebody a gunpoint and force them to come here against their will that’s a different story no like the Bulls have no leverage none like let’s where the Chicago Bulls bro like this whole segment was basically should have been selling dreams because guess what they’re do the exact opposite of everything that we just mentioned hopes that will be dashed by the time the season gets here look and Jerry’s just sitting there like yeah may I may hire these guys after all I may hire these guys after all hope I may hire them after all you guys get it you sell the dream you don’t actually give it to them next we’re going to be talking about a trade proposal that would send Alice cruzo Nicola vich to the Golden State Warriors but before we get into that I got to talk to you guys about one of her sponsors and that is game time take the guesswork out of buying NBA Finals tickets with Game Time download the game time app create an account use code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms again create an account and redeem code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase game time is the only ticketing app uh that gives you complete peace of mind with your purchase so many ways to save on money on tickets no matter when you buy last minute deals on tickets right up to the start of the event even an hour after it starts exclusive Flash Deals and sponsor deals on tickets for football basketball baseball concerts comedy theater and more Zone deals where you pick the selection and Game Time picks the seats for big savings we love our fans and we’re committed to ensuring that we have an outstanding experience when you buy from 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start well how old are they cuz you know the young people they’re a little sensitive I don’t know was somebody in the comments so he might probably but fre he was like are you telling me you don’t root for both and I was like no he was like I’ve never rooted against the socks I was like sounds like you need to get your priori straight brother like what listen Cubs hate is real that’s all my three favorite teams the white socks the Brewers and anybody who’s beaten the Cubs that day that’s fair uh with that said uh a trade has been proposed by bleach report they were going through and talking about trades that make sense for each team I disagree that this makes sense for the Bulls but Pat you tell me how you feel you usually are on the opposite side of Trades like this to me Nicola vich and Alice Caruso to the Golden State Warriors for Andrew Wiggins the 52nd overall pick in this draft and a top four protected pick in the 2026 draft how do you feel about that trade proposal what uh what what kind of contract is wigs on right now I know Andrew Wiggins is on a contract that L and this is this part of the reason why I don’t like it is because I thought well you know maybe if if his contract’s up before um you know V maybe but literally his contract is $30 million which is the the combination of Alice Caruso and Nicola vich and it has an add a year longer than V’s contract has has three years remaining on it so you’re not really gaining any type of financial flexibility on it at all you’re keeping the same money in Caruso and V is just combined into one person and it’s a year longer than VES and two years longer than Alex Caruso he really fell off last season too yeah I mean and don’t get me wrong like if this was a season or two ago this would be a trade that I’d be like hey you pair uh Wiggins who likes to get out and run with with iio and Kobe I I don’t hate that but like at 29 years old I think it’ll be 30 in the middle of the season and already starting to hit a serious decline now maybe maybe you attach some of the Warriors overall decline to that but 13 points per game on 45% shooting uh 44.5 rebounds per game 1.7 assists uh the three-point shooting isn’t necessarily terrible it’s better than Demar 35 uh% almost 36% he’s coming off a season prior at 39% taking six per game so I mean last the last three seasons before last season he shot the ball from three 38% taking five per game 39% taking five and a half and 39% taking six per game so there’s that three-point shooting upside that the Bulls could use there at the already I would say and I know this may be just bringing the the human element of things into it I would be willing to take a chance on Wiggins and now the picks are not fabulous at all but I’d be willing to take a chance on Wiggins in that scenario because um that was his first season back after his father passed I believe this is true maybe maybe dealing with a little bit of some of the you know you still got to perform I understand that but maybe dealing with some of the effects of that missed a good chunk of the pre previous season because of him being with his father and dealing with all of that stuff um so I I wonder if maybe the drop because the drop off was tragically drastic so I wonder if some of that played into it I wouldn’t be the the part that sucks is you’re you’re not getting the financial flexibility yeah it actually makes things more tough on you financially because you’re getting two players for the price of one now I will say this in the first year though it is a $3 million saving overall between Caruso and V’s contract so the first year of that we are getting a $3 million savings but that that immediately goes away in 2025 26 and then he has a player option 2026 27 this is a trade you make and if I’m the GM and I’m I’m the head coach of the team this is a trade you make depending on how much you believe in Kobe white because what you’re basically saying is we’re gonna get you a running mate that can be 17 18 points per game and at his best when he was right when he was uh pre everything he went through in pre- last season um who you know can be a Lockdown Defender when you need him to be and who can shoot the three ball as well can get to the bucket as well um he’s not going to be 25 26 points per game but he’s Uber talented and you need to find a way to make that work with the fact that Kobe white has is has hit that star to whatever Next Level he can get to um I think that that’s the only way you you make a trade like this because realistically speaking now you’re running a center line up out I mean Adamas son ago’s in the lineup like he’s your Center and whoever we don’t know it depends on what you do with the draft right right whoever that and that could also add flexibility to keep drum which could be a possibility could yeah three mil so you could add flexibility to keep drumming so maybe that opens up another option there as well um but I mean it it would be a move to say we believe that Kobe white is an answer to at least one of the questions we have I don’t think you make this move if you think Andrew Wiggins is Gonna Come here and be I mean what freak Z Zack LaVine or or is is I guess here this is a tough way to put it is Andrew Wiggins what we hope Patrick Williams is even as he declined like that’s a hell of a way to put that my boy I mean listen that’s a hell of a way to put that way you’re not wrong mean like in a way you’re not wrong okay here’s my question though okay so would this move then basically be saying would you be willing to do this move and if they keep Demar is this a move that says all right dear walked away for nothing so on top of that we’re going to go ahead and and and get rid of Vu as well just clear out the 34 year olds from the roster I I mean listen you guys know again maybe this is another move that the Bulls should make but I’m in favor of of letting dear walk just to just to try and reset some things um reset some things financially For You especially and it just seems I I keep saying this it seems very difficult that they’re going to trade Zack LaVine and take an L this is Jer rydor this the same owner as as freaking uh uh that that told Scotty Pippen we not resigning you to a contract after he had won three more deals you know I mean this is the same owner who when you sign that piece of paper make sure that you live up to that piece of paper it it sounds good to hear Michael’s input and ak’s but we know who where the buck stops because there were multiple trades that were on the table last season and the Bulls basically said no because they would have been taking the brunt of the money they would have been taking the L we know Jay not gonna do that so of the people you’re going to move on from it’s probably the guy who doesn’t hurt you financially if he leaves in free agency and the guy who’s already under contract although I don’t know how the heck vo helps the Warriors I don’t think that the V the Zack LaVine trade is necessarily was stopped because of them taking the burun of the money honestly in the deals that they were rumored to have like the Detroit Pistons deal that was a lot of expiring contracts in that so I don’t know if that’s necessarily the thing that held that up I I don’t know if any of these things have anything to do with a Zack LaVine trade I think that the Bulls at this point are concentrated on moving Zach but come hell High waterer but I guess we’ll see when what happens in the off seon I just I don’t I don’t know like who’s the team that’s again like you’re you’re waiting till everybody every other team is set to trade Zack basically and then you get the scraps of the teams that didn’t get whatever players they they’re waiting until everybody else I think they’re going to be trying to move Zack as soon oh they’re gonna be trying to move Zack but no team is sitting there knocking on Zack lavine’s door first there’s I got to mean we’ve talked about a team that very much could be and I think that is that don’t overlook the Orlando Magic’s desperation and not being a a team that is going to attract any free agents and having $18 million in cap space I don’t know if they come straight to Zack LaVine though I would they’re gonna make some oh they’re gonna make some other calls where does it all lead you right back to us that’s I would bet you they go try to try to trade for Kyle kosma before they try to trade for Zack l no he doesn’t make any sense positionally for them I mean they they they all play the same position what you mean that’s what I mean the whole point of them looking is to break up the monotony that they have all at the they guys that all are looking like hey but where am I going to play at I mean listen you just saw Indiana make it a long way with a lineup similar to that not really they they had so many people injured is partially why they had a lineup similar not The Bigs you still had Obie toppen you still had Pascal seak you still had Miles Turner you still they had they still had all they bigs out there the the guys that were injured to’s a big at we’re labeling Obi toen a big is 6′ seven 6’8 we’re labeling OB topping a big when he’s playing the four yeah okay welcome to the modern NBA like I mean no I get that he can play because you play the four just because you play the four doesn’t necessarily mean you’re big is what I Al so Alex cruso is a big for us yes problem that is our problem hey we’ve been saying this for years yes we’re putting six4 dudes in Big Man position yes he’s a bro like he and top didn’t start a single game in the Play like you need depth don’t get me wrong but like they have a lot of starting quality people all at the same position why they’re rumored to be trying to move Wendell because it’s it’s just they just got a lot of monotony there I mean listen you rumored to be trying to move Wendell because Wendell is uh sucks listen Bulls fans is still are talking about oh my God we gave him Wendell is not the problem in the the problem’s not the problem I don’t know bro Obby top is 69ine bro you get in a big territory when you 69ine he plays the part forward but if you look at the way that he there’s nothing about that you would look at his game forward big that’s all I’m saying but I mean 69ine plays the four I think he fits the roll he fits the roll more than javante Green Man was here for 24 hours they was like we need a center wait a minute listen Derrick Jones Jr look that’s why he’s thriving now it’s amazing how good DJJ looks when he’s not forced to play a center is all I’m saying bro we put Dereck Jones Jr out there at Center and uh and freaking Dallas was like Hey man ain’t you a shooting guy like yes I’ve been saying this for three years well he hasn’t played any minutes in shooting guard his minutes has been between the four and the three and the four but still is a lot better than playing Center is all that is so right listen that mug he he can definitely be more of a shooting guard than he can a center he actually wasn’t a bad Center he was a shooting guard yeah before we got him he was a shooting guard and then immediately Center crazy the things we’ve been through bro crazy oh God there’s so many Chicago Bulls going to the NBA finals just two of them yeah that’s a lot anyway before we go we got to talk about an actual person who’s projected to play the center Kyle filipos as we just spent a large part of their wax and poetic about everything that’s wrong with the pools it always gets back there uh it always gets back how do you feel about him as a prospect for the Bulls man I like filipowski I I think uh my my biggest issue with him is um he gets moved around a lot like you got to know what he is as a big man you got to build your team around that um but outside of that I mean he can he can push the ball up the floor I think he’s a guy who can take it off the glass and get the ball ahead I think he pushes the offense uh he runs I would love to see him in an offense with Kobe white because you’re going to see the speed that he’s able to bring he’s able to knock down the three ball as well KY filipowski is dare I say um he not as strong though I was gonna say dare I say like a great value Larry marinin no I honestly think lari Markin is actually pretty good uh Prospect for him because like let’s let’s be clear Mar lari gets and KY philipos didn’t get moved around as much his his his sophomore year freshman year was bad he he put on about 15 18 pounds of muscle and that that that solved some of that the thing I like about fosi the most is that he just got that dog in him like real talk in the way that he can handle the ball as a big is ridiculous bro like he he has that that that ball handling that he has at a center position it could be great depending on how you use it especially if you don’t have kind of a traditional point guard I like that um I like his offensive skills overall he’s a guy that like just doesn’t back down he just has that dog in him but the thing that does concern me as well is that as a center he doesn’t necessarily score around the rim the way I necessarily would like but because of his ability to shoot the mid-range shoot the three maybe you can overcompensate that that he’s solid in pick and roll offense as well not really a lob threat and I like the way that he he rounded out blocking shots he went from what I think blocking like a half a shot per game to almost two per game in sophomore year so that shows that he understand how to adapt to the role that was needed for him and if he could keep doing that in the NBA that can keep him around for a long time here’s my problem are we risking the 11th p and I like Philip palsky I think that he he speaks offense I think that you’re going to go out there and offensively you’re going to run you’re trying to build yourself up offensively I think he’s more of an offensive player than a defensive player uh but every time and this is not a a sometime every time he played against a center of any ilk with any size um he was a rebounding child he did not rebound the basketball well he he you know four five rebounds a game in situations like that um anytime that there was and and he’s coming to a league where he will never be the biggest dude on the floor like well maybe I guess Chad and wemy Chad well you’re not going to win with Wy but maybe Chad maybe he’s got more weight than Chad on him um talking about weightwise he’ll be there’ll be some quite a bit that he’ll that he’ll outweigh weightwise but that doesn’t necessarily mean strength there’s going to be a lot that is stronger there he’s uh he that that that’s my biggest concern with him is do you risk can you take the risk drafting a center who is an okay rebounder at the college level and bringing him to the NBA when one of your problems has been offensive rebound and getting the board and when you are good at the offensive rebounds I guess what what would be good is if you can if you do that scenario of Vu Caruso kind of if you get that um that that bigs lineup of you end up holding on to Drummond and you have filipowski out there then you can dominate The Glass but one of them actually can shoot the three and it’s not you know a mystery that he can shoot the three well the thing is too I think Kyle philipos as even in rebounding you you got to realize that Duke team really rebounds as a team he also played next to Mark Mark Mitchell who also was a extremely good rebounder as well so maybe there’s a little bit more upside rebounding wise than what we see I’m not going to say it’s not a concern too um but you got to have solid rebound I I agree you would have to have solid rebounders around him too because I mean the Bulls already suffer sometimes from getting out rebound especially key momentum changing rebounds and K philipos isn’t somebody who’s really going to change that too much you just got to know that he’s gonna translate offensively if he translates offensively he’s worth the risk at number 11 though that’s thing like and and that’s going to be what’s interesting to watch about this draft for the Bulls is because every big man it may just be the just the position they’re not valuing the position but in almost every mock big man are just sliding down the the mock draft boards whereas the wings which is another wings and and power forward centers are the deepest positions in this draft but it seems like a lot of mocks now are having the wings rise up whereas The Bigs are falling and that may be make it a reach for the Bulls but then again as me you’ve talked about several times this is one of those drafts where number seven and number 12 there’s like this much space between there’s very little space between the the the potential between the two so yeah maybe the Bulls don’t care uh have you have you seen Zack Edy lately on the mock drafts have you yeah 20 25th in most slowly working his way up yeah that’s fine as long as he’s not there at number 11 somebody’s really disappoint the Chicago Bull select Zack Ed listen you just hear a scream of Terror you you’ll hear me in Chicago is how is how it would be do no in Chicago they’d love him because mugs would sit there and look at him and be like we haven’t had a pig like this since the 90s and it’ be like they realize his foot speed is just as bad as V’s right wait a second no he would be one of them Ms where like Joel is clamoring for Zack Edy I also think it’s because Joel has only seen Zack Ed I don’t think he’s seen a lot of uh Joe also is old so that that plays part what I mean like what I’m saying people have a different a different appreciation they like know what you want to do you want to get that thing on the Block and go to work and I’m like that don’t work in the modern league as much like you’re not gonna see a lot of dudes getting and how’s he gonna get back on defense when the other Center is playing out at the top of the key you ain’t got to worry about that get down on the Block go to work a minute now hold on I’m surprised you gotta you got to get uh Joel to watch uh evees Missy uh the Frenchman he love him bro like he literally oh my God this guy look at this guy gets down on the Block goes to work I’m I’mma tell him it’s Eve’s Messi and I’m G show them all the dam Sago highlights from the G League last year look at this guy gets down on the Block go to work that’s hilarious bro any last thoughts before we get up out of here man oh God I hope the Bulls do everything that we said that we fully believe that they won’t do appreciate y’all tuning in and showing love hit that like button subscribe to the page follow me on everything at pad the designer you can follow uh us both on everything at lockon Bulls y’all stay safe by there Chicago you guys can follow me at CEO hay thank you guys for tuning in to another episode of Locked on bulls we are free and available on every podcasting app and platform of your choice and apparently uh Pat is also available on only fans peace y’all wow why am I on uh why am I on the fans what’s going on there I’ve heard his good one Ain a sham of what’s going on over here [Music]

Haize & Pat The Designer talk about moves they feel the Bulls should consider this offseason but probably won’t. The guys also discuss a trade from Bleacher Report that would send Nikola Vucevic & Alex Caruso to the Golden State Warriors & talk about Kyle Filipowski as a prospect for the Bulls.

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  1. Let him (Lonzo) get a chance to show and prove before yall assume the worst and Haize lets not act like the doctors know everything. Once again, lets see what Zo can do if anything and trade him at the deadline. AK made splashes when he arrived and got DeMar, Zo and Vooch with the trash we had before. Bottom line is LETS SEE this upcoming season THEN judge the results.

  2. First thing is cut Zach (get a decent package back), next cut DEBO and Patrick Williams Debo sign and trade Pat straight up trade with these two moves address your big man issue, keep or trade curoso either way the team should be good because curoso bring back a good package maybe a better package than Zach

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