@Toronto Raptors

Grading Sean’s strongest-held draft takes | Do Not Draft Ryan Dunn? DaRon Holmes II over everything?

Grading Sean’s strongest-held draft takes | Do Not Draft Ryan Dunn? DaRon Holmes II over everything?

all right I I think I have three pretty firmly held draft takes that I just want to throw at you see what you think am I out of my mind number one Ryan Dunn the Virginia Wing who is widely regarded as the best defensive player in this draft would simply be a do not draft for me if I were the Toronto Raptors I don’t think his offense is it I think the 20% from three and 53% from the line is enough for me to say I don’t know how this works on a team with Scotty Barnes and currently yakob purle Ryan Dunn is a do not draft for me tell me why I’m wrong I think with the 31st pick it’s fine I would I would not in the first round if I were the Raptors okay I so I actually posed the question on Twitter the other day what is Ryan Dunn’s offensive role in the NBA I struggle mightily with Ryan Dunn like he isn’t outlier defensively like he is a phenomenal phenomenal phenomenal defensive prospect really good on the ball excellent ground coverage guy his balance is insane uh had a block rate over 10 which would be Stellar for a center he had a steel rate of 3.1 like outlier great defender outlier bad offensive player unfortunately um I have like a a metric uh tool that I I kind of use personally he had a red flag assist rate uh the amount of his scoring volume was a red flag his three-point percentage three-point volume catch and shoot three-point percentage his usage rate all red flags the like it is it I’ve never seen such an a red flag L an offensive profile what I will say is he’s very strong downhill I think he can actually dribble a little bit and I think he’s got a little bit of downhill passing I think there are worlds where you can play him as a four if you do have that spacing around him and use him almost as like a rle man I’m like saying I’m like even doubting it myself as I say he’s the biggest D in the world like he’s 68 S1 wingspan those are great measurements for a forward um if I’m picking at 31 I think there’s a chance that I just say you know what maybe we’ll figure out the offense thing at some point and take this guy who is right just outlier good in one area and hope that the outlier bad can be remedied but I would not take him at 19 for the Raptors yeah I um I I think that’s pretty fair and yeah I mean 31 yeah I could see a little bit more even then man even then I think there’s going to be guys on the board yeah yeah um my second most firmly held draft to take and look these things are fleeting I change my mind on things all the time but right now my absolute favorite guy I want the Raptors to take it 19 is Don Holmes II yeah and I I think he actually I know we played center a lot at College I think 95% of his minutes in the NBA come as a three or a four and I think the guy SLU he most reminds me of are Championship season Pascal SE yakum and modern day Jaden MC Daniels I think this dude can like I I you know maybe he hasn’t been sort of asked to do it yet but he just seems like the kind of guy who is enormous long kind of impossible to get around who has this sort of funky package of offensive moves to go to maybe never going to be a primary guy or anything like that you know Pascal seaka went from that to like this whole other world of awesome that I don’t see in Holmes’s future but I really love the package with Holmes I love his little post game I love all things he does the pick and pop stuff to me he features as like uh you know the ideal 34 hybrid forward for any team in the modern NBA I love Don Ron Holmes uh tell me why I’m wrong so I see Holmes more as a big like the idea three is like way too rich for me um I see him as like a four five big um I don’t think he has the lateral agility of like a Jaden McDaniel like I don’t think he’s that quick I don’t think he has the power like downhill Force if aakam but I think he’s really good like I I think at 19 I don’t bat an N if that’s who the Raptors take I have him in that range um Stellar ball handler for his size like dayen would have him just bring the ball up the court and like run inverted pick and roll stuff with him like he is very skilled with the bonus hands and that’s new he came into college is OPP post to Big the intel on him is Stellar this is a kid who really wants to like round out his game and get better at every single aspect of the game and you see it on the court even just with the passing decisions he made he was always one of those guys that was a capable passer but not a good passer like he could do really cool stuff and now he’s a genuinely great decision maker uh defensively has some real ball screen versatility I wish he was a little stronger a little bit more physical on the glass like that’s the thing that kind of hangs me up with him a little bit is like kind of the same questions you had about Philip psky like is the interior stuff all the way there with Holmes um but I think it I think at worse you’re getting one of the more interesting scheme versatile competent backup centers in the league right like I I think I think Holmes has a really safe floor on him especially when you take the character stuff into consideration like he is a very very hard worker who has transformed the way he plays and gotten great results from the work he’s put in uh so I I think that would be a good pick at 19 if that were the route they were to go perhaps not as bullish as I am but nobody is I’m the donon Holmes head apparently and uh I’m glad to be a little bit Vindicated in my unabashed belief all right last one for you this one’s like it’s got some heat to it you know let’s go um I think the most likely player in this draft to and look the likelihood of this happening is infinitesimal it’s probably not happening but the most likely player in this draft to win a scoring title in the NBA is Jaylen Tyson that dude can score and can do it in a whole bunch of different ways and I’m not saying that I think he’s going to win a scoring title but I think he’s my favorite scorer in this draft maybe Rob Dillingham uh sort of not withstanding but I I don’t like Rob Dillingham all that much I really really like Jaylen Tyson would be super down if he were a Raptor’s pick uh give me the thoughts on it seems like you strongly disagree with this one which hey fair enough it’s kind of an insane take so I like Jaylen Tyson and I think if there’s a little bit of rewiring to how he goes about his approach which like Cal so he he played for Cal last year Cal was very bad jayen Tyson got his eligibility waiver and Cal was like a perfectly fine pack 12 team after that they needed Jaylen Tyson to play the way he played college basketball like I’m not saying like H actually he shouldn’t have been in the mid post that’s what they needed to do to win games like they had to do it um where he scores and how he goes about scoring is going to look a lot different in the NBA he’s got a lot of like pretty mid-range stuff which I love as like a bailout option he’s gonna have to be a lot more straight line in the NBA uh he wasn’t great as a driver this past year he does have a tendency to settle when he creates advantages and take pull-ups instead of getting all the way to the rim his decisionmaking like I I think the floor and I I hate doing like negative draft talk the floor looks something like Denzel Valentine to me like occasionally he just makes him really frustrating decisions with the ball as a passer or like with the shot selection like that’s the stuff that scares me I I worry about the defense with him but I do think he’s a really capable scorer and similar to Ron Holmes I think he’s like a capable passer like he has his moments where it’s like you can see the gears are turning the stuff just needs to kind of be Workshop had kind of a weird journey through college basketball that like definitely plays a part of it and a lot of that was not his fault also um but yeah I I think he’s a good scorer I worry what he looks like in a complimentary role if like the decision-making passing stuff is going to be there if the defense is going to be there um and if he’s going to take the right shots when he’s in a more tertiary role I knew I had a bad take in here uh that was it um I think he’s good I he’s in the first round for me right now so I I don’t think he’s bad I just I I see some people that are really high on him and I I just have more reservations on his game than than others I think that’s fair enough for for for what it’s worth I don’t think anyone in this draft class is ever going to win a scoring title with Dillingham be your guy if there was one uh I guess yeah maybe uh yeah I don’t resounding uh support well I like and like the thing is I feel like I like this c a little bit more than a lot of people but like I just don’t see like a scoring title guy in there I guess it would have to be dying ham it would have to be like Dillingham under the right circumstances and I’m not even a huge like you I’m not a huge Dillingham guy but I think you were to say yeah g your head you got to pick a scoring to guy it’s probably Dyan cam the circumstance feels like similar to the uh 2005 2006 Toronto Raptors where Mike James just decides I’m averaging 20 a game there’s nothing you can do about it I’m taking every shot if Rob Dillingham has a Mike James season in him he could just go well and win win a scoring title and I think we’d all be better for having seen it for sure I agree with that

In this section of Thursday’s episode of Locked On Raptors, Sean Woodley runs some of his strongest-held opinions about this year’s NBA Draft by No Ceilings scout and writer Maxwell Baumbach to see just how good or bad they are. Should Ryan Dunn really be a Do Not Draft for the Raptors? Is DaRon Holmes II the clear best choice for the Raptors at 19, and is his more wing than big? And is Jaylon Tyson the most likely player in this class to one day win a scoring title? All that and more in this snippet of Thursday’s show, which you can access in full at the links below.

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