@Toronto Raptors

REACTING TO POTENTIAL RAPTORS! Who Should The Toronto Raptors Target in the 2024 NBA DRAFT?

REACTING TO POTENTIAL RAPTORS! Who Should The Toronto Raptors Target in the 2024 NBA DRAFT?

from anywhere I mean in conference 42 oh my goodness yeah see he nasty he [Music] nasty what up y’all I’m back I’m back baby let’s talk about it man let’s talk about it man welcome back to the channel this is full C he I’m your host J I know it’s been a minute I know it’s been a minute and I know I said I was going to do playoff games a lot of things happen bro a lot of things being I tried to upload two times it did not work and I was behind on games and it just did not work anyway let’s not get distracted from the point that we’re all here why is the reason we’re here we’re talking about the draft man thank you to you for sticking around and popping up for another video on the channel man I really do appreciate it I have a different approach I feel like we’ve been learning as the channel has been growing I heard the news Raptors lost their lottery pick this year I know when we take a look big picture I think we’re fine and the reason I think we’re fine is the this draft is all over the place this year that we don’t know where people are going to drop and I think we can get a lottery Talent at our pick at 19 I think we could easily trade into the lottery if we want to and there’s going to be some decent prospects left at 31 it’s not a super strong draft but still think to be excited about and we keep our pick next year and have the option to bottom out in tank if the season is going that way next year so what I thought we would do is take a look at a couple of the prospects that I got lined up that we could potentially take at 19 and I’m f focusing on 19 cuz I feel like a lot of those players will still be there at 31 potentially U we’re going to take a look at some of those players see how we feel look at their highlights and kind of just gauge and we’re going to look at five players today when next video we can do another five so on so forth um so I’m going to ask you to put down your comments uh a player that I do not bring up in today’s video and I can take a look at him in the next fi that being said let’s start five players today we’re starting with the man Isaiah clier that’s what we starting with big body point guard from Perry look at that burst speed I see a lot of comps to Tyreek Evans I don’t know if I see that I think he’s faster than Tyreek Evans points he stronger get the rebound now he just so I I I don’t love the comp I think I just it’s just the way he gets to his Crossovers and things of that nature and roughly the size that I think has giving people Tyreek Evans comps I don’t think that’s a great comp personally maybe y’all do but I like it 63 64 like a right around there I don’t know his R is exactly but strong strong guard and I think it works with him because he gives you something that IQ does not give that downhill driver that’s his game he’s trying to get in he’s trying to bang you know I mean he’s a very physical player so I feel like that would work as a backup point guard coming off the bench changing the style of play at the point guard position or know we can talk about potentially playing them together because of his height at 63 64 not the tallest shooting guard but it can happen we played Kyle Lowry and Fred Van before so I’m not I I personally don’t think you can’t it would be such a big isue to play them both together if it turns out that K is like a huge part of your team but yeah he has a different level of speed is he the fastest player in the draft I don’t know the draft well enough to say he is or is not the fastest player in the draft he’s got that strength the question is how much does he have to like grow from here he blowing past he’s going right past all these Kansas State players there’s no question for that see that burst we don’t really have anyone who can get downhill like that RJ’s probably our best bet right now adding another player like that I’m there so what’s his draft range oh good pass boy good pass Sal prove am they are I mean I think before this college season started he was going to be a top 10 pick now at this point it depends I see him getting moed a lot around like anywhere I’ll say like 12 to like 17 is his normal range so if he gets to us at 19 that is a drop I I believe that’s a drop cuz I think once you get to the mid teams that’s where I feel like a team is going to take a chance on his uh on his talent on his speed like his athletic tools alone you’re going to take a chance good take good take I don’t know man I’m excited about him I think K nice St when he was there what of the odds he gets to us oh my Lord that was nasty Bo if you don’t from anywhere I mean in confs 42 oh my goodness yeah see he nasty he nasty if he is there and 19 I think that’s a great pick personally I think that’s a great pick um yeah let’s continue on and we’re going to go to the next player um I would say Isaiah K would be pretty high on my board if I’m looking at my board for the for the Raptors at 19 uh next guy that we look at today let’s just rip the bandaid off man got already know who we talking about here man you think it’s somebody from Sanford nah bro it’s a big zball team Zack Ed draft range really all over the place and I know some people hate him as a prospect I’ve seen even a couple times I mentioned him on the channel the comments have been pretty decisive over Ed I think he dominated too much at the level for it to not at least partially translate like he’s better than ban if you don’t think he’s better than ban you tweaking bro he moves way better than b does he move as good as like a walker Kesler no he does not move as good walker he’s not that far behind really is phenomenal you got to play a drop coverage but do you not have to play a drop coverage with BR Lopez that happens without him Edie puts it up and draws I I I think you take Ed Smith to Edy his potential if it works theot like you got to like yeah you got to think what’s the worst case scenario and what’s the best Cas scenar in an unknown draft if you gamble on what the 74 dude I’m not mad at that who won the college player of the year dominated you know what I’m saying there’s going to be a lot of teams that just absolutely cannot match up with him how does he do on the defensive end like we can take a year or two to figure that out and we have purle depends if we keep him purle that’s another thing man do y’all want to keep purle I feel like it’s very all over the place with that right now because purle can definitely get you a top 10 pick in this draft and where did Zach Edy go I see more recently MOX saying Edy is like top 10 y’all boys taking Edy top 10 if you got a top 10 pick right now and we took Edie wo that’s a big take that that that that’s a little different I would consider it but I know some people would lose their mind and and that’s super fair I’m not mad at you if you think I’m crazy for even considering Ed at in a top 10 situation Ed at 19 I’m taking Ed at 19 I feel like him K would be like if they’re both there that’s a super tough pick for me I don’t even know who I’m taking in that sit in that situation but I don’t know I feel like Ed is a solid player and I think the potential with him is being slept on and he show well at the combine he was shooting a whole bunch of stuff but like it’s hard to really look at these highlights too much cuz like who is even relatively close to his like oh my gosh he’s Bing he is absolutely Bing on the but if it works you have a like you could have your starting center right here and a dominant Center I I want to give man get the dice out man I’m trying to gamble on him I like it I like it a lot I like it a lot three-point shooter very good shooter yeah I don’t know like what kind of it’s so hard to watch these highlights cuz like who’s matching up with him in college but who’s matching up with him in the NBA you’re looking at like three centers that might have the size to be with him you know what I mean and that’s him as a rookie he’s going to do that all day if you don’t think he’s already better than Taco Fall you’re sleeping you did not watch college basketball he’s way better than Taco Fall I like it I like it hey bro I’m already sold on Ed you ain’t got to sell me nothing you ain’t got to sell me nothing his hook touch is amazing we got to see if that uh shot is really there he’s going to be able to block shots it’s just how much can he move on the perimeter that’s what we going have to find out that’s what we going have to find out but I like it I like Ed I like Ed a lot next person that we going to look at here Devin Carter Devin Carter I don’t think he falls I don’t see anywhere where he falls out the lottery he’s such a good Defender we just saw how a defensive-minded point guard works with brother from o OKC oh my Lord what’s his name k Wallace we just saw how case and Wallace worked out with OKC fitting a role right away and there’s potential for him to grow Devin Carter might be a better Prospect I don’t know great defensive player uh stupid athlet what he had like a 42 vertical oh my Lord son of an NBA player maybe more sauce even though his oh my Lord that boy is nasty whoa hold onter the lane I didn’t realize how was booming like these is out Carter D oh my gosh Carter Style Point yeah I would love de Carter 19 I think there’s a negative per chance he makes it to 19 though I think if you want Deon Carter for real you got to trade into the top 10 I’m not going to lie he’s he’s top 10 to me look at this boy oh my camera froze yeah that guy this guy’s a freak he’s a freaking nature and he doesn’t have a crazy oh my Lord n these highlights are nasty Pierre to Carter got it his form looks like there’s a littleit but he hit a good percentage I think he was like around 40 if I’m not misten maybe even higher you know me I don’t have the stats on Deck right now I’m just living in living in reac trans for the vict in there seon open he’s a very confident shooter and his handle like you’re not going to see a crazy uh dribble package but I think even he said at the combine he gets to where he needs to and he’s the best guard defender in this draft stumble a little bit maybe second best defender behind Ryan Don wall but like yeah he’s he’s a monster he’s a [Applause] monster how much do y’all want to trade into the top 10 of this draft into the lottery let’s say how many of y’all want to trade into the lottery y’all think it’s worth it you think it’s worth [Applause] itl Hopkins ENT fee nice kick Carter you bet wow nice inside out a good help by black B oh my go he actually pooping out here he’s so active think Carter I thought he W I think this dude’s a monster I think he a monster Miss couldn’t hit the put back and the frier run it out Carter all the way just go right over you damn a nice night navigates out of that’s such a tough shot crazy on the break sign him up sign them up need him now sign him up get them on the team I don’t like what are we talking about first three guys I feel like if they are available if only one of them is available at 19 I think it’s it’s not a no-brainer cuz nothing’s a no-brainer in this draft but like I love all of those picks I love all those picks okay last two a little bit less known still going to be known for anybody who’s been really looking at the mock drafts you’re going to be aware of these dudes he’s already got George all last from Florida I believe he’s six8 penetration George shooter score crafty no burst no burst do not expect highlight dunks but he can get to that jumper so gam to the but if it works Cleveland I do like it a lot he’s got a lot of height I feel like there there’s oh my Lord George gets free he’s got 16 in attack mode working on Madson for double teams it up really nice moments man like he he could fit in really well alongside Scotty oh my gosh it around Baron scoop shot yes so the he’s a real big gamble it’s either a lot of potential but there’s a lot of bust potential like I’ve seen some of his some of his movements remind me of Delano a little bit like if Delano was a little bit less athletic and if he could actually shoot Corner George fills it up Joseph from the line to the Lane how do you feel I I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a lot of people like super sold on him he’s a gamble player ready to as soon as he caught it because I like he struggles to get by guys at this level so that’s what gives me a little bit of concern at the NBA level where the athletes are better you know what I mean but he super skish Miami basketball so him at 19 or if he falls to 31 I would definit but if you were going to put the biggest there for sure scoring scripp up your knees coming back in the house tripping on you know like does he just become s like a craftier player in the NBA where he’s already crafty but he just becomes a guy who doesn’t rely on his speed but just his craft to just get into the lane do what he needs to do floaters midranges there’s a lot of Threes in this highlight package like we’re not seeing a lot of mid-ranges a couple drives to the rim but nothing too crazy but really just flame throwing that thing don’t care if there’s a hand right in his face give me that y need those he’s interesting I think the other three are more I’d lean to those more at 19 but I would not be mad I would not be mad I would not be mad it depends on who’s there at 19 I really think there’s going to be some people you’re going to be surprised K that are there on 19 that’s the thing you got to you got to think about finding daylight narrowly and he throws up all right Kean George like that all right last guy we’re looking at today Jaylen Tyson someone else have seen a lot 6 s maybe he played a lot of Defense at his previous University I don’t remember what school it was now but I Cal he was everything he’s their score he’s got a lot of maybe the best everybody’s at creating his own shot in the draft is that too crazy to say when you have the the Inn or postseason basketball that was a double dribble for sure can hit the three I saw a comp of Caris lever and that one seems pretty reasonable I didn’t I didn’t hate that shots you a little bit more physical in the post he get you on a post up and then if it’s a smaller Defender it’s a big Defender try cross you up get to his bag but he can do a lot of different things man the three of course we we needs another basket if we maybe that’s you know the gets our conf look at the handle package okay okay okay I like it I like it I like it like it depends on how you feel about no if you have feelings like no could be a big part they’re somewhat similar I think you could have both of them on your team obviously too I’m not saying you have to have one one there’s some similarities there I think he just has because he was the number one defender on his previous uh I think there’s more defensive potential with him than the pass but I just like his craftiness man I feel like he can he can break down his Defender better than any of the other guys that we talked about here good pass good move but I guess it’s easy to do when watching committed to going to the look J I would love him at 31 I would not be mad at him at 19 but another guy that I’m very very interested in plus he spend one more year with oh yeah oh yeah see smaller smaller Defender get to a post up bigger Defender we go SAU do something this highlight mix ain’t even that crazy but you know what I’m saying what do y’all think man couple prospects couple things to think about there’s some rumors swirling around Raptors land too talk about Wiggins we can talk about all those people uh a little bit later but today we’re just looking at those five prospects what do you think out of that group of five how would you rank them and what prospects do you think I should look at going forward we got to cover so many you know I mean this draft is all over the place we’re I think we’re we’re under a month right when is the draft 27 yeah we’re under a month away from the draft officially we going to hear more news uh heating up about rumored trades and rumored workouts and all this stuff so hey man I’m still here I’m still posting you know me every now and then I got to take a little you know what I mean I got to take a little Hiatus but I’m I always come back I would never leave you know I had to go to the store I had to get some milk but I’ll come back I’ll be there anyway that’s all man I appreciate love support uh if you’re new to channel like the video subscribe to the channel leave a comment uh more videos on the way that’s all I got I’m out

#torontoraptors #nbamockdraft #scottiebarnes

REACTING TO POTENTIAL RAPTORS! Who Should The Toronto Raptors Target in the 2024 NBA DRAFT?

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tags: Shaygoon, fch, full court heave, toronto raptors, pascal siakam, scottie barnes, dennis schroeder, og anunoby, jakob poeltl, gary trent jr, postgame, full game highlights, interview, reaction, gradey dick, immanuel quickley, rj barrett, team canada, trade, darko, postgame, bruce brown, trade, kelly olynk, Ochai Agbaj,nba draft, nba draft 2024, toronto raptors draft, toronto raptors mock draft, zach edey, isaiach collier, nba draft lottery, jaylon tyson, kyshawn george, devin carter,


  1. Love Jalon Tyson doubt he is available at 31 but 19 is a little high. He does remind me of Nwora but I think he may be a better defender.

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