@Detroit Pistons

Reacting To Bleacher Report Detroit Pistons 2024 NBA Mock Draft

Reacting To Bleacher Report Detroit Pistons 2024 NBA Mock Draft

hey guys what is going on Anthony here with pistons talk hope you guys are having a great day so far what I wanted to do in today’s video was react to this 2024 NBA mck draft now I’m just going to focus on the Pistons in this this video so they have a first round pick fifth overall and I believe they have a very very late second round pick that we got in the New York next trade I think that’s in the 50s so we’ll react to that as well but let’s get straight into it you guys so let’s just skim through the the top four cuz I I I haven’t seen this this article yet I haven’t uh ready yet so we’re just going to skim through it real quick uh number one they have the Hawks selecting Rish I think that was what they had last time uh number two they have the Wizards selecting Alex SAR again I think that’s what they had last time uh number three Houston they have a different selction Reed Shepard I believe they had Donovan klling in at three so they have Reed in this situation uh good fit for Houston hell of a shooter uh number four San Antonio they have Nicole topic same as what they had last time so I haven’t seen who bleach report has for the Pistons now I think the last mock they had Stefan Castle which I absolutely hated I told you guys why I hated it we don’t need another guard we don’t need another combo guard like why um it could be balis which I I feel like every National punon has balis if five uh it could be connect which I think a lot of you guys are high on could be Dillingham maybe I don’t know I I feel like Dillingham would be really less likely at five I don’t know who’s going to be at five I’m really nervous so let’s see drum roll with the fifth pick Bleacher Report has the Pistons selecting Cody Williams wow okay I didn’t expect Cody Williams at five I just didn’t I like it it’s a swing it’s a hell of a swing because if he hits he look like the smartest guy in the damn room but let’s see why bleach report believes that Cody Williams could be a top five pick in this draft so they say Cody Williams has been trending in NBA conversations after his workouts and pro dat some believe he’s most likely to go earlier than expected the debate rate now resolves around his ceiling and skeleton exact sound like they won’t be surprised to see a top five team that values Williams archetype and wants to bet on his development okay so this is so funny you see it every draft you you see these small forwards that can defend a little bit and a lot of these Zacks are like well you know we’re going to take him in the top five because you never really know maybe he can get an offensive game maybe he can turn into that next Paul George that kawi Leonard that Jimmy Butler you never really know I think you see so many of these GMS and so many of these front offices um try to find that next great small forward that can get you 20 and lock down uh the best player on the opposing team I think Cody Williams is a very interesting player a 67 and as you can see in this article he has a 71 wingspan which is incredible um that that that’s crazy being 67 and you have a 71 wingspan so I I could see why some you know front office GM some Executives uh want to gamble and kind of you know bet on his development to turn into like this two-way Superstar possibly if you do develop him correctly uh they also go on to say even a worst case outcome for Williams can contribute with his efficient off Ball scoring ability to guard wings and forwards but given his age and reported character plus the fact his brother Jaylen appears on track towards blossoming into an allar the Detroit Pistons could talk themselves into Williams upside I honestly think that bleach report is cooking I think when you look at Cody Williams and you kind of look at where the Pistons are at yes they drafted assar Thompson last year who was a small forward as well uh could lock down basically anyone in OT and we we saw this year really good Defender arguably the Pistons best defender having a tandem of assar Thompson and Cody Williams as your small forwards or even Cody Williams can play a little bit of power forward in certain situations so canar I think this would be a very interesting selection if if I’m the Pistons now I know some fans they want don’t connect because he’s NBA ready and he contribute right away I know some fans want to got to bank on Modest bazus because he has a lot of potential and if he hits his ceiling he’s probably going to be one of the best players in this draft Cody Williams though man like defensively I I like it offensively I have my questions I have my questions about the slow jump shot and I’ll I’ll put a video on the screen so you guys can see he’s got a very slow jump shot and I it kind of worries me that it could get blocked easily in the NBA at the next level the other thing is can he still shoot 40% from three on more volume um he shot 40% from three at Colorado but on really really really low volume um but I do like this first pick for the Pistons I I think this is a definitely swing for the fenses pick because if it hits you look like the smartest damn guy in the room but let’s go to the Detroit Pistons second round pick in this Bleacher Report mck Draft so with the Pistons second round pick Bleacher Report has them selecting Antonio Reeves now if Antonio Reeves is at 53 this is just an absolute steal just draft him who cares if he’s another guard just do it uh this guy is just a bucket he’s just a guy that can create his own shot good three-point shooter has a nice floater gets to the basket uh and he can kind of play Within that six-man role if the Pistons are lucky enough to get him at 53 I think the only con with him is he’s 23 he stayed in college more than one year but I think there’s a lot to like with him uh let’s see what Bach report had to say about Antonio Reeves they say Antonio Reeves looked like the same scoring weapon during scrimmages that he was at Kentucky he’s clearly one of the class’s Top Shot maker who also has a good feel for how to get himself into those catch and shoot pull-ups and floaters Chances with within an offensive flow agan athletic limitations won’t feel alarming enough for teams to keep passing on him in the second round yeah man I I see him going way earlier in the second round probably like 30ish maybe 40s at the at the latest but if he’s there at 53 for Detroit you could possibly have a a sixth man type Sixth Man of the Year type of candidate uh with him this kid can just light it up offensively but I want to know what you guys think of these mock drafts this latest mock draft from Bach report uh they they had Antonio Reeves in the second round and they had Cody Williams in the first first round for the Detroit Pistons talk to me down below in the comment section we can talk about this mock draft for the Detroit Pistons do you like it are you against it was there a prospect at five that you rather have do you want dton connect at 5 do you want Ron Holland Modis bazis let me know talk to you guys down there like always hope you guys are staying safe take care I’ll catch you guys in the next video peace o [Music]

Today I reacted to Bleacher Report’s latest NBA Mock Draft and looked who they had the Detroit Pistons drafting

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  1. Drafting Cody Williams is fine as long as you treat him like a rookie, let him sit, let him watch, let him learn, play him in the development league. The way rookies used to be treated back in the day. Unless of course, he turns out to be so amazing that he forces his way into the lineup. Use your cap space and trade flexibility to fill out your roster with solid vets and in a year or so if Williams is good to go, great. We shouldn't be putting any reliance this season on who we draft. Zero!! If you want to start winning it will come from who you trade for and who you sign. So if they want to take a swing, fine, just keep the expectations in check.

  2. If the Pistons keep this 1st round pick or maybe trade back, they have to get a player who can contribute immediately. Not saying start but be part of the rotation on a regular basis. If the learning curve isn’t that steep, that would be a good selection

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