@Boston Celtics

Inside the NBA previews Celtics vs Mavericks 2024 NBA Finals

Inside the NBA previews Celtics vs Mavericks 2024 NBA Finals

way it go let’s bring it [Applause] in what you got to [Applause] [Music] say all right Boston Celtics Dallas Mavericks Celtics with homec court advantage hasn’t mattered to Dallas through these playoffs haven’t had home court advantage yet but they have advanced to the NBA finals two nothing on the season series Luca had a couple of triple doubles 3318 and 13 3712 and 11 Tatum had a 39-point game and a 32-point game porzingis played in one of those had 24 um overall four straight wins for the Boston Celtics over the Dallas Mavericks you know what’s interesting H what is the the moment I knew that this was serious is when those gold ropes come out on the court when you when they rope off the court and you bring it that like that energy is now going to the NBA finals you want to see those ropes and be inside those ropes the next time so for me watching these two teams who are playing probably their best basketball both teams can walk in Boston’s had an easier route without without a doubt with the injuries that they had to play against but these two teams are playing great basketball right now did they play after they made the trade yes yes they did they played March 1st PJ had 17 in that game but it was it was he was PJ though yeah yeah I all of these guys were feeling their way out they’re not feeling their way out anymore I still haven’t seen anything to make me think the Cel is not going to win the championship you’ve always kind of hedged that with this if porzingis does play or doesn’t play what if he doesn’t play what if doesn’t that’s a great question Kenneth thanks I asked it good point um we got another week I still like the Celtics without porzingis without porzingis I still I still like the Celtics you know Stan bang gundi and Reggie said something really important they got four guys that can guard luuka and Kyrie and they got and luuk and Kyrie can’t guard those guys on the other end in my opinion so I like the Celtics I think it’s going to be a hell of a series but I like the Celtics well the Celtics do not have three or four guys that G Luca I like Dallas in this series I like the way they’re playing I think this is a little special for Kyrie maybe a little special for porzingis as he plays to because I know he played in Dallas but I think I like Dallas in this series so Shaq without this is you know here we had Carl Anthony towns and and Rudy Gober big men this is not a big man Series so I’d like to see a big man’s point of view about a small Ball series I’ve I’ve I’ve been sitting on the floor and I’ve been anxious to see LCA this like my first time seeing him a lot big body bigger than I thought he was stronger than I thought he was once he gets you on the side sort of like a big man he does whatever he wants plays with poise and he can’t be shook the fact that he’s been a professional player since he’s 13 years old nothing shakes him I don’t see anybody on Boston U dealing with that maybe Tatum but if I’m Boston I don’t want to get Tatum all brown in the foul TR and I think the other guys too you know Drew holiday is too little in my opinion well for me as I watch it the interesting thing would be I think the match up with Drew holiday and Kyrie Irving you know Kyrie Irving kind of uh that’s going to be a great match argument Stakes Stak has been a squirrel so to speak stealing uh from coach Phil handy said that but his um his ability to get anywhere he wants to go and I don’t know if he will be able to get it each when he wants to go but I know he will take the challenge to let you know that no I don’t you’re first team all defense second team whatever it might be but you cannot guard me he he takes offensive defensive challenges personally and these guys are going to be in for yeah it’s going to be a lot of fun it’s going to be interesting to see Kyrie back in Boston I’m it’s going to be hyle yeah Ken you got to pick somebody though you can’t oh go have to pick I I’m I’m going to go with the Boston Celtics yeah I I I do I love the Cel this series now porzingis you know it’s going to be hostile for him when he go to Dallas interesting enough these two guys have both benefited from the trade and they you know that very rarely happen two guys who get traded make the NBA finals and play against each other what do you do in the week now before before the uh finals begin um how do you stay sharp it’s very hard uh they play on the six so you try to like like like right now we know who our opponent is so maybe one or two days whatever you’re doing family friends but that you know two three days before before first game you got to start to get focused on especially in practice the assignment you know and and then you know mentally you have to say especially if you’re the star mentally you have to say okay I got to put my imprint on this game I cannot let us lose this game don’t get caught up in the media height meaning every local station is going to ask you to come in they’re going to be what SMU and what other school is here going to be say can we do a pep rally for you and you show up you cannot get caught up in these four days to lose your mental focus that you’re in basketball you’re still in basketball mode stay in basketball mode and that helps and I think if you’re Kyrie and Pingas you stay out of the BS Kyrie don’t say anything you know because you don’t want to inflame the crowd in Boston and Pingas he went to another team out he left the Mavs so just don’t get into the BS with the media no OT bsing always always good advice and we’ll take a break to come back to wrap things up here on Inside the NBA presented by Kia in just a second got some fishing to do by the way oh


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  1. Luka being defended at different times by Brown, Tatum, Holiday, and White is a lot harder than people let on. Four different guys with different styles can begin to frustrate Luka as the series progresses.

  2. The hate the for the Mav is astonishing, the Mav had great win today and the main talking point is about Boston.

  3. Everyone's talking about Boston guarding Luka and Kyrie. JB/JT can score with them. How's Dallas gonna stop Porzingis, White and Holiday – all can give you 20 a game?

  4. 4 players that can stop Luka and Kyrie!? West teams have had tougher matchups and are playing at Championship level. Boston has been coasting and not even coasting well. If Pacers can push Boston, imagine what Mavs are gonna do to them.

  5. But Boston has no way of guarding the constant lob threat, especially of Porz is not healthy. Plus Mavs still has those 2 dudes in clutch.This finals is gonna be super interesting.

  6. Crazy how Boston still hates Kyrie with a passion. It’s been 5 years. I don’t even think Okc hated KD this much 5 years after he left. And what Kd did was way worse.

  7. Racist…see what boston done with cavs, pacers…they almost lost in a game and just got lucky with injuries of other teams star player…Mavs is not just battle tested. West is more difficult line ups… kenny, chuck racist….😅😅😅😅

  8. I can't wait to see Kyrie lose in 5.

    Defense will win the championship. And the Mavs D isnt as strong as the Celtics. Celtics Offense is similarly explosive to the Mavs.

    Kyrie is easy to frustrate, get in his head. Luka is shifty, but he can't win the series alone.

    KP returning gives too many weapons. Tatum and Brown are rested and more importantly, healthy.

    Jrue and White are getting rest.
    Fresh legs for fierce defenders.

    And looking at how big Horford, Hauser and Pritchard were in the season. With fresh legs and a clear head, they can get back to firing on all cylinders.

    All things considered… Celtics in 5.
    In 6 if KP can't play.

    Barring any major injuries, theres no way the Celtics dont win.

  9. Yeah keep believing the celtics that hope will be crushed so bad. Ain't no one in the celtics stopping Lukai duo, they can't even stop nembhard and mconnell😂 and oh celtics are lacking in big keep hoping for that fragile KP as if he can stop gafford and lively lobs lol he be in wheelchair again in the first jump😂

  10. kendrick lamar POETIC JUSTICE that’s Kyrie song. NBA cannot allow Kyrie to win bro, that’s unbelievable comeback

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