@Phoenix Suns

The Phoenix Suns Are Down 0-3 To The Minnesota Timberwolves #suns #nbaplayoffs

The Phoenix Suns Are Down 0-3 To The Minnesota Timberwolves #suns #nbaplayoffs

[Music] oh oh my goodness okay obviously just getting the the obvious out of the room Captain Obvious here obviously in a different room different microphone you guys don’t care about that whatever I’m sorry it’s just one of those things I have to do every once in a while please forgive me in my S well let’s just watch this video over and over and over and over and over and over again because it will it will help me this is this is therapy right here sort of kind of let’s listen to Devon Booker remember Devon Booker said this before the season started I mean saying it respectfully I don’t I don’t know how teams are going to guard us I mean saying it I’m just going to let play over and over and over again for a minute while I pour my beer that’s what’s going to happen here guys saying it respectfully I don’t I don’t know how teams are going to guard us I mean saying it respectfully I don’t I don’t know how teams are going to guard us I mean saying it respectfully I don’t I don’t know how teams are going to guard us I mean saying it respectfully I don’t I don’t know how team’s going to guard us I mean saying it respectfully I don’t I don’t know how teams going to arst yeah so I did a terrible por of my beer whatever oh God I just like why am I even live right now like for real why am I even live like what is the point it’s funny because I was talking to my brother shout out to my brother Chris if you’re watching first off I gotta fix this camera there we go shout out you know I was talking to my brother shout out to my brother Chris and I was like the Suns could still win game four and stay alive in this series but history is not on our side they even talked about it on the broadcast zero to 151 0o to 151 when teams go down 03 like should I even bother talking about this game there’s no point I don’t even have the stats pulled up cuz this team saying that saying that saying that the 2023 Phoenix 2023 2024 Phoenix Suns were a miserable miserable failure is an understatement saying that the 2023 24 Phoenix Suns were a miserable failure is an understatement I’ll drink to that now look y’all I mean hold on y’all technical sorry what is going on okay sorry about that did you guys hear what I just said I don’t know what’s going on anyways um okay I’m gonna sound a little delusional here I’m gonna get I’m gonna this is going to be delusional Suns geek I’m going to bring my chair a little forward so you guys can hear me again so sorry for the terrible setup tonight and different quality and all that if you’re a first- Time viewer this is not normally my setup nor my microphone quality nor my video quality but anyways I’m gonna get a little delusional here screw it why not I have just like a little bit of Hope left I have a little bit of Hope left here’s my delusion and I have said this so many times on my channel this season I’ve said it so many times and I truly do believe this that there still is a heck I’m gonna say it a two-year window and I know that sounds crazy like I know it sounds crazy to to to keep the big three for two more years I know that sounds crazy but I really am holding on to that last bit of Hope that somehow some way that whoever is our GM next year that whoever is you know I I guess it’s gonna be Fenix Suns owner Matt ishia whoever is making the final say that they’re going to assemble a legit team that can not only do it offensively but can do it defensively whoever is coaching us next year can have that locker room together and communicating and you know with chemistry and all that that’s my hope I hope that Matt ispia our owner makes the right calls hires and signs the right people and we keep the big three I’m going to be stubborn and and delusional and say the big three is not going anywhere this season well I mean you know like this upcoming offseason you know I really do believe that y’all but now it’s just about assembling the other pieces and look I’m I like I like Yousef nerkish I really do you guys know me I love Grace and Allen I don’t think Grace and Allen’s going anywhere especially after signing that big deal like Royce O’Neal he can probably go again I love nage please don’t block me on Twitter nerk but nage can go and that’s coming from somebody who is a nage Fanboy it’s I remember okay I’m going to sound salty here you guys I’m gonna sound really salty and bitter here I remember when we got blown out against the Nuggets last season and I I forget which exact live show it was on but I remember saying this is why like we need to build our team like the nuggets for example I’m not saying every single team should build their team like the Nuggets but in remember this was me saying this like a year ago I said this is why teams need to build their team like the Nuggets you have your true Superstar Nicole yage you have a borderline All-Star player Jamal Murray and then you just have solid incredible players we even have a nuggets fan in here right now the nuggets have solid incredible players who know their role and guess what you guys the Nuggets got you know they let they let two of their best players go from last season brought in a couple solid rookies and they’re still doing their part and even young players like Christian brunford or brown braon whatever his last name is for example know their roles and play like a team with chemistry familiarity they love each other they love playing for each other they sacrifice for each other and I I will never forget it this is where I sound bitter and salty but I will never somebody in my comments and in the chat was like arguing with me no way you should build your team like the Denver Nuggets I was like dude I was like do you not watch basketball like have you not been seeing what the Denver Nuggets been doing and there’s probably like three other teams I could reference the Boston Celtics the same thing now I know that they lost to the Miami Heat whatever they won 60-some games this season okay they went to the NBA finals last year okay Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown and then you know Chris Chris Taps porzingis was an Allstar he’s a solid player and then they just have bench guys they drew holiday Payton Pritchard I could go on and on Al Horford they just have guys who know their roles and look I’m not even trying to put on my Mr GM hat here or whatever I just I I don’t know I I I was dming a couple of my good friends who are real loyal Suns fans shout out to RJ and David if you’re watching I literally dm’d them during the fourth quarter and said well first off I said win or lose Phoenix Suns for life but I said I am speechless I’m a content creator I’m a Phoenix Suns YouTuber or podcast or whatever you want to call me and I do not know what to say I am speechless they’re I just legit do not know what to say and I will drink to that I just like I just I don’t know screw it let’s pull up the stats let’s talk about it but like my like quote analysis my you know what I’m going to say to you guys and read you guys the stats it doesn’t really matter because if you miss the ball game this is what happened I feel like we actually had a pretty decent first quarter kind of a first half in a way but it all came down to what we’ve seen in the first two games which was solid incredible Minnesota Timberwolves defense and not just the defense that’s a cliche analysis thing just the way that the Timberwolves were rotating putting their arms up you know swatting at balls contesting shots making like making life difficult on Devin Booker just little you know you know like the little things right you know like showing energy and effort on defense you know so it wasn’t just that the Suns also did not capitalize on the Wolves foul trouble the Wolves were in terrible foul trouble all game long especially in that first half and the Suns did not capitalize on it what did they not capitalize on in game to they didn’t capitalize on the Wolves turnovers for example but the Wolves sure did the Wolves capitalized on our turnovers last game I feel like that’s kind of been the story in a way of this series is that every time the Suns a chance to like counter them or capitalize they didn’t do it and it’s kind of weird because like in the fourth quarter the suns were actually hitting shots they were actually showing urgency and like holy crap this game is we’re down 20 let’s do something but it was just too late and I will never forget it Suns fans at least for this season anyways at least with this season I said this not too long ago I was like with this Phoenix Suns team in 2023 24 this Phoenix Suns team it is about how the Suns start you know old teams you know like with male and Cam and all them it was about how they finished this Phoenix Suns team it was about it’s about how they start and again it’s not like they had a ter start to the game but we were lucky to be down what like 6 seven eight at halftime and then the the lead the lead just ballooned and escalated like I’ve been ranting for 13 minutes almost and again a lot of these live shows are just me ranting and talking about whatever before I actually sit down and dive into the game good God like I am speechless you guys example of what I’m talking about I have it in my notes here around the 604 Mark I believe of the second quarter the Wolves had five straight possessions where they or excuse me they had seven possessions where they had five turnovers that was I believe that was around the 64 Mark of like the second quarter then the Wolves go on a seven to zero run to close out the half and another story of the series how the Suns just failed to capitalize on Second Chance opportunities you know the 5050 balls like Frank vogle was talking about at halftime we couldn’t capitalize on the 5050 balls now I will say this we’re going to talk about the three-point shooting later there were a lot of good looks in this game a lot of like bunnies as I call them but we missed a lot of those bunnies we missed a lot of them and maybe the game swings a little bit into our favor if some of those shots go down but again it just seems like after a certain point whether that’s like Midway through the third quarter or like right after halftime it like something just like the Wolves punch up in the face for all you boxing fans out there they pop Us in the face and we just can’t recover it just it doesn’t make any sense so let me keep reading some of my notes Here I already mentioned how the Suns couldn’t counter the Wolves pal trouble the suns were down I I believe at halftime 14 to5 in Second Chance points they only attempted two threes in the second quarter trust me I’m going to talk about the three-pointers in a little bit a lot of a lot of this series and a lot of the Phoenix Sun season in general has been focused on the sun’s terrible turnovers a lot of the sun’s turnovers tonight and I don’t even know how much they had I don’t think it really matters a lot of the Suns turnovers were just passing the ball through like clogged up Lanes or maybe the pass was just a little too fast and you know shout out to Gerald boray from phnx before the playoffs even started he wrote this incredible piece I shared it on my Twitter I shared it on my Instagram incredible piece about it wasn’t just about the sun’s turnovers but like why they’re turning the ball over and and the stats behind it and and he he just tried to he he just tried his best to look into it and it still seems unexplainable about the sun’s turnovers and look I will always admit it when I’m wrong I’ve been wrong about a lot of things this season you guys can clip this you can do whatever I was wrong about so many things this season and one of those things I was wrong about and I know my conversation’s going all over the place but one of the things I was wrong about was the Phoenix Suns not needing a point guard and look you know it doesn’t even have to be like an Allstar point guard it doesn’t even have to be like a Chris Paul and I love Chris Paul doesn’t even have to be him but the Suns just need somebody as I like to call it or to to just orchestrate for all you BigTime football fans out there we just need like a decent quarterback I just and again I will take that L I was wrong about the Phoenix Suns not needing a point guard you know Richard Jefferson sometimes I love him as a broadcaster sometimes I don’t like him as a broadcaster but he was right about a couple of things tonight one of those things that he was right about was that you can go back and look at game one or game two but especially in this game every time the ball would like Clank off the rim or it was a Miss shot it just seemed like the wolves were just so much more active and together together trying to grab a loose ball trying to grab a rebound you know like I said earlier the little things that the Suns don’t do they were just so active and together let’s see what other notes I have before we dive into the numbers oh my goodness the the the amount of times that the wolv would go on like a quick little run to balloon their already 15-point lead they went on a 12-2 run which was a 15-point lead the Suns score and then Rudy goar gets an and one dunk no communication on defense there were so many times especially like late in the third quarter and and early in the fourth quarter where the Wolves just had backtack threes and it looked like a practice drill just the Wolves would take the ball up to court you know run the pick and roll nikil Alexander Walker for example goes into the corner dish to him wideopen bucket next possession down pretty much the same thing and that just ballooned that just ballooned the lead and again even though the Suns actually hit shots even though they actually hit shots in the fourth quarter it just didn’t matter it was too little too late I’m not even going to read you guys the player stats maybe we’ll do that later I just want to read you guys the team stats Vogal and I talked about this in one of my live shows recently let me take a some of my drink real quick ah delicious Frank vogle talked about this before the game and this isn’t my words this is Frank vogel’s words he wanted the Phoenix Suns to at least attempt 43s that’s not my words that is Frank vogle the head coach of the Phoenix Suns words he wanted them to attempt at least 40 threes in this game as Gerald pointed out uh on Twitter earlier at halftime or excuse me in the second quarter they only they only attempted two threes the Suns in this game attempted 28 and they only hit 11 so your head coach who the way I look at it like I have a job I have a boss you know so if my boss told me to do something I would do my best to my ability to do it so Frank vogle the head coach said to attempt at least 43s at least he wants them to do that they attempted 28 and I talked about that before in my live shows y’all I said the Suns need to start chucking up more threes but against this Minnesota Timberwolves defense I don’t think it matters again you guys the the way the way that the Timberwolves were just together connected active on defense the way they just showed effort has took all the sun’s offense away it took it it took all the sun’s urgency energy consistency the Suns have like never really gotten into a rhythm this series maybe like every once in a long while they’ve like shown flashes of like offensive consistency but every time they do it just doesn’t seem like it matters so the Suns went 11 for 28 from three which is good enough for 39% and in all fairness the Wolves were 13 for 34 from three but for the this wolves team it’s like that’s like a bonus to them you know you know another thing the Suns couldn’t capitalize on tonight was getting to the free throw line even though you know their free throw percentage was awesome 28 for 32 87 and a half percent they they went to the line 14 I believe out of 15 times in the in the first half which was like a record or something but they couldn’t even capitalize on that and again it just goes to show that with this Phoenix Suns team and heck I don’t even know who’s going to be on our team next year but maybe even next year’s team it all depends on how this team starts and if they can hit enough shots I used to think that the Phoenix Suns needed to be like Elite on defense to not only win this series but to go far go far in the playoffs and I was wrong on that it’s like this team just needs to straight up outscore the other team even if the other team goes up like 150 you know scores 150 on us as long as we can score 151 it’s like but we can’t even do that because the timber wolves defense is just so excellent and again that’s just such an understatement they showed this one clip late in the fourth quarter and I showed my brother this because he was down there watching the game and it was like first off nikil Alexander Walker was picking up from 94 feet Suns get the all across the half court line and then just like like Nas Reed for example is like swarming Devin Booker and then Booker you know passes it out and then he runs to the corner and then Bradley Beal’s trying to find somebody he gives out to Royce O’Neal he finds Booker in the corner he takes a crazy shot with the shot clock winding down Miss it’s like just just the little things you know good God man the Wolves obviously killed us in the rebounding battle 50 to 28 10 more offensive rebounds than the Suns that was another killer even if it wasn’t just Second Chance points it was just like those offensive rebound and the amount of times the Suns had bodies near the paint to grab a rebound it was either like they just cuted into each other and couldn’t grab the board or again there was just too many Timberwolves down there it’s crazy y’all because you guys know that I have been the biggest critic of the Suns turnovers this season guess what you guys just like in game two this goes all the way back to game two the Suns only had 10 turnovers 10 that’s amazing for a game but guess what you guys just like in game two the Wolves had 14 points but they had 21 points off our 10 turnovers last game they they had like I forget the number but it was it was great I I I don’t know hello darkness my old friend I’ve come to talk with you again I do just kind of want to look at some stats real quick even though I said I wasn’t going to talk about the stats I’m still GNA try to talk about the stats here look y’all I know that there’s a lot of people a lot of suns fans are going to be like the Kevin Durant trade was a massive failure we should have never traded for Kevin Durant and look a part of me understands it I I’m listening to you even though it doesn’t seem like I’m listening I’m listening to you but look y’all I will say this this loss and this series is not on Kevin Durant I will say say that again and I will say it all offseason long this loss and this series is not on Kevin Durant do not blame Kevin Durant for this series if you do you’re stubborn and if you do you’re just a KD hater I’m sorry but it’s true Kevin Durant has arguably been our best player and arguably you know like the best in this series and you know it’s crazy I’m looking at the numbers even though I said I wasn’t going to look at the numbers Bradley Beal had 28 points four assists and six made threes and because of the way the game went because of the Wolves defense because we were down 20 most of the game I completely just right over my head I didn’t even notice because it just didn’t seem like it mattered why because the Suns could never get into Rhythm they can never hit shots consistently it just didn’t seem like it mattered and Bradley Beal had 28 points with six made threes first off we’re almost at the 30 minute Mark obviously I’m in a different location different mic quality different camera quality and we have over 200 well about 250 people in here so for every 200 almost 50 people who are watching you are all awesome you’re amazing and I love all of you thank you for watching seriously like the quality is not great and you guys are still watching you’re sitting me you’re sitting that you’re sitting and watching me sit here and rant about the Suns and drink a beer you guys are real ones do I even do I even bother to do I even bother to talk about Devon Booker y’all and I don’t think I’ve ever said that on this channel I mean maybe sometimes I have like during his bad games but like Devin Booker look I literally did a live show yesterday defending Devin Booker and I will always defend Devin Booker I always will it’s not that he had like a horrific game but he just wasn’t good enough in this game and that’s saying something because statistically statistically he was fine 23 points eight for 15 shooting eight assists two steals however two turnovers three fouls so you’re like Suns geek don’t pick on Devin Booker he was fine in this game yeah he was he was okay I guess but it it it just isn’t the Devin Booker that we all know and love and I thought to start the game I’m just specifically talking about how Devon Booker started the game I didn’t think Devon Booker started the game very well he first off to to start the game Devin Booker now look in all to Deon Booker here I understand it was a four on five I think like nerkish or KD was on the other end of the floor because they fell down but like Booker was two-on-one against Carl Anthony towns and Mike Conley towns passes it to Conley connley passes it back Booker switches on to Conley I’m like Booker guard stay on Carl Anthony towns let Conley take that shot he left Carl Anthony towns wide open bam bucket that was to start the game game and not only that I can forgive him for that because again it was a four on five whatever you know what I can forgive him for that but I just think he was trying to play a little too much as some of you guys like to put it in the comments herob ball I kind of noticed that a little bit tonight just a little bit too much bad shot there was even one shot that he just took where he just ran up was well contested threw it up missed it clinked off the rim he’s running back down court and he points up like my bad that that was my fault I saw a lot of those kind of shots tonight maybe up until like the the second half you know he he did kind of get going a little bit in the second half but again it didn’t matter it didn’t matter if Bradley Beal made like three or four straight shots didn’t matter if Devon Booker made back-to-back buckets it just it just didn’t matter like the Wolves H how many times with with the hist history of my channel how many times have I said the opposing team punched Us in the mouth early and didn’t look back and you’re probably like Suns geek it was only like a seven-point game at Halftime well guess what the Wolves punch Us in the face in games one and two and they have not looked back they have not looked back and it’s funny because I’m over 30 minutes and I haven’t even talked about really the Wolves besides their defense and how connected they are and how much chemistry they have and how they do the little things that win you ball games I do want to give credit though and shout out to AZ Sports Zone who tweeted this out but even before the series I had similar thoughts to a Sports Zone and I have for for anybody who cares I have proof in my DMs because I was talking to my guy let’s talk wolves we’re dming dming each other all season long nille Alexander Walker has played great against us and I remember saying to my friend let’s talk wolves I was like hey man I really like nille Alexander Walker he seems to play good against us I’ve made videos and live shows where I’ve talked about nikil Alexander Walker you know when he plays against us that dude just seems to come to play whenever he plays the Suns man he had 16 points tonight five assists and he was four for 10 from field I think all of his shots were three-point attempts but it was it’s not just that first off he’s had an incredible season for the Wolves I don’t know his contract but it it seems like he’s probably going to stay with the Wolves for a while because they’d be stupid to give him up it’s not just his scoring and the way that he seems to play well against the Suns it’s his activity on the defensive end and his hustle and effort and I think he was inspired by not only Jaden McDaniels who has locked up Devin Booker in this series we’re gonna talk about him in a minute but Cassie hubard I hope I pronounced her name right I’m doing another crappy beer pour while I’m talking to you guys right now but Cassidy hubber on ESPN was on the broadcast talking she like she’s like the sign sideline reporter and she said that Rudy goar had a talk like a speech with his team before the season started and was pretty much preaching defense and saying like what kind of team do we want to be on defense and according to Cassidy hubard the SPN sideline reporter and according to Rudy goar the Wolves bought in into that and that’s that’s me pointing out the obvious because even if it is just statistically the wolves are the best defensive team statistically in the league and look I I haven’t watched every playoff game I’ve watched a decent amount but I haven’t watched every playoff game but I would like to say they’re probably the best defensive team at least in the playoffs so far you know like that that’s been the topic of conversation throughout the playoffs that’s been the topic of conversation throughout this live show is that the wolves are incredible on defense but there’s just so much more to it I wish there wasn’t so many like copyright restrictions on YouTube to where I could just pull up the highlights and we could just react you know but I’d get a copyright claim and all that but just just go just do it for yourselves just you know keep listening to this live show or come back later just go watch the highlights and don’t even watch the Suns just watch the Wolves watch how they’re just so connected on defense and and moving their arms around and contesting shots and communicating with each other and Jaden McDaniels I don’t care how many points that dude scores who he’s actually put up a decent amount of points this series he only had five points tonight but that dude I’m going to say it and and I don’t think this is a hot take or anything but I’m just going to say it he has gotten into Devon Booker’s head he’s gotten into Devon Booker’s head and if it wasn’t already proven that he’s gotten into Booker’s head in games one and two there was a specific moment in this game I want to say late in the game where him and Booker were kind of getting chippy things were getting chippy and you know like again I don’t know if Jaden McDaniel said something to him I don’t know but like Jaden McDaniel’s gotten to Deon Booker’s head and now we all know why we all know why Anthony Edwards said that quote where he was like you know they we have Jaden McDaniels or whatever that quote was but you guys get the point we all get it now that’s why I give a lot of credit to nikil Alexander Walker as well I think he was inspired by Jaden McDaniels I think he was inspired by Rudy goar and just the the Wolves defensive philosophy is that what you want to call it or the the Wolves defensive mindset whatever word you want to use I haven’t even talked about Anthony Edwards who had 36 points tonight only missed 10 shots but guess what he had nine rebounds and five assists and he went to the free throw line 11 times and made all of them Mike Conley’s been pretty damn good in this series especially offensively even if it is just a you know 15 points and seven assists like he had tonight that helps Carl Anthony towns 18 points 13 rebounds seven for 16 shooting just was left Carl Anthony towns was just left open so many times tonight and if he wasn’t left open he was like rolling off of a screen or creating space for himself bucket and look you guys if you’re a first time viewer of this Channel first off again for the third time in this live show I apologize for the crappy quality apologize for the crappy mic quality whatever if you’re if you’re a first- Time viewer of this channel I’m not afraid to like say these things about the Phoenix Suns cuz I feel like I’ve earned that right as a Creator or like a Sons podcast or whatever you want to call me I feel like I’ve earned that right and to an extent even if you’re like a newer is Suns fan or a longtime Suns fan feel like you have earned the right to say what you want to say about the Suns because you’re probably right like again saying that this season is a massive failure is a complete understatement I wish there was the right kind of words to just sum up how miserable The Season’s been you guys want to go to Twitter for a little bit want to go see what’s going on on Twitter oh and I want to read you guys a tweet too a couple tweets actually before we talk before we see like what the media says and all that um God I want to share a tweet from and I’ll probably share a couple tweets from one of my favorite follows on Twitter suns are better and let me put my mic down for a minute and zoom in here so you guys can see let me see how this looks let’s see one man show here you guys you already know the trail we got 300 people in here by the way so please do me a favor Crush that like button y’all but look at this tweet right here you guys I love this tweet from suns are better the most consistent success we’ve seen from the Suns the season has been when they go small feels clear feels clear problems on this roster stem from the five and their lack of playable size that’s the number one issue to address this off season now I agree with that to an extent but like he he’s not wrong like and look I’m not saying a small ball roster will win you a championship but like he’s right at least in terms of this season that when the Suns have gone small it seems like we’re either winning the ball game or we make some miraculous comeback like we did against the Kings during the regular season or we just start hitting shots consistently and this is why I understand this is why I understand why fans are so critical about Frank vogle which I will take the L on that I will take another L on Frank vogle like I get why you guys want an offensive coach now like Heck if I was coaching this team I would say y’all forget defense let’s run and Gun up and down the court let’s launch 53s screw it not even just the threes let’s just get that freaking ball you know up in the air man thank you guys for the love I appreciate it we we got over 300 people in here y’all so please Crush that like button you guys seriously crush the like button share the show because that at least tells YouTube that I’m doing a good job like I’ve gone live for 40 minutes I’m sitting here drinking a beer because it’s just it’s just I feel like I owe that to you guys because you guys are such an incredible fan base and I love you guys some dude flipping out at the gang going viral right now I got to see that we might just seriously just have to do like a Twitter session for the rest of this live show y’all I have so many tweets that I tweeted throughout this game that just like Devin Booker’s brother 18 minutes ago I I’ll share this so you guys can see it so you guys know I’m not making the [ __ ] up Devon Booker’s brother tweeted this out 18 minutes ago Bamboozled and yes that is Devon Booker’s brother and I want to give a big shout out to Devon Booker’s brother and Devon Booker himself uh um one of my favorite followers on Twitter I believe his name is Keith or Kei I believe SW swavi keys I probably just butchered his name great follow on Twitter unfortunately he lost his father may he rest in peace so sorry for his loss but Devin Booker and his brother paid for the expenses for the funeral so that’s awesome so shout out to them and I’m so sorry for his loss uh that’s a terrible thing sorry to bring the mood down a little bit but it’s true anyways let’s keep checking Twitter y’all because there’s like so many tweets I could read like I love this tweet I’m literally live retweeting as we go here we failed you Emma Stone says cage ridiculous cage on Twitter is a great follow we failed you Emma Stone oh and yes this is true because the Suns jam session podcast posted it and other media members posted it faint fire vogle chance started in this game fire vogle I’ll have to pull up that video screw it we’re just going to go to my Twitter follow me on Twitter like if you’re on Twitter right now search Suns geek and you’ll find me and I’m just legit scrolling down y’all we’re just going to react and read so many tweets right now you guys I posted this too remember when Yousef nage was trolling Draymond Green Well I screencapped his back-to-back tweets and That’s all folks That’s all folks like what if what if Yousef nerkish like legit tweeted that out right now that’ be actually [ __ ] hilarious if he did let’s keep going there’s so many more tweets I want to rect react to yeah so if you missed it shout out to Saul Bookman from phnx I posted the video of Frank V or not Frank V I posted the video of Matt ishbia too but Matt isia’s face sums it up right there he was in attendance tonight he was in the first row where he normally sits he’s watching all of this and you know what you guys let let me get optimistic here maybe maybe it’s the drinks talking maybe it’s beer that I’ve had talking here but I want to get a little optimistic for a minute and you guys can call me a Matt isia Stan you can call me a Matt ishbia Fanboy you can call me delusional you can call me whatever you want I don’t care I believe in Matt ishia and I know I sound crazy for saying that Suns geek he he he traded away male Bridges and cam Johnson and blah blah blah blah blah I get it I understand I know I know I know calm down calm down but you know what you guys I still believe in Matt isia I really do Matt ishia if you are ever watching or any represent any representatives of Matt esbia or any family members of Matt esbia if you’re still watching I still believe in you please please Matt ishia do something to fix this team next year hire the right people make the Right Moves get us some bench dep get us some players who are connected and are willing to not let the locker room fall apart get us the right coaching staff get us the right offensive system I don’t even care about defense next season just get us the right offensive system please I believe in you Matt isia I really do I know I know I sound delusional for saying that I will be the most delusional Suns fan until we win the championship and just as we started the show y’all is how we’re gonna you know continue it here respectfully I don’t know how teams are going to guard us Devin Booker I’ll drink to that y’all you know I’ve seen people say like that was like when johnar said we’re fine in the west and then all that stuff started happening to him and then the Grizzlies got plagued by injuries and like I don’t believe in curses to an extent but I do believe that this quote cursed us and I’m not saying like that’s the reason we’ve had like a terrible season but that that quote was that quote was like the iceburg Striking the Titanic and it took like a couple hours or whatever for the ship to sink yeah how you guys doing tonight you guys okay before we listen to these Frank vogle chants from my guys over at the Suns jam session podcast are you guys doing okay like for real I want to know are you guys okay I’m trying to keep my eyes on the comments and we have how many people we got in here right now uh we got over 300 people in here so you guys are all amazing you guys are all real Suns Geeks and I appreciate you seriously Crush that like button let’s let’s listen to these chants here you guys shout out to my guys over the Suns jam session podcast go subscribe to them go follow them let’s listen to this this is the fire Frank vogle chance fire vogo [Applause] that sucks y’all like real talk like let’s humble ourselves for a minute Suns fans what if we were at our jobs because yes I have a normal job too what if we were at our jobs and like our customers or whatever were like fire that employee like that would suck y’all like for real let’s humble ourselves for a minute you guys I know that we can all be like Twitter trolls and you know keyboard Warriors but that would suck like for real and I do feel bad a part of me honestly feels really bad for Frank Vogal I really do and I know I sound crazy for saying that like I know Frank vogle and his off his his system offensively and defensively has failed this team I know that Frank vogle has failed this team on so many different levels but I I honestly feel kind of bad cuz like I liked I liked Frank vogle before we hired him I didn’t mind him as a coach he had a decent resume coming into our team you know and like he’d want to even if it is a a Disney bubble ring or whatever the kids call it a an asteris bubble ring Mickey Mouse ring I don’t care he still won a championship y’all like I feel bad for Frank vogle man I was so excited you guys can go watch it on my Channel right now I have it when we hired Frank vogle I went live to react to his press conference and I was so excited with some of the stuff he was saying and then on a personal level he just seems like a really nice guy I’ve never met Frank vogle I probably I probably will never meet Frank vogle but he just seems like a nice guy okay seems like a guy that I would like to have a beer with I don’t even know if he drinks but I would like to have a beer with Frank vogle and he’s probably going to get fired I do not wish for anybody to lose their job I do not wish for anybody to lose their job unless they honestly truly deserve it like they do something to deserve being fired but like Frank that’s just how Sports work like I don’t follow football much but I know that coaches always go first in football coaches always go first in basketball let’s be real it’s just how it is oh God you guys we got the real Anthony Edwards in here who says I’m sorry for talking or taking y’all from behind the Woodshed oh my God I can’t believe I just read that screw it the suns are about to get eliminated let’s read did you guys see what Anthony Edwards did that little like move that he did I would do that but i’ probably get like flagged on YouTube or copyrighted copyright claimed or whatever oh God what are we even doing here you guys like what are we doing dude why have I been live for over 40 minutes like real oh yeah you guys you want to see a live look at Suns fans are in the game now I do have to mute this part of the audio hopefully I don’t get copyrighted for this but this was Suns fans during the game today well at least some some Suns fans look at this just sitting there and defeat putting their heads down ah oh boy yep it’s been that kind of a season y’all let’s keep scrolling through Twitter sons are better quote tweeted me and says he looks like he’s gonna he’s comp contemplating suiting up at this point that was my Matt is Matt ishbia video that I posted uh somebody quote tweeted me and said uh he’s making serious changes after this series is wrapped up he’s learned he’s learned a tough I think he meant to say he’s learned a lot but he but needed lesson and that that’s my optimism y’all that’s my delusional optimism is that Matt ishbia who is making the final calls at least that’s what’s been reported he’s making like the final say you know the stamp of approval that that’s my optim optimistic delusion is that Matt ishbia is literally sitting in the front row is literally witnessing all of this and is like you know what this didn’t work this was a huge failure by the way I got quote tweeted by clutch points tonight that was pretty awesome but uh Matt is is sitting there and is like yeah this ain’t working I’m gonna make the Right Moves this off seon excuse me let me take a sip of my water y’all yes I am drinking water tonight doesn’t seem like it but I am that’s my optimistic delusion I’m going to say that like a million times during the off season my optimistic delusion is that Matt is be able to make the Right Moves and here’s some more Suns fans in pure disappointment I feel bad for the younger Suns fans I’m talking about like the actual young Suns fans not like these like teenagers and stuff I’m talking about like the actual young Sons fans I really do feel bad for them I don’t know y’all what are we doing you guys like like for real what what are we doing I don’t know man there there’s so many other tweets I want to get to but it’s just I don’t know there is one tweet that I meant to have ready to go oh two okay two tweets before we get out of here y’all and you guys are literally seeing my Twitter timeline here so please follow me on Twitter like right now whatever you’re doing okay first off we got we gotta react to this video I love it Frank Frank Vogal PHX posted this he said I’m still fighting never giving up I love it I love it so much so yeah Frank vogle PHX that’s been one of the brighter spots of this season has been Frank vogle PHX on Twitter posting hilarious content like this I could watch that like all day dude that is so good I love that so much y’all but anyways there’s like a million other tweets but there’s two specific tweets I want to get too uh where is it oh God I just reseted myself hold on give me a second here you guys hold on let’s close that out I got to scroll like all the way down okay here we go let’s see you guys already know the drill onean show if you are drinking tonight drink for every time I’ve said onean show and you’ll be wasted okay here we go now that we’re caught up this tweet right here kind of depresses me as a just a straightup basketball Fanboy and if you guys know me whether it’s on a personal level or you know me as is just a content creator you guys know that I love NBA history that’s an understatement this tweet kind of makes me sad but it’s true sadly it’s true look at this tweet from from one of my favorite follows on Twitter R Ybor 311 Steph Curry LeBron James Kevin Durant were all fully healthy this season for the most part they’re going to win a combined zero playoff games end of an era for good this time that is a brutal tweet but it is so true Steph Curry is probably on vacation right now the Lakers are in the same boat we were in they’re down 03 and those are three of the greatest players in basketball history and don’t just take my word for it um you know again I’ve there’s a fly flying by me but yeah I don’t want to get anyways uh three of the greatest players ever in the year 2024 have zero playoff wins at least at the time of this recording and guess what you guys the nuggets and Lakers play to today or tonight tomorrow whatever you want it’s past midnight here so I’m looking at it like it’s it’s uh you know but that’s not the only tweet there’s like a million other tweets I wanted to read to you guys so I quote tweeted the video that we watched at the start of this and I said you know to Devin Booker’s quote when he said I’m saying it respectfully I don’t know how other teams are going to guard us I said the Minnesota Timberwolves said hold my beer to to Deon Booker’s quote and they straight up figured out a way to guard us but I want to get to two more tweets here you guys let me just again close this out for a second again I I retweeted so much stuff tonight you guys it’s not even funny but I love and I hate this next tweet right here I love and I hate it this next tweet is so sad but it’s so true look at this tweet you guys from my guy John over at the Suns jam session podcast I’m calling it The Sun Season Dead on Arrival I hope I pronounced that right DOA 9:29 p.m. April 26 2024 it’s been a ride hello darkness my old friend I’ve come to talk with you again that is a sad tweet y’all I retweeted that I shared it on my Instagram follow me on Instagram by the way the Phoenix Suns I’m calling it The Sun season is DOA 9:29 p.m. April 26 2024 it’s been a ride my guy John tweeted that speaking of tweeting things Bradley Beal tweeted and I’ll pull it up in a minute but I’ll read it to you guys first or he didn’t tweet Bradley Beal said and I quote I’ve never been swept a day in my life so I’ll be damned if that happens and guess who retweeted it B bowl of all people retweeted it thank you so much for the $199 Super Chat from Empire day one Roy who says it’s over vogle and Jones are out it’s too much guys if there’s been anybody who’s been a James Jones Fanboy it’s kind of been me but the last year and a halfish I have not been a James Jones Fanboy for the most part I just haven’t um so I quote tweeted John’s tweet with that Infamous graphic that the Suns put out after they got like embarrassed to either the Mavericks or the Nuggets when they were like today’s a new day for the Phoenix Suns fans as we work on our next season is underway blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah let’s get to that uh Bradley Beal thing real quick and then we’ll probably wrap up the show because I’ve been live for nearly an hour and I’ve just been sitting here drinking a beer ranting venting you guys know the drill but let’s get to this Bradley Beal thing real quick I hope this quote doesn’t live infamously in son’s history and maybe there’s a video um let’s see oh God we got so much to react to tonight y’all it’s not even funny we’re just gonna keep going here for now first off hope I don’t get exclamation but here’s here’s that Infamous Anthony Edwards clip oh my God when he was just kicking our ass look at that like oh my god dude Rudy go geez Louise man does that not sum up the Suns playoff series right there just what Anthony Edwards is doing to us good God shout out to Timberwolves Clips who uploaded that so hold on give me a second here you guys again I need a producer I need somebody to like help me like pull up these tweets like right away so I can react to them um but anyways uh hold on let’s see let’s go back real quick bear with me guys oneman show here if you’re drinking take a shot for every time I’ve said that okay no okay let’s see let’s go to this thing let’s see okay here we go oh my God guys you’re not going to believe it I’m so glad Devon Booker said this I’m so glad Devon Booker said this and he said it almost an hour ago thank you Devin Booker first off thank you Devon Booker for not being a cocky you know what and saying we’re just chilling right now we’re good we’re in a good spot thank you for not saying that Devin Booker I’m glad Devin Booker said and I quote rightfully so Devon Booker on fans booing and the Tweet is pulled up right here de Booker said and I quote rightfully so end quote on the fans booing they should Boo and look I could have I could have a whole podcast or live show on Sons fandom and maybe one day I will maybe one day I’ll put on my son’s fan gate keeper hat and I’ll I’ll talk about Suns fandom but I don’t care if you were a Suns fan yesterday or you’ve been a Suns fan since 1968 when the franchise was you know created and and began every fan should have booed tonight and a lot of fans should have booed throughout the season so I’m glad Dev Booker said that but let’s listen to Bradley Beal’s quote where he said I’ve never been swept a day in my life I’d be damned if that happens I don’t know why Bradley Beal said that but let’s I I think this is the quote here I don’t know we’re gonna we’re gonna react to this in live time so let’s do it here’s Bradley Beal shout out to Dwayne Ranken from the Arizona Republic for this footage here we go three [Music] open we last okay rotations on the threes Alexander Walker got multiple Corner threes is it we going into the game how much of was that discuss okay can’t give up open threes and then I’m just curious on that front there point every night coach comes in put on the board we guys we call lasers you know shoot the ball you know very well percentages up there there we should be better with that a lot of stuff is about extra efforts and you know we you know anman is going to take a lot of our attention so sometimes we double sometimes we just show them a lot of bodies maybe overh sometimes but I mean they’re ready they telling their guys to shoot it on their first pass and you can almost see like every single time fires it out somebody’s catching in driving or catching in shooting you know you don’t really see like the bang too much or the ball popping like they just it Fly shoot confidence and the kills on the back side a lot of those tonight H throughout the whole series obviously no team ever come back deficit playoff series what’s here we go you guys here we go here we go just one many times did we did it season you know you just take it a game at of times you know obviously W just the first four our know backs against the wall but can’t we got continue to compete we got to do one on Sunday got do is give yourself a chance you know chance like just compete man compete compete your ass off that’s all ask okay I don’t I don’t blame Bradley Beal for saying that because like let’s be real if I was on if I was a professional basketball player and I was on the microphone I probably would have said something along those lines but like he he sounded so defeated when he said that you know and that’s nothing against Bradley Beal But he sounded so like like oh yeah we have to go out there and compete and take it one game at a time but I don’t want as a fan I don’t want to hear one game at a time when we’re down 03 in the playoffs I do not want to hear that oh God yeah exactly like Saul says it right here enough talk I want to see action Kevin Durant literally said that the other day pretty much in his own words he said we can give these raah Rah speeches and these inspirational speeches and we can communicate all we want and we can talk all we want but at the end of the day we have to go out and execute exactly I don’t want to hear talk I don’t want to hear any of that go out and execute go out and make NBA history and be the first team ever to be down 03 and win a series that’s all I want to see so again I don’t blame blame Bradley Beal for saying that but but again like oh God I just he just sounded so defeated just like what Anthony Edwards did right there to us just straight up oh God guys it’s it’s where I live because spoiler alert shocking surprise I do not live in Phoenix believe it or not it is almost 2 o00 where I live so I’m probably going to wrap up the show soon but I do want to get to a couple other last minute things because again it’s almost 2 o’clock here and I’m I’m running on fumes but uh maybe we can react to What Booker and okay maybe we’ll get to a couple more actually because I’m looking looking at what be and all them said screw it no okay I’ll just I haven’t listened to the full quote but Bradley Beal said n i quote third quarter kicking our ass Bradley Beal as the suns were outscored 36 to 20 in the third quarter Friday’s game three loss I guess we can listen to what Devon Booker said it’s less than a two-minute clip so we’ll listen to what Devon Booker said um and then we’ll listen to what Frank vogle said and then we’ll probably wrap it up and end the show so here is p this up give me a second here you guys so again we’re going to listen to what Devon Booker said we’re going to listen to what Frank vogle said and then we’ll probably wrap up the show here’s what Devon Booker said to Dwayne Rankin N I think we just got beat Devon Booker when asked if the Suns separated during the third quarter of game three loss here is the full quote well at least under two minutes of the full quote from Devin Booker here we go that tonight you did you feel that as well tonight or no no I think we just got beat I mean that was a point of emphasis for us going into the game stick stick together through adversity so you know the communication was there um you know we next just looking at defensively with M him getting open Corner threes what do you think like well Alexander Walker him getting open Corner threes what do you think L to that tonight is that PO rotations is that yeah po rotations but when you look at the execution what do you feel got away from you guys in that third quarter I me i’ have to watch it back you know you know I just want to focus on the defensive side of the ball they put up 126 points and you know we’ve been keeping them around the 100 market and trying to work on our offense so tonight was more defensively than everything anything obviously your scoring totals have been lower than we’re used to see for you I know for you making the right play is always the way to go but what have they done to take you scoring um they pressure everywhere and you know fun you into CT dein when you just the season was obviously one where I know it’s not over but it was Championship expectations going in how do you wrap your head around it that you’re one loss away from not even getting back out of the first round I mean I’m the type of just you know focus on the next game why do they keep saying that I understand why they’re saying that but why just focus on the next game how do you w your head what lost away from not even getting focus on the next game just you know focus on the next game come on SO play by play possession by possession I said nobody’s ever done it before that sounds like a a team that is defeated that that sounds like okay we’re going to go into battle and we we know we’re going to get we know we’re going to lose that’s what that sounds like I mean I couldn’t I couldn’t have given a excuse me I’m burping over here I couldn’t have given a better answer but come on man that that just sounds so defeated bro I can’t I can’t blame Devin Booker too much actually that was just an energy burst I had right there but I just I would have been like no comment next question I don’t know man like I I would have just I would have just I don’t know again this whole Sun Series has just left left me speechless sorry Devon Booker I was a little too harsh on you there but I don’t know man you guys coming off the bench yeah I I like what he did um you know he came in and you know I’ve been a team his for some time now so I know what he’s capable of and you know he he’s good somebody G you know pressure at all times and give his on you know both sides again shout out to Dwayne Ranken for those clips let’s listen to one more Frank vogle before we get out of here and then again it’s almost two o’clock where I live so I gotta get out of here y’all but one more time Frank vogle who says and I quote I don’t blame them Frank vogle on fans booing during game three loss to the Timberwolves let’s listen to Frank vogle y’all here we go youle up tomorrow and see what kind of adjustments we can make to win win game four I me you’re you’re playing for pride and you’re playing for an opportunity you know to keep fighting you know and that’s what this group wants this group does not want season come to an end we know that the competition in western conference is fierce this the hell of the team that we’re playing so we’re playing for pride we’re playing for an keep figh coach when you hear the fans booing in the game how do how do you and the team digest that that’s Sports at home fans are going too iame and then one of the things when you look at a game like this are you surprised upset or angry that knew what was on the line and then just didn’t have it to win this game say question again well I mean just your feelings on it I mean because you know you know that if you we want is really bad so it’s disappointing it’s frustrating um you we’re all very invested in this and we’re all poor and everything we have to trying to greatly to bring these fans uh you know the team Mak be proud of and um feel like we can still do that we Haven play this it’s part of that frustration that the adjustments that are being made just aren’t working sure that’s all the same bucket of being out have last so when you’re in the those and it’s tough how do you balance kind not overing it trying to get them going and just focusing on basketball in those in kind of the of of the game forward looking mindset you know um wi the next stress of the of the game next two or three minutes you know what I mean and you know lock into uh you know what the what is the task in hand what your coverages are what actions you want to be in offensively you know I say our our players have to have a next play mindset but as a coach that’s how you have to lead your group you know how do we win this next stretch so um you know evaluate the areas where we’re we’re getting hurt in the game you know we’re not making the extra pass if we’re getting killed on the boards um you know a certain action they’re running is hurting us how do we how do we uh clean that up you know I can we can we react to the last last like 10 seconds or so here last like 15 seconds of what Frank V says right here because I feel like that kind of wraps up this series what Frank like actually listen listen to what Frank vogle says right here listen to this we’re getting hurt in the game you know we’re not making the extra pass we’re getting Ked we’re not making the extra pass let me go back real quick getting killed on the boards we’re getting killed on the boards not just that keep listening um you know a certain action they’re running is hurting us certain actions they’re running are hurting us how do we how do we clean that up make the adjust in game about like literally that last 15 or so seconds like in a weird way kind of sums up this playoff series let’s listen do it again I I won’t interrupt this time the areas where we’re we’re getting hurt in the game you know we’re not making pass we’re getting killed on the boards um you know a certain action they running is hurting us how do we how do we uh clean that up make the adjustments in game that’s what the fins are about you know I say our players have to have a next play mindset but as a coach that’s how you have to lead your group you know how do we win this next stretch so um you know iwe the areas where we’re we’re getting hurt in the game you know we’re not making the extra pass if we’re getting killed on the boards um you know a certain action they’re running is hurting us how do we clean that up make the adjustments in game that’s what are about yeah I feel like that kind of sums it up right there y’all I went live for a lot longer than I anticipated that was probably the beer that did a lot of that live show um but I I don’t regret anything I said tonight like for real you guys like I really don’t like I like I’ll I’ll admit it when I would I’ll admit when I’m wrong and I’ve been wrong a lot this season um the suns are one win away excuse me they’re one loss away from being eliminated eliminated in the first round and not just that this will now be three playoff failures in a row and that’s not you know like Matt ishia Kevin Durant well actually I take that back Matt ishia can’t really okay how do I say this I I guess at the end of the day it’ll be three playoff losses in a row two of them ended an embarrassing fashion and if we lose on Sunday it’ll be a sweep which some people can take as a embarrassing fashion even if we win like I don’t have much hope for game five you know because you really think the Timberwolves are going to lose on their home floor in game five right you know so I guess what I’m trying to say is the suns are one loss away from going out in the playoff offs again in pretty much embarrassing fashion and having a lot of questions and doubt and critics and uh you know and it’s there’s a there’s a lot of people to blame and I don’t know I I am one of the biggest Suns fans if not the biggest Suns fan ever and I just I don’t know I really don’t I don’t know that that’s how I’m going to put this the sun this Phoenix Sun season in quotations is I don’t know you know like I was live with the Suns jam session podcast the other day and he was like like John was talking about like oh my friends or whoever like people I talk to like make fun of me or they’ll like say something like oh you know the son’s this the son’s that and just agrees with them at this point I think I’m going to take that mindset too like if people troll me on social media or in my comment section I’m just going to agree with them like yeah you’re right the Suns suck you know this was a failed experiment because I am speechless as a Suns fan I just don’t know I just don’t know I really just do not know anymore you guys and it’s my job in a way like I actually get paid from YouTube to make these videos and podcasts and sometimes I just don’t know what to say I really don’t and that’s that’s really heartbreaking as a true loyal fan of this team to say that I mean guys like if you’re new to this channel we have over 383 people in here if you’re new to this channel I have been making Phoenix Suns videos and live shows and podcasts about this team since like 2013 I’ve been a fan for as long as I can remember since when I was a kid and I legit do not know what to say about this Phoenix Suns team thank you Saul for the amazing comment Suns geek you are just speaking facts as a true fan we all are like again your guess and your opin is just as good as mine like I don’t know I can’t explain this I can’t explain this Phoenix Sun’s team to you I can’t explain this series to you because it’s just been a Mis miserable failure I’m trying to read the comments but I’m just like I’m so like burnt out y’all like I just it’s over two o’clock where I live and I’m just exhausted y’all chuckster says we need to use KD as tra oh God here we go rebuild oh God here we go uh this this Sunday starter should just be use of nage Booker KY Beal we can match the Timberwolves big men and not trying to get outrebounded so Suns for Life Suns fan for life let’s see uh try nage and see if we can get a br breed Wing I can’t read anyways I don’t know y’all I read the comments but I just I don’t know well I’m pretty burnt out y’all I’ve done backtack live shows and I’ve done a lot of videos and live shows this week I think I deserve a day off okay unless there’s like some crazy news tomorrow then you you know I’ll have you guys covered but I guess at the end of the day to end this live show I’m gonna sound crazy I’m GNA sound delusional I’m gonna sound stupid this is my hot take and I never make hot takes as the kids say on God I never make hot takes okay on God as the kids say this is my hot take though I still believe in Matt ishia I still believe that the Phoenix Suns at least have two more years two more years with this core they still have two more years with the big three so that’s what 2026 27 is with this core I I truly do believe that that doesn’t matter who’s coaching doesn’t matter who’s our GM two more years with Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal and if we’re in the year 2026 or whatever and we we lose in the playoffs and we haven’t won a champ Ship by then then I will be on this live show in two years from now and I will go live and I will say the Phoenix Suns need to blow it up blow it up Phoenix Suns even if that means trading Devin Booker in 2026 or 2027 what whatever the year is or or trade Kevin Durant trade trade Bradley Beal you know in 2026 anyways when this two-year window is up if we don’t win a championship by the time Allstar Weekend is back in Phoenix in 2027 you know before that uh then blow it up blow it up restart I don’t care how much money Matt ishbia spends blow it up restart in two years from now I giving it a two-year window I know I’m crazy I know that’s a hot take I know I I never make hot takes I never make predictions I try to stay away from predictions I try to stay away from hot takes but that is my quote hot take I’m going to be delusional I’m going to be optimistically delusional cautiously optimistic that we have two more years with this core Maurice I hope I said your name right bro two years we’ve been waiting all of our Lives I love that I love that so much let’s put it to the ether Sun sweep the next four that would be amazing like that that is not that comment but this comment up here that is real delusional optimistic confidence cautiously optimistic let’s put it into the ether Sun sweep the next four could you imagine guys it’s not history for a reason like zero and I think it’s like 151 or 153 that’s the record in the NBA for teams being down 03 so yeah ishbia looked ishbia looked dejected when they showed him after the crazy defensive stand the Wolves put up put up in the third quarter he’s drunk too if you’re talking about me I mean I I can’t I can’t deny that but I don’t care I’m still going to be optimistic y’all all right let’s see let’s get to a couple more comments um the ktie book Beal Saga needs to be sliced now while they still each have value why wait till then if we need to improve our roster geek youve had one too many cold ones I love that comment y’all that’s so good I love it do we get another Super Chat in here oh no never that’s just okay that’s just a great comment okay guys I I’m out of here y’all it has just been too much this this has been too much y’all I’ve almost been live for an hour and a half and I I even made a little Instagram video saying I’m probably not gonna be live for that long but that that’s that’s just how Suns geek works every time I say I’m not gonna be live for very long it’s it’s probably going to be like an hour live show or longer I think there’s only been like one live show where like I cut it under 20 minutes yeah so can I at least say my thank yous before you guys all get out of here can I just at least say thank you for a couple of minutes um seriously you guys we went from having 130 people in here to having over 200 then all of a sudden that jumped up to 300 00 and as of right now we have over 400 people so seriously you guys like I am just a normal person I am far from famous I will probably never be famous I am just somebody who likes to talk about the Suns on Youtube I have been doing this whether you are new to this Channel or a longtime viewer I have been doing this for many many years and I have over 400 people in here so please do me a favor smash that like button subscribe if you don’t subscribe I get it at least keep watching come back on Sunday and watch that’s all I can ask for like yeah I’m on the road to 10,000 subscribers and I’m grateful but like but like please just if you don’t subscribe please just watch that’s all that matters you YouTube just wants you guys to watch but seriously 4 people and I’ve just been sitting here drinking a beer ranting you guys are awesome you guys are all amazing people all 400 of you right now Pat yourselves on the back do it right now because I love you guys like if I could give you a hug I would all right y’all I’m done I love you guys seriously Hulk smash that like button please subscribe like comment please keep watching even during the off seon please keep watching you guys I’m going to I’m going to keep making videos no matter what videos YouTube shorts live shows Suns therapy sessions please please keep watching you guys we’re we are on the road to 10,000 subscribers and I I I thought I would never ever see that number so please please subscribe keep watching in come back on Sunday you you guys think I had too many cold ones tonight wait till Sunday after we lose or win even if we win I’ll probably have too many cold ones so I love you guys you’re all amazing and uh to to answer Derek’s question here before we get out of here hey Suns geek did you get a pair of the de Booker shoes no I didn’t because shoes are expensive and I’m irresponsible with my money and uh they sell out fast I’ll just say that they sell out very fast so Suns for Life Suns fan for life so Sunday big game for our fans NOP sorry I can’t read Sunday big game for our sons let’s keep our faith up don’t lose hope we got this and yeah you guys are amazing I love you guys I’m out of here for real God bless you guys stay safe and I know I I hate to preach to you guys before I get out of here here but please just be nice to people spread kindness just be nice to people y’all love each other God bless you guys stay safe I will be here Sunday I don’t know if I’ll be in this room on Sunday but I’ll be somewhere Sunday even if I’m outside on Sunday I will go live and probably drink like 10 beers and get drunk and talk to you guys about the Sun so I love you guys God bless y’all stay safe peace out win or lose Phoenix Suns for Life win or lose Phoenix Suns for life I will always represent this team I will always make videos about this team win or lose Phoenix Suns for life I love you guys God bless peace out and go Sons I love you all [Music] what’s up son [Music]

The series isn’t over yet but it sure feels like it. I went live to rant/react. Oh Boy.
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Follow Me On News Break

ICYMI STOP The Ridiculous Devin Booker trade “rumors” Grayson Allen injury update and more Suns news

Former Phoenix Suns player Yuta Watanabe to play for Japan next season

Grayson Allen agrees to a 4-year 70 million contract extension with the Phoenix Suns (My Thoughts)

Suns JAM & Suns Geek Merch! Suns Geek AZ License Plate products

Suns JAM Session shop:

The Phoenix Suns should draft BRONNY JAMES 😂

Phoenix Suns sign Isaiah Thomas to 10 day contract (My Thoughts)

Suns Geek and Suns JAM went live to recap the Phoenix Suns 2024 NBA trade deadline

During my trip to Phoenix, I had the honor of geeking with the PHNX Suns crew. I filmed a video of the “behind-the-scenes” and took tons of pictures. I also included fun moments from the podcast. Enjoy! Thanks again PHNX!

Phoenix Suns Media Day 2023 Watch-Along/Live Reaction Show

The Athletic reported that Phoenix Suns Owner Mat Ishbia was “very involved” in the Deandre Ayton deal. More Ayton trade talk and what is our biggest concern is with the Suns roster.

The Bradley Beal vs Cooper Flagg 1-on-1 story NEVER HAPPENED. Here’s why. What do you think about this fake story and all the Suns hate?

ICYMI Emergency podcast with the Suns JAM Session podcast as we react to Bradley Beal being traded to the Phoenix Suns. The Chris Paul Suns era is over. What do you think of the trade?

🚨The Phoenix Suns trade for Kevin Durant and TJ Warren emergency live show🚨

Music Credits: Current live show intro countdown music Born a Rockstar (Instrumental) – NEFFEX (YouTube Audio Library)

End card beat by:

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  1. Just tear it down and start over. I’d rather suck again for the next 4-5 years and build a young core again than be mediocre for the next 2-3 years and suck again after that.

  2. The fatal flaw in the Suns’ plan is that neither Booker nor Durant is a #1-level playmaker. Both guys could be any team’s top scorer, sure, but tough shotmaking can’t replace a focal point capable of systematically generating easy offense for the team as a whole. Look at how much easier Kyrie Irving’s life is playing next to Luka vs KD (without Harden). Chris Paul was the right idea—they just needed a younger model. See how much more impactful Mike Conley’s minutes were compared to Beal’s.

    Also, why hire Vogel just to immediately kneecap him by dumping the one avenue his expertise could potentially improve the team—I.e. elevating Ayton to a Roy Hibbert/Dwight Howard–level defensive center? However annoying a head case he may have been, trading Ayton for dead end Nurkic at rock-bottom value eliminated the Suns’ last hope for organic growth.

  3. So, i've been thinking about this since october. The body language and attitude seemed wrong even back then. I don't understand why james jones constructed a roster filled with aging, injury prone veterans and wings. Guys that are all mid- range finesse players that are programmed mentally for offense only . Also most of these guys specifically one on one players. No gritty, grind it out players that can switch to physical play and draw fouls and get to the line. No rebounders ( aside from nurkic) no real shotblockers( maybe bol) and forcing guys to play out of position like small forwards playing power forward( o'neal,young and durant) . Jones had three seasons to draft a backup to paul. Missing out on miles mcbride, jared butler, brandon podziemski and even tyrese haliburton. I understand wanting to add experienced veterans hoping that experience would translate to wins in pressure situations. This backfired because sometimes high mileage veterans get injured and may even refuse to adapt their games to the team's system. Drafting a rookie may be risky but that's why real teams have good scouting and bring players in for workouts. Also easier to get that young player that isn't injury prone yet to buy into the team system. Vogel, has been horrible as coach and failed in every way. Yet, i have to wonder did he actually get to have a say in the players on this team and building a roster filled with size and defense like he had in the past? Or more likely did james jones tell him this is the team, make it work. Vogel takes the blame for failing to coach this team, but we need to remember that this was james jones vision , he convinced ishbia and vogel that " positionless basketball" would work. I've said it all season, now i'll say it again. You are stuck with this big three but you do have the 23nd pick this year and potential to move some dead weight for some second round picks. We can't overpay for veteran free agents but we could afford to play in the draft's late first and early second . Pointguards at 22-tyler kolek, devin carter,carlton carrington,jamal shead. Power forwards- DaRon holmes ,pj hall,adem bona and oso ighodoro. Wing defenders-ryan dunne,kevin mcculler, dillon jones. Centers- kel'el ware, ulrich chomche, hanson yang, ugonna kingsley onyenso. There are options to get younger and more talented at positions of need. Any one or two of these guys on the suns would make a positive impact next season. This is how you upgrade the team on the cheap and build chemistry and continuity while adding guys to help rest the vets .

  4. Good on you for admitting your very wrong. Imo that beal trade was very bad, should of kept kd and book and got a real PG and some decent role players

  5. Booker is a consistent performer during the regular season, but his performance significantly declines during the playoffs.

  6. Remember back when, at the beginning of the season, every pundit placed PHX as a top-2 seed in the West? Remember just a few days ago when Suns fans were saying Suns in 5 (after losing game 1)? It wasn't just Book who was delusional; their fans were too.

  7. Jones, coaching staff has to go.

    Suns have one first round pick, 23rd.

    You can attach it to Nassier Little for a legit guard, or draft Bronny James, to get his dad to take small contract.

    Get cp3, he will be good to have 12 minute stretches.

    Suns also, need a Nic Claxton type player, an above rim player.

    But we need a POINT GUARD, we have AMMO in booker beal kd, but need to a GUN to make the shit work

  8. I ain’t even a suns fan but i been going hard for the suns and I think it might be over but if the suns can tie it up they can win but I think it might be over for the suns waste of a good team with talent

  9. Unfortunately you all this team is not built to win it all. They should trade away Beal. This will allow the team to get better role players

  10. The worst thing about this playoff series, if one let's say compares it to the Lakers vs Nuggets, is that the Lakers have at least been in those games and could have won. The Suns have never been in it every Fourth Quarter to say they even had a chance. They dominated this same team in the regular season. And they weren't even in any game where at least they showed effort to maybe win. Just like Game six and seven of the Dallas series, not even enough effort to make it close. Shout out to LeBron for at least trying to win against almost impossible odds. I cannot say the same for our guys.

  11. It was so damn frustrating to see Suns players constantly hesitate and change direction when driving to the basket, seemingly intimidated by Rudy's presence in the paint. It was as if they were afraid of getting blocked or outmuscled by him, causing them to lose confidence and alter their game plan.

  12. Yeah you belive in ishbia because you want good relowith the organisation we get.deamn.isiah thomas is a shadow gm whats wrong with you?

  13. I blame booker all the losses and seasons he’s the focal point. Try a kd Beal turner or Lopez team

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