@Utah Jazz

The Lauri Markkanen trade rumors are weird…

The Lauri Markkanen trade rumors are weird…

what’s up everyone spy fence here I’m bringing you another video today we’re talking about some very interesting Utah Jazz news has been revolving around the league uh involves lry Markin Jordan Clarkson and John Collins for the most part now it seems as though we are repeating what happened last year where there’s trade rumors of Larry marinin being traded and Jordan Clarkson being traded as well or John Collins being like I just feel like we we heard this all before so many times and it’s just happening again but I wanted to take some a look in at some very interesting trades that I saw on the internet now I know these trades don’t mean a grain of salt in for anyone none these I feel like none of these proposed trades ever happen so I’m not saying these are going to happen I just think that they’re kind of funny that people wrote These trades and it just seems as though the media is more so trying to get these big Market teams uh to grab all these star players like live marketing like I see so many live marketing Golden State things uh where I think if you were to be trained I think Oklahoma City could be a way better fit for him than someone like the Golden State Warriors anyway my friend sent this one to me this morning and he said this is a beautiful trade it involves the New York Knicks so the Knicks will get Lowry markon and the Jazz will get buam bogdanovich the 24th overall pick the 25th overall pick of this Seas year draft and a 2029 top three first round pick protected and a 2025 top four first round pick protected why would the Jazz trade lar Markin in for Buon bogdanovic late first round draft picks and then a couple top protected first round draft picks which those those two could be pretty good especially the 2029 pick but like oh man I don’t I don’t understand why people like like I get I get it it’s the media they’re getting the word out people they’ll get clicks with this stuff but it just it hurts my brain that a lot of people just seem to disrespect what L marketing’s value is uh I just saw another one that has actually has to do with the uh Oklahoma City Thunder okay so Oklahoma City receives live marketed Utah Jazz acquire Josh Giddy and three future first round picks do we want Josh giddy for live marketing I guess the three first round picks could be valuable but the Thunder are going to be extremely good for the next little while I think because they got all those they’re they’re like if the Jazz were good you know I want to go into what Tony Jones uh he’s probably one of my favorite Utah Jazz insiders he seems to be realistic in what he says and kind of straight to the point and not really doing it for clicks so he said in the big picture marketing’s value to the jazz is so great that’s going to take an offer that’s probably not going to come to pry him from the Jazz something like four or five first round picks and a star- level talent coming over I don’t I don’t see any of these trades like if you if you even go and look look up L Market And Trades you won’t see anyone that has a star player in return now there is there’s one but it doesn’t involve L marketing that Bleacher Report came out with they came out with these like bold trades for every team this one was Utah would receive Zion Williamson Larry n junor 2029 pick New Orleans will receive Walker Kessler John Collins Bryce sensah pick number 28 pick 32 Cleveland’s first pick and LA Lakers first round pick that we have that one is very bold that that I feel would be a we have to win now we need an Allstar on our team right now uh let’s give up some of the future I mean we we are going to use those first round picks for what but I don’t think I would see Zion Williamson on the Jazz you know he’s way too injury prone I feel like he’s lazy he doesn’t really like when he is top-notch he is a top-notch player but I don’t I don’t see how Zion would add on to the Jazz I feel like trading for a point guard to help out with Lowry move kante George back to the two guard which is what he played in college and succeeded in there’s tons of reports going around about jazz wanting a win now player it’s not looking like a lot of these draft picks that the media think the Jazz need to do really help out the jazz or they understand what Danny a is trying to to do so that’s why you take all this Media stuff I just like to chuckle uh because I think it’s kind of ridiculous that the media I I feel like they don’t see just how impactful our marketing could be on their team so they come up with these silly trades like Josh giddy I saw another one I don’t have the leak or anything to this one but it was Chris Paul and I think two first round picks for Larry marketing and warriors fans get this they were all hyped over this this is the best trade ever that jazz can’t can’t pass this trade up and now was like what the you guys just you Warriors fans are something else there’s other reports of more Jordan Clarkson probably getting traded uh we paid the bulk of his contract this past year now he’s down to two more years on his contract for $14 million so he probably will be easier to trade I want him to be traded I think I think we could get some assets out of him love the guy love what he did for you to the past how how long has it been like four or five years other reports about the Jazz shopping John Collins around now you can take that as maybe uh that was a fail Danny a trade I i’ take that as we gave him a chance I saw a lot of good in John Collins I’d be okay with him being on the Jazz next year as well I know he’s expensive and if we could trade his contract for some good players picks whatever uh I would do it in a heartbeat have some great moments I want to give him credit he has some great dunks he had a lot of 20 point 10 rebound games and so I think he’d be solid addition to a contending team uh so yeah there’s my kind of here’s what the media is saying about lry marinin John Collins Jordan Clarkson uh and kind of chuckling at it because I think these trade ideas are pretty ridiculous and they never happen so I guess moral of the story is like take all these trade proposals was a great assault and I say that being because I remember all these trade things coming out here’s a here’s a trade for Rudy goar here’s a trade for Donovan Mitchell to the heat to the Knicks to the Lakers guess what he got traded to the Cavs Rudy Gober has traded to the m uh to the Timberwolves it it really I feel is a big like let’s get all the all the star players we can onto this big Market team so we can make more money that’s what I think it is uh but anyway uh check out my latest video uh I talk about my upcoming trip to Finland I’m super excited about it and everyone have a great rest of your day uh love the NBA Playoffs have been phenomenal this year so I hope the Nicks get I mean the timber wol get another win I’m sure for Rudy gobear and Mike Conley uh but yeah let’s go jazz

Today I talk about Utah Jazz and Lauri Markkanen trade rumors and how I find them to not be quite that good. I also talk about the rumors about Jordan Clarkson and John Collins.

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  1. I've always been amazed how some fandoms believe that small market teams are only there to create star players and send them their way, like they are expecting OKC to trade "SGA for DLo and an open bag of chips"

  2. You're right these rumours are crazy funny in a way😂. The hype says that the warriors, Lakers, philly and OKC are after Lauri. Lauri will extend his contract with Jazz in the early August. I hope Jazz make some smart moves to fasten the rebuilt.

  3. These trades not happening. Lauri may get traded but trades what you said not gonna do it. Lauri is way more valuable than late 1st round picks. He is 4-5 pick, good 1st round worth + player or players.

    I hope Lauri get traded, jazz dont be any good anytime soon. I want see Lauri compete and jazz not even try to compete. I lost all faith that Ainge can get anyone really good point guard. There is not that many availiable and those who are dont want come to tanking team. Really good players can pick the team where they play. Not other way around. Why anyone really good want come to jazz? Not gonna happening.

  4. One sentence earlier in your video about these trade rumours of Lauri "It hurts my brain" says all 😂. I mean you can speculate but You don't have to be stupid. Let's try to live with these rumours. I am sure Lauri has no problem with that. Go Jazz!

  5. None of these trades are realistic but they funny for sure. I saw one today trading Lauri for picks and Kuminga. Hope to see both JC gone. That is realistic.

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