@Houston Rockets

The Future NBA Superteam That Nobody Talks About (Houston Rockets)

The Future NBA Superteam That Nobody Talks About (Houston Rockets)

YouTube today I wanted to take the time out of my day to talk about a team in the NBA in the Western Conference that I don’t think enough people really realize how great they’re going to be in the future and how absolutely terrifying this team’s potential is not only for the 2025 NBA season but for the future as a whole and that is the Houston Rockets I talked about this in my lottery video that I did where I talked about the Hawks and you know some of the winners and losers of the lottery but the Rockets scoring that third overall pick from you know jumping up all the way from the eighth spot with a about 5% chance to win that pick all the way to the third spot in the draft is absolutely Monumental for their franchise and you know just a couple years ago we thought this was a team with maybe some potential with guys like Jaylen green and alpr andon that maybe just you know were quite a long while away but man last off season was really really important for the Rockets they hire eme adoka who turned that culture and brought a hard-nosed toughness and Edge to that you know locker room and organization you get guys in free agency like Fred Van Vleet who was really really great for the Rockets last year and Dylan Brooks who turned his career around in Houston you still have a lot of really important pieces and pieces that could be NBA superstars or stars in the making in the future like Jaylen green like opin zon as mentioned before plus guys like cam Whitmore who you drafted last year amen Thompson as well who have just a ton of potential and Jabari Smith junr just to name a few you also have brought in veterans like Steven Adams Jeff Green who will have to see if he returns next season you have guys like Jon Tate and tar een who are young developing pretty solid pieces already so with a third overall pick regardless of free agency I know the Rockets will not be making very many moves in free agency as they are over the cap limit the Rockets could be a playoff team next year and I think regardless of that we’re looking at one of the greatest teams of the future in the NBA along with the San Antonio Spurs and Oklahoma City Thunder in the Western Conference this could be one of the scariest teams in the NBA in about two or three years or so and I want to talk about it in this video today I want to dive through the roster and see what you know maybe the Houston Rockets could do in the offseason regarding their third overall pick whether they trade it or keep it who could they Target in the draft with that third pick what’s their next course of action with all these young pieces still developing let’s get into it in this video folks so first I want to just take inventory of this roster and everything they have returning next season and as well as what positions and you know maybe types of areas on their roster they want to Target but first we need to understand you know the roster that we’re looking at here so at the point guard position I think they’re really really set you know you have your guy right now in Fred Van vet who is unbelievable as that locker room leader and guy to just stabilize the team and hustle and energy to that team for the short term right but you also have amen Thompson who is really kind of a you know point forward type right like I don’t think he’s necessarily a point forward I don’t know why I said that but he is clearly a guy that you want the ball to be in his hands in the future you know maybe he’s not quite ready for that he’s still a project still a really really young guy at 21 years old you know he’s a two-way you know Monster threat hopefully in the future for the rockets and definitely an intriguing prospect that you got to let grow and develop in that organization to really see what you have in am man Thompson you were just loaded with versatile Defenders on this team at the two guard you have you you know maybe your offensive star of the future and Jaylen green Jaylen green has had a lot of struggles you know staying consistent and maybe playing winning basketball in the past but I think that is starting to turn around with Coach adoka really being there and being a great presence I do think he needs to be more efficient offensively take better shots and really learn what winning basketball looks like I think coach adoka is going to do a great job of getting him where he needs to be so you know your guards look really really good for the future you know people say aan Thompson’s a forward but you know I think he’s more of a guard type player so he’s a guy you know hopefully in the future maybe you’d want the ball in his hands quite a bit as he has a lot of playmaking chops already and a lot of you know potential to be an on ball Creator maybe you could use another you know guy in the draft or maybe if you don’t draft a point guard but you could get like a veteran minimum guy or something to come in and play you know backup point guard or something like that but overall I think the guards of the future are pretty set and as long as Fred Van B plays like he did last season you got a really really good guy in the interim at the point guard position to run your offense for the forwards I mean this is where they are just so so amazing right talk about the forward depth I mean cam Whitmore who is you know to me really like a two guard or a three right kind of a hybrid Wing this guy is a special type of talent in my opinion you took him last year in the draft 20th overall which I thought was a steal at the time this guy really has a lot of shooting promise you know and really just scoring promise in general I think this is a really really good two-way player for the Rockets moving forward I mean this is a guy who averaged 12 points last year as a rookie in a limited role only played 47 games but listen 18 or 19 minutes A Game 12 points per game shot well from the field shot about average from three on five attempts per game 36% got to the line a little bit as a rookie and needs to up his free throw percentage along with a lot of the Rockets players but overall you got to be thrilled with Cam Whitmore Jon Tate I think is one of the more underrated players in the league I’m sure if you’re a Rockets fan this is the type of guy that you love he’s been with the Rockets uh his whole career last year was his fourth year in the NBA although he is an older you know guy for a four-year player at 28 years old the guy is just a total total utility piece that you love to have as an organization Jan Tate is like really like an under size three or four but does a lot of really great things on both ends of the floor you know for one he’s not the best shooter right like we can just say that but talk about a guy that just hustles and gets to the basketball finds ways to impact winning night to night and just you know he would be a fan favorite of mine if I was a Rockets fan I hope the you know Rockets will pick up his team option for next season and bring jaon tape back as he is a valuable valuable hustle guy for that team another forward who was injured a lot of last season only ended up playing 22 games but really stood out as a rookie will now be going into the 30e career and that is 2022 17th overall pick tar een and tar een is a really really promising you know player for one he is a guy that can really knock down a catch and shoot three got really really good size for a forward you know another guy that just does a lot of things really well really good rebounder you know this is a guy that I would love to keep around if on the rockets and really see how high his potential can go as last year hampered him with injuries butar e like I said a really promising player I don’t think he has like Star potential or anything like that but could be a solid starter in this league as a forward Dyan Brooks you know I talked about him in the last video totally redeemed himself and saved his career last season for the Rockets you know you can’t say enough good things about this guy you know he brought a lot of Edge and toughness like uh coach adoka wanted to to that organization and team that’s the type of guy that the Rockets needed and they got him and fortunately for the Rockets he really paid off last season showing that he can be a efficient offensive player as well as a great defender so you know you got to be happy about Dylan Brooks if you’re the Rockets but another guy that’s can provide uh veteran leadership for the Rockets with an otherwise really young team Jabari Smith junr you know super high draft pick had a really really good season last year played kind of a different role he’s really going to be the power forward of that team as you know Al andon who will get to is the center but Jabari Smith is a really really good athlete two-way player got great great length and size for his position can guard multiple positions versatile Defender that’s your top defender in my opinion he’s a special type of defensive talent that I think has a lot more room to grow like I said as a lot of these other guys only being 21 years old so you got to love what you’ve seen from Jabari Smith especially last year as a stretch for and a versatile Defender at the center position you have maybe the best bright spot of your team and guy with maybe the most potential of anyone on this team and that is alprin andon who really really broke out last season as a breakout player showing in my opinion has Superstar potential listen this guy is only 21 years old and last year he put up 21 points per game nine rebounds five assists on 53 from the field he has to you know develop a little bit more of a consistent three in my opinion improving his defense as well that was one of the big concerns with him but listen all offensively this guy is one of the more special talents in the league from that big man position people call him joic light or mini yic I can see the comparisons it’s not the best comparison but he is a dynamic offensive Center that really provides a lot of passing and scoring capabilities and just a total bag offensively at that big man spot that is the guy of the future to build around sangon is an offensive superstar in the making like I said you bring in Steven Adams at the deadline you acquire him which I thought was a really good move for the Rockets you know he really fits that team and what they want to be doing in uh their future what they want their identity to be you know a really tough gritty team that has a lot of talent I think Steven Adams was a perfect perfect pickup he’s really you know a type of guy on that team that they were lacking I think a really strong backup five that can come in and rebound the ball and be physical one of the more physical guys in the entire league really fits their identity like I said I thought that was a great move for the Rockets to pick him up I’d say that’s about it for players I want to cover that are worth covering for this team you know there’s obviously some more guys that’ll probably be coming back but for the Rockets you know I think that’s about it what they should be doing doing with this third overall pick that’s the question you know do they go with a point guard even though they have you know maybe a little bit of a surplus there and their future you know pretty set up there or do they go with you know a wing another you know really capable Wing I think personally what the rocket should be doing is looking for the best offensive player in this draft right a guy that is really ready and I think Reed Shepard at the wing position is a you know two guard or you know three or point guard whatever he is you know I think he’s more of a two guard to me but I think Reed Shepard really fits this team well you know he’s a guy guy that can step in right away and provide really quality offense for this team he is a really really polished offensive player and I think that’s what the Rockets really need he is a guy that can really knock down a three off the dribble off the catch create his own shot in a lot of scenarios you know people worry about his defense you know I don’t know but maybe that’s not what they’re looking for you know they probably want a guy that can play both ends of the floor but I think just from a balance standpoint for this roster if they want to compete within the next couple years I think Reed Shepard’s probably the best guy to pick at that third overall spot because that’s something that the really really lacking a guy that is really really stable and efficient offensively that can make the right plays just a smart player you know I don’t think greed Shepard’s ever really going to wow you with his athleticism or you know something he does on the floor game to game with his flash he’s not a flashy player but think of a better version of Austin Reeds that’s kind of what I you know look at Reed Shepard as you know I don’t I’m not a draft expert or anything but I’ve seen a lot of film on Reed Shepard you know he’s one of my favorite players in the draft and I think he would make a lot of sense with the Rockets sort of balancing out that lineup with a pure offensive minded player that can really handle the ball and shoot it from outside consistently if they do decide to trade the pick for a superstar I think that could be another thing I mean while the Rockets are super young and developing they still have a lot of talent right now to be able to compete with the Western Conference and you saw that in 2024 with the Rockets you know being in that hunt for the playin tournament right so even if you project all these guys to get so much better these younger guys which I would right I totally would think a lot of these guys will get so much better that’s what you’re planning on for the future that’s you know these you have your core pieces but maybe you add a super right now and trade that third overall pick thinking that we’re young and developing but we can compete right now we’re about a superstar away from being one of the top Western Conference teams and I would tend to agree with that but do you mortgage your future and direction of the franchise to sell out right now I’m not so sure about that man if you like someone at three I think you take them I think you basically won the lottery along with the Hawks right and you got to value that pick like it could be the acceleration to your rebuild right and so you could look at it the other way and say well the acceleration to our rebuild would be trading the pick for a guy like Donovan for a guy like dejonte Murray but I don’t know man I think you take someone with that third overall pick and let these other young guys develop this young core there’s no rush for this team in my opinion you know you want to win now as many games as you can there’s a good chance next year you won’t be anywhere near the lottery I get that right so maybe you know going all in now on a superstar is a good move you basically thought you had the eighth pick and got a free third overall pick but I think you take someone with this pick if you really like him if you don’t maybe you try to shop it around on draft day see what happens but either way you slice it man the Rockets have the future of the NBA in the of their hands just like the Oklahoma City Thunder and the San Antonio Spurs I think they’re up there with their type of future the Rockets really really are going to be scary in a couple years and I don’t think enough people are talking about it so make sure you guys you know keep an eye on Houston you know they’re going to be trouble especially if you’re a West Conference Team you know you you’re in Oklahoma City Thunder fan you think you have the best future I you know I think the Rockets are up there with you guys it’s going to be a competition I can’t give enough credit to this front office and you know just ownership group everybody involved top to bottom they have really turned this thing around man the Rockets were really looked at to me as a 5year or so project going into last year and you know they make all these moves it pans out so so beautifully well and now the Rockets are right up there with the Thunder and Spurs as the future of the NBA in the Western Conference hope you guys enjoyed the video man make sure you guys let me know down in the comments if you agree if you disagree with this video you know what do you think of the Rockets future and you know maybe what they could do with that third overall pick if you guys know a lot about the NBA draft maybe you guys could tell me cuz I don’t you know I’m not an expert or anything like that I don’t know much about the draft but I do know Reed Shepard would be a good fit in Houston so let me know if you guys think someone else could be really good for Houston feel free to comment right who do you guys think has the best future of any team in the NBA I think it’s the Rockets the Spurs and the Thunder they all happen to be Western Conference teams but that’s good for my Sixers stay out of my you know stay out of my conference but make sure you guys subscribe to the channel if you guys haven’t already we upload content just like this every single day and we’re going to be gearing up for the finals to do a lot of finals content for you guys so make sure you guys stick around if you don’t want to miss it I’m so excited I can’t wait for the finals every single day uploads on this channel NBA content every day catch you guys in the next one hope you guys have a great rest of your day today this your boy de Haven as always peace

The Future NBA Superteam That Nobody Talks About (Houston Rockets)

In this Video I will be explaining why I believe the Houston Rockets may have one of the brightest future of any team in the Western Conference and NBA in general! With the Rockets Jumping all the way from the 8th overall pick to the 3rd overall pick in the 2024 NBA Draft Lottery, they will certainly have the basketball in their court as far as their future is concerned! With Emerging Stars like Alperen Sengun, Jalen Green, Amen Thompson, Jabari Smith Jr., Cam Whitmore and a surplus of NBA Veterans like Fred VanVleet, Dillon Brooks and Steven Adams who will be led by Head Coach Ime Udoka, the Houston Rockets could be and NBA Playoff Team Next Season in the NBA Western Conference… Hope You Enjoy!

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Tags: houston rockets,nba houston rockets,nba houston,rockets,the future nba superteam,the future nba,nba superteams,nba superteam,houston rockets news,houston rockets rumors,rockets draft,nba draft 2024,houston rockets nba draft,rockets picks,nba 3rd overall pick,rockets nba draft,2024 nba draft,alperen şengün,alperen sengun,jalen green,jabari smith jr,amen thompson,cam whitmore,dillon brooks,steven adams,rockets draft 2024,nba,nba news,ime udoka

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  1. Houston is SLEPT ON!! Who should the Rockets Take with the 3rd Pick? Lmk! 🤷🏻‍♂️🙏🏻💛

  2. I agree Houston is slept on. we will experience a simular rise like OKC had this year in our next year. while flying under the radar we have drafted very well and now we have a coach who knows how to extract that talent. this journey back to respectability hasn't been all peaches and cream. watching some of the growth has been painful, but necessary when developing young players. we may be slept on right now, but next year we are going to wake some people up. as for the #3 pick I think we should take Castle or trade it. I prefer to trade it for something we can use now.

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