@Los Angeles Lakers

Will LeBron James end his career with the Los Angeles Lakers? | Dan Patrick Show | NBC Sports

Will LeBron James end his career with the Los Angeles Lakers? | Dan Patrick Show | NBC Sports

[Music] today’s Mercedes-Benz interview of the day brought to you by mercedesbenz luxury SUVs now come with the luxury of choice learn more about the E-class SUVs at your local dealer or at specialoffers more phone calls coming up give us an update on poll uh questions and results there SE if you can uh yeah of course right now we’ve got uh Mavs Timberwolves is dot dot dot over or interesting right now 64% of the audience have that series is over okay oh LeBron James is most involved in either getting JJ reck the Lakers gig or getting his Sun drafted that’s at 81% he’s more involved in getting his Sun drafted and the better job in professional sports head coach or GM GM is absolutely destroying head coach all right fair enough all right my goal is to get Adam leco in trouble he works uh NBA on TNT inside the NBA he uh hosts on Tuesday night co-host of the big podcast with sha and leco joins us now okay are there things we can’t talk about with the NBA on TNT I’ve been uh prepped you know oh really to well C Todd was like hey i”d love to have you come on and talk about the Western Conference finals and I was like sure Todd I was like I’m sure you want to break down how Derek Lively has 108 dunks and uh kba only has six and his impact on the glasses a huge difference uh no I think um look I I I know how you work okay we know how this goes you got you got Charles out here when Charles came on your show I jokingly hit up a PR person and I said those talking points you gave him were crazy I can’t believe you told him to say those things yes he went scorched Earth there and uh but you know what Charles can’t really get in trouble you know you’re you’re a dad of a a newborn that’s 6 months old and I I want you to keep that job at least for another year I thought about that you know how people like to say that’s above my pay grade yeah is it above is anything above Charles’s pay grade no I don’t think so no no okay what have you been told about the future of the NBA on TNT after this next season so okay I can I can because I was sitting in the makeup chair yesterday getting ready for a show on True TV and some of the um higher up people were there and they just said listen it’s not over we’re still talking to them we’re still I mean you still have zazo talking to Adam Silver they’re still really really trying that’s what I’m being told um I think that you know very early on I removed I tried to remove a lot of my emotion from this and part of it was I was talking to my agent and he said I don’t think people realize that if another network is going to do this first of all TNT Sports can match but they need to get all of the paperwork done before there’s a match and that’s what my brain went oh I don’t think lawyers have ever rushed through paperwork uh and gotten rid of billable hours uh so that that TNT can match really quick and so that’s what I thought has been funny this entire time has been all of these reports where it’s done and then the the New Media uh cycle right now of there’s a sources and then that turns into an image of the inside guys with the text that say says it’s over and there’s no context and there’s no reporting and it it just snowballs really quickly that has been the part there but in terms of uh the NBA on TNT next year I’m being told that they’re doing everything they can right now to make sure that that happens and how do you kick Ernie Johnson to the curb so then you take what’s the game plan to do that you are really a peach aren’t you um one of the greatest joys of my life is sitting and watching Inside the NBA and so I’m the sicko because you know media people Dan as soon as they can leave they go home for me like if I’m hosting a show at 7 and then inside starts at 7:30 I sit on the set and watch at with the makeup people and the production people and then Chuck will be like hey Adam who do you like in the game tonight and then then Shaq’s like where’d you get that hoodie and then I go in the back and I order dinner and I watch with them and then Ernie comes in he goes kid what are you still doing here and then I am like yes now I get my six minutes of Ernie time before he goes into his bunker and starts working and so it’s one of the greatest Thrills of my life to be for him to be my colleague I don’t think that he’s replaceable I think that that those four on Inside the NBA the love that they have for each other the um camaraderie they have the talent they have I think I always hear inside compared to college game day and with all due respect to college game day I think that the spectacle of game day is the is the circus and the fact that each week you move to a new city thousands of kids show up what are the signs going to be how do they pull it off that’s crazy inside is four Dudes at a desk those two things you need a circus to compete with these four men and I think that I still learn from Ernie every day um my my father and my grandfather are my personal Heroes but Ernie has been my professional mentor and someone that anytime that I either get too high or too low I look at steady Ernie and I I realize he’s the guy and so for me um look I I’ve had a lot of cool talks with him about the future and stuff like like that but to even think about that would make me sick he’s Adam leco NBA on TNT inside the NBA host on Tuesday he’s been part of the Western Conference Finals altc that’s on True TV and streaming on Max yeah it’s it’s hard to replicate something you’re in a sterile environment NBA Inside the NBA whereas college game day you have a lot of bells and whistles and we probably remember the atmosphere more than what the analysts say more on game day than we do inside the NBA because you guys do have props and you know guys get hit with a pie or somebody falls down or the Christmas tree gets knocked down but still you’re remembering the exchanges that they have it’ll live on it just it it’ll live on maybe elsewhere but hopefully if I’m a TV executive I’m just taking that show and then I plug it in plug and play uh or as I said to Shaq or I said to Charles just do it yourself I mean you got a production company just do it yourself I’m going to tell Chuck that you confused him for Shaq and I cannot wait for his reaction because that is that’s just going to be peachy um I can’t imagine the NBA without Inside the NBA and I think that I’ve watched every other NBA show try to be inside the NBA I have I’ve seen them let’s laugh more you know let’s let’s have a gimmick and the thing that you need to realize is that none of it is planned but you bring up something leco you bring up something great and I remember when I was at the mothership that all else fails laugh and you see some of these shows where not everything’s that funny and when I watch Charles and Shaq Kenny Ernie not everything’s funny and even the awkwardness of that’s not funny we’re not going to force a laugh I admire that because a lot of these pregame shows in the NFL it’s somebody says something and you go you’re like who laughs like that in real life over nothing over nothing Daniel Jones better have a good game or who knows and you’re sitting there and you’re like that was ridiculous um because they’re they’re they’re trying to make good TV and they they don’t realize that good TV is being in the moment I I I don’t I don’t think I’ve said this to you before I Andrew Schultz is a comedian that’s on the rise he’s incredible he was so good during the Tom bre roast and I was at a friend’s house and some of his close writer comedian friends were there and when they found out that I did the NBA on TNT one of them was like do you realize that that show is comedy perfected and they don’t even realize it and I said how is Ernie comedy like I would love to hear how Ernie’s comedy and he said that comedy is about breaking a line and breaking the rules and Ernie is the rules and so when Chuck goes when when Kenny goes what’ you say about San Antonio women and then Ernie Goes don’t say it don’t say it when Chuck says it oh he said it but when I watch these other shows it’s like oh say it again do it again be louder and and they don’t realize that um SNL is great because you have a crazy person and a straight man and someone is not laughing you know what I mean and and Ernie is undoubtedly knows about it he calls himself the worst traffic cop ever but he creates the boundaries that they break and it’s like that’s why the ages there are so great because Shaq gets to be 15 again because Ernie to him is still Grandpa Ernie to me I’m like Shaq you’re double my age like you shouldn’t be shaving your eyebrows and putting women’s hair extensions on your forehead but he gets to be a kid again and that’s why it’s so sweet all right a couple things all right Satan give uh Le go whole question questions here let’s start with uh Minnesota Dallas over over or interesting interesting I think that I will be watching the injury reports and if Derek Lively is out again it is very interesting okay um because I I just thought the end of the game him not being in the middle of the floor as either the lob threat or the guy they can pass to the fact that Draymond Green had to tell Daniel Gafford hey when you get the ball you can pass it back out that’s stuff that Lively has already figured out as a rookie and so I I thought it was interesting in the last game that Minnesota finally answered the call late I don’t know if they can replicate Carl Anthony towns hitting those threes again that seems kind of unlikely um but we’re in Minnesota and I think it’s very interesting if you go to a game six a year after we had Boston come back from down three 0 all right LeBron James uh poll question yeah is he most involved in getting JJ reic to the Lakers or getting his son drafted they are sure saying a lot that they’re not involved in the coaching hire they sure are I think that LeBron would I think LeBron knows if he tries to play with his son there are still factions that will go that’s adorable and when those pictures come out people will go who wouldn’t want to play with their son I think Le GM the the LeBron that eye control I think he’s trying to really get away from that we had Rich Paul on one of our alt casts and he just came out and categorically denied that he’s involved does the podcast continue if it’s JJ reic do they just start bringing up like like the podcast makes it so much funnier that they they were sitting here and they’re like drinking wine together and then all of a sudden JJ’s leading timeouts um I I I have talked to a number of former NBA players uh whether it’s like around the studios or out and they all want JJ to get it they’re not rooting against him but they want him to get a taste and they want because everybody thinks they can be a coach like you guys were talking about better job I think that’s the next one GM by the way 10 times better job uh you you draft a quarterback or you draft a new player and you get three years added uh I’ve seen coaches oh ly Smith you get jamus Winston doesn’t matter you’re gone the next year um but I I think people want reck to get humbled yes I think they do because I still think they look at JJ reck is Duke JJ reick yeah I still think that that’s there and um JJ has been someone it’s his tone that I think throws a lot of people off he’s so confident he’s so convincing uh he he he immediately like you guys don’t understand let me teach you basketball and I think for the people that know basketball even though he might not be talking to them they’re like miss me with that and so what a tough job to start off with oh my gosh good luck yeah but I I’ve said this many times on the show I mean LeBron has manicured his career everything he does he does with purpose he’s in you know there’s strategy why would you at the end of your career all of a sudden not want to be involved with maybe the last two years of your career in who’s going to be your head co I don’t know if you can go hey whoever you hire I just I can’t believe that uh two things one I thought it was very interesting on our alt cast that unprompted rich Paul went LeBron’s a free agent he has not declined his player option yet and so that to me is very fascinating because LeBron loves to become a free agent when he says I want this this and this to happen that’s usually how he gets control second thing I found interesting is that you’re setting LeBron’s career over under at two and a half years and I would probably take the over because when you’re dropping 287 and seven I haven’t seen the decline and in this new age of we don’t play backto backs we don’t play four games in five days we no longer look down on sitting games I I kind of think he can keep extending this but he got he has to win he can have all the stats in the world it’s this is alltime greatness and if he’s going to continue to play for a team that could be you know the Pelicans I mean the Lakers and the Pelicans are probably very similar in talent in results is LeBron going to want to continue to be involved in something like that where you’re not the West is going to be stacked again next year what makes you believe that the Lakers are all of a sudden going to go you know what we’re the team to beat or one of the what’s more likely LeBron under two and a half years in the NBA or Lebron over one half uh over one and a half teams he plays for for the rest of his career like you’re talking about playing for a new team you don’t you you can’t get any wins in retirement you can win zero championships in retirement and if LeBron goes off into the sunset being like I just don’t see championships in my future Jordan would never do that Jordan you know what I respect the fact that Jordan went to Washington at least tried he at least tried to Win In with those guys okay does LeBron end his career as a Laker I don’t think so okay this is completely conjecture I just I think what you’re saying what I agree with you is I look at the makeup of the Lakers and I go I don’t know if it’s happening there you know we’ve we’ve seen this a few times I don’t think it’s going to happen I don’t know if it’s Cleveland come to Philly Maxi and bebr can we stop with this that all of a sudden Philadelphia is getting Jimmy Butler again Paul George LeBron like we’ve done this before all of them yeah oh well because this is the maker break year look I I grew up a Sixers fan this is the maker break year we’ve been hearing about the year of cap space for five years this will be the first season in which Tobias Harris or I got this from the rights to Ricky Sanchez podcast Tobias Harris or Jalil okaf for are not on the roster in like a decade so it’s all free the only contract there is like embiid and when they resign Maxi it’s it’s this is the time this is why you brought in myy three years ago and if you don’t land a Paul George a LeBron um or a Jimmy Butler and you’re sitting there being like we’re going to bring back Kelly UB and a bunch of role players that ain’t going to cut it well that’s not going to cut it I would worry about embiid looking around going look I went through everything yes I was injured first couple of years but you know the process and i’ I’ve been a constant uh you know maybe it’s time for me to leave sounds like him and LeBron have a lot in common maybe they should talk to each other LeBron and Philly would actually be awful and I I would actually hate it because Philly if they ever started booing LeBron that like first segment on Sports Center would be crazy oh my goodness do you think you got in trouble during this conversation did you get in trouble for not getting me in trouble no because I’m my boss did Todd get in trouble the funniest thing about getting booked on this show is that when Todd puts out the guests and the people on Twitter are like one guest way to work today Todd idiot thanks for bringing that I’ve never I’ve never never seen a Booker like who’s the one of the best if not the best Bookers in the business people are openly like way to give effort today bum nobody else gets that Tom we love you they don’t but then nobody takes more Victory laps when they do get a couple of guests like Todd does does he yes yes does he ever pop champagne for himself got cus yeah but there are times when I do say to Todd I said you know I I hooked this guy and then he’ll go that’s fair that’s fair that’s fair what would you say is Todd’s best book in the history of the show like the one where it was like I can’t believe you got all right uh sat I’ll ask you do you got one it’s been so long wow guys are the worst wow wow hanging up B here I just have to go back Kelly and 1994 wait you got Dan Bickley from the Arizona Republic we bumped rich in for Kevin Moss I remember who do you got Paulie Le go do you remember a long time ago like 0708 when they were talking about trading Kobe Bryant to the Bulls and it was a big topic uh fritzy got that week at the end of the week he got Kobe to call in and put the topic a little bit to bed and that was a monster at the time it was at the time and the week before he got Beckham in his first American radio interview oh wow yeah but that’s a long time ago 2007 yeah that’s that’s that’s 17 years AG hell of a year though yeah that was no hell of a week not a hell of a year sorry yeah back silvero 2007 yeah oh what a great vintage all right uh well I love you guys a lot hey thanks for joining us and good luck good luck with your future thanks and uh you know if I need to it sounds like you guys might need a Booker and I know people if you would like to fill in on this show we’d be more than happy to have you sit in here wow yeah okay now I have chills and now I need to go run around the block cuz I’m Juiced up yeah this way you could replace Ernie and you can replace me all right goodbye I’m that’s Adam that’s Adam leco NBA on TNT inside the NBA part of the Western Conference Finals AllCast that’s on True TV and streaming on Max we’ll take a break back after this

Adam Lefkoe joins Dan Patrick to discuss the future of LeBron James’ career, the possibility of JJ Reddick becoming the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers and more. #NBCSports #NBA #DanPatrickShow
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Will LeBron James end his career with the Los Angeles Lakers? | Dan Patrick Show | NBC Sports

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