@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers prepared to face Boston Celtics in Eastern Conference Finals after eliminating Knicks

Indiana Pacers prepared to face Boston Celtics in Eastern Conference Finals after eliminating Knicks

you WI a game seven in M Court Garden you’ve made history one of the hardest things to do and you guys did it with complete 100% class so congratulations I’m going to turn this over to Lloyd he’s much more eloquent than I am I tell you what um from start to finish this year we talked about the superpower of our team and the superpower of our team has been the togetherness you guys encourage each other you celebrate each other you support each other and when things get tough you guys stay together tonight we needed everybody we stayed together we went into the most hostile environment in the NBA and we won that we took that we didn’t give them a second to breathe you guys did it for 48 minutes as a team and all you guys deserve it you earned it and you guys should celebrate and be proud [Applause] tonight 1 2 3 [Applause] so I don’t understand the thing with the injuries that’s like in a NASCAR race a driver is in the top five in the race order 12 laps to go in the race he spins out runs out of fuel no gas or maybe his engine blows out with 12 laps to go the other 30 plus cars that’s on the track do you think they’re going to stop no that guy will take his ass to pit roll and the other 30 plus SOC calls will keep racing because the race is not finish I mean I didn’t I wasn’t going in with like you know I’m going to test him but I you know obviously he didn’t he didn’t look too healthy you know um made made some shots early but yeah I mean I think that’s you know I love OG you know so I think just seeing him out there obviously I was just you know making sure that he’s okay first um and making sure that like you know I know it’s game seven and and we want to give everything but know we got to be healthy um and I thought you know he he didn’t look healthy out there um it’s unfortunate for him he had a great season and um you know proud of him and and I just want him to you know continue to get better and um he’s going to have an opportunity to you know make a lot of money and and you know do a lot of things for his family so I just want him to be good Tom tibo a disgrace of a coach OG and the know be Josh H dudes out there limping barely can run and I’m going tell you this unless coach tibs change the same is going to happen to the Knicks again nice regular season burn out in the playoffs because let me tell you this OG and anobi as much of a lock down he is is an injury-prone player when I saw him in the starting lineup I said are you kidding me is Taves really going to do this knowing his injury history is Taves really going to have this man on the court limpin and SE yakum said it himself I know OG and a noi he knew he didn’t look right OG and aobi should not have been playing in that game seak was damn near hanging court because he knew OG couldn’t run KN knew that man and tibs is not going anywhere so you can expect the same thing next year he showed what type of Coach he is he sure he don’t care about the well-being of his players only thing he care about is winning and them bonuses he receive each round the New York Knicks winning the playoffs that’s the only thing he care about unfortunately you won’t be receiving no bonus for making the Conference Finals why because the Pacers sent that ass packing if the Knicks had another game to play fractured hand and all Jaylen Brunson would be in the starting lineup I guarantee you TBS would have sent Jaylen Brunson out there and that’s tibs for you I think it was time for him to go home real it was time for him to go home for jayen Brunson sake and for the entire New York Knicks roster it was time for that season to end on some jigsaw game over then slam the door on your ass uh I mean depending on who you ask um and I don’t really look for um you know look for that praise I guess anymore I’ve I’ve accomplished a lot in this league and uh you know truly at the point where uh you know I want to get over that hump I want to get back to the finals I want to help us win a championship and uh you know what I’m doing may not you know I might not win MVP but uh you know just trying to help us continue to be the best team in the league the Boston Celtics are a great team do not get me wrong they are a great team but let’s not act like that don’t stink I mean come on now the Boston Celtics have flaws you can’t name four coaches that Joe Missoula is better than I don’t care how many playoff wins he got I don’t care how many series he has won I don’t care that he’s technically coaching the number one team in the NBA anytime I use Joe Missoula and coaching in the same sentence I have to use air quotes let me put my quotes up you technically need a head coach on an NBA roster that’s the only reason he’s the head coach of the Boston Celtics because by NBA rules you technically need a head coach the Indiana Pacers have the advantage as far as the head coaching is concerned the Indiana Pacers don’t have many advantages coming into this series but one advantage they do have by a large margin that is at the head coach position Chris stat porzingis is out for at least the first two games does that mean Tatum is going to have to play the four that means he’s going to have to guard cakam in the post a lot Tatum is no slouch on defense but that’s a matchup you’ll take instead of a scenario where you could have Paul zingis and Al Horford two guys that are two good post Defenders and if we’re being being honest it might be best for porzingis to miss this series in all because the Indiana Pacers are running teams out the gym playing against the Indiana Pacers is not good for Chris St por Zing’s Health this is a guy with history of knee problems you just saw what happened the OG I mean the Pacers ranom and look pulled the hamstring who knows what could happen in a scenario with poring is playing against the Pacers the best thing for the Celtics would be for him to miss this series and hope you beat the Pacers and save them for the Finals over the years I’ve seen numerous teams go inside TD Garden and get done at this point TD Garden is history it is a tourist attraction that’s what it is TD Garden is a tourist attraction it is not a homec court advantage this is no hostile environment this is no hostile environment let’s get that very very clear this is no hostile environment and I’m talking about all sports I’m not just talking about basketball look at the hockey team how many times over the years have teams went inside TD Garden and took care business in the postseason that building has seen plenty heartbreak in the last decade they struggle to protect that in the postseason it’s nothing for the Indiana Pacers to go up in TD Garden and get comfortable and sit their asses right on their couch go in the fridge this is nothing Pacers in six is you talking about you not going to tell me this ain’t possible all the Pacers got to do is stale one in TD Garden both teams will lock in beginning Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. game two will be Thursday also at 8:00 p.m. game three will be Saturday 8:30 p.m. game 4 will be on Monday at 8:00 p.m. games 5 through 7 of course if necessary a lot of people seem to think those games won’t be necessary but I’m telling you people are in for a surprise but don’t get mad at the facts though Boston I’ll just mention you know they’re they’re a team that’s you know it’s just uh have just set the pace for the entire league this year and we have an idea of what we’re getting into up there with their crowd and and and the level of talent they have um but this is a challenge that we’ve earned and we’re looking forward to it

#bornreadyjones #nba #indianapacers


  1. Ive been saying this all year, the pacers were gonna suprise everyone. I didnt exactly forsee them going to the semi-finals, but they sure have done exactly what theybwere capable of. This team is one to remember & i can see them having a fighting chance to win against the celtics. If things go right, Indy has shown the ability to beat Celtics. Lets take it all the way! Go pacers!

  2. The Celtics are supremely talented, but they've had a very easy run and they've proven their fragile. If we put the pressure on and build some confidence, Pacers could definitely win the series.

  3. I asked you months ago how far you think we'd get and you said ECF! That's why I watch your take because you have the best Pacers information.

  4. Everyone of course thinks we gone get blown out. People saying "Celtics in 5" yea ok. We not losing that easy. We play good with our backs against the wall. Let em sleep ! Go pacers 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

  5. Everybody discounting our success. That's what good teams do. They beat inferior teams or injured teams. You can only play who's in front of you.

  6. crazy how far our pacers are ahead of schedule. Truly amazing. always appreciate your videos(99% of them). GIVE US BOSTON

  7. Look what we faced last time we were here, LeBron and D Wade. We can win this. It’s not impossible but we gotta play like the Spurs used to vs Heat and don’t worry about the refs cheating play through it bcuz if New York was plus 60 FTs Boston might be plus 100. We can beat them.

  8. Thank you for calling out the Knicks for that shit. Nobody in the media is saying anything. They should be ashamed for letting that guy play. Come on back to Indy og. We don’t overplay our players.

  9. Knicks fans knew their team was hurt and had already lost 3 out of 4 games but they still paid the most money ever for tickets to Game 7 because they are stupid. If you shoot a dear in the leg while deer hunting and he's hobbled you're not going to go and bandage him up and let him go. You're going to keep shooting it until you take the deer out of it's misery and that's what Indy did with the Knicks. They shot it down their throats over and over until they were dead. Go Pacers

  10. Pacers have a coach and bench advantage. They should have a frontcourt advantage if they play to it. Celtics have clearly been the best team in the conference all season long. That was true last season as well but they weren't able to advance to the Finals. The Pacers, on the other hand, are playing with house money. If the Pacers can steal one of the first two, the weight of expectations may fold in on the Celtics again.

  11. The Celtics have made the ECF 5 of the last 8 years and 3 in the last 5 and haven't won a chip yet. That should tell you something.

  12. Pacers will beat Boston just like the in-season. This gonna be the pacers Time!! 🏆💛

  13. Look at the film n see what Miami heat did to upset Boston n go from there. To win this we have to be on point with defense, make sure we grab boards, dont panic or get to excited, and cause them turnovers. Offense will come regardless. So if we do all of that we're winning easily

  14. Also we can lose the lead or let them think they can catch up when we get the lead. Do like we did the knicks game 7. We kept the lead they came to 6pts we didn't panic an we end up winning by 21pts

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