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Gil’s Arena Outlines The NBA’s PERFECT Plan For Bronny James

Gil’s Arena Outlines The NBA’s PERFECT Plan For Bronny James

so Wednesday night was a deadline for college players to decide whether they were staying in the draft or going back to school several players including Caleb love and Mark cus withdrew their name from the draft to return to college for another year one player who didn’t is bronny James so ahead of the deadline bronn’s agent Rich Paul told ESPN that he will remain in the draft and forgo his college eligibility Rich also had this to say about bronnie said brony’s draft range is wide he’s he’s a really good Prospect who has a lot of room for growth it only takes one team I don’t care where that team is number one or 58 but I do care about the plan the development the team strategy the opportunity and the financial commitment that’s why I’m not doing a two-way deal every team understands that so according to Shams bronnie has over 10 preff workout invites but is only planning on working out with the Lakers and Suns as of right now Lakers I believe have 17th pick sons have the 22nd pick if I’m not mistaken so I think that’s a mistake what’s the mistake him him only working out for two teams I get why but so tell why come on man tell them why they don’t know why tell them why they don’t know I it’s [ __ ] what your line is it obvious is it obvious I’m just saying I just I think need to because you never know man anything can happen like somebody could be there that they really could use and yeah now you got a dilemma like ah do I do I draft this guy who I could really use right now or do I draft this Prospect now that now you putting teams in a dilemma you got more teams that know what he is he ain’t got to work out against nobody else just have in for a workout that’s all you ain’t got to put up against nobody but I just think you give more eyes on him and people move around man in this business so so you think it’ be more beneficial do do as many workouts as you ain’t got to go do [ __ ] 30 workouts that but 10 Ain 10 ain’t bad 10 is a good round number for you to get exposure and teams they talk and they call one another and M how did he look for you bro like did he do this well see these are because he might have not looked that good that day again so now you really you know these other teams and you only got one other team to go on now that’s I just but I said that’s their decision I wish you nothing but the best in they dwell in but hey I I just think it would have been Ben more beneficial for him to more eyes on you agree disagree with that um I kind of disagree um I I look at it like C certain players that come into the draft I know when I came in Ricky Ruby only had to work out for certain teams um and he still got picked like you know top 10 in the draft or whatever but I just feel like if you know certain teams that’s that that fit you um you know in his case and his situation you know I think it is the best thing for him so like cuz I’m sure his team and everybody behind him is going to make sure that you know these workouts and everything get set up the right way um but that just happens for certain players like you know be that for multiple team not just the two though right yeah you can control and there may be other workouts you control it no matter where you’re working out you can control the environment you I’m saying Ricky Ruby over children they were trying to hide himbe that’s why they they were trying to hide him so that’s why he would select teams and they didn’t work out they were trying to hide him you they trying to I think they’re trying to do the same thing here think so I mean which is which is I mean to me I just think it’s Cas you know but I agree with you too no no no I get your point absolutely no I I 1,00% agree with you know what I’m saying I’m just saying I just think that’s trying to hide Ricky Rubio yeah for sure absolutely agree with your point I see you rocking the uh the SC shirt obviously fight debatable Lakers I you know I disagree I I agree with you know rich and and with you know Kim you know to the most part but some people already be having locks you know teams already know who they going to pick coming into the draft like I knew like Ronnie Stucky only worked out for you know one team really because they said they was going to pick him before the draft so uh some people just have that luxury um so why go to other places if you already know you gonna be a Laker or a sun yeah but do y’all feel like it sends the right message though that not to say ducking workouts but team invite you somebody like bronnie who didn’t have a a stellar college career after one season is business but a lot of people like when Russell rber got in that draft a lot of people was ducking him a lot of people like you know he went top five because guys were getting out of workouts because they didn’t want to deal with that like that was like we was hearing that a lot like guys was like russing here like they was ducking so you know it just you know Legend Russell West you know it ain’t just it ain’t just his situation but you know there’s a lot of guys that were like when it’s time for that draft You’ be like looking like who in that like I would have love do that I didn’t go through the process because I was hurt I would have love I know where I was going but I would have loved to show up and had a workout against them dudes who they was saying was that that defin happen for sure cuz I did I know my draft coming from your I did 13 workouts you didn’t have to I couldn’t wait cuz you know they was talking [ __ ] so I couldn’t wait though so what are your thoughts on the bronny situation put that quote back up there for me if we could please put go ahead this is what bothers me right here I do care about the plan the development the team strategy and the opportunity and the financial commitment to me that’s a safety net that’s a protection plan that security through and through for a guy who’s obviously his parent is a former NBA player they got millions of dollars right somebody’s coming from the gutter somebody’s got to come through the through the grind through the mud for it we don’t got that ain’t no plan ain’t no commitment ain’t no all that [ __ ] comes from a whole different element of man I got to get it I got to go through all these different workouts and I want them to all see that a killer and like Kenya was just saying like if you sitting there you know what you projected but [ __ ] I don’t give a [ __ ] what I’m projected I want to prove that these dudes can’t [ __ ] with me at all I want to be unanimous in these workouts I want to make sure that y’all know when when y’all leave this court y’all see me it’s like one thing he is is a dog he going to grind he GNA get it and uh I have a lot of conversations with my sister about privilege you know when you have this privilege and this safety net to drop out and do as you please and you don’t like for me it’s like going back to the hood empty-handed was a no that was a shame FF feeling when they all expect you to make it to a certain degree and you don’t and you come back empty-handed it’s like how can you walk around the hood after that but like bronnie ain’t got no hood to go back to he go back to the [ __ ] big ass we don’t want that for kids we went but it’s only a certain amount of kids that don’t have to go through that right it’s a lot of kids coming up that’s like yo it’s make a break yeah it’s make a break so for me it’s like for you to have a protection plan for him and not everybody else in that draft have that protection plan and he don’t got to prove himself couple teams want him think about it Dallas want to draft him simply on the fact that they have opportunity to get LeBron that’s crazy we don’t know how good bronnie could ever be because his dad’s in the way of his if his of his success I think I I think Rich approaches that his guys like that approach would from Rich I think is genuine like I want the security for not just bronny yeah he just happened to say it I think that’s from all his guys for sure all agents to exactly what you’re saying they not offering that to everybody not every agent but from Rich I can from what he said on the couch when he was here about guys it’s the right it needs to be the right fit needs to be the right situation he said that on the couch so I did that last year with Chris Livingston I think to team not to draft him they had already had a commitment from the bucks but yeah so it’s situations that’s the point though like when we go into we put our hat our name in the Hat and they Shuffle that hat up there ain’t no protection there ain’t no strategy going to be able to to grow but he don’t want to put you in that situation so just your situation just me out just me out just Hur me out just H me out for a second just H me out in your situation right in your situation alone if you would have had a rich in your corner just say somebody like Rich he would asked all important questions to Minnesota right what’s your plan for Rashad what’s this what’s this what’s this what’s this what’s this right and if one of them things would have lined up he would asked some people not to draft you that’s what my honest to God I I I I believe that wholeheartedly he would asking people not to draft you because they didn’t have a b c d lined up for you I’ll say this I’ll say this then I had a rich in my corner and the [ __ ] abandoned me see but I don’t think that about him well you hear what I’m saying absolutely I he I was in that Circle specifically okay them specifically okay said here and said yes sh when you decided to go somewhere else I was with them and I was left on the table because I didn’t know the plan I didn’t know this and that and all the other [ __ ] so I had to get it out the mud with a with a agent that necessarily didn’t set up [ __ ] for me and I didn’t really need him to set it up because I still wanted to prove myself regardless of where I went so it was like yo if I go to Minnesota at 14 that’s how far I have to fall when I get there I got to prove myself but I’m expected to be top three top four that’s what I’m being told and it’s like ah that didn’t work out because of what yeah I’m not being told why yes so but but why start in this situation why start here when you can start here you know what I’m saying cuz you’re getting an advantage your advantage is being your advantage if I could get the easy route I’ll take it all that hard that hard [ __ ] for the bird yeah [ __ ] all that living rough hard [ __ ] if you could get a chance to get there off the help [ __ ] help me I don’t have to do it by myself you never had struggle you want to struggle all your damn life builds character [ __ ] character some sometimes it’s about [ __ ] trying to get it you build character but like you need you need the machine behind you like like like I mean just to go to Nick Point like like just to go to next point if I don’t have Sunny buur behind me like behind me when I’m going to Europe and going like bro it would never be it would have never worked out the way it worked out way somebody did something right along the way somebody didn’t did something yeah whether it was big or small somebody did something along the way to help you right we all have BR how important was sorry you got you got it you I was I was done okay Brandon how important was for you to have a guy like sunny viero in your corner super influential in the basketball game all I had to do is just show up and play um you know I had my agent at the time Bill Duffy and you know I had uh Sunny vur so I just had to play like they were taking care of everything then I had und arour like I just did what I had to do like which was show up everyday workout just when Sunny said go go overseas and young fell all I need you to do is just stay over here the whole year once you show that it can work I promise you everything’s going to happen for you and it did when he told you that cuz that was extremely unconventional at that point you took a lot of heat for that and that’s you know we were talking about it yesterday on the couch a lot of backlash from uh mainstream media about that decision mean personally I thought that was a great idea just having lived in Europe my dad played in Italy and known with the development would have been like now throwing you out there as a young kid going against grown ass men to prepare you to go to the league but were you hesitant initially with the thought of doing that because that’s a that’s a humongous undertaking no man you know uh if anybody know Sunny they say if sunny kiss you on the cheek both sides you know you going like you about to make it so you know I got that Italian love but um but just just the preparation everything man it was just like like you said it was just somebody was there to help me from from the start bill then um well well no it started with Michael Thompson Michael Thompson clay dad you know he was talking about it then hooked up with sunny then I got with sunny went to Vegas worked out from working out two weeks later I’m signing to deal with andour then I’m signing to deal with andour then I signed a deal overseas to uh Rome Italy like it was just a process it was just yo just stick to this young fell and everything going to happen that’s all I did just a machine like once you got the machine behind you you just got to just stick to basketball that’s all you got to worry about anything else don’t matter don’t you you like somebody could have like they could have easily told him all this right I did and did the same thing that they did they could have abandoned him right they they they lined it up and once he got going they could have like oh well young fell you know what I’m saying they could have abandoned him as well but he had solid people in his corner so with morals and vies they cared about him as a person that was willing to stick in no matter what it was they they had it and it was and thing it would have been easier to get me cuz I ain’t have no Father F it was me and my mom so just telling her anything would have been she didn’t know like you know didn’t know so it was just that’s why I I you know always shout out like the people from before cuz through that process I needed that I was lost yeah but you know but hear I’m just not a I’m not a training wheels [ __ ] don’t you wish you had that machine behind you I’m not a training wheels [ __ ] youy the Miss I I had mey [ __ ] show me out let me learn let me learn let me learn how to let me learn let me learn how to do it but that comes with somebody trusting you push helping you too yeah they trust me and I trust them let me let me know they’re going to be able to absolutely bro back to bronnie uh just quickly how many of the 30 teams do we realistically think actually meet all the criteria that that rich Paul laid out for bronnie that’s willing to do it probably just those two just them [ __ ] you see cancel the workout [ __ ] and probably two like this is you got to read what’s like reading to it like it’s and the thing about that all yall know teams was like uh both the tway [ __ ] like they not going to put the two he not going to say the two-way [ __ ] if the two-way [ __ ] ain’t thrown out there right well we looking more of a two-way situation for him then that takes you off the conversation because that’s not their thought process so we might as well go and put it out there now that we Not Gon to sign that oh yeah yeah but the 30 teams but all you need is one I mean like like rich said don’t matter if it’s one or 58 or 60 whatever it may be that’s all it take man you’re not getting drafted by 310 your question then if this ain’t LeBron James son is Rich Paul representing him the same let me ask you a question again I don’t know I mean that’s I’m saying with the same stats and the same with everything lined up I don’t think so we’ll never know so my perspective does not come from priv my perspective does not come from privilege so I’m just looking at the black and the white and I’m standing in the middle and I’m saying all right if if he’s not LeBron’s kid rich and even talking to this kid he not even entertaining him at all so now he not only is entertaining it but he’s telling everybody that this is the requirements and bro are we talking about him if that ain’t LeBron son sitting here on his couch you went to UFC how did Isaiah Kio look he looked all right solid yeah right you know that you know that roster you know that team he was the best player on that team yeah but I expected more out of all of them all of them I would say Boogie but uh the best one on so you look at them and you say man bronnie came out and the only reason he come out is cuz his dad is his dad but he had a rough start you can’t and and college is hard for athletes period like because the zones and it’s like packed in like you can’t really be a athlete and it’s it’s just hard you got to be a basketball player right so athlet like like a the RO same thing athletes kind of struggle with college atmosphere just cuz you can’t really drive the lane and dunk on somebody or do all but that’s what I said stay longer to figure out how to be a basketball player so you can maneuver that [ __ ] so when you get to the league you don’t have to take a development route of learning how to play the game you figure it out in college so when you get to the league you take your athleticism and your knowhow being a player and you apply that [ __ ] the lead ain’t always there though you got to take when you can I get that part I get that part I get that part window is very small the window is very small this is a weak draft obviously by all the accounts in comparison so it seems like an ideal timeo to do that yo so everything that you endured and you and and and you know what’s what’s in the game right you have a son coming up you wouldn’t want your son to take the easy route no even if he had the machine and everybody behind him you would still want him to go through the heart I want him to know what it takes I want him to know what it takes it he’s around he’s around like’s you play the NBA so you want him to go to Junior College no I want him to know what it takes I want him to I want him to be the best to be the best that he can be I want him to go through the the grueling challenges Le great High School everything everything but if he has saying that this is going to beugg I’m not saying this is going to be struggle just handing you something trying to get business done what are you handing so what are you handing him so what are you handing him you’re handing him a a a easy way you’re saying here’s easy here’s easy so he’ll never know what hard ask your question so do you think KJ went through the easy I don’t know his I don’t know his story basketball I don’t know his story what you mean I don’t know KJ story KJ was rank 252 High School coming out of high school coming out of high school had him rank 252 and it’s definitely not easy all the criticism BR get did he you only you can answer that question I can’t answer ask you I don’t know I only know my for being all it which one he’s still grinding Bonnie grinding you see everybody talking trash about you think you don’t see that my point going from hard get making the decision to go to the DFT like oh absolutely it’s all hard it’s not easc too at the highest everything that we things that we the things that I gave him was having access to a gym shoes good TR like those things right that ain’t getting it like so I’m supposed to let him go out and work out on his own to see that he got to go like no that like go go find your gym to go shoot at when I can pick up the phone at midnight my son want to come shoot knowled you just you being his dad is a benefit that’s you didn’t have a dad that was in NBA you don’t know what it take just you talking to him that’s a benefit that’s a that’s the knowledge that’s the knowledge so you ain’t going to give himone so he’s actually getting it easy he’s getting easy so you ain’t going to give him none of the knowledge that you have never played in the league so you ain’t going to give him none of the experience of what you tell you can give advice just like how Michael Jordan and Michael Jordan’s playground and the VHS tape they gave you advice they they told you this work on this right that’s and my uncle came in and showed me how to shoot said everything I know agree don’t mean it’s C cuz if I agree with y’all then y’all feel good about what CU it’s not if I agree with y’all you don’t say cap right y’ say yeah we right everything so you you got a son that want to play the NBA so if you got a son that want to play in the NBA you ain’t going to give him none of the knowledge and experience say watch the uh watch Jordan highlights so that’s what you going to tell fly with me if you want SP if you want to be good at this sport you watch the great I’m going to give you tidbits of what to do to be a in position giving him something I’m not giving him nothing I want you just said I’m giving him t t bits I’m not giving him I’m not giving him the answer I’m not giving him the answer I’m not giving him the answer I didn’t have that put like I’m not giving him the ANW you have a I’m not giving him the ANW no just give him fly with me let him do that I’m not giving him no he asked me a question you got figure how to get his own basketball you going to have to figure it out to get his own basketball you going to do chores and I’m going to give you allowance and that’s going to have you go out there you going to get your shoes nothing is given nothing is given how do we know that I’m not saying that it was I’m giving my perspective can text me man my son ain’t doing that man all that well I mean look every everybody’s situation and circumstances are different so if you have things that are beneficial to you that’s like anything in life yeah like some some people born with priv catch the bus to go to the gym and park [ __ ] like that he going to have to do whatever it takes whatever it right that’s how we had to get out the mud right that’s why hard to the gym why I make somebody to fund this so you don’t want your kids I want him to want make it I want him to if I give it to him not going to want it if I give it got to want itj I’m not giving them nothing real let’s use KJ as an example also went to also a 16 17 year old you got may feel like I’m forced to be doing this [ __ ] cuz of my daddy so let’s use KJ as an example two of them one of them do one of them that could happen that that does happen you think Ronnie being forced to do this I don’t want to do this I want to play games I get your ass up boy I got two one about to graduate today one of them in it one of them not it’s the same he don’t Ain no pressures on him Ain making him do it KJ wanted it but KJ you say lived a life of privilege going up right compar compared toon in his your circum a silver spoon in his mouth absolutely he ain’t never went without a meal he ain’t never been homeless he ain’t never had to find a ride to the he ain’t never been private school this whole life and ain’t nothing wrong with that but that’s also the work that you put in though that’s why it should be easy wanted it right he wanted to be he wanted to be NBA playing so he put that time in I just gave him I can’t go shoot for him I can’t go make him go run I can’t make him work on this move so let’s let’s reel this back in

LeBron James & The NBA Have A PERFECT Plan For Bronny James according to the Gil’s Arena Crew as they dissect Bronny’s decision to workout for only the Los Angeles Lakers & Phoenix Suns ahead of the NBA Draft and debate if it’s a good idea for Bronny to follow his father’s blueprint or if he should take the more difficult path to NBA Superstardom.

Gil’s Arena premieres every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET.

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  1. I like McCants but I can tell he's been through some $hit that he's still trying to work through.


  3. Were the only people that make and then want our gets to have to “get it out the mud”. It’s backwards thinking.

  4. You can’t hold it against Bronny just cuz he was born into privilege. McCants is projecting what he “would do” onto Bronny. And compared to everyone else on the couch he had the shortest career.

  5. Y’all really be meat eating. Y’all understand what he saying, y’all just twisting it up. BRONNY IS ONLY GETTING DRAFTED BCUZ OF WHO HIS DAD IS. That’s the point

  6. It’s crazy because the #1 pick has worked his ass off and proved himself in college yet all u hear about is bronny

  7. Shad said his ppl left him and he complains but then says he not a training wheel bro STFU. U cry about your career but hate on ppl who actually achieved it. You admitted to not having a plan besides making it to the A and being cauggt up more in the “LIFE” of a player instead of being a playa player.
    U don’t need to give anyone advice

  8. Rashad not lying…..bronny being given his nba career…ok he practice true…but hes not shown nothing that warrant this kinda treatment..his highschool numbers was trash for a d1 school…and his usc numbers trash ,aint no way he should be anywhere near a draft…this is bs

  9. McCann's bro you got to shut the fuk up man cuz if your dad was bron you'll be doing the same thing you like everybody else be doing if they dad was bron stop being a hater he doing for his son what he's supposed to do your time is up stop hating on New generation man stop hating on these kids

  10. Shaggy P said it: "You don't have to struggle ALL the time." We can all use a little help, If you have any advantages, use it!

  11. The Lakers didn't have a workout for Bronny ….Paul & LaBroom [KS] had a private session at LAKERS arena and LaBroom's friend James Jones gave Paul & LaBroom SUNS Arena too!!

  12. Other races aren’t afraid to use nepotism to their advantage in their career fields. We’re finally at a point where we can do that for our own. But we trying to make them get it out the mud.

  13. Rashad, that is LeBron’s son, he will be protected and took care of 100x more than you were with your agent that’s just how shit is.

  14. Rashad sounds like he upset still he didn’t have a father. He might as well let another man raise his kid. Or he still down on his knuckles lol. Who the hell work to get they kids out of struggle to tell em go back to school

  15. I liked Rashad McCants in Carolina, but he’s coming off bitter asf. None of us will turn down an easier route to the NBA. None of us

  16. The biggest problem is that Rich Paul thinks that there are 58 teams in the league…

  17. Here is my question, what about the other college kids that average 5pt, 2reb, 2ast? If this wasn’t Lebron son this convo wouldn’t even be going down. Like, someone please say it smh,

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