@Dallas Mavericks

This was the moment when Kyrie stomped on the Celtics logo that “cursed” him to never win against them. But in the background, there was a sign…

This was the moment when Kyrie stomped on the Celtics logo that “cursed” him to never win against them. But in the background, there was a sign…

by wan2tri


  1. TopStar200

    Luka coming through with the disbeliever stuff

  2. Statistician_Visual


  3. cerebralshrike

    I read this in Galadriel’s voice, like she was describing the union of men and elves to fight the dark forces of Sauron.

  4. Dankennsteinn

    He’s too chill to do it at this point but I hope he stomps on that stupid fucking leprechaun every game. Fuck the Celtics.

  5. PuzzleheadedToe2215

    Nah this is crazy especially 77 on the refs shirt

  6. ExcellentJuice4729

    Nice catch OP. Biggest fear is Ky has stage fright vs Boston. After a 39pt g1, he’s had mostly terrible performances against them

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