@Detroit Pistons

Our Trajan Langdon Wishlist, Would the Detroit Pistons Trade Jalen Duren to Draft Donovan Clingan?

Our Trajan Langdon Wishlist, Would the Detroit Pistons Trade Jalen Duren to Draft Donovan Clingan?

our wish list for trejon Langton as the new president of basketball operations for the Detroit Pistons and Donovan kingan as a potential draft pick at number five and what that means for the future of Jaylen Duran all that and more on this edition of The Palace Pistons podcast part of the believe Network good evening everybody and welcome to another exciting night of NBA basketball the Pistons are digging in they got the dep they got the big man they got the better basketball team no doubt about it V need a three and they have just other 3 seconds to do it here’s johy Phillips here it is he’s got it he’s got it johy Phillips hits the three overtime amazing about Detroit [Music] [Applause] Bas fans welcome to Palace Pistons podcast part of the believe Network I’m your host Mike angolano joining me this week are Jas balona and Aaron Johnson fellas how are we doing doing good I mean look it’s an opportunity to get back on the show and and talk about all the latest that’s happened with the Pistons lately I know Tran Langdon is a very very hot topic right now so we’re going to talk about that we’re going to talk about some other things and uh it’s going to be a good show as always boys glad to have everyone back after having to hop on an emergency emergency show on Friday morning last week yeah we’re hoping we don’t have to do in another emergency podcast this week we still haven’t gotten much Clarity on the Pistons GM or coaching situation for next year something tells me that will be happening sooner than later um look Treon Langton likes to get a jump start on things he uh accidentally or purposely uh updated his Twitter uh profile bio before the hiring was officially announced so this guy does not like to wait around uh let’s just hope he’s a little bit more precise in his decision making than he is in his tagging as he accidentally tagged the wrong Pistons account when he said he was the head of President basketball operations so look we we’ve had to re-record a couple of these podcasts already uh we’re no we’re no strangers to mistakes All Is Forgiven let’s just make sure he makes the right decisions moving forward let’s get into a fellas we embrace the mistakes we Thrive with them um but we before get into talking about the new pres basketball operations um I do want to thank our sponsor this week’s show and that is BET online and bet online is your number one source for all the NBA and NHL playoff coverage the season every stat every matchup even live odds while the games are being played when the game’s over head on over to the online casino get in on a game of blackjack or poker or unwine with one of their over 150 slots games head on over to the website today get in on the action and don’t forget to use our promo code believe that’s bav for a 50% welcome bonus on your first deposit again that’s bav V or a 50% welcome bonus on your first deposit when you use bet online but online the game starts here our requisite pre-show plugs for the palpus and substep you can get all of our content immediately in your inbox as soon as it hits don’t have to search it it will be there uh for you every Monday you will get the weekly drive that’s written by me that’s supposed to summarize all the information from the past week including Simone on Teo apparently having foot surgery that nobody on the local beat reported at least not that I saw um and then every Wednesday you’ll get something from Aaron lately it’s been and it will continue to be um scouting reports for potential top five picks uh we’re going to talk about his Donan clinging piece today as well as the center position and then every Friday you get the podcast so please please please subscribe to our substack if you don’t already get this information right in your inbox soon as it drops no need to find it no need to search it it’s right there um okay let’s talk about trejon langa who we talked about for 30 minutes last Friday U probably a little bit longer than we were expecting to talk about him but there was a lot to talk about um other than the quick hitter stuff of where he came from you know the power he’s going to have uh all of the quick stuff we touched on last week um wanted to talk a little bit about what each of us wants him to do um our personal wish list for him as the president of basketball operations which for the uninitiated is going to stack him on top of the general manager and apparently give him oversight of that position which could mean firing Troy Weaver and Monty Williams and before we talk about our wish lists and and whatnot I think it’s probably best because it seems like that information about their firing is coming quick so let’s keep it independent of that since firings are probably going to happen in some capacity independent of getting r try weer independent of getting rid of Monty Williams what is on the wish list um for Treon langon in your opinion Jasper all start with you trades resigning restructurings you know what sort of thing do you want to see from langon immediately um since he has unofficially officially taken over based on his uh new Twitter yeah I mean look there’s no point in talking about firings because I think every single Pistons fan feels the exact same way um I’m sure there are some Monty and Weaver slappies out there still roaming about uh but we are not them and I don’t think our audience is for the most part either so for me actually my wish list comes off the court not on the court and there are so many things on the court we could talk about but off the court I have noticed this malaise this dissatisfaction action this separation of Pistons fans from this team and this organization what I would like to see trean lton do is to bring Pistons fans back into the fold even if the wins the playoff wins are not going to start coming immediately I still think that there is an opportunity a a badly needed opportunity for him to recapture this fan base um I think like one of the one small thing that I would love to see um and this might not be possible while Tom gor is owner I’d love to see Joe Dumars come back to to to Detroit like when when is the last time we saw him I don’t think since he was fired he has been back with this organization I’d like to see that bill that bridge mended I I would like to see there be an Embrace of just what this team means to this city to its fans and why I mean look what was it 290 something straight games the Pistons sold out at one point when they were in the middle of their incredible run um you know six straight Eastern Conference Finals I would like to see more of that I would like to see this organization reach out to the fans to mend those bridges to make people care about this organization again because I think that there is such a disconnect right now between the fan base and the front office and ownership I mean God remember when Tom goris dropped his letter you know a during the midst of the 28 game losing streak just how pissed off fans were I know I was I know we all were and I would just like to see this organization take some steps to rebuilding that relationship with the fan base with the past I know they do little things here and then but I don’t think it should all be you know hey remember the bad boys because let’s be honest a lot of Pistons fans don’t remember the bad boys that was 35 years ago which is hard to say out loud but it is it is true it’s 35 years ago I I would just like to see some more effort put into not just building playgrounds but actually building a relationship with this community I think that that’s something that is needed if you really want to to make pistons fans care about this next chapter in the history of what is one of and it is easy to forget given the last 15 years the greatest franchises in the history of this league there is no doubt about that this is a top eight franchise in the history of the NBA even with all the losing so for me that’s not number one on my wish list I I just want to have a reason to care about this organization again I want a reason to care about these players to want to support the front office that’s there um and that has just been sorely missing since really year one of the Troy Weaver era um probably even further back than then for a lot of Pistons fans so for me that’s number one on my wish list well at at the top of what I think most Pistons fans wish list should be is embracing Kate Cunningham and and and not sitting on on hands anymore I think you saw last year just expecting these young guys to come out and be better than they were last year and not really trying to do all that much with the roster uh in what was said to be a pivotal off season that obviously failed and that’s why the Pistons that’s why Troy Weaver they’re both in the position that they’re in right now so you know I think for Lan the the the number one priority should be about embracing Kade Cunningham embracing the young talent that you have but let’s get a move on like let’s let’s start doing things you’re going to have $60 million in cap space you’re armed with another top five draft pick like let’s get moving on making this team good again right and for for me that’s that’s being aggressive in the trade market not being afraid to use that cap space uh in free agency even if the class is a little bit weaker there’s still going to be names out there that you can get that will certainly help this team you cannot be you know I I don’t think people can be of the mindset that oh this is a a weak free agency class like there’s no point in spending money the sad truth is a lot of these names out there are a lot better than the guys that were on the Pistons roster this past season so you know I think for me and and I think for for most people there’s going to be a strong desire to to get moving quick uh with Langdon in place now to to start writing this ship I think Kate is certainly frustrated with the the lack of progress that this team has made uh under Troy Weaver and especially this past season has put a bad taste in everyone’s mouth so I think there’s a real desire a real passion to get things going internally and it’s on langon now in this job being given the the the biggest opportunity of his career and and being given a role that everyone believes he is seemingly ready for with the reviews that he has around the league like let’s put the pedal to the medal and get this thing going no one can sit through an offseason uh like last year where was a couple draft picks and then a couple older veteran players one of them who just was not an NBA player anymore that was you know your quote unquote big get of the off season so there’s a that there’s the number one thing I think Langan needs to do as soon as he uh steps into the facility which he seemingly already has uh from what we know so there’s got to be some urgency here to to get this moving Kate Cunningham isn’t getting H you know any younger not that he’s old at all but like he’s he’s ready to go he’s ready to start winning Embrace that you have one of the Prime young talents in the league and get things moving yeah to build off of to build off of your point I want I want him to make a decision on the young core we’ve called them the core four uh with Kade and with jadeen Ivy and Jaylen Duran and assar Thompson Jasper’s like no no no cut cut it out um um I I’d like a decision on the core 4 to be made if that means moving on from durren who we’re GNA talk about later if that means moving on from Ivy if that means dangling AAR because he’s the second most valuable piece on the roster um and you want to make a big splash Aaron doing something along along those lines of bringing in somebody like a really big name and if it means dangling assar to do that because he is more of a project player than I think a lot of people are maybe willing to stomach to use a term um I want just I want to know what what lon’s just pathway is with the young guys like what he feels about breaking them up what he feels about keeping them together if that is the move it doesn’t seem like it’s going to be that move but how does he want to proceed with the accumulation of assets Pistons have had all these picks what are they going to do with them now we’ve talked about a consolidation move we’ve talked about some some other move to move out multiple assets and get one big one back or one better one back um I want to know his opinion on that core and I think we’re going to see that pretty quickly based off of how fast he’s going to have to move in free agency if he wants to stay at the same level as some of these other competitive teams that are going to be buying for that limited free agency pool uh that you had mentioned so what does he feel about those young guys and how does he want to proceed I’m really interested to see how that’s going to work out yeah there there’s so much to do like it’s it’s not an easy job he wasn’t left a a great situation he didn’t inherit something that is uh you know all that strong right now but I think there’s a pathway to improving and improving quickly and it’s obviously going to be on him and the staff that he puts in place to to to do that but you know I just don’t think I I’d personally be be desirable to sign up and say let’s sit through another year of all the young guys just developing you know maybe you add a a small piece here and let’s just see what these young guys can do because last year was just such an indictment on the the entire process that the Pistons have have gone on gone under through Troy Weaver uh that I I just don’t think you can sit on your hands again and and say we’ll be better because these guys are a year older so yeah I think there’s there’s a pathway to getting better there’s a pathway to like you mentioned Mike consolidating uh some of these assets and young pieces that you have and trying to get a bigger name I I I think everyone’s talked about those potential French Allstar or All-Star level players that could be available that the Pistons can go after and you know I’m curious to see how quickly are the Pistons going to get involved in those talks will they get involved in those talks will we hear them specifically linked near the draft on the draft day or in free agency will we hear them getting linked to you know Atlanta or New Orleans trying to go after some of these names some of these players that are presumably going to be available at a certain price you know how aggressive will Langdon be in in trying to to rebuild this roster I I think there’s a million different things you can do something that I wanted to also bring up but you know we talked about just bringing up one thing but like what what what’s his philosophy on this double big situation that Troy Weaver has manifested in Detroit uh the the past few years like does he feel the same way does he you Isaiah Stewart as this starting level stretch four that can put the ball in his hands and to defend one through or two through five whatever like or does he not view these guys in that that same ilk does he have a different philosophy I think from the outside looking in he’s a very Wing oriented length you know three-point shooting defensive type of guy I don’t necessarily look at what New Orleans has done and say that he Embraces that double big system that Detroit’s really kind of hung their hats on the past few years so I’m very curious about that as well there there’s so many question marks there’s so many things that could be done that need to be done Lan’s got a a long road ahead of him but I think everyone’s hoping he attacks it with some Pace uh and can get things turned around quickly I’ll say this uh look one of my favorite um uh quotes by John Wooden is of course be quick but don’t rush I mean it’s been said by a million motivational speakers everywhere for years and years now uh I think I have a little I don’t know if I want to see him do a consolidation move at this point and the reason is like those consolidation moves generally come after a team has taken that leap into competitiveness and kind of sees what all the pieces on their rosters what you know what works what doesn’t I think of Mike your Cleveland Cavaliers two years ago they made the play in lost to the Brooklyn Nets then decided to trade for Donovan Mitchell after after that because they realized they needed a little bit more Firepower Colin seon wasn’t going to cut it so for me I look at it and I say I want to see moves to make this roster better I don’t know if it has to be a consolidation move like for me if you go out there this off season and you bring in like Kyle Anderson and Tobias Harris and I honestly even like the return of Luke Canard or something like that like I can live with that I can definitely live with that and the reason is like we saw last year when the Pistons traded for mik muscala um just how much better they played I think for me if he’s going out there and he’s quickly decisively making the moves to improve this team based on their personnel not just bringing in guys cuz they’re eyes I think that’s enough for me this year like yeah I think you’re right Mike that you you probably do need to make a decision on at least one of the young guys this year but I think that there is a path to Improvement without going all in without going all out and using that cap space in a smart way and improving your team uh not just on the margins like in a meaningful manner but doing so without you know Breaking the Bank to do it and without spending all that cap space on one player or offloading all your young assets for a star I don’t know if they’re at that place yet as much as I’d love for it to be do you think just kind of operating through free agency gets them to a point where they’re meaningfully better you don’t need to move off of someone like an ivy or a dured or Stewart in number five like you don’t do not think that’s needed no like I said like I think they need to make a move with one of the old guys like I think one of them at least has to go I it just I don’t see how you can keep all that together after having looked at last year and be like oh no this is this is fine this is the core like no there there has to be something else in there I’m just saying like I don’t think that play needs to be for like an out andout star player like a top 15 even top top 20 player frankly I just don’t think you’re getting back a top 20 player I don’t think they I agree yeah like you don’t you don’t have that in five it still is not enough to get you a top 20 player exactly so I think that there needs to be like a combination of moves there there needs to be work in free agency there does probably need to be a move off of one of these young guys and I think we’re probably going to talk about one of those guys in just a couple minutes when we start talking about your piece on Donan kingan a and um I’m just saying like I think that there is a way to meaningfully improve this roster not to like the playoffs but like if you can get to where Utah was this this last season these last two seasons I think that that is a sizable meaningful Improvement in your record in the health of your team um without also putting yourself into a position where it’s like I I just know that like every every fan has the the end result of the Blake Griffin trade in the back of their minds I think that you can improve the roster put yourself into a much better position but also have flexibility moving forward um without trading off of more than one of the young guys and the pick perhaps so that’s how I look at it yeah I’m not advocating for trading these guys for whatever you can get because like like you guys said I don’t think you’re getting like there were some people that thought huh do we have to include SAR in a Devon Booker trade I mean what what are we doing it’s gonna take everybody and that still won’t be enough yeah so you’re just not going to get a top 20 player and and you shouldn’t package all three of those for a fringe top 25 guy I don’t think that’s the right way of going about it either um I still think that you can use five and get a decent player that isn’t going to you know keep pushing your timeline further and further out into the future I also think they would be pretty naive to not bundle five and Ivy or five uran to see what’s out there sniff around to use a Zack low favorite um sniff around and see what you can get it doesn’t hurt to poke around and I think you have enough of maybe individually some of those young guys and how they play um to make a justification okay you know he’s good um but we’re in a position where we want to make a faster improve like we want to speed up the timeline a little bit Kate is good right now let’s augment his skill set right now um so yeah I’m not in favor of like trading five Duran and Ivy for whatever you can get just for the sake of making a move if no moves out there I don’t want them to make a move I I I do agree that going through free agency if that’s the best that you can do and you’re not going to get hosed on a Jaden Ivy trade then that’s fine if it’s Malik Monk and Tobias Harris okay you know that’s that’s fine or maybe not Nick Claxton because I don’t know it depend it depends on what you’re paying and what you’re doing with Duran but you know if if it’s Monk and Harris call it in and keep your guys keep your powder dry so to speak um is it going to move the needle enough no yeah I not but it’s also not gonna kill you yeah and I get that I and I’m not saying they need to go out and and for the sake of trying to make a big move make a big move but I I I just don’t I don’t I don’t know how they get meaningfully better just signing Malik Monk and Tobias Harris yes they’ll be better without a doubt but I think there’s some real issues with this team in terms of like everything shooting defense effort intensity having veterans on the roster like those guys certainly help with that but it’s I going back to kind of like the first thing on my wish list like there needs to be some urgency to make it make this thing better fast and I mean Tobias Harris didn’t didn’t have a great season in in uh Philadelphia I’m not sure how confident I am giving him 30 35 million dollar even on a shorter term deal to really believe he’s going to come in and make this thing better like at that point I think I’d rather have some money on Techo and whatever deal the Pistons sign him to so it’s like I don’t know and I’m not the I’m not the president of as operations I’m not the general manager I don’t know what deals are out there there might not be a deal out there for a top 30 player that worth the asking price but I just hope that you see the Pistons taking those those calls making those calls getting themselves in these conversations and trying to do something if the move doesn’t materialize the move doesn’t materialize but it just yeah I just think you’re not going to be able to improve this roster all that meaningfully just using the fifth pick and picking up a couple guys in free agency and saying let’s run it back again I think there’s going to have to be some sort of move well that’s that’s where I kind of what I’m saying where it’s like I don’t think it is just Talent needs to be brought in it needs to be fit for this roster like one of the things you just said like veterans and not just veterans like what look one of the names I just threw out there Kyle Anderson like did you see I know the clip went around on on Twitter X whatever you want to call it you know him calling out what was essentially the game-winning play from Carl Anthony towns on that three-pointer like those are the kind of guys they need Mike mascala was not some massive Game Changer because he’s such a great talent no he changed what the Piston second unit was able to do because he fit with the other pieces they had on the court especially assar Thompson and he knows how to play the game of basketball on a winning level in the NBA he’s been on good teams he knows how this how this works and like those are the kind of guys where I’m like look if you can’t get a Brandon Ingram uh uh you know whoever it doesn’t you know what I mean like whoever it is if you can’t get them in the trade market for a price that you can stomach as either the front office or the Pistons fan I think then your your priority has to be finding guys that just make the roster better Simone fonio is never GNA make an allar Team guys he isn’t but we saw just how much better he made this team because of the skills that he brings to the table that to me has to be almost more of a priority than talent because let’s be brutally honest about it outside of four Five Guys most of the players on this roster are not NBA talent and you bring in any rotation player off of 90% of the other teams in this league they are going to be more talented than a lot of the guys with pistons were playing last year so for me I think that has to like yeah you’re totally right Aaron there has to be a sense of urgency but there needs to be that that idea of like we’re not just bringing in guys to give them a shot like Hamad Dio or Frank Jackson we’re bringing in guys to fit a very specific role a very specific need and to complement whoever we decide to keep on this roster to compliment them to make them better to make the team better and to make it healthier and not just healthier but smarter this needs to be a smarter team this needs to be a more professional team honestly there’s just been such a lack of professionalism from this organization I think that comes kind of comes back to my point where it’s like why Pistons fans just started tuning out because it’s just like screw these guys screw these guys this is a totally unprofessional organization they don’t give a [ __ ] and excuse my French um but yeah yeah I I think that that needs to be no no offense to Killian Hayes uh but like that needs to be I think the priority it’s it’s you know be quick but don’t don’t hurry that that that’s what it needs to be so Aon do you bleep out swearing I don’t know is there do we have an like an explicit tag on this sorry to the kids out there sorry for cussing for my sketch people anyone that watches sketch there you go I think we’re fine we might get if if you’re a Penance fan you’ve cursed plenty no matter the age I was gonna say that is that is nothing compared to 90% of what I said to my TV this year so yeah exactly um it’s just you know their ability to get better is just they just have so few levers that they can pull before you start getting to trading the young guys um other than cap space and if you’re going to pay the small Market tax on a guy like Tobias Harris then I would say forget it he’s not worth the small Market tax that you’re going to have to pay to get him to go there maybe he takes a discount because he was here and was liked here and liked being here supposedly but who knows let’s talk about number five pick and specifically Donovan kingan Aon you wrote a piece about him that dropped last week uh about was it it dropped last week right no no it it it dropped yesterday dropped on Wednesday yeah it it dropped yesterday I read it earlier so I’m all mixed up yeah it dropped yesterday or two days ago if you’re listening to this on Friday um about Don cling was very good talked about his uh potential pick at five and what that would mean uh for the Pistons and it sort of cascaded into a discussion about Jaylen durren as well um so eron do you want to talk about your piece talk about Don cling as a fit at five um how he would slot in with the current group of bigs that the Pistons had Donovan kingan is is quickly risen up my own Big Board of targets for the Detroit Pistons with the fifth pick I’ve been very high on guys like Dalton pck I like someone like Reed Shepard uh but Donovan kingan the the the more that I watch the more that I look at his game the more that I Envision his NBA career I I I see a def a center that can be a defensive hub for a team that has always said they want to have this tough physical defensive minded identity yet they have not had that in a decade a decade plus so I view kingan as a guy that can help instill that sort of identity with a roster that has a couple other defensive-minded prospects and younger players and assar Thompson and Isaiah Stewart but kingan was an absolute monster at Yukon went back after a freshman season where he didn’t start a single game but was still a key player for them and he was just one of the best players in in the Big East all season long and was one of the best players in the NCAA tournament he’s a bit old school you know he doesn’t shoot six threes a game and he doesn’t put the ball in the deck and do a bunch of ball handling around uh you know the perimeter he’s not some sort of offensive initiator or anything like that he plays a lot in the paint but he’s very good at what he does he Alters shots at The Rim he blocks shots at The Rim he defends the glass very very well and offensively he is super super efficient scoring at The Rim scoring out of post-ups playing in the picking role scoring on the offensive glass like he does so many things very very well you know he might not have the the biggest skill set the widest skill set but what he is good at he’s really really good and efficient at and I think there’s a very clear pathway to him playing minutes next season being a productive player next season season and if you’re Detroit and you are looking to get better and the plan is to use the fifth pick I would strongly consider looking at kingan he is a very very solid defensive-minded big and and I think that that would help kind of recharge this identity uh under Langdon as a as a defensive minded team something that they say every year they want to be but have yet to live up to I think kingan would be a really good option there I I thought thought you did a great job in your P Aaron first off uh not not to overly donut glaze you um but like I think you did a great job of breaking down exactly why kingan can be a really good piece for this team but also his weaknesses and and I’m going to hit on the weaknesses a little bit because there is definitely downside there I think of it look he’s great rim protector I worry about the pick and roll defense and you know I don’t know if you guys saw the 27 minute lowlight video of of uh of Jaylen Duran’s pick and roll defense that’s been going around but like look it’s a real thing like NBA post Defenders are not just post Defenders anymore they have to be extraordinarily versatile that’s why you saw in this year’s defensive uh First Team Four bigs all four of those bigs you know you can debate on Rudy goar but like at least three of those guys are not just great Rim protectors they’re great perimeter Defenders as well for big men they’re able to maneuver outside of the deep post I think for me I see kingan and I see I’m just getting Walker Kessler kind of kind of vibes from him and that’s not a bad thing Walker kler is a great block guy but that’s kind of all is defensively and there’s a reason why Utah decided to play you know John Collins more minutes over him at the center even though John Collins has definite weaknesses on the defensive end Walker Kesler isn’t versatile enough offensively or defensively to really trust him with a 30 minute per night rle yes I think kingan absolutely could be a guy that blocks Two Shots a game in the NBA for sure I think he’s a guy that can come in and at least solidify what you do in the post and that’s super valuable do not get me wrong but I worry that he doesn’t have the offensive versatility to offset that those those weaknesses defensively and you know you say I I agree I think he could be very effective in the pick and role but teams don’t really play post offense anymore is that really what you want to do with Kate Cunningham on your team throw it into the post because buddy I just watched James Wis for two years and I’m good on that I’m good on postscoring um can he pass I don’t really think so can he dribble I don’t really think so and you look at the best centers in the league those guys can do it all you know you know uh um you’re talking about bam adab bio you’re talking about Nicola yic you’re talking about uh MVP candidate damonta sabonis apparently uh those are all guys that can put the ball on the floor and can pass the ball as well I don’t know if clinging has that kind of Versatility that being said it’s it’s a weak draft we all know this and if you do get a walker Kessler type out of the fifth pick that honestly might be the best use of it in this year’s draft so I’m a little torn on kingan I still don’t really know where I stand I I need to watch more of him but I do have serious doubts about his ability to step into a starting role on day one or frankly to be a 30 minute per big man in this league overall I just worry about the versatility I worry about the fit outside of his own game in a more versatile free flowing offense I just don’t know I push back that’s fair you go ahead Aon I push back a little bit there because I actually think passing is one of his is more like it’s cliche to use like underrated but it’s like not as notable that he actually does have some unique passing chops for a big and you can kind of see that with or say that with a lot of different Bigs like I think people might even say that with Jaylen Duran a little bit because of how much he handles the ball at at the free throw line and you know tries to throw these unique passes for for a big man but I I I really do see a pathway to clinging playing 25 minutes a night like I I I think it’s hard to get a center that plays 30 35 minutes a in today’s NBA that isn’t a topof thee line Center like I think most teams are starting to just I look at what langon what langan’s team did in New Orleans this year it was like Jonas valenci unas played like 20 to 25 minutes Larry Nance played like the other 18 20 minutes depending on the matchups that night like I think there’s a world where you can you can certainly make it work and again like if this was a draft where there was some different prospects that had this other great star potential that it was like fine just take the risk on them like I I I I see kingan as a guy that’s going to have a long NBA career uh you know obviously there are weaknesses to his game but he’s also 20 years old can he take that that Brook Lopez type of trajectory where like he comes in as this uh you know defensive-minded big but expands his offensive game starts shooting the ball more like can he can he start shooting three-pointers in you know a few years like I I think those are all realistic things now like it’s something that he’s obviously going to work on because that’s what uh most bigs are starting to do in the NBA nowadays is shoot those outside shots so it’s like he’s not a perfect Prospect right now he’s he’s not going to be a perfect player right now you’re not going to get that at five you can look at the deficiencies for any Prospect at five but I don’t know I think if you’re you’re talking about maybe changing the your your your Center position up maybe moving on from Jaylen Duren I I I I think if you’re going to draft a center like kingan’s the second best center in the draft behind Alex SAR who I would imagine will most likely be the first or second pick in the draft so I don’t think you I think you could you could do worse than taking Kling and F5 again it’s not a perfect drack he’s not number one on my big board I’ve already said Dalton connect I really really like I like Reed Shepard as well uh you know if someone like zakari rishe is there doubt it but I don’t know he’s an option there’s a lot of guys in this draft that that you could talk me into at five I’ve said that before I’ll say it again all of them are good at certain things all of them have some pretty glaring weaknesses that’s what makes this class so much weaker seemingly than what it’s looked like in in these past few years so that’s where I’m at um and it’s very fluid with the top five pick um with really every team that’s in the top five ESPN John tavone said that the um Atlanta Hawks are very interested in kingan specifically I think it was he uh kingan has a lot of fans in the Hawks front office um and he’s is in play at five or at at one I don’t think that’s actually true um but some of the mocks I saw had clinging going three to Houston some had him going seven or six rather um so it’s it’s really fluid as we’ve said on the last like four episodes this show is that it’s it’s a very um interesting top five with some teams that could trade out of that um gavone also said that he wouldn’t be surprised if if a team like Memphis if Klan did start to fall they would want to move up and draft him to get their center of the future um but again it kind of goes back to you know how does Treon Langdon want to approach the double big whether you have durren and Stewart or kingan and Stewart you know what’s going to be the methodology there for doing the double big and speaking of Jaylen Duren if they have Donovan clinging at five and connect is gone and R is gone and sar’s gone and you don’t want to take someone else you want to take a center you know what is that gonna hold for the future of Jaylen Duran um who Jasper you alluded to has a 27 minute video on Twitter about him being just abused um in the pick and role defensively you know if you have the opportunity to draft kingan or let’s just say that they do draft him you know what does that look like and even before the draft um what is Duran’s future going to look like because again that’s one of the few levers the Pistons have to get better is if you want to move on from Duran his value is you know pretty much centered in the fact that he’s young and can rebound really well and can score the basketball he’s doesn’t have super high defensive IQ right now but he’s 20 so Jasper since you know we were talking about moves and trading young guys and whatnot you know what’s the what’s your feeling on Jaylen Duran’s future you know should the Pistons draft Donovan kinging at five or you know even if even if they were going to get alexar at one um you know what is what is the future of Jaylen dur look like on this roster anyway I this might sound a little bit bizarre but I actually think I would be more inclined to hold on to Duren if kingan was the pick kind of for the reasons that that Aaron just outlined in regards to New Orleans like having a more offensive-minded Center and a more defensive minded Center on the roster I think that there is value to that um I think otherwise if clingan’s not the pick I would personally be trying to either sign somebody in free agency or make a trade for a center I I mean valent chunis is is a guy who’s going to be on the free agency market like I I could also justify you know you you pick up Valen chunis I think his value is definitely lower than it was even last year um just with the way that he kind of got just kicked off the floor in the playoffs uh I think that he would definitely be a guy I’d be interested in looking at to pair with kingan like I think you could make that work um I I I with Duren it’s just so hard man because there is Talent there’s certainly Talent we’ve all seen it especially on the offensive end but man look I didn’t need a 27 minute video to tell me Jaylen durran can’t play pick and roll or pick and pop defense like dude I watched it every single game there were I I honestly would say more than any other player on this team there were so many plays defensively with Jaylen Duran where I just got up and I’m like in my room watching the game and like yelling out loud what are you doing what are you doing because some of the things he does just make absolutely no sense like sagging off of christops porzingis at the three-point line what are you doing read a Scouting Report so for me H I just I want to believe in Duren I still think there is a a much higher ceiling for him defensively than he shown through his first two seasons but if they are going to move off of one of the young guys he’s first on my list I’m sorry to say like I still believe in the talent of Jaden Ivy despite all of his flaws far more than I believe in the talent of Jaylen Duran because he just hasn’t been able to put it together even you know you know Jaden Ivy’s inconsistent Jaylen Duran’s inconsistent but when jayen Ivy is on he looks Unstoppable when Jaylen Duren is on he still does things that you’re just like this is great this is really good is this top 10 cator in the NBA good I think when you look around the league no it’s not like the flashes from ivy for me prends to a much higher ceiling than Duren does like I think best case scenario like poor broke mans bam atab bio I don’t even know and you look around the league there’s just so many big men who can pass a little bit who can score um and don’t give you great defense like it’s just it’s too easy of a skill set to find so unless he is really showing you something in offseason workouts I don’t know man I I just don’t know what Jaylen Duran I’m not saying I’m giving up but like I need more I need more if he’s on the roster after this year and I don’t see a huge Improvement defensively I’m so ready to move on yeah no I I I think Duren is the guy that is probably the the obvious choice to get moved if the Pistons do decide to move one of the young guys and and I kind of laid out uh some of this in in the in the piece that I wrote on Clingan like there are there’s a world where you can draft Donovan kingan and keep Jaylen Duran there’s a world where you draft Donovan kingan and it makes Jaylen durren Expendable I mean let’s look at a team like Washington like could you trade Jaylen durran to Washington if they want to take Rish with their with their what are they two I think they’re two let’s say they want to take Rish but they still really need a big man on the roster like could you get one of their other forwards on the roster for Duran and could you get uh is that what makes Kyle kusma available or can you get a Cory kissper or a Denny Advia like do do you get something like one of those guys in another asset from Washington allow them to take ret and then they get a young big to work in with their rebuild and you’re still able to draft Donovan kingan or go sign Nicholas Claxton like there’s a world where that that makes sense for a multitude of reasons but there’s also that world where I don’t think Donovan kingan’s day one ready to give you 30 minutes night you need two bigs I mean we saw what happened this past season when your backup center was James wisman it’s an atrocity to the eyes it’s unfair to mankind they need to have a couple centers that are capable of giving you 20 25 minutes a night depending on matchups or foul trouble I I I think you could make it work between kinging and Duran because they have some strengths that the others it’s a weakness for so I I think there’s a world where you keep both there’s a world where you can draft kinging and move on from der and and help this roster because there’s going to be a team that wants a 20-year-old Center that has the the two years of experience that Jaylen Duren has I think you know his value is probably lower than it was after his first season in the league think if you look back at the film this past year you saw a disengaged young player who was not competing well enough on the defensive end on a nightly basis and by the end of the year was really forcing things on the offensive end but still 20 years old and two years of NBA experience with some very big games under his belt like he’s not a negative asset in any stretch of the imagination so you can use him to get something of value to help your team uh if you decide you want to go in a different direction at the five spot I I also would understand where like an argument of like no I don’t want to trade these guys um because of the coaching situation this last season like I think we would all be in total agreement that Monty Williams did no favors to any of the Pistons young players um you know like Jaden Ivy looked worse as a sophomore than he did as a rookie Jaylen Duran I think also probably looked worse as a sophomore than he did as a rookie I haven’t gone through all the tape but like neither did Monty Williams so fair enough um yeah I think that that’s like an argument that you can certainly make like we talk about disengaged it’s a young team they didn’t have good veterans they didn’t have good coaching I think that you can talk yourself into saying look what’s on film is not good but if we bring in somebody who can mentor him on the court if we can bring in a coach who can push the right buttons to get him to improve I completely buy that argument like like you said he’s 20 years old he’s a great athlete super strong is talented I don’t see their you know I don’t I don’t see this as being like un needed trade like you got to get Jaylen Jan off the roster he’s garbage no I can absolutely talk myself into seeing a much better outcome than this last year but I think we’re all in agreement the struggles were very real and and it was very poor and I would also you know Gander uh that we all feel much lower on him than we did last season uh or when he was drafted so it there’s so many arguments you can make in favor or against any of the players on this roster and that’s obviously going be the case whenever you win 14 games in a season so this is all that lies ahead of Tran langden uh in the first few days of his role he has to decide on the futures of the team’s general manager and head coach then consider Replacements if he decides to move off of one or both of them he has to get all of the The Scouting Intel from the current staff uh that the team has right now he has to do his own draft evaluations and bring in his own draft people if that’s something he desires with the draft less than a month away he’s probably not as familiar with some of the top names in the draft considering New Orleans is not picking near where Detroit was uh so there’s some extended work there and then you get right into free agency uh in all of the moves there so much to do so little time we got to get the ball rolling here and uh I think you know kind of going back to what we said at the top of the show we’ll see what happens with uh the general manager and the coaching staff you’d imagine that that’s the first thing that’s going to get addressed by langon one way or the other but man it’s it’s hard to to have your mind not spinning on all of the various things that have to be done and if you’re you’re Lon you’re you’re probably not getting many hours of sleep and much time off right now over these next few months because there’s so so so much to do and seemingly so little time to get it all done no wonder he got a head start on his Twitter bio yeah the second he signs that paper man it is down to business there’s no time to get online list I don’t have to yeah exactly exactly a million other things to do but at least I got the the Twitter bio updated yeah exactly um he’s he’s got a lot of work uh ahead of him um starting with potentially the coaching the GM which we hoping would have some resolution before Today’s show but um we’ll just have to save that for the Emergency podcast and Jasper’s girlfriend’s bathroom tomorrow um uh Aon um do you want to run us through our end of show plugs um as we have gone through our two big topics for this is a long episode we’re already at an hour we stretched two topics into an hour no remember we had the two Fai recordings uh before that that’s right a little bit last we’re probably put I did so much to wipe that for my memory well it’s okay we’re we’re at the end now so we’ve made it but yeah I’d be happy to give the post show plugs I mean that’s probably my favorite thing to do at this point first off wherever you’re watching wherever you’re listening give us a follow hit that subscribe button leave a like leave a comment let us know what you think like who do you want the Pistons to take at five do you think Donovan flinging is is a worthy Choice like should the Pistons be willing to move off Jaylen dur I love all the engagement in the in the YouTube comment section uh it’s it’s very interesting to see what people think there are some people that are pretty in line with our line of thinking or one of ours line of thinking and then there’s people that are on the way opposite side of the spectrum and are thinking way way differently so let us know what you think go over all of our socials app Palace of pistons on X uh app Palace of pistons on Facebook Palace of pistons on Instagram Palace of pistons on Tik Tok give us a follow over there we’re doing some great things over there all that support helps us and most importantly take the 30 seconds to go to our substack page Palace of type in your email subscribe to our newsletter for free and get all of our work directly to your email inbox so you don’t have to worry about checking uh our our website or our social medias typing it in Google like it’ll just come straight to you so you don’t have to do any of that work to try to find the post at a later point in time it’ll be in your email always as soon as we release it so give us a look over there all of that stuff greatly greatly helps us and appreciate all the support the the numbers have been growing exponentially lately and we love seeing all that engagement and all that conversation so appreciate everyone for the support yeah if you’re as busy as Tran langon is going to be in these next couple weeks that’s that’s your sign to hit the subscribe to the Palace Pistons substack you need to save every single second you can so that’s that that’ll uh if you’re strapped for time do it and if you want to read some great stuff like like Aaron’s peace come on just go ahead like there’s there’s a lot of great stuff on there uh and we’re going to have even more coming your way so I it’s it’s just uh very very fun to see all those people uh you know subscribing and in our YouTube comments we really do love it like shout out to the guy who said uh you know bring back the intro I made that intro for our podcast that makes me so happy like just even one person one person enjoying it it really does mean the world to us so uh yeah thank you to everybody out there like it’s genuinely appreciated yes we all uh appreciate the level of interaction you know Aaron and I started doing this and there was like no interaction it was just two guys riffing about Andre Drummond uh for like 40 minutes and that was it that was the end and now there’s people commenting and caring you know even if it’s a little bit of malice doesn’t matter matter it’s it’s it’s still fun to have the interaction so we do definitely appreciate it um I think that’s a good place to stop with our plugs and with Jasper’s sentimental moment of somebody wanting his intro to stay uh it’s a it’s a good way to wrap up this edition of The Palace business podcast I’d like to thank our sponsor this week’s episode and that is BET online and don’t forget to use the promo code believe B A for your 50% welcome bonus when you use that on when you use bet online for my co-hosts Jasper aalon and Aaron Johnson I’m Mike angano thank you so much for joining us in this edition of The Palace buiness podcast part of the believe Network and we will see you all next [Music] time WI

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On this week’s edition of the Palace of Pistons Podcast, Mike Anguilano, Aaron Johnson, and Jasper Apollonia are back to discuss the latest surrounding the Detroit Pistons. First, the guys present their wishlist to the new president of basketball operations, Trajan Langdon. Then, they debate if the Pistons would need to trade Jalen Duren if they were to draft Donovan Clingan from UConn.


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POP: After Dark (Apple):
POP: After Dark (Spotify):
Aaron Johnson:



*I do not own the NBA or college basketball footage used in this video. Its use is intended for the purposes of commentary only, under the guidelines of fair usage.*


  1. Cliche, but i cannot emphasize this enough, Detroit can improve the performance their roster by changing the coaching staff.

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