
Taranaki Airs v Otago Nuggets | Full Basketball Game | @SalsNBL 2024

Taranaki Airs v Otago Nuggets | Full Basketball Game | @SalsNBL 2024

[Applause] [Applause] well C Toano and welcome to tsp Stadium here in New Plymouth it is time for Sky Broadband rapid league basketball Ball action on your Friday night it’s the taranaki is the home team up against the otago nuggets from denan and it’s going to be a tough old game for otago we have uh a taranaki team in pretty good form in both the rapid league and in the Sals NBL match which of course is coming up a little later Glenn lus my name Crystal ler Walker with me K Crystal Koro I’m happy to be here I’m excited for this rapid League matchup and what these two teams put out on the floor absolutely and look there’s a good sprinkling of experience across both teams isn’t there as we check out the table now taranaki Nestle nicely there in the fourth place and Noto are right there with them as well their win percentage obviously is exactly the same just a slight points percentage in favor of taranaki but these two teams have been going pretty well season in the in the rapid League yeah they have and these two teams both have you know some depth to them obviously the otago nuggets have a lot of experience um in this rapid League team and so do the ears who who also have some local talent that have been showing out especially in this rapid League exactly so seven wins and four losses for both teams should be a good battle as we check out the Nuggets starting five for this game Robbie kman Matt barsley Joe AI Josh hon and Caleb Smiler comes in after missing the game against the Sharks wearing number 44 a 21y old second year at the Nuggets originally from the white C who actually played for the ears back in 2022 so not un familiar environment for him to play in this game as we check out the airs side to Tobias Cameron ni Hill first play to get to 100 points in the rapid League this season Jordi haata Quinton Bailey and Deron Roa whenever you see Roa in the starting FIFA rapid League game Crystal it means there’s some good depth in you in that Squad yeah absolutely everyone that’s watched this league and has watched it for a few years knows what he can do and also what Tobias ceron can do but as you mentioned nio Hill has really you know introduced himself to the League this year especially in this rapid league and gets it done on both ends of the floor and both teams are in pretty good form which we’ve touched on otago have four wins from their last five taranaki three wins from their last five but top scorer Tobias Cameron just on 10 points per game Hon’s been going well for Oto too offensive rebounds there Chris still slight Advantage there to taranaki but and points per game there’s a big difference there eight points yeah the points per game really stands out to me in that head-to-head matchup statistics um obviously the ears have a lot of individual talent and they can score at will absolutely and particularly Cameron and Hill backed up by Xavier Adam who’s not starting this game Sam pan Amy Joe Clark and Kobe Lucas are the officials for this game you ever watch rapid League before it is 4 minute quarters and none of the starting five in the Sals NBA game are eligible to play in the rapid League match so we got two evenly matched teams here I can flip a coin Crystal I I I’m not g enough to pick a winner yeah no this ear team likes to get out and run but the Nuggets look like they have some size today so that will be key for them if they can get it down and get to the rim and we’ll see how this one yeah goes absolutely come barsley h all pretty decent players as we get this game underway here from New Plymouth it’s going to be the ears rather the nuggets with the first possession they’re in the yellow it’s barsley with the ball and straight away they’re not McKing around hon went for the three-pointer and it’s going to be taranaki ball Cameron gives it to Bailey Carell will settle it down for the first possession you see them just getting into their sets obviously this is rapid league is a bit different it’s a lot faster so it’s great to see teams getting through their stuff slowing down the clock and really you know Finding their groove in this game straight away the foul is going to go on Tobi Cameron I think he just pushed someone there as he was trying to contest the rebound [Applause] lle bounds it to heson Hon again Coman Mar High there by ni Hill shot clock down to 10 seconds nice drive to the baskets knock in the fall though and there’s the rebound by haata and now here comes rwa working off Bailey that’s a nice Drive opening point to the contest yeah beautiful drive by Doo and a great screen to get him open and just make use of that side of the floor it was all open for him to find his way to the room nice awareness by rwa Coman now for otago there barsley going to put a move on Tobias Cameron that’s nice play from barsley off the left hand and that’s what barsley does so well he’s so good at getting to the rim he doesn’t attempt that that many three-pointers so his defense should be ke in on that with the Scout Raa again nice mid-range jumper now the game starting to get a nice flow on all the points for taranaki to rwa to start this game [Applause] Coman little foul there by Bailey the 32 just tried to get a piece of that handoff has reached a little bit too much key player though Quinton Bailey good supporting player two in the NBL lineup now Coman for three nice high arc on that shot but nio Hill has it for the airs and here comes rwa again looks like has had an a legal screen that time Crystal yeah I think so but we see them going to that punch screen for the second time now in this game and dooa is really crafty and you know has great vision of the floors so to get him coming off that on ball is a great look for the years here’s Rusk now out in to the action for otago AI for a three-pointer Just a Touch long a nice rebound taken by Cameron in fact it’s been taken away by Coman now barsley trying to work on Bailey and that’s what barsley so good under the hoop like that isn’t he yeah so good around the rim and he also plays great defense and is really you know Nifty around the ball getting his hands it on it car just couldn’t float that one in aers comes away with the ball now for the nuggets and is he going to go Coast to Coast no whistle on that Collision now aeson for the three good contest for the rebound taken away by Hill again that’s a second rebound Nico Hill’s going to draw a foul there out of Michael Rusk we see some early Subs coming in for the ears they’re going to look to push this Pace when they get in obviously Xavier Adams is a very quick guard very high IQ and he’ll look to get this team’s Tempo going very promising play he just 18 seen him regularly in fact I think he might just about be the only years player that’s played every rapidly game for them now oawa down the left hand side this time but he’s got the foul I like how aggressive he’s been early in this game really getting himself to the rim forcing the defense to play him stra up and he’s managed to Geto into a little bit of foul trouble to start this game Adam kicking it back to Hill three-pointer is not going to for for ni Hill and heson grabs the board there three rebounds to him already in this contest B to Barley’s a gim there’s two more to the Nuggets great use of the pick and roll and he just had that size advantage on the roll made that look super easy great find by his teammates another turnover against the ears he not treasuring the ball enough perhaps at the moment I conceded three fouls in this first period of this Sky Broadband rapid League game there’s barsley again oh yes nice job done by barsley that’s three on the Trot now or I think that was SM that it too Smiler yeah but Bley set a great little screen under the hoop there and kind of cleared the way out of the paint for him good work by Smiler almost stole Matt Barley’s Playbook there and he got the three-point play to from the Chemist Warehouse Stripes so TGO flying okay at the moment two positions left in this quarter see if they try to go for a two for one they do with throw really pushing the tempo he’s going to go to the Chemist Warehouse stripe to shoot two Kawa has four points only player from taranaki to score so far could he be the sole scorer for the years in this first period he may yeah he might be obviously there’s only I think just under 30 seconds left in this quarter so he very well might be six points he has see what they can do here Oto there’s three or four second differential between the shot and the game clock Rusk over to heson and it’s going to be another foul on taranaki yeah the ears just trying to hold up that roller obviously they’ve got burnt on it a few times now so really just trying to disrupt that rolling to the hoop was Jacob car that getting that foul and now com goes to the line so those fouls are real concern five fouls in the first period yeah very odd for Rapid League very much so and Oto helping them that he haven’t missed from the free throw line in the game as Coman converts the second one so let’s see what [Applause] tanaki can do here with this last play of this first period yeah that was almost a turnover giving it back and stepping out of court but the red helped them out there nice reverse layup and oawa won’t be the only scorer as hoata helps himself now here’s barsley with the last play and Smiler won’t get the shot away in time but a good quarter to oaro they lead after the first four minutes of the sky brand rapid League game they’re up 11 to8 so looking at some scores RAB with six is the leading scorer in the game and for oo the scoring’s much more evenly spread Crystal yeah it is and they’ve been getting themselves to the hoop and to the chemist wouse foul line so I’ve been getting it done at the foul line are the nuggets [Music] it’s a nice three-point lead for them [Music] though leading scorer for otago there’s two of them colan and barsley both have four and Caleb Smiler with that three-point play has the three [Music] points plenty for both teams to think about the second [Applause] quarter we see Quinton Bailey back out for the a he’s on two fouls already so that’s something to watch for as this rapid League games continues yes indeed now here’s Adam to start the second quarter hope you’re enjoying the coverage of this match folks here’s rwa again that’s no foul on barsley that time but he still will be ears poor yeah looks like he might be trying to argue that it came off Jone’s leg which it might have but the ref thought otherwise another ball out of play haven’t really seen a flow into the game yet have we Chrystal no not yet nice play into Bailey and again it’s been lost out of court but this time it’s going to be turned over and a great read by com there just to see that roller coming he was just a brick wall there for Bailey to run into gets the turnover another chance here for Oto to extend their three-point lead I think hon still on the sideline there but I like that little flare play for him he’s trying to get it going from the three-point line early Adam marked by Rusk so two youngsters going out it there oh Cameron smash there by Smiler so another foul in the [Applause] game camon walking R he’s just hit by a fe there just like his old man when he was a player back in the day Tobias Cameron definitely is a strong player as we see him try to turn that corner there obviously fouled and got a little bit of hip check there yeah a a pretty strong move there by heson to block him foul went on smil as it touched on now here’s heson for a three oh off the glass and it goes and otaga up by six that’s the biggest lead in the game so far great news for otaga who obviously coming off some losses in their main game so they’ll be looking for some positives and looking to get it started in this rord league game tonight yeah 100% of course they lost to the Southland sharks here’s aers with that three-pointer but here’s rwa back at the [Applause] line chance for more free throws from the Chemist Warehouse strip rwa three from three so far in the game important baskets here for taranaki with that deficit Five Points at the moment here’s another chance for them perhaps a touch fortunate to get the ball back there but doesn’t matter how you get it back as rwa fees it to Cameron who buries that mid-range jumper yeah and good to see Cameron getting his iron early on the hoop they need some other people to come up and start scoring for this ears team obviously Doo has gotten it done H has had a couple but they need some more to start contributing to this score line Smiler tring to work on Bailey excellent play from Smiler just lacked the Finish now Adam on The Fast Break here’s Cameron he’s not going to miss nice basket from tobis Cameron very strong move very strong body going to the hoop is Tobias Cameron and he is hard to stop once he makes up his mind aers to get rid of Jacob car AI Coman with the tip in there’s two more for otago you know Robbie kman has six points in the game now CWA can’t Bank it in heson with the rebound he’s been going really well in that category it’s his fourth in the game now hon looking to get Smiler involved perhaps here’s Coman four on the shot clock Robbie Coman can’t nail that one C beautiful ball out to Jacob car and there’s two points to car beautiful pass Beautiful Finish great vision from to’s CA to get that up to him six point deficit has been cut to one now by the ears Rusk poor pass that time easily picked off by Cameron and Cameron o foued himself there I reckon getting a bit too fancy but in the end he did pick up foul on him yeah fancy little behind the back thought he was going to pass it took it back himself pretty little move yeah love watching Tobias Cameron play here’s Four Points in the game so far tanaki shooting the ball at 50% TGO 42 they put up four more shots than their opponents in this game so far a lot of fouls in the game there’s 11 fouls in the game so far across the two teams as Cameron now is the free throw from the Chemist Warehouse strike this is the second so he stays on Five Points five and0 run though at the moment for taranaki as we see barsley in that run right there nice basket yeah great move by barsley just kind of fell asleep on defense to the ears that was a good play from Bailey nice comeback from him he was double team there but still got the basket to drop so tied ball game with 35 seconds left in this second [Music] period all these two teams will evenly match we talked about that at the start of the game it’s proving to be just that as Rusk is it to barsley three on the shot clock nice rebound by hill now has that come off a it’s come off an Noto player y Bari just got himself to the rim very easily again then but they forced him to go right which is his weaker hand so not as bad as letting him go right by you to the left and a play timeout is CAU by Xavier Adam so taranaki will have 11.6 seconds left see if they can perhaps go into the lead here Crystal which be great effort given they were six points down yeah great use of the player timeout just time to come together see what they can you know Brew up good little crowd building up too here in New Plymouth for this game she will have every seat taken for it she’ll be terrific C NBL clash between the two tipping off at 7:30 here’s [Applause] [Music] Adam oh Rusk has stolen it now Oto have the chance here and they call a timeout with 2.1 seconds remaining excellent play from Michael Rusk yeah excellent decision to call that player timeout and that’s what’s so hard with these player timeouts it’s hard to decide when to go to score because obviously if you leave just a few seconds on the clock the other team has a chance to call it and Advance the ball well t i could be disappointed they didn’t make more of that last possession Crystal right before halftime yeah for sure I’m sure Xavier Adams will be a little bit disappointed in that turnover [Music] let’s see if Oto can make Theo team pay for that era he going to be the go-to player here who do he give it to yeah coan’s been going well around the rim might give it to him obviously barsley also Coman for three he berries it nice way to finish the period there for otago you called it Crystal 21 to8 at halftime really good effort by Oto so Coman with nine points barsley six scoring heavily for the nuggets in that first half Bon roaa with seven and Tobias Cameron with five for taranaki as we check out the Chemist Warehouse stats but uh I suspect Ro carwa Cameron baring com are going to be goto players coming into the second half yeah definitely drono has been very aggressive in this first half of the rapid League game looking to get himself going and I’m sure for the the next game coming up he’ll want to be warm and firing and then we also have seen kman really dominating the boards he’s getting it done inside and has a little bit of a size mismatch especially when Quinton Bailey goes out of the game yeah he’s been taking full advantage with five rebounds nice spread of assists for both teams in the first half and Cameron and Rusk have a steel each in the contest so even though it’s a three point game to otago they shouldn’t be feeling comfortable there plenty of weapons in that taranaki team to come back yeah definitely there’s a lot of individual talent and there’s a lot of players on that team that can score at well obviously you have to keep an eye on roko because if he gets hot he gets going he’s definitely trouble and then also Tobias Cameron AS we’ve seen can get himself to the rim at well and can yeah score from all three levels niiko Hill has only put up one shot so far in the game look out of he gets opportunities too he likes to score [Music] heavily T is having a good [Music] season sure as we touched on earlier we’re going to get good support in here here at tsp Stadium here in New Plymouth in this second half I’d just like to see the airs play a little bit bit more you know disciplined defense they sent the Nuggets to the line a lot in that first quarter and that kind of gave the Nuggets their lead they see they improve that area here’s Coman aers on the runaround marked by hoata nice play from Josh heson he’s an underrated player Josh hon really enjoyed watching him play all season so far contributing pretty well in the NBL games too got the opportunity here’s Bailey posting up here on Coman nice move from Bailey off the left hand yeah beautiful little hook going inside there just had a lot of time and space to get that move up Smiler the lane shut pretty fast as hon kicks it out to Coman can’t get back to back threes and Roa has got the loose ball looking off Cameron big three attempt Point attempt there and ni Hill Oto nowhere for that rebound and ni Hill he won’t get easier two points than that in the game yeah he slid right in for that rebound and gets his name on the board with some points hopefully that gets him going hon into Coman strong move by Robbie Coman nice basket for him he has 11 first player to hit double figures nuggets up by three it’s rwa nice pass in the end it was very late decision there to give it to ha thought it was a good one in the end yeah and Hoya did a great job of using the opposite side of the rim stop himself from getting blocked back come otago again with Joe AI that time getting his first two points of the game both teams scoring pretty well at the moment Cameron H over to Cameron again Jordy ha into Bailey bit of a size mismatch there and Bailey takes full advantage helps himself to two more points yeah exact same move right back to that left hand hook right over the defense keep giving it to him don’t broke it’s if it’s not broke don’t fix it that’s the thing I’m looking for exactly six points for Quinton Bailey the defense being played on this set from taranaki and they come away the ball through Tob Cameron and Cameron’s foul going for that layup just goes right through the body of the defense gets himself to the Chemist Warehouse line for two and yeah as I’ve been saying he is a strong frame he is hard to stop when he gets himself going downhill and not just in these rapid League games he does it all the time in the NBL games as well absolutely so these teams going basket for Basket in this third quarter teams going pretty well from the free throw line too nuggets 100% And it’s five from seven for taranaki in the game Cameron two from two from that visit and taranaki reclaim the lead by one point Rusk [Music] Coman Smiler thread his way through traffic Rusk has lost it and here’s car racing away o good little steal there by Smiler that’s a great hustle from him Crystal yeah good hands from him and you know the offense was just a little bit unaware of the defense behind him and smiley did a great job to tip it off that offensive player’s shoe too to get the ball back really good job by Caleb Smiler he’s in possession again for otago just under a minute to play in this third period Rusk over to [Applause] Coman kick out pass to aers can’t bury the three and Bailey good rebound for him this is second of the game now ni Hill body cheick there from Rusk basket won’t count from Ni Hill as well before the shot went up it’s a three-point game to otago at halim tied again Asawa wasn’t much contact there I think from Joe AI but it’s just enough to get the foul yeah when you’re looking to score you may as well get it to that man J Doo who is very aggressive and can definitely find different ways to score an ex around player as he helps himself to another free throw eight points for him in the game so far make that nine 32 seconds [Applause] left Smiler coming down court now for otago Mark tightly by Jacob Carr hon looking a little hesitant on this play now they’ve got it into Coman and in the end patience was rewarded nice two points there for Coman yeah great look to get it to Coman he is a great finisher down the stretch and he is a good option as we saw in that first half getting it done rabwa couldn’t get the basket right at the end of the quarter thought he was fouled to but no whistle there from s pan so there’s the score at 3/ quter time 30- 29 oh hang on have we got a technical foul [Music] there yeah there was a lot of chat after those fouls were all weren’t called just didn’t quite see who that went on crystal just will be we have to wait and see because there’ll be a free throw to start that last period that sort of call might be critical in the watch up of this game yeah very yeah it’s a one-point game I’m sure whichever way this call goes and if it ends up being a very close game the coaches will be quite mad about this technical foul call indeed reminding you that both teams have seven wins and four losses in the Sky Broadband rapid league so a uh important game for both [Music] teams well there’s still plenty of spirit and determination in the Sago team there a bit of a lean Trot in in recent times yeah foul went on taranaki it must it must have been on Jon dooa after that I saw him talking to the refs a little bit so the Nuggets will say thank you very much yeah that makes sense too cuz he he thought he was fou but there was no call and rwa well he’s an opinionated man likes to get his opinions out there Crystal yep he does but you know he makes up for it when he scores so hopefully he can score it back here and all be forgotten now let’s see if taranaki can put that behind them good defense on rwa by barsley now Hill oh he’s lost at stone cold out of court there it’s going to be otago ball chance for them to take the lead we think back to the end of the second period Coman nailing that three-pointer and now to start the fourth period that technical foul yeah Colman’s been a great option for this nuggets team early in this rord league match up heson four on the shot clock oh that’s a big basket there from Josh aeson right at the end of the play to tago by [Music] two now has seven points there’s ni Hill getting his second basket of the game he has four and we’re back to a tied ball game hon turn and just get the roll and there’s a surely that’s a foul there by car yeah and I like how aggressive Hon’s being obviously him and K both as well as barsley have really been taking most of the scoring load for the nuggets so Targo to inbound it two fouls on the ears so far Smiler here’s Coman can’t get that three On Target and Cameron is fouled by barsley in the contest for that loose ball and it has been a physical match up but it does look like it’s getting a bit chippy out there and we see another technical foul call see which way this one goes [Applause] well plenty for both teams to think about real intensity in this game has been right from the tip off rwa kick out great find and Adam Nails it great fast there from taranaki and Xavier all seven of their players have scored now in the game yeah great kick out by dooa all the defense was drawn in in the paint and he was able just to look up and find Xavier Adams waiting out there for his three-point shot hon took steps according to the officials yeah good call good call I think he went left right with that step and you know tried to do a little give and go so good catch by the ref [Applause] couple of things just going against Oto in the last 30 seconds or so B pass the [Applause] oawa little dodgy as we see Theon Roa oh he’s lost it Coman picked it up and then gives it straight to Adam and Bailey back to Adam Bailey’s got the offensive rebound excellent play from Bailey he has eight in the game and all of and taranaki are in the box seat yeah they are and momentum has just gone their way a little bit after that technical foul call playing they’re playing tough defense all of a sudden too ah he can’t get that basket to drop and here comes Cameron and Cameron won’t get that basket to drop but we’ll go to the Chemist Warehouse strike for two free throws yeah good work from twice Cameron to get that out in transition and get himself to the line once again but just a little bit of a finish that was too tricky for a should have just gone up for a basic layup but just made it a little bit too hard and sent the airs the other way tanaki have out scored Targo 8 to3 now in this fourth period we see Bailey and kman on the base or sorry just on that right side of the paint just having a little bit of an arm wrestle Cameron with two free throws five from six from the line for him in the game he has nine points and it’s a seven-point game this is the biggest lead of the game tanaki enjoying a 7 and0 run tarer now the clock is against them too oh it’s a foul against Robbie Coman nothing going otago’s way at the moment yeah and super tough for otago they obviously LED most of the game in the first half if not all of it and calls are just not going their way right now now gives the opportunity for for taranaki to just manage the game a little bit or Roa makes them playay with the three-pointer and it’s all of a sudden blind out to double digits yeah hits it from the corner and turns around and has something to say about it that’s come off barsley nothing going right here for Oto what a great three-pointer to darawa at a key time in the game yeah very key for them puts them up 10 if the Nuggets want to get back in this they need to get a stop in this position almost lost here by Cameron and haata has lost it out of court it’s going to be otago ball 48 seconds to play TGO now need a miracle Bley not going to get that to drop aers that’s a good rebound and he’s fouled contesting that one trying to gather it in but they gone icy cold o taga they’ve only scored three points in this fourth quarter been outscored 15 to three that will get that confirmed in just a moment 12-3 it is 12-3 in this quarter right make that 12 to4 as hon tries to get them back in this this is the second Coman was up there for the offensive rebound and Cameron’s conceded a foul now yeah and he’s confused about that know if anything I thought it might be an over the back call but the rift saw something different and a lot of fouls in this game 1920 fouls [Music] now yeah 37 seconds left in this game Anything could happen especially if they’re fouling a lot and they get themselves to the Chemist Warehouse line Coman has 14 points get it the second one to drop as well full court pressure coming here from the Nuggets Cameron down Court it goes beautiful ball to Adam back to Cameron that’s good play that soakes up time off the shot and game clock until Coman really no option but to concede the foul there yeah great lco by Cameron to get that up the floor to Xavier Adams and they just wound that clock all the way down good high IQ play by both of them so Adam this is the first free throw TGO need this to miss and they need the ball quickly rson it’s an eight-point game with 24 to play they need a quick three here otago have any chance in this game heson can’t bury it and there’s a little reach in from Smiler on Adam just taranaki have just executed better in this fourth quarter yeah they have and momentum has really just gone their way obviously the Nuggets just couldn’t finish off some of those easy baskets around the room took some harder shots than they needed to outside and the SS just converted theirs in this fourth quarter to get them over the line great all round performance from the ears as a touch on all seven of their players have scored Adams misses the second one and there’s a player timeout called with 13 seconds to play course every basket counts yeah and the Nuggets know that if they have any chance of you know working themselves back up in that letter they need the points and everything you know to add up their way I’m sure it’s going to come down to it by the end of the season I’m sure there’s going to be some points differential in with that middle bunch and Oto will be hoping to get in there let just hit the foot there so it’s going to be Targo possession again with 12 seconds to play Coman hon again lucky missed there Roa with the rebound and I think that’s going to get it done Roa maybe one more chance oh yes Tobias Cameron every basket counts as we mentioned and that three-pointer right at the end of the game was a beauty for tanaki and they win the Sky Broadband rapid Le game with a very impressive final quarter 47 to 35 in the end Cameron finished with 12 points RAR with 12 as well and that was an excellent all round performance by taranaki in the last quarter yeah and a sneaky little play there by Durand oo at the end you know just walks with it pretends that the game’s over never mind to wants a shot right there will get him an extra three points brilliant work from roaa controlled the game really well but the top scorer in the game Robbie kman excellent match from him 15 points as we flick over to the rebounds two on the skim kimus Warehouse stats here Crystal he had a good day at the other end two with five rebounds excellent all- round performance from him yeah Coman definitely did a lot for this Oto nuggets team and they just needed someone else to help him out obviously hon tried barsley had a good first half but in that second half they needed someone else to stand up they just couldn’t get it done in the end especially the way oo was playing and twice Cameron for the ear side yeah four assists here to Roa they shot the ball well too uh with 16 from 24 in the game 66% and Oto only shot the ball at 40% so there you go folks congratulations to the taranaki as they win their eighth game in the Sky Broadband rapid league with a good one over the otago Nuggets 47-35 more basketball coming shortly though here from TSB Stadium in New Plymouth in about 15 minutes we’ll have the Sals NBL game for you between the ears and the Nuggets we hope you can join us then [Music] [Applause] [Music] what the hell are you noise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you to play and you flip it way okay ready yes right so we me [Applause] that let’s do again the river there only a you want to F it you want to F it all right here go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you my way I’m going to kick you out I’ll SEC gent [Music] I he is playing some [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sh see [Music] you fight [Music] L give our sh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] water one one wondering [Music] mag [Music] [Music] know right [Music] number two number four number five number six Michael [Music] oh what this one [Music] you [Music] what chist [Music] remember this another [Music] ladies and gentlemen it’s it time we do here we are here [Music] tonight we [Music] take I think they’re sitting somewhere on the table they need [Music] we just waiting [Applause] on and ladies and gentlemen inod [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] J [Music] w [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I out the way [Music] give me away [Applause] [Music] both teams to the big CH please both teams to the big ch [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] number four number n number and number 21 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 23 Hill number9 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] here is and we got to all [Applause] [Music] feel [Music] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] the together so we going to that we [Music] basketball is a mood and every game is a blockbuster e for exciting entertaining energy and epic s NBL 2024 rated E me animal back to the [Music] look everybody it’s nice that you can join us for Friday night Hoops here from TSB Stadium here in New Plymouth it is sales NBL action between tanaki ears and otago nuggets and this should be a good Clash the otago team in the Central North Island for their swing here in New pouth and they head down to py made the M with two Jets Glenn L is my name thank you for joining us Crystal ler Walker here and Crystal K and uh I like the way taranaki have been traveling and Oto have got some challenges in the moment haven’t they yes Oto nuggets have been struggling as of late obviously losing their last four games and their last win was against the Giants at home so yeah they’ll be looking to try swing some momentum back their way and the mix andp poll this evening suggests exactly what backs you up up 100% there with the ears one to 15 59% 16 plus 30% and otago gets the win the Nuggets get the win 11% all you need to do is scan that QR code folks answer that question who will win and by how much and you could be the winner of a sales Pizza prize code so get into it and we’ll keep coming back to that code as we go through the match Oakland toata continue to play very well they’re on top of the table nice little two game buffer over the resurgent canb Rams the defending Champions tanaki moved up into third place on the back of some pretty decent form and Oto have fallen away as you just mentioned yeah the Oto nuggets obviously having a little bit of adversity losing Tai Webster and the airs have been on the rise obviously with a more complete team who have stuck together all season and things are starting to roll for them absolutely but if otago can get this win an upset win you know they can go to five wins and join those other teams and stay in the hunt for the top six won’t be easy for them but if they can get it done it will be a fantastic achievement so here is the schedule for the next couple of days we’ve got the cat Rams playing the Hawks Bay Hawks and ockland hosting Wellington that’s going to be a big match coming up tomorrow night double headed for you Saturday and then Southland just keep your eye on Southland after we uh called that game last week their win over Oto their first at the season I reckon South have got some more wins in them this season and Franklin uh they’ll be sizing and lining them up yeah for sure the souan have added a new piece to their team and they’re looking good as you mentioned that last game getting the win over these nuggets players yeah absolutely yeah Cooper Rob keep your eye on him just bring brings a measure of composure to their lineup but let’s have a look at oto’s lineup interesting change to their starting five Nance is still there kamani Lawrence Darcy NOCO gets the start over Darko Kelly who’s going to enter this game from the bench Ben Henshaw and Jack Andrew are there again coaches Bren mahidi and now interviewing him today’s a very special guest a man known as tky Andrew Parkinson a former Aussie professional player he played Seven Seasons for the southeast Melbourne magic won two NBL titles with them as well I’m here with tago nuggets coach coach Brent now coach uh you’ve been going through a bit of a rough patch but uh what have you done this week to prepare for tonight yeah I think um anytime you’re going through a rough patch it’s making sure you stick with your processes and do what’s worked in the past and so we’ve been doing that we’ve just been trying to get on the same page and make sure we’re um you know uh enjoying our trainings and we have been so that’s um that’s positive for this week that’s great now of course uh it’s been a bit tough for you with the loss of Ty Webster but the question that everyone wants to know is uh is he going to come back this season uh well it depends um on how the birth goes and uh you know how things are panning out overseas and so on so I believe June 4th is the due date so you know well wishes go to TI and we’ll see how it plays out after that no R well have a great game tonight good luck yeah cheers thanks for that yeah big challenge coming up here for Brent mahidi now let’s have a look at the ears no surprises here Chris thought with Flynn Cameron Elijah mini Mitch McCaron K and and Sam thring back out there yeah very talented starting five for this a team and they’re a deep team and held together by my favorite player Mitch McCarron um who plays for the ears in wearing number 10 and obviously he kind of gets this team rolling absolutely he is the real glue of this team Sam McKinnon is the coach he also spoke to Andrew Parkinson okay we’re here with Teran aier coach Sam McKinnon so Sam uh you’ve been bit of form recently what are you expecting tonight from the Nuggets yeah I think they had a tough loss against the Sharks last week so they they’re professional athletes they’re going to want to come and make up for that um we ticking along nicely uh stretch of home games which is great for the boys and um Friday night games our first of the season so looking forward to that that’s great now what about the Battle of the guards tonight with Flynn Cameron and Ben Henshaw how do you see that one going yeah I think that’s going to go to you know Boomers and Tall blacks in in the years to come um I’m glad we have Flynn on our team and know watching Ben in the ambl um he did really well against the Phoenix and getting his chance right now to uh to get Buckets for them and he’s somethingone we have to focus on bring a level of physicality with him and um just grind him down over over the course of the game no worries well have a good one good luck it’s great to have an Australian NBL Legend the microwave Andrew Parkinson here that’s that’s a bit of a stretch but thanks for that anyway h a couple of characters there a uh with great to have Andrew Parkinson over in you Zealand for sure here in New Plymouth so taranaki otaga not too far away from tip off if you missed the rapid leag game between these two teams it was the ears winning that by 47 to35 let’s have a look at these Chemist Warehouse head-to-head stats here to Crystal and points against starting to lengthen out isn’t it against oot Taro and in fact uh we look at field goal percentage favors the airs as well four WIS from their five games it’s looking pretty solid for tanaki Hing into this one yeah we know the nuggets have a lot of talented individuals if they can kind of play together that will be their focus tonight as we heard Brent touch on is really just trying to yeah find their chemistry and get themselves together and they also need to play great defense we know that they can score but can they put it together defensively to slow down this a team and what do you make of that decision to not start Darko Kelly the Nuggets one of the American players on the Nuggets team yeah maybe Dary Knox is going to be that glue guy for the Nuggets you know maybe he’ll try to get his team going um obviously Darko Kelly plays very similar to Ben Hena so we’re not missing a lot in terms of his length and his scoring ability there um but yeah maybe Dary KNX will start to bring it on this defensive end and get momentum going the Nuggets way no change in that mix poll but you can still win that sales Pizza prize code by having a crack folks just scan that QR code on your screen right now and get into it the referees we just saw the a moment ago Melanie okona Sam pan and Amy Joe Clark for this evening’s game with a good crowding here in New Plymouth and I’m not surprised giving the teams right up into third place I mean uh some uh experts had them is winning the League this year their preseason pick and they they starting to show real Championship caliber do you think Crystal yeah for sure I’m sure they’re still at the top of the list for a lot of people obviously the Rams are on a really good run right now and that’s also another top team but the ears are right up there with the double double machine and Sam froling you know kind of leading the way for them absolutely we can’t forget the Oakland to AATA as well they have been very impressive of late Wellington Saints maybe just a touch up and down but those four teams do you think still look the four the four teams you think yeah yeah definitely the top for are looking really strong and dominant um obviously the Saints have had a little bit of you know injury issues and with harm Harris being out that’s a massive loss for them but they have a great Management cruit on there so it’ll be interesting to see how they fill his Gap Yeah couple of mid-season changes to their team two Dion prer is back uh at the Saints so we see what impact he has it’s been a very settle lineup for tanaki and I guess if you can keep those core five players together like Cameron Minnie McCarron Davison froling and you’ve got good you know players coming off the bench like Tobi Cameron Quinton Bailey Deron Roa you know you’re getting you know time on the court with all of those guys is just going to make them tougher at both ends of the Court yeah definitely and I think they have a great mix too of experience and young talent coming through obviously with the likes of Colin Davidson he brings a lot of you know excitement and gets up and down the floor and he’s still young and learning his role within the team but then you have someone like Mitch McCarron who can kind of pull them all together and get everyone in their roles and get them the looks that they need to really Elevate their game yeah McCarron’s been a real key seven assists a game he’s uh perhaps not scoring as heavily as he might have maybe four or five years ago just around eight or nine points per game but he’s become that real key glue players you touched on as we look at Brent mahidi here with the last minute instructions for his team as they look to put that lost to the sharks behind them very quickly it won’t be easy here in New Plymouth against this team yeah definitely not they have kind of been on a downward little run of as of late but one exciting thing to watch in the Nuggets team is Dante Russo Nance who’s come back into their lineup and is a very exciting player and has been you know an exciting prospect for New Zealand basketball in the last few years 100% he’s still only 19 and uh ifoto going to upset this taranaki team he’s going to hit hot so will Lawrence so will Ben Hena as well he is another key player for Oto needs to shoot the lights out yeah and we saw what the Nuggets could do early in the season obviously they started the season really well they celebrated their 50th um win you know since they’ve come back into the competition so yeah they started the season really well and we know that they have it in them to really show up and win games but just can they turn it around and get things going back in that direction again indeed Sam Fring dominant player at both ends of Court athleticism and Carlin Davidson same with Elijah mini Flynn Cameron come off a really good season over in Melbourne just got all the bases covered Heaven night well test of their resolve coming up their ability to bounce back and see if otago are up to the challenge of beating taranaki who have been super competitive all season and thoroughly deserved their top three spot in the cells NBL to this point of the season [Music] Jack Andrew is going to have his hands full in this contest with Sam froling who’s opposite Rowling’s numbers have been impressive 23 points per game 12 rebounds a game underway here in New Plymouth thank you for joining us it’s tago with the first possession here in the sales NBL match against taranaki straightaway knock goes for a three-pointer and it’s tipped back into the hands of Russo Nance great job by Lawrence to do so Hinshaw back out to Russo Nance Lawrence marking up here on Davison and Lawrence times that shot really well it’s two to nothing yeah Lawrence has been really conc assistent this season obviously scoring 21 points per game and can really get himself into the paint and just body other players to get himself there and also to the free throw line well Davidson found himself in a lot of space there there’s that athleticism I mentioned before he’s got the foul out of Darcy Knox DAV going at 14 points per game this season shooting at 69% from the Chemist Warehouse stripe this [Music] season scores locked up early oh Lawrence almost losing the ball there that was a close call yep that was a little wake up call for him gets it back to Henshaw who has safe hands so Nance nice little passing fake there he gets his first two points of the game yeah we see that little flare screen just opens up that whole back side of the Court the player in the corner just cleared out to open that side right up for Dante to get to the rim is reach and foul here on Flynn Cameron couple of fouls early for the otago team it’s another thing too if otago want to get heading in the right direction I don’t want to get into early foul trouble it’s the handbrake you don’t want to have here’s mini for three and Russo Nance with the rebound so n nice drive can’t get the weight on that shot and Davidson’s got it for taranaki now Cameron karon gives it back to Davidson and there’s Davidson with another two points yeah the airs are so good at getting out in transition they have five players that can all push the ball and can all score so are all very dangerous you know coming down the floor so the nuggets have to do a great job of transition defense against them and not turning the ball over Andrew under the basket and there’s two points for Jack Andrew his first two points of the game both sides early in this game of aaro being rattled whatsoever McCaron Fring with his first touch oh that’s a little unlucky is that Lawrence getting a second foul of the game No in fact that’s his first with fouls to Russo Nance and KNX so far three fouls conceded by Oto now in the game as we see Cameron taking it out to McCarron little pass back to Davidson elevation on his jump is very impressive there’s six points already for Carlin Davidson he’s got all the taranaki points yeah and that’s dangerous if he can get going get his jump shot going because obviously he can get to the rim and is very ath finishing around there he can shoot the three but his jump shot if that gets going and he opens up on all three levels that’s going to be a dangerous sign for the Nuggets sure is we’re in for an exciting night basketball action Davidson rolls away again oh he missed the layup another one third point no foul Cameron has it now Minnie mini can’t now a jumper either wow that was disappointing for Carin Davis particularly the first one Crystal yeah man he just wanted to get his rebounds up there he was just getting his rebound stats up but yeah the Nuggets definitely need to box out and keep him off the boards so Darko Cali into the game interesting for them you know not to play him in the rapid league if he wasn’t starting and to only have six players playing in the rapid League obviously saving him for this game instead absolutely now Lawrence working away on Davidson it’s a tough basket to make oh frolin lost it and there’s Jack Andrew smashing one down 10 to six McCarron Off to the Races can’t nail it but Elijah Minnie follows up in style great follow up by Minnie and just showing his athleticism and length to get that ball oh unlucky there for Darko Kelly that’s a good hustle from Andrew to pick up that ball though now lawence a no looker was no good to Jack Andrew yeah no good but a great read and great little cut along the Baseline when the defense was just a TD behind six early still Carin Davidson the only one to score in these first four minutes for taranaki in fact the cross has clicked over to eight now thearon brings it down Court Cameron hasn’t able to been able to get hot just yet he hasn’t even put up a shot maybe now’s the time for Flynn Cameron no stolen away by Darko Kelly in fact that was Russo n and Oto going all right to start this game yeah great Hands by Russo Nance to start this game he’s got his hands on a couple rebounds and getting some steals he has a good neck for getting the ball W Fring Caro have done really well to keep him quiet that was only his first shot of the game yeah and the Nuggets just doing a good job on defense on him really being physical trying to keep him out of the paint because the ball oh sorry the ears have been trying to get him the ball and been running some sets with him as Welly Lawrence has been impressive early in this game too Crystal goes to the Chemist Warehouse stripe here man Lawrence has four points [Music] and no surprise from Lawrence he is obviously one of the League’s leading scorers and can get it done but you know gets it done all inside the paint he hasn’t shot one three-pointer all year Lawrence again there he is that’s a good move isn’t it so creative and just snuck that up there there wasn’t much space a really good basket now Fring with Robbie kman out there now TGO going to find it tough but they’ve done a good job on Fring so far now barsley on court two for the Nuggets they’ve been impressive only thring putting up two shots in the game so far here is Russo Nance again Coman for three and there some action under the basket there with barsley going down great start to the game by the Nuggets they’re getting it done on the defensive end and they’re staying active on those offensive rebounds to give themselves some extra looks on the offensive end so this is what they need to do to keep it up and you know turn the tides their way yeah they just got to keep it up for the whole game Crystal don’t they here’s hen Shaw gives it to Lawrence and that’s better defense by taranaki nice and aggressive without conceding a foul now Cameron Bailey’s out there too now McCaron froling nice basket there from Sam froling yeah a tough shot good physicality from pman to meet him there and beat him to the spot but Fring just too good on that fatal [Music] sha Darko Kelly gets it back from Coman Coman oh camon got a little hand in there and here come the ears on The Fast Break as Cameron settles it down to McCarron to bias Cameron can’t nail the three-pointer offensive rebound taken by Bailey can’t get the layup to drop and that’s going to be taranaki ball tago a little unlucky there funny isn’t it chryst where sometimes you see players like B do all the hard work there but then just can’t put it back in yeah just can’t but very strong frame around the room you definitely need to get a body on him and get him out of the way because if you’re just going into a jumping battle most likely he will come up with it it’s rolling rolling off rwa can’t nail it interesting to see ban thring out there together for taranaki don’t suspect that’s happened too often this year nice pass aers back to Russo n for three and it’s going to be taranaki ball plenty of things for both coaches I think to think about in the first quarter so far yeah definitely the ears need to get Sam Fring some more ball and get him going obviously he is a key piece to this ears team as we see him just take a seat and Colin Davidson come back in the game thring sits down after seven minutes with four points he’s not seen much ball has he Davidson rwa here’s McCaron marked by h Shaw oh McCarron again created space for himself really well there but couldn’t finish Darko Kelly Hena that’s Hena at his best right there yeah we know that he can really get fired up and light the floor up he can get his scoring going that is a great sign for the Nuggets here’s device Cameron can’t nail from the corner he short with the rebound good grab from him but he’s had the ball pinched out of his hands and who’s that come off think that came off dy’s foot did it yeah I think they might have caught a foul might have got a foul on the ground going around for that ball unlucky on the Nuggets there called Robbie Coman little unlucky there for Robbie Coman tago have really worked hard in this game and thoroughly Reserve their four-point lead so far they have and they’re doing a great job on the defensive end as we see that was just a little bit too easy to let Mitch McCarron get into the paint but other than that they’ve been doing a great job of packing the paint and making it really hard to score inside for the ears car with some pretty firm instructions there for the on court players now Quinton Bailey going to the line throw shooting around 50% for the Sal’s NBL [Music] season Le scorer in the game so far is n with six Carin Davidson 64 taranaki second free throw not falling mimus Warehouse strike for Bailey so n back out there a little foul by oawa on him pace of the game suits so Targo at the moment to Crystal you know it’s not particularly quick at the moment which is going to suit or seems to suit Oto quite nicely at the moment yeah it does and we just see the Nuggets playing with a lot more urgency I think than the is right now they’re hustling all around for the ball really making the most of their possessions and Shaw misses that mid-range jumper folling with the rebound Here Comes Carlin Davidson rwa some lucky there for for Kanani Lawrence just come off his leg in fact no foul conceded Cameron over to his brother Tobias dco Kelly he’s going to concede the foul and twice Cameron just does a great job of bullying his way to the basket he does that so well and we saw it in the rord league game he can just get himself to the rim at work and has really made a living at this Chemist Warehouse free throw line so toce Cameron foul was before the shot so tce Cameron good free throw shooter too over 80% for taranaki in 2024 he’s a great player to have coming off the bench as well obviously can score a bunch but also plays great defense and takes a lot of pride of playing good one-on-one defense sto Kelly’s just finding out there hard luck for Cameron yeah just a dog for the ball absolutely gets his hands on it and is all over it we’ve seen that time and time again throughout the season we see the a coaches asking for an 8sec call or what the 8sec count is they a little bit upset that the ref didn’t say anything about that he Shaw that little mid-range jumper he’s so effective in nailing in Shaw has four points Oto back to three they led the entire game Oto tanaki have not LED so far as to see froling they right there the a froling with a little fade away again too good there the Jack Andrew six points for froling to a one-point game inside the last minute of the first quarter now Lawrence has lost it rwa picks up the loose [Applause] ball Flynn Cameron Roa settles it for three can’t nail it there’s the offensive rebound there for Davidson is that basket going to count or is it going against tanaki Great extra passes by the ears to work that all the way around and get a really good look for dooa who is a sniper from outside but just can’t get that one to fall but that’s great ball movement from the ears 39.4 seconds to play KNX struggles to ound it just for a moment L Nance getting all tangled up there with Tobias Cameron yeah we also see Flyn ceron taking a fall under the basket getting a little bit heated up out there yeah yeah just like the sky brand rapidly game we saw two technical fouls in that game course’s going to be interesting cuz those two incidents seem to happen at exactly the same time Crystal right and it seems like each refi saw something different so have to have a little talk about [Music] it in the meantime McCarron’s going to check back in for Flynn Cameron so this going to be n to the line to shoot two from the Chemist Warehouse strip t ball game with 35 seconds left I qu it all with the officials here what’s going on here not too sure what they’re discussing oh they had the wrong shooter Karen’s got plenty to say [Music] too so is that misf free throw not actually count yep BR own hats a little smirk on his face there yeah he’s not too mad about that call here say yeah don’t add that Miss to my SAT line exactly no little blemish on that as henel rattles in two free throws so Taro back to the three-point lead two possession game left in this first quarter Cameron back to McCarron rwa Roa and there’s a foul they want to get it to froling but they can’t get it to him at the moment with any great consistency Crystal yeah they can’t but Ooa is very aggressive and we saw in the rapid League game he has a great job of getting himself to the rim and drawing fouls obviously with a little head nod there he really sells it and is able to get himself to the Chemist Warehouse free throw line but he is really aggressive and it’s great when these guards are aggressive because as they become more aggressive it will be easier to get froling the ball inside because they’ll obviously have to play the guards more straight up rawa at the line first point of the game for him second two is uh it’s back to a one-point game so last possession potentially here for the Nuggets no one to make this count after a really good first quarter hen Shaw it is in possession oh McCarron H Shaw with 3 seconds and still might work out here for the Nuggets there there’s a foul before the basket by donon roaa so that layup from Lawrence won’t count but messy end to that first quarter and we’ve still got 0.9 seconds to play yeah very messy end there but it all SED with great Hands by Mitch McCarron who was able to pick Ben hen’s pocket and he does have Golden Hands he gets it done on defense he’s able to get you know quick tips here and there and on offense he moves the ball so well so he has Golden Hands So Lawrence it is can’t get that second free throw the drop they’ve got it back though Lawrence can’t nail the two-pointer to close the quarter out but it’s been a pretty solid quarter for otago they lead 21-19 at quarter time It Up 3 2 1 let go this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it is 21 to 19 as we head to the second quarter of the Del NBL game it’s the visitors Oto up by two and we have r n with six hen Shaw with six Jack Andrew with four cman Lawrence with five good spreading of the scorers for the otago team 12 rebounds already as well now rebounding OT taranaki by two at the moment crystals we see Davidson and froling contributed 6 points each but uh tanaki haven’t really created I guess the number of good looks they might have wanted in this first quarter yeah definitely not but the nuggets have been playing great defense they’ve really been packing the paint and been making it really hard for the ears to score inside so we’ll see if they can keep that going in this second quarter rwa gets it to froling who lays it in off that left hand of his that’s good play good combination and there’s rwa making a Nuance of himself can’t get the ball back though I like the energy from rwa Off the Bench in this game so far too yeah I’m sure that would have been spoken about in that quarter time is picking up the defense obviously we know that the Nuggets can score in bunches and they have a lot of individual Talent so can the ears you know really start to turn them over like they did just then it feels all of a sudden in these first few seconds that taranaki have woken up from I don’t know a bit of a Lumber yeah maybe just start of the game a bit complacent as we see Theo a knock down a three as we know he can rwa with that three goes to Five Points and all of a sudden taranaki hit the front for the first time in the game now Lawrence looking away on Davidson and Lawrence rattles that one in he has seven in the game and I Taro needed a momentum stopper and they got one mhm Lawrence has been great to start this game we know he can score we know he’s leading the league in scoring obviously I think third in the league but he can just get himself to the rim so easily and he makes it looks so much easier than it is and here he is Lawrence and Andrews just got a little nudge from Carin Davidson again excellent play from otago and Jack Andrew is going to go to the Chemist Warehouse strike for two free throws I’ve lik the chemistry we’ve seen between these two bigs so far we saw in the first quarter a little sneaky pass along the Baseline that didn’t connect but that one obviously did and I like how they really work off each other and around each other Jen Andrew and we mentioned he’s got a big game big job in this game marking Sam froling and Andrew does a good job to nail those free throws he has six in the game tago and tanakia locked up again Fring up high on Andrew almost loses it Sam froling did well the big F to get down and grab the ball Davidson oh block there by Lawrence folin’s got another chance though hasn’t hit the rim though and now we’ve got some action off the ball hang on what’s going on here the officials picked up something off the ball perhaps Crystal yeah perhaps having a little talk about it with the the score bench but great block by Lawrence I’m sure Carlin Davidson does not feel that very [Applause] often aawa to inbounder Karen jumps into Lawrence looking for the foul wasn’t coming and now hensel’s got it around McCaron he goes and settle it down for another set play Henshaw oh Lawrence left the ball behind him that’s disappointing yeah great find from heno to get it to him just a little too much strength on that pass marcaron excellent adjustments by Oto here’s Minnie Haven really seen too much of him as we saw Davidson try a miraculous PB now here comes kamani Lawrence and Lawrence that was impressive yeah too easy for him too easy in transition that’s great play from McCarron knows when to pull the trigger Mitch McCarron three-point play for him that was needed for taranaki because that was a little nice little 5-0 run there for otago yeah and obviously they want to talk about a little bit but if there’s one guy to turn it around for the ears we’ve been saying it all season long he is the glue he is the experience for this ears team it is Mitch McCarron who will turn the game around he’s going to be a key player for the breakers to in the upcoming NBL season later on in the year interesting to see the coach who the coach will be now following Modi M’s departure it’s very interesting interesting to see if they’ll pull anyone up from this league into that coaching role or if they’ll go elsewhere overseas maybe Europe or America we’ll see what that management decides to do yeah absolutely it’s going to be fascinating don’t forget about hoop heads Folks at 6:00 each Wednesday always good to see everything been broken down each week always talking points yes I’m sure they will be out of this game too with a tied score at 26 a piece 738 to play in the second period Mani Lawrence with nine points of shooting at 57% which is what otago is shooting at as well as a team taranaki shooting N9 from 26 Crystal bit on the low side for them at the moment but as we touched on earlier they just and that’s credit to oo’s defense off the ball here they just haven’t been getting good looks taranaki yeah no they haven’t and they haven’t been finishing around the hoop obviously we saw saw that little patch of play from Colin Davidson where he just missed all those little layups and you know those are the ones that really make a difference especially when it’s a tight game like this so McCarron completes the three-point play from the Chemist Warehouse strike it’s the home team up by one once more McCarron has three in the game so Nets going to work off Jack Andrew this is going to settle for a three and dco Kelli can’t sell that one that was a good little mismatch for the Nuggets there is to get Fring on Russo n well McCarron just lost the ball there and Lawrence makes him pay wonder if McCarron just went over on his ankle he doesn’t look comfortable does he no he doesn’t and that was a very uncharacteristic from him to lose that ball but yes he looks in pain doesn’t look impressed at all [Music] and he just slipped on a bit of sweat there or something a like a bonus two points there for Lawrence oh well take two right try that [Applause] again Bailey much loses control of it stolen by otago Lawrence has it again and there’s two more for Lawrence as McCarron HS up on the floor again and otago got a nice roll on all of a sudden a couple of easy baskets for them they’ve got their toils up as we see a timeout called by Sam [Music] McKinnon things are just going the way of the Nuggets right now obviously that little loose ball leaks out that’s a couple points there then fumble of the ball on the other end that’s another couple points for the nuggets and they need all of these obviously they’re coming off a four game losing streak so they’re really fighting for this one and they’re trying to get themselves back up on that leaderboard well you have to give it to otago in the game so far easy to drop your head to a team after losing to the bottom Place team they hadn’t won in 11 games but they have rolled their sleeves up put their hard on haven’t they they certainly have and we heard Brent M talk about it in his pregame interview that they’re really trying to build their chemistry back up and turn things around they’ve been trying hard at trainings and now it’s time for that to translate to the games nothing like uh you know basically been written off by all in sunry you top that kind of Siege mentality to try and get yourself out of it yeah definitely and they have a big game coming up next as well versus the Jets which they’ll absolutely need to get to keep themselves in The Hunt of playoffs so it’s not necessarily just about this game it’s about building that momentum and building that chemistry for the games coming up as well offlin Cameron’s back out there now rling now Cameron under the basket on hen Shaw Cameron misses McCarron’s there to tidy up though and taranaki Trail by one that’s a great set by the a just to pull their bigs up high really open that paint up for Flynn to go to work in there and he does have you know a stronger frame against Ben hin inside so that’s a great look for him on Brent midi he’s got his team right in the hunt here but still a long way to go in this game and momentum can shift very quickly you get the feeling of tanaki get you know 8 n ahead could be tough for Oto r n maybe should have taken the shot himself in the end he gets the two points anyway just things falling for them at the moment right it’s just falling perfectly for them really getting all those o boards another great steal by Ben hen Shaw and throwing it down hanging himself on the rim this is going the way of the Nuggets right now well well well hen Shaw now up to eight points as Cameron responds very nicely for the ears but here’s Oto through Darko Kelly Lawrence again and scoring threat but there’s a foul there by Bailey and I reckon that was before the shot see if the officials agree Lawrence is going straight to the line but there’s the jam from H [Music] Shaw the shot was being attempted by Lawrence so there you go how good has he been in the game so far 13s 6 6% haven’t seen Lawrence play before the reason he’s got this free throw shooting style dates back to a shoulder injury that he had and he’s head to adjust his whole game around that shoulder too as we see he doesn’t take many three-point shots he really gets himself to the rim and he’s just done such a great job of adjusting his whole game you know to become a really great Pro in leagues all around the world Bailey is McCarron almost losing it McCarron that’s impressive that’s a counter from Mitch McCarron ever since that ankle injury he has shown some real heart and courage back to the Chemist Warehouse strip he goes for a three-point play is second of the game and it’s back to a one-point game thearon up to eight points actually the leading scorer for taranaki in this game so far alongside froling oh he conceives a little foul there though not much contact there Crystal but it’s contact nonetheless yeah and the Sago nuggets team is just being really aggressive the SS have to be more disciplined cuz they’re going to keep putting the nuggets on the line if they keep fing them obviously as we see the foul count getting up there in this quarter Coman out there now for a second St for nuggets barsley feeds it to Coman nice combination between the two bench players yeah great pass from barsley and we saw that connection growing in Rapid League when Coman went off in that game Karen to froling speaking of great combinations those two have been tight for taranaki all season long and fring’s going to go to the free throw line to shoot two now Sam cing with eight points first visit to the free throw line in the game the Chemist Warehouse stripe 70% free throw shooter in these free throws just keeping taranaki right [Music] [Applause] there ring hits double figurs just tanaki player to do so Lawrence the leading scorer though in the game KNX almost getting in a bit of trouble now hen Shaw ohman just missed times his rebound attempt there now Cameron gives it to device Cameron Bailey has it blocked by Lawrence and now here comes Darko Kelly oh he should have taken the layup himself there m karon’s got it froling looking for the foul not coming but he’s still good enough to get the two points from Coman and taranaki hit the front by one what a sequence of plays right there getting out in transition really pretty ball movement but froling the only one able to put it down as you see another foul called on the ears yeah Lawrence is going back to the kemus warehouse Drive exciting play that’s a tough basket finish there from Rowling kind of wonder why the whistle didn’t get blown there for a three-point play yeah he wondered why too Comm Lawrence back at the free throw line again this is his third visit in the game he’s going at three from five 60% so [Music] far last visit there from Kanani Lawrence 16 points for him hope you’re enjoying the C’s NBL game folks is Davidson Lawrence con seeds the foul on David Lawrence is second Davidson scored the first six points of the game for taranaki but he’s been on the pine for a little while on two [Applause] fouls it’s just a second free throw Miss for taranaki in in the game he’s got that one radar away as [Applause] well Darko Kelly oh past Cameron and that’s a strong move there from Darko Kelly great move by Darko Kelly to get by his own player and then go up against the bigger Sam froling for the finish and these nuggets they’re just getting it done right now Kelly’s first two points in the game now McCarron for a three not going to drop it’s going to be nuggets ball with 334 to play in this first half the ears are going to have to start knocking it down from the outside to keep drawing that nuggets defense out every time they drive they’re all just you know drawing them into that paint making it hard to get the finishing inside that’s kind of been their game plan so far interesting we’ve only had one one three-pointer in the game so far as you see Henshaw get in a little trouble Coman loses it to Andrew shot clock down to six for Russo Nance short with that deep [Applause] two Davis just keeps it in the [Applause] court Karen only f a hit a three in the game rwa messy play there from taranaki otago couldn’t pick up the ball as we see McCaron shot clock right down to two seconds and they’re going to get a second chance here do the years rwa nice reverse LA from donon rwa yeah he likes that match up from the start and a great steal by Colin Davidson and one he’s injected himself back into this game really nicely wow what a 5sec burst there for taranaki rwa and then [Music] Davidson that was sizzling play from both of [Applause] them we see Mitch MC just talking to his team every stoppage he’s really trying to pull them together get them back in this game he wants some momentum going their way Carlin Davidson completes the three-point play from the Chemist Warehouse strike taranaki with a five and O run gets them back in front by two hen Shaw Andrew so can’t get otago’s three where there a foul on barsley is there a foul on Russo n I think that might have been on Mitch McCarron on the box out just a little bit too much contact down there hang on brusso N going to the line maybe it will be it’s just two free throws for Russo Nets he’s got eight points in the game Oto have only attempted 43 pointers so far to Crystal which is really interesting they haven’t nailed them 0 from four yeah but we know that they can shoot it from out there and that they are a high scoring team and they have a lot of individuals that can knock it down from outside the three referees Conor and Clark just uh to clarify something there still some decision perhaps here as Russo Nance gets that free throw to fall we heard heard a whistle just a moment ago yeah a lot of discussion going on all around the court right now just trying to figure it out [Music] score 4342 Russo n with this last free throw he going to drop that one too so back to 43 a piece brusso Nance up to a to 10 points in the game here’s Davidson almost loses it to Lawrence [Applause] froling Sam froling as a go tending [Applause] near so Fring convinced that was goal [Music] tending regardless it was so the two points has been given to tanaki Crystal so three-point play here for froland yeah what if passage of play these last couple possessions have been a lot of discussion between the referees a lot of discussion between the coaches yeah we taking the scenic group to the last 30 seconds or so but we’re getting there rolling to that basket up to 14 points now St discussions going on with the officials here foul in on Darko Kelly now McCarron’s not happy with something just the two going to [Music] count lot of stuff going on the ears are wanting the basket to count the nuggets are wondering who the foul was called on all we know is froling is taking a free fre throw yeah and we’re waiting saw the officials indicate that Darko Kell picked up that foul right maybe but that’s what the confusion is about they’re holding up two fingers for the foul and or two fingers for the shot [Applause] [Music] well we kind of have a timeout now with just standed two minutes to play is this a timeout here Crystal yeah not sure I think both teams just said you know what if you’re going to take this long to figure it out we’re just going to go have a little talk to ourselves why you doing that either way these nuggets have really come out this first half and played really hard they LED for most of the start of this game the ears have really fought to get themselves back in this game but great defense by the nuggets so [Music] [Applause] far and now we’re putting at the shot clock not too [Music] sure well it’s just that hurry up and wait main scoreboard in the stadium is not working is what we’ve been told thank you here is froling finally gets the three-point play and it’s taranaki leading by three there we are that’s causing the issues at the moment oh look at that Darko Kelly slips on the floor that was really disappointing for Oto d I cross quarter goes to rwa froling stolen there by otago and here comes Russo Nance tip back by Andrew lco CI can’t drop the three Russo n can’t get the foot back and now McCarron Davidson helps himself to two points and tanaki have a five-point lead the biggest of the game so far well that was really disappointing to see I think it was Darko Kelly slipping at the other end there Crystal that really was a a problem for Oto yeah just a couple empty possessions just then obviously Darko Kelly slipped on that one and then they had a lot of opportunities to score just then but just couldn’t get it done great hands from Dante to get that steal and get them out on the break but just couldn’t convert in the end and now taranaki have a uh a nice little lead don’t they their first little buffer in the contest so far otago have done well to absorb those and hit back and here they are they’re going to have to do it all again yeah one minute left in this first half they’ll want to finish off strong heading into halime but they’ve had a lot of great offense going their way crowd still not real or realizing that this game is far from [Music] [Applause] done but a great crowd in tadaki it’s great to see love to see the yeti walking around exactly great gym isn’t it absolutely fantastic okay 70 seconds to play heson out there now for the Nuggets there’s a kick out border H Shaw declined the opportunity to take the three now he will take it Andrew can’t get it over Davidson another stop here for taranaki we just saw a change up in defense there a little bit of an extended press into Zone just giving the nuggets something else to attack [Applause] against Karen [Applause] rwa and it’s been took out a court there by Tobias Cameron 31 seconds left this is important here for Oto it is they’ll want to finish strong they’ll want to convert this position and get it back just with and a couple positions heading into the second half can’t get that one to drop that’s a trademark Ben Hena move there that he missed so now here come taranaki with the last play of this first half and a player timeout called by Mitch McCarron who wants to talk things over it’ll be interesting to see what they do here they’ve only hit one three-pointer all game I think that was d roaa one for nine from three-point line is taranaki and the t 0 for six yeah which is really odd from them they obviously have a lot of Shooters a lot of scorers on their team usually one person heats up for the nuggets and gets it going from outside but we haven’t seen that here tonight Lawrence has been great inside hasn’t he 16 points three rebounds couple of assists too Rowling for taranaki working on Andrew rolling almost has it stolen Roa oh he Nails it on the buzzer Theon Roa off the bench has been fantastic for taranaki in this first half nine points for him and it’s tanaki up by seven at Hal time [Applause] and during the holidays they holid pram [Music] [Music] all over the world they [Music] are over the to what they do [Music] [Music] w [Applause] [Music] I’m w [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it’s halim here in New Plymouth at tsp Stadium hope you’re enjoying the action in the Sals NBL it is the taranaki ears leading the otago Nuggets 50-43 50 to 43 and it’s a a seven-point game which Crystal Ledger Walker came right at the end didn’t it it was really that five-point burst in the space of 10 seconds with Davidson and rwa really sparking up the taranaki team yeah the tanaki team came out in that second quarter and really upped their defense but kamman Lawrence and Dante Russo Nance for the nuggets have really been getting it done they’ve had a lot of steals they’ve got a few blocks they’ve gotten the momentum going for the nuggets and they really started this game strong so we see the rebounds there Callen Davidson has been going to work I’m sure a few of those came for that Miss layup he had I think in the first quarter but other than that he has been electric for the years and Mitch McCarron has also been fighting his way back into this game um throughout that second quarter and getting his team ried around him really interesting as they went through the rebound stats there on the Chemist Warehouse stats that Sam froling has only picked up two rebounds in the game so far yeah that is odd he is averaging a double double and he collects those things like no other but the nuggets have done a great job of packing the paint with their defense and whenever the ball is driven into the paint we often see at least four guys from the nuggets in there as well but the challenge Still Remains they are trailing by seven points despite a pretty decent performance from the otago team it’s taranaki up by seven second half coming up shortly here from New Plymouth stay with us on skyport [Applause] out of [Music] here go let go e e e [Applause] I’m something something know [Applause] 50 to 43 it is it’s the tanaki is in front of the otago nuggets as we’re not too far away from a start in the second half here in New clouth sales NBL action for your Friday night hope you’re enjoying the coverage cman Lawrence the leading scorer in the game with 16 he’s shooting at 66% and he’s been a major factor as to why otago been very competitive they uh just losing their way of touch in that last 60 seconds of that first half who will winning by how much that’s the M mix uh Vote or poll today just scan that QR code most popular margin there is the air 67% which is where we are at the moment if you think the ears are going to just ease out a bit further go for that one folks or if you think Oto can come back and pinch the victory an upset with the victory not many of you think that to be here at the moment at just 12% but I wonder Crystal if it was if we put this up maybe I don’t know 2 minutes out from halftime whether there’d be completely different um margin or or percentages that were up on the screen just a moment ago yeah maybe I would have been interested to see what it was after the first quarter cuz the Nuggets started very well and the ears came out I’d say maybe a little bit complacent to start this game so it be interesting to see how they come out in this second half and if they come out with a little bit more urgency yeah Taro out scored taranaki in the first quarter by two but it was taranaki second quarter for sure 31 to 22 and I’ve got to give Roa a lot of props here nine points shooting at 50% and you know he’s been a real Energizer Bunny if you like Off the Bench for taranaki just shows you the depth that they’ve got in their squad at the moment and why they’re in the top three yeah not only did he come out scoring a bunch he also played great defense was picking up full court was really being a nuisance for the point guards bringing the ball up the court so really got it sparking for the ears on that end of the floor as well so might be a bit of a delay to the start of the second half folks with the scoreboard issues continuing here in New Plymouth so just keep an eye on that for you chance to just remind you again we have two games coming up tomorrow in the n the early game at 3:00 rather at 4:00 as the Canterbury Rams up against Hawks Bay and then we’ve got the Tara hosting the Saints in Oakland from 7:30 the rapid League games prior to each of those two games as well and then on Sunday we are in in vagle for the Southland sharks Franklin Bulls game and then the double header that day has the Nuggets moving down down to paly to play the Jets and you reckon the Jets are going to be I mentioned the Sharks earlier maybe spoiling a few teams coming down the stretch of the Season you reckon the Jets are uh are going to do the same crystal I think the Jets have some more wins in them they’ve added some pieces to their team and yeah things could look to turn tides for them as well down there in Mano 2 wouldn’t it be fascinating if South and manowa 2 actually who have really struggled over the first half of the season start to make a bit of AIT more competitive their matches yeah they will and they’ll look to upset some teams and you know maybe jiggle around some things in that letter um because yeah they are sitting at the bottom of the table right now but have some things to prove they have a lot of Pride to play for and like I mentioned both teams have added some new pieces into their groups so could that be the difference that would be fascinating to see if they do they’re a long way from the playoff contention Nelson locking down sixth place at the moment with five wins from their 12 games and Mano 2 and South have just one game one win each so they would need to go on some serious runs but see uh just see both those teams actually getting themselves sorted if orbe it a bit late through the uh through the season 2024 yeah and I’m sure the Jets are eyeing up this nuggets team obviously Los losing their last four games they’ve just lost to the southern sharks who as we said were at the bottom of the table so the Jets will be circling the Nuggets name on their schedule but after tonight and the way the nuggets have started they’re starting to look back you know how they started at the start of the Season they’re looking in good form again and very competitive so not too far away now with third quarter about to start here in New [Music] Plymouth going to be otago with the first possession Russo n with eight points four rebounds this his hands on the ball a 19yearold h Shaw quick turnaround three-pointer he’s been fouled there has he taking that three-point attempt he has good start to the bir quarter for the Nuggets yeah it is and we’ve only seen one three-pointed drop this game so far which is unusual for this nuggets team who have a lot of snipers in their lineup but we’ll see if he can get three points from the kimus warehouse line instead indeed they all count don’t they sha is an 80% free throw shooter this season from the Chemist Warehouse strike rattles that one in two remember is in his first season in New Zealand he’s just 19 from Western Australia and there he is naring the gap to Five Points Hall has 11 in the game back nine points rather now here’s Cameron Cameron gets rid of R Nance and then Davidson messy play from both teams there mini fakes and buries the three-pointer Elijah mini with Hardley called his name out the whole game yeah he has been a little bit quiet but we know that he can get going he is a sniper from the outside and he’s also a rim protector that’s very nice from H Shaw very nice indeed he has a points now that 13 pointso get it back to a five-point game Flyn Cameron loses it out of court not sure if Dante got his hand to that but if he did he has been great at picking people’s pockets in this game that three from Minn that was a sweet shot from the outside he Hinshaw looking to get hot he’s Stone Cold lost it now Minnie look out here’s Elijah Minnie yeah oh is he hurt after slamming that one home yeah that looked like a tough ball might have just got some contact from Lawrence there after the ball went in the hoop there was no foul but I definitely think there was some contact that s sent him to the ground was oh it’s going to be a j yeah many hits them caught hard there it’s going to be [Music] okay play on Mini with a three and then a jam back to a seven-point game just the margin we were at halim KNX for otago yeah min’s fine he almost stole that to KN right off Kami Lawrence Hinshaw nice passing to Andrew that was pretty beautiful pass just getting that right through the pocket is that a technical foul it isim Cameron may be having something to say there tanaki Angel completes the free throw and Oto get the bonus Point Davidson to inbound it rawa interesting Sam McKinnon’s taken FL Cameron out of the game straight off that technical foul here’s Davidson rolls it in for two more for Carin Davis us 13 in the game good full court pressure to many almost steals it yeah mini has been very active in this second half on defense got a few tips just hasn’t been rewarded yet so n came out of the game with three fouls in fact Karen also has three fouls he’s out there though beautiful ball into Andrew again who missed the layup this time Fring Here Comes Davidson [Applause] McCarron Minnie looks to tip it in in fact Davidson’s got it in for two points great little combination we’ve seen on these last couple possessions between Henshaw and Andrew going to the hoop Lawrence so n this eight-point margin is now the biggest of the game n again working on Roa hen Shaw oh yes Ben hen Shaw is really starting to cook up in this third period yes he is he’s starting to assist the ball well gets that three to drop he’s had some free throws going in so maybe just seeing those going in the hoop has opened his shot up as well 17 points for hen sha now here’s McCarron over to Davidson he buries the three Carin Davison too much time on that three-pointer not enough urgency getting out to him and he makes Lawrence pay big marching again eight points Lawrence Andrew from the corner Jack Andrew great answer from the Nuggets just t away at this score and it’s a five-point game Davidson like he just Lo Stone Cold lost that the foul is coming for taranaki well three-pointers one for Davidson here he’s a good three-point shooter we saw that one from Jack Andrew as well who would have thought that Jack Andrew would have been one of only two otago players in the game to have a three so far Crystal right he shoots the ball under 30% from the three-point line so I’m sure he’s happy to see that one going and after missing that layup just before that he’ll be happy about that so Jack Andrew with that three is checking out of the game com coming back in he’s checking out with 10 points and three rebounds I think col Davon might just head a little bit of blood on him or something he might need to get that cleaned up and that’s why he has a sub coming his way checking back in Davidson sitting down for the meantime at 18 points and nine rebounds getting a very solid all round game isn’t he he is he’s been very active on the boards we saw him just get that tip in earlier but he’s been keeping the ball alive for the years falling with the offensive rebound and feeds Flynn Cameron very nicely there I don’t he continue to get this decent margin and that’s going to be picked up by [Applause] Coman Lawrence team there and he’s going to lure a foul out of look like Sam Fring you might have just been twice Cameron on the ref around but the ears once again are getting themselves into the bonus of the Nuggets can stay aggressive and work themselves back in this game through the Chemist Warehouse free throw line foul Kelly to inbounder rouso Nance for three yes Dante Russo Nance his first three of the game he’s up to 11 points otago hanging around here yeah Russo’s really been an Energizer for this nuggets team so we see him just great hands and gets the steel what a about the pass from hen shaww as well and Russo n has 10 points all of a sudden this is great stuff from otago back they come again mini can’t get the three to drop that was very close though n now has 13 points there goes Lawrence to work again can’t get the three-point play to drop but he’ll go back back to the Chemist Warehouse strike yeah unlucky not to get that one to fall it hit everything around the rim just didn’t go in but he has been awesome in this game so far already having 18 points and a very strong take as we see on that replay well got to hand it to the Nuggets felt like taranaki stretch right away here but back the Nugget showing some much needed resolve got to keep it going though kind of fell apart for them in the fourth quarter against Southland in their previous match yeah they have struggled to finish close games we saw a few games ago versus the F when it was really tight they couldn’t get that one across the line so they’ll want you know to try get a lead early in the fourth and really try to stretch it out from there they won’t want to take this down to the wire Davidson now froling nice strong move by froling but no foul by Coman and there is a foul Tobias Cameron getting tangled up man they are swarming Sam Fring every time they get it in there and that was a great decision by Darko K just there just breing that Tobias Cameron’s momentum was probably going to push him into him and just selling that foul and just taking an easy trip down to the Chemist Warehouse line exactly look tanaki in the penalty already and there’s still 447 to play in this third quarter this is Darko Kelly 67% free throw shooter going at around 12 points per game this season and remember not too long ago Crystal this lead was eight points to taranaki and now we’re back to a tie ball game yeah the nuggets are just hanging around you know playing good defense getting good stops and the airs just haven’t found their Rhythm as we see another steel Cameron picks up the loose ball Mini now Okawa wisely settles it down Cameron attempt to tip in from Bailey was no good and here comes Ben Hena again stop the pace there on Quinton Bailey rwa has it now for taranaki Works off Bailey Knox has picked up the loose ball and Lawrence has lost it out of court g o Taro just a little sloppy on a couple of those plays there yeah just a few turnovers in transition that have really cost them if they could have got those out you know they could have stretch this to a four-point lead and they’re going their way Carin Davidson now wearing the double zero after that earlier Cameron working off McCaron or Bailey and that’s nice play from Finn Flynn Cameron rather here has six points in the game great hesitation from him and just too easy for him to get around that big Flynn Cameron will be off soon with the tall blacks who are trying to qualify for that for the Olympics H Shaw for three his third quarter is really going well for him 20 points yeah he has heated up in this second half he’s seen that his team is in the game and is really trying to take over offensively he almost had that steal that was just called for the foul it’s just a second though for Dan hen shawy Lawrence has three by the way for otago folks and three flers on three fo in fact four players on three fouls for taranaki the Cameron Brothers and McCaron here’s fln Cameron at the line touched on the tall blacks of course to Europe they go soon yeah and that will be a big change up for teams across the whole league obviously there’s some key starting pieces that will be going missing with the tall blacks tour coming up so these wins are before they go and really getting that team chemistry with them before they leave panaki by one point 315 to play in the third period Darko Kelly nice ball and there’s H Shaw he missed but he gets his own Rebound with a bit of helping hand there from Jack Andrew TGO back in front by one Davidson that’s beautiful play there from Carin Davidson 20 points for him there goes a three from Darko Kelly now both teams are heading up nicely yeah we’ve seen a few of those three balls Dro we didn’t see any in the first half except one but now everything seems to be falling for our Shooters in the second half great finish by Colin Davidson there just so athletic if you don’t get a body on him he is going to get it again and make you pay well he’s up to 22 points and he’s closing in on his career high of 26 which he got against the Giants earlier on this year so give it back to Davidson there’s Cameron beautiful spin move from Flynn Cameron Here Comes rouso Nance and now barsley has it smashed out of his hands by Davidson and Cameron’s got the loose ball well it’s all happening at both ends of the court at the moment McCarron brings the ball back down Court yeah McCarron just slowing the pace back down there was a few really quick possessions just then and many likes this match up blocked by Andrew Here Comes otaro again Darko Kelly two-point game it is nice ball into Andrew love the kick out pass here’s hen Shaw the man with the hot hand can’t nail it though this time and Flynn Cameron has a beautiful ball to Davidson Minnie is smashed by hen Shaw nice little over the head pass there from Davidson who had two players to choose from in transition the Nuggets just a bit slow getting back on transition and hin had to foul that one yes indeed inde had no option closing in on his season High 24 points to he’s just two off that Elijah [Applause] mini so it’s still tanaki by three mini up to eight points at the kemist warehouse strike make that nine expression on Sam McKinnon’s face still game on here for sure here in New Plymouth Dary Knocks [Applause] [Music] Andrew there’s Lawrence back out there now on three fouls unlucky there tough tough take there from Tobias Cameron foul coming in from Darcy Knox a great physical move by Lawrence before that to get that up was unlucky not to get it to drop and then toas just got twisted up on that rebound but he’s strong he’ll take it get back up and he’s fine [Applause] rawa just getting it over the halfway line in time I would suspect here’s rwa cing Davidson for three and there’s froling grabbing the ball on the weak side oh communication breaks down there with Davidson or bile don’t even know myself who was supposed to get that one Crystal yeah not too sure about that run and Sam Fring you know doesn’t often turn it over he usually makes great decisions out of the post so yeah he’s not at his playing his best basketball tonight so far 15 points and just five rebounds what about Carin Davon 22 points and 11 rebounds more than making up for folin’s performance yeah yeah not that falling isn’t scoring a lot but yeah just not getting as many rebounds or assists and it’s not looking as easy easy as it usually does for him and just a bad foul right then by K Davidson just too easy not much time left on the clock his team is in the bonus and that puts Ben Hena straight back on the line and we know that he is a great free throw shooter indeed he’s going at 80% touched on Hall up to 23 points like that 24 so that equals his oh no season’s high is actually 31 31 against the Giants in round six it’s career high 24 points was in the enbl which was against the uh the Phoenix let me get my nbl’s right here Crystal right let you get your career highs right exactly very important course exactly here’s [Music] oawa doesn’t get the roll off the rim and that’s fallen for Russo Nance and good idea by Andrews just to tip that out just then there was too many people around him for him to bring that down safely so just tip it out to his teammate so here’s the last play of the third quarter two seconds oh Russo n Andrew got it away in time but all rather messy again for otago at the end of that third quarter but we’ve got a grand stand finish coming up with tanaki up by two with 10 minutes to play [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the [Music] here 2 one go yes [Music] thr 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we there’s the Sals special for the next few days folks the large Nona at just 30 bucks to scan that QR codes valid until Tuesday get into it folks with the large Nona now we have a two-point game here with taranaki 7674 we’ve just spoke both been talking off a crystal about how good on otago for coming here to play tough in this game it has been a uh good performance from them so far but they need to kick on here from their perspective yeah they do and Ben Hinshaw really got it done in that third quarter scoring 16 points for the Nuggets he really came alive and we know that once he’s hot he can really get going Fring got to hand it to taranaki though they’re getting a stone test here though and they are still ahead by four points Carin Davidson leading the mix andp MVP for the game and rightly so his numbers are outstanding oh not for the first time we see a player slip on the floor so again otago very unlucky right there yeah unlucky right there but they were lucky in the first half they had a lot of those loose balls and a lot of those you know mishaps slips on the floor and things like that going their way so it’s just coming to bite them back in the bum right now four-point game for taranaki well as much as we talk about how we’ve enjoyed oto’s resolve and and heart that they played in this game taranaki though have absorbed it and they’re doing well to keep their nose in front tago making them work extra hard for every single basket now Fring that’s a beautiful ball from rwa as froling gets rid of Russo n yeah and they are making him work super hard obviously he is a front runner for the MVP award this season but they are not making things easy for him they’re swarming him when he when he gets the ball they’re keeping him off the boards but this man has been doing everything for the ears right now car David with the awesome assist two Fring on that one yes and straight away Brent midi has called the timeout as again we see some momentum threatening to loom out of taranaki 4 and0 start to start this final quarter Russo Nance just picked up a little bit of a knock there tumbling to the court a couple of a Time good timeout for Oto to call here I think Crystal yeah they want to talk about it and with Russo an just going to see the trainer for some attention they’re going to just have to adjust their game a little bit because he has been awesome for them throughout this game he’s gotten a lot of tips defensively he’s been electric on the offensive end being aggressive to score had some good assists and things like that so they’re going to have to make up for what they’re missing with him 24 points for Ben Hena the leading scorer in the game klin Davidson still on 22 for the taranaki [Music] ears just leaking out to a six-point game [Applause] again taranaki have really absorbed everything as we touched on earlier being made to work for their Victory which is still on track biggest lead of the game has been eight for taranaki HW squeezes between two plays rwa is going to pick up that foul that’s his third in the game and that has been a worry for the SS throughout this game they’ve got themselves in a lot of foul trouble and early in quarters so that means they’ve put the Nuggets to the free throw line you know on the back end of a lot of these quarters no one on four fouls though is Andrew finds the lane nice and open helps himself to two points he has 12 in the game yes six tanaki players are on three fouls but none on four so in that respect they’ve got a bit of breathing space froling is it to roaa one of those players on three fouls and he has it stripped out of his hands by Darcy Knox who goes to four fouls in the game looa has been great Off the Bench for the years tonight he’s really been aggressive got himself downhill had some assists here and there knocked down some three-pointers but he’s really found himself at this kemist Warehouse line all night yes he’s got 10 points in the game now couple of assists and solid performance from morokawa it’s taranaki by six with eight 14 to play Lawrence Lane closes thanks to Carlin Davidson now KNX this is Darko Kelly enaw picks up the loose ball and nice job done by Darko Kelly on the offensive rebound now Lawrence working on Davidson here beautiful ball into Andrew two more for otago oh man they work so well together Lawrence draws so much attention because he scores so well and Andrew just cuts you know behind his defense and can sneak in those little tips just like that here’s rolling up high on Andrew rolling there’s his power and skill on display once more and off to the Chemist Warehouse strike for two goes Sam froling lovely stuff there from Andrew and from Lawrence [Music] well we talk about Sam froling having a quiet game well he’s just up to 19 points now right not that quiet no indeed maybe quiet on the offensive rather on the on the boards with only six here he is at the free throw line once more it’s four from four from the kemist warehouse striping the game for S froling he is just so strong so experienced and so skilled even know there’s three players coming to him even though they’re trying to swarm him and get the ball out of his hands he still finds a way to score and draw fouls 21 points for him 22 for davidon that’s 45 from the power forward in the center good numbers now barsley H Shaw uncontested rebound from mini this time Stow Taro just need to go back to the things that were working for them well I don’t know if that play was a smart play that time Crystal yeah and they’re really just missing Dante Russo n here another attacking you know guard for them that’s really electric and can get things done so we see Sam froling take a hard shot there and the nuggets come up with the ball they need more of that they need some more stops Andrew settles himself for a three can’t nail it but Lawrence got himself in good position yes Ron Nance out of the game for the meantime still getting some assistance from the trainer here Darko Kelly messy but Henshaw picks up the ball no foul by McCarron and who’s that going do in fact it’s barsley over there it’s going to be tanaki ball it looks like and things just going the way of the ears right now the momentum just feels like it’s going the airs way the Nuggets need some more stops they need a stop here and just need to keep chipping away at this league 6 minutes is a lot long time in a basketball game only six points down tanaki had this starting five all out on court at the moment really looking to finish this game strongly here’s rling not much room over there for Sam froling still gets it out here for Tobias Cameron and Cameron gets his own rebound that’s really typical play from Cameron yeah just stays active on the boards as we’ve said all game he’s very strong in there and you need to put a body on him Russo Nance likes this matchup hon back to an eight-point game now the biggest equals the biggest lead of the game lawence it’s been turned [Applause] over kamani Lawrence disappointed with the turnover there yeah and a good foul by the Nuggets then just stopping the game while kman Lawrence you know was out of court and tied up in the ropes back there so just stop the game get him back into it and let’s play five on five again instead of giving up an advantage Cameron on hen Shaw Davidson Cameron again on the shot clock oh block there and it’s been taken away by Darko Kelly nice L from Darko Cali over Sam froling and we’ve got a timeout by Sam McKinnon Darko Kelly with that layup goes to nine points great defense by the nuggets in by Lawrence to cover that get that block and get his team out on the run and the nuggets just creeping back into this game yeah they won’t go away it’s a hearty performance from them but in the brutal light of dates this team that have once they’ve hit the front have proved very tough to crack yeah they got that lead and they’ve just kept it it’s been you know gone back and forth in terms of scoring but the ears have just been able to keep their nose in front as you’ve said and the Nuggets will just need to keep chipping away because as I mentioned they won’t want this to come down to the wire the airs are very good you know when it’s a close game in the end and they have a lot of closes on their team that can get it over the line the Nuggets will want to blow this out and try get the lead before we get down to those final few minutes both teams shooting the ball at 46% 38 rebounds in the game to taranaki 35 for otago just going through all the stats it’s all pretty eveno turned it over 14 times to n to taranaki so there’s a little bit of a difference there other than that it’s pretty [Applause] even taranaki need execution to get the win here in this game that won’t do it as H Shaw helps himself to a steel and two points great read from him there just to pick that pass and get this game back within four points Cameron working off McCarron Flyn Cameron again shot clock down to seven Cameron’s fouled and Darko Kelly disappointed with that foul it’s just a second but it was right at the end of the uh of the shot clock period yeah it was and they want to push off fou they might have a case but either way Len is shooting two [Music] shots Cameron at the Chemist Warehouse strike I like his little free throw routine just you know calms himself [Music] down yeah it works he’s going at 90% this season so has it Miss many and those were important free throws to a critical time of the game back to a six-point margin Darko Kelly Lawrence here he goes kamani Lawrence gy Lewis a foul and I think that might go on 12 car Davidson that’s foul number four for him oh that’s trouble for the years he has been awesome throughout this game he’s done at all he’s been great on the boards for the years so he will be a big loss if he picks up another foul don’t be confused folks that D Zer that Davis is wearing that his original number to change is singlet due to some blood earlier and Lawrence at the line now for more free throws quite second half so far Comm Mani Lawrence but he gets those both those free throws important ones for the Nuggets he’s up to 20 points four-point game here comes McCarron goes Baseline Mitch McCarron froling and there is a strong move by Sam froling yeah he just himself up for that spin move knew most of the floor was packed on that left side so knew that he was always going to come back onto that right and just drew that foul and he has just been ticking away scoring these points for the years rling gets the first from the Chemist Warehouse strip been around about a six-point margin four to Sixpoint margin for a while now rling continues his excellent season from the free throw line he’s seven from seven in this game it’s a six-point margin Here Comes hen Shaw with 26 to his name now Lawrence in Shaw again Darko Kelly oh it’s falling for Andrew tough shot there for Andrew Strong rebound by McCaron oh he’s called for steps Mitch McCarron I think he did drag that pivot foot a little bit he doesn’t think so but a good call by the referee just then to pick up that travel and give these nuggets another chance to score enaw quick three-pointer is ambitious rolling this time his easiest rebound of the [Music] game now Cameron fall and sits the screen for him McCarron for three knock on a fall tipped in almost by Tobias Cameron and now here comes hen [Applause] Shaw nice passing to Lawrence delayed to shot beautifully kammani Lawrence has 22 great dish by Hena just then great heads up play to find Lawrence on that Baseline just put it away for the [Applause] Nuggets well it’s beautifully poised this game with just over three to play hope you’re enjoying it here on sky sport the Sals NBL excellent competitive match on your Friday night here’s McCarron the lane opens wide open there and there’s TI in by froling 25 for him in Shaw again it’s back to Six Crystal yeah they’re just hanging around a stolen by Davidson and there’s a foul there R asking for a traveling violation yeah almost picked it almost got a steal but great read on that crosscourt pass by Davidson to get that marcaron yeah rolls it to Davison that beautiful play again Davidson picked up a little injury there maybe landed Oley or maybe he’s pulled his Cal oh he’s struggling Carlin Davidson 24 for him to run that off as quickly as possible Andrew nice basket there from Jack Andrew he’s up to 16 it is absolutely a game of possessions the SS need to treasure them they’re in the lead and the Nuggets need to steal some down the stretch that’s a great take by Flynn just then strong move to the rim Strong finish and the Nuggets absolutely needed timeout to talk about this yes indeed there’s Davidson com down a bit worse for where but that basket there was important and you’re right crystal that timeout has come at a critical time taranaki still getting their noses in front be interesting to see what the Nuggets do here they need some stops defensively are they going to change up their defensive scheme to try to get some but yes they need need to look after the ball and score their posss 76-74 at halim Carlin Davidson still dominating your pick as MVP in the mix pole T RI out scoring Oto by six in this final quarter 99688 stops now important for otago if they want to find a way back in and it’s all about execution for [Music] taranaki much as we’ve admired oo’s going got a s m taranaki’s game as well they have they pretty tough in this game Crystal as well yeah they have and we see colen Davidson just take a seat hopefully he’s right but he did come up a bit Ginger after that dunk stretching out those carves on that advertising sign now here’s Lawrence just a little push there from I think Elijah mini he going to pick up the foul it’s just a second foul no one on four fouls for in the taranaki lineup except for Colin Davidson right here DAV here B but he’s not in right now obviously Darcy KNX is actually filed out with five and there’s a Miss there from Russo n picked up by Minnie and that’s a little unfortunate there for Russo n who’s fouled T tly there is Carin Davidson hopefully we’ll see him again in the [Music] game yeah as we saw Russo n just needing to be stretched out a little bit had a little bit of a cramp [Applause] is that foul from Rance an unsportsmanlike foul or is he just coming no he’s just coming up for a second now yeah and I think they were just in the bonus so we’re shooting two no matter what get a second Elijah Mini 9o game going to be tough now for Brent marah Heidi’s team the time really against them now Lawrence aers over to Darko Kelly so Russo n not out on court at the moment and another whistle and that one’s going to go against taranaki yeah I think that might be on Tobias Cameron just box out a little too [Applause] [Music] hard very important place here for [Music] otago couple of good stops from taranaki and they’ll get the win but there’s hen Shaw at his best again 28 for him in the game he has been Electric in this second half he has really kept the nuggets in this game him and Lawrence have been getting a lot of the scoring done absolutely now Fring these are valuable seconds that tanaki is soaking up here very good play there from froling that was just what tanaki needed to close out this help him close out this game as we see Lawrence Andrew tips it back it’s still in otago’s possession hen Shaw and lence is fouled here by [Applause] Cameron he is heated about that he doesn’t like that call but the move from froling before is just too good and we see that’s five fouls on Tobias Cameron and Colin Davidson comes back in with four but going back to that move from Sam Fring just too big too strong too experienced down the stretch that’s all he needed was just a little bit of space he headed one-on-one battle and just backed him all the way down to the hoop yeah big props to the way tanaki executed that last play that really did reinforce their fourth quarter performance mini grabs the rebound and now taranaki through Mitch mcara here’s Davidson fouled there by heson not really much more joshh hon can do [Music] now W taranaki again show their class they’ve got all bases covered don’t they Crystal they really do they’ve got some good guards good power forwards good small forward good Center Obviously good depth on the bench yeah they do they have the athleticism they have the experience to go all the way to the championship they have the depth they just can’t get complacent they can’t lose their urgency knowing that they have all these weapons on their team Davis has just equal his career high of 26 points with those two free throws Lawrence surely fouled there by mini he is and Lawrence is going to shoot two more free throws but with 27 1/2 seconds left taranaki have really flixed their muscles in this last quarter they have but I’ve love love the way that these Oto nuggets have come out and fought you know they have the Jets up next that is an absolute must win for them if they want to stay in the hunt for the playoffs and if they come out like they did today I think that it’s looking good for the next few [Music] games Lawrence gets the second free throw to drop full court pressure here McCaron Flyn Cameron back to Davidson McCaron yep there’s the foul from Hinshaw Fring calling it an unsportsmanlike foul Karen’s going to shoot two hopefully get to double figures which will mean all the starters no he isn’t I was just about to say all the starters are going to get double figures in the game for [Applause] taranaki so it’s a 10-point margin with 40 just under 40 seconds to play or over 40 seconds rather but tanaki got to hand it to them excellent all round performance yeah they’ve been great kin Davidson in particular has really shown out he’s got it done on the rebounding he’s got it done scoring he’s had some key assists here and there had some great defense but yeah he definitely was my MVP tonight three steals too for Davidson really fantastic game right and we talked about Sam froling having a quiet Game Boy does his stat say otherwise with 27 points eight rebounds three assists but it wasn’t easy for him the Nuggets did you know it didn’t look as easy as it usually does or as we would have expected yeah tanaki have had to work really hard in this game to earn this Victory but it’s going to be another Victory here in the Sals NBL for them and a deserved one two as it will still can see them lock in that top three spot on the ladder see what the nuggets have drawn up hen Shaw it’s got to be a three-pointer from hen Shaw it is 31 points for him he’s equal his season’s high score and there’s another foul It’s Time by heson H has lit it up in the second half yes he has he got it going from the mid-range in the first and then just really came alive in the second half from the three-point line inside finding his teammates had some great pocket passes here and there but he really kept his team in this game right up to the end that free throws s Carin Davidson earn a new career high can’t get the second but he’s got 27 points which eclipses the 26 he got against the Giants back in round five Lawrence can’t lay it in another foul by hu’s fighting to the end of this game Lawrence disappointed he couldn’t n that one yeah looking at his hand like come on that was in and out but he has been awesome tonight I think the thing that stands above perhaps all of the the other things we mentioned is the teamwork and the execution that taranaki have managed to get going in the second half in particular yeah we’ve spoken about it all season they seem to have a great culture going down in tanaki samkin has done a great job of bringing this team together as we’ve said they have all the weapons they need to take it all the way and if they can keep their chemistry strong and their culture going they’re looking really good come playoff time play timeout is called with 3.4 seconds to play otago still want to get this last basket maybe for hen Shaw to drop 34 there he is over the far side of the [Music] Court Bley to inbound it Lawrence almost a Showtime play and that’s going to get it done it’s a win for taranaki the ninth in the Sals NBL season they roll on as a major threat in this league as they close out an eight-point victory over the otago Nuggets 103 to 95 really good days for Carlin Davidson and froling both of 27 points as we see Carlin Davidson your pick as the game MVP can’t say that’s a surprise given what we’ve seen from him in this one yeah definitely not like we said he got it done in all categories throughout this game played with four fouls in the end and was able to stay in it as we see he tied for 27 points for the leading score with Sam Fring Ben Hinshaw absolutely went off for the nuggets and got it done kamani Lawrence as we know can score in bunches and he did tonight the Nuggets fought hard and kept themselves in this game right up until the end and yeah they shouldn’t hang their heads too low about this one 11 rebounds for Carlin Davidson eight for Jack Andrew who toled away pretty well with 16 points in the game as well Riso Nance couple of injury problems for him through the game but he had a decent game to with 13 points and four assists and six rebounds and there’s Andrew and great effort from Davidson and Russo Nance in the steals as well so there we are folks it’s a win to taranaki over otago and this is what’s coming up over the next couple of days the Rams and the Hawks and the tuata and the Saints coming up tomorrow as we continue Sal’s NBL action congratulations to tanaki they win this game over otago by 105 to 95 thanks for watching folks have a good evening [Applause] all [Music]

Watch the game between Taranaki Airs v Otago Nuggets in Round 10 of the 2024 Sal’s National Basketball League, held on TSB Stadium, New Plymouth. #NZNBL #FIBA #SalsNBL

The National Basketball League (NBL) is the pre-eminent men’s basketball league in New Zealand. The inaugural NBL season took place in 1982 – known then as the Countrywide Basketball League. The start of the 2024 Sal’s NBL season will be on March 27 and the regular season will run through to July 14. ➡

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00:00:00 Intro
00:04:06 Rapid Game
01:12:34 1st quarter
01:35:59 2nd quarter
02:18:13 3rd quarter
02:41:34 4th quarter

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