@Los Angeles Clippers

Breaking: LA Clippers Sign Ty Lue To New Contract

Breaking: LA Clippers Sign Ty Lue To New Contract

tyou has officially signed a new contract to be the Clippers head coach for the next five years what do we think of the decision was it a good one did he deserve it and what does it say about the team going forward going to be talking about it all on today’s lock down Cancun [Applause] Clippers you are locked on Clippers Your da Los Angeles Clippers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day yes sir you were locking in with the clips thank you for making locked on Clippers the first listen of your day your team every day I’m your host Darian vieri born and raised in La just finished my 19th season as a Clipper fan you can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram at Dime dropper pod And subscribe to my own YouTube channel dime dropper where I talk about every single game of the NBA playoffs and LA Clippers even more and locked on Clippers is free and available wherever you get your podcast including YouTube I want you to let me know what you think of the decision to sign tyo to a contract extension and before we do that this episode is brought to you by game time game time is the best place to get great deals on tickets even up to the last minute you can save up to 60% off buying last minute for sports or anything else just download the game time app create cre an account and use code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase but all right let’s get right into it like the Dome and now it’s the into a dome era who would be our coach to start the into a dome era we already knew it was going to be tyo but there was a lot of talk about he hasn’t gone an extension this and that he had one more year on his deal and the suspense I mean there wasn’t really much but the suspense or the conversation was put to an end on Wednesday morning when the W bombb not one of the bigger W bombs when it’s a coach but a w bomb nonetheless that I don’t know if that’s not a w bomb what is it a w grenade uh tyou has reached a five a new five-year contract extension with the Clippers he will be our coach from the you know as far as the contract is concerned 2024 25 is the first season of it 2028 29 is the last season of it so five years $70 million that’s 14 million per year that’s a lot for head coach he’s making more than a lot of our players so did he deserve it I mean I’m not here to watch a man’s pockets and stuff like that I know I mentioned it in regards to like oh he’s making 50 million he has to perform at this level uh that’s relative to there’s only one head coach there’s a lot of players on the roster and and and when it comes to talking about guys value like Yeah because it hurts the rest of your roster when you have a guy like Paul George for example making as much as Kawai and he’s not giving you the output of Kawai when it comes to how much a coach is making I’m not going to really comment on the number that much Ty you know Wen Shams when they tweeted it they added lines like one of the best coaches in the league considered one of the best in the league and I do think tyoo is one of the best I want to say I don’t know where I would rank him I wouldn’t put him in the top five but I would Ry try to make a case for top 10 I think there are so many people that are on different sides of the fence with this discussion and I think there is a Raging Raging thing about fans today blaming coaches for everything and it really is elevated by the amount of stands in basketball discourse and I’m being 100% that’s my honest truth about it I think it’s not just stands that blame coaches but we become so married to these players and we just want to blame coaches for every little thing even though a lot of the people that are blaming coaches don’t fully understand the ins and outs and x’s and no’s of the game of basketball and legitimately believe that they could be better than them coaches or like or or they just it’s very easy to coach or blatantly obviously do what they do it’s extremely difficult to be an NBA coach as I always mention on this show I coach at the wreck level and Middle School level right now it’s the highest level I’ve coached at and I obviously learn a lot as well you know every single year every single season I coach every new team I coach I learn a lot of things I make mistakes and all that right coaching an NBA team is really not as easy as people think one the X’s and O’s knowledge you got to be at a really really high level in my opinion and then two the most important thing to me about being an NBA coach is managing the egos on your team of these NBA stars cuz man oh man it’s never been worse than now with the money that these guys are making you know guys are player empowerment you know what I’m saying Paul George how many of his friends has he gotten on the team just by saying he wants them I mean and Kawhi Leonard he’s gone he literally made our whole franchise trade for I’m sorry made our franchise trade all our picks for Paul George Essen for a second star so these guys get what they want and the coach you know it’s a balance between I guess holding them accountable disciplining them and then also being somebody that they like and they can trust and confide in uh and believe that is has their best interest at heart in Tao’s case I’m I I’m you know to be honest my opinion is that I’m pretty neutral on it I think if the Clippers want to run it back which is clearly what they’re going to do then there’s absolutely uh no no reason to not give tyo an extension like tyo is you know what I’m going to be honest with you even if the Clippers were to retool or rebuild I would still want tyo in charge I legitimately just don’t think there’s as many better coaches than people think I think Ty has been given a really bad hand in his four years as a coach because his number one option can never be healthy and then when he is healthy sometimes his number two option isn’t healthy then they constantly want a point guard then he’s on not on the same page of the front office that’s one thing I kind of want to come to an end I think that the Lawrence Frank tyo tandem needs to be over with because there’s just been to too many reports over over the years that they do not have the same vision for this team you know clearly Lawrence Frank had a vision of Wing Stop adding a lot of wings to the team around Kawaii and Paul George and tyou and the Stars 213 have wanted a point guard and then tyo was okay with Russ but Lawrence Frank was never okay with Russ so you bring in Russ and then you look to replace him all summer which was very weird and this is not this is not good for the players ultimately like Terence man’s probably like wow I’m untouchable but then tyou doesn’t play me enough so it’s just very annoying I think when they’re this far off now this past season I think after we got James Harden it was kind of like and teren man was starting I think it felt like there was a compromise and I didn’t hear any reports or rumors about the you know the difference of opinion there but I have to say I’m just kind of first of all I’m just not happy with how Lawrence Frank has done I haven’t been very critical of him until the last year but you know trading for James Harden when kawii Leonard and Paul George hadn’t really proven that they could stay healthy I think giving up another un you know unprotected first rounder to make our team older was a mistake I also think that signing Russell Westbrook when you were never really committed to him looking back was a mistake because that ended up just being more drama we could have just let Bones have that backup role and again people are going to be wondering well your team wouldn’t have been as good without Harden your team wouldn’t have been as good with bones instead of Westbrook I understand but we still would have had expiring contracts and a little bit more flexibility at the deadline and maybe get something that we needed a little bit more but again the players wanted a point guard you know the players have been very adamant about this but then I guess as I said Lawrence Frank is the one that didn’t want Westbrook to be that point guard so there’s just been too much of that in my opinion but Mor of a story for me that tyo being extended is not a bad thing you know all the people that criticize tyo like I’m sorry I don’t usually I want to say 90 plus% of the time 90 Plus there is a 10% of people that I think actually kind of know basketball and criticize T and don’t want him but I think to those people I’d say who do you guys have in mind to replace him like you you think there’s a guy that’s just out there that’s better like I would like to hear names uh but besides that the other 90 they often just have the same recycled criticisms that every other team has about their head coach I don’t like his rotations he doesn’t run any set plays you know they don’t run an offense like it’s just it’s why do they play this guy over this guy like it’s it’s it’s it’s very basic analysis it’s not understanding the NBA these days and I think tyou yeah he’s not the most creative offensive coach he’s pretty good offensively but he’s not the most creative we don’t run a ton of creative sets but also he has a team that’s an isolation team you know what’s he supposed to do make James Harden come off stagger screens all the time off the ball make Kawhi Leonard run all over the place like it’s just not going to happen you know cut constantly it’s just we’re not a movement team as he said oh I also forgot about Isaiah hartenstein and John Wall that whole thing with Lawrence Frank that was because again the players wanted a point guard so bad but yeah so I think I’m okay with it I’m happy with it I’m just kind of neutral on it you know what I mean it’s like if they extended him they extended him they didn’t they didn’t he was still going to be our coach next year in my opinion so he’s back tyo $4 million per year for five years let me know how you feel in the comments but coming up what does it say about the team next year and what else was added to all the reports on Wednesday going to be talking about that coming up I got to tell you a little something about game time game time makes getting NBA Finals tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to tip off with killer last minute deals all in prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guesswork out of buying NBA tickets so the closer you get to the event the lower the price is and that will be key for snagging some I mean NBA Finals tickets are going to be expensive regardless but to get a a solid deal on them cuz we know how ridiculous they could be game time is the place to be save even more with exclusive inapp deals on select seats ahead of the game or event and get a panoramic view from your seat in the app before you buy so you can kind of get a view feel of where you’re going to be and what you’re going 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want to leave LA and his friends but does he have somewhere better for him I don’t know I truly don’t running it back means that the Clippers are putting all their eggs into the if kawai’s healthy basket again so yeah I mean I do think tyou is the right guy for them that’s the guy that they want and he’s obviously a championship coach and again I’m going to repeat for the millionth time I don’t blame tyo for our losses that I mean look he started PJ Tucker that was a horrible decision in game six I there are questionable decision that tyo makes he is not you know free of criticism but in the playoffs like again New Orleans Zion was out they got swept the Bucks Giannis was out they lost to the Pacers the Knicks fell apart and they lost to Indiana the Cavs lost Donovan Mitchell they didn’t win another game the heat lost Jimmy Butler they got beaten by double digits in every single loss in five games by the Celtics am I forgetting anybody Kawhi Leonard injured out it is very hard to win a playoff series without your number one option which is again why I like to say even though it was two games don’t forget what Paul George did I’m not using that as defense for Paul George now I’m saying that as defense for Paul georg’s Legacy as a Clipper but and as all like in his entire career criticism but right now Paul George doesn’t get any passes at all um for people that are wondering like oh man would you you want to bring back Paul George there is not going to be anybody better out there we can pay Paul George because we have his bird rights and I don’t know like there’s no alternative you know there’s not much of an alternative you’re not going to get someone better than Paul George on the market you’re not and you’re probably going to have to trade to even replace somebody or to replace him we just going to have to pay him at this point the question is as we’ve talked about in the previous episodes how much does he want and how much is Philly willing to pay cuz I’ve been seeing a lot of Philly stuff on on the timeline on Twitter about them trying to go all in and get Jimmy Butler back so if I’m the Sixers I would much rather get Jimmy Butler of course but Paul George might be you know because the thing is Jimmy Butler is on a is on a contract they have to trade for Jimmy Butler Paul George can opt out of his you know 40 what is it 45 million 49 million that he’s got on that last year and or 47 million and then they can offer him a bag if they want so we’ll see and then as far as James Harden’s concerned so if if you’re wondering how much roster flexibility can the Clippers get or can the Clippers have if they resign those two not much they would have to take pay cuts along the lines of like James Harden getting no more than 30 million per year for like three years and then Paul George the same but I’m hearing that Paul George doesn’t want I think that Clippers don’t want to offer Paul George more years on the deal than they’ve already offered Kawai Paul George is going to try to get whatever he can and so moral of’s Story the Clippers are running it back and they’re going to try to resign Paul George and James Harden in the coming weeks and be prepared for that news cber Nation whether you’re for it or against it I’m saying this if you’re Pro run it back then you got to resign Paul George like James Harden as a second option is not going to win you a championship I already think that he’s not going to win as a third option I but this season in particular if we’re just talking this season James Harden of the three stars gets the least blame for me I mean you know you can’t blame Kawai for being injured but it’s just like he was not available and availability is the best what is it that’s the saying uh I’m forgetting that cliche the best Avail what the best ability is availability is that what it is yeah I think that’s what it is how am I having such a brain fart like that yeah it is the best abilities availability so kawh Leonard he’s the biggest issue right now that his body’s letting him down but James Harden was the least of the three I still don’t believe in him they’ll win a ring and as a second option hell no so you need to bring Paul George back Paul George has all his issues as well it’s it’s a flawed team but and I don’t think Paul George is taking a pay cut by the way he’s gonna have to take less than kawhai to get you know roster flexibility to try to get under that second apron it’s not going to happen we resigned those guys we’re going to be over the second apron we’re not going to have anything but minimum contracts to fill out the rest of the roster we’re going to have to get a little creative on the you know with trades and stuff but that’s that’s what the reality of the situation is but yeah coming up next season what changes you know when we we’re talking about running it back what can change next year to elevate the Clippers ceiling and make them a championship team potentially going to be talking about that coming up all right so the Clippers looking like they’re running it back here’s the thing there’s going to be a lot of people that are saying run it back how could you run it back this team is old and on the decline we have no choice as we’ve talked about many times we don’t have picks and we’re going into a new Arena and the you know if for for for the people that are team run it back this is what the cers should do they should resign Paul and co uh Harden try not to give Paul George a ridiculous deal as best you can will be hard and the same goes for James Harden so something like if you’re talking James Harden nothing over it shouldn’t be anything over three years for me and then nothing over 35 million per year I would say so that would be like a let’s say it’s 35 million for three years yeah three years 105 million I mean I get it it’s that’s still a lot but like it’s today’s market right so so what changes the first thing that has to change is that kaai Leonard has to be healthy in the playoffs now that’s just something you can’t really control however the knee inflammation right he was playing the four and five and again it’s position as basketball today but let’s put it like this the as the biggest or second biggest guy on the court for us a lot this season and I just think we need to probably look to moving him to the three I don’t know how much of a change that’s going to make in his body because he’s still going to have to chase guys around and I think whoever he guards is dependent on like who the Clippers are matching up with you know what I mean like we put Terren on the guy that’s the best part on the other team like in terms of creation on the perimeter and then we’ll put zoo on their big obviously and then everyone else it’s kind of like who we usually put James Harden on the least threatening offensive player that’s what we usually do so kawhai will usually guard just like the second biggest guy on the floor and again it’s not a postup league or anything like that but kawhai is often that low man in help underneath the basket when Zoo gets pulled out or to help zoo in whatever coverage that we’re in usually drop coverage and he’s very good at it but it’s a lot more jumping and just stuff that might put a little more strain on his knees than than we think so again that was like a a consequence of trading for Harden I guess so like but I don’t want to think it’s that it’s just it’s just sad because in the past kawhai even said and I’ve always been team team his injuries are freak accidents but this was not a like a freak injury this was like the wear and tear thing like he didn’t load manage so that’s another thing we’re probably going to going going what changes we’re going to go back to load managing and here’s the thing if Dallas wins this Championship as a five seed the prioritization of seeding is going to go back down because they’re going to see it as like oh we can be that too instead of the fact that it’s really just an exception and they also made big mid-season trades that really changed the way their team was just like the 95 Rockets did but we’ll see the Dallas Mavericks still have a series to close out and they have to beat the Celtics to even do that again I’ve always said it’s really hard to win four series on the road and Boston’s getting more rests now that Minnesota one game five I’m sorry game four so yeah what changes we need kawhai to be healthy how’s that going to change they might just do load management again but I think what you can do is try to make him to three which means you have to go get a four and which means you have to trade someone and trade someone good and that is I don’t know we’ll see how that I I I’m not here to give you a bunch of candidates right now that might be a future episode but that’s something they’re gonna have to try Paul George I really don’t know what to say but like he just needs to be better but like he is who he is at this point he’s going to be inconsistent he’s going to have one night three for 13 and the other night 12 for 15 that’s just who he is I don’t trust him to go to the basket more anymore I don’t trust him to get the ball on the elbow and be elbow P more and I don’t trust him to clean up any of the stuff defensively that when he has those brain lapses off the ball and be like more alert on that end I don’t think that he’s learned anything from this playoffs I think he’s just going to come back and do the same stuff so like I don’t think anything changes there I don’t think James Harden’s going to change he’s still going to be on the ball a lot still going to be shooting no step back threes he’s still not going to be great defensively he’ll have a solid stretch oh yeah I went off topic the people that want us to blow it up here’s what we have to do Paul George kawhai and Harden they all are have to be resigned kawhai is obviously already resigned but you have Paul George and Harden resigned and then you wait for us to like have a little good stretch in the regular season which is inevitable cuz we still are we still have with those three on the roster you can still be a 50- win team but the question is will they be as healthy in the regular season as last year cuz they were pretty healthy and they’re only getting older that’s another thing and then I would sell High because all of them they could help someone out like they you can’t tell me that kawh H and Paul Georgia especially can’t be helping a team out when their values when their stock is high I would just trade them against as many picks as you can but that’s for team blow it up as far as what changes next year with the running back James and Paul George are who they are Russell Westbrook I don’t think there’s any changing in the situation with him on the bench he’s going to be erratic he’s not going to be happy some games he’s going to be energetic some games that goes well that go well for him but nah Norman Pal’s going to be the same you got to try to get a four and get I don’t know how you can get younger though like what players can you bring in that are young and can contribute right away that’s something that they might have to look at Brandon Boston is he coming back are you going to play any of the young guys like Kobe Brown and Jordan Miller and Musa diate I I truly don’t know it’s hard for me to my point is so the moral story is I don’t know how much can change the only thing you want to hope for is that Kawai can stay healthy we can go get a four I don’t know how that’s going to happen hopefully Terence man doesn’t have a huge slump to begin the season zubot can keep getting better are we going to give the ball more to zoo and feed him I hope that changes we feed the ball more to do throughout the regular season so it becomes more of a point of emphasis but yeah that’s what I have to say on that so Mor of the story I don’t know how much is going to change if with with the running back situation just got to hope for good health that’s all for me in this one though let me know what you think of the tyo extension you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at dim dropper pod And subscribe to my own YouTube channel dime dropper for even more NBA LA Sports LA Clipper and NBA history content and loged on Clippers is free and available wherever you get your podcast yeah there’ll be probably some rapid fire episodes coming out the next couple of days uh sorry I was not posting enough as I as much as I should after the Clippers got eliminated that’s on me I got to be better but I appreciate all people that continue to listen I know a lot of people are kind of checked out but I do appreciate those that continue to listen and we’ll have you covered for LA Clippers stuff all summer long right here on locked on Clippers make sure you hit the notification Bell as I say because you’ll know every single time we post a video let’s get to 6,000 subscribers and keep on passing these other teams because the one thing about Clipper nation is that we are alive and well and more present than anyone thinks and we have a much bigger fan base Than People realize so keep on hitting that subscribe button hit the notification Bell and let’s get 6K the age- old proverb continues and congrats Tai on the extension go Clippers

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  1. This team going to be playin and watch their lotto pick get swapped by okc. Dark days are ahead. Curious to see how many season ticket holders didn’t renew

  2. I am not sure if Ballmer and Frank are aware of this team’s chances. Whatever they believe, will not happen. A new arena cannot solve any of their current problems.

  3. I think u kinda underrated him a lil, maybe top 10? I think top 5 easy, hes had his ups and downs and works thru em for the most part, and our playoff loses r because of health an ty can only work with wat he has, cant blame him for kawhi being out or pg goin 3 for 13 an choking big games majority of the time. And we all were terrified about getting russ and especially harden, and for what its worth, compared to what we all were scared of, TY LUE definately is responsible for making it work as well as it did, and going back to health, we both believe we beat dallas with a healthy kawhi, n ty did his best with amir coffey and mason plumlee, in the playoffs, as deep as we rhought we were, we had noone this year after the harden trade. Our bench sucked but norm inflated the numbers, i dont have proof an numbers but my eye test would say so. Long ass story short, hes been great overall with the bullshit always given to him

  4. Still a fan, but not building my hopes up at all. This past season when clippers were winning all those games, i knew it wasn't going to last. Unfortunately, with clippers you just wait to see what happens next or how long is kawhi going to last.
    And kawhi is my favorite nba player. But it has come to reality that this team is just good on paper 😢. I'm sticking with this team, but building no hopes💫

  5. I feel like bringing Ty back will be good for stability purposes but it’s under the idea that pg gotta go, most likely in a sign and trade scenario. Kawhi injuries are bad enough combine that with Pg lack of championship intangibles. I feel like we should move Kawhi back to the 3 and find a replacement 4 by dealing pg. Maybe siakam for Pg if pacers are willing to acquire pg. or 3 team trade with pg going to New York, randle and some Knick picks goin to the jazz and John collins to the clippers. Zu should receive a lot more touches going forward same with tmann

  6. Overrated he makes so many mismatches that is ez for a fan to see, that's not going to work. He is to predictable. He does some good things but leaves alot to be desired.

  7. Torturer: You'll tell us everything, American Spy.
    Darian: I've been a clippers fan for 19 years.
    Torturer, talking to the intercom: There is nothing I can do to make this man talk. He won't feel any pain.

  8. Now all they have to do is resign Harden and hire Mike Dantoni as the Head Coach and move Ty Lue to the Assistant Coaching spot so Harden can come back to the same player that he was in 2019 and 2020 averaging over 30 PPG again.

  9. Great video. One thing I’ll say about that unprotected 28 pick that was traded for harden is that it’s really overrated. The clippers have the worst first round picks for the simple fact that Steve ballmer looks to be as competitive as possible every season. Even when the teams were average years ago he still always tries and has no problem going broke over the luxury tax. So it’s unlikely even when this big 3 is over that they will be a lottery team in 2028.

  10. Developing young Ayers is part of the coach's job. Lue doesn't plus he lines keeping unproductive Ayers on the court but he's a "great coach." Doc Rivers also has one chip and coaches similarly, Doc is a "great coach".

  11. Excellent .If the Clippers implode, they can get at least a 1st round draft choice if Lue wanted out. He's a great coach, and will be good for recruiting. He's a class act.

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