@Toronto Raptors

Should The Toronto Raptors Select Tyler Smith 19th In The NBA Draft?

Should The Toronto Raptors Select Tyler Smith 19th In The NBA Draft?

as promised today’s video is going to be on Tyler Smith of the G ignite what’s up everybody it’s JJ buckets usual drill before I fully get into things you already know like the video helps the algorthm out a ton subscribe to the channel if you’re new here plus if you plan on doing any responsible Sports bending in the near future just make sure to check out my link in the description below as usual let’s start with the pros and if you are somebody that loves modern bigs and kind of just the modern ation of the game I can understand why it is very easy to fall in love with Tyler Smith and his game so first SMI the standout skill I think that’s going to jump off the charts immediately for you is naturally going to be his three-point shooting right like he is a very good three-point shooter um not even just a three-point shooter but just he can get a done the mid-range too which I think is really cool in general he’s a good shooter but I think the three-point skill is the one that stands out the most like he’s a great catch and shoot option from three he’s got a very consistent release I would say consistent is definitely the word that I’m looking for there and it is fluid and obviously he’s knocking it down at a good percentage his shooting ability is a immediate standout for anybody that’s looking at him and envisioning him in the offense like the capabilities that he will have to stretch the court will be fantastic especially when you consider that he’s doing this in the G League so he’s already doing this with the NBA three-point line which has got to be encouraging to anybody that’s watching him play right so I think there’s a lot to really enjoy about his shooting package there I think in general he’s just got really good size and really good athleticism for especially again what you envision of just the modern uh big man and he moves really well on the basketball court considering that he’s like what 611 he moves like somebody that’s a lot smaller than that which is very encouraging like it’s very easy to imagine Smith as a very good offensive role player you know coming off your bench with like with the tools and the skill set that I just described and on top of that I think another reason why it’s quite easy to imagine him being a big Pro offensively and this is a huge Testament to him considering I think young players can sometimes struggle with this I feel like he has quite impressive Rive off ball instincts I think he’s got a good knack for knowing when to cut almost like a he almost looks like a wing in that regard sometimes and I think that’s really going to lend itself well obviously at the NBA level especially as a rookie he’s not really going to get the chance to self-create and nor should he quite frankly I’ll get to that a little bit later but he has good instincts for cutting to the basket being in the right spot at the right time to be a play finisher which I think is is very encouraging he’s also got good instincts for spacing out and knowing when to put himself into those opportunities for the catch and shoot 3es that he’s very good and effective at knocking down I think the combo of the package of like the things I’ve described and the other stuff that goes into it with him there’s more positives I could talk about but generally I keep these sections to like three main standout things those are the ones that jump out to me and when looking at those things for Tyler Smith you can really picture this guy just being an offensive weapon off your bench and especially if you’re the Raptors who are looking for a backup big he could be an interesting fit there especially paired with Kelly o Lin moving on to the weaknesses there was a little bit of a hint dropped as to what one of them was going to be in the previous section and I’ll talk about it here he’s still admittedly quite raw there’s some stuff you know like the off-ball instincts I think that jump off quite well for you and I think he has a chance to be you know maybe not in immediate impact player but you know went pretty quickly into his career uh because of like those off-ball instincts and I think he’s going to have a chance to be a really good play finisher early on in his career but in terms of self- creation any of that stuff like it’s quite lacking he’s quite raw in that regard there’s moments where you see tidbits of it and overall I think idealistically you’re not really asking him to do those things but when put into those positions he’s just not your guy at the very least yet he’s going to need time to really work on that and he’s again just unpolished in that regard like there’s a lot of stuff offensive that stands out for you but the ability to create for himself especially at the NBA level I think is going to be something that will need to be developed over time if not I think he’s okay you know just operating as a play finisher I think that’s fine if he’s never going to necessarily develop any self like strong self-creation ability again it’s fine but just right now in particular you look at as offensive game that’s definitely one of the things that stands out to you that you’re like yeah that needs work another thing that I think immediately stands out especially in terms of being a little raw a little unpolished is the defensive IQ simply put it needs to be better it needs to be a lot better there’s too many times where it feels like he kind of gets lost defensively you know whether it be you know as an off ball player you know he’s kind of away from the ball like a screen will throw him out of place or something he’ll just never really recover on that play there is definitely a need and a concern that you know this is kind of happening to him and it you know maybe puts into question how reliably you can trust him uh when you’re bringing him off the bench like if he’s going to be able to withstand some of the movement of other offenses and whether or not he’s going to get played off the court just because he’s leaving these consistent gaps open on your defense I again I really think the defensive IQ does need to improve quite significantly for him uh it’s going to be a Difference Maker quite frankly of whether or not he’s getting consistent minutes on the floor early in his career so you’d like to see improvements in that and the last thing that I will say stands out here as something that needs Improvement is well his his rebounding um he’s not an impressive rebounder and you can argue that’s because you know he’s more of like a slender build and you focus on mobility and stuff like that and the rebounding numbers to an extent kind of reflect that that rebounding isn’t really necessarily his strength or strong suit and I do think if he wants to thrive at the next level you know being you know potentially like kind of like a combo four or five like that rebounding is going to need to build get better excuse me um whether or not that’s him filling out his frame and adding a little bit more muscle and size as long as that doesn’t jeopardize his Mobility uh and you know some of the things that make him special on the other end of the basketball court um being like offensively you know his rebounding will need to be improved that could be a way of improving it maybe it’s just an intensity thing quite frankly if you want to talk about intangibles but just as a rebounder he’s quite lacking and if you’re the Raptors who would theoretically be rolling him out as like a backup four that’s not really necessarily the most trustworthy rebounding presence to have or sorry I said backup four I meant backup five you know what I mean regard quite frankly in either one of those spots like he’s not really a good rebounder and I think especially if you’re the Raptors you would probably need him to be to some extent so you’d like to see that aspect of his game improve and that does it for today’s video what do you folks think I really do believe there is a lot to like about Tyler Smith but I think if the Raptors are going to be picking up this 19-year-old they should be prepared to maybe you know bring him along a little slowly you know not throw them into the lines then immediately and into like considerable minutes off the bench maybe take a bit of a a gritty dick approach where you kind of bring them along at g-league or at the very least just fix up the things that need fixing up because there is definitely a legitimate future where you can Envision this guy at the very least as a very quality and sound role player but the things that need fixing with Tyler Smith’s game definitely need fixing with Tyler Smith’s game that does it for me folks uh drop your thoughts Below on what you think about Smith as a prospect if there’s any other prospects you specifically want me to take a look at you know the drill also drop that into the comments section uh there’s only so many weeks left until the NBA draft like I was um writing about it for GMS the other day that hey we are like under a month until the draft and I think that’s personally crazy like the it it never gets lost on me the passage of time and like how quick it feels um other than that usual drill at the end of the videos if you’re still watching this first of all thank you second of all hit that like button hit the Subscribe all that good stuff it really does help me out a ton so thank you yeah it’s been JJ buckets it’s been a pleasure and I will see everybody next time [Music]

The NBA Draft is less than a month away for the Toronto Raptors. As it currently stands, the team only has two selections in the draft: 19 and 31. The G-League Ignite have gotten a lot of coverage for players like Ron Holland or Matas Buzelis. Could the best prospect on the team be a well-kept secret?

#TorontoRaptors #News #Trade #Rebuild #Highlights

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