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NBA Analysts Propose WILD Trade… | Knicks News

NBA Analysts Propose WILD Trade… | Knicks News

Bleacher Report just proposed a trade involving Mitchell Robinson and I’m here to break it all down all that and much more on the Nick digest what’s up guys it’s been a minute it’s your boy Dariel let’s get right into today’s video so Bleacher Report proposed this trade between the Knicks and the Warriors where the Warriors would receive Mitchell Robinson and the Nicks will received Gary payon thei Moses Moody 2026 first round pick which is top five protected now when I first saw that post at first I was like absolutely no way there’s no chance in hell Mitchell Robinson is our defensive anchor we rely on him for so much even though he doesn’t really have an offensive game he gets more of his points of like alyo also of just like guard garbage plays off of rebounds and stuff like that but I took a step back I took a step back and I thought to myself H the number one question with Mitchell Robinson is injuries and it just seems like every season this guy is dealing with something this season was was his ankle previous season it was also his ankle it was also his knee it was just and it always looks like Mitchell Robinson is just always laboring up and down the court even when he’s healthy but back to the proposed trade we’re looking at Gary Payne II and Moses Moody now I think low key the pickup of the trade would actually be Moses Moody so Moses Moody for this SE for this past season he averaged eight points three rebounds of basically one assist shooting 46.2 from the field uh converting 36% from three-point L 7 and a half% from free throw now the reason why I say Moses Moody might be lowkey the best pickup in that trade I didn’t watch a lot of Golden State Warriors games this this season um the few games that I did watch Steph Curry obviously was the reason why I was watching but there was one game in particular where I was watching it was in the beginning of the Season where golden state was in Sacramento and I believe that game went into overtime I’m not sure if it went into one overtime or two over time but the Golden State Warriors they were making a comeback and a huge part of the reason was Moses Moody now this season this is not a Golden State Warriors YouTube channel obviously but since we’re talking about Moses Moody was going to was going to stay here for two seconds but in that game Moses Moody was with the lineup of it was it was a more smaller lineup and they brought the Golden State Warriors back in that game CU I believe they were down by double digits and Moses Moody along with his other teammates they brought they brought the team back and Moses Moody was playing extremely well hitting threes getting to the rack just making smart the basketball plays and Steve cerr I feel like really got a lot of the blame for this season for the warrior struggles but one of the things that was in the Forefront in the media with the Golden State Warriors specifically was Steve Kerr’s coaching and they were saying how Steve Kerr needed to rely on more of the younger guys and Moses Moody being one of those younger guys he just wasn’t getting the opportunity that it’s been that he’s been showing us that he deserves now Moses Moody He’s listed at 66 he’s a shooting guard he has nice length he he is able to play on both ends of the floor now Mitchell Robinson man like I said earlier in this video the number one reason why I’m I’m even entertaining this trade is because of Mitchell Robinson’s injury history he’s just been played with injuries this season I’m looking at the game log his last game was on December 8th which makes it at the 21 game Mark for this past season and that’s when the Mitchell Robinson news came out that he needed to get surgery and he was going to be out for an extended period of time and we all and we all know how that ended up but in the in those 21 games I’m looking at uh Mitchell Robinson’s numbers I mean rebounds he had in those 21 games his rebounds high was 16 that was on November 1st when they were playing Cleveland as far as blocks uh for the season his high was six and that game was on November 28th against the Charlotte Hornets again Mitchell Robinson defensive anchor of course we’re going to need someone to protect the paint and on top of that if we get every body back if we get everybody back healthy if we get a healthy Mitchell Robinson with a healthy jayen Brunson a healthy OJ anobi Josh har Dante obviously Julius Randle like the sky is the limit for this team depending on the offseason moves obviously there’s that M Mel Bridges carry that’s dangling in front of us we’ll see what happens in this summer in this video I talked a lot about Moses Moody and Mitchell Robinson but the other player that was listed in this proposed trade we got to talk about Gary Pon II Gary Pon II is a pesty testy Defender obviously his father Gary Payne known as the glove he’s known as one of the better perimeter Defenders of all time and Gary Payne from what we’ve seen because this past season with the Golden State Warriors he was again injury plagued and that’s one thing that’s kind of knocking his career but when we did see him play Super athletic just pesty always in your face and he made his name on the defensive end so in that in that proposed trade we get two players who are able to contribute on both ends of the Court offensively and defensively and Moses moody in my op I one of the reasons why I said he is definitely a dominant in the rough in this proposed trade is because of his length because of his defensive prowers because of his offensive prowers which I still think the Warriors have not really tapped into but if we give up Mitchell Robinson obviously we’re going to be giving up a huge defensive anchor that’s going to be able to cover up the mistakes of a rando of a Brunson whenever their man beats them off the dribble they rely on Mitchell Robinson to just be there and block and block the shots and also clean up the glass get the re rebounds takes a lot of pressure off of Julius Randle so he won’t have to be having to get all those hits from the big men but going back to Mitchell Robinson so his last game before the surgery was on December 8th and then he did not return until March 27th which was in Toronto which in that game he had eight points he had two rebounds and he had two blocks so from the moment he returned on March 27th Mitchell Robinson just looked very gimpy he just looked like he just still was uh healing from that ankle surgery you know much respect respect to Mitchell Robinson for gutting it out and playing in the playoffs but but this is the thing with him man he’s just injury plagued and that’s something that we just have to keep dealing with with Mitchell Robinson every season you need to expect for him to miss anywhere between 20 to 25 games and that’s a lot and when Mitchell Robinson played in the playoffs he played all the way up until game one against Indiana and then after that that’s when he got shut down and he went under another surgery and we’re not going to see Mitchell Robinson until till the next season coming up now in that proposed trade we also got to talk about that 2026 first round pick which is top five protected now when it says top five protected are we going to give up that first round pick for Gary Payne thei and Moses moody in my opinion and if I’m talking to you if as if I’m living in realistic land realistic world I wouldn’t do it I’m just entertaining this trade I’m entertaining the pros and cons of this proposed trade you get two players back who actually you get one one out of the two players who can depend on as far as healthwise cuz Gary Payne like I said earlier he’s been played with some injuries as of late but as far as what the players are able to provide you get two players in return who can provide you some defensive prowess some offensive prowess where Mitchell Robinson you’re literally only asking him to do one thing on the defensive end at some point as Nicks fans we’re going to have to ask the question is Mitchell Robinson reliable and and what he’s shown us thus far in his career I’m not sure we can say yes 100% confidently there’s always something with Mitchell Robinson as much as us Nicks fans as much as us Nicks fans as much as we love him and what he’s able to bring to the team if we’re depending on the players that we get if we’re going to throw in that 2026 first round pick which is top five protected if we’re going to throw that pick in depending on the player that we get in return we’re really going to have to really look at it and really ask ourselves are we giving up somebody are we giving up on somebody a little bit too soon but guys that’s it for today’s video I want to say thank you for checking it out leave it in the comments let me know what you guys think about this proposed trade again Mitchell Robinson going to the Warriors and in return the Knicks get Moses Moody and Gary paying the second and the Knicks will also give up the first round pick in the 2026 draft which is top five protected but until next time guys I’ll check you out the next video you know the drill you know the Vibes t gchen for president Jaylen Brunson for all the MVPs the deuce is loose yo Deuce I see you in Brazil chilling out on the beach bro you deserve this salute but until next time guys I’ll check you on the next video peace

Bleacher Report proposed a trade between the Knicks and Warriors that involves Mitchell Robinson and I’m not totally mad at it. Dariel Concha breaks it down!

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  1. Good for the NY Knicks trade to Mitchell Robinson. He is a good defensive player but a bad offensive player and gets injured. Another word Robinson is not an all-round NBA Center. Just only Hartenstein , he will be the new Knicks starting Center.
    Trading Robinson, the Knicks will gain more money in their salary cap and keep Hartenstein away from the free agency market on June 30

  2. No guarantees I Hartenstein signs with the Knicks. Also consider the competition in the East alone (Embiid, Gianni's, Adebayo, Banchero, etc.) If the Knicks can keep IH, then Mitch would come off the bench. Meaning less playing time, easier competition, less chance of injury.

  3. Any trade acquiring a SG needs to be an upgrade over Donte, or a piece for a larger fish. They are a throw the way Precious was. Knicks now can sign ring chasing wings for depth.


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