@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers Hiring Rajon Rondo WITH JJ Reddick AND Signing Chris Paul? | Lakers Coach/Offseason Update!

Lakers Hiring Rajon Rondo WITH JJ Reddick AND Signing Chris Paul? | Lakers Coach/Offseason Update!

[Music] welcome back Evan throughout the past few days now the Lakers search for a new head coach has really been heating up with some even claiming that they may have secretly hired the guy that they actually wanted now I’m not sure I believe that but there does seem to be an overwhelming favorite with that of course being JJ reck former player in our podcast partner with LeBron James and we might soon be adding his head coach to that list too not only that though but he may already be picking out his staffer if he does in fact get hired which include a couple of interesting names with the Highlight being former Laker ran Rondo another guy with a genius level IQ for the game of basketball though another guy that would also been with him a severe lack of experience when it came to NBA coaching and with JJ reck having literally none of it himself that might be a bit of a risk or at least depending on who else you would bring with him which we have also heard about and we are going to break down all of it during today’s video but before we get too far into it if you want to stay up to date with everything Lakers throughout the offseason then don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and hit that notification Bell to never miss out when I upload a video I know it’s kind of cliche but it really does help and I really do appreciate it but without further Ado let’s dive right into it and we’ll Begin by talking about the reported list of candidates that might be brought with JJ reck now I’m not sure if there are guys that JJ reic would want or guys that the Lakers would want but either way it’s an interesting list with the highlight of it again being ran Rondo though he is not the only know worthy mention we’ll talk more about Rondo in a moment but they apparently would like to get James burgo a guy they’ve now interviewed twice to be their head coach although Sam Cassell another guy they’ve interviewed to be their head coach and then current Trailblazer assistant Scott Brooks current Maverick assistant Jared Dudley and then former Laker assistant under Frank vogle Greg St jeene again a pretty interesting collection of names many of which are currently affiliated with other teams which would therefore require them to be persuaded to come to their team and the primary way to do that is by giving them money I mean if you hope to get one former head coach to be an assistant on your staff let alone three or four of them then you can fully expect to be coughing up some cash especially with two of them being viewed as Prime coaching candidates around the league right now with those two being James bgo and Sam Cassell both of which have earned interviews with other teams within the past month alone now though I definitely would prioritize the guys that have been a head coach before and the only two on that list are James brao and Scott Brook Brooks with bgo having coached the Orlando Magic and Charlotte Hornets and then Brooks having coached the OKC Thunder and Washington Wizards I think the better fit would probably have to be bgo though not only for JJ reick but for Anthony Davis too who the Lakers are reportedly making the priority here for who they pick and if they don’t name him their head coach which is fairly unlikely at this point then making him their lead assistant coach would be the next best thing though the only problem here is that he is currently getting interest around the league he recently got an interview for the the Cleveland Cavaliers head coaching vacancy along with having a really good opportunity where he is at right now in New Orleans with current head coach Willie Green apparently being on the hot seat and well that can mean bgo will be next in line to become their head coach and with that in mind here it could be very difficult for the Lakers to get him but again I would make it Priority number one if they do in fact hire JJ reic he really checks every box they need for their lead assistant he has been a head coach before has a prior connection to Anthony Davis he would appear to fit the preferred style of play of JJ reic and then could be a long-term member of his staff too with bro only being 46 but again he definitely does have other options and if he ends up going elsewhere then I think the Lakers should look toward either Scott Brooks Sam Cassell or maybe a different guy that has been a head coach before perhaps somebody that they have been linked to before like Terry STS however I would not be entirely against either one of Scott Brooks or Sam Cassell I’m not a huge fan of Brook’s background as a head coach but I like the fact that he has actually been a head coach before and then well cassella has never been a head coach before which I am a bit hesitant about I really do like his NBA background and between the two of them I would like for them to get at least one again would definitely prefer some head coaching background here but one with over 30 combined years of NBA experience would not be bad either with that of course being Sam casselle and I really think that’ll be the only way to make JJ reic work right away don’t get me wrong I think he will figure it out eventually no matter what but you already know the fan base won’t be willing to give him that time and without a good good experienced group of coaches around him I’m not sure he would be able to be a good head coach right out the gate apart from all that though I do like Rajan Rondo as well now I don’t want him for a lead assistant on their team but I think he would be a pretty good addition to their staff again he obviously knows the NBA and he’s been a teammate with both LeBron and Anthony Davis Ste with him having won an NBA championship with them back in 2020 and then not to mention that he is young enough to be a long-term member of JT Ric staff moving on here though even Beyond who they put around reic on the sidelines another big factor here will be the players they give him to work with and well he may already have one picked out with that being former teammate and nearly Laker threw a trade back in 2011 Chris Paul now you might be wondering how that would even be possible with him being under contract yet and well I don’t think he’ll be under contract for much longer after all his salary for the upcoming year is 100% non guaranteed and whether Golden State would already wave him or instead trade him to a different team that would likely wave him instead I think that will happen sooner rather than later which will ultimately lead to him becoming a free agent and with JJ reic not only being a former teammate and friend of his but also a guy that thinks CP3 would be a great fit for their team and specifically with Anthony Davis I would not be shocked to see it happen I mean he literally talked about why thought the Lakers should bring him in less than a year ago today and I’ll let you hear about what he had to say the two best places I think for him to win a championship it’s Phoenix as you said and the Los Angeles Lakers and specifically with the Lakers I I I believe he f feels a little bit of a need there at that point guard position which they they struggled with in the playoffs in addition man I’d love to see CP and AD run pick and roll oh my goodness I would love to see that last point I want to make and and again this is just a personal little side on this you when Chris was traded to Oklahoma City his family stayed and his kids started going to school back back to school in La after being in Houston for a while when he moved to Phoenix this family St in La so he’s now spent four seasons without his family during the season and obviously they they come to Phoenix when when he he can if he has an off day he goes to to see his son who’s now a Hooper little CP in La W wouldn’t it be nice to to be back and living fulltime with your family during the NBA season something to consider again there is with not doy connection here and not only a connection but a legitimate fit as well now I don’t think that CP3 would be coming in to be their primary point guard or anything like like that but I do believe he could feel a backup roll for them and if they could eventually pick him up for a veteran minimum level contract there would be little to no risk they would not be relying on him to fill a big role if he were to get hurt and in reality even then he could offer something to JJ reic with that being his knowledge for the game and ability to Mentor young players I mean wherever cb3 has gone there have always been mentions of him being a great mentor for the young players he helped Shay Gil Alexander take a big lead forward during his Lan year in Oklahoma City helped Devin Booker become a legitimate star in Phoenix and then helped Jonathan kaminga take a leave during his time last year in Golden State and that’s only within the past four years now in my opinion he will be a great addition for guys like Austin Reeves Max Christie Jaylen HUD chabino Maxwell Lewis and even Jackson Hayes if he would come back as well and that alone could be worth giving him a veteran minimum in my opinion again I know there’ be a little bit of risk here with him being older and a bit injury prone but if they would not be relying too heavily on him which I don’t think they would be at that point I think it would be a good move he could help them on the court with their young Talent off the court and even if they would hire JJ reic as well and if you put all that together I think it would be a no-brainer for them but with all that being said what do you guys think how do you feel about the names Lakers being linked to for their assistant coaches and then how do you feel about CP3 potentially joining their team with JJ reick let me know your thoughts in the comments down below that will do it for this video though big thank you to those of you took the time to watch and tell the end of this video and until the end of all my videos in general I really hope you enjoyed it and if you did be sure to drop a like on the video subscribe to the channel if you have not already and hit that notification Bell to never miss out when I upload a video but as always thank you for watching and have a great day [Music]

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  1. How do you feel about the latest Lakers head coach/assistant coach reports? Comment down below!

    Thanks for watching! Don't forget to drop a like + subscribe to the channel if you have not already 🙂

  2. Having CP3 in a vet minimum would be a steal. As for the coaching staff situation, I agree that they should at least hire someone that knows what they are doing in the NBA (coaching wise)

  3. I really don't like about Lakers interviewing for the assistant coach roles
    If they want to choose JJ as Head Coach, Lakers must sign an experienced coaches & expert at something

    My coaching staff dream for the next season:
    – JJ as Head Coach
    – Sean Sweeney/Stan Van Gundy as Lead Assistant
    – Phil Handy/Sam Cassell, Rondo, Jon Pastorek/Dru Anthrop as Assistant Coach

    I'd like to include Jon Pastorek because he was Lakers Assistant Coach who can operate as player development coach and advance scout and for Dru Anthrop because he created an interesting team preparation against Warriors

  4. Bring back dwight then if they're bringing cp3. If they keep dlo rondo could get him to maybe see the game from a different pov hopefully a clutch one.

  5. If we lose Dlo landing CP3 would be a great consolation. We keep our strong pick and roll game, and we gain a great mentoring presence for our budding players. I actually really hope that happens.

  6. Having both CP and Rondo will destroy the locker room. No, literally destroy the locker room 😂

  7. Great if rondo and CP3 on the same team, people will definitely tease them every single time 😂😂😂

  8. If I were the GM I wouldnt even look at guards at this point. Bron can play the PG, as well as Reaves, Gabe, Dinwiddie nd DLO. Even if one of them leave we really don't need a guard. The focus should be on a centre he can be a big body/distrubance nd sum forwards who can shoot the ball. It really isn't that hard, they be doing this for years, always choosing sum dumbass guard…

  9. I definitely don't want JJ as a head coach. We need someone with coaching experience, not an unknown new project.

  10. Experience can be overrated just look at darvin ham and doc rivers excluding 08. U either built to be a coach or ur not. Gonna get thrown in the deep end ur either gonna drown or swim. Rondo should be on JJ staff. Anyone else after in these lists of names I’m fine with.

  11. Would any of these rosters be possible?

    Lonzo Mikal Vando Bron AD
    Lonzo Mikal Bron Lauri AD
    Spida Mikal Bron AD Claxton
    Caruso Max Prince Vando Wood Drummond CP3

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