@Sacramento Kings

The Handoff: Sacramento Kings Offer Is Not A Competitive One

The Handoff: Sacramento Kings Offer Is Not A Competitive One

uh it’s time for the handoff Damen Barling uh oh in the building hey think’s gonna punch somebody Daman get excited because I just got word that my backyard Renault that’s short for renovation um is going to start a day earlier than originally scheduled pretty amp that’s exciting that’s what we’ve been talking about all day that’s the biggest news of the day aome that’s that’s terrific the sources say that uh Kyle’s backyard renovation though is um yeah it’s a little more expensive than he originally anticipated and wrong o coach I was ready to be like what do you need me to do just in case you need me to take out the trees I’ll take out the trees whatever you need mean move these rocks what do you need uh D KC coming up at noon so we’ve been talking a lot about the Mike Brown thing today can’t imagine why um look here’s here’s where where I had I think James for the most part landed on it is not the three years 21 million with an additional six incentives yeah and for the record that’s not a competitive offer that is absolutely not a competitive offer in Shams 100% tip to Source when he threw that word in there yes that is a line directly from someone within the Sacramento Kings organization yes because there is no scenario where Warren Gary would hey they made a competitive offer but we said no we said no right and that’s it so but that is the that was a make all the faces you want to there’s no way that that happened there was a that that’s a but it’s not a competitive offer but it’s a reasonable lowball first offer from a team right I agree and that’s like so the issue is putting that out whoever whoever the heck it was putting that it’s like why so this is it but it but it be it all goes back to the Wes tweet and the W tweet is the one I’m struggling the most with is what go ahead the the original W like and that’s what I think this tweet from from Sean was about it’s like no we’re we’re this is just a negotiation at this point all that’s happen is two parties are negotiating if you have ever been in a contract you negotiation you know it sucks like it absolutely sucks my contract negotiation to add ksfm to our our daily responsibilities was not public right so you should have made oh yeah well let me get in a contract negotiation here oh but but like it’s that’s what happens like hey we could pay this come on man no you can’t you could pay me this and this this is what people in my position earn and we can point to what Rick Carlile is earning right now we can we can I don’t know what Jason the the Tweet that’s really thrown me off was Sea’s Sean’s tweet sent me into a tail spin because Sean cunning Sean Sean Cunningham’s tweet about the offer was competitive with what Jason kids extension was which to the best of our knowledge is not public which mean and and and Sean stated you know according to a source but I’m fairly confident Jason kid is at least approaching $10 million so the information Shawn got has to be completely unrelated to the information that Shams tweeted because there’s no way Jason kid’s contract extension was was what Shams tweeted Mike Brown was being offered that math does not math at all all and that’s what I was saying last night as I was coming through all these different messages this doesn’t add up at all that’s why like I kept saying like we can’t go on basketball refer we can’t pocket watch coaches right right we can sort of now all of a sudden we can because there’s all these coaches that got these big money we keep seeing the deal but that doesn’t mean we actually know what spos for contract it’s an eight-year 120 that could literally be an eight-year hundred million deal with $20 million and right and incentives and we have no idea we don’t know what the incentives are we don’t know what any we don’t any of that stuff is and so we don’t know the structure of a deal or anything else but my like my sources tell me that’s not at all the threeyear 21 is not at all what Jason kid got yeah no it’s off by a couple million bucks yep per year yeah yes per year yeah yeah like and so that to me is like I don’t know where that came from and and also why is Mike Brown being compared to Jason kid who has a 522 win percentage career-wise who has had like as as a coach player had domestic issues like there are some who’s been fired by multiple jobs for for having really low wind I can tell you why I can tell you why because it’s sexy now because he’s in the finals that’s it well that’s it okay that’s 100% why yeah you can’t compare him to Mike buen holer who he is a damn near mere image of with one notable exception he’s a damn near mere image of because he makes $10 million per year and that’s public yeah oh also he’s at home but hey Kings fans look we offered him what Jason kid makes look where Jason kid is at right now and the fact is no you didn’t there’s a there’s a lot there’s just a lot because com up on D yeah there’s there’s there’s just a lot like and I think you tweeted something like this James the the the the the original wge line on Friday about the talks have been tabled we joked earlier this week you know that could just mean for the weekend yes it could have meant let’s just get through the memorial Yeah by all accounts that’s exactly what it meant they didn’t walk away from this they did not walk away from this what like all right forget it they’ve been talking they’ve been talking I’m going to Tweet out from the ESPN 1320 account at 1201 here that the Insiders been tabled very very Gooding the Insiders Charlie says he doesn’t care about sports yeah Charlie got on this Airwaves and was like I don’t care about sports radio hosts Char Charlie Charlie said that yeah oh I don’t believe that uh what are you guys what are you guys gonna talk about today a lot of this yeah a lot of this um we there’s there’s a lot of posturing that’s happening in the NBA right now and we’re hyperfocused for obvious reasons and rightful reasons on Sacramento and Mike Brown it’s happening all across the lead like if you read my man Keith Pompei in the Philadelphia inquire the Sixers are posturing with everyone it’s just that time of year right now yep 28 teams are at home and they’re all looking for something to do so they’re calling the James hams and the Keith pompe and the the Shams and the Wes and those different people in their posturing and that’s all that’s happening in Sacramento right now that’s all that’s happening across the NBA and we’ll cite 50 different examples happening across the league can’t wait DLo and kcy coming up next Kyle and James will be back with you Monday everybody have a great safe week tonday we’re Ted uh the Insiders is tabled DLo and KC next G

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