@Indiana Pacers

Doris Burke redeeming herself?

Our favorite announcer /s gave flowers to our local reporting hero, Caitlin Cooper. I still hate ESPN’s NBA coverage (across all platforms, not just in game), and Doris is tough to listen to as a Pacers fan, but respect to her for calling out talent where she sees it. Caitlin’s awesome!

by Seattle_Lucky


  1. 9_Nightwing_1

    Doris Burke used to be great as an announcer when she covered college ball. It almost makes me think ESPN asks their commentators to be divisive.

  2. ShopCartRicky

    Doris is still a top tier analyst. She’s just an ass commentator.

  3. HeyItsChase

    Caitlin Cooper is everything right with sports media and Doris was everything wrong with sports media this playoff run. She’s totally disconnected with what made her quality.

  4. Street_Lettuce_7647

    Feel like the Doris hate has been a bit unfair. She’s a pro and I’ve always liked her, but I don’t think the chemistry is there yet with JJ and Breen, maybe it won’t ever be the right combo.

  5. Bruhman82

    Caitlin Cooper rocks, probably one of the smartest, if not the smartest person in basketball media

  6. busche916

    I wasn’t in love with Burke’s commentary in the Knicks series, but she’s a great basketball mind and it’s wonderful to see her shoutout Caitlin Cooper.

    The sport of Basketball is in a really great spot right now, and getting better by the day. Just take a little moment and appreciate that.

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