@Sacramento Kings

The James Ham Show – What’s Going On With the Kings And Mike Brown?

The James Ham Show – What’s Going On With the Kings And Mike Brown?

I should be two games over 500 at least you at least you put your glasses on well you do you look nice I think we look great in all black you’re 19 and 17 no that’s not right I’m 19 you’re right I’m sorry I’m sorry you’re correct you’re 17 and 19 sir that’s still wait did you guys pocket watching without me yeah man dirty Dennis shuder that’s not even remembered they’re not even wins against Kyle and Joe Joe yeah wow you celebrated try to get wins against the J ignite and Coach cats you know wasn’t even here when coach I gotta win it was it was chaos when you were gone D okay like my guess would be like 117 million okay I win again wow that is bar for bar bar what Kenny guess oh really he he said 117 and no no it’s not it was 89 what did Jesse gu uh 113 no he didn’t yes he did he guess 63 now his other guess was wrong if he had gone first and you had gone second you probably would have said 70 right wow no I would have kept the Integrity of the game and gave gu if you had said 70 you would have been close like you would have been relatively close well it got the James it came up because of the obviously well no it actually came up because he was playing soccer and then of course passing up on the Lakers deal uh started the conversation and he’s earned 89 in his career he lost out on the four-year extension that would have been $84 million we were able to like do a little a little bit of math and it looks like the total that he lost over that four-year stretch is in the vicinity of probably 50 to $60 million hey this is a random maybe a little bit lower that’s a random side note just but I I do think it’s kind of newsworthy because Jesse asked about it yesterday or whatever the case may be uh see it Jake Paul and Mike Tyson has been postponed okay how about postponed forever how about we do that how about we postpone the fight so it never freaking happens that sounds that sounds good I would like to see Jake Paul get destroyed I don’t know about you guys well it wouldn’t happen it wouldn’t happen in that I can promise you that Jake Paul Jake Paul about to beat the breakes off of Mike Tyson I’ll say this Jake Paul makes people money and I’m all for that make people money but don’t do it at the expense of beating up a 60-year-old Mike Tyson yeah let’s postpone that forever D just put him at WrestleMania D had an ulcer yeah they should not be in a boxing ring anymore ever James here’s what we have been able to determine um by the way you’re listening to DLo and Casey on kfm West Sacramento krxq HD2 Sacramento yes SPN 1320 always live on the Odyssey app shout out to everybody uh participating in the show in the chatty house brought to you by Matthews mattress head over to Matthews find one of the 10 locations uh nearest you as the Memorial Day sale continues you need a mattress well don’t sleep on Matthew’s mattress don’t sleep on as Kenny would say um we have taken uh what you know and what we know and we determined we’ve got nothing yeah all about right after a week James a full week of this you talking to your people we’re talking to our people and here we are seven days later we got nothing H okay I I think I like I’m pretty sure I know where this is gonna head so the funny thing so I and I did tell this story without fully telling the story is how we have three minutes between shows and we’re frantically trying to share information about what you heard and what we heard and then it just left with James shaking his head and us going well forget it let’s just do a radio show I I don’t know what’s going on yeah yeah um like look I think this is complicated um I think that they’re like the offer that we’ve seen out there is is um pretty legitimate that that’s a counter offer that was made to uh you know to Mike Browns Camp um but like look I don’t think that this saying is gonna I I don’t think it’s gonna further spiral out of control I I don’t but you never know I mean like we’ve all been through this with with this franchise before it just doesn’t seem like anything is just easy nothing just gets like done without like some sort of complicated backstory and so I’m I’m like hopeful I’m optimistic that something will get done between these two sides because I don’t think they’re that far apart a and I’m not sure why we have to go the route that it’s been that’s been taken but uh but again I think that cooler heads will prevail in the end and a deal that makes sense for everybody uh where everybody has to like maybe give give up something that they don’t want to give up uh and and I I think we’ll we’ll come to some sort of conclusion here that’s positive for everybody so one of the things I and I agree with you as well James one of the things that is kind of going on and it’s adding to The Angst of everybody and the whole drama of it all is potentially it feels like the the the actual negotiations are are relatively normal they’re just playing out in public and what I mean by that is if you actually look at what’s been reported the tweets that have been made it’s not like anybody’s being disrespected it’s not like the the kings are coming out and saying well we’re offering this because Mike Brown didn’t do this and he’s not and Mike Brown’s not like wow I don’t want to be with this two bit uh franchise anymore unless they pay me like it’s it’s not getting it’s literally like I’m looking for 10 million oh we’re offering eight million or seven million yeah okay uh and that’s it like you know what I mean it’s not it it literally feels like a window into real regular negotiations that’s that’s all it really is we just don’t necessarily like and think it’s a good idea it’s just a window where the blinds are supposed to be down yeah yeah we we shouldn’t be able to see all this stuff in in theory but it’s not nobody’s being disrespected nobody’s being disrespectful in these these back and forths yeah I agree I mean I don’t think that there’s been like mudslinging or anything but I also I don’t understand the need to like go out there and go public with everything I don’t like like again you guys talk like you got sources I’ve got sources everybody’s got sources whatever right but I like I don’t think like I haven’t used sources in some nefarious way to try to like mislead anybody or to put a spin on this this whole entire story like anything that I write is is like will I throw in that an ownership group wasn’t happy that they didn’t make the playoffs yeah but like you know that’s obvious J says ownership hes Mike hes Mike Brown tweet it see there you go again what basketball hype I’m just saying that like like if you read the whole story that I wrote it’s it’s nothing to do with really it it Compares all the coaches that are around what Mike Brown uh his win percentage and the guys that are making what they’re going to make and and then it dives into why we’ve been here in this exact same situation before and maybe that’s where it like gets under the craw of somebody but at the same time like I okay like that’s history it literally is something that historically happened like there’s nothing you can do to hide from that so like I don’t think I took some angle and and I didn’t name call and uh but like if you want to take offense to something I wrote or something that someone else wrote I don’t think that there’s been anything negative out there outside of like look it’s we’ve been here before and you need to avoid the mistakes you made in the past and like this is very clear there’s a Poss possibility to there’s a way to avoid the mistakes of the past and I don’t think you’ve had anyone out there that I’ve seen that’s like oh Mike Brown’s got to get you know tyo Monty Williams uh Eric spoler money I don’t think there’s been any of that I think this has all been thing because that would have changed the conversation quite a bit Yeah well I think it’s all been like relatively fair and balanced like what you’re seeing and I just don’t know why the Jabs like well why the Tweet came out last night I mean to be honest that that to me was like it was a little out ofield yeah the Shan tweet yeah yeah and like Sean Cunningham’s tweet I’ll just tell you like my my sources that I’ve like whatever like Sean and I were always gonna have different sources and stuff but like I don’t think Jason kid is making three and and 21 um I don’t either yeah yeah that’s not what I’ve heard so yeah I’ve heard that it it’s higher than that and not astronomically higher but his deal from you know well especially off the extension he just signed an extension early uh it’s still May earlier this month yeah I think he was closer to you know I don’t know what the deal was but a three for 21 type deal on the first contract I think it was a a little bit higher than that but I think that was his original contract that he has now signed an extension for yeah and the extension I think is two years onto what he already has um but I might be wrong like either way like that would be three years left so I guess that’s not yeah it’s not some crazy crazy number but it’s also not the 321 that that we saw pop out yesterday it it’s not in that ballpark and and if we’re talking like what is a ballpark in this situation because you know the $10 million range and7 million R we’re not talking about like huge difference and I honestly think that there’s a pretty simple way to get to a number that everyone should be comfortable with and then incentives both easily obtainable and and you know and not easy to obtain uh incentives that can push this thing anywhere from like 9 to 10 to maybe a little bit more than that and and everyone would feel comfortable and we could all move about our day and get ready for free agency and all this stuff I’m just I’m just talking with you guys just having a good time but I’m thinking about like what I said earlier about if I was if I was on the other side of the Kings and I wanted to mess with them and I could picture that say for instance the Kings offered that and they were like we’re they’re talking to me as a representative like we’re offering you a competitive deal competitive uh deal right here you know uh the three for 21 possibly 27 and I say competitive that’s not a competitive deal like yes it is it’s a very competitive deal based off of everything that we’re talking about and everything that’s going around the market it’s not a competitive deal and you’re pissing me off it’s not a competitive no it is it is competitive let me show you what let me let me take your words everything that just told me I’mma show you how it’s not a competitive deal and he gives the he gives the words he says competitive all the little Clauses and now how everybody the first thing people say is that is not a competitive deal they come back and see I told you I told you you got talk about this ain’t that’s a hell of a way to negotiate things better hey watch this do better because that’s not a competitive deal I told you it wasn’t I don’t disagree yeah and you know what like I hear people in the chat um I think I can pull this up like did we hear leaks like this with mty and King’s extension um no I don’t think we saw a bunch of leaks like this but I’m going to tell you very specifically um because I know this has been someone who throughout the day has been sort of in the camp that that this is a competitive deal and everything else we did the same exact thing when Monty McNair didn’t get his extension and it was like how in the world could you allow a general manager to walk into like an incredibly important trade deadline without a contract for the next season like how can you do that you can’t that doesn’t make any sense like we literally had these identical discussions where you can show where like you’re you’re running down the same path that you have done in the past just if if this is your guy then pay him if it’s not your guy then move on but what you don’t do is have somebody who’s a lame duck general manager have all the weight of like seven years worth of draft picks that he may or may not be able to trade and young talent that he may or not be able to trade if he’s not going to be here like what are we doing so so my point is that like it’s typically like my job or at least part of my job is to write as as a columnist and to look at the the situation that’s in front of us and say okay what makes logical sense by NBA standards and what is the history that we have and how do how have we been here before how we’ve not been here before what makes logical sense and again I would argue that this is the exact same discussion we had when not only Monty but Wes got his extension to stick around in Sacramento and it’s just this like this moment of questioning the logic behind everything like at some point if you’re choosing a path you have to choose a path and stick to it as long as you can and and if the path is wrong okay I get it if you think the path is wrong um and you want to make some decision on that that’s fine and we’ll have our own opinions on whether that would be a good idea or not but the fact is like you chose a path here and you should stick to a path because it’s so far proved out to be a really good path and better than any other path that the previous 16 years had done and certainly better any it’s better than any path that thec had had gone through in his first nine years as an owner before Mike Brown and so like again to be fair I I I certainly feel like we were exactly doing the same thing like a year and a half ago before Monty got his extension we were but I don’t think anything I don’t think there was ever a and I think this was the original question Hammer um because you’re 100 per right we were we we I can think of T hey we’d wrap up our convers oh James by the way uh contract extension for money nope all right see you tomorrow and we just that that that it became a running joke hey got anything for Monty McNair nope all right keep it moving one thing that didn’t happen is when the contract became uh when when when it became public in the in the in the days or weeks leading into the announcement of Monty McNair being resigned it there there was no public Battle of negotiation between the two parties between the Sacramento Kings and between Monty McNair and that’s the only thing right now that’s different if everything had transp fired the same way without the two tweets from the two most prominent insiders of of of the NBA and the contract gets announced in a week no one would know everything could have went exactly the same way but no one would know and now we’re just like yo what is happening and I think the thing that we’re all hung up on Hammer is this isn’t benefiting anybody this isn’t benefiting Mike’s camp this sure as hell isn’t benefiting the SA Kings we’re all collectively just looking at them will you guys fix this I I agree I think it does benefit Mike’s Camp though because I don’t think it puts pressure on the Kings well I don’t know it puts pressure on the Kings to get the get the deal done to to give him what he wants or close to it I I I I I still think they’re are Mike detractors I think there I still think there are people that don’t like they’ll people there there will people who will see Sha’s tweet last night or or Sha’s which which isn’t as specific but still Jason kid was used for a reason he’s playing right now and I I I could I could I could go back and do the math but I think Sea’s tweet came out after the game ended so you’ve got a coach in the NBA Finals who hey we made an offer comparable to his okay and there will be people including Kings fans who will look at that go Mike’s not going to sign that you a 46 win coach you’re not going to sign that like things can turn quickly and it’s wrestling it’s always wrestling there’s a heel and there’s a baby face right now I think Mike is the baby face but let Mike turn this down and go oh he’ll turn heel real quick and we’re not there we’re not there yet it’s just I think everyone is collectively looking at them like man will y’all stop this both of you stop this yeah I mean you just need to get it right and you need to get it right quickly I mean you have other things to deal with here they’re they’re like the draft is just around the corner the free agency is just around we’re less than a month from free agency or right out a month from free agency you need to know what’s going on with Malik Monk and you need mon monk to be feel very comfortable in what you’re doing as one of the teams that are presenting him with an offer and all of these things matter like whether people want to believe that or not um you know again coaches come and go players come and go but when players and coaches are together in the same era whether it’s a a two-year era or eight-year era whatever it might be they usually want to have Clarity on what’s happening around them and like stability matters and all that stuff but I I’m just you know again um this this didn’t have to play out fully in front of everyone’s eyes and and to the point of of the question earlier we never even we don’t know what Monty McNair ever got like there’s not some some website where we can go and look and see what Monty McNair’s contract was or and we have no idea what he was asking for and we have no idea what was being offered all we know is that he finally got you know his his contract right and there isn’t some set scale that they’re basing this off of now coaching contracts are a little different and I’d say even this year’s coaching contracts over or maybe over the last year and a half where all of a sudden we know what all these guys are making okay that that just makes it a lot more difficult it makes it a lot more difficult for the Kings to or for whoever to make an offer that’s below market value and that a three years $21 million deals under market value and we don’t even know how like that contract cont ract The Way It Was Written um it certainly looked like uh one of the three years was was this season right if you do the math on uh you know when that contract was going to expire for in shom’s tweet you can see it it’s it’s it’s his coming year it’s a year after and it’s a year after that so we don’t know if it’s like they were adding two extra years at a certain dollar amount and Mike was playing the same amount this SE season we don’t know if it’s like you know what I’m saying yeah and that followup we were trying to get to the bottom to of earlier do we know what Mike makes right now well from what I’ve heard is he makes less than $5 million a year I don’t know the exact dollar amount but okay like this season he makes his contract was and it’s less than what Luke Walton was making so that’s that’s the number we were going with we were going with the number with around five which which for me again we keep pointing to JJ IC and his fictitious contract for his fictitious job as a potential game changer for all of this Darvin ham was making less than uh he was making in the vicinity of $5 million the the wording of the athletic article leads you to believe it’s it’s a little less than $5 million but it’s just kind of that’s the general vicinity right I’m sorry Darin ham and Mike Brown were making the same amount of money okay fine we’re gonna make good on this now like look look look if we were like prove it all right cool I proved it what are we doing the other guy’s fired H that to me like Mike Brown and Darvin ham in the same tier back to me you got to get him out of that tier yeah no just absolutely not just absolutely not yeah I mean I think all of that is it’s intriguing and and even to use Jason kid as an example man Jason kid’s got a 522 career win percentage the fact that he has Luca donic and let’s just like let’s just spell it out here he has Luca dones he has Kyrie Irving he also has a general manager who went out and made two subst substantial trades at the trade deadline that made their team better we went back and looked on January 27th the Kings beat the Dallas Mavericks the Kings at that point were eight games over 500 the Dallas Mavericks were four games over 500 one of them went on to be the fifth seed one of them fell to the ninth seed I’m also going to guess the Kings never beat the Dallas Mavericks again no yeah so so here so so here’s here’s the this is just an interesting oh uh James hates Mony McNair tweet it here here’s the interesting thing about that though because I’ve heard that a couple of different times and I want to reiterate and I will continue to reiterate I would give Mike Brown 10 million a year I think he deserves it I think he’s earned it and I want to see this thing move forward the way it is but if that that’s the argument why am I paying you so much money because it’s not about you it’s about the players I get because that’s what everybody always says is like oh comparing Mike Brown to this guy well this guy Mike he’s coaching this player he’s coaching this player he’s coaching this player then what am I paying you for I need to just go I need to solely focus on the players if it’s comes down to the players I got only why am I going to give you $10 million a year when it all depends on what my players well they go hand inand and you hate coaches we’ve been over this for four years yes you do unless it’s coach Kenny you hate coaches but that but that’s the argu like that’s the excuse every time for not getting done well this guy’s got this player I’m paying you $10 million year you like Monty McNair you figure something out so we can get to the Western Conference Finals if I’m paying you that type of money H well this is this is and this is and I I was trying to give James a chance to respond but I’ll this is where I feel like what we talked about yesterday comes into play I still think Mike wears Cleveland he didn’t win an NBA championship with LeBron James LeBron James won an NBA championship with Eric spola with tyloo and with Frank freaking vogle but he couldn’t win one with Mike Brown and I still think Mike wear’s that fair or not I still think Mike wears that that’s tough because his best player outside of LeBron was Mo Williams I don’t disagree I don’t disagree whatsoever but this is 24 25 26 year old LeBron James and I think might have gone a little high there but like I think he wears that I think he is still criticized for not winning that title in 200 10 yeah but I mean we’re talking about a coach who’s who’s got a 607 win percentage and who acire I I’m not discounting Mike Brown at all I think he’s a fantastic coach I’m just offering an explanation as to what K can can he said right there and and what I don’t think it’s fair for and what I what I said also in the argument I made once again I’d pay him all his money but the argument is not exclusive to Mike Brown like if it is if the excuse people make when they don’t get it done is L look at the roster you gave me then why am I paying you all this money you’re clearly not the most important thing or one of the top three most important that’s why you get paid 7even million 8 million 9 million 10 million versus 40 there are some players that are making1 million some that are essential what is Trey L making and we talk about when he’s gone Mike Brown more important than Trey LS don’t make me do that Mike Brown more important than Malik monk did Malik monk make $10 million last year last year he ain’t gonna make it this year only because they didn’t sign the right contract well no they didn’t well who’s all right Kenny carway hates m tweet it tweet it we’ll come back we’re not getting it’s I don’t know how this is happening it’s actually getting worse clipped it’s been clipped we’ll come back we will continue to get to the bottom of nothing when DLo and Casey and our Insider James ham return here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 Mike Mike would make more than Keegan wouldn’t he well that yeah but that’s by rule that’s not by worth that’s that’s by structure of the I’m giving Mike Brown $10 million year I’m giving million a year but I also don’t want to hear the argument you I don’t have this player that’s why we couldn’t succeed they go hand inand yeah this is your fault James none of this would have happened if you hadn’t written that Kings beat article none of this would have happened if Kenny didn’t go hang out with Wes over the weekend well that’s the other thing Kenny hanging out with Wes Willcox all weekend and he guys can’t can’t play contract talks anymore go hang with Kenny can’t get anything done hanging out wearing poofy vests together I don’t even think he had the vest on did he I know he was trying to be uh Incognito Incognito that’s what we need to figure out why are they ditching the vest no vest until Mike signs no you guys can’t wear your no puffy vest till Mike signs they walk into the office with their vest on hey what the hell are you doing with that that on take it off you can’t wear it until Mike signs yeah yeah this is a funny yeah there you go H yeah yeah the difference is slightly isn’t wrong yeah with these things does ownership give the GM a number to work with or whatever that’s that’s I’m I’m glad you said that I want that on the air okay I want that on the air what what’ you say Casey what tone say did James put it up uh that they paid javelle McGee $3 million to sit on the bench and that’s basically the difference than what Mike Brown is asking for but javel was about Vibes James loves jvel McGee I love javelle McGee too but who told him to go get javelle McGee KC hates M McNair tweet it no that’s not who told him to go get you’re right you’re right there Casey um what what was I oh ownership stroll it was right I think we basically had the same one what’s that uh dut Friday and I usually don’t do sprinkles did you get the donuts yeah I brought them oh yeah you brought good Donuts yeah the the doughnut shop here in Auburn it’s good I’ll bring in Donuts one day and put them out at like 11:30 they just sit there all day and Kenny will take him home with him well yeah if it’s the right one we did that with the The Dana Cortez Pizza yeah family was happy too Emily was happy oh oh man Bryce your boss brought in five boxes of donuts we don’t have enough people for five boxes of donuts that’s damn near a box per person yeah like I bring in two dozen there’s usually like two left at the end of the day JMS yeah I was in manesta the other weekend I was there I stopped by Mr te always got do that Shout Out Mr te JC brings in Mr te on occasion who oh oh is that what he brought in uh a couple weeks ago yeah yeah yeah oh that was fire yeah yeah that was that was fire uh Daryl Chambers there is a bubbles bubbes Bagels in Grass Valley it’s the old Denny’s in Grass Valley Denny Ry the answer is clearly is are Denny still open abely like the restaurant yeah oh they’re live and well oh are okay yes my bad Denny be cooking I now that I think about it I feel like I see commercials for Denny is like two different restaurants too if you go like past 10 p.m. do they have do they have yeah they got 24 hours Denny somewhere some places they got one on El Gro boulev do they got a Denny’s out here I don’t think they do out here they have one by sack State I know that that’s where I used you mean out here in Roseville yeah Roseville Rockland area I don’t think they do I don’t like the way you’re saying that I’m going to be honest with you we’re coming back James don’t I know what you’re doing don’t do that don’t do that too good for Den I caught that I caught that Bringing Down the neighborhood yeah you ain’t slick an IH huh they got a out here there’s one on Sunrise it’s that ain’t Roseville Rock yes it is it’s Roseville I’m looking at it right now oh yeah yeah it’s on it’s right by Douglas it’s right across from uh Lorenzo’s Lorenzo’s some good Mexican that’s right yeah I’m looking at it right now good they do no don’t do that I don’t I saw what you did don’t do that you’re not slick dude you lowkey be throwing shade don’t thinking I catch it don’t do that oh no man I need more Denny’s and they only got one Sherry in the whole region oh yeah they don’t have one Cherry South sack I’m glad to see this still goes it don’t pop off like it used to though I don’t know Jesse talking about going to Denny’s after 10 p.m. I know crazy place used to be that used to be a party and then then the Thomas one where would you go after the club um normally home you talk about Denny’s that one downtown is it no it was downtown right right off the freeway that one used to go crazy that one used yeah ma’am can I get some french toast at 2: a.m. please that one used to go crazy yeah that one cuz was within walking distance of everything everything that’s not God forbid you get the mic and go hey we’re headed to Denny oh my god oh oh bad in Grass Valley there was a lions we would all go to Lions there Lions is on the other side of J Street that won’t pop off that we pop off a little bit when Denny’s kind closed down or lock their doors we can’t take and then that Lions turned into uh Mel’s Diner I think that that Lions that’s where I saw Eddie wiow one time oh after the club is that Eddie Winslow Eddie Winslow at Alliance saw Eddie Winslow on Twitter recently well that that’s a well really wish was uh that was that was different I really could have gone without seeing that his name is Darius McCrae just for the record it’s not Eddie Winslow Hammer um Jesse brought something up during the commercial break that I had him like hey hold on to that because we asked the question earlier and I don’t maybe you know the answer to this maybe you don’t obviously it’s very easy and borderline fun for some Kings fans to blame VC ronad for all of this and we use generic terms like Mike’s people and and and the Kings when we talk about negot ation we know Mike has representation it could be one people one person it could be a couple of people but Mike obviously has representation and to protect Mike from all of this he’s almost certainly not in the room for any of this but who is Mike’s Representatives talking to are they talking to Monty and Wes and in the front office group is is he talking to a collection of people is is VC like in the meetings is he talking to just VC like who exactly are coaches agents talking to yeah okay so when you’re doing like an interview and you’re bringing in a coach there’s usually meetings between like front office Personnel so like ammani and Wes uh with a head coaching candidate and then you know sometimes they’ll bring in the owner for like the next set so if you’re going to go to a round two sometimes you bring in the owner for that V has always been a little bit more involved in most of those so like I think VC is has been part of quite a few negotiation or not negotiations but like sit Downs like and then and then you know you’d have a coach and I mean you’d have a general manager and assistant GM and and VC sit down like well what do we think who is it that we would go with what is the offer we want to make that type of stuff so an owner is always gonna have some sort of say or or maybe even like the ultimate saying who the coach is right um just they they do with the general manager you want your GM though to feel comfortable and you want the person that he’s hiring to sort of be his guy right we always have that that issue where you hire a GM um after well you hire a GM GM fire hires a coach you fire GM a new GM has to inherit a coach and then it’s not his guy and and like no one ever feels the right support between that type of relationship um and this situation I don’t know um I I do know that like again the coaching coaching agent world is very small and so is the the NBA front office uh poll is also very small so and those guys a lot of them they share the same agents so uh when we talk about coaching agents in the NBA uh we talk about Spencer breaker we talk about um we we talk talk about Warren legary and then there might be one or two other smaller like coaching but they’re coaching slash front office General uh I mean uh agents right and I think we’ve all heard by now or at least if you haven’t maybe this could be the first time you’ve heard it but uh I’m pretty sure that Wes Wilcox and Mike Brown share the same agent which is not unusual to have you know people within the organization share an agent so it’s not like they’re going to the same person they’re they’re having conversations with somebody that they also have conversations with regarding their own contracts so yeah I mean this is a very small world here that we’re talking about and so that’s why it’s like you know the finger pointing isn’t it can only last so long between like who said who something to who um it just doesn’t it doesn’t go very far do does do things like that where um agent represents guys on each side of the table does that have a big effect little effect no effect at all typically because I mean the the thought would be not that you know they’ll just take any deal because they represent both but the thought would be some type of positive like some type of it would help with the Rapport maybe the negotiation negotiations or something or is that overblown too and it it really has nothing to do with anything no I think it should help because you at least have people who are you know that everyone is familiar with in the room I mean that’s for sure like all of these guys know each other for sure um but I also I I you know I think that’s where you have to rely on what is fair what is reasonable what is the market value the market rate for for a coach like this so then that way we’re not just plucking numbers out of the air I think general managers uh like assistant general managers and stuff like there is a pretty large scale where you know one guy can make you know a couple of million and another guy can make way more than that and even like Monty McNair’s original salary with the Kings was was very low from what I remember um I’m sure he’s gotten you know two or three times that maybe even more by this point um but like I I don’t know that it’s the end all be all I think that there are Market rates there you know and again we talk about if if you’re negotiating with a guy who has eight clients that are all general managers he knows the going rate for general managers and the levels of General general managers because he has their contracts in a file cabinet next to him right so I think that it this can help but again like that’s where I think probably the the frustrating thing would be as somebody who’s like on the outside looking in is that this shouldn’t be that complicated like we can all look at just like the the last two years look where salaries went look at guys that are around Mike Brown’s range if you you look at Mike bolzer who again has one more year in the league and a win percentage slightly less than Mike Brown um he’s been an assistant for years as well um but he won a title and Mike didn’t then maybe you devalue Mike just a little bit in that discussion and say okay is he $3 million less than buen Holzer and the answer is no because there’s already a bottom right there’s already a low end to coaching salaries and we know where you know guys I mean we don’t know exact dollar amounts for young coaches getting hired I don’t know what Jordi Fernandez got I don’t know what uh um Charles Lee we tried to find Charles Lee’s contract couldn’t find it yeah Charles Lee but then the other guys the the guys who just signed like their second like a Jamal Mosley I don’t know what he got you know find neither and even Rick Carlile and like you need to like start amassing all of these but are they old contracts are they new contracts are they upand cominging guys are they solidified in who they are guys do they have X amount of wins this many years as a head coach like it it shouldn’t be that difficult it’s well you know what I think is uh a little difficult right now Hammer is I think for the first time and Casey and I have been looking into this a little bit this week and not like a super deep dive because as you just noted like all of these all of you know 30 numbers aren’t public but we would find different contract announcements for coaches and this is really the first time like right now and perhaps starting with Monty Williams a couple of years ago this is the first time that the coaching Market is starting to change oh yeah the contract Market is starting to change we went back 10 years and found deals that were five and6 million we mentioned the 2009 Dwayne Casey 2019 excuse me Dwayne Casey uh Detroit deal that was like six six million per six and a half per like it’s just now starting to like okay it’s not it’s not those fives anymore and I think again if it happens JJ could be the one who resets the market a little bit for first time head coaches if that winds up happening because I don’t think he’s taking that job for 4 million I think it’s probably going to amount to something closer to seven or you know eight and then you have now you have the established guys the Rick cares the Jason kids the Mike Browns at 9 10 11 then you have the multi-time championship winners the Eric Spas the uh pops Steve KS they’re in the teens and then you have tyoo and wonnie Williams tyo is not a multi-time contract like he’s he’s a champion he’s not a multi-time champion but he I think we have him at 14 and Mon’s Mon’s just here for the Vibes and he’s at 13 and a half yeah but I would even say the tyo thing it it shows you where the market might be going but also 14 million in a heartbeat yeah it’d be Kenny’s money but I’d pay I’d pay him 14 million well yeah but I mean that that begs the question though is is tyo twice the coach that Mike Brown is absolutely not okay so that’s why you can’t just like and I don’t think anyone is saying hey you should pay him tyou money I think everyone’s saying okay if tyoo sets that like further sets the standard of what coaches are getting paid then like you have to like move the needle up a little bit to where a Mike Brown would be in this conversation yeah something just dawned on me because you were talking about benen holzer’s championship’s got to be worth something benen holer should have got 12 probably so like like bu NOA should have gotten paid a little bit closer to those guys these coaches contracts are kind of crazy I don’t think we’ve hit crazy status I just think they’re shifting and I think they’ll settle here for a little bit but I think they’re just now starting to shift after $12 million a year and I ain’t hating like go ahead a business that’s about to earn $75 billion annually through TV contracts well that and Kenny I would say this too don’t do that stop it they might do the least of everybody don’t do that we we have to also say this too like when VC bought the team in 2013 it was a valuation of 535 million bucks like I saw one report that said is it the kings are now worth 3.44 billion and another one that said like 3.3 something billion like that’s part of this like the owners are are getting paid way more I mean they’re not taking money but their team just went from this to you know some some little tiny thing to this gigantic thing uh you know rarely do you see something go up what is that like what 600 times over a span of 11 years like that’s a pretty good investment and a pretty good return on investment derail this too much does that include the arena when they value teams like that does that include like it does okay yeah that’s why the Ian it would make sense like it’s a part of the yeah it seems like that would make that makees yeah someone came up with the A’s number while we’re like in the chat earlier I think it was like barely over a billion um but that’s again they they don’t have a stadium to play in and the stadium they do play in isn’t worth anything and so yeah yeah that’s what it is right now the A’s valuation is right now yeah yeah and I know uh Jeff fer uh John fiser was out um trying to sell like 500 million worth of team to help pay for the new stadium because then he thought his his team would go up to a couple of billion um from where it was and so he might be able to sell it for more um but you know again and someone asked earlier too uh because I’ve seen this question on line too I’ve seen it on social media is this because V is saving his money to to buy the A’s and that’s where I’m like hey look $500 million like three or four million do one way or another in a coaching salary over three years that doesn’t come on guys we gotta tight we gotta tighten our belts a little bit no belt a little bit that just that register gota get them lights for s h Park yeah yeah yeah so I I don’t know what to say I I would say no the A’s thing has nothing to do with this at all this is straight up a a basketball slash you know like budgetary whatever decision and you know I think someone else asked you know who comes up with the budget or whatever I don’t know who comes up with the budget but at the end of the day the owner decides how much he would like to pay and how much he would not like to pay and he’s going to have to sign off on any contract like this for uh for the head coach that’s just kind of the way it goes billionaires don’t become billionaires by just throwing money around no no not all not not at all I think this whole thing is is a is a case of uh like to use the word from Friday this is the principality of the situation is Mike Brown going to be just fine with 8.5 or9 million sure but the principality of the situation is I need to be making 10 can the Kings and VC give him the 10 today the extra million two million two and a half million absolutely but the principality of it Mike is that is not where you’re at as a coach and that’s what I think all this is it’s not nobody being cheap I think it’s just two Sid stuck on the principle of the whole thing and I think that happens often in negotiations like this and often some one side or both get to meet each other in the middle or maybe one side gets exactly what they’re looking for okay I I would respond with this um it it is like Mike is uh with his years of service in the league 30 years uh his years of service as an NBA head coach all that stuff he is part of a group that is trying to establish what the new what the new uh like range for coaching is right I think we can all understand that that like every one of these guys isn’t just yeah they’re taking the money for themselves but I think even beginning with Monty Williams Monty Williams didn’t want that job like he turned down the Detroit job multiple times until the offer got so big he couldn’t turn it down and the reason why he had to take it in part was not just for his own family but for his coaching family and what that meant to establish a new Norm for NBA head coaches and then to watch some of the high high high value top tier coaches step up boom boom boom and establish even more money as like the newgo rate in papovich in uh spola and in Steve Kerr they now have like planted a flag and said hey look this is the new Star level coach dollar amount right here and then Monty pushed us up here but this is where we are it’s it’s on Mike and Mike buen Holzer and and Ty Lou and Jason kid and Rick Carlile next all of these guys to establish the new Norm around this 10 million dollar Mark and would Mike take less than that I’m I guarantee you Mike would take a little bit less than than 10 million bucks a year he’s not holding to 10 million and saying I have to make 10 but what he is saying is like look we have to be in this range because we’re establishing something right now and as an owner you can say well I don’t want to establish that and you can say as a coach or as a coaching agent you might not want to but all of your friends over here that are owners as well they are establishing that and we need Mike my guy has to further that and make sure that the the the flag is planted for the middle of the road guys the guys who have been to NBA championships may not have won one uh guys who have you know 600 win percent percentages or 550 win percentages and above they have to establish this as well so I don’t blame Mike for kind of holding on to a number and saying like look it’s got to be around that digit I was hoping to find Chris Finch’s number because they really loved Chris Finch in coaching circles and it’s just not out there um speaking of Casey we haven’t talked a lot about this Ant-Man said yesterday following that tough home loss that beat down third one by the way that the Target Center um we’ll be back we’ll be back here everybody confident the Timberwolves are going to be back in this position next year no I’m not confident they’ll be in this particular position I think they’re a good team yeah uh but they I I don’t think it’s that was a tough five games that’s the tough five games that it’s hard to just go oh no they’ll be back the the the thing that I keep I keep thinking about I’m almost going back to to like where we were almost like 12 16 months ago feel like they got to do something with cater Rudy what do you think Hammer trying not to be too in the moment but that look tough I think number one your Superstar player is g to get better number two your your other guy uh McDaniels is going to get better too and that’s something that I would point to I I wouldn’t NE necessarily break it up although the salary cap situation is probably going to get a little out of hand there um and and then again you have Mike Connelly who is gonna fade um and you know you’re gonna have to worry about what that means down the road I think at least one more year with that group makes sense but I also will continue to point to just the weird matchups throughout the Western Conference where one team can beat one team and they can’t beat another team and you know again the kings are the primary example of a team that can’t beat the Pelicans go 0 and six but they can beat Denver they can beat Minnesota OKC Dallas uh they sweep the Lakers you know they split with golden state like all of the other teams they split with the Clippers I believe all of these other teams the kings are right there this just feels like they got to the the Western Conference finals and the team that was standing there in front of them was a team that was a bad matchup for them and I I think there are more more bad matchups uh for the Timberwolves because of rud uh Rudy goar but like if they would have played Denver in the finals and they probably in the in the Western Conference Finals they’d probably be in the finals whether they could have got there I don’t know because there might have been some other team with a matchup issue yeah so okay he said that I was like all right a man I see and then I started thinking about it I was like huh all right yeah I don’t think they’ll be in the Western Conference Finals I think I’d be more likely to believe in Dallas being in a similar position next year than than um than Minnesota because I feel like Dallas has a chance to kind of I think Dallas could actually get better um but there’s a lot to that let’s see what they can do against the Boston Celtics first uh great a week worth of nothing great job gentlemen we got nowhere it took seven days uh and we’re right back back to where we were uh when we were sitting around the table Friday afternoon when that tweet came through uh we thank you so much for being with us uh have a wonderful weekend we will be back here uh we will see you back here at 10: am beginning with the Insiders James ham C mson here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320

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