@Denver Nuggets

Who is on the move in the NBA this offseason? | DNVR Nuggets Podcast

Who is on the move in the NBA this offseason? | DNVR Nuggets Podcast

[Music] oh fell it’s my favorite segue tunnel into the weekend you know what I mean we know what you mean M ladies and gentlemen a casual Friday dmba show the sun is shining the fellas are hanging you’re hanging and we think we’ve put together a a fun responsible week of basketball talk even the conversations we didn’t want to have so let’s reward ourselves and you each other with a C Casual Friday first one of the off season what a treat second one of the off seon yeah we did second yeah we did we did online with dline last week that’s right excuse me wow off season’s flying by already to my right the man with the wind in his hair it’s Harrison wind what up fellas loving the off season even though it’s not technically even the off season yet it’s our offseason I know but the season’s still actually going on ah thanks for reminding me uh we will talk about that for a little bit before we get into our show chicanery and hang on did someone just say chicanery it’s dline oh hey I always think thought it was chicanery probably is man I would I would not go with me I would not go with what I think it is I’ll tell you that right now let’s go yeah dude I’m ready for some frivolity some chicanery some Chuckles some laughs uh maybe we’ll learn a little bit about one another um in both good and bad ways I’m ready for a snake draft oh man that’s what I’m ready for on this Casual Friday bro honestly this these are a great show the People Want it they’ve been clamoring for it this hearkens back to a time a time when we were all stuck inside no one could leave I don’t remember why uh I ate jelly bans every meal talk about it yeah dude but we all came together we found our um commonalities through snake drafting items we learn about each other we learn what we like what we dislike we learn to dislike one another because of our insane uh opinions it is going to be a fun show is going to be a fun show unfortunately and tough segue we have to start the show yeah uh by mentioning some pretty tragic news uh Drew Gordon brother of Aaron Gordon who has been at virtually if not literally every home game over the years uh former professional player in Serbia as well right partis on um he has passed away after a a car accident in Portland Oregan yesterday his agent Calvin Andrews confirmed to ESPN andscape the San Jose Native who played at ucln and New Mexico was 33 years old and you know like we don’t need to what we just saw very obviously from afar was how close these two guys are were and um it’s it’s tragic and there’s no other way to put it it be weird not to acknowledge it at the front of the show it’s been a tough year for the Denver Nuggets it has man from the start and uh this is this is the latest bit of that news so obviously our thoughts and condolences are with Aaron Gordon his family Drew Gordon’s family anyone that knew him really by all accounts a good fellow and and one that will be missed dearly yeah this is like it’s crazy man the nuggets have had some tragedy befall them sort of like as a unit over this last year plus like it’s pretty insane um you feel terrible for Aaron Gordon obviously you know that’s being someone that’s so close to you losing them I mean you how do you even acknowledge that but it is I agree I’m glad that at least like saying it and putting it into the universe like that’s important and I hope that he’s okay you know yeah it’s a type of news you see in just your stomach drops totally like that was my reaction like you know there’s nothing even to like tweet about there’s nothing to like write about it just sucks they were definitely close I mean Drew Gordon was a guy who was at pretty much every game for the nuggets the last couple years supporting his brother and um sucks it’s uh it’s terrible it is and he’s Mr nugget he’s contributed quite a lot to this city the fan base has developed a connection with him yeah and obviously our thoughts and condolences are with you Mr nugget and we will transition now fellas back into basketball because basketball’s still going somehow for for not the Denver Nuggets and we know who will be playing in the NBA Finals fellas it’s the Dallas Mavericks and the Boston Celtics d lion when I just say that sentence to you what’s your initial action um it kind of makes sense like it kind of makes sense when you take a step back like um it’s wild that the Dallas Mavericks went from not making the playoffs to in the NBA finals in one season they went from tanking out of the play to playing in the NBA Finals it’s unbelievable I mean check check the Mavericks content creators and Mavericks Twitter from the first half of the Season obviously a different team now what didn’t seem like this was necessarily likely I’ll say that definitely and I mean it shows it it really truly goes to show you like how much of an impact you can have on your team at the trade deadline like why you know fans are often clamoring for moves that because you really can completely change the uh tone of your team like it really you can really make things different in in not in pretty short order so it’s crazy I I mean I it it’s insane I never would have picked the Mavericks to go this far I did um think Luca had a great season I did bet bet on him to win the MVP like but i’ bet on him next year too after next year you definitely bet on Luka to win the MVP um he’s obviously gone crazy and Kyrie is like a great uh Redemption story for him um all in all though it just shows for him sure for him like but like all in all it just shows like what uh DEA Team Construction can do that’s a really good point yeah I know man it’s so interesting because like the Nuggets take over the League last year and suddenly you know Minesota builds their team maybe just to stop the nuggets and then the Mavs just come out of the conference and crazy nobody was expecting this really I mean Luca has been up there with the best players in the world for the last couple years I think he’s pretty clearly the second best player in the world clearly and then there’s a big drop off for me um but the n ba is a league of matchups that’s what a lot of playoff series come down to and you know Luca’s absolutely balling out and there’s not really a matchup that can stop him and stop the Mavs machine right now because they do really have machine Luca Kyrie and then you pair that with the big men and then the shooters they can have um playing off those guys so it it’s it’s been cool because this isn’t how it usually happens in the NBA right you know even in this age of parody that we’re in you still don’t expect the team like the Mavs to kind of come out of the fifth seed or were they the fourth seed Fifth Fifth the fifth spot and you know make a run like this but I think this is probably the NBA that we’re heading towards where teams like the Pacers out of the six seed the Mavs out of the five make these runs to the Conference Finals and maybe the finals and um I think it’s kind of The New Normal and I also o wonder if it is a league where matchups are so important and it’s it’s literally the league is actively working to make it harder to repeat and retain is what Dallas did at the trade deadline is that Dynamic maybe worth revisiting altogether like obviously if you have holes you want to try to make some trades but generally speaking difficult to win a trade at the uh title at the trade deadline and why some teams ultimately stand put but Dallas changed the course of their season and they are four wins away from a championship what were the Mavs record wise at the trade deadline a great remember they weren’t doing well they they were sputtering and they they needed a change in energy probably definitely and they you know they got the two big guys which I didn’t even see as a great it didn’t make a lot of sense to me D I’ve been clowning on Gafford the last three years cuz he’s been on like one of the worst defenses in the NBA the worst teams in the NBA and the Wizards yeah yeah and something about like getting those two big big guys in uh what is it PJ Washington and uh both terrible team right and you know like it really just opened up a lot of things I do think that the the Mavs right now are getting the benefit of that idea of matchups being so important and I think they look a lot better than they are right now because they they match up so well against the Timberwolves they just had like we’re were saying early on they just like have the ability to break that uh point of attack defense and then it they The Bigs are just on roller skates they don’t know what to do they don’t know if if they’re supposed to play Drop if they do they just pop a mid-range shot if they if they come up and I try and guard them they can just go around them or feed it to Gafford or feed it to PJ Washington or drick Lively like it just it it worked out in such a way for them that they just had the perfect Counterpoint to everything that Minnesota was and wanted to be so I don’t think it’s going to be as easy for them in the in the um finals coming up I I actually if we’re are we picking we do our picks or no we wait for them if you want you can throw a pick out there I’m throw a pick out there I’m picking Boston I’m picking Boston to win in six okay uh to me if I look at these two teams the way they match up now I think they that Boston actually has enough guys to uh if not neutralize at least slow down that front Court uh for the Mavericks I think that Drew holiday is going to be big guarding and containing Kyrie Irving and then some combination of Jason Tatum uh Derek white um you know like people coming off and doubling Luca like they can focus in on Luca and then you have uh back court guys or front Court guys that can like Al Horford would have no possible chance against niika yic can match up just fine against drik Lively can match up just fine against uh Daniel Gafford and their other guys like none of their guys are so big that they that Al Horford would have a problem with so and I think Boston shoots better I I think they both want to shoot the ball and I think Boston shoots better than uh the Mavericks do so I I’ve got Boston and six sustainability and shooting it feels hard to pick against Boston who have just every role player has been getting not only clean looks but training them for months now like everyone they are first of all very good all jokes aside about Boston particularly in this area but also and actually frankly both of these teams have this going right now and a palpable Confidence from the role players and the margin guys dude Derrick Jones Jr is a knockdown shooter from the corner he’s a bad shooter by the way he’s a pton Watson level shooter maybe the obvious answer in front of our nose to like who’s the next kind of Aaron Gordon needs to find the right situation I know they’re slightly different players and maybe not on the same like pedigree or whatever but Derrick Jones Jr kind of a strong candidate for that right now fitting really nicely into what Dallas does they’re also so athletic man and he’s he’s a big part of that well the the thing that stuck out to me about the Mavs and the Timberwolves in this matchup Minnesota had so much success against the Nuggets especially early in the series pressuring the hell out of Jamaal Murray and the Nuggets ball handlers like that pressure defense from McDaniels Alexander Walker early in the series set the tone for that nugget simber wolves match in those first two games it doesn’t work against Dallas though it didn’t work because you have Luca donic who you can pressure him all you want doesn’t matter he’s 67 he’s too strong he’s too steady with the ball for it to really bother him and Kyrie Irving who’s one of the best ball handlers ever yep who’s got one of the best handles ever you can’t rattle him at all and if you’re the Nuggets it was really just Jamal Murray if you’re talking about expert ball handlers and if you pressure Jamal Murray he showed that in these playoffs he can get rattled a little bit so the Timberwolves pressure defense just did not work at all against the maps no they got right around them no problem well also Luca I mean with Murray it’s almost like you’re hoping he can be healthy enough and quick enough and Fleet a foot to get past him but Luca is so strong that he almost like doesn’t mind you like he’s fine with a guy like a leaning into him Luka is so smart he’s like Luca has quickness he’s not he doesn’t have speed but he has quickness and he can get his shoulder around you quickly and at that point once he gets his shoulder around you you’re on his back and he’s too strong for you to do anything and then he just is has you it’s like getting a rear naked choke in UFC it’s like you’re don’t you don’t have anything that you can do against him but if you can stay in front of him you’re fine which is going to require double teaming I think but I think that and I I didn’t realize this apparently porzingis is supposed to be back is that right I hadn’t heard that I don’t know I saw a video of him at practice and he did not look good there there there are optimistic things in the air about a return I don’t know if I’m poor zingis I’m looking at what Luca just did to Rudy gobear no kidding and I’m hanging out on the switch and I’m like I might be uh good to go in game three yeah no no doubt no doubt man I don’t I thought a lot about this and is the only thing I can root for like a Derek white finals MVP you’re [ __ ] man you’re Absol we are we are all truly living in a hellscape that brenon vote is the main star of and possibly responsible for I think someone already super chatted to blame me I mean sure they circled back to the Witch Hunt and let’s just it now K cuz it’s right there yeah you you dou you tripled down after reflection it’s clear Brennon is the witch LOL we give you this year but clean that Juju before next year homie all right that’s fine as long as you as long as I got to contribute to the Vibes last year as long as we keep it keep it consistent you know what I’m saying it’s true I mean listen like if you throw a good party but then ruin another one like it was a really good party I won the title but yeah this one’s on me I can live with that I can live with that and I now either have to watch LCA yic usur usur us it and we gave you the opportunity during atonement corner and you tripled down dude I was a bad what do you guys think bad move you want me to look into a camera and go yeah I apologize to the Celtics absolutely not we were talking we talking to the basketball Gods atonement quter you’re talking to the basketball Gods exclusively that’s how principled I am that’s how principled I am this is terrible yeah go Mavs actually and honestly if luk has to be the best player in the world for a little I can live with it God this is terrible what I think the Celtics might win too they’re really good I want want I want official takes on the table what do you got uh I’ll take I mean uh I want I want Dallas to win yeah there’s want to I think I want Dallas to win I’ll take the Celtics though I do think I I would like the the Mavs to win because it would feel there is a little like that Luca is like our guy even though he’s not our guy right games gamesmanship here on my pick because I’ve been wrong on 100 % of the NBA Playoffs so far I mean all of it except for the Suns being trash only part I got right so uh feel free to take out bet 365 and fade everything I’m about to say I’m going to pick the Celtics and six so that if I’m wrong dude you just like whe I can so I can either be right you Price is Right finally or wrong in the best way yet damn the Celtics are just loaded man but the Mavs feel like the team of Destiny they you got two competing here’s what I know I can’t do this Mavs in six here’s what I know is that no one was talking about the Mavericks in the first two rounds like they got through they were struggling a little bit I mean the I didn’t expect them to win either of the series that they got through uh they beat the Thunder and they beat the uh Clippers and they were they were down to to the Clippers I think it was 2 two I think they were down maybe it it it kind of looked like and you know people were talking about Luca’s not showing up and what’s going on and obviously they’ picked up steam as the playoffs one but I really really just think they are benefiting so greatly from the perfect matchup for them and they look so much better than they actually are at this moment mhm why don’t we take a break we’ll move on from the finals we’ll get more chances to talk about it on the other side we’re going to play matchmakers fellas we’re going to get we’re going to get that Cupid Arrow out see what we can do what are the rules I don’t know half baked segment here we go we are here in the Toyota Lounge Toyota the official vehicle of dmvr you guys over there hanging out in the Toyota chat trucks have always been part of Toyota’s DNA for Generations give us your playoff picks in the Toyota chat please yes send them in Toyota has built Duro Legends destined for greatness and perfect for Colorado Toyota has everything you could want cars trucks SUVs They’re bringing back the uh legendary the what was it the 2024 Land Cruiser the legendary Land Cruiser I love a land Cruis is back right now you can get it and the 2024 Tacoma as well uh Toyota offers 17 models with available all-wheel drive or four-wheel drive like the 4Runner of course they off also offer more low and zero emission Vehicles combined than any other automaker uh they have 16 different hybrid vehicles to choose from like the tundra I force Max Hybrid visit your Front Range Toyota stores at a location near your near you AutoNation Toyota in arapo in Centennial Corwin Toyota in Boulder Groove Toyota in Littleton Mountain Stakes state Toyota in Denver Stevenson Toyota east in Aurora and Stevenson Toyota West in Lakewood Toyota is a proud partner of the Denver Nuggets you know how um your tiktock algorithm like reveals more to you about yourself than maybe you’re looking for we see what yours is uh I get almost now exclusively RV and custom van uh because it’s like Tik Tok has revealed to me that I want to escape Society like more than anything which I knew but like is really and so I think about buying a a Tacoma to T to tow a an RV and just live um wow you know here there everywhere yeah that’d be cool I know my Tik Tok gallery of them makes look look sick as hell Tik Tok just determining your future life plans Toyota you should build USV an RV and we’ll just take it around the country man doing show three people at a time in dive bars and we’ll record it until one of us is murdered by somebody else in the group also make sure to check out Circa Resort and Casino it’s where we stay when we go to Vegas we will be there for summer league in around a month can’t wait Circa is Vegas’s first ever adults only Casino it has the world’s largest sports book three-story Stadium style beautiful layout there it also has a awesome Casino 7,000 ft Casino two levels it has Stadium swim 4,000 person capacity yeah that’s for real 4,000 person capacity best place to watch sports open 365 days a year six pool six pools two Spas 15,000 square ft of wet space holy smokees 15,000 ft yeah just water just wet space I know how I feel about wet space that’s what we always refer to your apartment as yeah or just every men’s bathroom wet space you’ve ever been yeah uh pardon me I’m going to retire to the wet space I’ll be back experience Stadium swim watch your favorite teams at cir Resort in Casino book your stay with code dmvr 20 for 20% off dmvr 20 20% off and we’re back inside the Toyota Lounge on a casual Beautiful Friday in Denver Colorado is gorgeous man if you don’t feel the Vibes today maybe your favorite team laun probably have a good reason or you’re chronically VI you’re upset whatever there’s a million reasons but the sun’s out and it’s nice and you know what else is nice what playing Matchmaker guys romance putting people together and it’s am I cupid there this feels like a short joke nice Diaper Dude yeah you know what you know what I would refer to that as a wet space gross good call back though thanks H Harrison wind of dmvr nuggets Fame has put together a little list here of guys who could be on the move maybe should be on the move and dine I lied I do know the rules it’s real simple where should they go that’s it Harrison you have the wheel play along in the Toyota chat as well as we bring our first Bachelor I don’t know what you would call it contestant uh up to the screen scoundrel j harden your first scoundrel he’s a free agent oh my God where is he going next year guys it’s like oh man what team will he play for well I’ll tell you what I’m thrilled to get to talk about this again I think he’s stay I think he’s Stang too I mean they’re building that new arena with all the toilets yeah they need them yeah lot of wet space lot of wet space probably more than 15,000 ft we should refer to that that Stadium as the wetlands um I don’t I think that James Harden has salted the soil of the NBA as far as fertile Landing spots for him I don’t think many people want to deal with the James Harden experience it’s simply not worth it it is a deterrent even when he shows up to the Clippers and he’s with his ilk of player the Russell Westbrooks the Kawhi Leonards the Paul georgees like the Scoundrels that have attempted to bend the league to their will and have failed miserably and teamed up like even when he arrives there it’s like a weird like he’s not vibing with them right away they’re showing the locker room it’s like it’s always weird with him that’s what I’m saying that’s part like where is he really welcomed if not Zachary Miller of uh put that in the Toyota chat already thanks Rockets I think he’s staying though they’re they’re too deep into the James Harden business to get out now it’s rough man they they’ve quadrupled down on their whole thing and there’s really no benefit to zagging at this point if nothing else fill the seats right bro yeah I don’t even fill that wall yeah fill that wall you have to yeah if you look at the Clippers you’re like what are the Clippers going to do man this the same thing they’ve done it back like they’re cool with it yeah they’re like man we just bought this car they’re trying to figure out how to get Chris Paul dude we we just bought this car we drove it not a Toyota it fell apart they’re like what should we do like I don’t know rebuild it and drive it again like yeah what okay well maybe it won’t crash this time yeah yeah look man when you build that many bathrooms you need people to come yeah and it takes you need people to show up build you need people you need people to you need people to show up and you know James Harden is still a guy you can put on a post I me you want James Harden in that kind of scenario I feel like tough all right let’s move on to our next contestant here contestants Zack LaVine Demar D rozan guys oh man this is good both could be on the trade block d rozen’s a free agent LaVine it feels like he may or may not get traded for the last couple years where are these guys going to go uh Zack Line’s going to go to the Lakers I think so too man I think that’s not done I think that’s not done Zack LaVine for an Austin Reeves package possible Austin Reeves in like the 17th pick he’s going to end up going to the Lakers one way or another and Demar de rozan I feel like is just gonna be on the Bulls yeah yeah I’m I’m with you there I kind of feel like too as much as Bulls fans hate the n-direction of any kind that their team has they like demard Ro he they have nicknames for him he’s cool man like he’s I mean he’s a good player man what he doesn’t do is is extremely well do ented right like almost maybe hit a little too hard but he’s he’s not bad dude you know who what team he’d be awesome on is the Denver Nuggets someone who could score anyone who could score let’s shoot even less threes yeah but you you pick and pop no he’s a good player funky Puma Zack LaVine to New Orleans I think lavine’s gonna be on the move the Lakers I bet I agree I bet we hear about that again New Orleans is a good one cuz it feels like they just need to trade Ingram and yeah maybe that’s a there are only so many guys making that money trade Ingram for man that’s tough you’re like who wants Bren Ingram the blls are like whatever man the but it’s funny now that we have more sight into various fan bases and their consternation and their their struggles and so we see what bus fans are feeling like pretty viscerally through chgo and man it feels rough over there it just feels like straight up stagnation where you’re like what are we doing like what are we doing at least and as as hated it from the outside at least when you’re in the process you just know what’s happening like B fans are like what do I even root for in any given 24-hour window are we supposed to tonight I I don’t know so D and Terry guy can’t even run down the court terrible that one did not work out that one did not work out uh next up darus Garland lot of rumors in Cleveland that the Donovan Mitchell Darius Garland partnership is not to last I’m surprised Donovan Mitchell wasn’t the one up here oh he’ll be coming up soon okay all right is this is this the next Jaylen Brunson possible no all right cool next question although I would buy a little stock in Garland I mean he’s better than he showed I he’s a he’s a bucket man that’s a buck what do you think about Minnesota oo they probably need to move on for M Conley as the starting guard they also need much more offense they literally only have ant another Creator ant doesn’t have to to be on ball constantly I mean it makes sense they’d have to give something up or is he just a free agent might uh Garland’s under contract Mitchell’s the free agent but Garland is a if they let’s say they res they double down Mitchell can get extended that’s the thing but if he doesn’t want the extension they can just trade him but if Cleveland and and Mitchell are this is mutual they’re like doubling down on this it kind of looks now like maybe Garland is a piece to move it seems like one of them’s going to get Tri Michael T uh tally says Orlando they could was a guard I mean oh Orlando’s kind of nice actually kind of a good one dude I think that’s a good one he should [ __ ] he should go to like Portland so we never hear about him again yeah I don’t know about that not it’s just like that they have some pieces they’ve like you’ve got your scoot Henderson you got your like he is the guy there you put well I mean but like you can put I’m not saying this would be immediate success but I feel like that would be he would fall into the uh normal pow role but like more powerful you know who should get gar mullum the Spurs should get Garland oh that’s a good one that’s a really good one that is a really good one that would really help out wmy Michael T again says the wols would probably have to trade cat to do that which makes you think who says no can I say something trade cat well I think uh Cupid might agree with you I I don’t know man maybe Cleveland would want to do that I know they have enough bigs but cat for Garland I guess then they have all the then they have Jared then you have even more bigs yeah you’re right all right let’s move on Trey young oh man is he on the move or is he staying in Atlanta guys I think Trey young is gonna be a hawk for his entire career listen they traded for him one they made the trade once trade him for Luca right back hey guys just a quick thought want to Circle back now we have the number one Pi too what about Trey and the number one pick you guys have had the Luca long enough like it’s try young and de Tam about they have the number one pick which who is the number one pick it’s that Alexander SAR guy what is his position he’s a four playmaking four okay so I don’t know that’s a team in a rough spot the the Hawks yeah they I mean they really SAR is like a pascal seak dude I think Trey young is just GNA collect Max contracts from Atlanta’s whole career and maybe try to recruit some friends or not trading for Trey young is so hard yep because the instant you trade for him you’re just Trey Young’s team yeah Trey Young’s style is what your team style has to be trade young and because of that I don’t think anybody will give up anything real for him I think he stays why why don’t we hit a a a break and we’ll do a couple more on the other side and then I’m feeling feeling snaky Snakes in the Grass fellas snakes in the graft are we talking too much basketball yeah I hate this so much I want a d no I’m just kidding this is actually fun but uh we do we did plan a snake draft so Miller Light it is Miller time this weekend let me check my watch yep a 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position in the way that Kyrie Irving just did to with LCA donic and he could be effective unfortunately like he has to be the guy and he’s not good enough to be the guy anymore he just compared to the other like top 10 best guys he yeah dude like if he he has fallen off I if Kevin Durant wanted to pair if he wanted to go to the Knicks and be the number two or three option to Jaylen Brunson and uh you know maybe even um Dante deenz or whatever but like not be the guy like you cannot win when Durant is your heliocentricity anymore that’s why he and Jaylen Brunson would be such a good fit for sure oh can you pull this Casey har with Dante deenz I agree can you get your son’s bronny take off right now is that an offir take or do you feel like rip letting that one rip oh um well it might have changed a little bit cuz the Lakers are getting the Pelicans pick so now the Lakers are picking at like 17 I think so they might just draft bronnie there but my take was that um I mean clutch LeBron james’ clutch agency is trying to get the Lakers to take bronny James in the first round or just get anybody to take bronny James in the first round but it’s all bait and it’s all bait and the Suns might be the only team stupid enough to fall for the bait and actually take him I love that that would be great I could see Matt ishbia being dumb enough to fall for it they’ve had him in for work out it feels like clutch has identified the Suns as like the only team stupid enough to do it and so they like cancelled all the other workouts but I really think the Suns could do it and just totally fall for the bait can we get Zeke Nagi on the Suns no M doesn’t know who he is he played in Arizona not LeBron James if it was Sarver maybe oh boy okay he’s Arizona guy all right there’s a great there’s a great podcast take it’s so good all right what else you have I think that’s actually what’s happening cat Carl Anthony towns the big purr oh my God is he going to be on the move this summer I think Minnesota has to do this they have to I think they have to do this dude I’ve been saying this for a long time they should trade him for Steph Curry why would the Warriors do that because Steph has one of two seasons left there the Warriors cannot Curry for the big per they’ll be cursed for the next Curry like that dude you just can’t trade St Steph Steph and Aunt would be dynamic Steph doesn’t want that though I’m just saying like they that’s the best player I can think that you could get to trade cat for because because he’s only at the very end of his career and Cat actually you can still build around even though he is the big purr and he’s so loome in so many ways he is good he is a talented he’s okay you can talk yourself into as far as guys teams have talked themselves the Golden State Warriors have nothing going for them anymore at all they are completely on the downside by keeping Steph they’re just it’s like an honor thing they’re like they go down with the captain it’s fine but it’s make no mistake they’re going into the mountain side chat likes Atlanta again Trey young and Cat are friends right I like Atlanta too that makes sense the Easter the southeast yeah feels right the magic yeah no it’s the Hawks the Hornets the Wizards oh my God the that’s the type of team that makes sense in this discuss Koz plus cat no kozma for cat oh that’d be the deal whoa one for one like kozma and whatever first round pick the Wizards have for cat oh boy all right I’m listening I’m listening to that if you’re the Hawks you can do like a DeAndre Hunter bogdanovic for cat I think I think you you think cat’s way better than I think he is I don’t think he’s good but I I think he is good if that makes sense like I think he can put it does make sense he’s talented as hell I think put the ball in the basket I think if you relying on him you are [ __ ] I agree I agree with this but teams have done Dumber things is what I’m saying right teams have identified guys and gone maybe it could work for us I just think there’s a chance like for example the Trey young angle is also like Atlanta just seems content to be the we have Trey young come watch us play Team he’s his friend maybe that’s enough pressure right like teams have done Dumber things is all I’m saying yeah man uh cat has something to offer they have to get him off Minnesota though they have to yeah if H if you were a Timberwolves fan would you be saying that or would you be saying run it back I C I have dipped into the world of the the timber bowls to kind of see what how they’re feeling after this how’ that go uh delicious they love you over there are my friends over there keep telling me how much they love you yeah well listen they they brought the fight here I don’t really care they you start it I’ll I’ll end it yeah um but they think he’s a like they think of him a little bit in the same vein that Phoenix thought about DeAndre Aon interesting like that he’s super soft like I I mean there’s truly no other opinion you can have of Carl Anthony towns is that he’s so talented but so soft but so you just cannot like they had if you think about he’s like good enough to be a number two scorer they had him as a number two scorer and like everyone was like there’s only one scorer on this team it’s ant he’s not the he’s not in the playoffs though man he’s just not that’s what I mean like you can’t he it can’t be incumbent on him but he can score if need be does that say Carrie or Kevy there I can’t Kevy Kevy says wolves are in Capell either way they’re running it back yeah I really wonder if you do just run it back for one more year and then you have a much clearer decision about what to do yeah maybe all right who else we got kale got time for one more so who do you want to hit surprise me surprise us kill all right Paul George oh podcast P where will podcast P be taking his talents back Toppers dnvr or elsewhere Philadelphia rumored all those three guys all those three Scoundrels that have teamed up feel like they are pot committed like that’s just the Clippers now right the whole thing though is Paul George wants a Max the Clippers don’t want to give him a Max and they didn’t even give Kawhi Leonard the full Max they gave him slightly less and they really don’t want to give Paul George you know the full Max and more than that but I think the Clippers eventually cave so there there’s the the kind of fit rumor of like Paul George to Philly like everyone could conceive of it but what is the trade like who can Philly trade that’s not Tyrese Maxi or not trade he’s just signing there he’s a free that’s right I’m sorry if he’s a free agent excuse me excuse me okay Philly’s either going to get Paul George or Jimmy Butler it seems like yeah it feels like Butler’s going back yeah cuz they’re finally getting off that Tobias Harris contract yeah I mean I could see see Philly I see Philly I could totally see it but it feels like he probably just wants to stay in La give money I think his preference is they just pay him and he stays and nothing changes none of those I I don’t believe those three Scoundrels I don’t think they care about winning an NBA title of course not they care about a podcast yes the strip club for the record being super rich with your friends in La is probably dope you know oh it’s a great life choice yeah like I don’t think that they’re like losing sleep over the way their lives have worked out I don’t I mean I have yeah like they they all three of them feel like they are they are already completely out of the concept or out of the conversation for winning a title and they’re fine with it right all right well I can see Philly if it’s just a free agent scenario but I I would guess his preferences to stay you know what my preference is fellas well you’ll find out what my preferences are as they relate to Smells because it’s time to fire up the first snake draft of the off season let’s break first we don’t have to fine we’ll break early and then we’ll do the snake draft I first snake draft of the offseason fellas can you believe it I feel excited can you believe it feels a little bit like something’s back in our lines you know kale set up the draft board baby let’s go we’re back to the last day of school uh last night massive hail storm in Denver I don’t know if this HTE you guys I avoided it somehow bro I got I I had to go and put the current car into the garage yeah and I went out to like jump in and grab it and like it hurt hit by those those hail Stones it was like I was like Jesus it sounded like it would hurt it hurt those things were heavy well last night’s hail storm was apparently the most damaging since 2017 I don’t that was a long time ago that was pre mic well before the pandemic which is how I judge everything yeah um the hit up Red Hawk Roofing if you need help on your roof and it was affected by this hail storm uh they’re offering a free consultation uh so if you need help with hail check out Red Hawk Roofing they’ve got your back they are Denver’s best roofers they have quality materials Decades of experience quick response times Colorado’s best estimators and contractors huge dmvr supporters you’ll see these guys at the bar all the time free no obligation roof and property inspections free in-depth photo reports for all inspections and if you had hail damage hit them up they’ll help you out they’ll get you set up so it doesn’t hurt you again uh supporting your local teams means also supporting local businesses like red hawk Roofing if you’re looking for a new roof over your home or business or need help with repairs due to the hail check out red Haw Roofing at redhaw call 7277 8921 tell them dmbr sent you sometimes I call just to check in they like hey man this is the workline so make sure it’s business related uh check out Circle K join the Inner Circle Rewards program you can get discounted gas kale go get me a Polar Pop right now and Polar Pops 69 cents now through September 3rd 79 cents for non-members what 69 cents for members nice nice you can find it in the app under Inner Circle and offers you can sign up with that QR code right there on the screen you can visit Circle inner-circle for more information on how to become an inner circle member it’s a free membership super easy to download just use that QR code or go to the website all you need is your email and your phone number you type in your phone number on the kios when you’re getting gas to sign in after that boom you are set to go your first five Polar Pops are free find it in the app Inner Circle and then offers go to inner-circle let’s go dude make it Mountain Dew kale kale has to do the snake tra right now Eric he’s working oh sorry and it’s time to snake trop best smells finally smells only do I go first worst smell uh segment two how do we decide on best smells what do you mean same way we do any of the drafts you just decide and then people make you say it and then you either get beaten down by the other members or it’s allowed to stand yeah I I need to I’m going to propose that we take these snake drafts a little more seriously this off season and I’m I’m talking like we keep track of all them we put everyone to a poll see who wins but we need to keep track of the standings this summer we’ve got to lock in and take this more seriously that you’re right we owe it to our audience I mean we got to we got to find that Hunter mentality d we were the hunted last year we need the hunter mentality back I love it yeah dude you’re right about that thank you all right so it’s a snake draft and it’s called we also need a better uh way to determine this uh draft order it Stakes back and forth cuz I feel like it’s just random right now uh it’s actually based off preference and kale and I are good friends okay here we go my number one best smell coffee coffee in the morning and just so you guys know yes my entire list is stuff I’m addicted to obviously and coffee first and foremost number one wow number one a hot cup of joe baby it’s a good smell a good smell I don’t know if it’s the best that’s not the one that’s not one one dude that is not one one like I said it’s not the top smell my list is largely predicated on what I’m addicted to and coffee is way up there wind your what’s your preferred kind of coffee just a cup of black coffee yeah no the best smelling one is hazelnut everyone knows that hazel nut I actually disagree with that I’m not Haz I mean I don’t drink I don’t like to drink it but it smells the best I’m a just you know black coffee black coffee brother cup ofe all right go ahead Harrison you’re up okay I’m up uh best smells draft second pick I’m going to pick the smell of rain damn the smell of Raines have a smell yes because you know what it is man I cannot believe that I got at the third pick I got my top pick is a beautiful smellman you step out rainy night you know rainy morning up in the mountains when it rains like that smell when it’s raining right after it rained so refreshing you’re not wrong always like settles your mood a little bit you’re not wrong if like if I had to smell anything when I step outside it’s that okay well you guys I can I literally can’t believe this uh it’s it’s honestly and obviously the smell of fresh baked cookies this a good emanating through the kitchen is something you’re addicted to uh in a manner of speaking uh I don’t I you know I don’t get fresh cookies that often because I would require using my oven which is like already a bridge too far but you understand something that happens fresh baked cookies what a delicious smell that’s what they make houses smell like when it is a good smell okay all right kale but I feel like that smell kind of like um too much of it I don’t know so far I think we’ve all given first run level picks and [ __ ] on each other for their picks going to have some sort of like overly privileged I’m just going to take gasoline whoa kale is a meth head yeah dude I thought my thing that weird that’s the best the reasoning for this love no like a lot like gasoline’s just I love the smell of gasoline he says he loves the smell of gasoline that’s rough that’s a rough uh and then for my second pick I’m going a man kale is a straight kale back in this draft dude somebody somebody was going to pick it I got to adjust my Approach of think I can’t believe that was in the how was that not one of your guys’ first picks that’s not a great smell that that is a smell that reminds you that uh you’re going to enjoy your time but like if you just walk around you get hit with the smell of weed you’re not like ah never I’m too modest to say my own sent you know what I mean like I’m not just going to say how I smell the second pick I have is another absolute Banger and that’s the smell of an ice cream parlor where they have it’s a good smell waffle cones being created that [ __ ] smell is it’s like it’s like a little milky almost fantastic smell and honestly the ice cream never quite like measures up to the smell that you get when you go in that smell is like you walk in you’re like holy [ __ ] yeah it just emanates perfectly off like the tile floor oh my God that’s a good pick it it is like the waffle cone that you always smell that true yes and it’s and the waffle cone does not taste as good as it smells right that’s a good pick I know it dude all right man Kale’s a dirt B I can’t wait to see your next look great for the pick three crank gasoline wheat I know like what is what is kale get a like a just a an old RV all right my uh second round pick here I’m going to pick a fresh can of tennis balls oo I don’t know how I don’t know why but like that smell is incredible you’re not wrong brother I used to play tennis and when you would crack open a new Pringle can full of balls and like and then I would find myself quick little Huff when I would find myself setting up for my serve with a brand new set of balls like being cognizant of not trying to not smelling them too much cuz it was weird yeah it’s just like an Indescribable smell it just smells new and fresh and beautiful I have a I’ve got a a I’ve got one for the judges I’m curious what you guys think we’re not going to like I’ll tell you that well I’m saying is it too is it too like does this count cuz I might be it might be too all-encompassing can I take baseball stadium or do I have to get more specific about what I’m smelling ination of hot dogs uh popcor C grass like that kind of I I think you’re getting way too General that that’s why I’m I’m willing to accept this I’m willing to accept this this I can modify if you think it’s unfair no it’s fine dude that seems way too General you’re the tie break I’m going to say it’s good I feel like that’s distinct enough in my mind all right okay well you’re just taking something else that was on my board with that no wonder you kind of did that with fresh cookies what do you mean that’s that’s specific no no I’m saying all right follow up is chocolate on the board yes sure okay why wouldn’t it be then that’s my third pick just chocolate can then you parentheses baking you know what I mean like when someone’s making a CH like a chocolate cake or something no don’t put baking cuz that that that does that does do infringe upon my pick okay fine you gave me baseball stadium I can live with this a Deal’s a deal just chocolate all right F Deal’s a deal all right okay um moving on here let’s see let’s see this could be a bit of a controversial pi oh boy I’m going to go with the smell of a casino whoa stale smoke yeah dud desperation little bit of sadness sad you also have that smell of like the excess of oxygen that they pump in there whoa it’s a great smell man whoa you get a little bit of that casino air wakes you up a little bit you you walk in a casino if you’re a little tired instantly you perk up dude when can’t wait for Vegas brother you know what I mean though but that’s not the smell that’s the effect of the I think it’s a lot lot to do with the smell Hey listen I love terrible pck so I say keep that that’s great I I forgot to divulge before I started with the first Pig I don’t have a sense of smell these are blind guesses the thing is like chocolate has bar you could barely smell anyway it’s was a very strange no dude if you’re baking chocolate you can smell it that’s nonsense that’s what you’re talking about with the cookies brother some in a casino you can smell the air though yeah my third pick is another one I literally cannot believe still exist especially when gas and weed were taken fresh laundry fresh laundry is an unbelievable smell you’re your own fresh laundry right anyone’s fresh laundry dude is anyone’s fresh laundry when you wander into a fresh laundry Zone you are transported into a snuggle commercial and who doesn’t want to be there this a good pick brother it’s a good pick I mean wre just smells good yeah it does oh God what is it all right hold on let’s take bets on what Kale’s gonna uh like uh I don’t know uh I know I feel like I know what old Lobster what I’m going to pick Thanksgiving okay good pick good pick good pick probably went a little too late to be honest turkey uh chat likes dline so far yeah no [ __ ] what’s your favorite Thanksgiving smell specifically um I love the smell when you first walk down in the morning and like the onions for the uh like the onions for the stuffing is being sauteed get onion let’s have gasoline weed and onions for your pick I don’t know I’m just describing like the the the the morning the morning of of Thanksgiving of yeah yeah if baseball stadium counts Thanksgiving counts and kale you get to snake this one out brother Jesus Christ let’s guess what Kale’s GNA get pick again a decomposing corse sorry um the inside of a caviar tiny cut grass yeah okay all right to me I thought is that not included in b Ball Stadium he can take it as anend no no that’s its own thing you said it was freshly cut grass you know what that smells like to me allergies oh good counter you just tanked Kale’s great pick fresh cut grass a good pick um you know what I think is a good smell but I don’t like but I think it’s a great smell is when you walk by a pipe store what what like what is a pipe store uh like when they have like um cigars and like oh a smoke sh but it’s not but it’s like specifically when you get the smell of the like not like a head shot but like uh it’s a place that has like a like a Native American outside holding a cigar like like a Statue Guy yes that spot and it just it has like a depth of of of Aroma that I actually don’t want but it’s muted because you’re outside so it is the the smell of a do you like cigars no okay I don’t like any of that [ __ ] but I just there’s something like that it feels like so you know deep and Rich that you like that smell me I can get there with that yeah pipe tobacco outside a pipe tobacco sh right outside yes not inside outside well Dwayne says I’m describing tobacco well L you pipe tobacco you can do pipe tobacco it but I don’t feel the same way about cigarettes at all yeah but I think cigarettes are distinct from tobacco like a well that’s what Dwayne is saying that I’m just describing tobacco I’m being nuanced friend nuanced all right Harrison please okay I’m up I’m going to take something that’s probably a little overrated but good for the fourth round that’s bacon all right just a quality middle of the road pick you know what I got bullied by the chat that said I was picking too many food items that’s a great pick I mean bacon like there was that phase where bacon just got way too popular like 5 years ago yeah yeah yeah everyone put it on shirt like out of control but bacon generally is a great smell yeah no listen that was that’s a [ __ ] assassin’s pick it is an assassin Great Value in the fourth round there I got it after Casino I can’t believe you went casino before bacon honestly that remind I kind of thought vote was going to take Casino I I do not like the way Casino I kind of thought kale would look at his [ __ ] list first of all just to Circle back to an earlier question in the chat I actually can’t smell so I I I can’t Express that enough and you wanted to do this job I was just going to say yeah you should feel sorry for vote who proposed this topic anded it when I think about content I think about the viewer all right I’ve got two more I’m going to close this one out with garlic I really like the smell of garlic particularly when you’re sautéing it these are things that if you smell them on people it’s described as bad yeah I’m not talking about body odor dumbass I’m talking about someone sautéing garlic is it funny that the two be confused car can you put sauté in parenthesis cuz Eric’s an idiot yeah I’m an idiot you are sauteed garlic you like you like the way you like when people smell like garlic no dumbass I like when my kitchen smells like garlic listen you could disembody fresh cookies and be like man that guy smells like fresh cookies no one’s going [ __ ] gross you can be like that guy smells like garlic you like ask him to leave again Eric your body odor is not my pick I’m talking about what my kit kind of is I hate to be the one the be bad news here and I’m that’s what my bodys that’s that’s the AVS podcast and I’m going to finish with campfire I love the smell of a campfire oppressive smell absolutely oppressive smell the next day it’s oppressive you’re too worried about people smell like after the fact I’m talking about my first Contact that’s what a smell is bro no it isn’t it’s more than just people brother open up your horizons I mean maybe I’ll go to the baseball stadium and enjoy some sauteed garlic this campfire that sounds awesome and then if you if you show to if you show up to my home and you smell like those three items combined you’re not getting in just FYI yeah no one would say I like when people smell like those three things combined sounds like a bad smell dumbass sounds like sells sounds like bad you know what smells bad in ice cream parlor when someone farts in it like I don’t that’s not what I’m piing that if someone farted and smell like an ice cream parlor I’d have them hang around me all the time uh go ahead wind I kind of want you guys just to keep going basically you just have to give me and D line a topic it’s not even really snake trft related how long have we been doing this show together five years Jesus Christ this particular episode if feel go ahead you sure all right my fifth round pick feel like I’m getting good value on this one too I’m going to take Christmas tree whoa that’s a good one good one son of a [ __ ] dude I canot believe the pick I’m about to get in the last round Christmas tree great smell um you know like when you’re picking out Christmas tree one of the best times every year smells great and um I’m a big uh real Christmas tree guy yeah of don’t factor in chat when you’re voting of course I am when you’re voting for uh yeah wait what um when you’re voting for this don’t consider the fact that Harrison is pro murdering trees don’t think about that that’s well the trees are already dead by the time I get them yeah they’ve been murdered I don’t I’m not a manly enough man to go to theck for and cut a tree down I’m going to Home Depot or a Christmas tree place grab I literally the LA the second to last pick in this dumb [ __ ] draft flowers I’ll take flowers I actually can’t smell flowers straight up I don’t know I’ll take flowers it can be roses lilac I’ll take any of them there’s enough here I’m just going to say flowers what a that is actually what propels the entire food system is bees uh in the scent of flowers I mean probably the uh highest rated pick on the board if you asked you know pull of a thousand people number that could that should have been pick 1-1 flowers it’s actually insane that that’s a fifth round pick and number three in the fifth oh my God I always forget the thing about drafts is it’s impossible not to forget this man I don’t think it’s really easy to make fun of other people’s draft you haven’t been in this seat hey let’s guess what Kale’s going to pick for his last pick Let’s see he’s got freshly cut grass weed Thanksgiving and gasoline uh what other like Doomsday terrible smell a rotting corpse no no it’s more it’s more going to be like a mortuary like a brand new uh Honda Civic or something like new car smells up there uh I was just going to go with fresh Alpine Air fresh Mountain Air yeah okay we’ll accept it fine whatever I mean it’s kind of like Christmas tree but whatever it’s fine yeah same same general category there’s look there’s going to be a lot of crossover boys there going to be a lot of crossover and did take baseball stadi listen I put it up to the judges to and I was trying to veto you were allowed to you were out voted brother I don’t I don’t control Eric and kale that’s not on me one thing that is most important to remember about snake drafts is how Loosely we Define the rules and how it doesn’t matter who wins with that said we will be putting this to a poll on Twitter we got take this more seriously anyone vot for kale we’re blocking you just FY we just know that you’re not part of our this is a great list gasoline one is insane like making gasoline a value pick in the four maybe everybody in the chat was saying gasoline in the first round too I’m not crazy all right do we have any honorable mentions we forgot popcorn vanilla I don’t love Pop uh candles I guess candles have own distinct scense like so that you can’t do that I mean vanilla yeah but vanilla kind of gives me a headache I feel like that um neighbors oh barbecue barbecue smell like a bar I was I was thinking about picking I was thinking about picking charcoal Char chat was livid we didn’t pick Char what I was thinking about should we hit some super chats get out of here put this up to a vote yeah let’s hit some super chats cool also Morning Dew but I felt like that was similar to rain you know what morning do is water yeah yeah also I was thinking about taking new shoes new shoes not bad new shoes are not bad not bad depends on the the make the makeing model of course but yeah new Gregory do you think the Mavs is making it to the finals ruins the pipe dream of Luca and yic teaming up it was already over we talked about this on tdsp today I think so it’s over yeah it’s over Revisited in five years Aki kakei breaking news Timberwolves GM sacked they contacted Dallas GM with an offer he can’t refuse wait what I don’t think that’s true brother did Tim I saw Tim Conley’s quote today that was like I hope to be back as G I’m pretty sure he didn’t get sacked after their longest he’s like well get but maybe he did his meeting with Glen Taylor did not go well yeah I’m not seeing that oh it’s a joke because they’re going it’s the doubt whatever all right the next one same person one more thing my pet Pony horseed on gil Gilbert Arena’s lawn today I CH to believe this as a word for word fact that specific combination of words constitutes one of the best smells a horse that poops on Gilbert lead in L that’s a good fresh cut grass yeah I will say it was absolutely dope to be back in snake draft land with you fellas again we’ll put this out for a vote on Twitter put the full board out there let us know what you think let us know what you would have picked yeah I’m curious how many percentage points I’ll win by I’m going to say minimum 15 percentage points oh my God what’s worse kale movie Eric or snake draft Eric who’s more ER if you win the poll I’m just making this up if you win the poll you get your choice of draft position next draft I like it I like that kale put me down for first okay all right let’s you’ll see in some drafts you might not want the first pick enjoy your weekend remember it may be the offseason that’s just another on season for us here the GU see you on Monday love [Music] [Applause] [Music] it we all s like the May

Is Kevin Durant back on the move? Where to the lads from the Chicago Bulls end up? What bombshell trades are coming? Brendan Vogt, Eric Wedum, and Harrison Wind play matchmaker for NBA players on the move. Plus, our first snake draft of the offseason. The fellas come to you LIVE from the DNVR Bar to break down everything you need to know in this edition of the DNVR Nuggets Podcast!

Start – 0:00
The passing of Drew Gordon – 2:30
Finals preview – 4:50
NBA Matchmaker – 21:00
More matches! – 33:00
Best Smells Draft! – 44:40
Superchats – 1:02:50

An ALLCITY Network Production





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  1. D line still don't understand. He still think Dallas benefits on perfect matchup with 🐺🤦 and how nobody pick Mavs from start? Whaaaaaatttt 😂🤦 so focusing on Denver he can't see… If same, next year mavs in 6

  2. DLine was absolutely cleaning house on the snake draft until he hit the outside of a tobacco shop and let Wind take bacon.

  3. There sitting and talking about nuggets and giving us a place to come and feel like your in a nugget community. Y’all are great!! Disagree a lot with you guys but agree way more often. My favorite DNVR. Prayers for the Gordon family!!!

  4. Trades were important for Mavs,but without drafting Lively,and his insane growth during rookie season,Mavs wont be the same.
    And Mavs were mediocre before deadline,cause Irving missed 23 games in first 50 games of the season,thats the main reason

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