@Dallas Mavericks

GET UP | Luka Doncic is the best player in world – Kendrick Perkins on Mavs advance to NBA Finals

GET UP | Luka Doncic is the best player in world – Kendrick Perkins on Mavs advance to NBA Finals

starting right now here we go let’s go what a night I’m here Han is here look at the squad we got up the show’s at Minnesota this morning Monica’s ready to roll Wendy is ready to roll the big fella Kendrick Perkins but this morning Alan that is the biggest fella of them all Luca was not playing around game five Minnesota started immediately he said it before he wanted to set the tone going into this game he certainly did in that first quarter this is all first quarter stuff for showing you here just one after another after another he dominated like no one we’ve ever seen it is amazing he barely hit the rim on shots and he talked to everyone it started with the Minnesota bench then he went to individually in the crowd too Che still in the first quarter this is Luca from downtown he had 14 and he’s talking trash a minute later we’re still in the first quarter Luca 17 and Counting we’re still in the first quarter Mavs have a nine-point lead and they explode he would finish with 20 in the first single-handedly outscoring the Timberwolves and then it was Kyrie’s turn yeah Luca went to the bench for a break and then they just tagged out and tagged in Kyrie Irving and look at this oh that’s special with that finish with the right hand and that’s right over Rudy goar the defensive player of the year and then here he comes again Kyrie taking his time he had 15 in the second quarter the Mavs up 29 at the Chris Finch he needs more than water in that bottle he needs he needed a stiff drink here comes Luca just you tell me how you’re supposed to stop this you can’t see you put a big body on him he can help quick you you put a smaller body on him he can just about physically you and even Snoop Dogg had things to say that you can’t say on TV about that sh he’s talking trash at Snoop Dogg in the front row seven minutes too in the third Mavs lead is 40 Kyrie it’s a 33o game they never got close Kyrie was spectacular he scored 36 Luca even better he scored 36 Luca is the Western conference MVP he gets the Magic Johnson trophy oh shizzel all Snoop and Company can do is shake their heads what a performance thorough domination after the game here’s Kyrie with Monica we’ve practiced so hard we we’ve done the little things all year and to be rewarded like this uh feels great uh we don’t take it for granted um you know we faced a lot of adversity this year uh just trying to figure out lineups trying to figure out who we’re going to become and what our identity was going to be so uh I feel like we put one foot in front of the other uh day at a time and uh we accomplished uh part of our goal you know and feels great means a lot man means a lot uh it’s it’s not easy it was very hard Road uh very hard uh but we are here you know obviously we’re not done we need four more but I think today we all deserve to enjoy this win no one deserves it more than he does ladies and gentlemen we are seeing something that has never been done before Luca donic leads the entire postseason the the entire league since the start of the playoffs in points and rebounds and assists his name is the comprehensive list of all players who’ve ever done that in NBA history and so as we have the entire Squad with us from Minnesota I have to let Allan have the first word I have to let you take a Victory lap you said yesterday he’s the best player in the NBA what do you say this morning he certainly is I mean you just saw the numbers there that tell you that no one else has done what he’s done also when it comes to totals he joins Nicole yic Larry Bird LeBron James what were the guy those guys each once in their careers the best player in the league that’s exactly what he is and that’s what I’m talking about but forget the numbers and Jay I know you’re watching I wish you were here cuz I would do a lap around your chair right now but seriously this is what an alpha dog does this is what he does he walks into the lion’s den and he goes this series is over Clos the lights he was trash talking their bench he was trash talking Snoop he was trash talking fans ushers also were getting some everybody got a slice from Luca in that first quarter he closed the show when it just started that’s what the number one player does that’s what an alpha does that’s what the best player in the league does Kendrick Perkins what do we say about Luca donic on the morning after that performance to lead his team to the finals he’s a bad man look LC is the type man if you if you put Luca in the cage with five lines you know what you go to get you go to get six sles damn it he’s that bad and he did exactly what a superstar franchise player supposed to do in that situation he hit him with a one hitter quitter in the first quarter he put the team on his back and he set the tone early that’s what you do if you’re a franchise guy on the road I will say this though right now yes is Luca a top five player in the NBA he is but he still have to complete the mission of winning the NBA championship before we anoint him but being the best player in the world if we look at the last five championships right when Steph completed the mission we said he was the best player in the world when jish completed the mission we said he was the best player in the world when Giannis completed the mission we said he was the best player in the world he has to get it done first before he could get that crown of being the best player in the world he head-to-head with Tatum both Superstars obviously but that’s for next week how about for now Monica you were there working in the broadcast for us we saw it there he took the crowd so out of it so quickly and so thoroughly that you could actually hear him on the you could hear the things he was saying to everybody what was it like being right there greeny there was an energy here in Minnesota that I think people really thought the Wolves were going to take advantage of being back at home like I talked to a bunch of different people who thought this might be finally be the dud in the series and it was going to be on the part of the Mavericks and they would go home Luca eliminated all doubt so quickly and I think I was watching The Wolves Defenders and there’s a shake your head when a game is competitive and a guy is just making shots and then there’s the like like I can’t even like what can I do and I saw that early in the ball game with the Wolves Defenders and so it was just a strong rolling ball that just could not be stopped in terms of momentum there also was a rumor here you know Luca dones is a big soccer fan Real Madrid is playing for the title on Saturday uh he had a little extra motivation to be available to watch uh socer yeah that that’s when you really got it I when when you basically said look I can’t be playing Saturday night I I got a soccer game I need to watch winman what what what are the right things to say about Luca after that performance last night so the only thing I could compare this to was back uh in 2012 in Boston Garden when LeBron came in there down 3-2 and destroyed the Celtics in the first quarter of that game with one of the finest performances of his career 20 something points Unstoppable shot making in that game that’s what it felt like in Target Center last night the way Luca came out and completely took the crowd out of the game we’re talking about an elimination home game just totally eviscerating them the fourth three-pointer that he hit the long three that forced the time out the screams that he had the they weren’t ready for in the arena because there was no music on and you could just hear it like you know crying over a kill that he had just made and so rarely would I ever say that the game was over in the first quarter especially a a elimination game this game was over in the first quarter he scored 20 in the first quarter and I think most people in that building realized he was going to score whatever it needed what it needed last night 60 he would have got it that’s the kind of performance he had it was extraordinarily impressive and he did it on the road the Mavericks are 7-2 on the road these playoffs three straight Series wins without homecourt Advantage you think they’re worried about going into Boston in game one they are not so so let’s put the second full screen up there if we can because Allan referenced these numbers but let’s show them to everybody here because not only did he lead the entire league this year but we’re talking about historic numbers that’s the company he keeps fourth player in postseason history with 450 points 150 rebounds 150 assists in a single year year clearly there are more layers of the playoffs now than there were in the 60s and the 70s so others didn’t get a chance but when you’re on a list with Larry Bird Nicole yic and LeBron James you’ve done something special so if you’re not ready to crown him yet big perk which I respect he needs he needs to put the crown on his head to get that have you seen how would you describe the performance we’ve seen from him in these playoffs just alone compared to all the greats that we’ve seen particularly those we just put up on that graphic you you you know what it was earlier in this season when J kid he was on record I think he went on the uh D Dallas radio show and he said that Luca is already in the conversation like for as with guys like Mike LeBron and Kobe and everybody called J kid crazy and called him everything but a child of God and this moment right here in this postseason showed that J kid wasn’t lying I haven’t seen a guy like this in a long time that Embraces this type of diversity he’s the ultimate competitor he loves to go on the road and prove people wrong and when it comes down to Leading with great fashion he has that old school mentality that form of players love right that competitive nature he’s not trying to shake your hands he’s not trying to go to the movies with you he’s not trying to take you out to dinner he’s trying to punish you he wants to make you feel pain when you’re going against him and throughout this stretch he has some UPS he has some downs we thought Luke dorts was doing a hell of a job on him in Oklahoma City in Oklahoma City series all of a sudden he turned it up a notch in this series they tried uh Jay McDaniels on them that didn’t work Anthony Edward that didn’t work I mean what he’s done in just this Conference Finals alone has been a beautiful thing to see and when I say a beautiful thing to see it’s been fun to watch I don’t know what to compare it to like I I can’t Wendy I mean I watching the game 50 years I can’t think of anyone that he really reminds me of most players seem as though they are someone reincarnate I I he does it differently he he handles the ball differently his ability to create shots is different of course the game is different than it was 20 30 40 years ago but Wendy I can’t really categorize him as the next incarnation of anyone he really is sort of the first of himself unless there’s something I’m not thinking of I’m going to tell you who he reminds me of he reminds me of of Leo Messi and you may say what the heck are you talking about how crazy are you but if you know how Messi plays and by the way he played for Real Madrid Luca did he idolizes Messi he grew up idolizing soccer players and the way Messi plays is he kind of Lumbers around he walks around he doesn’t he’s not always Super Active but then when the ball comes to him he turns brilliant in a in the blink of an eye and that’s what Luca does he doesn’t blow you away with his athle ISM Messi is a little guy he’s never going to blow you away with athleticism but he blows you away with his skill and his killer mentality Luca has imitated that he didn’t grow up dreaming of being Michael Jordan he grew up being dreaming of being Leo Messi and that’s how he approaches basketball games and it’s amazing for us to learn how he does it that’s a remarkable comparison and one I hadn’t thought of Monica give us a final word here we have so much again we got all morning for this but Monica for the moment just as far as Luca and and what we’ve seen from him in this run you’ve been been here chronicling all of it how would you describe it the level of poise Greenie and I I just think the combination yes we are talking about Luca he is at the centerpiece of this but I think if you got a chance to have a conversation with Luca and Kyrie together they have been fantastic for one another I think LCA has gone to a Next Level this particular season both as a teammate as a scorer all of the stats that we just started this conversation with but the accountability culture that they have in Dallas as much as we talk about would it have worked the two of these guys that need the basketball that to me is one of the most special parts of this run well we’re going to talk about the other guy in just a minute here let me BR a break but just briefly we have so much to come ch for Ang may may may hey hey behind me I’m on it first Blood [Music] you have been defeated enemy hey you have defeated an enemy an enemy has been defeated hey hey hey [Music] Pierce hey attack an ally has been defeated an ally has been defeated out your tower has been destroyed shut down he it’s party time an enemy has been defeated you have defeated an enemy you have been defeated enemy double kill stick around you’re done for I’m on it enemy ultimate for e magic holds the truth about this world W surprise for you together we stand [Music] magic creates as much as it destroys onward First Blood you have defeated an enemy the more I know the more I realize how ignorant I am is how you end you have defeated an enemy your team has destroyed a tower it is my duty an enemy has been defeated no further double kill triple kill Ace shut down you’re already

GET UP | Luka Doncic is the best player in world – Kendrick Perkins on Mavs eliminate Wolves for NBA Finals


  1. I wish these people would stop bringing up LeBron James in every show. Lebum is at home. This is about Luka, not Lebum. He's not worth mentioning AT ALL. Good grief! Let that dude nuts breathe

  2. Luka / Giannis / Jokic …Now Luka , ALL Have to Win it First to Be The Best Player In The World / But You 🤡🤡🤡 Were Ready to Crown Ant Edwards new MJ and Face of The NBA Just After a 2nd Round Win ???

  3. Stephen Curry was never the best player in the world he's just a great three-point shooter Stephen Curry had the green light to shoot 23s per game if they had to let Larry Bird shoot 23 per game if they had to let Reggie Miller shoot 23 per game it would have been the same outcome

  4. Messi Real? He doesn't know what he is talking about. 😂 That is like saying Larry Bird played for the Lakers.

  5. That's the one thing I like about Luka doncic he's not trying to be your friend when it comes to basketball it's not like he's trying to let you score like most NBA players they act like they friends like they helping each other score he's not that way

  6. Truth is.. the Doncic historic numbers.. put it this way- MJ, KOBE, A.I. would have prob. Double bcuz even while playing against the so called best defensive teams of today- THEY ARE BBQ CHICKEN TO MJ & THOSE GUYS!!! NO HAND CHECKING- THEY USED TO TACKEL BACK THEN, now u get a tech for a stare or a laugh!!..

    This new age league is PRO POINTS!!!!..

    Not to mention….
    SPORTS ARE LITERALLY RIGGED!!!.. it’s actually sickening!!!..

    I don’t listen to nothing these..
    read from the script Botts speaking on sports..
    & sports are not sports any more.. thank rigged Vegas gambling for that..

    sports are literally done..

  7. Perk said top 5??? Dudes so racists if it was any doing exactly what Luka was doing they’d say he’s the best and better than Jordan shits really embarrassing the disrespect they give this white guy smh

  8. The list of Bird LeBron Joker and Doncic show that in order to dominate triple doubles the IQ is the most needed quality above athleticism. The only athletic of the four is Bron, and I know he’s also hi IQ

  9. Well about Messi, Luka is brilliant as messy, but the other guy that I’ve been comparing to Messi because of his electrical skill to dismantle the defense in seconds , That’s Kyrie Erving. So, to have to Messi in same team that’s really something. One other thing on football, Luka reminds me of midfielders tactical players in Spain like Xavi Hernandez, Tony Kroos, and Iniesta, these guys take the ball away from the rivals the majority of the game time, resulting in shorter time for the other team to be offensive. I think in the NBA teams had been underestimating that.

  10. Leo Messi played for Real Madrid 😂😂😂😂 the guy thinks Messi isn’t athletic. Messi was f….quick. Messi is the best football player ever. He is from another planet

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