@Los Angeles Lakers

Jalen Brunson: “LeBron [James is] a guard, bro.” Josh Hart: “Bron’s whatever the hell he wants to be.” Brunson: “…..” 😂 (via @Roommates__Show)

Jalen Brunson: “LeBron [James is] a guard, bro.” Josh Hart: “Bron’s whatever the hell he wants to be.” Brunson: “…..” 😂 (via @Roommates__Show)

by anjrey8o8


  1. Stebsy1234

    This is so cringe dude, are we somehow reverting to the early 2000’s where you can’t say something positive about a dude because you’ll be called gay?

  2. IdkWhatsAGoodName699

    Bron can play every position to be fair.

    I agree with Josh. He can play 1-5 on the court. And since he’s a billionaire, he can be whoever he wants to be as well. LeShapeshifter

  3. BusiestWolf

    He’s played every position except shooting guard maybe even though he’s capable of it lol

  4. Throughout his career it’s crazy that he has been plug and play at the 1-4 and has easily been Top 5 in the league at all those positions. Even at almost 40 Ham was running this man into the ground trying to play him as a 5 🙄

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