@Sacramento Kings

Kings give Mike Brown BIG raise through 26-27 season

Kings give Mike Brown BIG raise through 26-27 season

hey welcome into the do s Mo podcast an emergency podcast Edition it’s very much an emergency podcast if we are recording this on a Friday night at 10:25 p.m. Pacific Time 10:25 we were sitting at jungle bird in downtown Sacramento when I saw an alert from my phone Adrien wowski saying Mike Brown the Kings have agreed to a new deal I thought it was just going to be smoke again that’s what I was waiting for just a little leverage a little nugget here there well let’s go through it the first headline is this Mike Brown has a new deal with the Sacramento Kings yay turn the J on that’s the good news yeah let’s take a little rewind though at at the end of the season we found out Mike Brown this is according to Anthony Slater and Sam Amic from the athletic reported that Mike Brown had this Mutual option for the final year of his four-year deal but he was looking to get a raise because he’s seen what other coaches around the league are making coaches salaries have spiked dramatically so we went oh man if he’s ripping up that Mutual option that means this upcoming season would be the final year of his deal and he wants a new deal so there was something that we were thinking about headed into the off season then last Friday we found out from Adrien wowski that the Kings and Mike Brown had had discussions but there’s a large golf oh yes the gulf the golf it’s huge and table talks they’re tabled them then last night right before the tip off of game five of the Mavs and the Wolves Shams chirania reports said hey man kings are offering three years 21 million with incentives that could get it to 27 it’s a competitive offer but they don’t have an agreement so far no deal and then tonight we find out that the Kings have extended Mike Brown through the 2620 7 season couple of different numbers have been put out there but according to Adrien W darowski Mike Brown’s gting a $4.5 million raise this year yeah then he makes 8.5 next season and then 8.5 in the final year of his deal in the 2627 deal uh year now sham chirania did report it’s a threeyear $30 million extension the point being is sounds like Bas level salary he’s making 8.5 million per year with incentives that would get him to like 10ish maybe 11 yeah I great I mean this is exactly what you and I had discussed even when the first Rumblings came out and it was this is what he’s kind of looking for and it’s like yeah this is what it’s going to land upon I think we even said this the other night when the latest tweet came out from Shams and I mean you got to be happy with it you got here’s the thing of course you’re going to be happy with it you’re getting Millions upon Millions mores yes we understand that absolutely stating the obvious but I think as a Kings fan you should be happy about it because it just means a little bit more stability consistency and then if you are a player on this roster it means hey we also get that continuity we also get to learn and grow and develop under this same coach in this system yeah it’s significant for Mike Brown to get an extension and I think he deserved it and you you look at what other coaches are making right now so give this guy a little raise a little bit and it doesn’t really hamstring you because we talk about a three-year extension it’s technically only one more year added on to his previous four-year agreement so it’s not like you’re extending it way out to the Future and if you really take a deep dive it matches up with the expiration of deonis sabonis is contract in the 2627 season dearen Fox’s deal actually expires in the 25 260s in the year before that okay so obviously there’s a lot of different things to look at but it look Mike Brown’s deal matches up with that Core Group where you go okay what’s that look like toward the end of that and it allows the king some flexibility and make some decisions down the road but it also hey you commit to this guy who has helped you become a respectable franchise again you have never had winning like this besides Rick adman I mean the F and why and that’s the fact that we always have to go back to that that’s in like w had it in his piece today he’s like uh it’s only the second time in King’s history that a coach has had winning seasons in his first two seasons as head coach the only other person was Rick adman 98 through 2000 so I think if you first look at like you were saying how it lines up with domas sabonis and his contract and that obviously being intentional because when you look at this whole thing and you look at everything as a whole as I just repeated myself saying I like that thank you um when you look at everything as a whole you want to I think as an organization commit to what you believe can grow together right and what you believe has a timeline together and if you don’t get done to in that time together well something’s got to go whether it’s a trade whether it’s a firing of a coach whether it’s something like that is when you can make that decision but I I’m just so sick of being in Sacramento in over so many years seeing losing basketball but then never seeing consistency because I mean it wasn’t always the wrong decision to obviously fire some of these coaches and go in a different Direction but there was also some Michael Malone where it felt like oh no you you could have continued along this journey and that’s why I like that they’re showing commitment there and being like hey we believe in this we’re going to go in this direction if you go back to the report from last night from Shams it said the kings are pretty much offering 7 million a year base salary and that Mike Brown wanted 10 look there was some middle ground it’s something we talked about last night when we reacted to it it’s like yeah could you get him 89 million with some bonuses that could get him to 10 that’s exactly what happened and it’s clear the two sides wanted to work something out it it was interesting to see how this was being talked about and I I understand it from a Kings Fan’s perspective like we’re watching it and there’s a little bit of us being on edge about it too because it’s like wait wait is this going to get messed up are we going to have to stress about this I’m glad they got this done within a week of all this news coming out about it well you mentioned this the other night when we were talking about Sha’s tweet coming out and you’re were like look when it came to tyo Shams tweeted out something about tyo and the Clippers and that uh they weren’t close they weren’t close with the deal one week later they had come up with a deal this happens to be you know 48 hours later however long however many hours it ended up being later and I think on top of all that though Deuce within this time you and I like we’re not naive to it and I think a lot of people out there aren’t naive to this that these are negotiating tactics within the NBA this isn’t what you’re going to do with your boss at your everyday job this is not what I’m going to do with my boss at my everyday job I will say I’ll push back on that a little bit you think I’m going to call W and say yo NBC I want this I want this money okay I’m not talking about leaking out that information I’m talking about the negotiation I think it was so funny like people like hey he’s asking for 10 just give him 10 like in what world do we live in where you go to your boss and be like hey man I want 10 million and he goes he or she goes okay here’s 10 million it’s like no there’s like some Middle Ground they’re going to they’re going to lowball you then you’re going to go there’s some middle ground it’s a negotiation and I’m more just talking about the strategy of obviously reaching out to the public and and I think that has been triggering for so many years when it comes to this Market because a lot of times it just gets messy but with this I think it’s become the new day and age of how you strategize with your negotiations as a coach as a player as whoever the hell and even if you wanted to stay in house it ain’t going to stay in house anymore that’s just how life goes and especially when millions are involved and so I know a lot of people were getting frustrated about that I think even for me I was it was triggering for me at first and then I realized like oh no this is just the new day and age of how people do things I just realized I messed something up too I’m going to edit this into the real version of the audio podcast why did you mess up so and shout out to Ben for mentioning this oh thank God Sab bonus’ deal actually goes into the 2728 season not the 26 27 you check this three times at jungle you’re like if I’m not mistaken and he said seven times if I’m not mistaken and guess what I said I said don’t be mistaken don’t be mistaken can you not hit the sorry sorry my whole my whole thing is because there’s been so many podcasts not so many there have been a few podcasts where you and I have gone back and you’re like oh I up this or I screwed up this number and I’m like yo yo that’s that’s on you so how do you want to handle this because I I was trying to like hey let’s edit it now we’re just going to leave it in okay we’ll just leave it in so Mike Brown’s deal technically it goes through the 26 27 season dear Fox’s deal expires 2526 sabonis actually goes to the 2728 season okay nonetheless they’re pretty much matched up with each other is that fair to say that’s fair to say it’s fair to say but shout out to our guy Ben thanks Ben always active one of the ogs in the chat letting us know about that yeah I think too I’m curious why this had to be so public within the last week like did is that what needed to happen to get this over the Finish Line why did it have to be out there because you see other organizations like when Jason kid agrees to a deal it just gets agreed upon it gets announced right but he’s also making the NBA finals and I think but that’s fine but that that deal wasn’t agreed to yesterday it was agreed to earlier this month my point is like some of these extensions you hear about it just gets announced like oh the the this team and this coach agreed to a new deal you don’t hear about hey he wants this oh they want this I want that it’s not so public I am curious why it needed to be so public and I think that’s probably what gave a lot of people pause going wait is this going to be okay you know what I mean yeah it and I I get that but I also think I think with this organization that has also experienced so much losing over the years so much drop aama over the years that they’re finally F it’s like it’s like being in a relationship after being in so many toxic relationships and you’re finally in this good relationship and it’s hard for you to commit because you’re like is this real are they just going to cheat on me again are they going to scream me over and it’s like no sweetie like believe it commit pay the man you know just like that I’m glad they paid the man me too I’m super happy on this Friday night because of it what do you think is Mike Brown’s biggest challenge going forward well when you look at dearen Fox and domas bonis in their contracts not necessarily lined up to the exact year of when Mike Brown’s contract ends up but I think when you look at the bigger picture of everything and you go okay they’re going we are committing to you and and what you can do with these pie in those times right like how many times this season are we talking about roster construction and that you have to have the right pieces around domas and dear and all these things like you’re not going to run it back this next year like that’s what you did last year and you and it got you 46 wins in the Western Conference that was so difficult but at the same time like there was just so many different things that happened and not just because of Health that you’re going You’re questioning okay like there needs to be tweaks there need to be changes but I think when you look at this with Mike Brown like some of his biggest challenges are you got these pieces you got to work with what you have at times and so like he’s just got to make the most out of even whatever he’s given on this roster even if there are tweaks and changes going into this next season and I think he has I mean I was thinking about this today his first year they were 24th in defensive rating this year they jumped the 14th they were 9th after the All-Star break yeah it’s not like they had a dramatic amount of changes the big change was oh Keon Ellis was a factor they put him in the starting lineup Deon Fox took a step Keegan’s ability to defend and they were able to become after the allster break ninth in defense without like acquiring some all defensive Talent OR Rim productor right right so they were able to do that so now yeah I I think it’s just building upon what they’ve done I this wasn’t meant to be in my opinion it shouldn’t have been like such a big deal and it became a big deal because it was out there the reality is I think Mike Brown’s done enough does it mean he’s accomplished everything that he needs to accomplish does it mean he’s a perfect head coach does it mean his rotations are perfect and he makes every right decision no but the reality is he has brought a level of respectability back to this organization he had talked about when he first got the job you know every good organization has a soul I think we got a little bit of a soul back the players dig him well he holds guys accountable and the guys what 48 wins the first year 46 the next year we haven’t seen that in years now I’m not saying be satisfied with that but I think he is the right coach for this time agreed of of the Sacramento Kings what did you ask me the other night you said you said what is oh what is the alternative that that question alone got me like whoa you are so right I think everyone always thinks like the grass is always greener I mean you look at the Bucks going like well we got to hire Doc Rivers like and not to say that things didn’t get better after Doc Rivers came along like you could say there was certain things that got better but those weren’t the expectations of what was supposed to happen with those star players and that’s not the only case my whole point is I think sometimes people just think they automatically go to change is going to make things better and I’m sorry they think fire ing someone is going to make something better when sometimes you just have to have a feel of what type of people you actually have around this organization and I think with Mike Brown you have a basketball mind you have someone that understands the game players the league how to work with like talking with the media how to work with just being personable with people within your organization like he gets all those things and all those things are very important as a head coach in the NBA and it’s clear if you read James Ham’s story a couple weeks back when he was talking about the Mike Brown situation and then he he said that you know ownership was not happy with the result of the Season there’s some pressure on Mike Brown there’s pressure on Monty McNair in the front office and the players to get back to the playoffs now and make some noise like a one and done thing is not good enough like ending the streak that was great in that moment but you you have to build upon that so ultimately I’m glad they got this done now because we were talking about this last night Morgan it’s like you don’t want this kind of hanging into hanging over you as you approach the draft and free agency you know going to sit down with monk at some point and talk about a deal and if he’s looking at you going what’s going on with Mike Brown it’s done now like you you you’re all lined up you got the deal done stability everyone should be happy like Mike Brown got a fat raise a big yeah and it’s of market value he got rewarded the the kings are obviously showing some level of Faith at their Pon up that deal right so I think it’s it’s a win for everybody now and now it’s up to the front office to get busy and figure out what moves they need to make to get this team back into the playoffs and winning a playoff series in a western conference that’s only going to get tougher that’s and and that’s it it’s not about looking at it’s something else you and I never talked about during this postseason of watching all these other teams and when you look at a lot of these teams that committed a lot of money into these players into these rosters to basically be a finals an I guess or I guess a contend a contending team right um there’s a lot of of teams that wasted money took risk risk their entire Futures I mean you look at the Phoenix Sons you look at the mess that happened with just firing Frank vogle blaming all on him but you look at the roster and something you and I kept talking about and we hadn’t gone on and talked about was for the Sacramento Kings we kind of took a step back and we’re like really glad that the future wasn’t just thrown away for the Sacramento Kings not to say say that you that it was okay that no tweaks were made that no moves were made but it’s like scared money don’t make no money like you got to make sure you are taking risks that you are taking calculated risk and making sure that you are giving this team a future that they can depend on and I know that’s hard to balance it’s like okay so do you just pay some name player whatever ever to be your third guy to try and push push push deep into the postseason but then not have a future because you’re paying this guy this much money it’s it’s just there’s a lot that goes into it I think sometimes like I just take a step back and I’m like ooh I’m so glad that they have so much flexibility still yeah and there’s teams I mean even after Minnesota gets eliminated you know the talk today is like look man you’ve got right ant getting a big rais cat has a ton of money coming his way same with gobear they’re they’re top six guys getting paid with McDaniels getting a raise and of course Conley’s deal Nas Reed you had all that up they’re already like a second apron team like they’re so they’re in like a tough spot now they should be good but they may have some tough decisions to make going forward right and so at least the Kings at this point and this is the challenge going forward in team building in the NBA is you know initially you just had a luxury tax set that meant hey if you went over that that that threshold well your owner got to P pony up and pay a lot of money but now there’s so many additional penalties if you get past that first one and then go to the second apron where you are limited we’re talking with picks there’s punishments there there’s punishments with some of the deals that you could put out there some of the trades you can make so you have to stay Nimble a little bit and it’s a fine line to walk as an organization is picking the right time to go all right this is the time to make the big swing in go into the second because this move will Propel us to Championship contention that because moves will make a difference moves will make Mike Brown better moves will make dear Fox better domas Depon is better I get all that you got to make moves they just H it’s in this small Market you are just like you are walking a fine line and you just got to do it right and that’s why even with that’s all I’m saying with this last year I’m not justifying the no moves 46 wins blah blah blah blah blah I’m just saying ooh looking at some of the other teams in their Futures I’m like I get it but now it’s time to make some moves well the Kings get it done Mike Brown and the Kings agree to a New threeyear Deal Mike Brown gets a raise 4 and a half million next season the season after that 8 and A2 and the final year will be the 2627 season 8 a half million probably some bonuses up there if they have some postseason success that will get him to that 10 million Thresh the Kings get it done let us know what you think about the new deal with Mike Brown the Sacramento Kings do you feel good about it does it make you feel a little better as a Kings fan what’s next up on your wish list let us know in the comments below hit the Thumbs Up And subscribe they tell you what they know juice and mo the that you know

Deuce and Mo drop some instant reaction to the news that the Kings and Mike Brown have agreed to a new three-deal that will pay him 8.5 million per season, according to ESPN’s Adrian Wojanorwski.
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  1. I feel good. As a sports fan born and raised in Sac, I admit I’m becoming increasingly annoyed with all pro sports and the big deals. But having seen Kings only previously great from late 90s through early 2000s, I am very appreciative of Brown, and finally getting back to the postseason. So definitely wanted to see him get at least another couple years.

  2. Maybe I should even be more excited…. There’s no way changing coaches right now would somehow help and improve right now.

  3. I'm glad that the Kings have extended Mike Brown at a VERY reasonable cost. This is a requisite first step for a (hopefully) successful off-season.

  4. “What’s going on with Mike Brown’s contract extension? Is it happening or is it smoke?” segments were a nice distraction for this month. Back to the regularly scheduled “What can we get for HB + Huerter + first round pick?”

  5. There's understandably a beggars can't be choosers mentality in Sac but I think the local media and fans have greatly exaggerated what Mike Brown is.

    He was fired from Cleveland in his 6th year coaching the Cavs (2nd stint) for the same reasons he's criticized today – poor adjustments, getting outcoached, offense suffering too much, players not on same page – but he's supposed to be a good coach because a team with Fox, Sabonis and Monk all entering their prime made the playoffs' 1st rd? Monk himself said Brown did not elevate his game. The fact that Brown can miss the playoffs with basically the same roster says much more about him than the fact that this McNair-constructed team made it last year, imo.

    Brown only won titles as an assistant coach – couldn't in 5 years coaching Lebron in Cleveland with one of the highest team salaries in the league.

    Worst of all for this version of the Kings, I think Mike Brown asked Monte to preserve the starting lineup this season given he said he believed they can contend for the title this (lottery) year and how he played HB more minutes than Monk. If a coach talks about contending for the title in a season, I think it's fair to conclude he is/was at least content with the roster, if not happy with it. Running it back was very poor decision-making imo, and I don't think they can recover from it.

  6. Duece and Mo please look into and talk about a potential John Collins trade. I haven’t heard anyone mention him but I think he would be a perfect starting PF and significantly elevate our ceiling. He’s only 26. He can space the floor, averaged 15 and 8.5 rebounds on 53 FG%. Athletic and long, and a solid shot blocker. Rumor is it jazz wants to trade him too 👀

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