@Dallas Mavericks

The Dallas Mavericks Are Going To The NBA Finals…

The Dallas Mavericks Are Going To The NBA Finals…

what’s the word y’all very very quick reaction um to the Dallas Mavericks heading up to the NBA finals June 6 it’s going to be them in Boston and it should be a great series there’s some animosity not necessarily between the players but the organizations because I know some Boston Celtics fans still hit krie Irving after what he did on lucky I know some Dallas mavus fans still hate Chris as porzingis after he got traded he was talking about he’s happy to play for a team that allows him to do what he wants should be a good one I could record this video like an hour and a half ago if I’m being honest with you but I gave the Minnesota Timol the benefit of the doubt I thought they may have had a run in them be them being in their home court and everything back against the wall they really didn’t it’s kind of hard to come back in a game where the other teams best player drops more points in the first quarter than your whole team but again I gave them benefited out LCA Donis is being crowned Western Conference MVP in front of me so shout out to Luka donic I mean to come out and have that level like Luka donic does an amazing amazing job when he decides that he wants to close the series he’s going to do it in some type of fashion he going to drop 20 points in 12 minutes he going to um he he he’s going to beat a team by a million points like he always does that does that the one thing I hate about this as a as a new NBA fan that it wasn’t a fun game necessarily like when you see Luca Donis dropped 20 in the first quarter in my mind I’m like oh can he drop 50 he didn’t need to even though him and Kyrie Urban did combine for 72 uh did combine for 72 but he didn’t really need to do anything super extraordinary after the first quarter the electricity of the Arena was sucked out when he hit his third logo three what are you supposed to do um so shout out to the Dallas Mavericks it should be again extremely fun series I thought there was a chance they could win the Western Conference I’ll be honest with you I didn’t think that chance was very very high so they made me a Believer I thought that this the um and I’m being honest with yall I thought that the de nuggets had a better chance I I mean I picked against them I picked them to beat the Clippers pretty easily I picked against them against OKC I guess I picked against him in this series too hey if you if you’ve been keeping track of this channel for the last seven years I usually have a decent track record when it comes to picking series and that’s why I love this year or this era because we’re we’re getting away from Super teams you’re getting away from all this other stuff we getting in the age of parody where like I could legitimately sit down and think about a series for three days straight trying to figure out who’s going to win and still walk out and be wrong this was my lowest field goal percentage of all time in the playoffs and I’m not even mad at it because that just made it be a better experience for me where the team that was the the team I thought should be favored or the better team didn’t end up winning or they didn’t end up being the better team the Minnesota timw look like the better team based on their first two rounds they were virtually unmess wable the first round complete sweep second round defeating the defending Champions they’re riding the cloud they’re riding the highest Cloud you can potentially right and they get in this series and they play against a guy like Luka donic and that man we talked about it on the Kenny Beach and podcast that he is one of the few people in the NBA that you cannot scheme for you basically have to hope that he miss his shots you can argue that OKC kind of figured some stuff out with Lukes to to neutralize him and that allow PJ Watson and dear Jones Jr and all these other people that have good series nonetheless I do believe I mean you look at pretty much every series that he’s played he’s he’s walked out as the best player in that Series in like 95% of them he’s one of those dudes and Minnesota came in with a game plan and that’s one of the reasons why I also hate that this wasn’t like a super close game cuz I want to talk about the adjustments there was no adjustment that even matter because LCA just came out and put his foot on on their throats immediately um but some of the shots he made only thing you can do if you’re Minnesota is tip your hat but I was extremely pissed with Minnesota coming out the way they did because Rudy Gober has seven shot attempts in the first quarter and doesn’t even count for the five other times he touched the ball like he should not have the ball that many times we all know this everybody knows this but somehow whether it be the Maverick’s defense or the players not being ready for the moment ended up in Rudy goar’s hands way more than it should have I’m give I’m going to give the credit to Dallas Mavericks I’m going to give a credit to Dallas Maverick they’re in the NBA Finals they had great schemes I’m going to give it all there U Minnesota timbl fans this is a phenomenal season man I mean I mean I thought that y’all had a chance to be really good this year I didn’t think y’all had the chance to be the top seed for the majority of this regular season I didn’t think y’all had a a real legitimate chance I mean going into it to defeat like if you would have told me in in um October that eventually this this Minnesota timle scene that didn’t even make like no dramatic trade it’s not like they added somebody crazy at the de line Monte Morris was on the team but he ain’t even play really in the playoffs uh JM got minutes over him today so if you would have told me before the season started that the Minnesota Timol would defeat the Denver Nuggets in in a playoff series I would called you crazy like this was a successful successful season but what I will tell you is you need to 100% gear yourself up for the rumors during this this offseason 2B at an all-time high with the team being near the second apron would you guys having some ownership whether it be a glen Taylor steel or would it go to A-Rod Glen Taylor’s only played the paid the luxury tax twice once or twice throughout his entire career as Yer and then there was a report that that uh Rodriguez and them might cut the salary so just be prepared for a ton of rors revolving around cat maybe even Nas Reed a lot of different people and will Trad actually happened I don’t really know where their head is really at but you just have to prepare yourself for this and it sucks because you just made it to the Conference Finals and people are trying to take a team down but that’s part of the thing when we talk about perod I’m going to mention this on the keny beach podcast uh actually filming that right after this that uh there were some reports about some teams that we see as contenders and some teams that we see as teams that can win a championship but because of that second apron they’re going to have to change their team around you can’t just run it back as many times as you want when you have multiple multiple max players and the wolves have Anthony ER Max kicking in you have carony Town supermax you have Rudy Gober who owns on a few years left of his max contract and you gave Jaden mcdel a bunch of money as well that’s four near Max play Max SL near max players is just a very expensive team and again I’m not saying y’all will make these changes but expect the rumors to be really really high let’s shift the gears again to the Dallas Mavericks to talk about this um because they they made a lot of people look like fools man they made a lot of people look like fools uh when you think about the trades they did at the deadline you you acknowledge and go back and watch my video where we acknowledge the fact that a guy like PJ Washington and a guy like Daniel Gafford objectively makes the team better but the question was when you’re giving up as many draft picks for the future as they did are these guys the ones that’s going to put you over the hump and majority of people me included thought probably not and yet here we are and a lot of that is Luka donic obviously as a star player and and one of the best players in the world but a lot of that you think about the last couple series I mean ok they don’t beat the OKC Thunder in that series if PJ waston doesn’t do what he does um they don’t win that series if Dereck Jones Jr doesn’t have that four three-pointer game like some of these dudes that are on minimums they just acquired the deadline paid played huge huge roles in what they’re going to do or what they’ve been doing and the Carrie Irving trade just looks crazy and Crazier by the day Spencer Den Woody deor feny Smith and what one first round pick in a squap for Kyrie who can drop 36 in a closeout game and then going into the finals is this gonna be man so we got a we got a bunch of time before now in June 6 where I can really dive into it and I don’t think these two teams played each other after the deadline so I don’t really have any game tape to really look at but what I will say is both of these teams are going to be going against an opponent that fits them defensively more than the previous opponents right so the the Celtics we talked about the fact that uh they went through a bunch of teams with injuries again I don’t really care about that you’re in the NBA Finals it’s all that really matters but the Dallas Mavericks are more equipped to guard the Celtics to any other team they’ve played so far I think that the that the Boston Celtics are more equipped to guard Luca SL Kyrie than any other team they they’ve seen so far so it’s going to be a chess match Missoula versus Kid that might be the determined fact on who wins this series again I have an idea who I would pick and how many games but I want to want to go through it just a little bit more between June 6 leave a like subscribe let me know what you think Dallas Mavericks are in the NBA Finals NBA periods at an alltime high and I absolutely love it

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  1. Mavericks have been doubted and hated ever since they traded for Kyire. Not even 2 years later theyre in the Finals

  2. People always claim parity is what they want, but at the end of the day, people love amazing teams (and underdog stories) more

    Just look at the ratings for the NBA, they were the highest when Jordan dominated, which was only matched when it was Lebron v warriors

  3. Minnesota sports fans who have been around long enough knew this was coming, we get nothing but soul-crushing losses if we get to the playoffs lol

  4. Tbh I think it depends on Dallas’s role players. If Gafford, Washington, DJJ, and all those guys keep playing at this level they’re absolutely winning.

  5. “Celtics are the best equipped team to guard Kyrie and Luka “ will be a team effort cuz nobody can guard them 1v1

  6. Any Celtic fan that’s mad at kyrie for stepping on a picture of a fake leprechaun needs to grow up

  7. Crazy, it’s like the folks that talk about basketball online once again prove to show that they know nothing lmfao

  8. after 13 years man, nobody had mavs here except mavs fans and few select in media. very few understood how much better this team got after the trade deadline

  9. as a mavs fan, I was doubtful of winning against okc until game 3 happened, then I become a believer they can win it all when the mavs went 2-0 against the wolves…and here are we today, back to the finals…LFG!!!

  10. What's the chances of a LeBron sign and trade to warriors knowing they could draft bronny. Have him sit behind two of the best point guards in the league.

  11. Man give Jason Kidd his credit as a coach people were calling for him to be fired now he’s in the finals with a great chance of upsetting the Celtics

  12. Man I don't like buying into that "beating the defending champion" narrative. The four teams in the wcsf were all pretty even in my opinion. Mavs are on a tear since the second half of regular season. They are this good, it's no fluke. The Wolves have a great team and have done great work. They will be back, need to adjust but I trust them to do well, especially if they pair Ant with an elite creator, he can't do everything

  13. It’s funny how Jason Kidd got carried to a ring with Dirk and now he has the chance to get carried by Luka to another

  14. Nah I don’t think they could defend us to be honest. Maybe game 1,2 we’ll see but we shot the 3 better than wolves do. And I can imagine Luka and kyrie getting posted up often. Luka pick and roll on celtics bigs will be key for mavs. Porzingus if healthy should be a factor

  15. As a Mavs fan theres no real reason to hate or have any real animosity towards Porzingis and any one who does isnt a real Mavs fan

  16. I love your content, but the unnecessary spoilers in the titles mean I'm unsubscribed, at least for now

  17. considering the injuries in the season and grant williams then flip with deadline trades this the best outcome

  18. Brother learn some basketball and talk about basketball. You’re slowly turning into a Stephen a type. Please don’t do that to the world.

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