@Detroit Pistons

Trajan Langdon Fires Troy Weaver, Will Monty Williams Be Next?

Trajan Langdon Fires Troy Weaver, Will Monty Williams Be Next?

hey guys what is going on Anthony here with pistons stock hope you guys are having a great night we are going to be reacting to this bleach report article obviously there was some breaking news today Trang of langon and the Detroit Pistons have decided to part ways with former general manager of the Detroit Pistons Troy Weaver so let’s get straight into it we’re just going to skim through this real quick with this article cuz it’s basic information that you guys already know that the Pistons are planning the part way with general manager Troy Weaver after four seasons according to Shams corania and James Edwards II third of the athletic the news comes just over a week after ESPN’s agent War Janowski reported the Pistons were hiring former New Orleans Pelicans general manager Tran Lon as the team’s president of basketball operations now this is something noteworthy the Pistons are now speaking to Pelicans executive Michael Blackstone as a potential role as the teams number two number two decision maker under langon corania and Edwards reported so now that Troy Weaver it is gone and there is no general manager now the Pistons are probably going to look to hire a general manager they might call it something different they might call it like an assistant vice president of basketball Ops but at the end of the day it’s still kind of like a general manager there’s just like fancy titles like years ago when when Ed stefansky was in the Pistons front office they called him a senior advisor when actually he was like the president of basketball Ops a lot of these front offices come up with a lot of these fancy titles but just wanted to kind of um pinpoint on who could possibly be the next general manager looks like Michael Blackstone who is from the Pelicans makes sense that’s where langon did uh work for several years looks like he could be a guy that the Pistons look to bring in in uh as a number two decision maker or a general manager if you will probably the number one question that a lot of Pistons fans have much like myself is okay try Weaver has been let go he’s been fired what’s going to happen to Monty Williams is Monty Williams going to continue to be the head coach of the Detroit Pistons Bleacher Report did mention uh the reporting from James Edwards and J K last week I I’ll just read it for you guys real quick it says when first reporting the news of lon’s hiring last week Edwards and corania wrote that the Pistons new front office leader would be given the power to move on from Weaver as well as head coach Monty Williams Williams has been with the team just for one season receiving a six-year guaranteed contract from the Pistons last summer he still has approximately 60 million remaining on that deal Piston’s owner Tom gors is reportedly open to buying Williams out if langon decides he wants a change change on the sidelines as well according to Edwards on karia although Jake fiser reported for Yahoo sports last month that Williams could be opposed to a buyout so obviously we we saw it last year Tom Gores gave Monty Williams at the time a bag to come to Detroit to coach the Detroit Pistons and this season we won 14 games and it was probably the most miserable that I’ve seen Pistons fans in quite some time um there wasn’t a whole lot to look forward to we were upset with certain players not getting playing time Jade nvy uh we were really upset with the all bench lineups didn’t make a whole lot of sense uh not playing assar benching him for Isaiah livers there’s a lot of questionable decisions that Monty was making but this article does mention that Tom Gores is willing to eat the 60 million if langon does choose to do so but you also have reporting from Jake fiser that Monty Williams doesn’t want a contract buyout he he he doesn’t want to go away he wants to continue to coach so we’re going to have to wait and see what’s going to happen just my opinion with the Monty stuff I think there’s a really good chance that he’s the head coach of the Detroit Pistons going into next season and I know that’s something that fans just don’t want to hear I would just find it really hard to believe that that they buy him out and let him go maybe it’s just me being negative right now I just can’t see it happening I think they gave him one more year to prove it to the organization in the front office to win more than 14 games see what he can do with some more Talent around this roster because they brought back everybody on that 710 win season under Dwayne Casey’s last year and they only added Monte Morris and Joe Harris in assar like I I I I think they’re going to give Monty a little bit of a leash see what the Pistons can do see how they attack free agency see what happens in the draft and evaluate him through this next season that’s just my opinion on the money thing I could be completely wrong and they just fire him and say hey uh we’re going to go in a younger direction we don’t need need a a veterans coach we need more of a younger coach uh to teach these young guys is um to relate to them on a a personal level a little bit more but that’s just my opinion on the mty Williams thing but I want to know what you guys think of this Troy Weaver um firing do you like this move do you like this first move by Tran langon to let Troy Weaver go to say hey like if you don’t want a scouting job then um there’s the door good luck in your future endeavors let me know Down Below in the comment section also let me know what you think with the mon Williams situation do you think he’s going to be back like myself do you think I’m crazy and their uh Tren is just going to have a fire sale and just clean this front office you know coaching staff completely out I’ll talk to you guys down below in the comment section like always I hope you guys are staying safe take care and I’ll catch you guys this Sunday on the podcast got a special guest for you guys so I know you guys are going to love it peace o [Music]

Today I reacted to the breaking news of the Detroit Pistons deciding to fire general manager Troy Weaver from the Pistons and If Monty Williams is next?

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  1. I don’t think they’re gonna fire Monty. Not yet at least. They just laid the guy half a billion dollars ya know! Who knows though. Just a hunch don’t think will happen this season.

  2. It's obvious Monty hit a lick and only took the job for the money. And I don't blame him. That being said, you can't have a coach that doesn't truly want to be there. I believe Langdon is smart enough to understand this.

  3. What if he is traded to the Lakers for draft capital? Oan I hate to see Weaver not at least get that 5th draft to add the final piece to the starting lineup

  4. Duh!!!.

    Thats what Ive been saying. 2 good coaches couldnt do anything with these crappy players.

    Id say Monty had less talent than Casey. Casey had some legit veterans

  5. I think Monty Williams will be let go very soon. And I also believe Trajan Langdon has already lined up a few candidates to be replacement head coach.

  6. We have a team filled with young talent and a coach who is outspoken about not wanting to coach young talent. I say end this relationship now instead of crossing out fingers hoping it'll work out somehow.

  7. Keeping Monty means we have to cater to his requests and that means he would most likely want to ship off Ivey, ausar and even duren, this wasn’t the plan man we literally tanked and suffered as fans to acquire young talent and mind you these players want to be here it’s hard to find guys that want to be in Detroit and we’re just gonna throw them away to please a coach that NEVER EVEN WANTED TO BE HERE, please fire Monty before he destroys our team even more.

  8. Rumor going around that Monty didn’t make many friends inside the organization so we’ll see in the upcoming days whether he stays or gets the boot

  9. I still feel like this firing came from Gores. He just wants Langdon to take the blame for it. Has Langdon even had a press conference? His seat aint even warm yet and he's firing people??? Nah this was the mission comin in. Who's getting fired has already been decided and good or bad, Langdon is here to take the fall for it. New decisions being made, Langdon is here to take the fall for it.

  10. in 53, i've loved the Pistons my whole life, i jumped on when we drafted Isiah(i was 8). This season was one of the most depressing(similar to the BLake, Seiko short era), Poor record wasn't the worst thing.The worst was wasting the development time for the young players, and Weaver's asset management. FIRE MONTY!!!!! He doesn't seem to know how to attack this development project, He's always had problems with certain players on his teams (i think he has a 'mean-mom' energy which is tied to his personal power rather than team success) He doesn't have the personality to coach/exist in the 313. He's soft and slow.
    Hopefully the NBA can dig up some dirt on Gores so they can force him to sell the team.

    Detroit basketball has always been better than this, the fans deserve better. CADE deserves better.

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