@Boston Celtics

FIRST TAKE | “Luka & Kyrie are a better duo than Tatum & Brown” – Stephen A. on Mavs vs Celtics

FIRST TAKE | “Luka & Kyrie are a better duo than Tatum & Brown” – Stephen A. on Mavs vs Celtics

and music producer Jimmy Jam enjoying the show perk how much do you enjoy Luca’s trash talk I don’t like it Molly I love it I love it I love it thought you were serious love it I don’t like it I love it look but now but seriously he’s one of the few that is given us what the game has been missing right we don’t want to see the Jersey swaps we don’t want to see it’s all love my brother I love you just love dog keep it going no we want to see this a competitor a guy that’s going to compete and let you know something about it and if you got a problem with it do something oh I have nothing to add it’s what I love it’s what we ache for in the sport of basketball it’s not about fighting one another it’s about okay I’m going to bust your ass what you going to do about it and it’s about you doing something about it or not doing something about it um by the way could y’all do me a favor to my producers could you do me a favor please because I think we have an obligation to show the public this could you show that sound of Jaden McDaniels before last night’s game five and what he had to say about the Dallas Ms could you remind the audience of what that young pup said the new soon to be $130 Million Man play that please we knew that after game one we could win or game two we win I’ll say the only game they really beat us was the last game like the rest of them were close and it was like our mistakes had let us l but does getting over the hump help you guys oh yeah we could probably run off three more now so there’s that to the young folks out there to the young folks out there do you understand do you understand now why folks tell you to respect your elders do you understand now why folks will tell you there’s a difference between knowledge and wisdom because we would have told you that wasn’t wise now did did did see jayen McDaniel’s last night did you see how defeated he looked when Luca Drew him for an n one getting into the lane at his own pace did you see jayen McDaniel’s body just dropped just looked like deflated he’ to give a new meeing to deflate gate when Kyrie s there jab yah did you see when he did that did you see what he did that and and and this is what this is it it’s not an accident that you saw Isaiah that you saw Kyrie Irvin and Luca donic look like modernday Beetle Juice whenever he was in their vicinity they knew what he said yeah they knew what he said so jayen McDaniels bright future really good athlete tremendous defensive player great kid got nothing but promise you just got to learn one thing sh until it’s done or or be prepared to back it up before it’s done can’t play like you played last night and get your ass kicked when you were talking like that that’s all I got to say what what one of my favorite things from last night was Luca booing the crowd back there was a few people that that stood by for the Trophy presentation I’m not sure why they did but okay I guess they haven’t seen too many trophy presentations at Target Center even if it’s a visiting team the people who were there booed Luca winning the Magic Johnson Award which was unanimous I had a vote it was a 1 second vote and then when he heard them boo him he booed them back and look I love this about Luca absolutely trash talk your opponents Trash Talk the fans dial it back on the refs dial it back about 20% 30% on the refs 30% more trash talk to the opposing fans I’m there for that Hey listen could you do me a favor please can we stop with these celebrations can we stop with these celebrations on the visiting Court you can go in the locker room you can go in the locker room and celebrate with each other why you got to be at midc court on the visiting Vis it’s quiet out there you’re hearing I’m talking no I’m not I who’s questioning whether they earned of course they earned it they blew them out Molly who doesn’t know they earned it envir on the middle of the Court we know that on on on the middle well listen if you look at look at the days when the Lakers and Boston and people like that winning on the road and they were celebrating in their locker rooms that was really that that was a festive atmosphere it was tight but it was festive as opposed to being out of the Court no actually they they they they presented tropies in the locker room too yes they did well what let me say this they they have a clip going around on social media right and I I kind of got my feelings about this to to Mike Finley because because Luca was standing outside the locker room and he was having a beer and Mike Finley came and and took it away from him I did not appreciate that from Mike Finley I understand right you want to protect Luke and I get all that but him having a beer after he put that spanking on somebody nobody was gonna judge him okay nobody was going to judge him I had a problem with Mike Finley doing that let the man have a bill damn it he could had a six pack I I I did I did I didn’t because when you got to go up against Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown Next I don’t need you drinking beer right now say that for after that finals I need I don’t need you drinking beer before you getting ready to go up and that we talking about Luca and Kyrie that’s Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum waiting that’s a little bit different I I I need you drinking Gatorade I need you drinking Power Aid I need you I I I need some sodium in your water I need you ready I don’t need beer I I need you ready you could drink the beer champagne and everything else afterwards we we got those two brothers because while we sitting there talking about everybody else I will remind you Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown are the two stars on the NBA’s best team this year and the two times they went up against Dallas they beat him this ain’t Minnesota now this is Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown that’s all I’m saying guys I’m gonna tell you something tomorrow is the Champions League final Real Madrid Lucas’s beloved team is in the Champions League final there will be beers okay there will be be fair enough I love all all the Insight you give us you know these are just windy gems we can’t get anywhere else uh let me ask you this perk what statement do you feel like Luca and Kyrie sent to Boston to be honest if if you’re Boston you’re sitting up there and you’re saying to yourselves how do we stop these guys because I’m going remind the audience of this the Boston Celtics had trouble stopping Young fella uh nimart and Pascal cakam in the Pacer series now I get it they swept them but those two guys haded their way to the fact that Boston and Joe Missoula had to mix it up and go zone so I get you do have drew holiday you have Derek white two of the elite defenders in our game today but when you look at what Luca and Kyrie has done going against against Luke darts going against Jade McDaniels going against Anthony Edwards those guys are battle tested and what they did in this series they s a statement that y’all better get y’all rest because we’re coming y’all got to figure it out damn it at Chris alingas if you’re going to be on the court you better be prepared to slide those puppies because I’m going to put you in every single pick and roll and test you out and the Celtics got to be ready to to defend at a high level I’m sure I’m not stepping out of pocket by saying being a bit presumptive with this statement big perk I’m quite sure one of your favorite scenes in all the years that you’ve watched movies was that scene in the movie Heat with Al Pacino and Robert daero when they were at the cab and alucino looked at him and said if I got to make a choice between you and some poor bastard whose wife you’re about to turn into a widow he said brother you are going down and Robert daero said there’s a flip side to that coin anybody you that love their movies you understand and love of cops and robbers kind of theme we love that scene there’s a flip side to that now let me tell you something Wendy let me tell you something perk we have seen and we have we have seen riveting playoff series and finals uh confrontations and all of this stuff I’d make a challenge to you I don’t know how much I’ve looked forward to an NBA Finals as much as I’m looking forward to this one in the last decade and I’m talking I know I look forward to KD and Lebron but we knew that golden state was he had the Splash Brothers with him we knew they weren’t beting Cleveland wasn’t beating them but you still want to see LeBron Katy I get all of that but this finals right here nobody can definitively say who the hell is going to win this is really really a tossup it’s a pick them right and I’m thinking about Kyrie and Luca and I’m thinking about how they bust Minnesota’s living you know what and I’m thinking about jayen Brown and Jason Tatum two brothers that just finished averaging 30 in the Conference Finals had the best record in basketball all season and I’m thinking about a first team all NBA and Jason Tatum who’s got a lot to prove because there’s one thing that we’re looking for from him and that’s the ability to close being in his fifth Conference Finals and his second NBA Finals appearance and we got a guy in Jaylen Brown who’s a $300 million man who by the way doesn’t even have a sneaker deal of my understanding okay he’s definitely should be marketable or whatever but for some reason it doesn’t seem to be there he didn’t get an all NBA team vote I voted for him he didn’t get selected rather I voted for him third Team all NBA but and you did too but the bottom line is he didn’t get the nod and I’m thinking about this brother big perk and Wy and I’m thinking about Kyrie what y’all well we don’t know how did he treat how did he get along with these young guys when they were there with they got a chance to be now they swept them when he was in Brooklyn with KD I get that part but this is the finals not the first round it’s the finals it’s a championship on the line and they’re Boston Celtics and they’ve never delivered the goods they never won a championship and now you got Luka and you got Kyrie I understand the Drew holidays the Derek whites the Al Horford for zingis you better get your ass back I get all of that but Tatum and brown to watch Luca and Kyrie they got to be saying y’all must have forgot who the hell we are we ain’t call Anthony towns and Rudy go bed J now Anthony Edward’s another animal but we ain’t we we him and we ain’t the rest of those guys who the hell y’all think y’all talking about oh it’s we’ll be ready that’s what I’m saying and and I’m looking at it from that and and then I’m like oh oh Lord this is going to be special cuz we gonna find out greatness and those who want to be great we about to find out officially what that is all about these finals ladies and gentlemen brace yourself the NBA you did good you got Dallas versus Boston and you don’t have two stars you got two stars on each Squad oh this is going to be special I can’t wait for this one this is what it’s all about we going to find out we going to find out Molly yep Molly get ready to pack for three weeks oh three weeks oh I’ve I’ve done that crime before it’s fun though it’s exciting three weeks Okay because I’m going tell you something LCA is having one of the we’re going to this is going to be a long one this is going to be a long we’re going seven Luca donic yeah I I I have to see I would just say this Luca is having one of the best runs we’ve ever seen individually in a in a play okay yeah the Celtics are arguably the most complete team since the Warriors back in 2018 when you look at everything they got going for them most complete Team all right Boston is shaky at home they’re basically a 500 home team in the playoffs the last few years the Mavericks are seven- two on the road in these playoffs they don’t care about being away from home they’ve won three straight series with with without home court advantage settle in I’m hoping everybody stays healthy hope we see poor zingis everybody’s got a week off to rest settle in I’m here for all m Molly Molly we ain’t making we ain’t making our predictions yet yeah but I’ll say this if Dallas wins it’s in six if Boston wins it’s in seven okay okay fair enough game I don’t see I I I don’t see it going seven and Dallas winning a game s even though they could winning a game seven in Boston if they win it’ll be in six listen we got less wins it’ll be in seven Thursday 8:30 EAS foree foreign speech for for for for for for [Applause] hello foreway [Music] e you want that’s e keep going [Music] man for [Music] you s

FIRST TAKE | “Luka & Kyrie are a better duo than Tatum & Brown” – Stephen A. on NBA Finals: Mavs vs Celtics


  1. Luka Doncic in the 2024 Playoffs:

    • 1st in points
    • 1st in rebounds
    • 1st in assists
    • 1st in steals
    • 1st in FGM
    • 1st in 3PM
    • 1st in FTM

    This had never been done entering the Finals before, until Luka.

  2. The only message they sent is they can beat a team with a mid tier level offense they was in 4 close games with the 18th ranked offense in basketball

  3. Nothing wrong with what Jaden Mcdaniels said!
    He said nothing disrespectful stop making something out of nothing.

  4. The old heads like violence because they don't like that NBA players are friends. Personally, Young people should not listen to the old heads. History has shown that the youth always does the opposite towards old people.💯

  5. Celtics are just a lot better. Mavs have Luka and Kyrie. Lively is the only other player on Mavs that see's ANY playing time for Boston. Boston's players 3-6 is much better.

  6. Are people not understanding the boston is a bad matchup for dallas. We have the perfect players to neutralize them. And if we have porzingas back and 80' percent healthy whos gunna stop him? Kyrie and luka arent defenders like tatum qjd brown . They only have 2 players that can really score. The celtics have 3-4 players in the starting 5 that can get over 20 in any given game. Who can you say that about in dallas besides luka and kyrie. And the celtics losing to the warriors was a good learning experience. And we have pretty much all tge same players so we definitely aint going out like that. I could see them winning in 5 but 6 at worst

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