@Sacramento Kings

Kings And Mike Brown Contract Negotiations Didn’t Need To Go Here

Kings And Mike Brown Contract Negotiations Didn’t Need To Go Here

welcome to the circus welcome to the damn circus not this show the Sacramento Kings they’re so back they are so freaking back that’s James I’m Kyle usually The Vibes are good on a Friday and they’re like that’s fine the energy the energy is fine The Vibes though are uh down because the Mike Brown contract situation has officially become a circus and it didn’t need to be if you missed it if you’re living under a rock uh last night or I say living under a rock if you’re not on Twitter uh sham strania from the athletic reported that the Sacramento Kings have made this is verbatim by the way off of Shams Twitter the Sacramento Kings have made a competitive offer to head coach Mike Brown on a contract extension three years and $21 million through 2026 27 up to $27 million with bonuses sources say so far no agreement Brown is believed to be seeking around $10 million annually later reporting from Fox 40 Sean Cunningham friend of the show some additional context surrounding the king’s proposed offer to Mike Brown according to sources Sacramento’s recent offer is believed to be comparable to Jason kids extension with the Dallas Mavericks let’s put a pin in that momentarily my gripe with this is not so much the $7 million a year that’s not not outrageous it’s not uh not insulting it’s a little low for sure uh but but not an outrageously low number if that contract got reported three years 21 million up to 2017 in bonuses it have been like oh okay like that’s a nice nice old deal for the for the Kings um obviously you know Mike wanted to be here and this and that but my problem comes in and then $27 million in bonuses you get uh that’s up to 9 million a year basically depending on what those bonuses are and it insulates the Kings from their worry of hey we don’t like this coach anymore we’re g to let him go and don’t have to pay him $10 million a year my issue with this James is that instead of continuing to do this behind closed doors and continuing to go through these negotiations and doing the numbers and stuff uh in the privacy of an office or Zoom or phone or however the heck these negotiations get done I have no idea they go to Shams with a quote unquote competitive offer that is only three years instead of four or more and is $7 million a year which is like I said not insulting but not something where you’re suddenly going to be pounding the table and going whoa Mike Brown now at the ball’s in his court why is he not signing this deal there’s a clear Middle Ground here yeah if Mike Brown wants 10 as per Shams and the Kings offered uh let’s 10 year 10 million per and the King’s offered seven per as per Shams there’s a middle ground here there’s a legit Middle Ground between those two numbers there is eight and a half by the way if you’re not great at math it’s eight8 and a half million a year oh yeah yeah that to me feels more like in the competitive offer range and the three years on top of this I’m sorry for rambling the three years on top of this continue to indicate what we have been talking about has been the problem the whole time is that lack of wanting to commit to the coach it’s three so it’s through 2026 27 so he gets through 25 20 he had three more seasons okay but the way I read this is we’re going into the 24 25 right the 25 26 right and then 26 27 so he gets three seasons three seasons so but what that means is they’re tearing up his current deal which pays him less than five million and they’re giving him three new seasons that’s what that would look like and of those three new seasons um or or we could say maybe they’re not tearing up his deal maybe they are giving him closer to that but not really because they’re keeping his current salary so I don’t know I don’t like the negotiating negotiating fully this is like super transp parent like there isn’t a lot of ways in which you can read this as somebody else this isn’t like some sort of like shell game or somebody who didn’t have anything to do with anything is putting things out there that may look like the Kings put something out there I don’t buy any of that like this is full-on negotiating the press and for me on a day when a former president of the United States got convicted of 34 felonies and the Dallas Mavericks are clubbing the Minnesota Timberwolves on their way to the finals half the basketball Twitter just went like what was that yeah what do you like what the who just put that out there like what are we doing that’s that’s what just happened to me it’s very obvious by the way who put this out there yeah if it’s going to be reported as a competitive offer of 3 years and 21 million with six additional million in potential bonuses yeah there’s zero incentive for Mike Brown to leak it that way Z zero or Mike Brown or Mike Brown’s King yeah so to me this is coming from the Kings whether I I’m not even gonna name n because I don’t I don’t know if it’s Monty McNair or VC or Wes Willcox or Doug Christie or whoever I don’t know well I wouldn’t like take that last name out he wouldn’t he wouldn’t ever anything I just picking people I know who who are who are around the organization no so I don’t even I I I genuinely have no idea but it’s so clear that this came from the king’s side and it’s like why there’s clearly beef here over maybe a year on the contract or a million or two dollars because I’m I’m I’m I’m guessing that Mike Brown is believed to be seeking run $10 million annually yeah that’s Mike Brown’s Camp going yeah hey we want 10 and you’ve got the Kings who are going he what about seven and negotiations go you meet somewhere in the middle I would agree that’s how this works yeah so I’m on board with what you’re saying and like look I I think that there is a way we can get into the Jason kid stuff um first of all that that’s I’ve heard that that’s not the number that kid got at all like kids if you go look on the internet kids number isn’t out there it’s higher than that it’s higher than that and this is one of those things where it’s like they kept it out of the press weird okay yeah yeah so sure sure sure yeah they they did actually keep it out of the press I don’t know the exact number but here’s the problem you have with Jason kid first of all he’s got a 522 career win percentage he’s had like below 500 records multiple times he was about to get fired last season when the Dallas Mavericks didn’t make the playoffs they didn’t even make the play in they were bad and Jason kid was on the ropes Jason kid makes it back for another year heaven forbid you give a guy three years to actually build a program and all of a sudden him and two Superstars are in the finals MH it’s just a bad comp like Jason kid is bad there are so many other coaches we went through the list we think there are like eight or nine coaches that we know right now are making 10 million or more you can look at buen holsters 5year 50 you can look at uh Doc Rivers 4year 40 you can look at like yesterday was it yesterday when tyou got 14 million a year for five years or whatever yeah that just happened yeah like all of these coaches are lining up and I don’t think that like you don’t take a step backwards and hey let’s put incentives in that’s fine I’m totally fine with incentives but if again you want to get to make one or two easily uh like reachable incentives and then maybe one or two that are like pie in the sky uh you know maybe maybe do like a 500,000 for making the playoffs 250,000 for making the second round 250 for making the third round now all of a sudden we’re we’re up to a million dollars yeah and then like if you can win the NBA Finals you get x amount if you can if you’re NBA coach of the year you get x amount that all makes sense like I I these these deals don’t seem like they should be that difficult but when you’re asking somebody to take Bel low market value or at least it it appears you are it appears that somebody decided to put out there what exactly they were offering and it’s below market value the threee $21 million is below market value because I don’t care about those incentives right now because those incentives literally could just be like winning an NBA championship and being coach of the year yeah we don’t know what those incentives are yeah so so anyway I think it’s uh it’s probably a moment to take a step back but I also would point out it’s something I I wrote last night on Twitter they’re back at the negotiating tables after this discussions have been tabled from W last week they’re back at the negotiating table they’re having convers and I think we’re getting closer and closer to a deal to be done to me last night feel like felt like crowdsourcing the crowd sourcing did not go well who for whoever put that tweet out there it didn’t go well for Shams and it didn’t go well for anyone out there who who actually gave him that information because it’s just it didn’t like you go look at the reaction the reaction is you know like very similar to what our friend Kenny says all the time like today’s PR yesterday’s price is not today’s price it it just like the Dynamics have changed it’s not it’s not crazy and and it’s also it’s on Mike as one of the veteran coaches in the NBA to fight for that middle ground for that for that around $10 million a year range and that’s because you want to solidify that for all the other coaches that’s what you want to do and for Mike to take a huge step back off of what what everyone else is getting you think he’s like half he’s worth half of what tyou just got yeah because that’s what that figure is it’s it’s it’s basically half that’s crazy I want to I want to know what sparked them to do this I’m going to here just so everybody listening knows I’m operating under the assumption that the Kings leaked this yeah if I’m wrong and we find out down the road I will be the first to stand here on the radio and admit my wrongness and we can talk about it then I’m going to operate based on everything we know and based on how the Tweet is worded yes that the Kings leak this why would you do this what’s it there was nothing there was not it’s not like Mike Brown’s people put out a tweet or leaked something through wge that last night that said uh the Kings have not made Mike Brown an offer d d d or anything like that and this is in response to that this was just a random like uh hey I heard something on TV or a podcast or on the radio today that I didn’t like or I was walking down the street and some Kings fan said something to me and I didn’t like it so I went to Shams because people need to know that we have made a competitive offer and it’s like no you didn’t yeah you did you didn’t it’s just you made an offer cool and that’s fine and if like I said if they send that offer to Mike Brown again I don’t know how this works I don’t know if they mail it or fact or call or text I don’t know but if that’s the offer they say hey uh I know in the NFL it’s typically phone calls you go hey uh what about 3 and 21 incentives up to 27 and Mike Brown’s agent calls Mike and says here’s what they are offering and Mike goes nah no like I don’t want to do that what if we do this instead and then you call back and you go like that’s that’s how this goes that they’re going to the to the Press with this is the biggest problem for me the offer is not it’s low it’s not absurdly low where that is insulting that’s a good like starting point if you’re the Kings this is what we would like to pay because that’s a that’s a bargain this what we’d like to pay like I’m sure and Mike Brown would like to make 15 million a year but he’s not going to do that so hey how about 10 we’ll start at 10 and then you work your way down that the kings are already at this point where for what ever reason for no no reason just jumped over to jams and went hey make sure send this out for who for what yeah it’s a tough one man I don’t get I don’t get it is it’s a tough one because I I don’t I also Kyle I don’t get it like if that’s what if that’s how you’re going to conduct this like keep it out of the press like the best you can like the parameters for this deal have been out there like again and again and again right M like it’s not like the parameters haven’t been out there everyone kind of knows what the range is like really so why are you going well below what the range is like you again I I someone tweeted at me I apologize for not knowing who it was that uh that tweeted at me but um they said something to the fact oh oh here we go ID graphic on on Twitter when you finally buy your dream car and discover you can’t afford the maintenance that’s what this like good coaches cost money and they cost more money now than they did a couple years ago they it’s just the facts of life it’s how it goes it’s the cost of doing business and again I would continuously point to the fact that the kings were worth a little over two billion like a year and a half ago they’re now worth over three billion like the Dynamics are changing all around you at all times the NBA salary cap is to Skyrocket the the television money is about to Triple like why are we fighting over like a million or two bucks here per year doesn’t make sense because it what it does is it makes you look Petty that yes like unfortunately it does like whether that was your intent or not I I think it really does make you look like whatever whoever’s idea this was it looks like oh first of all you’re not like looking around the league and seeing what everybody else is getting paid and even if you you know you look at the the Tweet by by Shawn Cunningham friend of the show yeah like Sean’s like we’re literally Partners on the king’s beat like he’s he’s one of my dudes right but if like why would you just pull out Jason kid and say Jason kid is making this okay even if Jason kid is making that dollar which I don’t think he is even if he is why is he the guy that we got to compare Mike Brown to know why is a guy with a 22 career win percentage the guy you got to compare him to why going to the finals yeah because he’s going to the finals okay big deal he’s going to the finals okay he also has Luca and he has Kyrie if you wanted to go his his general manager also went out and got Daniel Gafford and PJ Washington at the trade deadline so so look I would just like be fair here like like to be fair to all sides I don’t like it sure does look like it came from the Kings there’s a some weird world in which it did not but I don’t see that world actually being out there and let’s be honest man the deal is right there for the taking like it’s not that difficult he wants 10 million you got 7 million you’re right the middle ground right there is like eight and a half you could even like eight and a half or nine but make the incentives and where in which if he does succeed he gets to x amount of dollars yeah but why are you doing this they just does not look good at all it looks small time because you’re bickering over a couple of million dollars in an in in an era where we know that there’s a several billion dollar TV rides deal like you just said coming up uh you mentioned the thing about the teams valuation climbing uh by orders of hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars over the last couple of years uh and then you have the this is not like part of the salary cap this is not this is not something where they’re going ah you know what hey we can’t keep him around because we’re trying to maneuver this you know there might be a big move down in the future this is purely uh not super sold on Mike Brown so we don’t want if we fire him which we could definitely do we don’t want to have to pay him out and pay another coach uh so what if we just try and find like the kings are trying in this in this instance there’s some give and take and they’re trying to all take right now yeah there’s no there’s no give in this and again I’m going to continue saying this the the contract offer itself is not insane it’s low but not insane it’s not $3 million a year and it is a contract offer so credit to the Kings there for for trying uh it’s not enough it’s not close or it’s it is close but it’s not there it’s not you’re you’re arguing over a million dollars maybe two over the course of three years or maybe you’re arguing over one additional year that would come in 2027 28 right is that right 26 yeah 2728 yeah that’s so far in the future and you want to talk about franchise values going up and TV money coming in like this is so this is so silly and then to go to the Press with that as though this is uh Greg papovich or Steve Kerr and we’re talking and 20 millions of dollars or this is a Brandon I contract extension where it’s getting ugly in the press and you’re going back and forth and wrong numbers are being reported left and right like this was just a this is just an own goal man yeah and the frustration does not come from the offer it does not come from because you just I mean you just said we’re getting closer and closer to a deal getting done so that’s not even the issue at this point it’s like dude this is you’re you’re so heading the right direction as a team as an organization as a franchise like V has worked so hard to get this thing going the right way getting the right people in place and whether he has the right people in place or not TBD um whether whether uh they’re going to win a title TBD but it’s like dude this organization has taken so many steps from VC on down to move the right way and sending this out to Shams last night out of seemingly nowhere that’s the Small Time stuff that that people always say kangs k n gz like that’s that yeah that’s what that’s a version of this so all of that is to say if they get a deal done where it’s 4 and 32 with some incentives that get it to 4 and 40 dep you know again what those incentives are no idea then we’re looking at like okay good cooler heads prevailed they came their senses let’s move on like this isn’t something that we’re never going to get over MH this is something that is get passable but right now as we sit on May 31st where Mike Brown doesn’t have a contract and this is the only thing we’ve seen publicly that’s a that’s that’s silly it is a it is a circus Type move well I think the other problem too is the NBA is about to take a like a six- day break because the finals aren’t until what next Thursday this is going to be one of the topics of discussion the whole time and that’s what you don’t want to be is the top of of of negative discussions and that’s what this is again like the this is I was told when I first started this job by someone within the walls of the kings that Sacramento is a good news town they love good news right there’s an opportunity here for really good news There’s an opportunity for you to lock up a a a great coach that just strung together two winning seasons came up a little bit short but you all you got to do is make a couple of roster changes and and get ready to go into another season where who knows where this team can go right this just feels like very shortsighted like you’re you’re not getting like the the pr look of this is like what are we doing and like I don’t know why this they operate this way um this isn’t the first time it won’t be the last time but at the same time I don’t get why why it has to be contentious all the time why it has to get to this level all the time and why you literally just went out whoever did this went out and put a number out there that doesn’t look good for you that’s it doesn’t look good for you you know we don’t we no longer live in a world where you can go to the grocery store and get two gallons of milk for $ five we don’t a dozen eggs cost like six bucks yeah like you want to go buy apples it’s like a dollar something an apple this is not the same world we lived in five years ago and in the NBA world it’s not the same world we lived in two years ago yeah the Monty Williams contract destroyed the base and then boom boom boom boom boom that base was solidified way up high yep all of a sudden you got to figure out where where you are going to be as a franchise because if it’s not Mike Brown it’s going to be someone else that you have to pay this dollar amount for like you can’t walk into a car dealership and there’s a $40,000 car and say I’ll give you 23,000 and the Dealer’s like no and then you get angry you’re like what do you mean and and so you’re gonna go try and buy a bicycle instead and you’re not going to win the race on a bicycle no well that and like in the meantime you’re just damaging everything like there there is positivity here whether they made the playoffs or not there is positivity there is a vision there is movement going the right way something that had not happened for 16 years you got to try to harness that and ride that and that’s where I’m I’m more I I am more of the opinion that like look this was misguided and it wasn’t and it wasn’t something that that I would have done and and it’s certainly not something that if I were given that number and someone said like I’m like okay I’m going to quote you on this like these will be in quotes I’m not putting this out there without it being from from someone El from like very clear that a source gave me this information mhm because like for me I I can’t imagine like putting the words competitive I don’t want my words being put in there editorializing editorializing that this is a competitive offer because I don’t believe that that’s a competitive offer in today’s NBA sure and if if other people think that that’s fine but you also have to look at coaching salaries and where they’ve been for years and and like what Mike Brown is is up against as far as establishing this you know he needs to he needs to get paid what other coaches are getting paid in the league yep and and if nothing else you don’t get a Sacramento Kings discount when it comes to coaches because like it’s the Kings like it that there’s a history here where coaches lose their jobs very quickly it’s on Mike to to fight for every dollar that he can in my opinion and it I get the everybody always players coaches everyone yeah yeah I’m not going to be Grudge somebody you know for what they make and I’m also like if we see this deal get worked out and in the end it’s like a three-year $25 million deal with incentives that could push it to 30 that sounds like in my head that makes a lot of sense yeah but it that $4 million it means a lot more in today’s market not just because it’s Mike Brown getting four million extra dollars it’s that Mike is establishing with the other coaches that this is what NBA coaches make yeah so um somebody in the chat asked is there a bad news Town New York and Philly are the first two that come to mind yeah New York and Philly in terms of in terms of sports love some bad news yes they are all about ripping into their teams as much as humanly possible yeah I mean there are bad news talents and I get that like um from a from a sports perspective I don’t know yeah yeah totally I haven’t spent spent enough time there in either of those places to know but sportswise I’ve listen to enough radio in those places to know they love some bad news oh yeah heck yeah but that’s I mean you hit the you hit the nail on the head with that this is a this is such a freaking layup for the Kings all you have to do is not that not sending this kind of stuff to Shams and negotiating in public like you said and that’s just a PR failure that’s a swing and a miss it’s an own goal whatever you want to call it yeah and it’s again it’s not they can’t recover from this and oh my God they need to fire everybody and clean house it’s not that it is not nearly that drastic it’s just a terrible look if they came out today and said and and STI stick with me on on this number Mike Brown uh signs of 4year $48 million extension worth up to $60 million there not a single person who’s going to be like whoa that’s too much money is that no it’s that their money is it affecting the salary cap Noe it’s not now if if they went hey we’re paying a coach so we’re not going to go into the luxury tax okay now now we can talk about an issue but there’s not some number that that that there’s no negative PR for the Kings by resigning Mike Brown no to any deal so it’s like yo just stay quiet until that happens and then celebrate the hell out of it when it does have Mike Brown day down in doco if you want I don’t care but this is a layup dude you just got to make it

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