@Boston Celtics

Jaylen Brown is locked into free throws practice ahead of the NBA Finals

Jaylen Brown is locked into free throws practice ahead of the NBA Finals

by horseshoeoverlook


  1. coacoanutbenjamn

    I’m sure he’s a 90%+ free throw shooter in practice, we just gotta hope they fall in the games

  2. milestone121

    He improved his free throw percentage after the Miami series

  3. bobmcadoo9088

    if giannis can make 20 freethrows in a finals game then so can JB

  4. JusChllin

    This is good, the mavs might try to pull some hack a shaq shit with Jaylen because of his ft percentage so stay locked in JB

  5. Magnaleo

    I still think his FT form could be a little smoother. It looks too slow to me, which gives him time to overthink it, especially in-game

  6. redd_house

    Maybe I’m just misremembering, but it seems like they’re much more locked in and focused than 2022

  7. vigourtortoise

    Whatever he’s done so far, double or triple it

  8. ThePiggleWiggle

    Who’s that girl on the side of the court. Rare to see staff not in sportswear and I don’t think girlfriends are usually allowed at the practice?

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