@San Antonio Spurs



hello everybody this is zoom it’s game with zoom and you guys we’re going to talk about huge Spurs trade rumors you guys yes huge Spurs trade rumors and we’re going to talk about specifically excuse me three players Miles Turner Darius Garland and Kellin Johnson and uh so we’re going to start off with Miles Turner Miles Turner average uh 17 points six uh about almost seven rebounds per game one assist and 52% from from the field and uh he had a pretty decent uh playoff run against Boston New York and uh let’s see so he had he went 22 and 10 in one game 23 and 10 against Boston what else 21- 10 against New York in one game 17-8 23 points so he he he’s somewhat putting in work uh in the postseason but uh we’re going to go and also he want to the University of Texas which is also important because you know we’re the Spurs you know Texas scene so we’re going to go over this article uh by air armo uh it says this headline you guys should Spurs Target Miles Turner to pair with Vicor one Miama if Miles Turner does not excuse me if if mon turn does not get a contract extended from the Indiana Pacers he could be a great fit with the S Spurs and Victor miyama uh question looms by whether or not Pac Center Miles Turner will get extended by Indiana as he enters the final year of his contract Turner now 28 is a name that has been linked to the S Spurs for the past handful of Seasons with a deal never getting done in that time Turner has improved into a well round is stretch five Center while San Antonio has been going through some Growing Pains uh yeah it mainly goes in detail on should should the Spurs get M Turner to pair with Victor one Yama now here’s my thoughts do I think it could work yeah it could but I don’t think you want to give up too much for Miles Turner I know he’s a good player I’m not say he’s like a allar like that like like a like a A yic or be or you know but he he’s good you know but I don’t think you should give up too much for him he’s not that guy you know to give up so much uh but no I don’t think so but I do like the idea but no not M Turner uh next headline is uh another article by air Almo uh May 27 2024 says analyst predict what Spurs package for Darius Garland could look like Darius Garland is the latest name in s Spurs future point guard talks and we look at what a package to acquire him could look like okay now this is interesting I’m not going to read this whole article but I’m going to uh let me see okay so what could a package for garden look like analy Jake weback ignited the spark that start the Friendzy yesterday surrounding the Garland rumors saying that League circles are anticipating the Spurs could being legitimately interested in the Vanderbilt alumni okay uh let me see and this a tweet I guess it says Spurs seem to have legitimate interest in Cavaliers point guard Darius garland from what league circles are anticipating if Garland is made available Cleveland could be interested in collecting Kellin Johnson a rising Prospect like Malachi brand sorry Malachi brandham and draft picks from San anonio okay let me see what he has so in this mock trade the Spurs Kellin Johnson Malachi brandom an eighth overall pick and we get Daris Garland I repeat that it says that in this mock trade the Spurs T Kellin Johnson and malachim brandom alongside with the eighth overall pick for Darius garland that is not the worst trade if you think about it we’re just giving up Kellin Johnson who’s been on a trade block for the Spurs for a while well not the block but on the hot seat with Spurs and the rumors and Malachi brandom who I somewhat like in eighth overall pick for Darius Garland that’s not too bad you know we’re not getting finessed like well I’m not going to say finess because we don’t know what the future holds but we’re not giving up too much like with uh the Clippers deal with OKC we’re just G up two players and the eighth overall pick it’s not like we’re sending four or five picks you know it’s just one pick that’s this year’s pick where this draft is not that hot well this draft class is not that hot do you see what I’m saying cuz I believe we have a good amount of pck picks in 2025 so let me know what you guys think about that trade that that that mock trade uh so we give up Kellin Johnson Malachi brandom in the eighth overall pick for Darius Garland and I’ll read over uh Darius Garland stats he uh for 223 2024 season he’s averaging 18 points two rebounds and 6.5 assists 44% field goal percentage and B against Boston 11 points 30 points 15 points 14 points he also went 11 to n against Orlando 12 points 21 points 23 points Five Points 14 points uh three point percentage is uh it’s okay physical percentage is not looking too good in the post well it’s average in the postseason uh that’s okay but I don’t know cuz he’s been playing the East you know would he adjust to playing in the west of conference that’s the real question because the West is a whole different ball game you know we all know the West is better than East we know that you know uh currently but I find it interesting we’re not giving up too much Darius Garland um but my only concerns is if we got Darius Garland um what he fit with wmy do you think Dar Garland will fit with wmy you know uh we are building around wmy and does attit is his attitude good for the locker room you know do you think he’s uh with fitting with Spurs culture but the good thing is he is Young uh I believe he’s 24 uh excuse me excuse me if I’m wrong um but he’s young I believe and uh yeah it’s going to be very very interesting in June I cannot wait until June you guys uh off season draft is going to be terrific um I think we’re going to make a splash or I should say a big move and uh the off season or excuse me Francy but uh I’ll read this last article you guys and this is uh from Athlon sport Sports says San anonio Spurs willing to trade Kellin Johnson this off season the San Antonio Spurs are expect to be buyers this summer and could flip their 244 year old forward um let me see while the Spurs have been linked to several Premier players on the trade market to make a deal they would have to send a player in picks back and pretty much every mock trade proposed Kellin Johnson is included as a bargaining chip he’s a young player with a with a lot of promise and and is on a team friendly contract through 2026 2027 yeah I don’t see Kellin Johnson being with us in 2026 and 2027 I just don’t um recent reports claim what was already assumed Spurs are opening are open to trading Johnson um according to Brett seagull from clutch points in addition to the team being open to discussing trade ideas with both the fourth and eighth overall picks the Spurs will be willing to hear offers uh involving Kellin Johnson okay yeah I’m not not really surprised a lot of rumors like this have been floating around but I don’t see us trading the fourth pick do I see us trading the eighth pick maybe I don’t know let me but all I want to say is this you guys would you guys trade the eighth pick and Kellin Johnson for darus gardin I find that very intriguing because we will have a pretty decent point guard but my only concern is is this why I’ve learned from watching basketball when you trade for players and let’s say you create a duo or a big three and in two or three seasons that team doesn’t make a championship the ship starts to sink and then that duo or Trio all want to leave that team so I’m concerned if we get darus Garland and doesn’t work out with wmy and dares Garland wants to leave then wmy wants to leave you seen that happen with uh you seen that happen with Durant Harden and uh Durant Harden and Kyrie you seen that happen with who else I’m trying to think you guys who else you’re about to see that happen with uh the warriors with Clay Curry and Draymond yeah they had a good run but you know their time is up but you guys get my point the point is this if we get Dar Garland do I think it’s a good move yes but I think that if we get Dar Garling we’re going to be in win now mode you know versus if if we get a TI Jones we’ll still be in rebuild mode sort of that’s why I think but I I I’m very excited though if we get Garland I’m for it I mean he do could score know he’s solid but I think we need to hold Garland Dar Garland for the Long Haul cuz he’s very young you know I think he’s what says 24 so let me know in the comments do you guys think we should get dares Garland or do you think we should get Miles Turner me personally I don’t think we should go for Miles Turner because we have Mamu I like Mamu and as for Kell Johns Johnson do I think we should trade him uh I think he’s a good trade piece so yeah why not but I do do think there’s other players that we should get rid of on Spurs and that’s different discussion for a different video but that’s all I want to tell you guys God bless like comment subscribe and follow drop it [Music]

Was sup everybody in this video we will be discussing huge trade rumors and 2 key potential NBA players the Spurs could pick up in NBA free agency and also we’re gonna discuss 1 San Antonio Spurs player that may get traded.


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