@Milwaukee Bucks

Michael Carter-Williams on his relationship with Giannis Antetokounmpo and the Milwaukee Bucks

Michael Carter-Williams on his relationship with Giannis Antetokounmpo and the Milwaukee Bucks

yes yes yes yeah most of the times I uh a lot of guys I think I T I think it was yanis J I told somebody was like man this is man this is more and more stuff and more I’m was like you got broad shoulders you know and most of the times when you mentally stronger sometimes a lot of more more things happen and more stuff and you just fight through it because you can you know I’m very I’m I am religious I believe in God and I think like you know a lot of things happen for that reason you know yeah no for real and yeah look at all through what your family has been through right yeah I’m I’m I’m a product of that you know I’m a I’m I’m a prodct of that I really believe that this is this is why things happen you know even Yan is going down doing all the things he happens for a reason H for a reason okay but I know okay so now I have another question like what’s what’s Mike off the court bro I don’t even know I don’t I already had all my notes like what’s I want this C me and you what’s Mike off the court sh mic off the court bro I’m just bro I’m just trying to take one day at a time trying to help the people around me trying to educate people just you know I got so much extra time so like even even with you know Dylan and you know your family office like you know onto ink like me and him be lock step like I’ll talk to somebody and he’ll be like yo I talked to him last week like or I you know I’ll have a meeting and then I hop on the meeting with Dylan and be like yo this is great communication great opportunity so I’m constantly you know doing my thing like you know I’m doing some deals in real estate I’ve you know Diversified my portfolio with you know a bunch of different deals like so I’m doing my thing like just just trying to make new Partnerships with people um you know I’ve been I talk to a lot of guys still in the league so like I’ve been trying to have like more meaningful conversations with them right you have to you have to this is what people don’t talk about like yeah like we talk about everything else we talk about girls we talk about we talk about every everything under the moon but when when it’s finances when it’s deals when it’s that with it’s everybody sign bro so I’m like yo let’s talk about that like like when’s the last time you holled at your financial advisor and was like yo like what are the returns what was my returns looking like this so crazy like you know obviously now it’s it’s become it’s a closed circle now but then you know it’s opening up now slowly and we’ll see how that goes but I’m saying like everybody has a financial advisor when it comes to right and I get that but at the same time like he charges you just to manage your money and to give you like good choices but does he bring deals to the table right does he bring you know what I’m saying does he not deals to the things that is going to if you have a goal what’s your goal like oh my goal is to make uh 2,000 a month or 10,000 a month or 100,000 or million how does he fight for you to get to that how does he not only with the resources you have but the resources he has you know that’s why we created the group and that’s why we did all these things but what would you say is the mo what do you but about some the deals right what do you love like what’s your love like now obviously my number one love is B and I like you know I do all my deals I’m a businessman I love business in general but you know I love podcasting too like I like like because I’m learning things you know every guest I have I learn new things and I and I Implement them and I and I’m a big believer in learning from your uh surroundings from your environment you know not just only from your experience but like what’s going on in your life um so what do you love outside of like about Investments what’s the specific things is it real estate it that what it like yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s probably real estate and private Equity bro like honestly it started with me just like diving into my own stuff bro like my own finances like yo like I can’t just be swiping the American Express like no like like I got endless amount of money right like I was like I need to budget myself like I need to you know dive in like really know what I’m spending know what’s what so like once I started doing that and I was like man like a lot of my money is just in stocks and bonds and like you know I’m not Diversified like I’ve always wanted to get into real estate I’ve always wanted to look at private Equity deals so I’m like I got to start from somewhere right so you know I started that um adventure of of going down the line and figuring out what even you know what real estate even means or what private Equity even means right and so um you know went down that Avenue every things are going well like I’m doing a lot of different things I know I know they they they they keep me posed I know I know you do your thing bro so like now y’all are doing your thing too I hear I hear in the family I I’ve been like I’ll be like okay talk to this dude I know what they doing n y are y’all are y’all are helping a lot of people out bro for real thank that’s that’s that’s dope but okay so you do that then and raising my kids too bro like that’s one thing like I’m like my my kids are old enough to play my daughter she’s five so we play sports she got Jitsu three times a week she she Hoops she does gymnastics so like I’m taking her to all these different things and I’m just like watching her grow same thing with my son like he’s he’s in swimming and um we got he’s in Jiu-Jitsu as well he just got his first strike oh sh by the way quick side note you know like uh the youth sports are like a 40 billion dollar business just as I not just as I not I’m saying I yeah no I got my own nonprofit my own nonprofit organization um what is it what is it called and uh MCW Stars yeah yeah so it’s a it’s a a program we got about 15 girls teams like my mom she runs the whole thing she does her thing too like good good does she does a lot so we’re I’m helping out a lot more with that like you know looking for funding grants all that type of stuff so we’re uh definitely come my way obviously but uh way obviously but yeah I got you I know I’ll hit you up be like I know them pockets heavy but most definitely I got you anything you need know this but okay I know not to ask Giannis though the pockets is tight he just been but I you know what I’ll would say What’s your what’s the stupidest things you you’ve ever bought bro you were like ah [ __ ] why did I buy this I want to say that house in Milwaukee but I love that house you it could be anything it’ be like why did I buy this whatever it could be a car this that whatever it was probably cars I probably bought some cars that I was like was just unnecessary didn’t need to buy and what’s the best purchase You’ ever had my house in Orlando House in Orlando yep yeah House in Orlando you feel I feel like the we know the conversation we having and you know we never talk about this a lot feel like that are you’re in a state of peace and just like tranquility and just family time and that’s why you said you’re having a lot of good time a lot of fun with I’m chilling I’m chilling I got some things in the work that I’m trying to go get back on the court with um but yeah no I’m I’m I’m you know enjoying enjoying family time yeah and and you said this and you keep saying Orlando and my our house and everything feels like the house and and your families give you peace bro yeah absolutely bro absolutely it’s good to see it’s good to see that I think people don’t understand how like in U how much turmoil there there is in into sports and and going back and forth and you’re traveling every day and you got to play from City to city and you know everybody gets to tweet at you and Men you on Instagram every other day because you’re playing every other team and you don’t get the times to kind of figure out what your put once you get in this stage and you see your family kids and like it becomes yeah I mean to br bro throughout my throughout my 9 10 years in the league bro I done seen some of the wildest situations like just like so much so many so many crazy things that happened to everybody in the league when they play like right so many emotions up and down to just wait but what for you okay but what would be what was the most craziest things you ever seen no I’m saying that you ever felt that you was like this is you never because now like you like talk about this and I feel like the craziest season I’ve ever been a part of was Chicago for sure like

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