@Los Angeles Clippers

Bill Walton Love, Clippers Coach, Bronny James, Padres Roller Coaster, Coach Prime

Bill Walton Love, Clippers Coach, Bronny James, Padres Roller Coaster, Coach Prime

it’s time to talk sports it’s hacksaws headlines a panorama of the World of Sports stories comments and opinions touchdown s now here’s iconic Sports talk show host Lee hacksaw Hamilton and co-host John Riley who wants to talk sports on a Thursday we do from the Dixie Line Lumber and home center studios in San Diego we welcome you to hacksaws headlines our Thursday podcast as we kick off a great Sports weekend this is Lee hacksaw Hamilton along with my co-host John Riley we welcome you to our end of the week podcast with a ton of topics on the table our podcast is brought to you by Dixie Line Lumber and homest seters nine stores in San Diego to serve you you’ve got projects these are the people that you should talk to about materials and if you’re looking for ideas they’d be glad to be a consultant that’s Dixie line and by North County I Center of paway and esand where right now North County Eye Center for all of our followers on live stream is offering free eye exams and 20% off on your frames for your new glasses call Dixie Line tell them you’re a hexa podcast listener cash in now we’re all going to need help with our eyes sometime get free eye exams right now North County I Center Powe Escondido John Riley before we put topics on the table and there there’s a lot of latebreaking hot stuff that we’re going to touch today just describe what happens at the end of the podcast with fans Forum because I don’t know anybody else in the country that’s doing what we’re doing giving fans the chance to jump on board Express an opinion and in some cases pile on with fans for okay yeah this is your chance to get involved in in hacksaw headlines if you have a question or comment for Lee you know just drop it in the live chat on Facebook X or Twitter we’ll get you involved in fans forum at the conclusion of Hacksaw headlines and have you joined hacksaw insiders group we put together this club get you on the emailing list for all the unique special things we’re doing you can register it’s absolutely free leeh hacksaw that’s my website there’s a big Orange Box fill it out become part of the Insiders club we do want you to share tell your friends everything we’re doing we want you to subscribe so you’ll get all the alerts every time that guy puts something up on the YouTube channel all hours of day and night John we got a lot of topics to talk about let’s talk about the topic that everybody is still discussing Nationwide oh Bill Walton I mean it just the outpouring of love for this guy unbelievable the nation responds to Big Red whether it’s from UCLA fans friends alums whether it’s people across the NBA people in this community with what he’s done I tried to put together just a quick list of some of the most quotable quotes that people said or people wrote about Bill Walton they called him a beacon of Life the world is a bit less bright with Walton’s passing a flower child who became a beautiful man a champion at every level of Life passion for helping people a towering man as a player and a person a selfless star a life of Charity and a zest for life he was wacky he was wild he was wonderful he was a guy who spoke in sentences that had no periods he was San Diego’s favorite son San Diego from birth to death everybody talking positively about Crossing pants with big red isn’t it awesome I mean the stories and and and it seems like a lot of NBA broadcasters and other people in sports have have their Bill Walton story where Bill Walton has really touched their life I saw someone else make a comment that says you know it’s one thing to remember them after they’ve passed but we should have celebration of life when they’re still alive I mean we should have had a parade for Bill Walton long ago you it was really eerie to me when I thought about him passing this past weekend last Sunday was the final minute of the Pack 12 Network it was the final athletic competition in the Pack 12 Conference which is going away mhm and I thought to myself and Bill was a unbelievable critic of what happened yeah I could see Bill raising his hand and said Pack 12 is gone my life’s work is done and of course he passed away hours after the final event in the Pack 12 Conference what a cool cool guy remembered for a wide variety of everything yeah I mean imagine living a life like Bill Walton I mean that would be a satisfying life wouldn’t it very much so and I think he was satisfied cuz his heart was in to everything he spent time on we go from that basketball story to back on the court in the next basketball story yeah Lakers Clippers I I see the Clippers just they sign L for a long-term deal yeah let’s just talk about what’s going on with these two teams Tyrone louu signs a 4-year $78 million extension to stay with the LA Clippers their logo pictured there on the right uh the owner Steve Balmer is committed he called this guy the Cornerstone of her franchise the pillar of what we’re going to become now he’s already signed Kawhi Leonard to a contract extension now he gets L lock down so he does not go across the hallway to the Lakers and interview next thing he’s got to make a decision on what they’re going to do with Paul George and then what they’re going to do with James Harden their Summer’s work is far from over but they’re going to be stable because they got Tyron Lou and obviously they got COI lettered and now they’re going to have to sort and sift in terms of the Lakers second round interviews now underway for their coaches and this is the the coaching candidate they’re on their going after their fourth head coach under Rob pinka the general manager I still maintain Sam Cassell is the right guy however the Rumor Mill says the JJ reck is making contacts to quote put a coaching staff in place and it sure looks like the Lakers might be by the weekend Reaching Across the table and they’re going to offer it to a former NBA player who never ever coached a game anywhere might be a bright light might be an X andos genius might be a metrics Advanced intelligent guy but he’s never coached and I just have this Fear Factor that they’re going to walk all over him as a first your coach the other Lakers story bronny James stays in the NBA draft he’s had explosive workouts at the combines has done very well but this is a kid when he lined up not talking about shooting against air or in a college scrimmage average Four Points a game and lost to starting job at USC there seem to be an awful lot of pressure on the Lakers spend your second round round Draft pick on bronny James he’s had four individual workouts I was told the Lakers Chicago Bulls Utah Jazz and San Antonio but his agent has indicated we’re not taking an NBA g-league contract we’re not taking a two-way contract regardless of where he’s drafted now to me it’s like bronnie James is using his legacy status as LeBron’s kid to try to force his way to be on an NBA roster with a guaranteed deal so I don’t know how this is going to work out I guess to a degree I’m just a little bit turned off by this this whole situation yeah well I don’t know if bronny James is forcing the issue I think his father is forcing the issue here the Lakers you know taking a second round pick a lot of those second round picks never make this big Squad anyways and they wind up in the G league on a two-way deal he said no we’re not taking that that’s what the agent says yeah I mean come on you know so bronny James you know just needs to get in line you know and and prove himself earn it yeah earn it exactly JJ reick doesn’t it strike you like uh remember back in the day when Pat Riley took over the Lakers and they said oh or was it was was it him or was it Phil Jackson of the Bulls where they said oh he just rolls the ball out for him to play that was Phil Jackson but Pat Riley was on broadcast row doing TV now he had been an assistant NBA coach and I pulled him off TV you’re the guy well that guy became a great coach that guy became a great NBA general manager oh he absolutely I mean he proved it but this all these coaches in a short period of time with the Lakers reminds me of the Padres and all the things that they’ve gone through and that is not stable um and then for the Clippers yeah good on them getting Lou but you know you got Lou you you got Kawai but after that there’s still question marks well there’s question marks about what Paul George is going to do and then question mark what kind of relationship do you want to have with James Harden and then the rest of the roster led by Russell Westbrook becomes a big issue you’re a basketball fan last words on Bill Walton join us now in fans Forum Lakers line is open Clipper callers are invited text us right now in the chat box on fans Forum we go from Hoops let’s talk baseball baseball Angel Hernandez and the Negro Leagues these are great storylines L yeah I’m going to say some things that will probably offend a few people too bad for you listen to what I say and then go into fans form and tell me what you think can anybody explain to me how one of the lowest rated umpires in all of Major League Baseball in this era of instant replay and constant evalu ation retains his job since 1999 how is this possible he really front and center was one of the worst credible guys in the game shame on the umpire’s union for allowing this situation to exist for so long went back and did some checking you know he held his job despite incompetence despite mistakes despite having all his plays overturned in the most important time of the year and then he turned around and he sued baseball twice for discrimination because he was not promoted to be a crew chief he was not given assignments like All-Star games playoffs and World Series both court cases got thrown out of court in the court of appeals and yet he maintained his position and here’s the umpire’s union umpiring the Integrity of the game game allowing this guy to keep the job while keeping qualified men and women who are in AAA baseball living low pay bad travel crummy lifestyle with a hope of getting to the show blocked by that guy and you could say the media was unfair you could say the fans are unfair video replay does not lie I went back and checked on on background on him he had in the most important time of the year played play off series Cleveland Boston American League Championship Series he had three blown calls at first base over ruled in a four inning Span in the playoffs and yet he retained his job uh another time he had three replays overruled in one Yankee playoff game and yet he was allowed to do this and he had a quick trigger finger he threw guys out in the first batter of a game he two managers out on the first pitch of a game you talk about ego just completely out of control and then he eventually they stopped giving him assignments Marquee assignments yeah he could he could umpire the Kansas City Houston game you know on week eight of the season do have any bearing on anything but he got no choice assignments he sued he lost the lawsuits he appealed twice court of appeals threw them out why did baseball allow this to happen this is a terrible thing but I in my heart they refuse to fire him in what I would view as reverse discrimination cuz he was Cuban and his last name ended in a z and they were not going to toss a Hispanic overboard because then they’ get sued for reverse discrimination but they practice reverse discrimination do you know how many good umpires are stalled at Triple A CU guys like that and the video does not lie that’s the biggest issue of all so he woke up two months ago and said I don’t enjoy this anymore and he got bered I mean social media just skewered him non-stop fans skewered him the media skewered him deservedly so so I’m John I’m just shocked that MLB would allow this go on and the umpire’s union would protect him through all the incompetence and John Riley says he’s been a joke for a long time I mean he is the you The Stereotype the the guy you think of about horrible umpires and you’re right but the part of the story that I was surprised by is that he has had a legal Feud with Major League Baseball so maybe they were afraid to fire him you know regardless of racial issues you know that this guy might be wanting to litigate more and it was just easier to keep him at arms length um but it’s also surprising if the Umpire Union is protecting him that’s weak sauce right there now what’s the process about how triaa umpires can move up and can MLB umpires be demoted and go down to AAA they usually don’t fire them they tell them to retire and a bunch do and there is a cyclical turnover of Major League umpires and therefore they get pulled up from Triple A they get pulled up in vacation relief in Triple A job of an Umpire is long and it’s lonely you’re on the road a lot and you have no family with you and you just have the umpires you have no camarad or there’s no teammates to go hang with so it’s it’s a tough tough job but for him to maintain his position for that long and block men and women in the minor leagues at AAA cuz it is a progression going from the New York Pen League to the Pacific coast League to getting in the show I just I think it’s terrible that’s one story in baseball the other story involves that great player his name is Josh Gibson legendary catcher 1930s into the 1940s here’s the backdrop Major League Baseball has approved not only the continued admittance of great stars from the old Negro Leagues they have now indoctrinated all the statistics from the black leagues that started in 1920 that run till 1954 when the Black leades eventually folded after the Jackie Robinson barrier was broken down they have now allowed all the baseball statistics from the quote Negro Leagues to be incorporated at the hall of fame on their website with all the statistics of our great Stars yester Year from Babe Ruth through Ted Williams to where we are today that’s not a problem except this as they formed a research committee to dig up the statistics of the Negro Leagues to validate their stars and we knew who the names were from Josh Gibson to cool Papa Bell to Satchel Page what they found was fragmented statistics and that’s a big issue they found box scores they found newspaper stories well that that validates what Josh Gibson did with the homestead Grays but there were chunks of seasons in which there no box scores and there were no newspaper stories Etc and what they did was they went out and they took not just stats from the Negro Leagues but the Negro League teams played they barnstormed they played exhibition games they’d play a major league team they’d play minor league teams they play beer league teams they played the House of David a Jewish traveling semi- protein House of David exactly I’ve got pictures to verify that but they went back in these exhibitions and they took the stats and box scores of the exhibitions and they Incorporated them with the Negro League numbers which in essence kind of drove all the statistics of all the superstars from the black leagues up to the point now that Josh Gibson has superseded everything Tai cob did everything Babe Ruth did everything Ted Williams did but Major League Baseball structure in the American League and the National League and the old Federal League those were mandated League sanctioned games they took the Negro Leagues that had American League and a national league and the Negro Leagues but then they took all these exhibitions that they had access to data and they poured them into the pot and mixed it up and said these stats count that to me is stunning cuz the NFL does not include AFL stats NBA history does not include the ABA NHL does not include what the World Hockey Association did well we’re going to take Harlem Globe tro games and put that in the NBA and make it so I that’s the only deficiency to what they did they have every right to honor all the great players of yester year and they’re virtually all gone John and and they had there’s hardly any video of any of those guys um but we we have the stories and and I mean the greatness of buck Leonard Buck O’Neal uh Satchel Page and the stories those guys told the greatness of these players but this how they gathered the statistics really bothers me for example the new all-time leader if you went to the Baseball Hall of Fame today and punched it up in batting average it’s not Tai Cobb anymore at 367 it was Josh Gibson at 372 the alltime single season batting average used to be Ted Williams at 406 it is now Josh Gibson 1943 460 wow in the Negro Leagues slug in percentage used to be the Bambino 690 it is now Josh Gibson 718 Ops used to be the Babe 1164 Ops is now Josh Gibson 1177 slugging percentage used to be your guy Barry Bonds 863 Barry Bonds Josh Gibson 974 this is not to denigrate what he did with the homestead graay but the fact that they took all these statistics from these exhibition games and these Semi-Pro games they had access to and poured into the mix that’s a problem you know how do you equate Gibson’s accomplishment in a level of competition that to me is an issue how do you equate Gibson never faced Babe Ruth the pitcher Gibson never batted against Nolan Ryan how do you equate Satchel Page that era versus the great Hank Greenberg the Detroit Slugger from that era they deserve to be in the hall but do they deserve to have an aster on their plaque when you put the stats up there because it just wasn’t Negro League games it was all this other stuff and then I I thought to myself I wrote a column on it today and I’ve gotten a lot of response did MLB do this to honor the greats did MLB do this out of guilt because blacks were barred from baseball till Jackie Robinson Larry Doby broke the barrier in 1947-48 did they fear putting an aster up in a Hall of Fame plaque with these guys with their stats because all of a sudden it’d be separate but equal it’s a it’s a really big issue I interviewed as a sports talk show host some here in San Diego prior to that in Phoenix and before that in Cleveland I interviewed cool Papa Bell Buck Leonard Buck O’Neal will Foster Quincy troop great catcher Monty Irvin Larry Dolby Sam Jethro and the stars that you would recognize who started their careers in 5354 in the Negro Leagues that then folded Ernie Banks Willie Mays Henry Aaron the story they told were amazing but how should baseball have handled this so you tell me Aster make a mistake with the mathematics and how they compile them or should we just accept Josh Gibson’s greatness as Josh Gibson’s greatness regardless of what the numbers say and John Riley says It’s Tricky this is very tricky especially in the culture of of America today in 2024 with woke and everything else but it is clearly a stain in the major League Baseball history it’s like the original sin of baseball and they have to correct it now we could make arguments comparing players from different eras and never played each other you know just in Major League Baseball not even talking about the Negro Leagues but there’s always various levels of competition um you know back in the day uh what there was shorter Seasons now there are longer Seasons I mean none of the you know Hank Greenberg didn’t have to play any against any of those negro league pitchers either who were also fantastic players I mean what’s your take on the quality of competition in the Negro League versus MLB were they on par was one better than the other I think Major League Baseball was better but they had great Superstars African-Americans who were never allowed to cross the street to play so they were playing against other great people but not not top to bottom but see my my beef is not the rosters and who who they were as players my beef is how can it take these EX exibition games against Semi-Pro teams and the House of David Jewish touring team and take all those stats as exhibitions and put them in and say that’s why Josh Gibson has this all-time record great batting average may maybe I’m too much a purist I mean I honor I honor the players I love going to Cooperstown the Hall of Fame you’ve never been to Cooperstown you should go I’ve been there you should go to 617 area code but I have no problem with the players getting in I just think the statistic stats are kind of skewed but that’s me I’ll ask I’ll ask baseball fan out there jump into the chat box on fans Forum do you buy what I say it might being too much of a purist and we should just honor the guys because these guys were great well how many home runs would Josh Gibson have if today’s Oakland A’s were playing in the Negro League right A lot of people have the opinion that if we could compile all the records Josh would have hit 700 oh yeah yeah easy home runs see I in my opinion you include them and you include them all and you don’t necessarily need an asterisk you just need to tell the full story I mean it’s the same thing with Pete Rose or all these other guys that that have been banned I think you include them you show their data you show the records and then you include a paragraph on the plaque that explains the situation so people can take it in context now you know you you you’re comparing stats I like like imagine talking about Josh Gibson What About Bob Gibson he pitched in an ear when that mound was like you know a mile up in the air and he was dominant and then they switched the rules and so you know it’s all apples and oranges in the end I say throw all the data in include it include the story and move forward oldtime baseball fan fans form boxes open give us an opinion on that situation one other baseball topic here before we get to halftime Padres just finished up the series of the Marlins a lot of a lot of smack talking going on roller coaster ride continues I mean how do you beat the Dodgers two of three how do you get whacked by the Yankees how do you turn around and lose to the Rockies and then lose a really ugly game to Miami now they go on the road end of the day the Padres are still a 500 baseball team at this point and now they got a problem you hamstring uh you darish has a hamstring issue this is the third different injury that he’s had before we get to the 1 of June and of course Joe musgrove’s had two different types of setbacks here and now now they go on the road I guess it’s hard for me to sit there and fathom how a $160 million payroll can be a nickel and dime offense so many games they just scuffle I mean you’re the one you put it out there in a text to me how the hell came The Bases Loaded nobody out and all the all the beef from the Padre batting order come in and all those guys are still on the bases when the third outs recorded and nobody scored it’s to me it’s just driving me crazy about what what Padre baseball is right now uh it looks to me like it’s a little bit of a fatigue baseball team now they go to Kansas City to meet what I think is going to be the surprise team in baseball hell they’re going to face Seth Lugo the ex Padre who’s 8 and one and they’re going to face Michael Waka and then they get the Angels um it’s hard for me to believe that this lineup That batting order this payroll 13 and 19 at home 8 and 12 against Bad teams and 15- 17 against anybody that shows up on the schedule with a losing record I don’t know it’s the same player doing the same thing we’ve seen this year we saw last year through a couple of disappointing seasons and John Riley says about the roller coaster ride it is well it is a roller coaster ride I think that’s the thing is we see this team play so well sometimes and then other times so terrible you know I mean it’s one thing if you’ve got Christen noria and that lineup then your expectations are low but this is a team we thought would be a playoff team and and technically I guess they would still qualify if the season ended now what did you take on on the whole Mike schil postgame presser yesterday when he pushed back on this roller coaster idea he always pushes back don’t you dare question my guys my guys are committed blah blah blah blah your guys are one game over 500 please you know take some responsibility feel free to critique and analyze with a critical vein what needs to be said instead he always pushes back and unfortunately there’s too many quote media cheerleaders here everything is beautiful and you know the Padre Flagship station we’re not even to June 1st and what’s their topic of conversation well we look at the Wild Card race how can we get into the wild card race we get the last wild card spot geez piso quit being a cheerleader so you know we’ll we’ll see if if this health issue just continues to flare that’s going to be an issue if if it’s not 100% darish 100% Musgrove that to me is going to be a problem now I’m not going to be critical every minute of every day because I think we have to do this how about AJ AJ finding Jeremiah Estrada wow that gu and what Suarez has evolved into and then obviously some of the other Acquisitions the quote free agent Street rentals that have panned out so far and maybe David Peralta can be what David Peralta was just a couple of years ago from the left-handed side because the Padres are getting some pretty good productivity out of some of the other Street free agents uh that they signed but it’s not a complete team and I’m really worried about the fatigue Factor because Machado and tatis and Kim and cronenworth they’re playing a hell of a lot of ball there’s hardly any off days for those guys and pal this 162 game schedule yeah I mean it’s brutal out there but I’ll tell you what it goes back to remember we talk about Bill parcel’s right what’s he say you are what your record says you are and right now they’re just me you know they’re 500 a game up a game below 500 they got to put together a winning streak and once they do then you know they win seven out of nine series but then when you lose three in a row the Rockies it all kind of flats out so they’ve got to get on a five six 10 game winning streak and then they’re in business I concur with you Padre fan fans for is open for your opinion jump on board right now on our podcast we get to halftime our podcast is brought to you by North County Eye Center of Powe and Escondido look at that offer on the screen North County says thank you for being part of this pod we want you to call and make an appointment you’ll get a free eye exam and you’ll get 20% off the frames if you’re purchasing new glasses these people are special and it doesn’t matter whether it’s just eye exams glasses contacts or something much more significant when you need direction and help with your eyes we want you to consider North County eye center and look at that opportunity a free eye exam contact North County eye center and just say thanks for being part of hacksaws podcast I would like to make an exam and our podcast is also brought to you by Dixie Line Lumber and Home Centers does not matter what the project is doors and windows front doors cabinets in each of the rooms he and I have both used Dixie Line Lumber you got projects inside projects for the home projects for the office projects for the patio up by the pool think Dixie line for materials think Dixie Line Lumber if you’re looking for ideas these are who these people are at Dixie line and before we go to the second half of our Thursday podcast Hing towards this great Sports weekend just a reminder I write on my website every day if you like sports you should check it every morning it’s absolutely free you won’t believe the volume of information available at Lee hack also register to join our insiders group you get to hang with us you get to on our emailing list is a big Orange Box right on the front page of my website fill it out so you can be part of what we do subscribe so you’ll get alerts every time we put something up on the YouTube channel which is virtually every day and we want you to share tell your friends who we are where we’re located right now give us a thumbs up give us a festar rating cuz we can use all all the friends we can get John we go to the second half we got topics to talk about here involving the NFL yeah the NFL 18 game schedule is there a little push back right now Roger Goodell a week ago talked about all likelihood we’re going to present a package to go to 18 regular season games we’ll have just two exhibition games you can have joint workouts this is all about the bank this is all about the green this is all about money well the union has to negotiate this any change in that type of scheduling has to involve collective bargaining the union is saying we’re not agreeing to an 18 game schedule right now we need things to be considered and the union is started to push back and it’s not just the fact that they’re going to each player is going to be paid more money because they’re playing 18 regular season games not just the fact there’s going to be more money going to gross revenue which means the salary cap will go up they want better work conditions and out of nowhere the NFL players associ a went public and said John we want the elimination of all otaa workouts now the OTAs have become a five-week thing in the off season you bring you bring your draft picks in right after the draft that’s a rookie orientation thing and then you bring everybody in for a three-week window and you do classroom work you do on the field work you do weight training Etc then you have a full mini camp for everybody rookies free agents Street free agents and drafted free agents and Veterans that’s one full week that’s mandatory and then everybody goes to camp at the end of July the union said no we don’t want this to be an 11mon a year physical slog for all of our players you’re going to 18 games we got to change things so they’ve come back and they said we want you to eliminate the OTAs as they’re operated right now and what what they PL and simple said you’re allowed to bring your draft picks in for only classroom work cannot be on the field no physical testing when you bring the group of players in for the three we OTA window strictly classroom work nobody on the field no weight training program none of that now if you got injured players and there might be a rehab thing component to that he says we want OTAs on the field ended strictly educational strictly installation in your playbook Etc no practices they are proposing that training camps will open a week earlier because of an 18 game schedule and that once we get Beyond July 4th everybody’s Camp will open a week earlier and then boom rest of training camp to the start of the season um I think rookies need to have OTAs you got to obviously classroom work is important I you know if you’re if the union is saying we don’t want conditioning to be part of this that’s a detriment of the players because the players need to really get their cardio and their conditioning up and you can only do that in the offseason you don’t don’t lift every day and all that other stuff Monday through Friday during the regular season so there there’s a I think there’s an increased injury risk if you’re not going to have physicality and OTAs weightlifting Etc they they they want clubs to cease and assist quit badgering my player that he’s got a be there to weightlift all offseason in the confines of the facility uh it’s complex but like anything else as it relates to the CBA it’s going to be negotiated and if if the union and the owners are going to 18 it’s going to be more than just money going to 18 it’s going to have to also incorporate changes in the otaa and I think there’ll be changes in the size of the roster I can’t imagine a 58 man roster trying to play an 18 game schedule and what they may do and the reason un is going to wind up pushing for that is those are full salaries that’s not a 50% renumeration for some kid on a developmental Squad that gets this much it will be a full salary for veteran players so I this is going to be a long pull back and forth between the two but do you think your 49ers need to have OTAs with all the things it encompasses that I just explained well clearly they need the classroom work like you said and and frankly some players even today need a lot more classroom work cuz so much of it is mental but how many players have had season ending or career ending injuries in these OTAs a bunch now you know are we talking 15 season ended injuries 30 season ending injuries uh it’s a big issue we’ve had a lot of ruptured Achilles tendons in OTAs cuz these guys on the practice field they’re exploding off the line of scrimmage to run their pass route and the new the new play formations are running for the quarterbacks that’s where that stuff happens they’re in helmets and they’re in shells there’s not supposed to be a lot of physical contact but that means you’re running up and in and you’re planting and you’re going you can explode your knee you can explode you get a cleat caught and blow out and the kill us and that has happened last 3 or four years at a bigger bigger number but again I go back to my thing there has to be weight training and it has to be supervised weight training so I don’t know where the middle ground on this is you know it kind of reminds me a little bit of high school sports and how they’re limiting the practices particularly during the summer workouts and you know the sport doesn’t necessarily suffer I mean these kids have been running and lifting weights in college and and as Pros I I I don’t object to it I mean if if there’s got to be give and take in that negotiation but yeah classroom work by all means they need more of that on we go from NFL football college football oh boy we got some hot topics here yeah coach Prime in the news with the SEC SEC has one set of problems Colorado’s got another set of problems that has just started let’s talk about Coach Prime he’s got the quarterback son shadur is a great talent probably going to be a first round pick he’s got a cornerback Son by the name of Shiloh we find out now that Shiloh was arrested on a terrible assault charge while he was in high school that resulted in severe injuries to a security guard at a school Dion Sanders ran three prep schools he was the CFO he was the athletic director he was a football coach in Florida and Texas when he retired all three were shuttered all three were shut down because of financial impropriety all three were sanctioned because of academic issues his son assaulted a security guard at one of these prep schools severe internal injuries somehow someway he didn’t get charged with deadly assault the man sued him lost 11.9 million Sanders was forced to pay 11.9 Shiloh Sanders never paid it he kept changing addresses they could not locate him the father did not cooperate a court of appeals has ruled that Shiloh Sanders must pay the 11.9 million plus 215,000 to an insurance company that was also defrauded Dion’s not taking part in this at all I thought fathers were responsible for their underage Sons at least at least I thought M so that’s a big issue and now they’re saying Shiloh has just filed for bankruptcy Shiloh had over $2 million in nil money for two years and he’s filed for bankruptcy to hide the money it’s a big credibility issue for the kid and to a degree I think the father so there’s that story and John Riley who’s been a big coach Prime fan says well first of all how in the heck can Shiloh Sanders come up with 11.9 million I mean he has even earned that in nil so I think they’re going after the Deep Pockets of of dad for this isn’t Dad responsible for what his 16-year-old kid did well that’s always tricky there right in that young adulthood and who respon it is gray but in the end you know Shiloh is the guy that did the assault not coach Prime um although you can question his fatherhood skills in that whole mess um but you know he’s always going to be in the spotlight wherever Dion goes he rubs people the right way and the wrong way he just creates a Ruckus everywhere he is in my opinion more for the good than for the bad I like coach Prime and his leadership skills but this is Shiloh he’s the defensive back not shadur the quarterback right um but shadur the quarterback is is probably the top nil guy in the country isn’t he he’s living on on the edge you know mercedesbenz at age 20 and all that stuff so so that’s one story the other story is in the Southeastern Conference you know you and I have kind of talked hyph and argued back and forth about College athletics so out of control but then you don’t have a problem with the nil and you don’t have a problem with the bleep and transfer not at all Southeastern Conference held their football meetings this past week and Greg sanki who’s very influential commissioner of the conference met with the coaches the coaches John are up in arms we know that this new lawsuit in which every school now is going to have 222 million a year that will be funded to all their athletes and all their athletic programs the SEC is discussing haven’t proposed it yet and now it’s a firefight with the coaches the SEC is discussing with all the money they’re making and all the money they they hand out 66 million per School in media rights Feast everybody in SEC wow they’re proposing we need to get this under control they are proposing an 85 man roster not an unlimited scholarship roster it’s got to go back to 85 and they just proposed no Walk-Ons you got your 85 at Bama and at Auburn and Old Miss and Mississippi State no Walk-Ons coaches lost their mind when sanki brought this up to them and they said it’s absolutely not walkon college football programs are part of the big picture of college football Walk-Ons gives that right tackle a chance to go and to be a college player under the tutelage of your offensive line coach yeah Walk-Ons give that backup quarterback a chance maybe to play and maybe become a scholar shipped athlete cuz he wasn’t coming in the front door and the SEC says there’s a limit to how much we’re going to pay every one of these athletes football to the Olympic sports to baseball whatever we need to put a lid on football even though the volumes of money that’s coming on the front door is amazing coaches are just beyond themselves right now and they say oh so we have our 85 scholarship sh at Auburn we can’t touch anybody else those guys are going to go to other Schools they’re going to wind up at Tennessee or Kentucky or whatever or they’re going to wind up at a lower division one program like the Mountain West or the MidAmerican some guys might be in onea football it’s opportunities other places they want the opportunity for them to Corral not only just their 85 scholarships but Texas has got 35 Walk-Ons on their program Steve sisian said I’m developing 35 non-scholarship players to become scholarship players why should I have to give those guys up so they can go toex Southern or somewhere else so I don’t know it’s very complicated this thing has not sorted itself out but man there were fireworks at the SEC meetings and these coaches are really peeved that the SEC with a volume of Revenue they’re bringing in and what they’re Distributing 66 mil per school is now trying to squeeze the football program and and limit expenditures and football fan John Riley says well it is weird how the money is exploding in and yet they’re whittling down the roster I agree they need to have Walk-Ons I mean we’ve seen a lot of cases of Walk-Ons not only performing really well but getting scholarships and really if they’re a walk-on they don’t get a scholarship I mean how much is this really costing the the team the the conference you know because the nil is not everyone gets the same amount right I mean they all have individual nil deals yeah but that’s going to change with the new lawsuit that was just settled and each school is going to have 22 million to distribute now there will be the nil Factor there but the NCA wants to take control of the nil and put a roof on that that everybody is operating with the same set of monies going forward now this is this is you and I talking in almost June of 20124 that this will get solved but a year from today they still might not have the specifics the logistics of how they’re going to execute nil money and NCAA at this point is trying to get through Congress to give them the antitrust exemption so they can put everything under their own umbrella and one set of rules for Mississippi State and Oregon State and all that well there there are things they can still do like on a road game they don’t need to bring the Walk-Ons with them because they’re not going to play yeah they usually don’t um but even if you have 85 on your roster they don’t all 85 of them don’t play right I mean well they’re active and they could play they could but like NFL has like a 50 what 56 man roster 58 plus plus the developmental Squad yeah so colleges have like 20 more players I mean I can’t imagine they’re all going to get into the game I mean so I that you could Whittle that thing down to like 80 or 75 in terms of the people that play and and leave the other guys at home and they can still work out and be part of the team and you can save a couple of bucks an expense Factor that’ll have 35 wons at Texas there’s a huge expense Factor oh yeah but those those kids are insurance policies guys get hurt those kids are late developers under coaching and became established players you know Bennett who led Georgia to backto backs he was a walk-on he was a joot transfer walk-on who became an NFL draft B because they coached him up that’s a prime example of of SEC football okay fans form is open you’re a college football fan if you wish to comment on Coach Prime you got something to say about this whole SEC controversy fire away John let’s go to the NFL the NFL JJ Watt is he coming back yeah this is really interesting this came out of nowhere JJ Watt great career a lot of injuries Houston Texans JJ Watt is thinking about coming back and he says there’s only one place I’d come back to if not the Houston Texans I will talk to the Pittsburgh Steelers because his brother TJ is there and he likes Mike Tomlin keep an eye on that would he come back for camp and a full schedule would be an insurance policy guy that comes back in case they have significant injuries you know at a football he’s refreshed he continues to weight train he is healthy him in Pittsburgh opposite cam Hayward wow yeah that’s that’s kind of interesting Chargers we talked about this extensively the arrival of Joe hortiz and he kept telling us in the media on the zoom calls I’m going to churn this roster that’s how I do business that’s how we did business in Baltimore you know Baltimore that keeps winning and winning and winning he’s churned this he’s got 13 Street veteran free agents have signed just signed a number one draft pick an offensive tackle he was a high number one of the Raiders and didn’t pan out his name is Alex Leatherwood he went to Chicago went to Cleveland and they made him an inside offensive guard has played okay he’s a free agent he’s not going to be a starter but he’s a guy off the bench who can play so they’ve just signed Alex lewood who huge offensive tackle and he starred at the University uh of uh Alabama so we’ll keep keep that in mind the Chargers are just continuing to churn the bottom of the roster to see if they can come across somebody that becomes a contributor might well be a starter and of course they spent their first round pick on Joe waltt and they move Trey pippens inside to offensive guard and they’re suddenly kind of deep but they’re looking more more people I thought Leatherwood be would be an established player in the league and he just really struggled with weight and size he might have been out of position playing right tackle when they moved him inside and the Raiders got rid of him went to Chicago played a little bit in Cleveland as a Right Guard he played pretty well so we’ll just this bear is watching as we go into July going into August there’ll be more Acquisitions I think coming in the front door yeah that’s exciting right I mean this guy gets another shot by the way leather W isn’t that a great NFL name it’s like the kid that played at Notre Dame well he was Stone breaker you know I just love it when those kinds of names get into the league you know and then as far as the Steelers and JJ Watt why did he retire in the first place he just kept getting hurt ah and and it was just combat friendly fire guys falling on his knees and fractured ribs and all that and he I mean he’s been a really great pass rusher I don’t know if he’s a Hall of Famer maybe he is but he just the amount of rehab time he spent just was off the field a lot with just a lot of nagging junk and finally woke up and said noas no more now he’s been away from it for a year he dabbles in TV and I think he’s pretty good at that uh but he’s still young enough I don’t even know that he’s 31 or 32 yet so maybe some gas left in the tank aren’t there three watt Brothers yeah there was the fullback Derek watt who played for the San Diego Chargers and he bounced around I think he was in Indie might have been in Jacksonville but the fullback has kind of gone away like the $2 bill you know they’re just Lorenzo o Neil yeah there’s no it’s not part of anybody’s offense anymore I think he just retired about a year ago but they got TJ and maybe they’re going to get JJ will pay attention for headlines out of Pittsburgh speaking of headlines the highspeed sports wire Lee I love the highspeed sports wire okay these are the latest stories hey if there’s any auto racing fans out there I cover it I touch it hell a lot of guys in media don’t know anything about it don’t care about it we cover it here uh this is unique this Michael andred war with Formula 1 a lot of people just don’t know this Michael andred Indie Car Fame andred Autos Sports put together a $250 million offer applied for membership to Formula 1 wanted to build his own F1 team they rejected it the they deny that it’s an anti-American sentiment the feeling is we have 10 F1 teams if we add an 11th even if we take the 250 million and and cut it in the PO it’s going to take away a lot of our Revenue that go to our European teams we don’t want to do that so then andred said I’m not giving up a couple weeks ago andred announced they were opening a factory at Silverstone the road race course in England to build F1 cars Cadillac engines will power those cars last week he hired a guy by the name of Peter Simons who was the second highest executive in f1’s hierarchy Peter Simons built championship teams for four different F1 cars so that’s the background and Drey is going full force ahead even though F1 rejected the first application said come back and see us in 2028 well he says I’ll be back in 2026 now get this f1’s President yesterday makes the comment andred should not apply for a charter as an expansion race team we don’t need 11 I recommend Michael andred and all of his sponsors buy one of the troubled teams that we have and there’s about three teams that are just really struggling don’t have the resources aren’t competitive but I I sense from auto racing people that I Network and Drey doesn’t want to do that he wants it to be his own clean piece of paper his people his philosophy Cadillac engine builders with Peter Simons designing it he does not want to purchase the US hos one team which has had no success for 5 years M he does not want to purchase the money troubled Alpine team that can hardly compete cuz he doesn’t want to inherit their contracts their drivers their buildings he wants it done the andred way it’ be fascinating to see where the story goes the other big story nobody saw this coming Tony Stewart legendary NASCAR driver is folding his teams teams he owns four NASCAR teams with four Young Drivers two Infinity race teams for the developmental series that’s six teams that he’s folding they had a very tearful staff meeting over the weekend announcing they were folding six teams 300 employees on waivers wow and he says the cost of trying to build championship teams is so expensive and they’ve lost some sponsors along the way we just can’t keep doing this any longer so that’s a bit of a shock wave now he owns four Charters that’s what they’re called the ownership paperwork for four different NASCAR teams he’s going to ask for 20 to 40 million per team to sell the charter to John Riley wants to start his own team you know Michael Jordan is a part owner Brad dhy the NBA is a part owner hockey players are part owners you know Saudi Arabian groups own some of the NASCAR teams so he’s going to try to get 20 to 40 million per but him leaving racing is is a bit of a shocker quick comment on Scotty Sheffer I don’t know how you do not obey a police officer I don’t know how you walk away from an issue where the police officer fell down as you were driving away and you dragged him I don’t understand how you negotiate your way out of a felony assault charge get by the police officer and further traffic violations but Sheffer said I’m not pleading guilty and I am not accepting a plea bargain this was a misunderstanding Louisville Police who criticized the lead officer for how he handled it have dropped the charges no charges at all so he leaves and one other note in go Chris Riley a longtime PGA member won a few tournaments came to the University of San Diego at as a young age to become their coach nice he led the terros to five NCAA tournament appearances in golf in seven years he just retired Chris Riley is looking for his golf clubs he’s going on the senior Champions Tour and he will he will play with that select group he just wants to get back at it but he did a really nice job without a lot of resources University of San Diego Gulf John you got things to talk about here rip something off the hot headline look at that list there’s a lot of good stuff on there first of all the F1 uh situation with andred the thing that wigs me out is they want to keep it to 10 teams and is so close-minded it’s like a a zero sum mentality when you add one other people lose you know when you add teams The Pie gets bigger you’re not slicing the pie into narrower slic yeah and they got three races in the states and they want to expand the schedule the five of course there’s lots of money here well there’ll be more money if andred comes in too now I don’t think it’s a snap of the fingers they’re going to do well that takes a long time with engine building and with downforce packages and Chassis to build a competitive F1 program us hos which was an american-based team out of North Carolina has been there 5 years and has just struggled they got all the money in the world so I’m just surprised here treating Michael andred and his Heritage and his history the way he is but tell you what that guy is Stern we’re going to do it we’re doing it at Silverstone we’re doing it with Cadillac and I’m going to apply again I think there’s be some there’s going to be Global pressure on F1 to let this guy become part of the fraternity doesn’t it seem weird to you that when Cadillac is an engine for nasar I mean I always think of like you know that’s the car your grandfather drove you know so it’s funny uh the the other comment I’ll make was Scotty Sheffer is I was reading that the um the the video evidence did not match what the police officers were saying so the police officers were essentially lying and that undermined their case and from all from my perspective on this whole thing it did seem kind of ticky tacky did he maybe a traffic violation sure but I don’t think this needed to be a felony well there’s no video of the cop being dragged because the cop was chastised cuz he did not turn on a video on his shoulder yeah which could have taped it and they don’t have any other video of Sheffer driving away but since when and that I don’t know it’s it’s the mindset of the athlete I don’t have to do what that cop says I’m just going to continue to drive towards the gate to go to the Valhalla country club so I can practice for the next round of golf when do you not not do what a police officer says and he is they were really angry some of the language I heard on one of the other videos they were angry that cop didn’t pull a gun on them in the car well they were probably really hyp sensitive because of the the tragic you fatality yeah so I get that I know this just all seemed very overblown okay so that’s where we are this podcast is brought to you by North County I Center of Powe and Escondido a reminder they are offering all of our hacksaw podcast viewers something unique a free eye exam and a discount on frames if you’ve got eye issues or you’re ready to get an eye exam go there make sure you tell them hey thanks for being part of Hacksaw podcast call them set up an appointment free I exam and by Dixie Line Lumber Home seters nine locations to serve you in San Diego does not matter what the project is Dixie Line will get you there in 2024 John do you think we have a few people with a few opinions about the few topics on the table today look at this fans Forum list we do I mean Angel is chiming in a lot he’s got a lot of comments we’ll get to some of his in a moment let’s go to Willie first he says bronny is g-league bound well the agent says we’re not taking a g-league cont cont the agent’s trying to force a guaranteed contract even if he’s taken in the second round that historically has not been the way the NBA has worked I think the kid should have come back to USC and he should have played for muscleman and had another banner year I mean there’s no doubt that he’s an explosive great athlete but the fact was he was an 18-year- old freshman average Four Points a game lost a starting job at USC and I get I get tired of this whole Legacy thing my kids go into the ivy league because I was in the ivy league and he gets in the front or whether he’s got no grades or lots of grades this this is a little bit of LeBron and the Legacy thing it’ll be interesed to see where he’s drafted ESPN which does a phenomenal job slotting players has him 54th there’s only 60 picks in the draft the draft is only two rounds Long and second round picks don’t get guaranteed contract though the agent is trying to change that and John Riley says well see 54 in their slot because that’s where the Lakers are picking because I can’t imagine any other team picking him and by the way when I’ve looked at these mock drafts I don’t see Jaden Le’s name anywhere and how in the heck could Brony be taken over Le that doesn’t make any sense Legacy yeah period exclamation point next question okay let’s go here we’ll get Angel involved he says Negro League deserve to be in Cooperstown and as for the records I would keep it separate one for the majors and one for Negro League just like they do with the Al and the NL well except the AL NL composite records you know all-time batting average career alltime single season no those are records for both leagues but these records are so skewed and I wrote a column today read my one man’s opinion column I’m getting reaction from baseball people about what I wrote some don’t agree with me others say yeah we should consider that go to my website just read my one man’s opinion column if you subscribe uh you know you you’ll get that emailed to you immediately uh I I’d like to see separate but then again we get into this freaking thing separate but equal AKA integration it’s a big issue yeah I it’s a valid point I mean separate but equal we we fought Wars against that we’ve had huge groundbreaking legislation in America to overcome that so Major League Baseball shouldn’t have separate categories they should all be part of one but just tell the full story and I think then it’s explained and it’s within the proper context but no doubt this is a tricky time with woke and political correctness and trying to do the right thing you said maybe MLB did this out of guilt I’m sure that’s some of it for rightful reasons but on the other hand I mean they’ have to recognize these stars who I think could have been stars in Major League Baseball in the 30s and 40s I have no problem with the Stars being in the Hall of Fame what they should do in the record section just put all the Negro League stats all the unbelievable statistics on one side and on the other side put the Tai cobs and the Ted Williams statistics and we can watch and we can compare and then we could argue about well now you’re doing the separate but equal thing I know but this I’m sorry the games that were played against the touring Jewish team the House of David amateurs and they were I’ve seen pictures of them it was great and it was great for baseball the cell baseball but those were exhibitions you’re not having the Yankees game against the Richmond team in the international league having those stats count well who wins a game the House of David or the house of John fiser oh next topic on the table thanks Angel all right let’s uh let’s go down here to David and he says is Lincoln Riley on the hot seat at USC if they don’t make the playoffs uh they’ve recruited very well thank you transfer portal uh you know they stumbled upon uh that starting quarterback Miller Moss at the end of the season he will be the starter opening day they picked up transfer running backs transfer wide receivers there’s another wave of guys from the portal I think Lincoln’s going to be good obviously they changed you know change defensive coordinators going to be a very very different team now he’s lost a ton of players he lost players in the portal L he’s lost players uh to the National Football League I don’t think he’s in hot water I think what he is on the hot seat because of who they’re going to play and how much travel they have to travel 21,000 miles in 11 weeks to play in the Big 10 and I’ll tell you I am so sick and so upset about the demise of the Pack 12 and what USC and UCLA did you know and I I don’t know any USC fans that I’ve cross pass with that think this is really good and this is really good for the athletes and it’s really fair to all the other athletes cuz everybody else is going to be traveling to Maryland and ruter to play baseball and Lacrosse and wrestling and all that so I just think this is this is going to be an aberration of a football season and I think USC and UCLA are going to have a really tough time because they lost a lot of players and obviously at UCLA they have a new coach and yeah you can be excited about we’re going to play Michigan and Ohio state but you’re not going to play them every year and they’re not coming in your building every year and you’re going to have to go play at Purdue and you got to go play at freaking ruter I I just don’t think this is going to work out the way everybody envisioned it well of course Michigan and Ohio State or the cream of the crop in the Big 10 but when SC goes into the Big 10 you think that they would be at minimum a third or a fourth place team in that conference right mhm and and if everything’s going well maybe one or two and then UCLA maybe Midway through the Big 10 yeah it’s a different type conference but then again if Lincoln Riley’s got throwers and catchers and Runners and that wild offense you know maybe they’ll Ambush some people along the way but that’s a lot of travel 21,000 mi in 10 or 11 weeks and then here teams are cutting back their expenses you know because or trying to when they have to just blow all this airplane money okay let’s move on to Ken he says hey these NHL playoffs have been remarkable which team is feeling the mo more pressure in their series I would have to think the Edmonton oress pressure is abominable you know because they’ve been there with Conor McDavid and Leon dradle uh the last couple of years and didn’t get there because they got shaky goal tending and what’s happened in this past week that goal tender who had a a good second season steuart Skinner has gotten shaky again I’ve not seen a goendale goals as Stuart Skinner LED in the last two series for the Edmonton ERS and the pressure on them is just freaking unbelievable because they’ve got a generational player in McDavid and a great European player in dry cdle and they’ve worked really hard to put support Talent around them and they’re still scuffling now they did come back they were in a big hole last night against Dallas they they were down 2 with the snap of the fingers on home ice and I thought the fans were going to just boo them off the ice and instead they came back they scored two goals and then they exploded in the third period i think I think the pressure on Edmonton is much greater than the pressure on the Dallas Stars and obviously the New York Ranger Florida panther series is kind of a war of attrition because they both got lots of goal scores and they both grind on you and they beat on you Etc so and the playoffs are setting records for TV and that’s a byproduct now with all the different networks that we have John and I laugh about you got 26 channels that I wouldn’t spend any time looking at we have too many but they’re using four different Networks and they have an all-time record TV rating for each of the rounds of the playoffs so the NHL’s become a go-to thing to see and as if you look in the stands see how many young people are at NHL games I mean there’s a lot of really young hockey fans that are showing up buying these tickets that have bought into the the sports so NHL right now the arrow is is pointed up but I think Edmonton’s the one that’s carrying the weight of the globe on their shoulder definitely the weight of Canada well that series is tied to two so in the three remaining games does Dallas have home field or home ICE Advantage Dallas Dallas host them next next game then goes to Edmonton and if they have to go to seven it goes back to Dallas let’s see Edmonton is W in Dallas they’ve proven themselves but the goal tending is really erratic for the Oilers well to your other point about the uh the TV ratings up and the young people in The Stance I just love seeing the women get really fired up you know when there’s a big play or somebody gets checked or you know there’s a fight uh it’s it’s fantastic how this sport is just really fires people up one of the coolest things Edmonton does if you watch if they go back to Edmonton they play the home game they play they sing O Canada but they put the guy singing it in the middle of the stand surrounded with everybody wearing every type of Oiler Jersey there is oh nice and he starts and he sings Oh Canada and then the fans take over the rest of the hym beautiful it is is really really cool okay we move on next question thank you the old Canada Network let’s go here to John he says I’m guessing that there won’t be any PGA events in Louisville for a while well I don’t no I don’t know that that’s necessarily true I think this is an isolated tragedy and Sheffer got bought up into it I just have a hard time believing would you be you might be doing this podcast if I told the police officer I’m not pulling over you’d be in here doing his Anchor’s chair because they treat hacksaw different than they treated Scotty Sheffer it was it was complicated I should have been some type of traffic charge but it’s been dropped well if if it was you you get hacksaw privilege right you know so they say hacksaw come on in you know yeah give me your car keys sit in the back seat um yeah they’re going to be they they they have a nice rotation going on over there they’ll be back in Louisville yeah how do you say it’s not Louisville it’s Louisville Louisville louville thanks John next question fans for let’s go to fans form yeah and uh we got a bunch of guys here that want to get involved uh here this is a good one and this is from Jen your realtor Pro she I can’t believe the Padre’s opted to wear those hideous uniforms against the iconic Yankee uniform so embarrassing oh you’re talking about city correct I think they’re kind of snazzy when they first came on I said oh there’s a softball game on TV but it kind of grew on me and obviously the color scheme works and I will tell you the city connect uniforms the Padres have are better than probably most of the other uniforms there’s some that look that are full color like the white socks full color black you know looks like you’re going to a funeral well white sex baseball is a funeral this year but you know the ones that are all the solid colors I don’t like it all you know the the angels have kind of a a unique script on theirs although I think theirs look kind of funky um I didn’t like the Dodger one but if you could come up with an alternate logo that kind of grabs you you know Arizona Arizona’s got the colors and it got a cactus it’s kind of cool you need to develop something Washington Nationals just don’t put wa on the front do something with a silhouette of the state capital or something you know Pittsburgh’s got PGH come on do something with it the pirate I mean there’s lots of creative things they could have done with the city connect but I think the Potters I think they have the most color although I guess you don’t like lime sherbet so you wouldn’t like the color of the uniforms well when you see them for the first time you your jaw is on the floor like what the heck is this but when when the Padres rolled it out they had that video and you could see how they came up with the idea because it’s a lot of the Baja California influences and the color schemes that are popular there and once I understood the whole picture I went oh this is a home run this is a great thing it’s like the Giants are are orange and white but the Giants have the Bay Bridge silhouette Golden Gate Bridge Golden Gate Bridge whatever it is the that signifies San Francisco it’s kind of cool it is that’s a well I don’t like the gradient where the the numbers and the names like it fades from Orange to to to White that’s not good but um but it’s just weird against the Yankees because that’s the classic uniform that has never changed in Millennia um and and the Yankee uniform by the way it’s kind of cool how they don’t put the names on the back of the jerseys at home yep but they do on the road right no no not even on the road not on the road well the Giants do it on the road but not at home um and and so just little nuances like that I think are cool with the uniforms yes so we Jenny here is kind of really angered that the Yankee uniform is polar opposite to the city connect Padre uniform yeah I get it but I do like the Padre uniforms okay next question okay let’s go here to plum wine talking about Bill Walton says bill was the best basketball player I have ever seen when he was healthy he was also unselfishly the best passer his 60 and0 win teams run was the best experience as a bruin I could ever imagine rest in peace my friend sign Jerry cool guy he just he was as John and I talked off the air and we text back and forth because he doesn’t have any friends and I don’t have any friends um he was eclectic he was eccentric he was electric and he was such a well meaning person um I wrote a column yesterday with some of the national quotes that I had dug up of what people said about Bill Walton just fabulous how he was just universally respected even though he was he was off tangent all the time and you like him cuz you got tie-dye t-shirts and all that too so good man really good man uh a couple social media shots you want to get in here well yeah but I just want to make a comment on Bill Walton is I’ve been watching a lot of the uh video highlights and yeah the passing by him is remarkable I mean the way he dishes the ball because usually big man gets the ball in the paint and they just you know it’s just one-on-one and they’re going to go to the hoop his whole thing was passing defense and rebounding I don’t think he really cared about scoring although in that NCAA Tournament game against Memphis he wenton 21 for 22 shooting the basketball amazing amazing he was amazing amazing person okay let’s go here let’s talk a little Lakers basketball this is from uh damio Francisco 17 championships I don’t blame the franchise I don’t blame ad but LeBron has issues ham had issues pinka is a marginal GM hasn’t been the same in in in in uh la la since the logo said goodbye only one team can be the champ 29 losers every season it’s basketball at the end of the day if I take my pen and I signed my name to that memo on the would I screw up the computer hey I signed that memo I concur with you Laker basketball championship banners that era West Baylor Chamberlain that era Wilt that era magic that era Kareem Shaq Kobe that ear is in the reiew mirror the Lakers have become a mediocre franchise where suddenly being a playin team finishing eighth or ninth is that’s good the mediocrity they need to fix it they need to get it right and I I think there’s so many unbelievable qual qualities to LeBron but LeBron can’t be player hyen general manager and have input I’m not even sure pinka should continue to be the general manager I’m sorry I’m not even sure jeie bus should be the owner cuz look at what Genie bus has allowed the franchise to become that’s one man’s opinion sitting out here I guess I’m doing the show from Le field now yeah we’re somewhere up in the those bleed seats at uh at Arena the Lakers there’s a different standard you know in terms of what the fans and the media expect from them is that fair or is that unfair they built it and they won with it mhm now you’ve gotten away from it you got to get back to it you know Clippers have never been to the NBA Western Finals you know they don’t have any real Banner to hang up in their new building and that ownership has tried really hard and made some good calls and been cursed because of a lot of injuries so it’s just hard for me to understand why there’s not been an open Revolt from fans in Los Angeles towards Laker basketball as Lakers basketball Dodger baseball the two most important things on the radar in Los Angeles do you think the Lakers are kind of falling into the Trap of the Raiders always going for the shiny object ad LeBron you know rather than trying to you know half players and kind of build from within you have to have stars you know everybody had two then all of a sudden everybody tried to get a third in some cases it’s worked uh Lakers have had two but just have not been able to grow beyond that and they’ve tried every conceivable way through first round draft picks through Street free agents through veteran stars in the Twilight of their career I mean Rob paluna has dragged 33 players in there in four years John and instead you and I are talking about the spring of playin game they were in the the West finals not too long ago okay let’s get another comment here more about Padres this is from JF Lopez says so you’re going to quote some clown reporter you know talking about stto you know in the New Jersey reporter what is soo Soto supposed to say I had a terrible time here you have two problems in San Diego and that’s tatis and Machado well tatis is not the player he was Manny right now is scuffling I think it’s a byproduct of the elbow injury and now they got some issues with injuries to both UD darush and Musgrove so it’s not a team that’s hitting on 100% my only problem is Soto was Mr Me Myself and I that’s all he cared about now I understand you got to be a selfish player to be a superstar player and there was probably a little bit of selfishness as it relates to Tony Gwyn but he was a great Citizen and I found when I dealt with stto in that Clubhouse I thought he was standoffish I thought he was borish I thought all the words coming out of his mouth was nothing more than what Scott Boris would say so I just have a hard time treating him as a hero because he with the price they paid to get him he’s played so poorly in 2022 and his first two and a half months were God awful in 2023 and all of a sudden he started to hit and he started to produce and they wound up having to trade them just because they can’t afford to keep them because of the Asian it’s going to drive the price so I just can’t buy everything good luck to him you know we I’ll be interested to see if he winds up as a Yankee at what price if he winds up across the hallway with the Mets who have enormous problems right now but that’s the that’s the end end game of Scott boros is to take him to free agency November 1st and play the prices right now it doesn’t always work out ask his team the Giants and Blake Snell who now five starts into his Mega career has a 10.52 ER and can’t get out of the fourth inning that is a disaster in San Francisco but you know since you know we released this video of Juan stto Mr Me Myself and I it’s just exploded on Instagram like it’s got like about 15,000 views and less than 24 hours and uh the funny thing is is that picture of him Mr Me Myself and I he’s wearing a Wan SoDo shirt a picture of him on his shirt which is crazy but yeah Machado and tatis are disappointing I think they’re they’re they’re not not trying you know I think maybe they’re trying too hard especially tatis I think they’re a fatigued baseball team they they play a lot of innings I mean those four established or five established guys are just taking a lot of bats in their field all the time so you know may maybe the padas need to make a concerted effort to give these guys a blow let them rotate through DH get them off their feet a little bit defensively but it’s just not the same group of players and those guys are making so much money they can’t be moved anywhere and there’s no money left to use to go get anybody else that might plug it in well I mean well there they they have this June schedule looks achievable I mean you got the Angels you got the Royals who are Grand they’re good they got some good pitching former Padres but you know it’s it’s not the Yankees in in June but it is Philadelphia okay Philly’s coming or we’re going there either way but the Padre’s just need to win like five or six in a row and if they can do that they’re going to be in a nice spot this is the month to do it June yeah I don’t want you texting me about them losing to the Rockies in Miami and screaming on my cell phone about why the hell this is happening Hey listen we hope you have enjoyed the wide variety of topics on the table our podcast is brought to you by these guys North County Eye Center Powe and Escondido see that phrase free eye exam we want you to call them and set up an appointment and you tell them hacksaw sent me from his podcast I’m coming in for a free eye exam and let them 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The outpouring of love and support of Bill Walton continues across America. Lakers & Clippers news and notes. MLB umpires and Negro Leagues Padres Roller Coaster Season. NFL schedule and off season. SEC coaches angry with Coach Prime. JJ Watt considering coming out of retirement. Auto Racing, golf and more. Got a question or comment for Hacksaw? Drop your take in the live chat on Facebook, YouTube, or X.

Here’s what Lee Hamilton thinks on Thursday, May 30, 2024.


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