@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers Pre-Draft Workouts: Josiah-Jordan James Media Availability (May 31, 2024)

Indiana Pacers Pre-Draft Workouts: Josiah-Jordan James Media Availability (May 31, 2024)

s what stood out to you about this workout compared to some of the other ones you’ve done so far man just the people around here they’re invested in each of the players um they know our games very well they put us in a lot of positions to to you know look good in an atmosphere like this and you know just this city this place is a big college town I remember last night I was just walking around I saw a thousand kids or not a thousand but like hundreds of kids with Caitlyn Clark jerseys on so they just love their basketball here and this organization is second to none we could see the three on three here when we got in but what all did you guys do specifically in in this one yeah we did some testing beforehand before the basketball even got started did some Medicals uh medical history and then some testing in there and then we did uh a lot of skill stuff um finishing shooting and then we got into the one-on-one before you guys got here and two on two just playing out of actions before the three on three who are your favorite players growing up and how do you try to model your game after some of those guys my favorite player by far was LeBron James growing up still is to this day I can’t really say I tried to model my game after him but uh he’s always been number one on my list uh he’s the greatest of all time in my book and you know the career he’s had is is second and none in my opinion but uh some players that have uh I I’ve tried to model my game after as I’ve grown up is one Aaron n Smith uh we went to high school together I wouldn’t be in this position without him just the what he’s taught me he’s a year older than me but he he’s like a real big brother to me um along those lines Chris Middleton as well he also went to our high school just a little bit older than us he’s been a huge influence in my game and being able to work out with those two guys have gotten me in this position and I definitely try to take bits and pieces of their game what were just to keep going on that what were some the most important things you learned from Aaron Le learn told you watching just you know growing up I’ve known Aaron since I was in sixth grade and so just his work ethic you know when we really got serious about the game of basketball we pushed each other he’s so competitive uh he hates to lose and that’s why he’s been so successful uh as successful he as he has been and you know everything that he’s gotten he he deserves for sure but just his work ethic his commitment to the game and always just wanting to get better what since he’s been here since he’s been in the league in general what what more have you picked up I guess has you seen how he’s carved out of yeah just being a a a tough player a hard-nosed player not taking possessions off you saw him in the playoffs he’s guarding the other team’s best player he’s not taking plays off on either ends of the floor obviously his his shot making ability is huge has been able to you know get him a lot of playing time but the defensive end a lot of people Overlook that but you know guys who know the game and guys who know Aaron that’s why he’s been able to be so successful as both ends of the floor he he takes pride in I talked to to your coach Sean Pearson when when they were when uh they were in the buck series they were playing against other what was that like for you I guess to see those two go man it was awesome I was just talking to Aaron about it a minute ago um Chris is a phenomenal player and I watched every single game every single play and you know Aaron’s one of the best defenders in the league and Chris Cav 40 a couple of times and so you know just seeing I ultimately I was glad the Pacers won Chris was able to get his ring a long time or a couple of years ago and so I I felt like it was Aaron’s turn and so I was definitely rooting for the Pacers to win but you know it went my way because I wanted Chris to have a great game but Aaron ultimately to win the series and you know it worked out that way but both of those guys deserve everything what was it like having him watch your workout since you’ve known him for so long it was awesome you know it definitely put a chip on my shoulder just uh wanting to to show how much I’ve improved and you know make him happy because like I said we’ve been working out we’ve grown up together and you know just wanted to put a smile on his face and you know let him be happy for me and proud of me for once because I’ve been I’ve been watching him in the league for so long uh so it it was awesome you know him taking the time out of his day I know he has a busy schedule and he’s actually headed home later to Charleston but he he moved his flight back and you know that means a whole lot to me that’s that’s family right there to have not just Aaron but also you know Tyrese and jarus who went through this process a year ago what does that I guess kind of say about the organization and how do you perceive that seeing these guys who just finished and Eastern Conference run watching you it’s huge I mean Tyrese is obviously one of the leaders on this team and you know they wouldn’t have had the year that they did without him you know him being able to to watch our workouts and you know give his input means a whole lot because because uh somebody I would want to play for play with um excuse me and you know just to for him to show his level of Interest he was in here before all of us were he was getting rehab and so that just goes back to the work ethic and you know the things that he’s I don’t know him personally but I can see that you know if he’s willing to put in the work a couple of I don’t know when the season ended for them but a couple of of days after the season ended uh it just shows a whole lot I know this this organization is definitely headed in the right direction this uh everybody in this workout played at least four years College oh God guys was there was that noticeable and and I guess reason why I’m asking did they seem to expect a higher level of attitude from you guys because you’ve been 4 years for sure for sure you noticed a difference in workouts on that basis um you know they’ve all been different uh a wide variety of of players guards forwards centers um but I feel like this workout was mostly like-sized guys older guys and they they definitely expected a lot out of us you know not really playing wise but just vocally and being able to to have a presence on the floor on both ends of the floor and so yeah just they just challenged us to be vocal and show our experience and I think we did we all did a great job of that today

Tennesee forward Josiah-Jordan James spoke to media following his pre-draft workout on Friday.

1 Comment

  1. Nice to hear these young players giving kudos to the organization respecting them and treating them well and seeing how the city reflects is bball roots.

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