@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons Part Ways With Troy Weaver

The Detroit Pistons Part Ways With Troy Weaver

we got some spicy things to talk about tonight I will say Deuce yeah a lot of information coming in today that we received from a few sources that we have developed over the years um very credible sources and never steered us wrong before um we want to say what we’re going to divulge we have been given full clearance to do so just to make sure that you know the discretion was there and our sources obliged and said it was okay all right so Troy Weaver is heading out the door for the Detroit Pistons uh that’s the big news um we have some some big changes coming of course with langon I’m a Troy Weaver fan um and you know I really don’t want to see it happen I would rather see him try to work with langen but I guess the conversation just didn’t materialize the way that we thought it could possibly so with that said it’s looking like the Pistons are going to move forward and go on that search and look for a new GM uh he’s going to bring in somebody that he wants it’s it’s looking like he’s going to respace this team the way that he wants it done so with that said you walk in the door as the the president of basketball operations this is what I wanted to see I wanted to see you come in make the decisions and and build a team and put your stamp on this team this decision has already been in place for some time now it just hasn’t been officially made yet and Troy is hurt cuz he really does love Detroit he has Family Ties here and and he really feels he wasn’t allowed to make many decisions on his own which is something that we’ve kind of talked about forever right we we kind of we’ve seen this smoke for a while now and now we see it turning into fire as it’s coming out um but he wasn’t allowed to fully be the GM of this team and when things failed when things didn’t go the way that you know they wanted them to go he would receive the brunt of the blame for it and he would be the punching bag often for it and we we were also told that you know it’s a dirty business but Troy also knows that it comes with the territory um and the good thing is that people around the NBA know who he really is and know what he’s capable of and knows what he can bring to the table they they the things that we talked about as far as him not having the flexibility in to to make the decisions is not just limited to us it’s very well known around the league that that is the case and so for it to be coming out now I think think is good for him just from a transparency standpoint right and it appears that Tom wanted Troy to stay but Ain and Lon wanted to demote Troy so that’s what led them to this decision and so AR you know AR tell him he has some ownership and so he has a lot of pull and the sad part is that Tom and Troy are actually still cool and Tom is still trying to somewhat look out for Troy on his way way out but he didn’t intervene when it came to you know AR tellum and others wanting to fire Troy um and something to keep an eye on too is arum’s son Eric tellum right Eric tellum he’s currently the Piston senior director of player Personnel so that may be somebody to keep an eye on as far as who may be eventually moving up into the front office yeah yeah yeah a lot it’s a lot a lot it’s a lot um and you know like I said it’s not made official yet but um it’s just that’s just tough to hear you know what I’m saying because I I want a GM that wants to be here that wants to build a team for the city that wants to be able to be in command of what he’s doing that’s what you want out of your GM right we’ve been like you said we’ve been voicing it for a while that you know that’s just not the way it’s been you know he’s been over power and obviously with you know partial ownership with the TMS and you got just the FIS of the world and you know they had their prints all over a lot of the things that the P’s done over the year um who do we bring in is the question um like you say you bring it you look at Eric tellen but if we go from the outside who do we bring in is the major question for me right now yeah that’s the major question for me too bro um and that’s kind of the disappointing part I think more than anything like if they have the this is I want to make this clear too I was a fan of Troy Weaver I’m still a fan of Troy Weaver and I think you are too King I’m not upset that tran langon is here no right I’m not I’m not mad at him for being in the position he’s in he’s probably waited for this opportunity and he’s got it I’m happy for him it’s just unfortunate that when Troy first got here yeah the record may have been better than it was last season but our outlook for the future our ability our cap space our draft assets were non-existent the Van Gundy era really put us in a bad spot yeah right with that Blake Griffin contract and everything else that came with that so when Troy got here it was a huge mess he had to clean up right and I feel as if looking back on it in retrospect it feels as if he was brought in just to clean up that mess man you hit the nail with the way that Stan Van guny left things here Troy comes in um first of all Frieza from that black hole we were heading towards right right and you know build everything you know all the assets that we have right now in order you know to try to build a team and move forward right we have these assets right now and we have the the proper assets to to add to this team and you know get things going real quickly yeah not taking on desperation contracts and everything else so he’s waiting for that right moment you know right obviously pickups in a row with his decisions but we’re in a we’re we’re in a a pretty decent spot right now to hit the go button right which I’m definitely not complaining about right now as a Pistons fan because it would have been more if we had to clean up a mess that he left yeah exactly exactly bro that’s exactly what I was what I was gonna get to and I’m glad you said that because once again I’m not upset at Tran I’m glad he has an opportunity with a good situation right it’s it’s recognized when he gets here that the team had the worst record so the the the level of expectation for him is not high but on the flip side he also has these assets that were given to him by the same person you know and so it’s just unfortunate that Troy put us in position to have these assets to move forward even though we had a bad record the last few seasons he still put us in a good spot and now he’s not given the opportunity to reap the benefits the fruits of his labor of what he put together for us to have these assets to go forward now it’s like thanks for doing this and cleaning up this mess now you can now you can go on that’s the disappointing part for me is that he’s not getting an opportunity to actually use the assets that he created in a sense the Mark Jackson before Steve cerr he was the Rick Carla before Larry Brown create a good situation so that the next person can come and take credit for it and it’s so messed up because he was also getting to blame for things in the flip side when he wasn’t making those decisions so he’s getting the blame for things he’s not doing and he’s not getting any credit for he built for us to go for it just feels like he’s just getting screwed bro it feels to me like he just got screwed all around and that’s the only part about it that really just kind of bothered me about the whole situation here’s the actual wrench the wrench that we always talk about that’s been thrown in there right you’re Troy Weaver and you look over the last two seasons these two seasons were Seasons where we were supposed to to see Player Development with the young players that we have right and you know you’ll look at and say hey man we’ve been in a lottery though for these these years that’s how you get the assets yeah so that’s part of the assets that you probably getting ready to spend in this draft to be honest uh but you you acquire those picks you know what I’m saying and then when it’s time because he never said that he said we were going to be competitive right which he planned on doing before the wrench came what was the wrench brings smti Williams in you know and it it just it just killed everything you know I’m saying so instead of the young coach to to bring along with the young players and go step by step like Troy was doing you throw the wrench in there and try to put a hurry on the process yep you can’t do that as ownership you cannot do that you cannot make the mistakes because you wanted the young players to play together this season and develop this was never going to be a winning season let’s just get that our heads it was never to be that this was the year for them to play so now you have the assets to hit the button say boom let’s get some of these uh players that’s gonna take us it’s playoff time now you know what I’m saying let’s players in here that’s gonna get us some wins we gonna get to these playoffs and really really compete yeah there’s already interest um in Troy if he is officially you know let go there’s already been phone calls around the league already um so something tells me that he’s going to land on his feet with another organization I’ll be rooting for him I’m rooting for Tran as well right I want to see Tran do well cuz what does that mean if he’s doing well then that means the team’s doing well and that’s all we really want at the end of the day so now pivoting what does this mean for Monty Monty Williams I’ve seen a lot of questions about that in the chat about what does this mean for Monty Williams and to be honest with you bro I surprised and I’m only surprised due to the information that we have received up to this point regarding Monty Williams right this could be possibly an indication that Monty may be staying um because I originally thought when that article came out regarding the Pistons being willing to to move off of him that his job would be more so in Jeopardy than Troy’s job because Troy was his name was nowhere to be found in that article and a lot of times when you have a new president come in that President come in put a stamp on the organization clean house start over bring his guys in it would have been really plausible MH to just include Troy Weaver it would just make sense but for them to not mention Troy and only mention miti gave me the indication that maybe they were actually going to move off Monty and keep Troy but you know as we see and as we’ve been told that is not the case so what this means for miti I don’t know I don’t know what this means for miti I don’t know if this means he his job is safe I don’t know if this means that they’re just going to play it out after this season and see how this next season goes I don’t know what they’re waiting for so once again I’m coming back to that press conference everything for me comes back to this press conference and hopefully we get that in the next week we know they’re just kind of getting their ducks in a row as of right now before they make any official announcements which we understand what does your gut tell you king personally when it comes to Monte do you think his job is safe what do you feeling I think his job is safe okay oh yeah you hear the H blah about hey we’ll we’ll eat the contract and everything else and you know I think due to this right here I think Ma’s job is done you know get the man out the door that didn’t want me here I think he’s staying man I just want him to want to be here and to want to coach this team and to to take this team to the next level if you if you’re not there mentally you need to be transparent with this franchise I understand you know the money and everything else but do us all a solid you know what I’m saying yeah and move on if you don’t really want to be here as a head coach and as as you know you look at the the point where this team is right now especially you look at the situation with K cutting ham I just want to that want us obviously Langan got some work to do right um you know ownership has some work to do can we see some some old Pistons faces come around can we see hope so hope so and I’m saying you know what I’m saying so like I say let’s just give it a chance to materialize I guess you know see where this go I’m G give it a shot um even though we’re tired of giving shots we’re gonna give it a shot it’s been a long time right you look at the last time we were really competing you know really competing in the playoffs it’s been fa especially Pistons the NBA is better when the Pistons are good man bro and want to get there 2019 was it 19 or 18 I think it was 19 last time we were in the playoffs then 2016 before that was 2009 those are the last three times you’ve been in the playoffs you’ve been swept every single time and those are the highlights those are the highlights for us when it comes to the playoffs is competing in games not winning them not winning them competing in them so it’s time for a change it’s time for a change I don’t I don’t care how it happens it needs to be now needs to be right now I honestly don’t think that Troy Weaver was the problem I think he was part of the problem like everybody else was part of the problem but he wasn’t the cause of the problem I think that warranted him being fired when you look at all the moving parts that go into what happened this season so but I guess somebody’s got to be the F guy right so hopefully like I said he lands on his feet wish the best for him and moving forward I wish the best for Tran and whoever the new gam is going to be and I hope that tran has more flexibility otherwise what in the world are we doing I think he will be because he has ties to AR tellum but then again tro Weaver also had ties to AR tell it’s kind of hard to find somebody around a league that that doesn’t got TI to you know right that’s true AG that’s true you know at the end of the day it’s like man you know I just want to see langon have a a shot you know what I’m saying don’t absolutely be a yes man and you still doing your bid behind closed doors yeah let him generally do what he does as the the president of basketball operations and and let’s see what happens man like I said we talked about you know last week we talked about his experience well obviously this is still building his his I’ll say resume right yep let’s give it a shot and see what happen I I’m pulling for him he really seems to be very organized about what he does somebody who really just goes about his business does his work but he just seems very organized he wasn’t actually part of the Zion Williamson drafting he was hired a few days after that for a few who was one about that but he was very active with a lot of the decision making so I do have confidence that he can come here and at least kind of write the ship if he’s given the opportunity to once again it all comes down to it doesn’t matter how good you are at your job if you’re not allowed to do it what doesn’t matter yeah you know so we don’t know to what extent Troy was allowed to or not to do his job we just know that he wasn’t allowed to the way he was supposed to so please allow Tran to have more flexibility to do his job that’s all I ask for whoever it is if it was ation for someone else it doesn’t matter allow them to do the job that they’re hired to do and get out of the way franchises they work better when you allow them to do what they supposed to do and you knock me down I’m getting back upz when I step on the floor you know your time’s up I’m on my way up and I’m not going to stop we headed straight to the top in the low I got to B I got no time to waste it waste it it’s my time now hit me there with time hit me there with time hit me with hit me time in my a it we it’s our time now hit me time hit me time me done hit me done

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  1. Well said. Troy obviously wasn’t perfect but he left us in a better place than when he got here

    It’s crazy to me how many Pistons fans don’t understand how bad a spot a we were in after Stan. I don’t dislike SVG but he completely f**ked us fr

  2. So they tie his hands behind his back and hold him accountable for things that weren't his fault? That's crazy. As long as there is Tellem influence, we will continue to get more of the same. Monty better be next. He came back to coaching too soon, he wasn't ready. Troy will go somewhere else and be great. Best of luck to him, he will be just fine.

  3. SVG sent this organization back 10 years. Only thing I didn't like that Weaver did was not draft Tyrese Halliburton. Other than that, this whole thing was not his fault. Best wishes to him and I think he'll be ok down the line. If the new POBO wants to do his thing, then let's see what happens.

  4. Im in yall camp about Weaver. Thought Trajan Langdon would have been a smarter man and let Weaver have that 5th draft. Eric Tellem VP of the team. I'm definitely with y'all but it sounds like Weaver was fed up and didn't mind going out the door too.

  5. I'm sad to see him go. But to hire someone to come in and make changes and not let him make changes would be following the definition of insanity.

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