@Houston Rockets

Jalen Green The Next Rockets Superstar?

Jalen Green The Next Rockets Superstar?

hey house what’s up house hey salute salute bro hey can I can I get in on this because I had to come and chime in I’m sorry I could have take it anymore green Le so look okay what you got if you if you say the word Superstar what you’re really talking about in the word Superstar is like an alltime great we’re talking about when the NBA had like the 75th Anniversary top 75 like those are superstars of basketball history right okay now the next level is star do you know where star comes from it comes from Allstar so in order to be a star you really have to be an allar first so can we please wait until Jaylen green makes a one [ __ ] All-Star team before we start anointing this guy a star because that because thus far he’s far he’s way off being an All-Star let’s let’s keep it real let’s keep it all the way real he has not been an allar yet now I hope I’m not I’m not even trying to agree with this I’m not even trying to agree with this white man like this but he does have a point out Draymond Green it don’t have nothing to do with white man black man yellow man Draymond jokes isot a buding star in the league he’s a budding star in the league is that okay def Raymond Green a star an all star a star I asked you is he a star is he a star made all because Draymond Green made several Allstar games but he ain’t no [ __ ] star star comes from allar okay so you so you saying that Draymond Green is AAR say Draymond Green is a star hey man everybody everybody know Draymond Green name greymond green is a goddamn h of Fame Real Talk jayen budding star no we talking come on I’ll tell you what he is I’ll tell you what he is he’s a potential star but he ain’t there yet buing and potential is the same word talking about you’re right about that you’re right about that bro so he’s a budding starden so what what are we arguing about bro F that’s fine but people act like he arrived already he ain’t arrived he’s on the he’s on theth to start him so came from allar it’s short hold on hey bro hold hold on y’all Lo the bra a little bit bro before James Harden got called the star he came here and did this two years was in the straight his first two seasons when he hit htown bro y’all better stop it bro y’all better stop it 29 29 six and five isn’t that star Dam near the same age when J when James hard got CU James Harden started ear J hard 22 years old when he hit the city question that’s right he had already played three years in the league right Nock he didn’t have no [ __ ] expectation he was coming off the bench okay so this is jayen jayen is just now completing his third year right just now so James Horton’s first breakout year was his fourth season cook him fam sit your goofy ass down boy J saying the same thing I just said I no I’m not you trying to act like James Harden and and and and uh [ __ ] uh jayen green is the same oh James hard was the same age as jayen [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here no the [ __ ] he wasn’t yeah he wasn’t either same AG anyway Jen green got here 18 years old bad [ __ ] coach on rebuilding team [ __ ] KD already on the team it wasn’t no uh uh Westbrook already on the team that’s right and I like what big Steve said if you selling out tickets and you selling merch man that’s [ __ ] no that’s [ __ ] have nothing to do [ __ ] about don’t have it has to do with your performance on the basketball court the four corners of the basketball court put it like this if ESPN hold talk about sports the people that get paid to talk about sports if they calling him a star who the [ __ ] are we no star all Real Talk said [Applause] he who in the [ __ ] one thing bro hey bro bro let me say one thing see the problem opinion bro we all got opinion it’s bro chill out the real problem the real problem here with what y’all are doing is you are diluting the definition to over inclusiveness so that that dilutes the meaning of what shut your ass up that mean actually Jaylen green does make an Allstar team y’ already whatever man whatever bro whatever whatever whatever thank you thank you you know you know apprciate your opinion we really do apprciate your opinion you shut up now I’m asking you I’m asking you to pour some warm pits into your diet coke tonight and then you that what the [ __ ] hey what you thinking bro what’s on your though real quick though y’all HS 12 points with Jaylen Green in 31 minutes yeah man down y y’all can’t stop no no no no no no I was no I was gonna say I was gonna say hey hey who who who had stopped Luka though who had stopped Luka though one that’s one that’s one for two they was trapping Jaylen Green from the get-go from the start of the game they was trapping getting the ball out his hands that’s but but ain’t that star impact though Ain that star impact imp green that star green let me ask you a question if if Jaylen been being broken down all year only to be made a bigger player right why he wasn’t seeing there early and being able to like change out of that because yeah go ahead Prince you you can answer was the focus of the team that’s why we seen Alp was uh blooming into a star and uh e may wanted to ride that so jayen had to learn like I said the defensive end of the game he had J nothing new for jayen I’m giving you a [ __ ] Al hoop [ __ ] you Ain me Al hoop you can’t even pass [ __ ] just finish it dog all right go ahead bro oh now you want to finish I done forgot I’m 41 years old you can’t stop a man 41 years old mid conversation mother hold up man I got I got a Super Chat feed man y boy crazy hey hey Tod in super man don’t even read that stupid [ __ ] hold on hold on you say I’m being calm for the whites man godam got a hot [ __ ] hey Todd hey hey hey Todd come up here and defend them boys cuz you got one up here you hop in a panel bro you hop in a panel that is but that is a great question you touch hold yeah we going to see if we I’m drop the L but go ahead King what you about to say how many go ahead King how many players in the NBA that ain’t stars get double teamed and trapped you know regularly gravity we talking about a six seed a playoff team trapping trapping the guy that ain’t stiff to playoff or play in that ain’t store power they ain’t store gravity

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  1. Jalen struggles at the beginning of the season was due to Vanfleet being to ball dominate. Once he let up and let Jalen have more ball handling duets Jalen got back in rhythm. Watch the tapes

  2. He could very well be. He needs to make this year about consistency. When he's right, he fits great with the core. March made me a believer in him figuring it out.

  3. Jamal Murray is a star but he still Don't have all star citation coz west is full of best guard and off guard but he is a star

  4. I think its both Green and Cam. But Sengun is in the way. We saw how much Green blossomed when Sengun went out.

    If Cam hadnt got hurt, he would have blosdomed too. Its crazy how Sengun hold the entire team back from realizing their potential.

    Trade Sengun before its too late. We arent going NOWHERE with Sengun at the helm. Hes in the way.

  5. For now, it is "No". He could not even secure his starter position if he does not improve next season.

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