@Boston Celtics

Are these Celtics fans in the room with us right now?

Have not seen a single fan that isn’t scared of luka. The role players going off argument is entirely too old now as well. They are NBA players. This is the playoffs. If I were a fan of a team that faced the celtics I’d be pissed if our players were getting put down to a non NBA level because they had a great game

by Negative-Finger-7239


  1. jayman820

    Chronically online redditor doing tricks on Luka’s dick

  2. WickyWickyWhack

    I saw that thread. Reddit algorithm recommended it. Like I get Luka is great but holy shit, 99% of the comments are Luka knob slobbery.

  3. flyingpandum

    The first game is going to be a rude awakening for a loooottt of NBA fans who are rooting for the Mavs.

  4. sully9614

    So many people are underrating how great the Pacers offense is. They say “how can they almost lose 3 of those games against them” as if they weren’t the 2nd best offense of all time. Say what you want about the coaching, execution in clutch, but I only had nothing but respect for the way they showed up when Haliburton went down, very easily could’ve been 2-2

  5. AkiraleTorimaki

    They be forgetting KP’s coming back…

  6. shortpersonohara

    If you wanna argue Luka is the best player in the series that’s a fair take. It is funny that Luka playing still below average defense is being praised by the media when tatum consistently has been elite. The thing is even with Luka being the best player they have, at best, like two of the top 5 best players in the series? I’d even see an argument for 2 of the top 7. Luka first, JT and JB 2nd and 3rd, Kyrie 4th, KP 5th because of how he changes the dynamic on both ends of the court, then Dwhite/Jrue 6th/7th however you wanna rank them. The argument is the team with the best player usually wins and that’s fair statement but I don’t think we’ve seen a finals where sure one team has the best player but the other team has 5 of the 6 next best. Will be interesting to see if the Mavs top heavy stars can outplay the overall depth of our guys

  7. longagofaraway

    kyrie, luka, texans…i’m ready for a new era hate-feud. bring on the mavericks.

  8. Dangerous_Toe_5482

    “Who cares our team is wildly inferior, we have the best player in the world” that best player is shooting worse percentages than Tatum, plays 0 defense and hasnt played a team with anyone who can physically match up against him yet. Hes gonna cook but I think the Mavs and casual fans are the ones who will be surprised.. the celtics easy path has a lot of people thinking they are frauds lol

  9. Eisenhorn76

    Mavs fans are drinking the koolaid like its crack.

  10. DriodYoureLookingFor

    👏LET👏HIM👏COOK👏 Even if Luka scored 60 in their last meeting in March, Celtics still win by 5.

  11. toastyshenanigans

    I keep seeing /r/Mavericks posts recommended to me and it’s just schizo posting

  12. chris_oner94

    Mavs sub banned me for asking a simple question they’re soft af

  13. Champion-of-the-Sun5

    That thread gives me confidence in us. That sort of arrogance won’t be rewarded by the universe..that’s just bad karma.

    Just so classless and arrogant.

  14. jjjuuubbbsss

    Both sides are dismissive of the other but holy shit they are insane. Sure, some people here are dismissive of their new additions and keep bringing up the season matchups. But they think we’ve relied on KP all season? KP is a gear shift, not the main engine. Untested? We’ve been here before. So fuck those guys.

  15. thereal_kphed

    You have to actually watch him play

    Did this guy watch him play the Celtics when we cooked that ass?

  16. General-Tie4046

    I didn’t know sweeping T.J. McConnell and Aaron Nesmith counted as them cooking us

  17. No_House9929

    Are they really trying to gaslight themselves into believing Luka is underrated or that his impact on the court is subtle? This reads like a copy pasta on r/nbacirclejerk

  18. BigAustralianBoat2

    TIL Mavs fans are basically Rick and Morty fans.

  19. nickromas

    Sometimes i think people forgot celtics had the best record in the NBA, 1st in ORTG, 3rd in DRTG, 3rd in 3p%.

    Also when celtics win in the clutch, its cause pacers choked, but when mavs win in the clutch, its cause luka is clutch and not that the wolves choked. right okay.

  20. gallinon

    Luka is an amazing player on offense. Everyone can see it. We gotta wear him down on defense. The disrespect the Pacers get is crazy. They had the best offense in the league. They put up points with or without Haliburton.

  21. Broad-Half3135

    They’re acting like we think Luka is trash? Manufactured outrage

  22. Vandelar28

    The disrespect to the Pacers is kinda funny. My buddy is a huge pacers fan, and while he wasn’t expecting much this year, their entire team is offense. Like g1 showed you how good they can be, and even without Halli in 3/4 they were fantastic. Thats a great showing of how awesome their scheme and players are for executing.

  23. misteronionzz

    Cowboys fans who like basketball vs Patriots fans who like basketball. Gonna be an all time toxic series

  24. AlternativeTea9268

    I can’t wait to spam Tatum > Luka takes all over r/nba after we win. Is it true? No, but that won’t stop me and they won’t be able to say shit about it after they lose

  25. StylinBill

    tHeY cAn TaLk TrAsH aS wElL aS mE wHiCh Is NiCe

  26. vigourtortoise

    I can’t do a bigger jerk off motion with my hands, it’s not possible

  27. chinesefox97

    Lol a fully healthy Dallas let a washed Harden and PG led clippers take them to 6 games. An inexperienced Thunder team to 6 games.

    If those teams can take you to 6 games what do you think a fully healthy Celtics team is gonna do to them?

  28. Chino780

    First, he doesn’t know any Boston fans.

    Second, he’s never watched any other team besides Dallas and you can tell. “The best players in the world.” LOL. What?

    I watched every Dallas playoff game. Luka is a whiner, a flopper, and can’t play defense.

  29. mello12345

    I watched all 82 games this season (most live, some recorded), and all 14 postseason games.

    The Celtics can lose when they aren’t shooting well, when they give up easy buckets with a lead, or when they get 60%+ 3 pt shooting nights for their opponents.

    But when the C’s are on and playing the way they have been, there’s no one in the league that can keep up. We are too deep, we have too many shooters, we have too many playmakers, and we have too many guys that can take over a game even when the J’s are off.

    I’m as nervous as any finals, but I am not nervous because it’s the Mavs. I’m very happy they beat the T-wolves cause that was the team I was truly scared of.

    Now let’s let Kyrie know how we feel when he returns to the garden Thursday…

    4 more W’s

  30. thegoatmenace

    Luka is clearly not the best player in the world. That’s Jokic. Just because Jokic has a trash team around him doesn’t make Luka better.

  31. Far_Statement_2808

    Yeah, but the Kyrie hate trumps it all.

  32. Infamous_Chapter8585

    Lmao I watched a ton of mavs games this playoffs and it has actually emboldened how I feel about playing them. Outside of luka and kyrie what are they gonna do consistently? We have a way better complete offense than they have seen the entire playoffs. Luka is gonna be tired tired tryna guard jaylen and whoever else they try to hide him on

  33. Fair_Smoke4710

    I love how everyone hates us so much to the point they’re making us look like underdogs when in reality is a pretty even matchup for the finals. They just really really don’t want to see Boston win another championship.

  34. andhemac

    The fact they think they can hang all of this on Luka is why they don’t get it yet

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