@Houston Rockets

Why James Harden’s Rockets Always Fell Just Short | Brutally Honest Breakdown

Why James Harden’s Rockets Always Fell Just Short | Brutally Honest Breakdown

what do you remember from that front row seat just to the emergence of of Harden and then the transformation of the Rockets offense with Danton well I can say that confidence will do wonders for a player and Mike bony system is it’ll already like boost your numbers but when you have the ball in your hands and you’re and he’s feeding you his information that he has from a offensive genius standpoint and you have a Talent like James Harden that’s what you get you start to get F and then everybody that comes after him just gets better you know what I mean like again like you mentioned Luca the that Luca is doing is that James was doing but Luca has turned it into he moves at his own pace and you cannot with him so like to be able to see somebody just have Supreme confidence and able to use their creat creativity in their own way was nothing short of like amazing every night was something different he was doing and James is going to make it fun you know just watching him play he’s gonna he’s going to make it fun he’s a showman as well as a basketball player so it was it was a it was a unbelievable time to be a Houston Rocket I think there’s probably maybe three games in your four years with the rockets that might Define it obviously 2015 you got the Josh Smith explosion against the Clippers where you guys make the Conference Finals 2017 that game five against the Spurs I think is one of the Forgotten like crazy playoff games that we’ve had in like the last 10 minutes or the last 10 years sorry uh Danny Green Mills is making plays Harden’s making plays uh how good was that 17 Spurs team they had Po and the Marcus Aldridge your former teammate po Kawai is doing his thing and you still have the the old Spurs infrastructure in there um what do you remember from that game five in that Series in general Kawai was a Lo like he just he’s just that’s what I remember the most Kawai just doing this thing every game and then I remember the block and I think game six at the house they beat us right MH the only thing I remember after that was we lost on the Block and then game six I think we got blown out by 20 or whatever it was and then James gets 200 million the next year year that’s what the I remember I don’t remember nothing else other than that that’s about how it went yeah like you know I don’t know it was it was it was it was weird because although he deserved to get his pay you know like the way it happened and how it looked um it just it was just a a strange strange strange thing and I don’t never talk on like people getting any they deserve you know I want everybody to get everything and more that they deserve I just felt like when you deem or when you like dub somebody like a winner or the leader the example has to be set a little bit better in that situation and it’s not just the player’s fault you know what I mean a lot of that a lot of that goes on to you know the organization and how they how they run their and then obviously 18 last year the the the game six uh crazy to rewatch that because you guys were up by like 16 and the basketball Gods I don’t know what they did to CP but that hamstring pop that was your guy from back in the Hornets he was he was killing you guys looked like you were on your way to beating what some people consider one of the best teams of all time um but that that four-year run in Houston I think can be kind of boiled down to or obviously not all boiled down but there were specific games where if they flipped you know B basketball history as we know it could have changed and uh maybe maybe htown gets a title and you get number two that would have been what you what you say I just had a flashback was that the time of the uh the legendary Trevor Reza State Farm commercial yeah yeah that was during that time for show yeah hey ta got one of the best state the go one of the goest State State Farm commercials of all time and I just I just had a flashback right then when I heard your my bad T I mean to cut it cut you no man that was it that again if those things happen for us the way that they should have happened yes 2018 we get another title um 201 what 15 was that with the Spurs or 17 17 and 18 17 with the Spurs you know we advance and we have a chance of you know playing again but the way that it was supposed to go at win you know like have you ever heard of a team going 0 for 27 definitely not especially especially that team with the shooters that you had too no and I think we were number one in offense that year so for that to happen man it was I mean nobody could have written it any other way uh just happened that way and it’s crazy that you bring that up because I told this story like on my little Instagram yesterday I’m leaving a graduation party right and you know people are drunk people are having a time so some friends are getting into it with each other you know they doing like some chest bumping and then they end up fighting right so in the middle of these guys fighting he sees me he makes eye contact with me he stops his fight he like hold up hold up hold on he’s telling this boy hold on hold up bro let me talk to Trevor ARA right quick he says what happened in 2018 why why James hard got no Championship I’m like bro in the middle of you getting your ass whoop you worried about why we lost there you should be focused on not getting your ass whoop right now hey maybe saved it oh no he was getting his ass whoo out for sure oh well that’s what you you saved them ta you saved them for yeah you saved them for possibly even getting worn out even more for real but no man I don’t you know like playing in those games or or experiencing what we experienc even though we lost it taught us lessons man it’s just the lessons that we learned was if it’s meant to be is meant to be there nothing that you can do but if you go out there and you leave it all on the line you know you you you’ve done all you can do so the chips fall wherever they make have you ever wondered 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Trevor Ariza, who spent four years with the Rockets from 2015-2018, gives his brutally honest assessment to why James Harden’s team never got over the hump.

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  1. A piece of me is so mad at Trev for going 0/12 in that Game 7. But he had so many fantastic moments in that uniform. We'll love him down here forever.

  2. Aside from Dā€™Antoni, they were up 3-2 in 2018 and then CP3 got hurt. Refs controlled the rest of the series (Iā€™m not a rockets fan)

  3. 2017 game 5 my favorite photo EVER!!! Manuā€™s my favorite spur all time(ima spurs fan yes) and I dnt kno why but I am not a big fan of harden mostly because he always got foul calls lol but I always bring this up to my rockets homies šŸ˜‚

  4. They had no way to manufacture easy baskets. They had no post up presence. If James Harden could play in the post and collapse the defense just out of the triple threat They would not have had to rely on the 3.

  5. Depend on one player in your system you are doomed to fail. Seen this with Lebron in Cleveland. Houston having Chris Paul go down that one year did them in as well.

  6. 2018 Rockets were unfortunately robbed by the CP3 injury. They were literally the 2005 Suns on steroids. But not having a clear solid #2 option after Harden was their undoing.

  7. They fell short because harden is and never was the #1 option on a championship level team. Also because D'Antoni is not a championship level coach

  8. Letā€™s be honest. Harden wasnā€™t the leader of that 2018 team or even the 2015-2016 team.
    I remember watching the rockets make that historic comeback vs the clips with harden on the bench. Dwight and smith won that game.
    Than in 2018 cp3 was the one carrying the rockets past the warriors and it showed when he went down.

  9. Luka is a closer….Harden is not. Biggest difference. If the score tied or we down. You cant go 3/7 with 3 Turnovers in the 4th. Harden would do that.

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