@Minnesota Timberwolves

The Timberwolves NEED to make this trade…

The Timberwolves NEED to make this trade…

so the Minnesota Timberwolves got Luca donic last night losing in five games in the Western Conference finals and now they’re kind of stuck because if this wasn’t the year I just don’t know how much better this roster can get so if they’re trying to mix it up this summer here’s the trade they should make the LA Clippers weren’t able to agree to a contract extension for Paul George so how about to sign and trade PG for cat straight up hear me out for the t-wolves they instantly become more versatile and PG is the second Wing score that they need next to Ant and for the Clippers they get an All-Star caliber player with four more years of Team control a massive upgrade at Center and a pick and pop weapon for James Harden who says no


  1. Do you guys realize that Kawhi came to Clippers to be in LA and next to his family and asked Pg who is his close friend to come with him to La and PG came too because he also wanted to be with his family. PG is getting another contract and staying here

  2. That is a bad trade PG is no where in playoffs and Luka will cook him again of they meet in playoffs

  3. wtf do u mean "if this wasnt the year" they have a young ascending star with veterans yes but not geriatric players and this is their first season with a deep run into the offs u sound so dumb

  4. The twolves can't even run it back , Glen Taylor is gonna have to pay a shit ton of money in luxury tax.they have to trade either gobert or kat and karl is not leaving.

  5. instead of paul goerge, t'wolves should go after lauri from utah. lauri is young and pretty much in same time line with ant

  6. The t wolves would say no easily PG13 is really old and and KAT is young that traded never going through if the clippers offer

  7. Nah you can't put your Championship hopes on PG anymore after those OKC and Clippers seasons.
    At least KAT is way younger and not that injury prone in comparison.
    Minnesota is definitely not in a bad place right now.
    They beat the Nuggets, and while they got whooped by the Mavs, it's far from an impossible matchup for them. They just needed Ant to play better or just 1 more guy to step up

  8. Trade Rudy gobert
    Kat is the better player on the twin towers duo so of course the t wolves would want to keep him meanwhile RUDY GOBERT STILL HASNT ACTUALLY REALIZED HE IS 7 FEET TALL!

  9. KAT just need to improve. He is a scorer and if ever they really need to trade, Gobert should go. Trade him for AD or someone who can guard the paint well.

  10. Please make this viral so the timberowolves can get this trade. I like KAT but he is like a off and on player. He will play good one day and then the next day he will go 0/15 and foul out the next.

  11. I actually wouldn’t be mad if the Wolves traded KAT for Paul George. If we do trade KAT for Paul George there is a problem, the center position that Rudy Gobert plays. I get it he’s a great defensive player but he is the offensive player we need. Paul George does fill that offensive player we need with good defense but I just don’t know how the offense will play out with a center who can’t play offense.

  12. Same conference trades rarely happen, something more realistic is Jimmy Butler for towns bringing jimmy back would relieve ant of playmaking duties when Conley goes out and towns would go to a place to be challenged and coached harder.

  13. To be fair they can get better and the way that can happen is with Ant. He is still very young and can improve so much but he still might not improve and be around this level for his career. So it really depends on his work ethic. I would probably trade and trade Kat as well but who will want him? He is more of a 3 guy instead of a 2 guy

  14. The team has a bunch of young, developing talent. Conley will be hard to replace, but he's get a couple more years left in him. Bad trade idea

  15. I'd rather trade Gobert than KAT, you need his defense against Joker.

    Reid and KAT is enought against Joker, trade Gobert for Shroeder & Finney-Smith

    C – Reid
    F – KAT
    F – Jaden
    G – Ant
    G – Conley

    F – Anderson
    F – DFS
    G – NAW
    G – Shroeder

  16. KAT was vital to us beating the Nuggets. We need him, I think. I think this roster just a little more time and we will be good to go.

  17. That’s dumb as fuck 🤣🤣🤣trading a young dude in his prime, for an aging wing that would make them smaller. This would make them smaller and their only advantage against smaller teams would diminish

  18. Ant and Kat too close. You build around them. McDaniels as well. I think that’s the core. Conley and Gobert are expendable. Along with Kyle Anderson.

  19. Rather trade KAT to Washington for Kyle Kuzma and their pick no.2 in the draft. They get a good defender, 3pt shooter and length in kuz and they can draft a good pg to learn under conley and develop him. It also relieves them in cap space and can get another role player and they don't get luxury taxed

  20. instead of trading KAT with no real replacement, why not just demand he play better?
    – he not the best defender & still gets caught in no mans land but he made improvements as an on ball defender, bringing physicality to both KD and jokic.
    – in the first two series, the brother was amazing. i believe he was averaging like 19/8 on good efficiency. he helps the timberwolves stagnated offense tremendously.

    there’s no trade for someone on KATs type of contract to benefit wolves and no team out there would trade all their depth for a player of KATs caliber considering that teams seen how removed depth hurts a team. & outside of the WCF, KAT played well. just ask for the brother to play better imo

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