@Miami Heat

What Position Should the Miami Heat Target in the Draft & Will Bam Adebayo Sign An Extension?

What Position Should the Miami Heat Target in the Draft & Will Bam Adebayo Sign An Extension?

what does Miami do in the upcoming draft what’s going on with badab bio’s contract and should the Heat have tanked this past season we open up the mailback to answer these questions about Miami’s offseason and more and today’s episode of Locked on [Music] heat you are locked on heat your daily Miami Heat podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday you you are locked on heat your everyday podcast on the Miami Heat whether you’re tuning in on YouTube Odyssey or your favorite podcast app thanks for making locked on heat your first listen every day Monday to Friday I’m West Goldberg editor at Allen here with David rill both of us credential heat media members and excited about today’s show it’s brought to you by LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs helps you find the qualified candidates that you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply we’re opening up the mailbag today to get to some of your offseason questions we’ve got questions about tanking some potential under the radar trade targets but let’s start with this one a lot of draft analysts believe that Miami’s priority in the draft will be a guard while a lot of fans I’ve talked to think that the heat just needs size what do you think the front office prioritizes and then what about you what would we prioritize so let’s start with the front office part of it David yeah it’s tough to gauge I I think they’re honestly I don’t know I don’t want to say that they’re not focusing on the draft when clearly that’s the case and I’m sure that they have their priorities in place but I don’t think they’re looking at it so singularly as we need a wing we need a guard we need a center I think they’re just looking for the right fit the right player and somebody who is ready to contribute my thought would be right away I I’ve changed course on that because my thought originally had been that they might look to take a develop m al project the same way that Nico yic was a developmental project a couple seasons ago and then they took a much more readymade player in haime hakz I think at this point in time they’re probably looking for somebody who can just step right in given that as we talked about recently in an episode with Michael Scot of hoopsy you know the reality is that Haywood heith and Caleb Martin might not be on this roster and likely won’t be on this roster so they need to kind of start Shoring up that talent pool as quickly as possible they can’t afford to have a guy kind of just stash on the bench the way that yic did for a couple Seasons I think they need somebody who can come in and play right away so they’re probably looking for the best player available whomever that might be at number 15 and 43 they have depth needs all over this roster they could use a backup point guard right d right Patty Mills they’re free agents too they can use a backup point guard they can use backup wings now that Caleb Martin and Haywood heith are free agents we’ll see what happens there and they can use a backup center because Thomas Bryant can opt out and Orlando Robinson isn’t exactly proven Kevin Love’s going to be 36 years old like they need everything this team uh and they they can’t really be picky and the other part about this they’re picking number 15 like they have no idea who’s going to be there on the board they’re going to have guards on their draft board they’re going to have the centers on their draft board they’re going to have wings they’re going to have they’re going to have all whoever’s highest on the board when they get there to number 15 the player that they might want like if if we’re talking about an immediate contributor like one of the names that always gets bounced around is Devin Carter right yep he might not be there at 15 he might get big 12 I think ESPN had him going 12 or 13 in their latest mock draft so it’s like okay so if the guy that you thought was the most NBA ready gets drafted two three four picks ahead of you then you just sort of L what and that could end up being a developmental Prospect they said like hey you know what the three guys that we thought could contribute right away well they got picked so let’s go with this other guy who we are really high on and but might not be might might be a little bit more draft in stash might not be ready to contribute right away so that’s what that’s ultimately where this is going to be and I and so you’re right you can’t be black and white about it you can’t just only have guards on your big board you can’t only have centers on your big board you got to have all of them right you got to rank them and then you just sort of and the other thing with Miami is they don’t really move in the draft they don’t move up and down to go get their guy they tend to historically stay where they are and get the best guy available yeah I mean you look at Hawkins probably went a little bit earlier than expected Tyler went a little earlier than expected bam went a little earlier than expected I mean these are all this is is kind of how they operate so I mean right now if you’re looking at mock drafts and where a lot of experts might have some players probably somebody that’s in the 18 to 25 range might actually be somebody that Miami is just really high on and that’s who they they’ll take and I you know I don’t it could be it could be and I mean I know that you kind gotta but recently you were pretty giddy about the idea that maybe he had canceled some workouts because uh he might have a first round promise yeah so somebody’s already taking him it’s it might be the heat although I don’t think they’ve ever done that throughout their draft history so it would be amazing was a player when I wrote the right yeah I was like maybe they’re maybe they’re even higher on homes than I am uh like hey he’s the missing piece man like uh no because even when when they drafted haime they they felt really good about him the fact that he would a be there and that they they were going to take him if he was there and I remember talking to Hae for that story I wrote for the ringer and and even his dad and him were like yeah we didn’t hear diddly squat from Miami they don’t they don’t tell us anything we thought that they like us just based on how like the workout went well we were there like we know it went well but uh we had no idea whether or not they were going to take us so I don’t want to burst a lot of bubbles out there because I know a lot of people are just again looking at so singularly as Center or Wing or guard Miami is probably going to make whatever decision they feel most comfortable with and it probably won’t be somebody that you have in the kind of 15ish range you know if you’re a listener you know it’s not going to be just a center they’re not going to take the best center that’s there at 15 they’re going to take the player that they think is best for them and they might make a mistake but given the track history of this team they’re going to feel pretty comfortable about it and they’re probably gonna make the right choice this next question comes from Zep fan 82 writes in saw this in an Ask Ira column but wanted to get your guys’ take on it why is there so much talk about Jimmy’s contract extension and hardly anything about Bam’s is his extension just a foregone conclusion um well it’s a foregone conclusion that bam is going to get the extension yeah he’s going to get the Max extension what we don’t know is what that Max is going to be worth necessarily and when he’s going to sign it cuz he’s extension eligible this year and it would be three years $165 million but it could have been he could have been eligible for four years 245 had he made an all NBA team which of course he didn’t right he doesn’t have to sign un Jimmy Butler doesn’t have to sign his extension either right now and that’s why Pat Ry says we could do it next year Jimmy Butler obviously has a lot more of a reason to get this thing done now is because he’s just on the other side of his you know pro pro his basketball Prime probably you know he’s getting older bam is just getting into his prime there’s really no rush and I actually think it makes more sense for bam to wait because if he does next year make an all-nba team then he does unlock that all NBA language and can get to that fouryear $245 million so I think that’s mostly why we’re not talking about it as much not to mention that there’s not all the drama and and circumstances going on with him as there is with Jimmy Butler but that’s that’s really why it’s more kind kind of quiet it’s just the heat would love to sign him to an extension it’s really up to Bam whether or not it makes sense for him to sign it this summer or wait try to make all NBA next year and and go for it next summer right and and this C this happened when bam signed his last extension too it was like oh is he gonna sign or not and then there was very little buzz and then he offered it at the very first moment that they possibly could and he signed it right away and I think also if if you’re looking at it from the fans perspective the reason why it’s not as polarizing a topic is because and I think Ira did a really good job of answering this in his column I think you know Jimmy is so much older and the idea of paying him that sum of money is what has a lot of people fans and the front office kind of concerned especially given what we saw from him this past season where he missed a lot of games and he wasn’t available Miami was once again a playing team so I know that there are a lot of people who have concerns about Bam’s ceiling and whether or not he’s gonna be a star whether or not he is a star at currently I you and I both ree that he is a star- level player despite the fact that he doesn’t put up Gody offensive numbers he does so many other things that makes his value incomparable at the same time I think that’s the concern is can you afford to pay this guy well the heat don’t have those concerns they would gladly pay him whatever asking for across the NBA you have max players and you don’t you don’t really have guys negotiating something like less than the max unless they’re doing something specific the way that D way LeBron and Chris Bosch did to try to bring yonis hin back and whatever like most of the time these Max guys just get the max money that’s it period Bam’s a max player yep um all right we’re going to move on to our next mailbag questions uh we’re going to talk about what Miami getting swept in the playoffs means for their future we’ll talk about that next year on lock down heat today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals that are just right for the rule and that’s why you’ve got to check out LinkedIn jobs they’ve got the tools to help you find the right Professionals for your team faster and for free it can 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job for free at loock onba that’s LinkedIn comlock onba to post your job for free terms and conditions do apply but we’ll be right back thanks for making lock on heat your first listen every day make sure you’re subscribed on YouTube and on your favorite podcast app we’re on the road to 14,000 subscribers we’re almost there get us there hit the like button hit the Subscribe button if you’re watching us on YouTube if you’re listening on your podcast app five star ratings and reviews always appreciated our next question question with Miami basically getting swept in the playoffs isn’t this season the proof you need that sometimes tanking is the better option David I know you feel stronger about tanking you you you asked me a question similar to this I can’t recall exactly how you phrase it but if you could know ahead of time whether or not I forgot exactly how you phrase it this was like a month or so ago if you knew that you were basically going to get sweep by the Celtics or something to that effect do you remember asking me a question Ong those Lin yeah I it was one of your theoreticals and I can’t recall this but I mean to to the the question we received regarding this actual season like no and I think this is the worst year where tanking would have done whatever idea you think that tanking accomplishes which is to get a better draft pick or put yourself in a position to get a better draft pick like of all the years where you might have tanked to get a better place in a draft order a draft that is widely considered to be mediocre yeah at best this is not the time to do it and and I I’ve you know look I’ve said this many times I don’t think tanking works I think it’s bad karma I think it sets a bad precedent I just think that the idea of willingly embracing losing as a front office has a trickle down effect from the players perspective like we’ve seen even a team like the Miami Heat that we know prioritizes winning like even when they get some fresh blood like Kevin Love or something like that there’s like a Rejuvenation Delon Wright at ET like you feel something by knowing that the front office kind of quote unquote has your back that they’re trying to do what they can to put themselves in a position to win to see the exact opposite taking place and and to have your coach kind of take you out in key moments kind of take you out of a rhythm because they were trying to purposely lose games that just that cannot be a positive thing for any player that is hardwired to win at all costs so I I just I totally hate the idea of tanking this past season as bad as the you know gentleman sweep was at the hand of the Celtics I still don’t think it would have been the right idea especially with this upcoming draft or everything like think what’s what would have been the difference had they missed the play in tournament completely had they missed getting swept by the Celtics like they get the 10th pick in the draft instead of the 15th pick would that really have helped Miami’s future I don’t know I don’t think it would have it’s impossible to know right I mean you look at a team like Dallas who did tank at the end of the season with this exact scenario they they had decided you know what we’re not good enough we want to be in a playing you know we not we’re not good enough to win the championship this year so what’s even the point of going to the playoffs and it was kind of gross when they did it it was very blatant but what happened they ended up getting Derrik Lively who’s one of the most important players in their draft because they moved up a few more picks and they ended up and then and they end up getting this player who is a key part of a team that is now in the NBA finals and looks like a big part of their future obviously so um I’m I’m I disagree with you that tanking just fundamentally doesn’t work I wouldn’t have done it this year I don’t care about this draft it’s not very good and I don’t think that there’s a real difference between picking 10 12 and 15 in this draft I think the boards are all over the place and whatever but in as a in terms of a a taking as a concept as of being an option it should be we kind of in the Miami Heat media space we say well then the heat’ll never do it so it’s no point in talking about it I’m like I’m okay talking about it as like an idea and the heat for all of the winning and all of the success in all of the stuff and all the culture the only time they’ve ever actually won the championship was when they had Dwayne Wade a guy they picked in the top five of the draft the Alonzo Morning years the all the like all that stuff even this none of it actually led to a title the only time they ever won anything of sub of ring was when they did it with the guy that they picked in the top of the draft yeah that’s it they never did before what but no no you’re right but I mean you’re also looking at an eight-year Gap in between Miami getting Pat Riley in 1995 and 2003 when they drafted Twain like I mean you look at their drafts in between then they were always in the playoffs so they didn’t even have a lottery pick until 200 when they Butler is to get that high pick right that’s the idea of tanking is we need like it it’s it’s fine to find a guy at 15 and 18 and whatever and these diamonds in the roughs and if you want the the top talent that wins championships those players tend to get picked at the top five of the draft now you could find your Giannis and your nikic and hopefully if you’re Miami you one day get lucky and that’s the idea and I’m not I’m not arguing that they heat need to tank to go get that player I think that there’s a lot of evidence that you don’t need to be but the odds are tremendously better in the top five than they are finding n the next Nik yic in the second round during a Taco Bell commercial and so it’s that that’s why I think we shouldn’t just dismiss it as something doesn’t work you know what I mean oh you’re maybe you’re right maybe that absolute line of thinking probably doesn’t apply I I think it doesn’t work like 90% of the time though I really don’t like I mean I you know the Orlando Magic do a team that had a tip five pick you know what I mean like it’s as good an option as anything else free agency shot it’s not even a real thing anymore so you trade trading for there I if you could trade for a superstar player that’s the best way to do it hey ready made Superstar go get him obviously that’s the best thing you can go get LeBron you can go get you know do it yeah you trade for these players but if you can’t and free agency is not an option right because players just don’t like you know top free agents don’t top players don’t enter free agency anymore they take the money they take the extension requ a trade yeah it none of these options are work all the if there was one option that worked 90% of the time everybody would just do that so I think as good as an option as anything else I really do I I I think the draft is going to be increasingly more watered down yeah you might get lucky like the Mavs did with Derrick livley but even then like you’re talking about a backup center who’s provided a spark against a particular team in Minnesota but I don’t think he’s been like an ultimate GameChanger ultimately what really has helped him the few moments okay they’ve been good against the Minnesota timber wolves like I I think he’s been fine like I I mean again I think I mean he’s not the reason they’re in the finals but he’s just he is a key member of their rotation you know that’s all I’m saying they drafted LCA we could use that drafted Luca at number at well they traded for Luka technically the Hawks tra drafted Luca uh third fourth was it no third fourth whatever top five yeah so yeah I Gordon was a fifth overall pick too you know and he didn’t he didn’t Thrive until he was in in Denver okay there just sometimes it’s hit and miss you know like you can get good contributors but I think it’s more important to kind of just lean into winning than it is into tanking I we’re not disagreeing on that that but if you know the way they got Dwayne Wade was sort of this freak occurrence with the Alonzo Morning stuff and then everything happened and it was like really hard to bounce back I mean even the way they got bam was basically because LeBron left and this team and then the Chris Bosch stuff happened like all this like freak stuff it was you know and so this is not an organization that’s going to say all right scrap it all we’re going to waste the season like we know that they’re not going to do that but some of the best draft picks that they’ve ever made were based on surprisingly disappointing seasons and so the silver lining of that is you get Dwayne Wade and you get bam matab bio it work like that part works you know it or it has I should say there’s other years where it ends up being Justice Winslow right like it doesn’t always work but or Michael beasler you know every star player basically has been drafted a lot of a lot of other players have gotten drafted too but every star player in the league has gotten drafted Jimmy Butler was drafted late in the first round yeah I mean you can find him everywhere I’m just saying the odds tend to be better at the top of the draft and that’s where Miami got their think change I think that’s G to change we’re already seeing a change a little bit but I do I think I do think the next five 10 years you you’ll probably see less and less star players at the top of the draft and more just coming from all over the place because it it it’s especially with a oneandone system like I don’t know how like you’ve got guys scho thing is happening again yeah yeah it’s and and we have all these leagues I still think that generally the odds will be better at the top of the draft but maybe we’ll start seeing more kind of stars pop up from different places in the draft the way that we didn’t see either also you know the way we saw Giannis and and yic you know I think that those are that’s very instructive um all right um we went long on that one let’s take a break here and then we’re going to talk about forgetting the trade machine forgetting the salary cap all that mumbo jumbo that’s too confusing just go get the best player possible who would that player be we’ll talk about that next today’s episode is brought to you by eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your car alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof recks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning 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taking the I is are all the players are we just talking about like free agents currently players that are available or are we just like uh all Madden Fantasy Draft Style on this yeah yeah I think so I think that’s kind of the idea here is like like even if you keep the roster as currently constructive maybe even without like you know whatever free agents they have Haywood Caleb Patty Mills Etc okay so just guys under contract right now looking up at the the core roster here Tyler bam Jimmy and then you add one one star presumably or maybe not pluck him off a roster just drop him on Miami bam grab yeah grab somebody and who would it be would it be just give me the best play give me Luka just give me Luka or yic one of those guys well we got bam already so just give me Luka am I am I too is this too easy no I I know because I mean I’m sure people would probably disagree with us but but that’s my thinking too like hearing the question thinking like man I could just one have one player taking crazy ass shots making crazy ass passes and just dominating and and taking your team to a whole other level on a nightly basis yeah I’m pretty sure it’s Luka donic and and putting him on this roster what a team that would be he’s just like could you make an argument for say Anthony Edwards no not right now unless like for this we’re just talking about go WI a championship right now like you can make you could make an argument for ant for like you want to start a franchise but that’s not really what the question is it’s just like one year go get go win it what about yic what about yic if you have like bam slide into your Air and Gordon type rule you have yic sign me up okay AR doic or yic and you’re overlooking M or or giis or anybody else like okay I’m those are the two best guys in the league right now and I maybe I’m prisoner of the moment I kind of want I kind of want Luca the heat are like they’re good at center with bam right so right the joic would obviously I wouldn’t say no to adding joic but no if I had to pick between the two I feel like the bigger need on the roster is on the perimeter and I would I would like to have Luca kind of Shore that up you could still have Terry Rosier play next to him you then have Jimmy Butler uh nikol yic I I suppose at at Power Forward hitting Corner threes doing the PJ Washington thing and then you have bam in the middle anchoring that defense that team’s in the champ that team that that team’s in the finals yeah that’s easy yeah I think that’s like Dynasty to be honest with you even Jimmy getting older like Jimmy will take less here’s RS because this one felt like a little easy would you were you with me by the way on like it’s yic or or Luca basically and kind of miss me with these other I’m kind yeah yeah yeah for sure uh somebody who was not on an all NBA team what if we limited it because like those are the easy ones right but if we could is there a player that didn’t make all NBA that you could drop I mean not and not jelan beid because of injury concerns and I don’t even know if that would necessarily do it but I’m not gonna count him anyway because he’s generally an all NBA guy so who’s that leave out there I’m trying to think yeah so it’s George didn’t he make it I don’t think he did I don’t think he did but I’m not 100% certain but that’s what I’m trying to think between between the players who M time due to injury and whether the um let me list them first team was Shay Luca Tatum Giannis joic second team was Jaylen Brunson Anthony Edwards Kevin Durant kawhai Anthony Davis third team was Deon Booker Steph Curry Tyrese halberton LeBron James and damont sabona so Paul George is is available and I don’t know that that does it yeah yeah that’s interesting he’s good he would make the team better he doesn’t he doesn’t put them in the finals like that that might not outside of the top 15 yeah Donovan didn’t make it right Donovan Mitchell did not make itable yeah yeah because he was he didn’t qualify so we’re basically looking at embiid Donovan Mitchell Paul George in George’s case I don’t think he was considered one of the top 15 players I think you could have made that argument for Mitchell but he didn’t qualify due to the game require I had him on my fake ballot over Devon Booker but they were Donovan Mitchell no sorry Paul George Paul George okay yeah but I don’t I didn’t even feel really good about that I I I kind of like book that Booker made it that feels better to me um like dearen Fox Tyrese maxi H Kyrie Irving yeah no I I got sine Donovan Mitchell be honest with you I mean he’s maybe again we’re kind of focusing on this offseason but I I think he provides such a spark and if you can keep this roster is currently constructed you just add Mitchell to it within the confines of this question yeah I think that works pretty well I’d go with that too all right next question you guys made a good case for adding John Collins last year but he’s stunk in Utah do you think he could experience a resurgents in Miami are there any other Reclamation projects that might benefit from a dash of heat culture we’ll start with John Collins what do you think did he stink in Utah yeah got bad fit it wasn’t great maybe but it was great stink is a little that’s a little harsh um you know I I think he would Thrive here I think with the the same argument that we made last year still applies like the athleticism still there I think the guy’s just kind of broken and like the idea of a a change of scenery is a good one until you get to Utah it’s like ah is this the change of scenery I really need and you’re kind of stuck there in different lineups you’re not quite sure of what your role is might power forward and center and he’s not really right for any of those in on their team yeah yeah he it might be a little bit of what’s going on between the ears at this point and if that’s the case then he comes to Miami and he gets a sense of that’s heat culture but like stability a Clarity that he didn’t get to have in Atlanta when he was viewed as the star of that team until Trey young came along there it’s like oh you’re not really the star you’re kind of just backing up Trey here really and and I think that’s if he’s ready to embrace that and I can’t speak for him and I don’t know he hasn’t shown evidence that he’s capable of it but if he Embraces that role as a a supporting guy I think he could absolutely Thrive here because the tools are there like he can shoot he can dunk I mean he can cut like there a lot of things that he does well I think he just needs to get the best out of them and I think this is a team that has his Ally done a good job of that so yes I think he would Thrive here yeah his best case scenario is a little bit of what PJ Washington has become in Dallas yeah exactly and um the difference between PJ Washington and John Collins is PJ Washington makes half what what John Collins makes or there about that’s the problem is he’s making $26 million this year and the in the following year so finding a way to add him to the roster would be tough like would you trade Tyler hero to Utah for John Collins and a couple of draft picks you know I’ve seen some people suggest that and they seem like comfortable with that but I get I mean again Tyler has become so polarizing this offseason I I don’t know I don’t know if that’s the right move how much upgade over that over yic is John Collins I I have no problem with adding depth like you need depth at that position but but you’re trading away a core part of your rotation in Tyler hero for a markedly worse player so I don’t know I mean maybe if you’re able to do that get some draft picks that help you make that other move maybe that’s something that you explore but not in terms of a one for one I don’t know that I necessarily do that in terms of other Reclamation projects I wrote this story it’s interesting I wrote the do you have names I do actually I do I’m actually looking at the list of free agents and it’s like this is almost you could make a strong case this is the Reclamation free agency like like there are a lot of names that you could say would bounce back here like I’ve got a couple um longtime listeners know Dennis Smith Jr I think is a guy like he just continues to win and make winning plays and he just can’t seem to get it right in terms of what career choices he’s made he’s had the opportunity to go to Miami twice and he’s not and I think again guy who could yeah maybe that’ll work let’s play game go do your list and then I’ll just go quick like in or out okay Dario charage in yeah minimum Gordon Hayward no out see I I I think hearing Sam prey say basically we we sucked we we we made a bad choice and taking you yeah is gonna light a fire on that one oh interesting I think so like he’s just too competitive like I know he’s hurting older but still like the pride on these guys is so incomprehensible to the average person that I think it’s going to light a fire and I think it does I like Gordon Hayward obviously there’s a history there between the Heat and herward but I I wouldn’t be like I wouldn’t hate it but he’s not solving any major problems and we already kind of did this with Kevin Love and it worked but how many more 35y old guys can you have on this roster what if you get shades of Boston Gordon Hayward nothing like what he was in Utah that’s not get that’s not coming back but if you get shades of what he was in Boston I really didn’t think he was that bad in Charlotte right based with the salary was no no way but he was also missing time too like and it was he’s injured all the time but he’s a connector piece he always makes the right pass he’s bigger than people realized a lot he can play both forward spots he can play power forward for this team in small ball lineups hits open threes there’s things that you like about him and if he’s on a minimum and you’re not relying on him as a starter where you already figure he’s probably going to miss 20 to 25 games during the season anyway because of injuries and stuff that’s okay I just don’t know how much more like the the to me the availability is the problem and you only have 15 roster spots and in Miami you really only have 14 roster spots cuz I never carry the 15th guy so I’m that’s sort of why I’m like I’d rather get like 80 games of somebody young I I wouldn’t be at all surprise though if he uses that same competitive fire that I talked about and considering the past link I’m sure Pat Riley has already called him like I really do think I’m sure he has not David because that would be tampering and I am positive that the heat front office would never do that I mean maybe just reaching out like just to say Hey you know not necessarily saying would you like ran they ran into each other out of public something maybe Andre Drummond that’s another name on my list yeah uh bisme bomo I don’t hate it The Vibes are good uh jakay Crowder returned to Miami no really wased I thought you would wow harsh yeah I would not say that to his face if he did come back to Miami I would not the lock room boss man9 not take that I always knew you had more in the tank Jay don’t listen to the the June 2nd episode um I’ve got some second draft was that your list yes it was all right so I wrote this thing on real GM the other day about the Pacers and how they basically have built a quarter of their roster through second draft guys guys who are on rookie scale contracts that weren’t exactly panning out in year one or year two with the team that drafted them and they and the Pacers said you know what your trash is our treasure we think we can maximize this player in a way you didn’t Obi toppen OB be topping Jaylen Smith um obviously Tyrese halberton technically counts and he’s like the ultimate second draft guy uh and there was one other one other player on their roster but uh uh Aon Smith awesome for them and couldn’t crack the rotation in Boston so those to me are also sort of reclamation projects adjacent you know so you look at a guy like Josh giddy not a fit for Miami cuz you need shooting but I think he could be on the right team a Reclamation project he’s super talented a lot of great stuff that you do want just doesn’t necessarily work for what OKC’s got going on right now other names that I got on my second draft options all right and we’ll do the same thing where just give me an in or out okay Johnny Davis Wizards that guy they drafted at eight yeah out we’re out uh Usman Jen um in I guess yeah yeah why not Mark Williams uh in also yeah right as a backup center that feels like that would be nice Jake laravia out dalen Terry Chicago in in like I drafted him in a dynasty basketball league that I’m no longer a part of because I got bored but wonder how he’s doing Davon Mitchell in for sure yeah in I don’t know that Sacramento trades him anymore because free agents that they got whatever uh he a restricted free agent is he a restricted free agent all these guys have at least a year left and I think he has one year left uh zy Williams yes right yeah I would Dron sharp yeah I think so good rebounder size yeah I think it works Mar on Bo champ oh I don’t know I I I was high on him coming into the draft and then he just hasn’t been able to find a spot in Milwaukee just doesn’t do anything blame that on Doc Rivers a little bit cuz he wants to play the Vets the definition of like he could be an Smith type where it’s like he hasn’t shown literally anything but with some good coaching and some structure and a role I would take a flyer on him okay my favorite ironic since apparently Milwaukee wants Haywood iith now so like high on their list that would that would sting we’ll do a swap um Jaden Ivy yes yeah 100% right feels like Detroit doesn’t know what they have there all right that was my list no it’s a good list it’s a good list and it’s it’s a good like I tend to think of you know obviously from this exit I tend to think of reclamation being more older players or guys that have just like gone through injury and stuff like that but you’re right like there was a lot of players like you take a chance you drafted them and we didn’t have a fit for them they didn’t work out things change timelines change and they never kind of quite find their footing and then they wind up blossoming in other teams it’s a it’s a great point you get them in while they’re still on their rookie scale contract which is great two reasons right you get their bird rights but and they’re also cheap right now it’s sort of like the rookie quart back thing where it’s like okay and to bring this full circle sort of when we’re having that tanking conversation Miami doesn’t really have access to these top tier Lottery talents most of the time right because they’re not they don’t tank well a way to get these guys it’s a little bit of like car off the lot stuff here but these are still guys picked in the top 10 Lottery talents like nobody like they they have some other issues going on nobody doubts that these guys are super talented and if you’re trying to sort of increase the overall Talent level of the roster going and grabbing these guys is not a bad way to do it and then next thing you know it’s like show show me the NBA Carfax though like like I need to know what happened behind the scenes or that would be a fun segment let’s do the the car yeah sponsored by maybe them yeah who knows come Callin um all right that’ll do it for us today thanks for making lock on heat your first listen every day hit that subscribe button on YouTube follow us on your podcast app w

We’re opening up the mailbag to answer questions about what the Miami Heat need to prioritize in the NBA draft, when Bam Adebayo will sign an extension, if the Heat should tank and more.

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  1. DPOY is probably the best shot for Bam to become supermax eligible. Unless he shifts to an offensive focus, I don't see him getting voted top 15 next year since it's now positionless. But with Wemby, DPOY isn't likely now, either.

    That's why if I was Bam, I'd sign now.

  2. Ramil needs to cohost locked on NBA next year with Mike from locked on Blazers. Embrace the drama and the tank, whoever gets the best draft pick in 2025 gets to raise the banner.

  3. Bam isn't worth taking up so much of the team's" cap space. He's a 3rd teir All-Star, who can't even average 20pts a game in today's NBA that's makes it easier to score. Yes, his defense is important, but his defense isn't so great that it makes up for his offensive shortcomings

    I'm not saying trade Bam for someone like Julius Randle, but if the Heat had someone like Randle, who can go off for 30 or 40 points instead of Bam, the teams ceiling would be higher, IMO

    If Jimmy is needed at 35 years old to carry the team more during the regular season because a 26 years old Bam and a 24 year old Herro can't, then that's a justifiable reason to give Jimmy an extension and raise because you'd be asking him to do more, so he should be paid more, IMO

    People are blaming Jimmy too much for the Heat's poor regular season, when they should be talking more about Bam being a low caliber franchise player with a max contract.

  4. Ultimately being a middling team is definitely not Heat culture. It leads nowhere. Look at Utah and the Trailblazers for years dating back to the 80's never picked high and once the greats faded they had to eventually tear it down and rebuild. Although no titles they did get some highend players. In the case of the Blazers, 2 what if's…. A healthy Oden and Roy I believe they would have won at least 2 titles….. Had the drafted Durant!!!! At least 2, because Roy was a leader and that team would have been nice…. Durant, Aldridge and Roy. Sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward and every time the Heat have done that things turned around in a season 1-3 seasons. Steve Smith Era lead to Zo n Hard away Era then to Wade n Shaq Era then to Wade , Bron and Bosh Era, then to Butler Era…. just think if we got the number 1 instead of number 2 pick and got Rose or if Butler worked out…. he was actually thought to bae the number b1 that year. Bron, Wade, Bosh and Rose. Top 10 players are drafted not traded for, they are essentially locked into the drafting teams 7-9 years before hitting URFA.

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